And Kuprin is a wonderful doctor of analysis. Analysis of the story "The Miraculous Doctor" by Kuprin A.I. Why is the story called "The Miraculous Doctor"

The final lesson on the story of A.I. Kuprin "The Wonderful Doctor".

Lesson Objectives:

Develop the skills of analyzing a work of art;

To consolidate the concept of the genre of a Christmas story;

To bring to the attention of children the main points from the biography of the famous surgeon Pirogov;

To bring up in children's souls love and compassion for people; to awaken students' reflections on such issues of morality and behavior as mercy, compassion, kindness;






(story by A. I. Kuprin “The Wonderful Doctor”).

Lesson of Russian literature in the 6th grade.

Compiled by: Batrshina Saniya Faritovna

2nd quarter teacher categories

Russian language and literature

2012-13 academic year.

Subject: According to Professor Pirogov's prescription (A. I. Kuprin's story "The Wonderful Doctor").


Develop the skills of analyzing a work of art; - to consolidate the concept of the genre of the Christmas story;

To bring to the attention of children the main points from the biography of the famous surgeon Pirogov;

To bring up in children's souls love and compassion for people; to awaken students' reflections on such issues of morality and behavior as mercy, compassion, kindness;

slide 1.

Epigraph to the lesson: And you? Tell:

What trace will you leave?

Invisible lasting trace

In someone else's soul for many years?

Olga Vysotskaya.

Slide 2. (Illustration for the story)

Teacher: The composition of the work is unusual. There are two narrators here. This is ... This form of building a work is called a story within a story. Kuprin heard this story from Grigory Mertsalov, a successful banker, a prosperous, wealthy man who was known as a model of decency and beneficence. But only the life of this man in his youth was difficult, joyless, dreary. What does Grigory Mertsalov remember?

Answer: Grigory Mertsalov recalls how he and his brother stood at the grocery store window (reading the description of the window from the textbook).

Teacher: Why does the author begin the memoirs of boys with a description of grocery store windows, is this by chance?

Answer: Extremely hungry… They had never seen so much delicious food on their table, so much food…

Teacher: What kind of life did the boys observe on their way home? How was it different from their life?

Answer: Wide, brightly lit streets, tall houses, luxurious shop windows were replaced by narrow, unlit alleys, low poor houses ... Shining trees, trotters rushing under their blue and red nets, a festive revival of the crowd, a cheerful rumble ... - the Mertsalovs' house, a dark narrow corridor, the situation in the room, Elizaveta Ivanvna, the sick girl...

Teacher: What helped us to feel the poverty, the tragedy of the disadvantaged people more strongly?

Teacher: What words in the description of a poor home help us to imagine the terrible situation of the family? Find in the text and read. Answer: dungeon; smoky, weeping from damp walls; wet scraps, kerosene smell; rat smell...

Slide 3.

Teacher: Before you are illustrations for the story of the artist Natalia Salienko. Who do you recognize here? What colors did the artist use? Why? Do the illustrations match your own ideas?

Answers: the artist used dark, gloomy colors. So he shows poverty. The life of the Mertsalov family is just as dark, gloomy.

Teacher: What caused such a plight of the Mertsalov family? What attempts does Mertsalov himself make to help the family?

Answers: Mertsalov lost his job due to illness, all his savings were spent on medicines and treatment; he was looking for a job; humbly begged for alms; they scolded him, considering him a parasite; threatened to go to the police...

Conclusion: There are still callous and soulless people who are not capable ofdo something useful and help those in need.

Teacher: What were the relations between the members of the Mertsalov family at such a difficult moment in life?

Answers: they supported each other; did not quarrel; don't blame each other...

Slide 4 (illustration by Natalia Salienko).

Teacher: The life of people is not always simple, cloudless. Different trials and problems can arise for any of us. The most difficult of them, probably, is unemployment, lack of livelihood, illness, the inability to do anything to help the closest, dearest people. These trials can be so difficult that sometimes even the strongest person gives up. Despair takes over. Mertsalov also remained in this position. Why does the writer lead his exhausted, hungry hero into the city garden?

