How to feed strawberry roses in autumn. How and how to fertilize strawberries in the fall. Bird or cow dung

Like other perennial crops, strawberries need constant care. Many inexperienced gardeners apply fertilizer only in the spring, without providing the plants with additional nutrition after fruiting. There will be no positive results from this. To get a good harvest, fertilizers must be applied several times per season.

When to feed

In the fall, you should work with fertilizers before the first frost. Top dressing is a prerequisite for the successful preparation of plants for winter. It is better to carry it out in 2 stages:

  • in early September, until the leaves turn yellow;
  • at the end of October before the onset of cold weather.

The exact timing of the application of fertilizers in autumn depends on the variety of berries and the climatic characteristics of a particular region. If strawberries are still harvesting in September, fertilizers are applied after the end of berry collection. It is imperative to be in time before the onset of the first frost. Autumn fertilization is not intended to improve the yield or taste of berries, but to enhance frost resistance and resistance to aggressive environments.

Why you need to feed strawberries

Fertilization in the fall is necessary to stimulate the following processes:

  • increasing the vitality of bushes, which weaken significantly after harvest;
  • improving the quality of the soil, which is depleted during the season, and improving its breathability;
  • an increase in the number of buds from which fruits develop.


Many types of nutrients are used for autumn feeding:

  • organic;
  • mineral;
  • combined (minerals + organic matter);
  • complex substances.

Organic fertilizers

  • Compositions made from herbs. These include nettle infusion. For its preparation, a large-volume container is filled with cut nettles by 2/3 and water is added to the top, leaving some free space for fermentation. You can add slices of black bread to the infusion. After 10 days, the resulting fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and watered with strawberry bushes. Nettle tincture gives the berries a pleasant flavor.

More on the topic: Post-fruiting strawberry care

  • Siderata (for example, lupine) or any weeds that have been removed from seeds. They are cut and laid out between the rows, covered with sand or soil in a thin layer.

  • Yeast is very useful as fertilizer for autumn feeding. These single-celled organisms, belonging to the fungus family, contain nitrogen, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. These substances help plants prepare for wintering. Additionally, the yeast contains useful trace elements and vitamins of group B. To obtain a solution, 100 g of yeast is added to 2 liters of warm water. The resulting suspension is diluted in 8 liters of water and after 5 hours the plants are watered.

  • Manure. It is a source of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. In the fall, it is placed in the aisles so that the plants do not freeze in winter and in the spring the fertilizer enters the soil along with the melt water.

  • Bird droppings are only used when diluted with water. This substance can seriously damage the leaves and roots of strawberries. Litter increases plant vitality and reduces soil acidity.

  • Mullein contains the same nutrients as manure. It is well absorbed by plants and has a positive effect on the composition of the soil. To get a mullein, manure is poured with water at a rate of 1: 5. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and left for 2 weeks in containers with a well-fitting lid. Stir the mullein once a day. After the end of fermentation, the mullein is diluted with water again at the rate of 1:10 and the plants are watered. Fertilizer consumption is 1 liter per bush. Avoid getting liquids on the leaves.

  • Wood ash is a unique source of useful trace elements. Ash can be sprinkled on the ground around the bushes or diluted with water. To obtain a solution, take a glass of ash and 10 liters of water. Consumption of the substance should not exceed 0.5 liters per bush. Ash can be mixed with a solution of mullein and some other substances, strictly observing the ratio of parts. For 1 liter of mullein, take 500 g of ash and 10 liters of water. The consumption of such a mixture is 1 liter per plant.

More on the topic: Strawberry processing

Ash not only provides strawberries with additional nutrients. It lowers the acidity of the soil, strengthens the root system of plants, helps to resist diseases and pests, and accelerates the decomposition of other organic matter.

Dry ash will save bushes from gray rot. Ash from burning newspapers and magazines and household waste should be avoided. Harmful dyes negatively affect the health of plants and the quality of the berries of the future harvest. After using dry ash, the soil must be watered.

  • Humus is diluted in water and watered or simply laid out in the beds. For the preparation of the infusion, the ratio of humus and water is 1:10.
  • Fermented milk products are an excellent source of nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and many others. Whey can be watered neat, or wood ash or manure can be added to it.

Mineral fertilizers

In the autumn months, strawberries are most in need of substances containing nitrogen and potassium.

  • Potash mixtures prolong the shelf life of berries, add sweetness and improve taste. The fact that the plants lack potassium is evidenced by the brown tips of the leaves and the sour taste of the berries. Potassium salt is added to water at the rate of 2 g per 1 liter and the aisles are watered.

You can also take 15 g of potassium salt and 20 g of nitrophoska, mix with 10 liters of water and water 10 bushes.

