Day Tatiana Holiday History. Tatiana Day, student day. History History. Folk traditions on Tatiana Day

Tatiana Day is a pretty famous holiday, not only folk, but also Christian, church. It has important historical importance, as well as the ancient spiritual origins that moved through the time to the modern world.

Tatiana Day - Church Holiday

First of all, Tatiana Day is a Christian holiday, which is celebrated by all Orthodox believers. His other name is Tatiana Krechenskaya or Tatiana Roman. Tatyana Rimskaya is revered by the Catholic Church.

The story of the Great Martyr says that she was born in a rich believer family. She strongly believed in God, accepted the chastity for that she was even awarded by the title Diaconisses. When the persecution of Christians reached a peak, pagans grabbed it and wanted to make them pray to God, but Tatyana Romans read the prayer, which resulted in an earthquake that destroyed the pagan temple.

After that, the martyr was tortured for a long time, but the traces of injury disappeared again and again. Also, she was thrown into the dungeon, they were locked in one chamber with Lvom, but these attempts to kill it never crowned with success. As a result, Tatyana and her father were executed, banging the head. For his torments, Tatiana was ranked sainted. Tatiana Day in the Christian calendar is celebrated on January 25th. According to tradition, prayers read in all temples. At home, people also pray, asking Tatyana to give them happiness and patience, as well as success in school.

Tatiana Day - Folk Holiday

The 25th of January 1755 Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the creation of the Moscow State University. Almost always this day was considered just a happy birthday to the university, however, since 2005, January 25 is the All-Russian Student Day. In one of the premises of Moscow State University, there is even a church dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana.

January 25, all students celebrate this important day for them. They walk, rest, organize concerts and festive events. A lot of traditions are connected with this day, take both rites. According to many students, on this day you can catch good luck for passing exams. There is an interesting custom - go to the balcony with a test book in your hand and call the luck by the phrase: "Halewa, come." If someone shouts from the street in response "already on the way", it will be a good sign.

This day has two principals that are not related to each other historically, but which were subsequently united in one day. This is a bright Orthodox holiday and a celebration of knowledge, a holiday of student. Therefore, on January 25, people go to church, asking God for giving him to give them, including knowledge, as well as patience and effort in study. We wish you good luck in this holiday, and do not forget to press the buttons and

24.01.2016 00:50

Tatiana Day is widely known and loved by many holiday. It is not surprising, because it is at the same time ...

Tatiana Day for rumor a modern resident of a big city is likely to be a holiday of students when everything ...

Student Day January 25, 2018— one of the most popular holidays of January. The ancient tradition of the celebration of the Tatianin Day and the day of the student is January 25 and is also rooted by the 18th century, when Elizaveta Petrovna has been tied up with one of its decree two wonderful traditions International Student Day and Day of West Tatiana.

On this day, we all congratulate our relatives and loved ones on the day of Angel Tatiana.

I congratulate all Tatian!
Let the house be full of happiness
Healthy will let the family
And those who will only grow up
Whom Tatiana was correct
Successes, I wish you joy
And in the future of great love!
Tatiana Day - a beautiful holiday,
He is full of joy, good!
Let these thoughts are beautiful
Spirit - strong and soul light!

On this holiday, Tatiana's Day,
Congratulations to all Tatyan.
And the student is cheerful today
After all, it's not just that he is drunk.

Let the intercession of Tatyana
Will not leave you in trouble.
And luck will certainly
You are found everywhere.

Year current now started
Without worries and without hassle.
Let this holiday winter
Only joy will bring.

In Russia, annually January 25, the whole country notes Tatiana Day, which is more famous as the day of Russian students. It is this January day that is considered one of the most beloved and joyful holidays, especially for students. He became a public holiday in 2005, although in Russia it is actively celebrated since 1755.

Congratulations to the students, professors and all Russians with a bright winter holiday student and, of course, all the beautiful Tattian with the names. We wish dreams to come true, life was bright, rich only with pleasant events and people. Let both in their studies, and in work, and on the personal front you are always attended by luck, the trouble will not notice you, and every new day acquires a wide variety of paints.

