What can be prepared from the Markotod. Billets for winter from the berry of the black rowan. Marking jam at home - the simplest recipe

One of the most valuable berries in the household plots is aronym. Tart and unsweete the taste make a blackcloth less popular compared to, for example, with strawberries, cherries or sea buckthorn. However, the beneficial properties of black rowan are standing in order to prepare them for the winter. How to keep black-like rowan without cooking? It is this question that often arises when you do not want to cook compote or jam. There are several available ways to keep vitamins in Arone fruits.

At first glance, each of these ways seems simple. And yet it will not hurt to refresh the technology of each process. After all, it depends on how fully the berries will retain its quality and composition.

How to keep black-like rowan without refrigerator

In order to dry out the collected fruits of the Arony, you can use a special drying cabinet, oven or provide the possibility of berries dry by naturally outdoors. According to the instructions on the preparation of fruit-berry raw materials, it is not washed before drying, as this can cause damage to plant raw materials during the dehydration process itself. Wash dry fruits immediately before use.

Drying outdoors

This is the longest way at home, which does not always end with success. If you chose it, excalate the berries with a thin layer on trays or wooden planks. You can hang brushes with fruits on the rope and dried in a suspended state.

You should choose only intact specimens, otherwise there is a risk of mold during drying. Trays or lattices with blacklodes need to be placed in a ventilated place, where the straight rays of the sun do not fall. When drying outdoors, it is still desirable to make a test drying in the oven for 15-20 minutes before packaging in the container.

Drying in the oven

This is a more popular and efficient way. For this, the oven includes a minimum temperature (about 40 degrees) and put in it with a scattered rowan berries in one row. If necessary, you can slightly open the oven door so that you can leave extra pairs of moisture. It will also prevent berries from overheating and sticking to the opposition.

After 30-40 minutes, when the fruits are slightly used, the temperature is raised to 60 degrees (or closed the oven door). After drying, the arony should keep its natural color. If the berries have become red or punched, it means that you have stopped raw materials.

Drying in thermostat

It is very convenient, but it is clear that for this you need the device itself. If you have the opportunity to take advantage of them, then this is what "the case is in a hat." You can only set the desired temperature - 60 degrees and wait for a complete drying of raw materials.

Store dried black-like rowan in the winter best in the bags of fabric or paper. The maximum storage period is 2 years.

Well dried black rowan berries lose excessive tartness, and become even slightly sweet and with gentle acid. They can be safely used in winter for cooking compotes or tea with rosehip. Just do not use the thermos for this. Better use here - although it is described for a dry rosehip, but also suitable for Arony.

How to keep the aronium of fresh

You can try another way of storage. It will help to do without sugar and without cooking. For this, it is important to collect berries not damaged and whole clusters. You should not wash them. Broke rowan gently laid in cardboard boxes or basket with a small layer. Capacities can be the others, the main thing is that they are ventilated.

Tar with fruits put in a cool room, where the temperature is maintained from zero to +10 degrees and humidity 75-85%. In such conditions, the chokeboard can be stored for several months.

How to freeze in black rowan

Before sending berries to the freezer, they need to go through, remove the fruits and leaves. If you decide to wash the berries, then in front of the freezing they need to dry outdoors. Then the aronium is folded into flat containers or trays. It is not necessary to close tightly or tie into polyethylene packages, since in this case the entire condensate will turn into ice.

After the rowan fruits are completely blocked, they are shifted into packages that can already be tied up or tightly. The shelf life of frozen fresh black rowan rowan is very long and may be more than a year.

How to save aronium with sugar without cooking

Marking, flew with sugar

Since the black-like rowan is not very acidic, sugar and berries can be taken in equal amounts. Fruits are sorted, wash, after which they are passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. Sucked half of the sugar, stirred and give it to brew 10-20 minutes. Then add the rest of the sugar sand.

Ready dessert spill on banks. To prevent the product damage, it is desirable to pour out an additional sugar layer with a thickness thickness. Keep a coasting black rowan needed in the refrigerator.

Ureated black rowan

Even if you have never tried to make a drenched lingonberry or cranberry, to prepare a similar way to aronia will not be difficult. To do this, the washed berries pour into a glass or enameled container. Then pour the contents of the marinade, which is preparing according to the next recipe.

One tablespoon of sugar is taken on one liter of water, ½ teaspoon of neural salt, 2-3 carnations, chopping with ground cinnamon. Water with added ingredients is adjusted to a boil and then cooled.

Spilled rowan berries keep in room conditions 3-4 days. After this, the tank time is tightly closed and removed into the cool place. You can store the uroin black rowan rowan all winter. It has a kind of taste and saves all its beneficial properties.

Homemade Wine from Arony

This is another way, how to maintain in the home the black-like rowan without cooking and not freezing. From Aronyus it turns out a peculiar wine with tart and refreshing notes. Many are added to its berries, apples or currants, but this is a matter of taste. Wine from black rowan is perfectly suitable, for example, for the preparation of Mulled wine in winter. Remember the recipe:

Let your autumn billets from Arone bring you the benefit of winter!

Aria, black rowan, and in the people just Mokenodka - one of the most useful fruit crops grown in our gardens. The billets from it are not only tasty, but also extremely useful, the main thing is to prepare them correctly.

Blackfold Rowan. One of the most useful fruit crops

Motherland - North America. In our country, Aronia was first used as a spectacular decorative plant. Only in early 50s this culture began to be grown as fruit. Arony berries began to eat not only in the fresh, but also in dried, frozen and canned form.

Useful properties of Arony

In terms of the number of people contained in it useful for the human body, the substances are not inferior to the human body, but according to taste, it even surpasses it.

Arony berries Core vitamins and useful substances

As part of the fruits of Arone, there are beta-carotene and vitamins such as: B1, B2, B6, E, P, C and K. In addition, the rowan berries are rich in glucose, fructose, sucrose, pectin and tanning substances, as well as macro and microelements, such as: Bor, fluorine, iron, molybdenum, copper and manganese.

