How can you tell if a shock absorber is leaking? The first signs of shock absorber wear. Service Station

Car shock absorbers are designed to dampen reciprocating loads that occur during acceleration, braking, cornering, while driving over various kinds of road irregularities. On most modern cars, depending on the machine and the tasks that it will perform, the following types of shock absorbers are installed: hydraulic twin-pipe, two-pipe gas-hydraulic with low pressure gas, single-pipe gas-hydraulic with high pressure gas.

The shock absorbers are basically the same and consist of: a cylinder, a piston with a rod, forward and reverse valves, rubber seals, and may differ in size, materials, fluid and other details.

With long-term operation and without proper care, and even in the conditions of "our" roads, the car often presents unpleasant surprises. One of these is wear and tear, which threatens to result in such troubles as an increase in braking distance, wear of chassis parts and a decrease in vehicle controllability. The sad statistics of the service station says that the resource of a conventional shock absorber is on average 60-80 thousand km (depending on the roads and driving style). Shock absorber diagnostics is carried out by several methods:

visual inspection

It is required to pay attention to oil smudges, and if any, this indicates a leak in the shock absorber; shock absorber body and spring must not be deformed; assessment of tread wear - uneven spots on the tire also indicate a malfunction; corrosion of the spring and spring seat.

Grab the front (rear) of the car and rock it. In the event of a shock absorber malfunction, the machine will make more than one or two oscillations before returning to its original position. If the car stops instantly after rocking, this is a clear sign that the shock absorber is jammed. The buildup method will not be able to guarantee that the problem of the “incorrect behavior” of the car is precisely the shock absorber malfunction, because the same indicators of this diagnostic are also characteristic of other suspension malfunctions.

Shock absorber diagnostics while driving.

Pay attention to the deterioration in the quality of operation: the smoothness of the entry into the turn, the braking distance, the behavior of the car when driving on poor quality surfaces and the general handling of the car. Also, when driving, the shock absorber may make a knock, this indicates its mechanical damage. Bench diagnostics:

Vibration stand or "shock tester"- a device for diagnosing a suspension, equipped at a service station.

Allows specialists to get a shock absorber work schedule in a minimum time, compare it with the factory one and evaluate their work. Two big disadvantages are associated with this method: the performance of the shaker is affected by a change in the factory characteristics of the car, for example, the replacement of a shock absorber, as well as malfunctions of other suspension parts that manifest themselves identically.

Special stand

For a complete picture, it is necessary to check the force of the full exit and compression of the rod on a special stand, and in this case it is impossible to do without dismantling it. This diagnosis is the most reliable. The disadvantages include high labor intensity and, as a result, cost. After analysis, a decision is made to repair or replace.

Now let's take a closer look at the causes of problems and how to troubleshoot a shock absorber. Fluid is leaking from the shock absorber. There may be several reasons for this:

1. There is an excessive amount of fluid in the shock absorber - in this case, just provide the right amount of it;

2. The tank nut is loosened - tighten the nut;

3. The tank is damaged in the area of ​​​​the sealing ring - replacement or repair of the tank;

4. Knocks on the stem, wear of the chrome coating - replacement of the stem and stuffing box;

5. Damage to the sealing ring of the tank - replace the ring;

6. Damage or wear of the stem gland - replacement of the gland;

7. Damage or the presence of large corrugations on the reservoir gland - replacement of the gland.

When driving, the shock absorber makes a knock.

The first step is to check for fluid leakage - this is often the most common cause of knocking, and if a leak is found, the easiest way is to replace the shock absorber. If there is no fluid leak, perform the previously described test - “car rocking”. The knock of a shock absorber can also indicate its wear, and if operation without replacement is more than 60 thousand km, it is necessary to repair or replace it. Another common cause of knocking is air entering the outer cylinder due to fluid leakage. You can fix the problem by pumping the shock absorber, both with your own hands and at a service station.

Decrease in the density of the liquid due to loss of properties, during prolonged operation or the use of oil that is not provided for by the instructions.

