Cake with stroke made of boiled condensed milk. Custard cakes - crochembush. Cupcake with boiled condensed milk - Photos

Ingredients (about 6 servings):
120 g (1 tbsp.) Flour (for test) + 30 g (1/4 of Art.) Flour (for rolling)
60 g (1/3 packs) cream oil (soften)
85 g (3.5 st. L) sour cream (15%)
1 tsp. Vanilla sugar
A pinch of salt
Pinching of soda
1/3 h. L. Corn
130 g (1/3 banks) of boiled condensed

The story with these cakes is the same as with, whose recipe I laid out yesterday. I will not argue that this recipe 100% refers to Jewish cuisine. I found it under the name and decided to leave it.
The dough resembles cakes for Napoleon (texture): sandy-layer, crumbly, fragile, thinner. The taste of cinnamon is very rich and allocated the most. Sweets in moderation, not shroud. At the cortex a pleasant taste. Cupcakes are obtained only with a light taste of boiled condensed milk (since. The blur of it is very thin).

In sour cream add salt, soda, 40 g (1/3 cup) flour, cinnamon, vanilla sugar. Mix the mixer thoroughly. Soft butter mix with another 1/3 cup flour (mixer).

Add the oil mixture to sour cream, mix thoroughly (mixer). Share a mass on the table, powder with flour (from the total number). To knead the dough with his hands by adding the remaining flour. Separate the dough on 3 balls. Put in the freezer for 20 minutes.

Roll out each ball into a square thickness 1 - 2 mm. I first rolled a little on the table, carefully (wound on the rope) suffered the dough on the tray and stretched out. Plug the fork, the edge of the knife or toothpick (so that bubbles are not formed in the test).
Bake for 15 minutes at 175 degrees (to brown shade). Separately every crude.
Crop the irregularities of cores. Each crude (you can not wait for their complete cooling) to lift the boiled condensed milk (thin layer). Folded the cakes on each other. Trimming to grind with hands or rolling pin. Sprinkle them up and press.

It turned out a cake (I don't know how to call it until it is cakes) 15 x 18 cm and 1.5 cm high.
Leave for night at room temperature. Cut on squares. I cut 6 cupcakes (you can 4 or 8).

The custard dough is not at all a capricious as many think. Homemade custard cakes are very easy to cook. With fillings you can spend many experiments. For example, you can make a stuffing from a custard cream, you can prepare protein cream, you can make a cottage cheese filling or stuffing from boiled condensed milk with butter. From above, cupcakes can be decorated with melted black or white chocolate or just sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Prepare the necessary products.

Pour into the pan of milk and water in the pan, put the oil, pinch the salt and bring it all to a boil.

Well, stir the boiling mixture with a wooden shovel so that the mixture in a saucepan is in a circular motion. Pull the flour and mix very quickly. Dog fire under the saucepan and continue to interfere until the dough is easy to move away from the walls of the pan. Usually for this you need only 1 minute.

Place the dough into a bowl and let him cool a little (about 10 minutes).

Enter the egg in the dough. Enter one egg and mix well every time. The finished dough will be brilliant and homogeneous.

Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil.

Put the dough on the baking sheet with a confectionery syringe (if there is no syringe, you can lay out a spoon).

Bake in the oven preheated to 190 ° C 20 minutes. Then leave the cupcakes for another 10 minutes in the oven turned off so that they dry.

Prepare cream. Beat the butter in room temperature with boiled condensed milk.

With the help of a pastry syringe, start the cakes (if there is no syringe, then cut them on one side and gently fill with a spoon with a spoon).

Cut chocolate on cubes and melt in the microwave or on a water bath.

Pour pastries on top of chocolate.

Bon Appetit!

From 01.11.2017

Guests on the threshold, and from sweets only backed pastries and condensed milk left? Any Soviet hostess knew what to do! Delicious cupcakes from cookies and condensed milk In a matter of minutes, any housewife could prepare. The recipe for all the favorite "potatoes" was transferred from a neighbor to a neighbor, from Mom to his daughter.

In the time of deficit, it was a great way to please the family of something sweet, without defending, while in the long queue. And now such a cupcake simply brings nostalgia, because this is our taste of childhood. Thanks to the speed and simplicity of cooking, this dessert is popular and many modern owners.

In this article you will find basic recipes Cupcakes with condensed milk with photos. These recipes are only the basis and soil for fantasy. By changing the grade of cookies, adding alcohol, dried fruits or nuts, decorating candied pastries, dragee, sugar powder or chocolate glaze, you can achieve an incredible taste, which will pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones.

Not only cookies for cakes with condensed milk can become the base of the Cupcakes with condensed milk, the residues of the biscuit cake or cakes, specially baked and dried biscuit, all this is suitable.


  • Homemade cookies or purchased (for example, anniversary) - 400 grams
  • Condensed milk - 150 ml.
  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • Creamy oil - 50 grams
  • Ingredients for the second recipe
  • Biscuit to taste - 3 packs
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 pack
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Favorite nuts - (to taste)
  • Dried fruits - (to taste)
  • Vanilla - (to taste)

Instructions for cooking

Cooking itself takes 15-30 minutes + 1 hour for cooling.