Berries and chokeberry leaves are used in folk medicine for:

  • normalization of the intestinal work and lowering cholesterol in blood;
  • withdraw from the human body of some radioactive substances and heavy metals;
  • improve the functioning of the liver and as an excellent choleretic agent;
  • enhance immunity;
  • normalization of blood pressure.
Important: Like many other plants used in traditional medicine, Aronia has contraindications to use. Her consumption not recommended With:
  • thrombophlebitis and elevated blood coagulation level;
  • ischemic disease;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • varicose veins.

How to collect chokebroine rowan

So that arony berries are preserved as long as possible, they must be absolutely dry. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the black rowan rowan in the afternoon when the dew is already falling, and exclusively in dry weather.

After the harvest of Aronia is assembled, it's time to think about how to save it. For this there are several ways: storage of black-flow rowan in fresh form, dried or frozen.

Storage of fresh black-flow rowan

In the fresh form, the black-like rowan saves all useful properties. The only thing that might disappear is in this way it can be kept relatively long.

True, this term can be somewhat nevertheless. For this, the black-flow rowan is collected in a certain way - without breaking the fruits from the brush. That is, do not break each berry separately, and they cut a whole bunch at the base. Brushes with berries are laid out into one layer in cardboard or wooden boxes and remove it for storage in a cool room or hang on a pre-stretched rope.

Storage of dried black rowan

In the berries of the black rowan rowan, vitamins and useful substances will also be preserved, but for this they need to be properly dried.

Arony berries are cut off with their brushes, wash, give drain water and dried in the oven or dryer.

Drying berries in the oven

Fruits are laid out on a baking sheet, in advance with parchment, put in the oven and withstand 30 minutes. at a temperature of + 40 ° C. The temperature is then increased to + 60 ° C and continue to dry until prepared.

Important: The berries of the black-rowed rowan can not be overwhelmed, so constantly monitor that during the work they do not acquire a reddish (or brown) shade. It is such a color that will be evidence that the berries are overpowering.

Drying berries in the dryer

The berries of the black rowan rowan are decayed in it a smooth layer, the temperature and duration of the drying (according to the instructions for the device) are exposed.

The dried arony berries are placed in a bottle or any other comfortable plastic (glass) container, which does not miss moisture and remove to be stored in a dry room, which is often ventilated.

Storage of frozen black rowan

Black-rowed rowan berries are packaged on small containers (in advance washed and absolutely dry), calculating the volume on such a portion, which is planned to be used at a time.

Containers are cleaned into the freezer, to a quick frost office. Do this in order to in the process of freezing the sugar contained in the berries of the black rowan rowan, did not turn into starch.

Of the frozen berries of arony, not only fragrant tea, but also compote, and also add them to various flour products. Before use, the rowan fruits are deflated at room temperature and whipped with a blender in the puree.

In addition to storing black-flow rowan in fresh, dried and frozen form, it can be prepared from it with a lot of delicious and very useful delicacies: excellent juices and compotes, unusual jams, various fruit and syrups.

  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.


  1. Berries are cut off with brushes, wash under running water and give drain.
  2. Blanc 5 min. In boiling water, after which they immediately omit in cold water for 30 seconds., They give a track again.
  3. From water and sugar are preparing a syrup, which pour berries, bring to a boil, boil about 5 minutes. And, removing from the fire, leave for 10-12 hours for impregnation.
  4. Then they put on a small fire and boiled up to readiness, which is determined by syrup: they dial a little into a spoon and drop a drop on the plate. If the syrup does not spread - the jam is ready.
  5. Hot spill it through sterilized banks, roll and remove storage.

For cooking you will need:

  • black-flow rowan (berries) - 0.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.


  1. Apples wash, cleaned from seeds and peel and crushed with a blender.
  2. Black-rowed rowan wash and 3-5 minutes. Blanches in boiling water.
  3. Syrup prepares from water and sugar.
  4. Apple puree is added to the rowan berries and, bay all the syrup, leave for 3-5 hours.
  5. After this time, the jam put on a small fire, allowed to boil and, boil 5 minutes, leave for 3-5 hours. If the rowan berries did not soften, the procedure is repeated again.
  6. The finished jam is hot spilled by pre-sterilized banks and roll.

For cooking you will need:

  • rowan rowan berries - 1 kg;
  • lemon (large) - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg.


  1. Rowan berries wash, give a stance of water, stirred with half sugar and leave for 10-12 hours.
  2. Spear in a pot with a thick bottom and boil 10 minutes. (After boiling) on \u200b\u200bslow fire. If in the process of cooking the berries allocate very little juice, they can add 100 ml of boiled water to them.
  3. Lemon wash, cleaned from the peel. The zest rubs on a small grater, the pulp is cut into small cubes and all this, together with the remaining sugar, add to the supreme rowan berries. Boiled on low heat for another 15 minutes. After boiling.
  4. Remove from the fire, they give completely cool and put cook again, this time already readiness.
  5. Hot is packaged by sterilized banks, roll and remove storage.

Secrets of delicious jam from Arony

  • berries of the black rowan rowan are somewhat dry, so before cooking jam, they need to "soften": 3-5 minutes. Blanch in boiling water, after which a few seconds to lower in cold water;
  • in order for jam from the black rowan rowan acquired even more spicy taste, it can be added a bit of cinnamon;

FROM extracts of delicious jam from Arony. Photos from Med-Explorer.ru
  • water in which berries blanched can be used to prepare compotes, because part of the beneficial substances switched to it. Just add sugar to this water, apples (or any other fruits, or berry-fruit assorted) and boil.

For cooking you will need:

  • black-flow rowan (berries) - about 300 g per can with a capacity of 3 l;
  • water and sugar - at the rate of 0.5 kg of sugar per each l water.

  1. The berries of the black rowan rinse are washed and poured into sterile banks, filling them on a third of the volume.
  2. Sugar is put into the water (in proportion 2: 1), put on a small fire, boil until complete dissolution of sugar.
  3. Berries in the bank are filled with finished hot syrup and, sterilizing them, roll them. The duration of sterilization cans with compote depends on their volume: 0.5 l - 15 min., 1 l - 25 min., 3 l - 50 min.
  4. Reloined banks turn upside down, wrapped with a blanket (plaid, dense bedspread), under which they leave until complete cooling.
Tip: Compote from the black rowan rowabine will be even more piquant if you add an orange to it.