Answers :- The writer again used the technique of contrast. Against the fabulous background of charming, solemn, majestic nature, one feels more strongly what a person experiences. Kuprin contrasts the silence and tranquility of nature with the tormented soul of Mertsalov. In peace and quiet, he felt a thirst for the same calm and silence. And he has thoughts of suicide. (Under the shirt on his stomach, he felt a rope).

The beauty of the landscape is created with the help of metaphors, personifications, epithets. All this, firstly, serves as a contrast, i.e. opposition. Regal, calm, luxurious nature and the beggarly existence of the Mertsalov family. Secondly, it pushes Mertsalov to the same calmness, the same silence, and he is already ready to fulfill his intention.

Teacher: What prevented Mertsalov from carrying out his plan?

Mertsalov's meeting with a stranger.

A few words of the teacher about suicide (there are no hopeless situations).

Slide 5 (illustrated by Natalia Salienko).

Teacher: Help, which (unfortunately, not always) comes at a critical moment, is perceived as a MIRACLE. Agree, anyone would like to hope for the possibility of such miraculous help. I really want! Therefore, every such incident, heard somewhere, told by someone, only reinforces this hope. Can the appearance of a doctor in the life of the Mertsalovs be called such a miracle? Why?

Answers : firstly, Mertsalov remained alive; secondly, everything changed in the Mertsalovs' room: the boys lit the stove, put on the samovar; Mertsalov brought buns, tea, and hot dishes with the money the doctor had given him; thirdly, after some time Mertsalov found a job, Mashutka recovered, the boys began to study at the gymnasium.

slide 6

Teacher: The action takes place on the eve of the Christmas holiday.Christmas is a religious holiday, the birthday of Christ. There is such a thing as a Christmas story, Christmas story."The Miraculous Doctor" (1897), published in the Christmas issue of the Kievskoe Slovo newspaper, was written in the genre of a Christmas story. This genre is characterized by a description of a miracle that saves a person in a tragic situation.The purpose of such stories is to help people forget everyday worries and believe in a miracle, feel the atmosphere of a family holiday, and awaken love and mercy in their hearts. Therefore, the story is built in this way: in a certain life situation, as a result of a miracle, the hero, offended by circumstances, forgets about misfortune, and everything ends happily, like in a fairy tale.

In Russia, special collections were prepared for Christmas, there was a tradition of family reading aloud Christmas stories. "The Miraculous Doctor" refers precisely to such works. But in his story, Kuprin emphasizes the reality of the case. And it even emphasizes when and where "In Kiev about 30 years ago."

Teacher: Why main character of the story is called either by a stranger or a doctor, and we only recognize his last name from the pharmacist’s note on the medicine label: “By the prescription of Professor Pirogov”?

Student responses.

Outcome: The words "stranger", "doctor", "professor Pirogov" appear in passing when describing events. Each new definition gradually acquaints us with some new quality of the hero.What qualities did N.I. Pirogov possess?
- Modesty, kindness, compassion, sympathy, mercy.
Vocabulary work:

Mercy is the willingness to help someone or forgive someone out of compassion, philanthropy.

Compassion is a feeling of pity for someone who has misfortune, grief.

Sympathy is a responsive, sympathetic attitude to the experiences, misfortune of others.

Let's prove his modesty did not identify himself), kindness ( helped with money, helped as a doctor),compassion (took pity on Mertsalov, his wife, children), mercy ( he volunteered to help).

Slide 7.

Teacher: Who is Professor Pirogov in reality? Let's listen to the message

Speech by a trained student about Pirogov.

Teacher: Pirogov was not only an experienced doctor, but an outstanding kind savior of human souls. He helped suffering people free of charge, without demanding awards and praise. After all, true kindness is not flaunted. And they do it from a pure heart, sincerely, secretly.That is why many monuments have been erected to Pirogov.

Teacher: Is there an image in the story opposite to Professor Pirogov?

Answers: Yes. Doorman...