You can fix the problem by replacing the fluid indicated in accordance with the operating instructions. Loose cylinder nut. Tighten the nut, add or replace the fluid if necessary. May occur in critically cold conditions. In such cases, the hydraulic fluid is replaced with a special, frost-resistant one, and do not forget to warm up the shock absorbers. Also, knocking can occur after installing new shock absorbers. Most likely, the reason is their installation on worn rubber bushings, or on shock absorbers that are not suitable for this type.

Insufficient shock absorber resistance in the forward stroke (movement of the shock absorber rod up).

The cause of this malfunction is often a leak in the bypass valve or recoil valve as a result of damaged parts, a decrease in the stiffness of the compression valve spring. The malfunction should be eliminated by disassembling the valve and replacing the parts that have become unusable. Also, the problem can be caused by: wear of the guide bushing, insufficient fluid due to leakage, burrs on the piston or cylinder, a decrease in the density and viscosity of the fluid. In all cases, replacement of damaged parts is required. Among other things, in the second option, you should add to the required amount, and in the third and fourth, replace the working fluid.

Insufficient shock absorber resistance on reverse.

A malfunction occurs due to a number of possible reasons: there is no required amount of working fluid as a result of a leak (replace parts and add fluid), the compression valve disks, guide sleeve or stem become unusable (replace parts), leakage of the compression valve (replace or repair), the working fluid is clogged with various impurities (rinse all parts and replace the fluid).

So, we examined the factors that affect the operation of the shock absorber, assessing their condition, and troubleshooting methods. Remember: timely troubleshooting of shock absorbers will allow you to prevent their destruction, failure of other parts and the body, significantly reduce repair costs and, most importantly, ensure the safety of your car.

When malfunctions occur in the front suspension of a car, one of the first measures that its owner should take is verify located between the support and the upper cup of the spring. To do this, you need to take hold of the “cup” of the rack (put your hand on the support) and shake the car. Constant sharply changing loads, including shock loads, in combination with abrasive dust particles, contribute to the wear of the components of the support leg bearing and, ultimately, completely disable it. As a result, it begins to play, knock, creak or squeak, and the shock absorber rod will deviate from its axis.

Scheme of operation of the thrust bearing

Such problems with its operation can lead to more serious consequences in the suspension of the car. Since the wear of the support bearing will lead to a violation of the wheel alignment angles, and consequently, a deterioration in the controllability of the car and accelerated tire wear. How to check, and which manufacturer of thrust bearings to prefer when replacing - we will tell you more about all this.

Consider these questions:

Signs of a Failed Support Bearing

The main sign of a breakdown that should alert the driver is knocking in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front left or right spars. In fact, other details can be sources of knocking and creaking, however, you need to start checking with the “support”.

Unpleasant sounds are especially characteristic when driving on rough roads, through pits, on sharp turns, with a significant load on the car. That is, in conditions of critical operation of the suspension. In addition, the driver will probably subjectively feel a decrease in the controllability of the car. does not respond so quickly to his actions, a certain inertia appears. Also, the car begins to “scour” along the road.

Many manufacturers provide for the service life of thrust bearings - 100 thousand km, but due to difficult operating conditions (in particular, the poor condition of the roads), they will need to be replaced after 50 thousand mileage, and if the quality of the assembly fails, then it is not uncommon after 10,000 km .

Causes of failure

The main causes of thrust bearing failure are dust and water penetrating inside, lack of lubrication there, and also not infrequently, due to a strong blow to the rack. About these and other causes of failure of the support bearing in more detail:

  • Natural wear of the part. Unfortunately, the quality of domestic roads leaves much to be desired. Therefore, when operating the machine, be prepared for the fact that the bearings will be subject to more wear than their manufacturer claims.
  • Entry of sand and dirt into the mechanism. The fact is that the thrust bearing is a kind of rolling bearing, and it is not structurally protected from the mentioned harmful factors.
  • Harsh driving style and non-compliance with the speed limit. Driving on bad roads at high speed leads to excessive wear not only of the support bearing, but also of other suspension elements of the machine.
  • Poor quality part or defect. This is especially true for domestically produced bearings, in particular, for VAZ cars.