Compote from blackfold rowan and apples

For cooking you will need:
  • blackfold rowan (berries) - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • apples (small) - 12 pcs.;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 4.5 liters.


  1. Apples and black-like rowan are wedged with equal portions in two sterile cans with a capacity of 3 liters.
  2. Sugar syrup is prepared from water and sugar, bring it to a boil and, the bay of rowan with apples, immediately rush banks.
  3. Capacities with compotes turn down down the neck, covered with a blanket, which is removed only after the banks are completely cooled.
  4. Keep compote from apples and black rowan rowan at room temperature.
Important: The amount of ingredients in this recipe is indicated at the rate of two cans with a capacity of 3 liters.

Syrup from black rowan For cooking you will need:

  • black-flow rowan (berries) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • citric acid - 15 g;
  • cherry leaves - about 50 g.


  1. Cherry leaves rinse and 2 min. Drill in water.
  2. After this time, they need to be removed, add the washed rowan berries into the water, bring to a boil and peck for 5 minutes.
  3. Add citric acid, mix and leave and leave it for a day.
  4. Then carefully strain the composition so that the precipitate formed remains in the saucepan.
  5. To the filtered (you can use several layers of gauze) fluid added sugar and, constantly stirring, bring the mixture to a boil.
  6. Ready Syrup is hot pounded by pre-sterilized banks and roll.
The syrup from the black-like rowan is used to prepare various drinks and jelly, and as an unusually appetizing addition to ice cream and pancakes.

From the draft rowan, as you have seen, you can cook many useful and incredibly delicious blanks. I have no doubt that the secrets of cooking various tastes from Arony have and you have! I will be very grateful if you reveal them in the comments.



Why do the black-water rowan make billets for the winter more often than from the usual? Who at least once tried this tart sour-sweet berry, understands the preferences of the owners. So that you can join the army of Fans of Markotodki, we collected usual and not very recipes for orders.

In urban courtyards, you can often see red rowan, a small and not delicious berry. Therefore, the impression at the sight of a black variety is somewhat undermined until you try. It tastes, of course, not sugar, but it makes it such a valuable material for culinary experiments. The fruits themselves grow clusters, berries are large, with elastic skin. Matures blackcloth at the beginning of autumn. But you do not need to rush with the collection of berries, if you do not have natural competitors, for example, birds. Because the maximum useful Rowan will be after the first frosts, then the time is the time for sunset for the winter.

Red Rowan

In addition to the charming taste, which can be obtained using various canning techniques, this berry has a healing effect. It is the most desirable one on the table in hypertensive, but also useful it to people with gastritis (in the case of reduced acidity), with high permeability of vessels, atherosclerosis and other illnesses. But it is necessary to clarify the recommended doses of this berry in the treatment or prevention of any diseases. Of course, the chokeholder and billet itself will become a storework of vitamins and minerals during avitaminosis.

Berries of Mokeal

Do you think there is no place for this berry on your table, because you do not like jam or compote? Do not hurry to close the page, because of it prepare for the winter much more dishes, as well as dried, lay and insist. We will try to offer those recipes that you get. This berry is not suitable unless with ulcers and suffering gastritis with a high level of acidity.

The best way to maintain the useful properties of the Mokeal - do not cook. But the likelihood that she will last a long time, is small, you will say. It is true, but you can still give part of the crop on the preparation of this type. Berries can be saved long enough, if you do not disrupt them from the brush. To do this, cut a whole outlet at the base with scissors and spread out the rapidly these clusters in a wooden box. Put in a cool place, better cellar, where it will always be dark and the temperature will not exceed 5 degrees. You can also hang brushes to the rope all in the same cellar. The main condition - the berry should be solely dry, do not wash it and do not collect after the rain, in fog or dew.

Vintage berries

Save the useful set of metabols in the level of fresh berries will allow the drying. But the billet itself is a bit troublesome, because it is not recommended to use the oven. It is necessary to tear the berries and scatter on paper, and then break from time to time. All this should be in a warm and ventilated room, where the temperature does not rise above 50 degrees.

Drying Markotodki.

And, of course, the time of refrigerators and freezing cameras provides us with a good opportunity to keep the yoke for the winter right from the bush. But only it is very important to do it right. The berry is also separated from the fruits and is placed in the regime of a quick frost. Do not be lazy to divide the harvest in advance, an extra defrost will be the cause of the dinner of the Mark Strike. It is not recommended to wash it, unless right on the brushes to rinse with running water and dry in vivo, and then separate the berries. Usually, the fruits are not dirty with a bush, but to shoot the dust of this procedure.

The most favorite delicacy of children and adults among the billets from the black rowan rowan - jam. It turns out delicious not only with the addition of other fruits, but also purely from this black beauty, and the sour-sweet taste gives a large scope for creativity. But that she will play with all the colors, you need a small preparation of berries (in front of any jam). The rowan itself is a bit dry, therefore it is blanched - clean fruits are soaked up to 5 minutes in boiling water, and then sharply lowered in cold water. After that, we drain the water through the colander and you can proceed to the workpiece.

First, reassuring the diabetics that will hurry to scroll the recipes, the jam does not necessarily contain sugar, however, it will be very specific to taste, but very useful. We will have to sweat a little. We take a big saucepan, there will have to put banks. In order not to breed the brace with buckets in the kitchen, use 0.5 liters of container. At the bottom of the pans, put a rag so that boiling does not overturn the banks. Tara Fill in the processed berries and put in a boiling pan. The water level should be on the shoulders of the cans, and the boiling is non-intensive, because we do not cover it all with a lid. Berries will gradually settle, and your task is to plunge back, while all sex liters are not filled with jam. Everything will take up to 40 minutes, it will only remain to roll the container with a metal cover.

Blackfold rowan jam

We now turn to jam with sugar. All recipes contain approximately one ratio, it is usually: 1 kg of berries, 0.5 liters of water (you can use the one that remained from blanching) and 1.5 kg of sugar. First, they make syrup (water and 0.5 sugar) and poured the berry, bring to a boil, keep another 5 minutes and remove. After that, the container must be left for 10 hours so that the rowan is soaked. Next, you need to add the remaining sugar and do to such a consistency so that the drop from the spoon, falling on the table, did not spread, and remained lying on the ball. After that, the jam can be rolled under the covers.