Teacher: Why do you think Kuprin ends his story with a story about the further fate of the members of the Mertsalov family? Answers : The good that the doctor did for the Mertsalovs lives in the deeds and deeds of the Mertsalovs' children.

Teacher: The topic of our lesson is "According to the recipe of Professor Pirogov." What do you think, what prescription did the professor leave to the children of Mertsalov and to us, whether it was only a medical one or ... Yes, he also left a recipe for life, prescribed such medicines that would help any of us become a real person. What do you think he wrote on this recipe?

slide 8.

According to the recipe of Professor Pirogov

You will become a real person, you are in the heart: Kindness




And most importantly, never lose heart!

Teacher: What do you think is the main idea of ​​the story? What is he calling us to?

about student responses.

slide 9.

Teacher: I made a recipe for Pirogov for you, I want

so that he is always with you and that you treat your

souls according to him (the teacher gives the recipe to each student).

Teacher: Now you probably understood the essence of our epigraph to the lesson:

And you? Tell:

What trace will you leave?

Invisible lasting trace

In someone else's soul for many years?

Let's think about what you can do, guided by Pirogov's recipe?

Answers: help lonely old people, sick people; make bird feeders, birdhouses; take care of our little brothers...

Teacher: Is the story relevant today?

Answers: Yes, there are many people who need someone's help.

slide 10.

Teacher: Lots of charities. For example, the Good Heart Foundation of the Arguments and Facts newspaper helps sick children. Has existed since 2003. Head of the AiF. Kind heart "- Margarita Shirokova. This fund provides material assistance to sick people. There is a fundgift a life». One of the founders of this charitable foundation is our compatriot Chulpan Khamatova. They support children with cancer.

Slide 11.

Look at the screen. Here are the logos of just a few charitable foundations. So, there are still among us those who live according to the recipe of Professor Pirogov. This means that there is still Goodness, Sympathy, Compassion, Mercy on Earth. And most importantly, never lose heart, fight against circumstances and, at the first opportunity, lend a hand to someone who needs help.

Homework: Write a letter to Professor Pirogov.


Help that comes at a critical moment is perceived as a MIRACLE. Agree, anyone would like to hope for the possibility of such miraculous help. I really want! Therefore, every such incident, heard somewhere, told by someone, only reinforces this HOPE.

Christmas story, Christmas story description of a miracle that saves a person in a tragic situation

I.E. Repin. Portrait of a surgeon N.I. Pirogov. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov with his sons. 1850

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, designed by Academician V.O. Sherwood Estonia, Tartu. The authors of the bust are J. Raudsepp, M. Melder, P. Tarvas, A. Wolberg.

Kindness Compassion Sympathy Mercy And most importantly, never lose heart! You will become a real person if you have in your heart:

Olga Vysotskaya.

Has existed since 2003. Head of the AiF. Good Heart" Margarita Shirokova Chulpan Khamatova is one of the founders of the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.

A. Kuprin wrote stories not only about love, but also about how important it is to remain kind, philanthropic, and that you need to help other people. This is a story that in everyone's life there is a place for a miracle, which can be help and kind words from another person. Below you can get acquainted with the analysis of the story "The Miraculous Doctor".

History of writing

The analysis of The Miraculous Doctor should begin with the fact that the writer, at the very beginning of his work, asks the reader to take this story seriously. Because it is not fiction, but an incident that actually happened with one of Kuprin's acquaintances.

This work was written in 1897, when the writer was in Kiev. A banker Kuprin knew told this Christmas story that happened almost 30 years ago.

The family was on the verge of despair: they had no money either for food or for fire, and they had to huddle in a closet. When the little sister of the narrator fell ill, the parents asked for help from wealthier people, but they were refused everywhere. And when the head of the family was already desperate, he met a doctor. The doctor who changed their whole future life. It was Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich.

Those who knew him noted that he was always ready to help his neighbor, did everything disinterestedly and was a very kind person. With his arrival, happiness came to this family: their life began to gradually improve. This kind and magical story struck Kuprin, and he wrote this story, which turned out to be a beautiful Christmas story.