Front support device

How to check the thrust bearing

Next, consider the question of how to determine the malfunction of the support bearing with your own hands by a characteristic feature. To do this is quite simple. To recognize how to knock support bearings, there are three methods for checking the “support” at home:

  1. It is necessary to remove the protective caps and press the upper element of the front strut rod with your fingers. After that, swing the car from side to side by the wing (first in the longitudinal and then in the transverse direction). If the bearing is defective, you will hear the familiar thud you heard when driving the car on a rough road. In this case, the car body will sway, and the rack will either stand still or move with a smaller amplitude.
  2. Place your hand on the coil of the front damping spring and have someone sit behind the wheel and turn the wheel from side to side. If the bearing is worn out, you will hear a metallic knock and feel the recoil with your hand.
  3. You can focus on sound. Drive your car on rough roads, including speed bumps. With a significant load on the suspension system (sharp turns, including at high speed, moving bumps and pits, sudden braking), a metallic knock of thrust bearings will be heard from the front wheel arches. You will also feel that the handling of the car has deteriorated.

Regardless of the condition of the support bearings, it is recommended to check their condition every 15 ... 20 thousand kilometers.

Checking the “supports” on VAZs

How do bearings rattle?

To extend the service life of this bearing, very often, if the design allows it, auto repairmen wash and change the lubricant. If the part is partially or completely out of order, then the support bearing is not repaired, but replaced. In this regard, a logical question arises - which bearings are best buy and install?

Shock absorber (car shock absorbers)

The shock absorber provides safety and comfort when driving by absorbing shocks, shocks, vibrations of moving suspension elements. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the problems of shock absorbers in a timely manner - to properly maintain and replace them in a timely manner.

How to choose pillow block bearings

So, today in the auto parts market you can find “supports” from different manufacturers. It is best, of course, to buy original spare parts that are recommended by the manufacturer of your car. However, most car owners, as an alternative, buy non-original bearings in order to save money. And then there is a kind of lottery. Some manufacturers (mainly from China) produce quite decent products that can, if not compete with original spare parts, then at least come close to them. But there is a danger of buying a frank marriage. Moreover, the probability of buying a low-quality bearing is much higher. We present for you information about popular brands of thrust bearings, reviews of which we managed to find on the Internet - SNR, SKF, FAG, INA, Koyo. When buying branded products always pay attention to the presence of branded packaging. It, in fact, is an analogue of a passport for a bearing, which is usually issued by domestic manufacturers.

SNR- under this brand thrust bearings and other bearings are produced in France (some production facilities are located in China). Products are of high quality and are used by various automakers in Europe (such as Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen, Opel, etc.) as originals.

Positive reviews Negative Feedback
SNR bearings are of very high quality, if you take care of them properly, they will give you twice as much of their life as specified by the manufacturer. These bearings have very good carburizing of the working surface, if it is not overheated and lubricated, it becomes indestructible.Unfortunately, after six months it failed me - it began to hum noticeably. Prior to this, the car drove for 8 years on factory bearings, until, after falling into a pit, the right one flew. I operated the new bearing from May to October on a wheel with a cast balanced disc, then I changed the shoes to a new balanced forging with winter tires, and in February the buzz began. I didn’t get into the pits, I didn’t exceed the speed, the disk and tires are in order, and this SNR was ordered to be urgently changed during maintenance.
I have installed SNR bearings many times and have never had any problems. They get into place without problems, the mileage is excellent. The margin of safety is clearly decent, since even if the bearing fails, it still leaves quite a lot of time to find a new one and replace it. Noise prompts, but goes.Like many car enthusiasts, I often have to deal with the problem of spare parts. Of course, I want to buy something that is not expensive and of high quality, but as often happens, these two factors are not comparable. What can not be said about the SNR bearing. A relatively inexpensive bearing, and with proper operation, it can even last its entire life, but it’s better not to risk it, of course - you left as much as it should be, take it off and put on a new one.