You can add apples to the blackcloth, fruit should be equal (0.5 kg). The new component in the recipe is also blanched. Berodes and apples are poured with boiling syrup, give it in 3 hours, then they boil 5 minutes and leave again for 3 hours. If the rowan has not become soft, the procedure is to repeat. When the berry still succumbed to, jam can be rolled for the winter. If you dramatically change the recipe too, and you want to experiment with tastefulness, add to the water for blanching the leaves of the cherry (100 g per 1 kg of rowan) and then do the usual jam according to the method described above.

Blancing berries with apples

For lovers of bright flavoring mixes, we suggest trying recipes with citrus. You need only 2 orange and 1 lemon per 1 kg of rowan. Previously citrus pass through the meat grinder, it does not need to remove the skin. Add an exotic component to such a workpiece from the march for the winter should be in front of the final brand. If you want to add apples to this cocktail, then cut them with slices and lay them together with the remaining sugar (citrus fruit are waiting for your turn aside). Just do not hurry to put on fire, first give all the ingredients to boost each other for 3 hours. Then aware of 10 minutes and leave again for 5 hours. Now the citrus queue has come and remains to bring jam to the desired consistency.

If you prefer compotes, then a few options can be made from the blackcloth for the winter. The easiest is a single pouring syrup. 1/3 Banks of peeled and cooked berries are covered to the neck with syrup (sugar: water - 1: 2, boil 10 minutes). The packaging must be sterilized before the berry there. As soon as the syrup was inside the jar, it rolls it with a metal cover, compote is turned upside down and carefully wrapped for uniform cooling. Then everything goes into a cold dark place and remains to wait for the winter.

Pouring syrup

In the first way you need to guess the number of syrup, and if the eye is not yet suitable for the ordering, you can make a compote differently. Fall asleep berries, pour them with boiling water to the neck and download all this in a saucepan, placing a little boiling water from above as a stock in bulging. We cook the whole mixture until the skin of the berries cracks, then we fall asleep sugar and still cook 10 minutes. It remains to decompose evenly berries for banks, pour the compote received and roll in the lid. True, such a long heat treatment can reduce the content of the useful substances.

If you also want experiments with citrus fruits, then before folding the berries and syrup in banks, prepare peeled lemon and orange peeled. In each 3-liter portion of the compote, it is enough for a couple of medium-sized fractions.

Lemon and Orange for Compote

You can take another beroda, which raw is hardly eating, but in the seedings it gives an interesting taste. It . Together with the blackcloth for a compote, it is washed and dried. The ratio of sea buckthorn and rowan 2: 1. And the sugar will need 130 g for every 3 liters of water. Tar is sterilized and fill on 1/3 berries. They pour syrup there, and we put the jar in a boiling pan and again sterilize with compotes. For 1 liters, 10 minutes is enough, and for 3 liters will have to wait for half an hour. Then compote rush the lids, also pre-steamed, turn over, Kunta for several days.

If you taste more to taste, then this recipe is by the way. We take berries, my, dry and crushing. Then you need to pour the resulting cleaner with cold water (for each kilogram of such a puree is enough 3/4 cups). Further put it all on a weak fire and cook about 15 minutes. Now we are looking forward a little to cool the mixture, but not completely, and let it under the press, and the juice obtained at the outlet, not laying in a long box, we send to filter into several layers of gauze. But the juice is not yet ready, it should be brought to a boil and hold for another 5 minutes and only then pour over sterilized bottles or banks. Store them should also be in a cool dark place.

If you are not a sweet tok, then maybe you will have to taste alcohol? Quickly and just can be made. To do this, you feed the jar 3 l to the top with washed berries, bring with sugar (0.5 kg) and pour vodka. To the edge of the neck must be left 2 cm. The jar must be closed with a plastic lid and store 2 months in the refrigerator. After that, filter, pour on bottles and send again to a dark cool place, you can in the cellar, wait for your o'clock.

Califle from Markotodki.

Fans of wine will have to work a little more. It is better to use a bottle of 10 liters. First, grind the blackcloth (2 kg) and put in the container, we send 1.5 kg of sugar on top. To help wander, a handful of raisins and gray rice is thrown in the future. The starting potion is ready, it remains to put in a warm place and put on a glove on the neck, where the middle finger prudently punctured. Enough your wine every day and take the bottle, but do not remove the glove.

When it takes 3 days, you need to capture a glass of sugar and 2 liters of boiled cold water and go to the bottle. All this is added inside, shake and get closed with a glove again. Every day, for 10 days, we shake the contents. Then we repeat this operation with the same quantities and again we are waiting for 10 days to add sugar and water again. As a result, it takes 33 days. The glove should inflate, then the wine can be merged. If this did not happen, it is still worth having to stand, in a few days I will definitely be ready.

Cooking homemade wine

When you merged wine, you need to leave it to lose the sediment. After 2-3 days, we transfer to a new bottle extremely gently to what is on the bottom, there remains. Now we are waiting for a couple of days and prepare another clean bottle. For sufficient cleanliness of the Wine Channel, such transfusions should be done at least 3 times. Further place the container with ready-made wine in a cool place, it is advantageous to buy it, optionally.

If you do not taste alcohol from your own harvest, then the seasoning will like it. Take 5 glasses of rowan and 2. Move them together through the meat grinder and add salts to taste. It remains to decompose on small jars and send to the refrigerator. Any meat dish will play in a new way on your taste receptors. In addition to long-term storage, the blackcloth can be used for baking, jelly and other dishes, but we describe these recipes in other articles.

The unique healing effect of the black-rowed rowan on the body is known to many. For the needs of pharmacology, it is grown on an industrial scale. To replenish the reserve of vitamins and microelements, for the correction of the state with different diseases, the fruits use all year round. You can simply place them in the freezer and take as a medicine, but there are many delicious ways to keep useful berries.