Compositional features of the story

In the analysis of "The Miraculous Doctor" one of the points is the features of the composition of the story. The whole work is built on opposition. At Christmas, everyone buys gifts, all houses are shining with festive lights, Christmas trees are decorated, and shop windows are bright and beckon buyers.

And all this security and luxury is opposed by the Mertsalov family. They had to live in a closet, they had no money to buy food and fire, not to mention gifts. And in this contrast, the appearance of a wonderful doctor seems to be an even greater miracle in the life of this family.

The heroes of the work are also opposed. If the head of the Mertsalov family is shown as a weak person who is so desperate that he is ready to commit suicide, then Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich is a strong, kind and active person. It was he who showed the heroes that one should never lose faith in miracles and good people.

the main idea

Analyzing the "Wonderful Doctor", it should be noted main idea story. A. Kuprin wanted to show readers that such human qualities as kindness, mercy, the ability to empathize and selflessness have become very rare. So much so that they seem like a miracle to people. And on the example of N. I. Pirogov, the writer showed that one good deed can change people's lives for the better.

The meaning of the title of the story

In the analysis of The Miraculous Doctor, it is also necessary to explain why the story is called that. This is not due to some kind of magic, but to the fact that Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich was an amazing person. It was absolutely natural for him to do good deeds completely disinterestedly, to try to help his neighbor.

Pirogov N.I. possessed such qualities that A. Kuprin highly appreciated in people. This is philanthropy, mercy, compassion, readiness to help and support a person. These qualities have become very rare, and if a person has them, this is a real miracle.

It was brief analysis"The Miraculous Doctor" Kuprin. No wonder the writer attributed this story to the genre of Christmas stories. Because especially at Christmas, faith in a miracle is strong. And you need to do good deeds not only when this holiday comes, but also every day. After all, even just a kind word spoken can change a person's life for the better. And this will be a real miracle for him.

The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, which is a Christmas story by genre, tells how one small good deed can change the fate of an entire family for the better.

The Christmas story is because the action takes place on the eve of Christmas. And the author shows the miracle that happens on this magical holiday.

However, this miracle is not connected with magic, the good deed of Dr. Pirogov is a miracle. This character becomes a kind of angel for the Mertsalov family. The doctor helps the family not only with a kind word, but also with deed. The act is really important for a family that has already despaired of their poverty and poverty. In a false and soulless world, the doctor was a real savior.

In the mouth of Pirogov A.I. Kuprin puts in his thoughts: the doctor advises never to lose heart. This is what helped the Mertsalov family survive in these terrible and difficult conditions of modern life for the author.

The writer teaches to do good deeds. Indeed, in his opinion, even the shortest word can help a person in need of this help.

Using the technique of antithesis, A.I. Kuprin first shows a lively and decorated city, which is preparing with might and main for the celebration of Christmas, and then shows the beggars and dark streets along which the boys - and the Mertsalovs - make their way. The author condemns that colorful and expensive world that has only a beautiful shell. Inside it is empty and insignificant. But the dilapidated basement in which the Mertsalovs live is a sign of spiritual purity. This family was able to carry love for each other through all difficulties and troubles, through all obstacles and disappointments. Parents go to great lengths to save their family from hunger and cold.

This family showed that one should always hope for a miracle, wait for it and believe in its fulfillment. After all, the narrator emphasizes several times that this story is real. That is, a miracle is not a fairy-tale element, it can happen in real life.

The main thing that he did for the Mertsalov family is not that he gave them money, but that he gave them hope. This is a thousand times more important than financial resources. The Mertsalovs realized that the world is not so bad, that there are kind people in it who will help in a difficult situation.

The ability to self-sacrifice, mercy and compassion - these are the qualities that should not be forgotten. After all, having helped someone, you can get the same support from someone else. Good deeds always remain in the memory of a person, just as the act of a doctor remained in the memory of Grishka, a participant in those events. He remembers with admiration and awe Dr. Pirogov, who completely changed the poor life of his family.

Thus, A.I. Kuprin in the story "The Wonderful Doctor" raised the topic of relationships between people. He showed that good deeds are miracles, and these miracles can be done with your own hands.