Happy holiday, with Tatiana Day!

The history of the appearance of Tatiana Day

Russians are associated with the date of celebration on the occurrence of Moscow University.

He was established by the decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on January 25, 1755. She supported the initiative of Ivan Shuvalov (Count) and Mikhail Lomonosov. Decree of the Empress served as an excellent gift on the day of the name of Mother Ivan Shuvalov. Also on the day of all student, the memory of the Holy Martyr Tatiana is chased, which is considered to be a patronage of students and teachers.

In 1791, the Temple of Moscow University (a house church was created in one of its buildings) was consecrated by the Orthodox ministers of the Church in honor of Saint Tatiana. Already in 1918 it was closed. Then there is a club, the Student Theater of the Moscow State University, and since 1995 its premises were transferred to the Orthodox Church.
In Russia, the day of the student has always been noisy and loud. Folk festivities took place across the country, and no one ever confronted the holiday.

Given that in 2007, Tatiana Day (student's day) replenished a list of 7 memorable dates of the Russian Federation, and in 2005 Vladimir Putin assigned him the honorary title of national, the day of Russian students is rightfully one of the most revered and loved in the country.

It is also not necessary to forget that Tatiana is not only worldly, but and a church holiday. The clergymen across the country honors the memory of Tatiana's martyr.

Tradition to the celebration of Tatiana Day

In the 60s and 70s of the 19th century, this holiday was celebrated with a huge scope, noise and had its own traditions.

At first, Tatiana Day and then still informal student day celebrated only in Moscow, but over time he went through the territory of the whole country where universities were located.

In the pre-revolutionary period, all the festivities took place on the street. Students and teachers celebrated a holiday in the fresh air. The scenario of the festival was as follows: lunch, holding a molebar of the Holy Martyr Tatiana, solemn events in the university walls, festive entertainment that could continue until the morning. On this day, the police were not arrested by students who drank superfluous, but, on the contrary, in every way assisted them.

What is the number Tatiana day in 2017? Russian students celebrates his "professional" holiday on January 25. On the same day, the Orthodox world recalls Tatiana - the Holy Orthodox Martyr, who committed a feat in the name of Orthodox faith, and women and girls named Tatiana celebrate Name Day.

The history of the emergence and development of the student holiday is closely connected with the Moscow State University - it was January 25 in 1755 by the Russian Empress Elizabeth I signed a decree on the basis of the first domestic university - Moscow. In modern history, Tatiana is called the "Day of Russian Student" and is a national holiday on the basis of the presidential decree, published on January 25, 2005. In 2007, President V.V. Putin signed a federal law, according to which the day of Russian students joined the honorary list of memorable dates of Russia.

Why is the holiday called Tatiana's day?

As already mentioned, the basis for the student holiday was the signing of the Imperial Decree of 1755 on the basis of the university. And the university project, and the idea of \u200b\u200bits creation belong to Mikhail Lomonosov and Count Ivan Shuvalov, as they best understood how important the scientific organization of such a kind for Russia and the development of science in it is. The official opening of the university was carried out only in April 1755, the 26th - a day of Elizabeth I. dedicated to the anniversary of the coronation of Elizabeth I. Therefore, the next 35 years in the afternoon of the foundation of Moscow University relied on this day.

But the next Russian emperor Nicholas I in 1791 issued a decree that had to celebrate not the day of the official opening of the university, and the day of publication of the decree on its creation, that is, January 25. So, at the order of the emperor, the first official student holiday appeared, which coincided with the Day of Memory about St. Tatyana. In 1791, at the University, the Orthodox church was built, which was consecrated in the name of the Holy Martyr Tatiana (Tatiana). From now, the Holy Tatyana considers patroness and defender of students and teachers.