Black-tree rowan for the winter is jam, jelly, juice, wine and even sauce sauce to meat. Specific, recognizable taste and color may complement conventional billets from other products, as well as successfully act as the main ingredient.

Mint Rowan - Preparation Features

The abundance of the crop of a black useful berry does not depend on the wetty soot. Even in the rainy summer, the fruits are perfectly ripening and remain on the branches to the most frosts, and then go under the snow. If other garden crops can sometimes not please the amount of berries, then the black rowan rowan is always abundant.

The unique chemical composition of Arony dictates some of its preparation features:

  1. 1. Collection time. The later the berries are collected from the bush, the better. The optimal taste of the black breeding acquires after the first frosts. Before that, she may seem too tart and even bitter. If the berry is ripe, but removed before, it can be brought to the condition by placing it for a time to the freezer.
  2. 2. Features of taste. The amount of sugar in the fruits, as well as the vitamin-mineral composition, is determined by the fertility of the soil and the abundance of the sun. Under any favorable conditions for growing, enrich the taste of blanks will be odd. It softens the dishes from chock rowan lemon acid (or citrus juice) added in the minimum quantities, according to the recipe. Acid removes viscosity and makes taste easier.
  3. 3. Coloring berries. Dark burgundy, almost black juice of fruits, firmly stains any surfaces with which it comes into contact. It should be remembered that the stains from the juice are difficult to remove with enameled dishes, fabrics and furniture, to protect the hands should wear gloves.
  4. 4. Shelf life. There are few yeast bacteria in the berries, so the blanks are well stored even without sterilization. The juice of the Mokeal Lodge does not take long, but in the preparation of wine this fact creates difficulties.
  5. 5. Combination with various products. Taste and fragrance in Ryabina neurwax. It is well combined with other berries, fruits, citrus, leaves of fruit trees. Spices in the blackcloth usually do not add.

Despite the fact that the fruits of the arony are covered with dense skin, and the taste of fresh berries astringent, desserts from it are pleasant and unusually useful. Especially showing such treatments to hypertensive, people with violation of vision, when avitaminosis.

Aria with sugar without cooking

The best way to cook a delicious treat from Arone is to pull it with sugar. In the cheese product, all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved, and a large content of tanning substances and other natural preservatives in berries allows you to store the blanks on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for several months.

For the preparation of Arone without cooking, fresh and frozen fruits are suitable. The washed raw material should be dried by distributing a thin layer on a clean towel, and then crushed in a blender or skip through a meat grinder, alternating rowan portions with sugar. The ratio of products for a useful dessert: 1.5 kilograms of berries - 1 kg of sugar.

Lemon gives the workpiece more delicate taste. To do this, 100 g of sugar sand and one purified citrus peel are added to the specified amount of products. It is crushed together with any of these ways. Raw jams are left at room temperature until the grains are completely dissolved. The mixture wipe with sugar is placed in sterilized banks and closed with covers.

Blackfold rowan jam

Autumn berry is ready for processing, when almost all garden crops have finished fruiting. Therefore, the simplest jam is prepared from Arony without additives. For the recipe you will need such ingredients:

  • black-tree rowan - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - on the tip of the knife;
  • water - 150 ml.

Before cooking, fractures should be thoroughly rinsed. The berries are dense, are not deformed, so they first poured them with plenty of water, removing pop-ups, leaves and fruits, and the next is washed under a strong jet. Well purified berries during cooking do not give foam.

Cooking sequence:

  1. 1. The whole process occurs in one container, so it is necessary to immediately choose a pan with a thick bottom or a pelvis for jam.
  2. 2. Water is poured into dishes and boil on a strong fire, adding half of the sugar rate. It continues heating to the complete disappearance of grains with constant stirring.
  3. 3. Without removing the saucepan from fire, a pinch of citric acid is added to the solution.
  4. 4. Locked, washed and dried berries are suited in syrup and bring to a boil.
  5. 5. Boil the fruits of 15 minutes on medium heat and retard from the stove.
  6. 6. Sugar the remaining sugar and waiting for the cooler of the workpiece.

For several hours, a new portion of sugar is completely dissolved, and the berries are impregnated with sweet syrup. The cooled jam is re-heated and boiled 15 minutes, it is hot spilled by sterilized banks and immediately shapple. Billets from black rowan rowan do not need additional sterilization and are well stored at home at room temperature.

Compote with Aronia

You can prepare the blackcloth as a separate product or in the form of additives to other garden crops. When cooking compotes for winter from apples, pears or light grape varieties, black rowan fruits are often added. It improves the color, increases the nutritional value of the product and extends the shelf life of the conservation.

The fruits of the black rowan rowan have antiseptic properties, so the compotes can be preserved without cooking, using hot fill. For winter, such blanks are made without sterilization.

One three-liter bank will require such ingredients:

  • black rowan berries - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar sand - 0.5 kg;
  • clean drinking water - 2.5 liters;
  • one third lemon.

Sequence of compote compotation from Arony:

  1. 1. Banks with a capacity of 3 liters are pretty well wash and sterilize. Berries prepare as usual and pour into each bank, according to the recipe. Lemon cut into slices and add to the fruits.
  2. 2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar. Breaking a mixture to boil and peak 2-3 minutes.
  3. 3. Boiling fill to fill banks with rowan to the top.

Banks can be immediately rolled and wrap up to complete cooling. This workpiece is stored in a cool place. If it is supposed to keep compote in the winter in the apartment, the processing is worth producing twice: the first time you leave the syrup in the bank for 15 minutes, carefully to write, boil the liquid and reinstall the tanks.

Black rowan juice

Ripe, dark berries are suitable for the preparation of a healing drink, with pressure on which thick barded juice stands out. To prepare the fruits, they should be thoroughly rinsed, clean from the fruits, drying it is not necessary.

Methods Pressing juice from dense berries quite a lot. Depending on the kitchen equipment and fixtures, this can be done in different ways.

Using juicer

The unit allows you to get a thick, ruby \u200b\u200bdrink quickly, without spending a lot of strength. For the preparation of a drink should take at least 2 kg of berries. Since the fruits of the arony are dense and dry, juice will get a bit. By skipping the raw material through the juicer, the resulting concentrated drink can be temporarily placed in the refrigerator.