The humanistic aspect of problem solving in the stories of A.I. Kuprin "Wonderful Doctor" and "Elephant"

A.I. Kuprin, according to the fair remark of A.A. Volkov, is a worthy successor to the "humanistic ideas of the great Russian literature of the 19th century." The purpose of this chapter is to analyze Kuprin's stories "The Wonderful Doctor" and "The Elephant" in the light of the author's humanism.

The story of A.I. Kuprin's "The Miraculous Doctor" (1897) is based on real events, as the author himself says: "The following story is not the fruit of idle fiction. Everything I have described really happened in Kiev about thirty years ago and is still sacred, to the smallest detail, preserved in the traditions of the family that will be discussed. For my part, I only changed the names of some of the characters in this touching story and gave the oral story a written form ”(Hereinafter, in order to save space, quotes from the stories of A.I. Kuprin will be made in the form of off-text references. - A.K. ).

After this prelude, the actual events of the story begin. Before us are two hungry boys, brothers, Grisha and Volodya, who are instructed to deliver a letter for an influential person: perhaps this person will help their father find a job. Hungry children stand in front of a grocery store window, dreamily contemplating mountains of food, products that are inaccessible to them.

From the very beginning, we are faced with the social problem of low-income families, hungry children, the problem of adults finding a job, finding their social niche.

The brothers suppressed a heavy sigh and threw a last greedy glance at holiday tables, the lights return from the smart streets home to the basement: “At last they reached a rickety dilapidated house that stood apart; its bottom - the basement itself - was stone, and the top was wooden. Walking around the cramped, icy and dirty yard, which served as a natural garbage pit for all the residents, they went down to the basement, went through the common corridor in the darkness, found their door by feel and opened it.

For more than a year the Mertsalovs lived in this dungeon. Both boys had long since become accustomed to these smoky walls weeping from dampness, and to wet scraps drying on a rope stretched across the room, and to this terrible smell of kerosene fumes, children's dirty laundry and rats - the real smell of poverty.

Here, an exhausted mother, a sick sister and a hungry baby were waiting for them:

“In the corner, on a dirty wide bed, lay a girl of about seven; her face burned, her breathing was short and difficult, her wide-open shining eyes stared intently and aimlessly. Next to the bed, in a cradle suspended from the ceiling, a baby was crying, grimacing, straining and choking. A tall, thin woman, with a haggard, tired face, as if blackened with grief, knelt beside the sick girl, straightening her pillow and at the same time not forgetting to push the rocking cradle with her elbow.

Further, Mertsalov himself appears in the story: “He was in a summer coat, a summer felt hat and without galoshes. His hands were swollen and blue from the cold, his eyes sunk in, his cheeks stuck around his gums, like a dead man's.

Seeing his family in such a state, Mertsalov leaves home out of desperation. He is tormented by the thought that on a festive evening he is unable to help his family, he is ready to run away from troubles, even deciding to commit suicide: “I wish I could lie down and fall asleep,” he thought, “and forget about his wife, about hungry children, about the sick Mashutka. Putting his hand under his waistcoat, Mertsalov felt for a rather thick rope that served as his belt. The thought of suicide was very clear in his head. But he was not horrified by this thought, did not shudder for a moment before the darkness of the unknown. Rather than dying slowly, wouldn’t it be better to take a shorter route?” .

Nature itself also influences this: “It was quiet and solemn here. The trees, shrouded in their white robes, slumbered in motionless majesty. Sometimes a piece of snow broke off from the top branch, and you could hear how it rustled, falling and clinging to other branches. The deep silence and great calm that guarded the garden suddenly awakened in Mertsalov's tormented soul an unbearable thirst for the same calm, the same silence.

