Pork liver cutlets. Recipe cutlets from a pig liver. How to cook hepatic cutlets with a semi

Culinary liver use history is very ambiguous. It is considered to be the most valuable delicacy, then the product is unsuitable for nutrition. But dropping all the prejudices, dry scientific facts indicate that this is a dietary subprodukt (it is up to 3% fat from the total mass) rich in vitamins. The most expensive liver is fattened without the movement of poultry (foap). But from more accessible its species, you can cook a lot of delicious treats, for example, liver cutlets.

Start your acquaintance with liver cutlets is best with this elementary recipe. It does not have a long list of ingredients, but the finished cakes are surprisingly delicate, and the grinding stuffing is various spices to taste, you can give the finished dish your unique luxury and highlight.

A small saucepan should be taken:

  • 500 g of liver;
  • 110 g of the replied onion;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 g of flour;
  • 5-10 g of fatty cream or sour cream;
  • 50 ml of drinking water;
  • any vegetable frying oil;
  • salt, spices and greens in their own taste.

Step-by-step action algorithm:

  1. With onion heads, remove the husks and cut them on the quarter, so that it was convenient to skip through the meat grinder. Washed liver, too, cut into pieces of medium size. Both of these products twist in a meat grinder or blender. The liver is an organ that removes harmful substances from the body, so its preparation needs to be paid special attention. The product should be very thoroughly washed under cold flowing water from blood residues in which all harmful substances are contained.
  2. In the hepatic, the mass should be drove the egg, pour a bit of cream, salt, spices and flour. Diligently stir up to maximum homogeneity. Ready hepatic minced meter will rather resemble the dough for baking pans.
  3. The frying pan with vegetable oil should be split at the maximum flame, then reduce the intensity of the fire to average and can be fledged. Putting the minced it is a spoon, form not thick cutlets and fry them for 3-5 minutes each side until readiness.
  4. After the last cutlet is smoother from the frying pan in a pan, add drinking water into this container and sweat cutlets at a minimum fire of five minutes. Such a procedure will multiple the tenderness and softness of finished products.

With a bath in the oven

The hepatic minced has one feature - it is liquid enough, so it is additionally added products that perform the role of a thickener. It can be oatmeal, a stalking and semolina cereal. Cutlets with a semita can be prepared in a traditional way, roasting on vegetable oil, and you can produce heat treatment in the oven, which will help get a gentle dish at the exit, similar to the souffle.

For liver stuffing with semolina, all components will be as follows:

  • 500 g of liver (beef, pork, chicken or any other);
  • 100 g semolina;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication of molds.

We prepare in the oven as follows:

  1. Pre-prepared liver is chopped by any accessible way (blender or meat grinder). To introduce into the resulting mass of swabbed eggs, salt, seasonings and semolina cereals. To diligently mix mince and postpone the rest of 40 minutes at ordinary room temperature.
  2. Molds for baking small cupcakes or muffins to lubricate with any vegetable oil, fill the hepatic minced meat and put it in the oven at 170 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Prepared cutlets from the oven serve with a vegetable salad or another side dish.

With the addition of champignons

Cutlets from liver with champignons are a very appetizing second dish with a thin mushroom fragrance. Even in a cold form, such cutlets will be tasty as a snack or one of the component of the sandwich to tea.

For mushroom cutlets from chicken offal, you will need:

  • 1000 g of liver;
  • 450 g champignons;
  • 210 g onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 70 g of solid cheese;
  • 30 g of fatty sour cream;
  • 90 g flour;
  • fresh or dried greens, spices and salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

How to make hepatic cutlets with mushrooms:

  1. Washed liver screaming with boiling water, drain the water, and give the product to cool. While it will happen, do mushrooms. First, before transparency on the vegetable oil, bring the chopped onions, then add shredded champignons to it and fry before evaporating the entire liquid.
  2. The cooled liver for this recipe is not necessarily chopped in a meat grinder, you can simply cut it very finely, pieces of no more than one centimeter.
  3. In the capacity of the appropriate volume to combine hepatic minced stuffing, cooled champignons, grated cheese, sour cream, flour, greens and spices. Stir all products and salt.
  4. Prepared mince to withstand in the refrigerator from half an hour to forty minutes. Then laying out a lot of hot oil in a frying pan, fry the cutlets. To absorb excess oil, they should be shifted from frying pan on a paper towel.

Lush beef beef cutlets

Add liver cutlets of pomp, making them similar not to pancakes, but on traditional cutlets, you can, if you add thickness to mince. Bread and fine oatmeal will help to achieve, which will absorb excessive moisture and add pomp.

The composition of the lush cake from the liver:

  • 400 g of beef liver;
  • 250 g of stale bread without skins;
  • 70-90 g onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 35 g of small oatmeal;
  • salt, spices to taste and oil for frying.