Interestingly, after the 1917 revolution, due to the denial and rejection of any religions, the temple was closed by the Bolsheviks. In order for the temple's room not empty, the club was organized in it - the place of collecting and communicating people in the free from the construction of communism. In the period from 1958 to 1994, a student Theater of the Moscow State University was located in the walls of the former temple, from whose walls a lot of famous actors came out, among them Mark Zakharov, Roman Viktyuk, Iia Savvina, Valdis Pelsh, Alexey Kortnev, and others and only in January 1995 enthusiassed historical justice and the building returned the Orthodox Church.

History Celebration

In the first years after January 25, a festive date was approved, there was no particularly lush festivities. Usually, the holiday was noted by modest fenders. The obligatory paragraph of the festive program was prayer in the university church. But about the 60s of the 19th century, the celebration of Tatyania Day was conditionally divided into the official part and not official. The program of official events usually included the following: holding the day of open doors at the university; Solemn presentation of the University of Rector; visiting the university church; Festive lunch in a university dining room for professors. At the end of official celebrations began the most entertaining! Students, united by no big groups, went to deep nights to wander around the Moscow streets, saw alcohol, mountainous songs. Favorite parties of mass accumulation of celebrating students were Nikitsky and Tver Boulevards, Moscow Square.

Sometimes students managed to celebrate their holiday, which is called "on a wide leg" - from time to time to celebrate some restaurants of the city kindly provided their halls to students. There is a legend that expensive furniture was made on the eve of the holiday from restaurants, and the rich decoration of the interior was replaced by cheap and non-pieces - simple tables, shops, from the restaurant storerooms got cheap clay utensils. Restaurant carpets were replaced with a thick layer of sawdust. As a rule, restaurant cuisines on January 25 did not work. At the disposal of students remained only buffets with cold snacks, vodka, beer and cheap wine.

A.P. Czechs, describing once the celebration of Tatyanian Day said that this year they drank everything that was able to find. They could even drink the Moscow river, but she, fortunately frozen. Even such a tradition existed when restaurant Swiss on the backs of "in the insole" of drunken students chalk wrote the addresses of their delivery, in case they themselves can not get to the house. And the city police in every way promoted the speedy delivery of drunk students at home.

It is believed that the celebration of Tatyanian Day was so loved by student youth and her teachers, since the class and social differences between people disappeared on this day - the rich triumphars together with the poor, the teachers had fun with their students. Youth, freedom, studentism, ease and fun of life united not only by teachers - professors and students, but also former university graduates: doctors, officials, journalists, industrialists, lawyers, merchants and all others who had any attitude to student and His daily life.

During the formation of the Soviet government, Tatiana was renamed the "day of proletarian students", and the lush festivities in honor of the holiday were first suspended, and then prohibited at all due to inconsistency. Within a long time, there were no official student holidays in the USSR. And only in 1992, a tradition was revived to celebrate the birthday of MSU and conduct various celebrations in honor of the historical student holiday. And gradually, for a short time, the student of all higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation and the countries of the former CIS joined the celebration of Tatianina Day on January 25.

Usually, for this day, almost all universities are completed, so the majority of students can celebrate his legal holiday with a peaceful soul. As a rule, the solemn awards of students are prescribed for achievements in science, sports and culture, concerts, performances, KVVs, Flash Mobs, Balls, and other cultural events are being appointed.

I must say that Tatiana Day is a national holiday, which has historical heritage and cultural significance. However, there is an international student holiday, celebrated in the world on November 17. He also emerged in the course of historical events and is closely connected with the course of World War II.

Signs and superstitious traditions in Tatiana Day

Of course, for a long existence of Russian students, student rituals, superstitions and traditions could not appear. So, it is with Tatianinian day that the following rituals that pretend to be a happy study of student acts are associated:

1. January 25, you need to climb the highest place in the city and, looking at the sun, make a desire - 100% will come true, tested by time and thousands of other students!