SKF- an international engineering company from Sweden, the world's largest manufacturer of bearings and other parts for cars. Its products belong to the top price segment and are of high quality.

FAG- manufacturer of bearings and other spare parts for mechanical engineering. Products are distinguished by reliability, quality, and belong to an expensive price segment.

INA Group(INA - Schaeffler KG, Herzogenaurach, Germany) is a private German bearing company. It was founded in 1946. In 2002, INA acquired FAG and became the world's second largest bearing manufacturer.

Positive reviews Negative Feedback
I took a chance and bought. I will not lie. The first 10 thousand occasionally listened to the bearing. But it worked smoothly and did not make any extraneous sounds. Another replacement came and I was pleasantly surprised that the bearing did not let me down on the road and went 100 thousand kilometers.There have been a lot of complaints about Ina's products lately. I also had an Ina thrust bearing from the factory on Toyota, but when replacing it, I put another one.
With its quality, this company has established itself as an excellent and reliable manufacturer. It feels like the bearing is made of quality materials. During operation, I did not find any complaints at all. Usually after installation I forgot about it for a very long time.I put it on my Peugeot, drove 50 thousand and the bearing rattled. It seems to be okay, but there is no more trust in this company, it is better to take such things from an authorized dealer.

Koyo- a leading Japanese manufacturer of ball and roller bearings, lip seals, automotive steering mechanisms and other equipment.

Positive reviews Negative Feedback
I took myself to replace the old, killed original. From myself I will say that it is quite a good analogue for the money. Been running for 2 years now with no problems. Of the substitutes, as for me, this is the best option, since I heard somewhere that the original spare parts are supplied by this particular company, so it seemed to me that the choice is obvious. How he will behave in the future is unknown, but I hope that everything will be fine.No negative reviews found.
Hello motorists and everyone)) I found a knock in my car, ran diagnostics and realized that I needed to change the thrust bearing before it flew. I wanted to order an original KFC, but it cost a lot, so I changed my mind) I bought a Koyo front wheel bearing. Ordered from Moscow.-

The choice of one or another manufacturer should be based, first of all, on whether the bearing is suitable for your machine. In addition, try not to buy cheap Chinese fakes. It is better to buy a branded part once that will last you a long time than to overpay for cheap stuff and suffer with its replacement.


Partial or complete failure of the support bearing not a critical failure. However, we still strongly recommend that you carry out their diagnostics every 15 ... 20 thousand kilometers, regardless of the presence of signs of its malfunction. So you, firstly, save on expensive repairs of other suspension elements, such as shock absorbers, tires (treads), springs, connecting and steering rods, tie rod ends.

And secondly, do not let go down level of control of your car. The fact is that worn bearings have a bad effect on axle geometry and wheel angle settings. Consequently, with rectilinear movement, you have to constantly “tax”. Because of this, the wear of the shock absorber mount increases by approximately 20%.

The peculiarity of the wear of shock absorbers is that it has a number of signs, and many drivers “wait” for the manifestation of only “their own”, familiar to them, will accept, ignoring others.

The nuance is also that an old shock absorber may work well in some conditions and not perform its functions in others.

Meanwhile, the importance of shock absorbers for traffic safety is great, because abnormally working racks lengthen the braking distance, disrupt the controllability of the car, and lead to skidding. Not to mention the fact that faulty shock absorbers mean impaired comfort and increased driver fatigue, up to the provocation of occupational diseases. So, the need for an early replacement of the racks is signaled by several features of the car's behavior at once - and they are easy to notice.


Shocks in the suspension when the wheel moves to the extreme upper and lower positions. These breakdowns occur even when slowly moving along large irregularities or, for example, when carefully leaving the curb - in contrast to "regular" shocks, which mark the passage of large pits and mounds at high speed.