But at the most unexpected moment, the main character of the story appears - a wonderful doctor: “at this time, at the end of the alley, a creak of steps was heard, clearly heard in the frosty air. Mertsalov turned in anger in that direction. Someone was walking down the alley. At first, the light of a flaring, then dying out cigar was visible. Then Mertsalov, little by little, could make out an old man of small stature, in a warm hat, fur coat and high galoshes. !.. Gifts!.. Gifts for the children I know!.. And I... and with me, dear sir, at the present moment my children are dying of hunger at home... Gifts!.. And my wife’s milk has disappeared, and the baby I haven't eaten all day... Gifts! »

Mertsalov thought that he would leave, but the old man, making a serious face, asked to tell him his story: “There was something so calm and inspiring confidence in the unusual face of the stranger that Mertsalov immediately, without the slightest concealment, but terribly worried and in a hurry, conveyed his story ." He wept about his bad life and the illness of his daughter, to which the man, saying that he was a doctor, asked Mertsalov to take him to the patient. After the examination, the doctor prescribed medicines and agreed with the pharmacy, and also said to invite Dr. Afanasiev, with whom he also promised to have an agreement.

This is akin to a miracle, which is emphasized in the title of the story. The harsh words of the desperate Mertsalov meet with a lively human response, and the doctor immediately offers his help, instead of being offended or ignoring someone else's misfortune. It also looks like a miracle, because people from a wealthy, festive, "other" life did not respond to Mertsalov's requests for help and did not even give alms. And the wonderful doctor, by his very appearance, inspires vivacity in exhausted people, after that he prescribes treatment for a sick child, gives money for the necessary food and quietly leaves large credit notes on the table. And for all that, this one does not even name his own name, not only not wanting to listen to gratitude, but not even considering that he should listen to them: “Here’s another trifle invented!”

Later, the family learned the name of this virtue from the label on the medicine, it was Professor Pirogov.

And after the appearance of this extraordinary person, the impoverished, unsuccessful life of the Mertsalov family enters a prosperous course. The children recover, the father finds a place, the boys are placed in a gymnasium. All of them fall into that other, "festive" reality - through the good deed of a wonderful doctor.

The author heard this story from one of the Mertsalov brothers, who became a major employee of the bank. And every time he remembered the wonderful doctor, he said with tears in his eyes: “From now on, it’s like a beneficent angel descended into our family. Everything has changed. In early January, my father found a place, Mashutka got on her feet, and my brother and I managed to get a place at the gymnasium at public expense. Just a miracle performed by this holy man. And we have seen our wonderful doctor only once since then - this is when he was transported dead to his own estate Cherry. And even then they didn’t see him, because that great, powerful and holy thing that lived and burned in the wonderful doctor during his lifetime died out irretrievably.

Only true, sincere philanthropy can change our lives. But it is so rare that it is considered a miracle. And the most important thing in life is to never lose heart, never give up, look for a way out of any life situation, also have a kind, sensitive heart yourself, respond to help and believe in yourself and your neighbor.

The next story by A.I. Kuprin "Elephant", despite the fact that it was written for a children's magazine, contains serious problems of a universal nature. First of all, this is the problem of love for one's neighbor, which is solved in a positive humane way, almost the same as in the story "The Wonderful Doctor", where the problem of mercy is solved by the writer through the image of Dr. Pirogov, it can be considered as a kind of author's ideal. In the story "Elephant", the main ideological and artistic load is borne by the image of an animal, an elephant. This is a kind of discovery by A.I. Kuprin, since the good, humanizing power of animalistic images is not often spoken of in Russian literature. It is important to consider this work in detail. The story consists of 6 parts.

In the first part, we learn that a little girl named Nadia is very sick. Although she has no pain, “she is getting thinner and weaker every day. Whatever they do to her, she doesn't care, and she doesn't need anything. Even in her dreams, she sees something gray and boring, like autumn rain. Doctors decide that the girl is "sick with indifference to life." Caring parents are ready to do everything to cheer up their daughter. She sees how her parents are worried about her: “Dad walks quickly from corner to corner and smokes everything, smokes. Sometimes he comes into the nursery, sits on the edge of the bed and softly strokes Nadia's legs. Then suddenly he gets up and goes to the window. He whistles something, looking out into the street, but his shoulders are shaking. Then he hurriedly puts the handkerchief to one eye, to the other, and, as if angry, goes to his office. Then he again runs from corner to corner and everything ... smokes, smokes, smokes ... And the office becomes all blue from tobacco smoke. But she herself does not understand what is happening to her, she is bored.