2. Calling freebies or balls. To comply with the ritual on January 25, it is necessary to go to the balcony, the porch or bark in the window and, waving the test book, to call the freebie "Halewa, come!". It is believed that if any of the strangers cry in response "already on the way!" - then this is a very good sign for the student.

3. Drawing in the test book on Tatiana Day is also a long tradition. On the last page of the counters, it is customary to draw a rustic house and smoke, which comes from the pipe of this house. The longer the smoke, the easier the student will learn the whole year, until the next Tatiana day.

In 1791, the temple of Moscow University was also consecrated in the name of the Holy Martyr Tatiana. Since then, Holy Tatyana is considered a patroness of students and teachers.

In 1918, the temple was closed. In its premises, a club was located first, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of Moscow State University. In January 1995, the building was returned to the Church.

According to the descriptions of contemporaries, before the revolution, the celebration of the Tatianin Day as a university holiday was a real event for all Moscow.

It began with an official ceremony in the assembly hall of the university, where Professors were gathered, teachers, students and graduates who came from all over Russia. After the prayer, the academic report and the performances of the rector got up, they sang "God, Tsar Gran!". Then the unofficial part began, which often lasted until the morning, the folk walk. In his circle, a celebration of university graduates were celebrated, among which were professors and officials, doctors and lawyers, industrialists and merchants. In the evening, many were collected in the hall of the Grand Moskovsky Tavern in the center of the city, where they were speech and toasts were uttered, after which they drove into the restaurant "Yar", which only university public served on the day.

In modern Russia, traditionally, students arrange mass guides on this day.

On January 25, 2016, the All-Russian Promotion "Tatiana Ice" will be held for all countries of the country. Festive programs will be organized in the ice platforms in the capital and regions of Russia. The central platform will be a gum rink on Red Square.

The Russian Orthodox Church recalls the Holy Martyr Tatiana, which is considered the patronage of all Russian students. On this day, all women who bear the name Tatiana are celebrated on this day (the ancient name "Tatiana" in translation from Greek means "organizing").

As the church legend says, Holy Tatian lived in Rome at the turn of the II-III centuries, during the brutal persecution of Christians. Her father, a notable Roman, secretly professed Christianity and raised his daughter in the Christian spirit. Tatiana did not marry and gave all his strength to serving God. At that time, all power in Rome focused in the hands of the vitel Christian Ulpian. Tatiana grabbed and tried to make her sacrifice idol. But in the temple of Apollo, where she was led by legend, Virgo brought the prayer to Christ - and an earthquake happened: the pagan idol split into parts, and the chips of the temple buried under the priests.

Gentiles tied Tatiana. During the torture, many miracles took place: then the executioners who prayed the saint, believed in Christ, then the angels took the blows from the martyr, then from RAS instead of blood milk flowed and in the air spilled fragrance. After the terrible torment, Tatian appeared before his executioners and judges even more beautiful than before. The pagans were desperate to break the faith of sufferers and executed her. Together with Tatiana was executed and her father.

In recent years, the original traditions of celebrating the Day of St. Tatiana, the total prayer of the Russian Church and Higher School, is at the heart of them.

Traditionally, the center of church celebrations on the day of Russian students, who is also the day of memory of the patroness of the Higher School of Russia - the martyr Tatiana, became the temple in honor of this saint at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov on Mokhovaya Street.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, on the day of Russian students, for the first time committed the Divine Liturgy in the church of Christ the Savior. In the service attended by the Rector of Moscow State University Victor Sadovniki, Rector of MGIMO Anatoly Torkunov, Rector Gitis Karina Melik-Pashayeva, as well as professors, teachers and students of secular and church universities in Moscow, student delegations from other regions of Russia. At the end of the liturgy, students continued to communicate on student festivities from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

January 25 shows Tatiana Day. The history of the holiday is rooted in deep antiquity. This date is named after the Martyrs of Tatiana, born in Rome for about 200 years. Her parents were rich and noble citizens who were secret from all Christians. Daughter they also brought up in the Christian faith.