  1. To begin with, take any cookie that is at hand purchased in the store and prepared by your favorite recipe. Preference is given to the creamy or sugar biscuit. Think up cookies into a crumb with a pestle and a mortar, or a blender. The smaller the crumb will get, the lack of cakes will come out.
  2. Connect the base from cocoa. If you like a more chocolate taste - add more cocoa than specified in the recipe. And if you want the cupcake even more similar to potatoes - do not put in the cocoa dough. Camped in cocoa Cake with a light cut - poured potatoes. And then pour the melted oil into the dry mixture and mix thoroughly.
  3. Now you can add the most delicious - condensed milk.

    Interesting! To choose high-quality condensed milk to pay attention to the percentage of fats and moisture in the recipe. According to state standards for ordinary and boiled condensed milk, this figure should be in the range of 8.5-26.5%. As part of this condensed milk there should be no fats of plant origin, so read the composition carefully.

  4. In a traditional recipe, an ordinary white condensed milk is used. It should be introduced gradually so that the dough does not work too liquid. Stir the dough until the homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. Can be processed cupcakes with condensed milkThe form may be arbitrary, most often they are made in the form of potatoes or balls.
  6. The resulting balls cut into cocoa and send a cake to cool into the refrigerator at least an hour.

Calorie Cupcake with condensed milk - 310 kcal per 100 grams.

Recipe Cakes with boiled condensed milk

  1. Turn cookies into a small crumb with a meat grinder, add chopped nuts and sparkling raisins.
  2. Pour sugar and cocoa to the bowl, please add vanillin or vanilla sugar. Drip a couple of art. Cognac spoons if the dessert does not try children.
  3. Enter boiled condensed milk and oil into a dry blank and mix well.
  4. Plugging the dough on a little bit, form the oblong cupcakes made of boiled condensed milk and cookies.
  5. In order for the cakes to be similar to the real potato, make it sprinkles made of soft oil (20 grams) with powdered sugar (1 h. Spoon). Scroll through this mixture and place in the confectionery syringe, apply "eyes" and remove the dessert into the refrigerator.

    Interesting! In the USSR, boiled condensed milk on an industrial scale was not made. She was cooked at home, in a water bath, now many have a story about the blown bank of condensed milk in arsenal.

  6. Cupcake with boiled condensed milk You can roll in the form of balls, and cut into coconut chips, such a feed looks very exotic and saves time.

Time for preparing - 30 minutes.

The history of condensed milk

All the favorite potato cake in the 19th century in Finland appeared. According to various sources, he invented his famous poet Johan Roneberg or his wife. When unexpected, but important guests arose on the threshold, and in the kitchen there were only stale crumbs of cookies and a little alcohol.

The cookies, at the time, bought with large bags, and at the bottom of the Kulka there was a large number of crumbs. Mixing cookies with sour cream, jam and brandy turned out plastic dough, from which the owners rolled balls, baked and decorated with berries from jam. Guests perceived the cake with a bang, and after which the recipe became known to many confers.

Now confectioners in all countries are preparing and improving the recipe for the cake. We try new ingredients and creams, and in Russia the cigarette cupcake from condensed milk is best tasted, thanks to availability and the opportunity to store this ingredient for a long time in the refrigerator, on the "black day".

However, it costs to note one main difference between our potatoes from Finnish recipe: no heat treatment. In the Soviet Union, the cupcake was made of biscuit cropping or crumbs of sweet cream. And the hostess did homemade cupcake with condensed milk.

If we consider the history of cakes with condensed milk in Russia, then something like this was done at the beginning of the twentieth century in taverns, in order to dispose of old cakes. None in any culinary book of this time of this recipe, because It was only a way to save overdue products.

In the times of Soviet power, the cakes became a very popular dessert, and not a second-time snack. They were prepared in each factory and student dining room.

The dessert was obtained for the external similarity with the root plant. Cupcakes made of condensed milk fell into cocoa to hide inhomogeneous content. And after it began to decorated with oil, to give even more similarity.


Milk condensed 380 ml
Sour cream 250 g
Salt 1 tsp
Soda Food 2 g
Vinegar Table 6 ml
Wheat flour 360 g
Cinnamon hammer 1 tsp.
Vanilla sugar 2 ppm
Margarine 200 G.


1. Prepare a condensed milk. To do this, we take a saucepan, put the bank of the condescellum, fill with cold water so that the water covers the entire jar and cook 2 hours from the moment of water boiling.
2. In the bowl lay down sour cream, salt. Gasim soda vinegar and add to the bowl. We put flour, cinnamon is ground, vanilla sugar and mix carefully mixer. Mild margarine mix with flour and add to the bowl, and continue to knead further
3.. After a thorough mixing of all ingredients, lay the dough on the table, poured with flour, and knead the dough with your hands, adding a glass of flour. Next, we share the dough into three parts and make a bun from each part. We put in the freezer for 20 minutes.
4. Roll off the bun in a layer with a thickness of 1-2 mm, lay out on a baking sheet. Making holes for a fork so that air bubbles are not formed inside the test. Heat the oven to 175 degrees and bake 20-25 minutes to light brown.
5. Each loophole layer, we lubricate the boiled condensedience immediately as soon as it was taken out of the oven. Lubricate from the calculation of 1/3 banks for the korzh. And so repeat with all three korzhi
5. The finished cake is cut from 4 sides to get a smooth rectangle. Trimming need a Ceingness, in not very small crumb. Sprinkle with a crumb on top and give a little palm. Put for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator, and better at night so that the cakes are soaked. Cut on the cakes and rather put the kettle. Bon Appetit!

Cupcake with boiled condensed milk - Photos