If, after passing a speed bump, the front or rear of the car makes several damped vibrations up and down, this is a reason to check the shock absorbers. The folk method is simple. You need to swing your hand, using your body weight, alternately each corner of the car body. After stopping the impact on the body, it should swing up and down no more than once. Otherwise, the corresponding shock absorber should come under suspicion, and you need to check it against other points of the algorithm given here.

Uncomfortable suspension work

If, when driving through small irregularities, the wheels work them out with increased noise, we can talk about the wear of the shock absorber valve assembly (or two at once). This is not about the metallic noise caused by a mechanical failure of the shock absorber, but about the stronger impacts of the wheels on the edges of the pit.


Abundant traces of fluid on the shock absorber body are a harbinger of an early replacement of the struts. Light "fogging" is allowed.

A quick and almost unmistakable verdict regarding the replacement of struts can be given by diagnostics on a special stand, which determines the residual effectiveness of shock absorbers by the magnitude of damping of suspension oscillations. Such stands are today at many service stations.

Many drivers are unaware of how dangerous defective shock absorbers are. This is shown by numerous tests. So, recently, the German magazine Autobild, together with ZF-Sachs, conducted tests to find out how dangerous it is to operate a car with worn shock absorbers. For example, did you know that defects can cause you to get into an accident? Therefore, every car owner should periodically check the condition of the shock absorbers. This is the only way to reduce the risk of an accident.

We all know that . Given the fact that all cars weigh a lot, you can imagine what a colossal load shock absorbers experience. Thanks to serviceable shock absorbers, less vibration enters the car body while driving. We know that there are practically no smooth roads. Accordingly, the shock absorbers experience an almost constant load. This causes them to wear out. Moreover, the worse the roads in your area of ​​​​residence, the less they will last in your car.

The most common shock absorber problem is oil leakage, which occurs due to wear on the shock absorber piston rod. As a result, when the damping mechanism inside the shock absorber is activated, the oil is squeezed out and falls on the shock absorber body. However, even if the shock absorbers look dry, this does not mean that they are fully functional. The fact is that these days in many cars, during the leakage of which you will not see any signs of malfunction.

Quick check of shock absorbers in the car: How to find out if the shock absorbers are faulty in the car?

Here is a simple test to test car shock absorbers:

  • - Stand next to one of the four wheels of your car
  • - Press in a suitable place on the car (fender, trunk, door) to lower the car body. Press until the car body stops lowering
  • -Now release your pressure on the body and move to the side, paying attention to how the body will rise up
  • - Keep in mind that with a good shock absorber, the car should go up only once
  • - If, after you have moved away from the car, releasing pressure on the body, the car rises up, goes down and rises again, this clearly indicates that the shock absorber is faulty.
  • - Carry out a similar test again with other shock absorbers

Shock absorbers in a car should be checked regularly

According to experts, in our country, due to the old age of the fleet, as well as due to the poor well-being of the population, a huge number of cars on our roads are operated with worn or broken shock absorbers (dampers). A particularly sharp increase in bad has been observed since the simplification of the inspection procedure. By the way, not many experienced motorists know that it is advisable to check the condition of the shock absorbers if the car's mileage has exceeded 80,000 km. Further, shock absorbers should be checked every 20,000 km. And not just anywhere, but strictly on a special stand. As you already understood, this can only be done in a specialized technical auto center.

Why is it so important to periodically check the condition of the shock absorbers in the car?

The thing is that faulty shock absorbers pose a danger to car owners, as well as to all road users. For example, recent Autobild tests involving two fourth-generation Volkswagen Golfs (one with good shock absorbers, the other with defective shock absorbers) showed that a car with a worn shock absorber is very dangerous on the road.

For example, a Golf IV with worn shock absorbers, despite the operation of the ESP system, loses stability on the road when cornering. But this is nothing compared to what a car with a defective shock absorber experiences when braking from 50 km / h. So, a car with a worn shock absorber installed showed a long braking distance in the test compared to the same car on which fully serviceable shock absorbers were installed. And we all know that stopping distance is one of the main factors during an emergency on the road. You understand that extra millimeters can lead to an accident, not to mention extra centimeters and meters.

