Alexey Navalny. Navalny's party was named "Russia of the Future

Image copyright Novoderezhkin Anton / TASS

Opposition politician Alexei Navalny is about to register the Working Title political party with the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

"Since the names of our party are stolen by the Kremlin swindlers before the congress, this time we submitted a notice of the congress of the Working Title party. And we will rename it," the politician wrote in his Telegram.

“Of course, this is not the final name,” confirmed Navalny's press secretary Kira Yarmysh.

"The name is still approved by the congress. They submitted such a name so as not to steal the beautiful new name we have invented," Navalny's associate Leonid Volkov told the BBC.

When asked whether Navalny's team plans to register the party by the start of the Moscow mayoral campaign, Volkov replied that there were such plans "when the congress was disrupted on March 3." "Now it is difficult to be in time for the elections, but we decided not to back down and try," he said.

The notification on the formation of the organizing committee in order to prepare, convene and conduct the founding congress of the party was submitted to the Ministry of Justice on March 29, 2018.

Stolen Progress

By "theft" Navalny means the name of the Party of Progress stolen earlier this year. He founded this party several years ago. The party was needed to participate in elections, nominate candidates, and conduct official political activities.

Navalny's comrades-in-arms tried to register the predecessor, the People's Alliance party, back in April 2013. However, the Ministry of Justice refused to register them twice. The second time, the reason for the refusal was the fact that, according to the department, some of the delegates were not present at the congress.

The Progress Party was eventually registered with the Ministry of Justice in 2014. But a year later, in April 2015, the Ministry of Justice deprived the party of registration. Later, Navalny again tried to register the party - however, a former member of Navalny's headquarters, Vitaly Serukanov, unexpectedly announced that the Congress of the Progress Party had already passed in Moscow, and he himself became a member of its governing body. The Ministry of Justice registered this party.

Ivan Zhdanov, head of the legal service of the Anti-Corruption Fund founded by Navalny, said at the time that the incident came as a surprise to the opposition's supporters.

Serukanov stated that he did not consider his act a provocation. "It was a betrayal on the part of Alexei Navalny to fool people for ten months and not be involved in the party for four years, while people were delaying, developing projects," he said.

The responsibility for what happened Navalny and his supporters blamed the political strategist Andrei Bogdanov. He is known as the creator of more than a dozen political parties-spoilers, including the KPSS (Communist Party of Social Justice), created in opposition to the KPRF.

In a conversation with the BBC, Bogdanov said that he had nothing to do with the new "Party of Progress" and did not know Serukanov.

The new party of the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), Alexei Navalny, will be called "Russia of the Future." The decision was made at the party congress in Moscow. The party has not yet been registered by the Ministry of Justice.

“The idea of \u200b\u200ba new name appeared in the heads of several people at once, but I also proposed it, since the concept of“ Beautiful Russia of the Future ”, which Alexei Navalny talked about in his electoral program, I love. This is where we all aspire, Russia, where there are fair courts, independent media, and normal police work. It seems to me very logical to choose a new name - "Russia of the Future", - said FBK lawyer Lyubov Sobol.

In her opinion, the absence of Alexei Navalny himself did not significantly affect the content of the congress, since this is only a "formal procedure".

“The people who have gathered today do not need to explain why they are doing this. They campaigned as part of regional headquarters, they are doing regional anti-corruption investigations. They understand that the convention is a formality, but it is, of course, important. Alexey Navalny is our leader, but his team are independent people with an active position. "

The congress also plans to elect 7 members of the Central Council of the new party.

Navalny himself could not take part in the congress due to the fact that on May 15, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, the oppositionist was 30 days after the action "He is not our king", which took place on May 5. The court found Navalny guilty under Part 8 of Article 20.2 of the Administrative Code (repeated violation of the rules for holding a mass event) and under Part 1 of Article 19.3 of the Administrative Code (disobedience to a policeman's request).

In April, Navalny filed with the Justice Ministry a notice of the party's congress titled Working Title. He stated that later it would be renamed.

Recall that at the end of March, the Ministry of Justice, at the request of the former supporter of Navalny Vitaly Serukanov, to the Progress Party (formerly Civic Position - ed.), although this was the name of Navalny's party. Since 2014, the politician has tried to register this party six times.

Navalny's press secretary Kira Yarmysh called Serukanov's "Progress Party" a "double" of Navalny's party, adding that they are not connected in any way.

This is not the first time that the name of the party has been taken away from Navalny. In 2013, political strategist Andrei Bogdanov renamed his Native Country party to the People's Alliance, although this was the name of Navalny's unregistered party. After the Ministry of Justice registered Bogdanov's People's Alliance, the oppositionist had to change the name of his political organization.