Stroke cooking:

  1. Cut a stale bread with medium slices, pour milk and, without spending time with a gift, do other ingredients.
  2. The minced meat for this kitlet is very convenient to cook in a blender. In his bowl, you should first lay out the liverly prepared and sliced \u200b\u200bby medium slices, cut onions and an egg on the lobs. All crushed into a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Shoot the mince to the container in which it will be convenient to mix it. Add squeezed bread crumpled, oatmeal, salt and spices. Mix the mass and give it a quarter of an hour to flakes swelling. If you use larger flakes, then you can leave mince and all night in the refrigerator.
  4. From the finished mince to shape the cutlets and fry them until ready on vegetable oil. The finished dish can be served with sour cream.

With rice

What can be prepared from the liver and rice for lunch? Roasted liver and rice porridge? Yes, but you can connect these two products and make liver cutlets with rice. Supplementing them with a garnish from potatoes or vegetable salad, we get lightweight, but satisfying lunch.

For appetizing hepatic rice kitlet needs to be taken:

  • 500 g of liver;
  • 90 g rice;
  • 70 Luke;
  • 90 g of carrots;
  • 1 egg;
  • 80-100 g of flour;
  • vegetable (better refined) oil;
  • black ground pepper, greens and salt to taste.

Process sequence:

  1. Rice cereal washed under the flowing flow of water, boil to full readiness, rinse again and give a track of excess water, throwing it into a colander.
  2. From the onion bow and carrots to make roasted, holding these crushed vegetables on a frying pan with vegetable oil to a golden color.
  3. Clean liver turn into mince blender or meat grinder, add an egg that cooled roasted vegetables, rice, flour and other ingredients. To diligently wash the mince.
  4. Dining spoon lay out the mixture on a hot pan and fry the cutlets approximately five minutes on each side.

Cooking from chicken liver

The chicken liver is much more gentle and practically does not smell, therefore it is preparing faster, and dishes fly out from the plates instantly. Chicken liver cutlets with zucchild and chicken breast for this recipe can be included in the diet of children of younger kindergartens.

List of necessary ingredients:

  • 300 g of chicken liver;
  • 300 g of minced chicken breast;
  • 1 egg;
  • 90 g onions;
  • 100 g of a young fresh zucchini or pumpkin;
  • 50 g of breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil, spices and salt.

Work algorithm:

  1. Vegetables and prepared liver skip through a meat grinder or kill in a blender. Pick up breadcrumbs, add minced chicken breast, knock the egg.
  2. Stir and salt minced meat, draw it with spices. After that, leave a mass for 10 minutes so that the crucks manage to absorb the surplus of moisture.
  3. Slightly fry the cutlets on the vegetable oil to a thin crust, and then turn them with a small amount of water.

With buckwheat

Hepatic cutlets with buckwheat crop Many hostesses are considered the most successful recipe. The finished dish is obtained very gentle, and buckwheat is not tasteful, nor appearance gives out its presence in mince.

Products that need to be prepared before work:

  • 500 g of liver;
  • 100 g dry buckwheat cereals;
  • 120 g onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of flour;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the CROU, the ratio of water and buckwheat should be equal to 2 to 1.
  2. Washing and covered with paper towel liver Skip through a meat grinder together with a peeled bow. Connect this mass with porridge and other ingredients.
  3. Mix well, salt and you can begin heat treatment. There are three ways to bring this liver dish until readiness: fry in a frying pan, bake in the oven or cook for a couple.

Pork liver cutlets

In any of the above-mentioned recipes of hepatic kitlet, it is possible to use pork liver with a small amendment to pre-training. This product is preferably before grinding into mince to soak in milk. But there is another interesting recipe from this particular sub-product with the addition of potatoes.

Pork liver cutlets with potatoes prepare from:

  • 500 g of raw liver;
  • 1000 g of raw potatoes;
  • 200 g onions;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 160 g of flour;
  • 100 g of shaken butter;
  • salts, spices, breadwasters for breading and some oil for frying.

Stages of work:

  1. Sub-products and onions cast in a meat grinder, raw potatoes in a small grater and squeeze allocated juice.
  2. In the appearance of a suitable litter to mix the hepatic oil stuffing, grated potato tubers, eggs, flour and foiled oil, spices with salt. Diligently mix and knead the resulting mince.
  3. Next to form in the same way as the usual meat cutlets, to dive in breadcrumbs and fry until ready for oil of vegetable origin. Fire medium.

Hepatic cutlets

Easy recipe cooking pork liver boiler. How to choose the right products. Capture secrets and what to serve delicious liver cutlets.

30 minutes

150 kcal

5/5 (1)

For liver lovers, I want to present a very simple, but very useful and tasty recipe. It talks about how to cook liver cutlets from pork liver. Although the recipe is unauthorized, it is still able to conquer your heart.