With faulty shock absorbers, the machine changes driving characteristics

Have you ever dropped a ball on the floor? The thrown ball continues to jump for a certain time, either falling or bouncing off the surface of the asphalt, floor, coating in the hall, etc. The springs in the suspension of most cars also work. And if there were no shock absorbers, then your car,. Moreover, after passing a small unevenness, the car body would have swayed up and down for a long time. Shock absorbers, on the other hand, prevent such a buildup due to bumps in the road, extinguishing the inertia of the car.

But due to natural wear and tear, the damping effect of shock absorbers becomes less and less over time. And, unfortunately, at first it may be imperceptible and even not affect the comfort of the driver and passengers.

But in fact, the harmful effects of worn shock absorbers have already begun.

Since defective shock absorbers can no longer dampen the up and down movement of the car, as before, the wheels of the car begin to bounce like a ball when driving over bumps on the road surface. As a result, the contact patch of tires with the road is constantly changing. By the way, it is precisely because of the bouncing of the wheels as a result of the poor performance of the shock absorbers that the braking distance increases significantly, since the adhesion of the wheels to the road surface decreases due to a poor contact patch.

Even with poor shock absorbers, the car becomes unstable on the road. Especially when cornering. In addition, due to the movement of the rubber up and down, it increases.

Naturally, due to faulty defective shock absorbers and suspension elements.

So if you bought a used car, you should definitely check the condition of all shock absorbers and, if they fail, replace them with new ones.

Unfortunately, antiquated methods are not always able to identify all possible ones. Therefore, we recommend that you contact a specialist who will not miss possible signs of shock absorber wear during diagnostics.

So, in conclusion, let's remember once again why faulty shock absorbers are dangerous.

Worn shock absorbers are a big hazard. In particular, the stopping distance of the car deteriorates due to the lack of damping, as a result of which the tires begin to lose contact with the road.

A brake test by ZF-Sachs showed that a car with worn shock absorbers (the car in the background in the photo) increases the stopping distance. So, when braking from a speed of 50 km / h, the braking distance of a car with faulty shock absorbers increased by 3.5 meters during the test compared to a car with serviceable shock absorbers (in the photo of the car in the foreground).

The wear of shock absorbers is perfectly revealed by a special stand in the technical center. The car drives onto special vibrating plates, and the computer starts to read how the shock absorber works. Even with the slightest deviation in the operation of the shock absorber, the computer will calculate it.

Also, in order to check the condition of the shock absorber, a visual inspection is also useful. If during inspection the shock absorber body is in oil, then the mechanism must be replaced with a new one.

Manual antiquated test for the buildup of the car up and down, unfortunately, reveals only completely "killed" shock absorbers. In other cases, using the buildup, you will not determine the degree of wear of the shock absorber. Therefore, the test on the stand is indispensable.

If you notice partial wear of the tread (etc.), then the probable cause of this may be the wear of the shock absorbers.

Always change both shock absorbers of the same axle. The shock absorbers are much easier to change on the rear axle of the Golf than on the front axle.

On average, on one axle, it will take about 12-15 thousand rubles to replace shock absorbers (the cost of original spare parts + work at the dealer). On average, it takes at least 1 hour to replace.

Every part of your vehicle is subject to wear and tear. Some breakdowns can be easily identified. For example, if there are problems with the engine, its sound changes, the color of the exhaust changes and fuel consumption increases. Shock absorbers are completely different. Many drivers do not notice the problem with them for a long time, thinking that the bad road is to blame for all the suspension knocks.

Shock absorbers are a very important part in the design of any car. Braking efficiency, handling, comfort, service life of tire and suspension elements depend on their condition. Under normal use, shock absorbers last 3-4 years. However, their service life depends not only on driving style, but also on the quality of roads, which, unfortunately, leave much to be desired. In this regard, shock absorbers must be periodically checked and replaced in a timely manner.