Separated cake poured with boiling water so that it is slightly covered. It is left to strengthen for 2-3 hours, and then filter through the gauze and add to the rowan concentrate.

Capacity with juice put on the stove, turn on the heating and add sugar. The amount of sugar sand depends on the desired sweetness of the finished drink and the amount of the resulting juice. Approximate product bookmark looks like this:

  • arony juice - 1 l;
  • sugar - 100 g and more;
  • lemon acid - 1/4 teaspoon.

After boiling, it is necessary to hold a blank on a small fire for another 5 minutes, and then packaged in heated sterile jars or bottles and screw the prepared covers.

With the help of Sokalovarka

Useful kitchen unit can work from the network or require heating on the stove. For the preparation of juice, it is enough to fill the housing on 3/4 water, to install the grid and a bowl with fruits, reinforced with sugar in the ratio: per 1 kg of the blackcloth - 200 g of sugar.

Close the assembly cover and include heating. After boiling, reduce the temperature to a minimum. After 45 minutes, the juice will be ready for merging immediately into sterile containers and silence. Tightly swirling tanks are wrapped and left for slow cooling for 24 hours.

Through sieve or gauze

You can get juice from rowan, rubbed it through a sieve or squeezing through several layers of gauze. This is not the easiest method and requires serious effort. To facilitate the berry procedure, it is worth blanching, and after separating the juice. Sequence of work:

  • in the dishes with a wide, thick bottom laid 1.5 kg of clean berries;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water into the capacity and, stirring, heated to a boil;
  • blanching time depends on the fetus hardness, usually 5 minutes.

As soon as the fruits are messed up, the heating can be turned off, and the berries are pulled through a sieve with a wooden spoon or pestle. The remaining cake is poured with water and insist 2-3 hours, and then the liquid is re-separated. Connect the juice from two spins and, adding a glass of sugar and a pinch of citric acid, boil on a small fire for 5 minutes. Hot drink can be poured over sterile glass banks and clog. Enjoy at room temperature during the day.

Drinks from rowabins are well stored in the refrigerator or cellar. Having obtained a lot of thick, tidy and useful juice, you can make wine from it in a simple recipe.

Wine from chokefloch

The stages of the manufacture of wine from the arony differ from the fermentation of other cultures are only deadlines. Alcoholic beverages from grapes, raspberries, cherries will be ready much faster. In the black rowan rowan, a very low content of sugar and yeast cultures in its juice are reluctant. The fermentation begins only in a week, unlike the usual 2-3 days for wine. To accelerate the process, raisins, rosehip, raisin, other products with high fermentation or special start-up are added to the drink.

Before the preparation of juice, intended for wine, berries should not be washed. It will retain the larger fungus from the fruit surface, and they are responsible for the fermentation process.

Booking products for cooking homemade wine from Markotodki:

  • ripe fruits of arony - 5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • up to 50 g of non-raisin.

Berries knead hands or crushed by another available way. The further process of cooking wine consists of several stages:

  1. 1. Prepared raw materials are laid in a 10-liter glass jar, half of the sugar norm and raisins are added, stirred.
  2. 2. Cover the container of gauze and leave for fermentation for a week, having stirred a wedllow wooden spoon daily.
  3. 3. When the Mezga rises to the surface and starts to form a foam, the drink is filtered for the first time. Filling and squeezing removed thick through a gauze, all the liquid is filled through a large sieve and overflow into a clean vessel to continue the process.
  4. 4. The remaining amount of sugar and 1 l of water for re-fermentation is mixed up to the mezage. After 6-7 days, the juice can be pressing again and add to the total capacity.
  5. 5. The wine bottle is supplied with hydraulic and leave in a warm place for a period of 1 to 2 months. During this time, the fermentation process will end, a precipitate will fall on the bottom.
  6. 6. Wine is carefully drained from the sediment, sugar or alcohol add to get the desired fortress and sweetness of the drink. Split it on bottles.

The finished wine should be stored in a cool place: the fridge or cellar, where it will dive another 3-6 months. Gradually clarifying and becoming more transparent, the drink acquires a ruby \u200b\u200bcolor and a characteristic taste.

To obtain high-quality wine from the black-flow rowan with a sediment, it should be merged regularly. Not only at the fermentation stage, but also when stored. The fastened wine has a beautiful color, a pleasant taste and saves useful properties up to 5 years.

Other alcoholic beverages with a greater fortress can be prepared from the Mark Strike at home. Recipe for making cuffs Look in the video.

Syrup with cherry leaves

Sweet, useful syrup is easy to prepare and can be stored for a long time. A classic recipe involves the use of such products:

  • aria - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 4 l;
  • citric acid - 25 g;
  • sugar.

The berries are poured with steep boiling water, lemonic acid add, stirred and leave, tightly cover and hooking, for a day. Then the sparking mass is filtered, without pressing the berries so that the syrup turns out transparent.

1 kg of sugar, several cherry leaves and boiled for 10 minutes are added to each liter of the resulting fluid. After feeding the leaves, the syrup is packaged into sterile dishes and shapple. High sugar content allows you to store the workpiece at room temperature.

Jam from chokefloch

Aria is not the most juicy and sweet product, but in the content of pectin can argue with apples. When cooking, the Markotodok quickly thick. From it you can cook marmalade and jumped, add as a gelling component to other products. Jam from the row is very thick and well suited for filling baking and pancakes.

Ingredients for cooking homemade jam:

  • black rowan - 500 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water is 100 ml.

Prepare a dessert can be made of fresh, frozen and even constructed berries. The washed fruits are pre-soaked in cold water for 15 minutes.

Next steps:

  1. 1. Prepared raw materials are referred to in a blender and crushed. There should be grains in the mass, you should not turn the berries in the paste.
  2. 2. Add all portion of sugar, water and put on fire. Conduct to a boil, constantly stirring the product.
  3. 3. After 15 minutes of cooking, Jam will become quite dense. Foam, as a rule, does not appear, and it does not have to clean it.

The hot jam is laid out on the prepared small jars and rush sterilically.