All housewives and each culinary must have about the same recipe just in case. He can save you in a situation if you do not know what to file for lunch, or if you have suddenly visited the guests - you can make barks very quickly.

Kitchen appliances:separating board; Capacities for all ingredients; pan; knife; Blender or meat grinder; the spoon.

Required ingredients

How to choose the ingredients to the recipe

For this recipe, the liver will need, which is not just fresh, and really high quality and useful! Freshness and quality you can determine by simply looking at the pork liver. First, the liver has a brilliant shade, it is not "dull" and not dry.

Fresh liver must be wet. The main thing is to pay attention to - it is exactly the color of the liver. Dull it in no case should be. If the liver is of such a color, it means that blood from it has long been released, respectively, such a product of non-freight.

The color of the blood itself inside the liver should be allen. If you are faced with the fact that the blood color is dark, or any other - then do not take this liver, it is poor quality.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

  1. First, we need to cut the liver with a knife on a cutting board with absolutely any pieces as you want. If there are some coarse and hard places on the liver, then they need to be cut. In this recipe we will use a blender, but if you do not have it - you can resort to the use of an ordinary meat grinder, it is no worse.

  2. In the bowl of the blender, place the chicken liver and take one chicken egg to it. The blender must turn the liver and egg into a homogeneous mass. There should be something that resembles mousse pinkish shade. The mixture should be fluid in moderation.

  3. Place the resulting mixture in a separate container and add two tablespoons of flour. Slide and add pepper. At this stage, in no case cannot be added, as it will affect the structure of the liver. It will simply become tough.

  4. Pretty obscure the whole mixture. Heat the frying pan and pour more sunflower oil on it. Oil should also warm up.
  5. With the help of a spoon, we place the hepatic mixture in the pan, having formed small "pancakes" from it. Prettyly deliver on both sides.

  6. You need to turn over such hepatic pancakes when the lower part of them becomes brown, and the upper part will prepare a little. Blood must fully spike. On the second side of the pancakes you need to fry until it takes the same appearance as another side. Silte the part that is already ready.

  7. That's all, hepatic cutlets are absolutely ready for tasting and use.

Video ceiling of the dish

I strongly recommend viewing this video in which you will find not only a complete description of the recipe, but also a few useful tips that relate to the process of cooking such a dish as hepatic cutlets.

What to serve hepatic cutlets?

These very tasty cutlets you can apply as the main dish. To do this, put them on the plate, add vegetables and any sauce.
It is best to use mayonnaise, sour cream or ketchup.

Step-by-step recipes of a liver kitlet from pork liver with rice, potatoes, packed and raw vegetables (+ recipe with photos)

2019-04-19 Marina Exit and Alena Kameneva





In 100 grams of finished dishes

14 gr.

20 gr.


9 gr.

270 kcal.

Option 1: Classic liver cutlets from pork liver

Hepatic cutlets made of pork liver - an excellent addition to potatoes mashed potatoes, porridge or pasta. Just fried liver love a few, but the cutlets will appreciate everyone. For a more satisfying and juicy result, you can add fat to the cutlets - but here is the case of taste.

You can also always experiment with spices, you can add some cheese or greens. Pork liver is important to buy fresh, not frozen, solid, without damage and flaws. Such cakes you can use for sandwiches - bread, butter, tomato plate, fragrant greens and cutlet.


  • Pork liver - 400 g
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Manka - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Prepare all products on the list. Pork liver is definitely riding and dried. After the liver, cut into small pieces.

Clear onions, slip and dry. Onions cut into small cubes.

Take a bowl of the kitchen blender or use the meat grinder. Grind the liver and onions until uniformity, or to small pieces - as you like more.

Drink one egg in the bowl, add salt and pepper to the liver. Again everything is crushed a couple of seconds.

Shoot the hepatic mass in a bowl, pour the semolina to leave for 15 minutes.

After adding flour to the liver. Stir all.

Heat the frying pan, pour some oil, laying out the hepatic stuffing spoon. Fry cutlets on both sides for a few minutes, the fire must be average. Finished cutlets serve to the table.

Bon Appetit!

Option 2: Quick recipe for liver cutlets of pork liver

For this recipe, it will take some products as time. Cutlets are also laid out in a spoon frying, fry in oil or fat, but there is no sala in the composition.


  • 300 g of liver;
  • egg;
  • bulb;
  • spoon flour;
  • spoon starch;
  • full spoon sour cream;
  • oil, spices.

How to quickly cook hepatic cutlets

Skip the onions through the meat grinder, pieces of pork liver, as desired to add one or two lobes of garlic.

Layout sour cream, egg, starch with flour, season with spices, make liquid dough.

Put the pork liver cutlets with a spoon as pancakes. Fry on oil for two minutes on each side.

Instead of sour cream to mitigate taste, you can add a bit of mayonnaise into the hepatic mass, fatty cream.