The standard shock absorber is a sealed tube filled with hydraulic fluid. Inside is a piston with a rod. Hydraulic fluid flows from one compartment to another through special bypass valves. This creates a certain pressure and does not allow the car to sway on bumps. As additional damping elements, rubber-metal bushings and cushions located at the attachment points of the part act. But on most modern cars, depending on the machine and the tasks they will perform, the following types of shock absorbers are installed: hydraulic twin-pipe, two-pipe gas-hydraulic with low pressure gas, single-pipe gas-hydraulic with high pressure gas.

How to determine the wear of shock absorbers? In this article, I propose to consider the obvious symptoms of malfunction and incorrect operation of shock absorbers.

Steering wheel vibration while driving

If the seal on the shock piston wears out, hydraulic fluid begins to flow from reservoir to reservoir, not only through the bypass valves, but also through the seal itself. The stem has a free play, that is, the part does not perform its function properly and loses its effectiveness. While driving, this manifests itself in an increase in vibration and the appearance of shocks to the steering wheel. Hypersensitivity on bumps is a clear sign that not everything is in order with the shock absorbers. Most likely, they have exhausted their resource.

Pecking and pulling the car to the side during braking

If the seal inside the shock absorber is depleted and the bypass valves begin to malfunction, slight braking or steering wheel movement will cause noticeable body sway. A clear manifestation of a breakdown is a strong peck during braking or strong body roll in corners, often requiring steering. The vehicle starts to go into corners badly.

Sluggish braking

If the shock absorbers are faulty or not working properly, the car's wheels do not make as much contact with the road surface and begin to "jump" on it. This provokes short-term tire slippage. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the brakes is reduced, and the reaction time of the brake pedal is significantly increased.

Uneven tire wear

Along with the decrease in the efficiency of the brakes, the life of the tires also decreases. While the car is moving, the wheels jump up and cling to the road surface again. This process leads to uneven and increased consumption of rubber. In addition, the balance of the wheels is disturbed, “bald spots” appear on the tire, plus the wheel bearing suffers from everything (it quickly fails from vibration). It is very important to periodically inspect the tread of all wheels.

Leaks of hydraulic fluid

Hydraulic fluid leakage is the most common cause of shock absorber failure. The appearance of streaks on the body of the part is associated with a violation of the tightness of the reservoir with hydraulic fluid. The latter leads to leaks and air leakage. As a result, the shock absorber rod begins to move freely (without effort), and the part itself becomes inoperative. A misted shock absorber should also not be ignored. Of course, it will last for some more time, but it must be replaced as soon as possible, because over time it will begin to sweat more and completely fail.

Destruction and deformation of mounting bushings

The next sign that the shock absorber has become inoperable is the destruction or cracking of the mounting rubber-metal bushings and pillows with which the shock absorber is attached to the body and suspension. The depletion of these elements provokes the free movement of the entire shock absorber and the occurrence of annoying knocks. At the same time, the shock absorber itself can be absolutely suitable for further use, but it cannot be repaired, since rubber-metal bushings, as a rule, do not change and are not sold separately. The shock absorber assembly will need to be replaced.

As I mentioned above, periodically it is necessary to conduct a visual inspection of the shock absorbers. One way to test a part is to press hard on each corner of your car and release it sharply. If the car continues to bounce after you let it go, then it's time to replace the shock absorbers. However, this method is not suitable for SUVs and pickups. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is advisable to contact qualified specialists to check the shock absorbers on a lift or a special vibration stand. Only the service center will make an accurate verdict. In addition, it is important to remember that shock absorbers can only be changed in pairs - two at the rear and two at the front. Otherwise, poor handling, pulls to the side and mediocre braking will not disappear.

Timely elimination of breakage of shock absorbers will allow you to prevent their destruction, failure of other suspension and body parts, significantly reduce repair costs and, most importantly, ensure the safety of your car.

  • , 01 Nov 2017