Jumped with apples

Jam from Markotodki can be cooked by adding apples, then the taste will be much softer. Sweet varieties are suitable. If the skin is thin, the fruits can not be cleaned.

Composition and required amount of products:

  • 700 g of sweet apples;
  • 300 g of black rowan;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • 150 ml of water.

Washing selected fruits, rough apples are cut, removing seeds, and connect with rowan in one dish. Further prepare like this:

  1. 1. The immersion blender is crushed with a mixture of fruits before the gem-like mass. To facilitate the process, some water is added.
  2. 2. Sugar is poured into the workpiece, they are well stirred and put on moderate fire.
  3. 3. After boiling, the jam is boiled at least 20 minutes. If the thickness seems insufficient, increase cooking time until half an hour.
  4. 4. The boiling mass is unfolded by sterile banks: first a thick part, and on top of liquid syrup.

Capacity shapport and cool, no need to turn the dishes. The liquid part of the jam should remain on the surface - so the blank will be preserved better. Pectins of apples and rowan, failed together, will create enough tight mass when cooled. Jam, prepared by such a recipe, is a real storehouse of vitamins and at the same time very convenient for use. It is easy to prepare a healthy drink from it, simply diluted with water. A dense jamming consistency is successful both for filling in any pastry, and for filling on sandwiches.

Hypertensis, people suffering from diabetes, anemia, which have problems with vessels know about the beneficial properties of black rowan. Increased iodine content allows you to solve some problems with thyroid gland and protects against radiation. Simple recipes of delicious billets for the winter will help to get the wellness effect from Arony with pleasure.

In winter long nights, we enjoy in our warm houses with all what managed to prepare in the summer. And we not only strive tasty something to cook. It is still important for us to take the most from any vegetable, fruit, berries.

In the cohort of the most basic berries, from which you can cook a huge variety of winter blanks, and arias, blackfoot rowan. Its most useful qualities retain . There is a drying, pickling and so on. Special place occupies. Here we are today and exercise with this beautiful, modest in appearance, but a real treasury of vitamins, berry.

How to dry the black-like rowan?

Very simple. There are several methods. Removal from the bushes of ripe berries of the frozen, we will send to dry on the lattice. After the broken layer (2 cm) on the parchment, unfolded on the tray, and westing on the street or in the oven. If we are in the oven, then it will take about 30 minutes, at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. When the berries are cooled and juice will not be released from them, the temperature in the closet will increase to 55 degrees. But we see that everything is useful not died, for which everyone has started. The brown color of the berries is a signal of their readiness. Or, linking rowan umbrellas into bundles, spend them in the kitchen, where there is good ventilation. Quickly and with the maximum preservation of vitamins is dried by an electric car.

Application : Baking, teas, jelly, compote, etc.

Cook the jam from the black rowan rowan for the winter

Important! 100 grams of berries will enrich our body with iron, manganese, iodine. Thanks to the use of Arone berries, we may not get atherosclerosis, hypertension, we will sleep hard, strengthen the immune system, bring radioactive substances from the body. And vitamin P will strengthen the walls of the vessels, and this is one of their key advantages of these fruits.

Jam from this original with a specific taste of berries is obtained unmatched. As from other berries, it can be prepared in several ways, with the addition of other fruits, in a ferret, simply boiled form, etc.

Recipe number 1


  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Water is 1 cup.


We will give a drain of water from the washed berries. Swarim syrup and put the berries in it. It would be nice to put jam at night (for 8 hours), then in the morning it would be possible to complete the process without translating the whole day. We bring to a boil, and remove from the stove. Let it insist a few more hours. We will continue to cook until the aronymages fall on the bottom of the dishes in which it is brewed. Then jam can be rolled into banks.

Recipe number 2.


  • Black-tree Rowan - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Water - 1 cup
  • Apples - 1 -2 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves - pair of grieving


From the washed leaves of the cherry swarming syrup. For which we will send them to the Council, hollow water and bring to a boil on low heat. Sodes of infusion, weld syrup. We boil it and lower the sleeves into it and clean the berries. For 15 minutes before readiness, we put finely sliced \u200b\u200bapples. You can wipe, but you can close it.

Application : Stuffing, pastries, desserts, drinks, etc.

Recipe number 3.


  • Black-tree Rowan - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram


Berries need to rinse, give a drain of water, fall asleep with sugar and give the mass to boil. Let be cooled, and again on fire - minutes for 2-3 minutes. We will again give cool, and so - 3-4 times. If there is a sweet, you can drop a few drops of lemon juice. Then in boiling form spin in sterile banks. Berries will be witch!

Preparing a delicious jam from the black rowan

Important! Yes, berries, unspoken in appearance, also tasty taste. But you are not in a hurry to indignant, they say, what jam can get from Arony!

After all, you will get not just a jam, but a product saturated with a unique chemical station in the face of organic acids, vitamins B2, B9, E, PR and C.

Recipe number 1


  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms
  • Water - 1.5 glasses


Berries, ripe and prepared, break in a saucepan with water under the lid until they soften. Then the fruits are rubbed through a sieve, we need to get puree. After, by sending it to the enameled ass, add sugar, mix it so that it completely dissolved. Cooking in one reception and, laying up hot in pure banks, pasteurious minutes 20 minutes.

Recipe number 2, with apple adding


  • Black-tree Rowan - 1 kilogram
  • Apples - 400 grams
  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms
  • Water - 2 glasses


By adding a glass of water to Ryabnika, breaking the berries. When they become soft, skip through the sieve. It is precisely so spilling and apples, sliced \u200b\u200bby slices and filled with a second glass of water. This mass is also a flow through a sieve. In the mixture of both mashed potatoes, we put sugar, and cook, having stirred everything in one reception. In this case, the prepared banks filled with hot jam also pasteurious minutes 20 minutes.

Recipe number 2, with adding quince


  • Black-tree Rowan - 1 kilogram
  • Quince - 400 grams
  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms
  • Water - 2 glasses


Initially softening quince - it is harder than Ryabinka. Bay slices of quince with water, warm them on gas. Also proceed with prepared rowan berries. Spray them until soft. Sappel sugar, cook for about 10 minutes. Putting here and sparkled quince, cook in one app until ready. Through the mass through the sieve and decompose hot in sterilized banks. We will provide the banks for 20 minutes.
Application: baking, desserts, baking, etc.