In the 3rd part, suddenly a girl waking up in the morning wanted an elephant that she dreamed about in a dream. The joyful father quickly grants his daughter's wish, but this elephant was a toy one: “a big gray elephant that shakes its head and wags its tail; on the elephant is a red saddle, and on the saddle is a golden tent and three little men are sitting in it. Nadia looked at the toy elephant with indifference, and did not want to upset her father: “I thank you very, very much, dear dad. I think no one has such an interesting toy ... Just ... remember ... after all, you promised to take me to the menagerie to see a real elephant ... and you never took me. Not knowing what to do, Nadia's father leaves home to somehow fulfill his daughter's wish.

Further, in the 4th part, there is a conversation between the pope and the German trainer, on the decision of which the fate of Nadia and her entire family depends. This is a very exciting moment, because in the event of a German refusal, everything could have turned out differently. But this circus man becomes in this story the image of an attentive, sympathetic and kind person. He sympathized with the misfortune of Nadia's father and, as is clear between the lines, involuntarily imagined himself in his place. After all, the trainer also had a daughter, Lisa, who was the same age as Nadia.

In the 5th part, the author describes the elephant in detail and colorfully. “The skin on it is rough, in heavy folds. The legs are thick as pillars. A long tail with something like a broom at the end. The eyes are very tiny, but smart and kind. Nadia's father is doing everything possible to fulfill the dream of his beloved daughter.

And finally, the climax falls on the happy moment of a childhood dream coming true - the moment Nadia meets a real elephant named Tommy. He made a great impression on her and even turned out to be a little more than Nadia imagined him to be. But the girl was not in the least afraid of such a guest, but happily began to respectfully talk to him, look at books, drink tea and play, and the animal reciprocates her: “She holds out her hand to him too. The elephant carefully takes and shakes her thin fingers with his movable strong finger and does it much more gently than Dr. Mikhail Petrovich. At the same time, the elephant shakes its head, and its small eyes are completely narrowed, as if laughing.

And playing all day long, Nadya falls asleep with the elephant next to him. When she wakes up in the morning, "peppy, fresh and like the old days," she looks for Tommy the elephant. “They explain to her that the elephant went home on business, that he has children who cannot be left alone, that he asked to bow to Nadia and that he is waiting for her to visit him when she is healthy.

The girl smiles slyly and says:

Tell Tommy I'm all right now!" .

Thanks to her father, trainer and Tommy the elephant, the girl has recovered, and it is very pleasant to think that Nadia and Tommy will continue to visit each other.

The images of the characters in the work "Elephant" are all characterized as positive. And it pleases, so I want to find myself surrounded by such people, where everyone is ready to listen, understand and help. This state of affairs today is becoming more and more a utopia.

The image of Nadia is an obedient, exemplary and educated girl who does not want to upset her parents. But, unfortunately, she herself cannot figure out what is wrong with her until she had a good dream about an elephant. Nadya's father is a loving, persistent, reliable person who believed in his child and decided by everyone possible ways make a dream come true. After all, the happiness of young children depends entirely on their parents. Mom is the ideal image of a woman who is ready to fulfill all the requests of her child, if only Nadia is on the mend. And she, like no one else, should know that there is nothing worse than a sick child. The German trainer showed a sense of compassion and tried to help, no matter how absurd this request seemed to him initially. And the elephant Tommy from the first lines about him causes only an unlimited feeling of sympathy.

Even the neighbors, who were covered in plaster from Tommy's squats, didn't say a word. It doesn't matter what they thought, but most importantly, they didn't spoil the holiday. And the policeman does not appear as a stumbling block, but only calmly asks onlookers to disperse. And let's not forget about the owner of the bakery, who had a pistachio cake and buns ready for such an occasion, even though it was already dead of night outside.

So, the stories "Wonderful Doctor" and "Elephant" by A.I. Kuprin turned out to be kind, bright, filled with boundless love for children.