After him, Ilya Yashin spoke, having previously announced his intention to participate in the mayoral elections in Moscow. He called the congress participants real patriots and called on them to "move towards the beautiful Russia of the future," on the way to which there is a "rotting wall."

The new name of the party, even before its approval, was accidentally named by FBK lawyer Vyacheslav Gimadi, announcing the agenda of the congress. “Nobody has yet announced the name of the party,” Zhdanov commented on his reservation.

According to him, the emblem of the new party will be the inscription “Russia of the future” against the background of the tricolor.

On the eve of the founding congress of the party, reported on the detentions of Navalny's supporters who were supposed to become delegates. The publication, with reference to the head of Navalny's headquarters, Leonid Volkov, reported 28 detainees. Volkov also said that Saturday's event will be the seventh attempt to hold a founding convention.

Earlier in the documents, the party bore "Working title". The head of the legal department of FBK is because Navalny's team does not want the name to be taken away from them. At the end of March, the press service of the Ministry of Justice said that the party of political strategist Andrei Bogdanov "Civil Position" was renamed in the Unified State Register legal entities (USRLE) to the Progress Party. The unregistered party of Navalny was also called. The renamed party was co-chaired by Vitaly Serukanov, a former supporter of Navalny.

Then Zhdanov suggested that this was done to prevent Navalny's party from registering. “We will have to use a different name. But [our] political Progress Party, which has been submitted to the ECHR, can be reinstated. Then this renaming [of the Civic Position] will be recognized as illegal, since in fact there was already another Party of Progress earlier, ”he said.

Navalny in April 2013 decided to register his party, the People's Alliance, but was refused by the Ministry of Justice - due to errors in the statutory documents. Subsequently, the project called "People's Alliance" was registered by the political strategist Bogdanov. In early 2014, the congress of the unregistered "People's Alliance" of Navalny renamed it the Progress Party, and in February received registration with the Ministry of Justice. But two months later, the Ministry of Justice canceled the registration, indicating that the party had submitted documents too late in most regions.

A complaint about the refusal to register is currently pending before the European Court of Human Rights. In January 2018, Navalny announced a new attempt to register his party. Political analysts linked the idea to the oppositionist's attempt to mobilize supporters.

Party of Alexei Navalny was named "Russia of the future"

Before that, the party was called "Working title".

Alexey Navalny with his wife and son

Evgeny Feldman /

On May 19 in Moscow, the Omega Plaza business center hosted the founding congress of the party of supporters of Alexei Navalny, a Russian opposition leader and founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK).

The congress did not elect the chairman of the party.

Speaking about the goals of the party, FBK lawyer Lyubov Sobol said about the need to achieve “real changes, real reforms”, which will result in courts and investigations that will objectively conduct and consider cases, guarantees of private property, as well as the fight against corruption, “so that money from the budget did not go offshore and was not spent on yachts and palaces ”.

Alexey Navalny was not present at the congress. He is in .

Now the Ministry of Justice must register the party.

As Navalny previously reported on his Telegram channel, a notification was submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation about the holding of the constituent congress of the Working Title party. According to him, this name was chosen so that before the congress they would not have time to “steal” it by registering a “spoiler” party.

Since 2014, Navalny has been trying to register a party with the name "Party of Progress", including once again - in January this year. The organizing committee of Navalny's Progress Party was registered at the end of February 2014.

In the spring of 2015, the Ministry of Justice decided to deny registration of the organization, motivating it with a violation by the organizers of Article 15 of the Law "On Political Parties" (failure to submit, within the prescribed time limit, a copy of documents on state registration of regional offices in at least half of the RF subjects). On April 29, 2015, an entry was made in the register about the termination of the party's activities.

At the moment, a complaint about the refusal to register the Progress Party is pending before the European Court of Human Rights.

On March 19, entries were made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) on the registration of amendments to the constituent documents of the Civil Position party, according to which it is renamed the Progress Party. In this regard, Navalny and his supporters had to choose a new name for the party, reports Interfax.

As reported by Yugopolis, May 5. According to the OVD-Info portal, 1597 participants were detained during the rallies.

In Krasnodar, the rally of Navalny's supporters in the city center was not approved. According to OVD-Info, 48 people were detained in Krasnodar that day (according to other sources, more than 60 people). Many of them received various punishments by court decision.

After the actions, the State Duma introduced a bill to the Code of Administrative Offenses. According to the proposed amendments, a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles. or 15 days of arrest.

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