Option 3: Hepatic Cutlets from pork liver and rice

With rice, very tasty liver cutlets are obtained. You can simply fry or extinguish in a red tomato sauce, in sour cream, ideal for watering is suitable for milk sauce Beshamel.


  • 550 g of pork liver;
  • 100 g rice;
  • egg;
  • 2 spoons of flour;
  • 2 outer heads;
  • oil for frying.

How to cook

We immediately send a saucepan on the slab approximately with a liter of water, bring it until boiling. While it costs, we swore rice, rinse several times, fall asleep. Cooking almost until readiness, immediately after that we drain all the water. We leave for cooling for 15-20 minutes.

Twist the pork liver, soaked in advance, grind onions, all this connect with cooked rice.

We add to a bowl with a minced egg, flour, putting. Mix, let's stand ten minutes. It is even better to remove the mass for ripening for an hour in the refrigerator. Rice will absorb extra juices from onions and a liver moisture, mince will become even better.

Pour oil in a frying pan, warming up, lay a pork liver cutlets about one spoon. You can give them a round or oval shape. Fry approximately two minutes on each side.

We shift the cutlets into a clean saucepan or in the saucepiece pour sauce, 9-15 minutes. Or simply add a silent driver, steaming under the lid.

If there is a boiled rice from the side dish, then you do not need to boil the cellax again, the existing product is quite suitable, even if it is with spices, butter, greens.

Option 4: Hepatic Cutlets from pork liver and potatoes

Potatoes can be added not only in ordinary, but also in hepatic cutlets. It is perfectly combined with pork liver, increases the dish, makes it juicy, but requires the correct bookmark.


  • 500 g of pork liver;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 bulb;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • spices, oil.

Step-by-step recipe

Rinse pork liver, chop, twist, you can first soak, it will be even better. Put in a bowl.

Clean all vegetables. We rub the potatoes, the onions are just rubbing into a small crumb, but you can twist immediately with the liver. For fragrance, add two or three slices of garlic.

We enter an egg that will not allow the cutlets to fall apart. Since they are with potatoes, flour or starch are not needed. But if the bow gave a lot of juice, you can pour 1-2 spoons. We add salt immediately, carefully wash the mince.

Immediately proceed to frying, mince from the liver with potatoes is not recommended for a long time. We pour a slightly oil, put a spoon with a mass, fry the first side.

As soon as the cakes are twisted, we turn the blade and cover the frying pan. Cooking for about four minutes under the lid. Potatoes must reach ready.

The liver of a young piglet is practically not grieving, more tenderly taste, looks more like beef. If an adult pig was, the subproduil is necessarily soaked, you can leave it in milk all night, but only in the refrigerator.

Option 5: Lights of pork liver cutlets (recipe for oven)

To prepare such pork liver cutlets, you will need small molds from silicone. They allow you to easily bake mince portion, nothing sticks, cutlets are the same size.


  • 400 g of pork liver;
  • egg;
  • owka head;
  • 1.5 spoons sour cream;
  • spice.

How to cook

Pork liver twist together with onions, lay out in a bowl, add an egg and one full spoon of sour cream. Thoroughly stir. Salt and other spices put in your own taste.

Unlock the hepatic mass by molds. We put the oven breathed to 220 degrees for 10 minutes.

We take out the cutlets, lubricate the remaining sour cream, only a thin layer, put in the oven for another 10 minutes.

In addition to sour cream, a grated cheese can be used, we sprinkle on top of a thin layer. After baking on the cutlets, a rosy crust will appear. Cheese can be sprinkled at once, as soon as the minced meat laid down the molds.

Option 6: Hepatic Cutlets from Pork Liver (with a semolina)

For thickening the hepatic minced meat and improving taste to the product, the semolina is often added, but the trick is completely in the other point. It is important to let her face. Only in this case the cereals will swell well, it will not criste on the teeth, the taste and consistency of the kitlet will improve.


  • 500 g of pork liver;
  • 4 spoons of mankey;
  • 80 g onions;
  • 100 ml of oil;
  • 1 egg.

How to cook

The oil specified above is used for frying. Cut the liver, after removing large films. Cut into pieces, pour with milk or just with water, after soaking to merge into a colander, let the water stroke.

Cut the purified bow comfortable for twisting slices, crushing with pork liver.

We smash one large egg to the bowl, in the same stage in the hepatic minced stuffing, we introduce the spices and add the semolina cereal. Mix well, leave. Let the cereal sweeping at least half an hour. A bowl with the liver is better to cover, so that individual grains do not swell.

Pour half oil into the pan, we put it over. Before frying the kitlet re-stirring the hepatic minced stuffing. Lay out a spoon small pellets. It is not necessary to smear them, as it is not pancakes. Just give a neat shape, fry.