What about the beverages from the black rowan row?

This berry is unmatched and in drinks. Color and just unique. The taste is very original. And if you consider the usefulness of the ripper, you can prepare more drinks more, and in different kinds. Let's start with the compotes, they say, they thirst quenched well and help with hypertension!

Important! How much vitamin P is 100 grams of fruits? Let's compare. 4000 mg! Then the orange and lemon contains it 400-500 mg, black currant - up to 1500, cherry and cherry - up to 900, gooseberry and lingonberry - up to 650 mg.

Recipe number 1. Compote from black rowan


  • Rowan blackfold - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - Polkylogram (for your taste)


The rimsome and removed from the twigs of the row in boiling water, and in a couple of minutes we will send in the prepared banks, taking one third or half. It all depends on the goal of the twist. If you can immediately drink, then you can make a quarter of banks to fill in berries. Add sugar to taste in boiling water, pour them with berries and twist. This carousel of tartness with sour and sweet will bring a lot of pleasure!

Recipe number 2, with the addition of apples

Important! It will be pleasantly pleased with the presence of a mass of iodide compounds in the pulp. In this regard, these fruits are inferior only to Feichoa.


  • Rowan blackfold - 5 tablespoons
  • Apples - kilogram
  • Water - 4.5 liters
  • Sugar - 4.5 glasses


It is better to choose small apples. If large specimens, then we apply them to slices. We will put everything in bottles (liter, two or three-liter) and swarming syrup. Then this boiling syrup pour apples and berries. Turning over the necks down, carefully we will bite them with something warm and leave until the morning. This amount of products is designed for two 3-hitchers. You can even store at home, and not in the cold. By the way, you can combine rowers with other fruits and different berries.

Recipe number 3.


  • Sugar


You will watch ready-made berries for a couple of days, not forgetting to change water. We will send them to banks and boiling sugar syrup, prepared in the usual way. Sterilize 25 min. - Lithing, 50 - three-liter.

Recipe number 4.


  • Blackfold Rowan.
  • Sugar


Steriline of cans with lids. I boil a few minutes of berries in boiling water. Solve decoction, lay on banks, cover with covers. By adding sugar (to taste) to the decoction, we will bring to a boil and a ruvel on banks. So do another time and tighten. Berries put as much as the soul wish - the more they are, the more concentration.

Application : For pudding, porridge, for drinking.

We make a liquor from the black rowan rowan at home

Foreign! Unique! Incredibly tasty! List of compliments to alcoholic beverages from ripples can be continued. Big plus liqueur - it can be drunk both on a holiday, and for dinner, and sudden guests to serve. By the way, you will not drink much, so he is concentrated!

Recipe number 1


  • Rowan blackfold - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar - 500 grams
  • Vodka - 1 liter
  • Carnation - 2-3 pcs.


Torn from the twigs of the berries to the promotion, let us dry and make it difficult for it in a convenient way. If only the puree came out. We will send everything into a clean bank (3 liters), put sugar and carnations here. Shocked contents, we will achieve the distribution of sugar. Close the lid and back for a couple of days. The bundle here vodka, exactly so close the lid, and forget about the drink for a couple of months. But slightly scolding regularly. Strolling, wrapped in bottles.

Recipe number 2.


  • Chernopodka - 500 grams
  • Cherry leaf - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 800 grams
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Vodka - 0.5 liters
  • Citric acid - 2 h.


In the appearance of the berries with leaves. Will with water mass and boil for 10 minutes. Then, pouring sugar, citric acid here, min. 20 Cook on a small light. How to cool down, pollete drink, wrapped in bottles and dole vodka.

We put homemade wine from black rowan

Important! Ryabinka is very popular not only in the summer time or in winter. She loves in the offseason. Especially relevant berries or products prepared from them, as a polyvitamin means for fatigue. So, 30 g of dried berries is pouring boiling water (2 glasses) and insist per night in the thermos. And then drink half a hundred cups for half an hour before meals. Useful and wine from Arony.


  • Rowan blackfold - 1 cup
  • Cherry Sheet - 50 pieces
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 250 grams
  • Citric acid - half of a teaspo
  • Vodka - Pollita


Pure rowbanks to put into the water, sucane and cherry leaves. Let leave 10 minutes on a small fire. The constraint after cool, we will put the acid lemon and sugar. We stir thoroughly and again cook on a small twinkle quarter of an hour. Having cooled, nallem vodka. Well-visited wine bottles. Let it take a couple of weeks in a dark place. Always try to taste during cooking.

Simple recipe of tincture of black rowan rowan with honey

And to ordinary meal, and to any holiday the tincture will be good. In addition to pleasant relaxation, we charge and weigh the vitamins and minerals. In the cold March days it will be a good medicine from the cold!


  • Rowan blackfold - 2.5 cup
  • Honey - 3 tablespoons
  • Vodka - 1 liter
  • Oak bark - 1 pinch


Let and not quickly prepare a drink, it is worth it! We prepare berries by passing, flushing, and lay on banks. Melted in the water bath honey in the ass, put the pure oak bark. Bay with vodka, remove the future drink away, for a month 3-4. But sometimes you need to shook it slightly. After the desired time and after filtration, we break into beautiful bottles. Tart and not sweet tincture even with a seagull - super!

Application : for tea, for a festive table.

Tsukati from black-rowed rowan for the winter

Important! If you cook the tuts from these fruit, people who are ill with diabetes will receive the perfect product with a sugar substitute, sorbitol. The substances that are in the leaves improve the liver operation. Cutty are unmatched!

Recipe number 1


  • Chernopodka - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Water - 1 cup
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon
  • Vanillin - 1 bag


After the berries meet two days in the water (we merge a pair once a day), Swarim Syrup and launch the ripples into it. Cooking an hour, in the end we put vanillin with citric acid. Berries then needed night to be in the colander. Then they scattered them on paper, and let him dry out the day. It will be well stored in a glass jar, late sugar. Do not pour syrup - it is different in tea!