During the persecution of Christians organized at the Roman Emperor North, Tatiana was captured. The girl led to the temple of Apollo to bring the victim. On the prayers of the holy unexpectedly, an earthquake occurred: the idol collapsed into pieces, and the pagan temple was destroyed. Tatiana was caused by torment, but they could not get to renounce faith. The saint's execution was with his father.

Tatyana's Day. Tatyana Kraschenskaya. Student's day

In the old days, January 25 was called Tatyana Kraschenskaya or the Solny Holiday. It was believed that even in cloudy weather, at least for a minute, sunshine appears on this day, illuminating everything around his fertile light.

In 1755, Tatiana's martyr day received a new meaning - Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed this day "Decree on the establishment of the University of two gymnasiums in Moscow." The educational institution project was developed by Mikhail Lomonosov, and Count Shuvalov played by the trustee. The university church was consecrated in honor of the martyr Tatiana. Since then, the Holy is considered a patronage of student.

Later, a decree of Nikolai I, in which he ordered to celebrate not the date of opening an educational institution, and the day signing the act of his institution. So Tatiana's day became a student holiday, which was still nicknamed the day of the student.

In the villages, this holiday was practically not celebrated, but in urban culture he took a special place. Back in the XIX century, Tatiana's day became a noisy and cheerful holiday of student brethren. Students honored the memory of the Holy Martyrs with performances of their choirs in the temples and solemn prayers.

On this day, the "scientist of breeds" became one, the age limits and conventions, titles and ranks were canceled. Rich and poor, honored scientists and freshmen - everyone had a reason to have fun. Mastyny \u200b\u200bscientists, too, have once ever been simple students. In Tatiana, the day organized solemn events with awarding and congratulations on the best students.

Tatianin's Day with his draws of honorable professors, fraternal pirushkami, riding a sleigh was the attribute of student traditions and an important object of student folklore. Hotel Hermitage Hotel, French False Lucien Olivier (Creator of the famous Salad), gave students this day to celebrate their restaurant. At the festival was not without drinking. But on this day, the royal gendarmes did not touch the doded students, but, on the contrary, they offered their help. Very soon, Tatiana's day turned into a holiday of the Russian intelligentsia.

After the October Revolution, for a long time forgotten. However, in 1995, the University of St. Tatiana was again opened at Moscow University, and in the actual hall of the old building on the day of memory of the martyr, awards were presented in honor of the founders of the First University - a scientist M.V. Lomonosov and Graphy I.I. Shuvalova. And again in our country a cheerful student holiday appeared - Tatiana Day.

Tatiana Day coincides with the curd calendar. Often by January 25 ends the examination session of the first semester and the students begin the holidays.

Tatiana Day: Traditions and Customs of the Holiday

In Tatiana, students put candles for success in their studies and pray to the holy patronage about enlightenment and help in difficult doctrine. January 25, the memory of not only the martyr Tatiana, but also St. Savva, the Archbishop of Serbian, who is customary to pray at different illnesses. On January 25, the day of the celebration in honor of the Icons of the Mother of God "Mammal" and "Akafiste". In front of the icon of the Mother of God, the Mammallians pray with the lack of maternal milk, the health of babies, for help in difficult childbirth. And lists with the icon "Akafiste", according to believers, protect the house from the fire.

On the day of Tatyana Epiphany Women, the tangles of yarn as large as possible and the tight. It was believed that due to this plug cabbage, whose seedlings will fall out only in April, are frozen large and tight.

Folk signs on Tatiana Day

  1. If Tatiana shines the sun shine brightly, then the spring will be early.
  2. Snow on this day promises rainy summer.
  3. Clear and frosty weather - to a good crop.
  4. Warm and overcast - to fault.
  5. What is the weather on this day, so december will be.

A woman born in Tatiana's day will become a good mistress. They talked about such: "Tatiana and a loaf bake, and the rugs on the river beats, and dance leads!". As a talisman, the birthday of the day is suitable black agate.

Video: Tatiana Day - Holiday History and His Tradition


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