The size of the liver kitlet is a personal matter of every mistress. Usually one thing is laid out the dining room (sometimes dessert) stuffing spoon. It is desirable that the cutlets were the same with each other in thickness. In this case, they will be thrown evenly.

Option 7: Lights of pork liver cutlets with packed vegetables

You can simply fry the onions with carrots and pour out into the hepatic minced stuffing, but this option is much more interesting. Exactly by the same principle you can cook pork liver and mushrooms, with them it turns out even delicious.


  • 450 g of pork liver;
  • 80 g of carrots;
  • 70 Luke;
  • 1 egg;
  • oil for frying and filling;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 2 spoons of manna cereals;
  • milk for soaking liver.

How to cook

With a pork liver, remove the films, cut it with pieces, pour with milk, to set the minimum for half an hour.

Until the sub-products are soaked, cut down onions. Three spoons of oil in a frying pan, lay the vegetable, begin to fry. We rub one carrot, add. Fry together four minutes, we leave for cooling. Do not fridge pieces of vegetables, it is enough to bring them until half-ready on average fire.

Take out a pork liver from milk. Grind and also twist the passage vegetables, garlic slice.

In the mince of pork liver and pastened vegetables, add an egg and a gun, salt, mix. Let us stand up a quarter of an hour.

Pork liver cutlets are frying and stealing vegetables quickly, the classic way is laid out with a spoon on a frying pan, are twisted on both sides.

It is not necessary to prepare the cutlets only from pork liver. The dish will turn out noticeably delicious if you add a little beef or chicken liver.

Option 8: Original hepatic pork liver cutlets with lard

For some reason, the pork liver is not so highly appreciated as beef by-products, that is why much cheaper. In fact, and from it you can prepare a lot of delicious dishes. Salad and pork liver cutlets are especially successful. This is a very tender and juicy dish, which combines absolutely with any side dishes.


  • 500 g of pork liver;
  • 1 egg;
  • 120 g of sala;
  • 3 spoons of flour;
  • 100 g onions;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 slices of garlic;
  • spice.

Step-by-step recipe classic hepatic kitlet

So that the liver is not prouded, be sure to remove all the films from it, cut into pieces, pour cold raw milk for an hour. For savings, you can use chilled black tea, you do not need sugar into it. Then we remove the pieces, crushing. The liver is easily passed through the meat grinder, cut off with a combine or blender, as it has a delicate consistency.

Clear onions, cut, chop out the biscuit, like garlic. You also need to twist fat. You can simply cut it with small cubes so that in the cutlets there was a spicker. All this connect with the liver.

We introduce spices to your taste. You can fill the liver mince only salt, as it still has garlic. Sometimes a little greens add. Thoroughly, we add egg, flour. We make a thick mass, which is hardly stirred by a spoon, stretches for her.

We warm the oil in a skillet. We recruit the stuffing stuffing of pork liver, send it into fat, make the cutlets and fry on both sides. The liver does not need to cover anything, it is preparing enough quickly.

So that the minced meat does not stretch behind a spoon, it needs to be saved every time in cold water. You can, when you lay out the boiler to the pan help myself another spoon.

So that the pork liver is not prouded, it only needs to soak in milk or ordinary water within 1-2 hours. Cutlets are obtained very tasty if you add carrots with onions and garlic in them. Recipe, favorite in our family, we present you with a step-by-step photo instruction.


  • Pig liver - 1 kg
  • Flour - 1-1.5 glasses
  • Bulb onions - 150 grams (2 bulbs)
  • Carrot - 150 grams (2 pieces)
  • Vegetable oil - For frying
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Soda - 0.5 ppm
  • How to cook pork liver pancakes

    1 . The sub-products cut into large pieces to then pass through the meat grinder and put into water or milk for a couple of hours.

    2 . Onion carrots and garlic clean, cut, rub. If you pass through the meat grinder, you can cut into large pieces.

    3 . We twist the liver, carrots, onions and garlic on the meat grinder and add flour, salt and soda. Mix. The mince must turn out to be a consistency like a thick Hercules porridge (). If it turned out liquid, add flour.

    4 . Pour vegetable oil in the pan, heat and put on the middle fire. Spoon pour laying out mince for hepatic kitlet. Cover the pan with a lid.

    When the pancakes are changed from above (it will be clear that the minced meat is not raw, but baked), turn the cakes. Fry on the other hand. If you pierce the olhesis, there is no traces of minced meat on the toothpick (forks), it means that it is ready.

    Delicious pork liver cutlets are ready

    Bon Appetit!

    As you know, the cutlets can be prepared from many products. In addition to classic, minced meat, popular and fish. This dish of carrots, potatoes, beets and even cabbage uses no less popular. Make them and from a wide variety of croup. But for some reason, such dishes from the sub-products do not use much popularity. Although it is this dish not only tasty and useful. It is also a small-calorie, and therefore should please the adherents of numerous diets.

    By the way, about kilocalories. In pork liver of them only 109 per 100 grams of the product. Accordingly, dishes from it are dietary.

    Pork liver cutlets "Classic"

    This is the easiest recipe of the liver kitlet. They are preparing a little more than half an hour, and as for calories, there are approximately 130 in this dish (naturally by 100 g). True, as a result, pancakes are turned out rather than the cutlets, but this is already a question of wording. Products are required quite a bit, so the dish can also be attributed to the low-budget. And there are such cakes from the following ingredients:

    • pork liver - 500 g;
    • onion - 1 middle size head;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 150-200 g;
    • spices (for example, set "Olive herbs"), salt and pepper - to taste;
    • oil for roasting.

    Level to wash, remove films and veins (if available), then cut into small pieces. Bulb clean and divide into 4 parts. Prepared to skip through the meat grinder. In principle, you can use a blender for this purpose, a food processor. Experts are nothing against this method of grinding have no.

    In a bowl with onions and liver, smash the eggs, add salt, spices and thoroughly mix everything. Now in the prepared mass you can add flour. And all the flour immediately pour out in the dishes with the minced meat. It is better to do with a portion of 1-2 spoons, thoroughly mixing the resulting semi-finished product. As a result, the mass of thick consistency should be obtained.

    Pour oil in the pan and warm up to warm up. Now with the help of a spoon, put on it the resulting minced stuff and shape the cakes. For a long time to fry such cakes, it makes no sense, enough 2 minutes on one side and 2 minutes on the other.

    Pork liver cutlets with semolina

    Despite the ease of preparation, these cutlets are extremely tasty. The calorie content of the same dish remains quite low. At the same time, the pancakes themselves are fluttered and in appearance are practically no different from an ordinary dish made of meat minced meat. First you need to prepare the following products:

    • pork liver - 500 g;
    • semolina cereals - 150 g (approximately 7 tablespoons);
    • onions - 2 small heads or 1 large;
    • garlic - 3 teeth;
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • oil for roasting, breadcrumbs, soda, vinegar.

    Leek Clean and cut into 4 parts. Wash the liver and cut into small pieces. Turn through a meat grinder. To mince add an impetuous or crushing garlic. A little (about 1/3 teaspoon) soda to extinguish with vinegar and together with semolina to add to the ingredients. Salt the mass, pepper and thoroughly mix. Finished mince to refrigerate.

    After half an hour, you can start cooking the kitlet. Farsh get out of the refrigerator to form with a tablet cutlets with a tablet, cut out in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan in preheated oil.

    Cutlets with a semolina flashed a little longer than in a classic recipe for 8-10 minutes, about 4-5 minutes on each side.

    Hepatic cutlets with "Hercules"

    This recipe also takes a little strength and time. And the caloric content of the finished dish is not higher than that of the previous version. True, a set of products that will be needed for cooking somewhat wider:

    • pork liver - 400 g;
    • oatmeal (suitable ordinary "Hercules") - 100 g (approximately 7 tablespoons);
    • carrots - 1 root of the average value;
    • flour - 2-3 tablespoons;
    • spices (preferably "olive herbs"), salt and pepper - to taste.

    Liver, carrots and onions cut into pieces of small size and scrolling through a meat grinder. Add to a mixture of oatmeal, spices, salt, pepper and mix well. Finished minced fridge, at least 30 minutes. Then from it you can form cutlets and fry on vegetable oil for about 10 minutes.

    Pork liver cutlets with rice

    Everybody has long been accustomed to meat cutlets with rice. With the same landry, pork liver pancakes are well. With them a little more than with previous recipes, because it is pre-welded. As for calorie content, in this option it also does not raise. So, you need to prepare:

    • pork liver - 500 g;
    • rice - 150 g;
    • onions - 1 medium sized head;
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • starch - 2 tablespoons;
    • basil, salt and pepper - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - for frying.

    First you need to cook and cool rice. Crow is better to cook a little longer than for a regular side dish, so that it turns out slightly sticky. Experts recommend keeping rice on fire for about 30 minutes.

    Further, everything is standard. Leek Clean and cut into 4 parts. The sub-product cut into pieces and skip through the meat grinder together with the bow. Egg beat a wedge or fork and pour into dishes to already prepared products. There are rice, starch and spices. Mix mix thoroughly. And you can immediately sculpt small cutlets, which should be frying from both sides by about 2-4 minutes each.

    Hepatic pancakes with buckwheat (satisfying "

    As already mentioned above, the liver pancakes can be prepared with almost any crop, in particular with buckwheat. The method of cooking them is not much different from the same dish with rice. But some discrepancies still have. First you should get acquainted with the list of products:

    • pork liver - 500-600 g;
    • buckwheat - 150 g;
    • onions - 1 medium sized head;
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • flour - 2 tablespoons;
    • salt and pepper - to taste.

    Crupes to go through, rinse well and boil to readiness in a slightly salted water. Onions finely cut, fry on vegetable oil until golden color and mix with the finished buckwheat.

    Wash the liver in a large amount of water and slightly dry with napkins. After that, it should be cleaned from films and veins, and then cut into pieces and skip through the meat grinder.

    Combined the resulting mass with buckwheat and onions, salt, pepper, add an egg, flour and pretty kneading.

    Stuffing with a spoon lay out on the pan, forming a cake and fry in vegetable oil for about 4 minutes on each side.

    Pork liver cutlets with potatoes

    A good supplement of offal can serve as potatoes. There is no longer worth talking about low calorie content. But the taste is wonderful. To prepare such a culinary masterpiece will have to stock:

    • pork liver - 300 g;
    • potatoes - 3-5 medium tubers;
    • onions - 1 medium sized head;
    • egg - 2 pcs.
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • bread crushers and vegetable oil - for frying.

    Potatoes clean, boil, cook puree and leave cool. Liver and onions cut into small pieces (the latter, of course, to clean) and skip through the meat grinder. The resulting mince mix with potato mashed potatoes, add eggs and carefully drive them into the resulting mass. The finished minced meal needs to be salted, pepper and mix thoroughly. Immediately a small advice: if the minced meter turned out to be liquid, then you can add some flour to it.

    It remains only to roll the cutlets, cut into breadcrumbs and fry on vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes on each side. By the way, a slightly reduced calorie content of this dish can be cooked for a couple. It will take this a little longer - about 30-40 minutes.

    Pork liver cutlets with a downtown "home"

    Despite some monotony in the recipe and cooking methods, pork liver pancakes should not be considered a weekly dish. Chic dinner can be arranged if you cook them with the appropriate sauce or filling. It is not difficult to do this, and exotic products do not need:

    • pork liver - 400-500 g;
    • breast - 100-150 g;
    • oatmeal ("Hercules") - 3 tablespoons;
    • onions - 2 medium sized heads or 1 big;
    • milk - 100 ml;
    • sour cream - 50-70 g;
    • creamy oil - 50-70 g;
    • tomato sauce - 2 tablespoons (you can use ketchup);
    • pepper peas, bay leaf, salt, pepper.

    Oatmeal pour with milk and leave for 20-30 minutes. Clear liver from films, cut and skip through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. With the sneaker to do the same, and mix with the liver minced meat. From the dishes with oat flakes to merge milk, and his residues squeeze their hands. Wake-up flakes send to a bowl with minced meat. Salt the mixture, pepper and thoroughly mix.

    In the pan, heat a small amount of vegetable oil, lay out the stuffing spoon, shape the cutlets and fry 2 minutes on each side. Shoot in a saucepan for further extinguishing.

    In the pan, in which the cutlets roasted, melt the butter and fry in it a finely chopped onion until golden color. Then add a water diluted there in proportions 1: 1 sour cream, spices, salt and bring to a boil.

    The resulting sauce is pouring into a saucepan, close it with a lid and put it up for 15 minutes. About 10 minutes after the start of heat treatment, you can add tomato sauce.

    Serve ready-made hepatic pancakes to the table with a lulled right away. It is better to give them to stand for another 10-15 minutes. The finished dish greatly harmonizes with such headings as potato mashed potatoes or crumbly boiled rice.

    As you can see, cook pork liver cutlets are easy enough. There are no special secrets in this matter. The main rule: use only fresh liver and clean it carefully from the films. Otherwise, the taste of the finished dish will be somewhat different. By the way, if you first soak the liver in milk, then the cutlets will turn out more gentle.

    And one more nuance. Hedricted fritters are preparing fast enough. If they still remere and became dry, then to return them to the taste and juiciness can be held for some time in a double boiler.

    List of recipes

    Pork liver is a dietary sub-products, as its caloric content is only 109 kcal. Because of this, pork liver cutlets are also obtained by small calories and people who follow the diet can use them. And so that the caloric content becomes even smaller, the liver can be booked. You need to cook about 30 minutes, but before it should be cleaned and leave for 3 hours in water. We begin to understand how to prepare hepatic cutlets.

    Cutlets with potato

    Consider a simple recipe for pork liver and potatoes.


    • Pork liver - 300 gr.;
    • Bread crushers - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Egg - 2 pcs;
    • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • Onions - 1 pc.;
    • Salt, pepper - to taste


    1. Wash the liver, clean well and cut into small pieces.
    2. Onions clean, cut into pieces to skip together with the liver through a meat grinder.
    3. Potatoes clear, boil and finely confused.
    4. The liver is mixed with potatoes, drive into it two eggs, salt, pepper and mix well.
    5. If necessary, add flour
    6. Shape cutlets and cut into breadcrumbs.
    7. Fry on vegetable oil for 10 minutes on each side.

    Hepatic cutlets with potatoes are ready, and so that their caloric content can be even less, you can cook for a couple (40 minutes).

    Bon Appetit!

    We bake cutlets with sauce

    Usually all prepare the cutlets only in the pan. We offer you a recipe, how to prepare baked pork liver cutlets under sauce. Calorie will be more than usual, but this taste is worth it.


    • Pork - 500 gr.;
    • Liver and heart - 300 gr.;
    • Egg - 2 pcs;
    • Onions - 2 pcs.;
    • White crumbs - 100 gr.;
    • Garlic - 4 teeth;
    • Sumy and sweet paprika - 0.5 h.;
    • Chile - 1 tsp;
    • Milk - 500 ml.;
    • Martini - 100 gr.;
    • Butter and flour - 100 gr.;
    • Nutmeg - chopping;
    • Figs - 1 pc.;
    • Leek - 1pc (white part);
    • Salt with pepper.


    1. First of all, you need to cook sauce.
    2. Half cream oil to melt in a frying pan, after which we gradually fall asleep the flour and slowly pour milk, do not forget to stir everything.
    3. Bring to a boil, reduce fire and prepare no more than 5-6 minutes.
    4. Upon readiness to remove from the fire, add a second half of the oil with a nutmeg, salt and pepper, stagnate.
    5. After 10 minutes, mix with martini. Sauce is ready.
    6. Meat and sub-products wash, cut into pieces, onions and garlic cleaned, cut down.
    7. All be checked in the meat grinder, drive eggs, mix.
    8. Add clumsy pre-crackers, spices, salt and mix again.
    9. Forming minced fractures, put into heat-resistant dishes and pour the sauce.
    10. Leek pocket and lay in shape together with chopped figs.
    11. Send to an oven, heated to 180 degrees and prepare about 40 minutes.
    12. After time, cook another 5 min., But at a temperature of 200 degrees.

    Juicy and delicious pork liver cutlets are ready. Bon Appetit!

    Cutlets with oat flakes

    To prepare hepatic cutlets with oatmeal, you do not have to stand for a long time at the slab, and the caloric content of such a dish will be relatively small.


    • Pork liver - 400 gr.;
    • Carrots - 1 pc.;
    • Onions - 1 pc.;
    • Oatmeal - 7 tbsp. l.;
    • Flour - 50 gr.;
    • Herbs - 1 tsp;
    • Dill or parsley - a pair of twigs;
    • Salt pepper.


    1. Wash the liver and cut into pieces.
    2. Turn through the meat grinder together with sliced \u200b\u200bonions and carrots.
    3. To mince add herbs with oat flakes, at the request of salt and pepper. Mix and minimize half an hour to remove into the refrigerator.
    4. Shape cutlets and fry on vegetable oil for 10 minutes on each side
    5. Serve liver cutlets, decolates parsley and dill.

    Bon Appetit!

    Lush cutlets

    We offer another recipe, how to cook a delicious liver dish with a semit. The caloric content of the dish will remain small, and the taste will pleasantly surprise you.


    • Liver - 500 gr.;
    • Crooked manna - 7 tbsp. l.;
    • Garlic - 3 teeth;
    • Onions - 2 pcs.;
    • Breadcrumbs - 50 gr.;
    • Vegetable oil - 70 gr.;
    • Salt pepper.


    1. Wash the liver, peel onion, cut everything into pieces and turn through the meat grinder.
    2. Garlic grind and add to mincedors.
    3. A pinch of soda is repayed by vinegar and together with a semita add to mince. Salt, pepper and mix well. Remove for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
    4. Shape cutlets from mince and cut them in breadcrumbs.
    5. Fry on each side in a frying pan for 8 minutes.

    Bon Appetit!

    Hepatic cutlets with lard

    The recipe for this dish is suitable for those who are not important to calorie, as we will prepare with pork lard.


    • Onions - 2 pcs.;
    • Pork liver - 1 kg;
    • Pork fat - 100 gr.;
    • Egg - 2 pcs;
    • Flour - 100 gr.;
    • Salt and pepper.


    1. Rinse the liver, clean and cut into small pieces, then pour with milk and leave for half an hour.
    2. After that, turn the liver together with the salty through the meat grinder.
    3. Drink eggs, salt, pepper and thoroughly mix
    4. Add flour if necessary, mix.
    5. Shape cutlets and fry for 8 minutes on each side.

    Bon Appetit!

    Cutlets with rice

    Prepare quickly and just cutlets with rice.


    • Egg - 1pc.;
    • Pork liver - 500 gr.;
    • Vegetable oil - 70 ml.;
    • Fig - 150 gr.;
    • Starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Onions - 1 pc.;
    • Salt, pepper, basil.