The source of nitrogen fertilizers is urea or ammonium nitrate. Thanks to nitrogen, the berries grow faster, become rich red and their taste improves. With an excess of nitrogen, the berries lose sugar. Nitrogen deficiency can be recognized by pale leaves and small berries. For root application 1 tbsp. l. urea is diluted in 10 liters of water. This is enough for 20 bushes.

To better understand the need for autumn feeding, we will get acquainted with the structure and vegetation of the strawberry bush.

The underground part of the plant is represented by a fibrous root system. The network of small roots is responsible for the suction function. Their growth and active development occurs at a soil temperature of 12-16⁰C. At a temperature of 8⁰C, absorption completely stops, the bush goes into hibernation. If you decide to plant or rejuvenate the plantation, this factor must be taken into account.

Since the root lobe lies in the upper layers of the soil (up to 30 cm), a harsh winter can have a detrimental effect on the life of the plant. Warming the root system in regions with a harsh climate is a mandatory measure.

The lateral branches of the root lobe contain growth buds. From the kidneys, special growths appear - horns. Their function is to produce shoots. At the initial stage of the growing season, the bush has only 1 horn, but as it develops, their number increases significantly. This happens before the strawberry bush reaches the age of three.

From this moment, the production of horns ends, aging begins. If you do not rejuvenate the garden in a timely manner, then you can forget about good fruiting. Old individuals are removed every 3 years, the strawberry plantation must "move" to a new place. Victoria consumes a lot of soil resources; in 3 years, even with fertilization, the soil will be depleted. Observance of crop rotation will save the garden from diseases and pests, and will allow the earth to rest.

The triple dark green leaves of the garden strawberry have a long petiole. During the growing season, they are replaced 4 times. A single leaf blade lives no more than 2 months.

As soon as the bush wakes up from winter sleep, the first type of foliage appears. The growth bud and horn are located in its sinuses. Peduncles will look out of the horn a little later. At the end of spring, the first batch of leaves gradually dies and is replaced by a new one, which is in the axils of the buds with stolons. By the middle of summer, the leaves are replaced again.

Now imagine, juicy berries are collected, and strawberries are let go. Bushes after fruiting are exhausted, overgrown with mustaches, which draw strength from them. There can be no question of a full-fledged laying of fruit buds with the harvest of the next season! It is also foolish to count on a normal wintering berry plantation.

Experienced gardeners say that after putting the garden in order, it is imperative to feed it. Autumn dressing will restore the bush after fruiting, prepare it for winter, and help the bush to lay fruit buds. After such feeding, the yield increases by 20-30%. When the beds are rejuvenated, daughter sockets are seated, they also need recharge. Autumn fertilization will prepare young shoots for wintering, will contribute to better survival.

Experienced gardeners prefer to carry out planting work in the fall. This feature is associated with better conditions for rooting and the availability of a wide range of planting material in nurseries. And by this time, their layers will fully take root and get stronger. In addition, gardeners have more free time in the fall. With an autumn planting, the crop will appear in the next season.

Preplant soil preparation is of great importance for the culture. In order for the seedlings to take root and delight with berries next summer, it is necessary to enrich the soil with nutrients. Fertilizers are applied during the preparation of the site for planting or directly into the hole. The dosage depends on the initial state of the soil.

Organic matter in the form of humus or compost will need from 8 to 20 kg per square meter of the garden. The mineral component is potassium salts 30-50 g, superphosphate 80-100 g. In addition, wood ash will help to enrich the soil with microelements and protect it from pests. It will need a glass per square meter.

If the soil is fertile enough, the site is not fertilized, and the components are added to each hole. It will take a handful of humus and a pinch of ash. Granular mineral complexes are laid out around the bushes and sealed with a hoe. The next portion of food is introduced only in the spring.

Although strawberries are not a delicacy in our gardens, they also require maintenance. Experienced people who have been watching their crops for years are well aware of this. To be convinced of the need for strawberry fertilization in the fall, you should pay attention to several useful facts:

  • berries grow well and multiply on their own only the first two seasons; then the bushes become lethargic;
  • if the size of the berries has decreased sharply, then this indicates a lack of nutrients in the soil;
  • correct fertilization of berries in autumn guarantees an increase in yield by at least 20%;
  • often plants cannot recover from a cold winter without feeding;
  • there is no difference between young and old bushes in terms of nutrition.

Fertilizer for strawberries when planting in autumn is an opportunity to get a large amount of healthy and tasty berries. The process takes a little time, but the result is perfect.

It is more difficult to fertilize strawberries in autumn with organic matter, but the final harvest is environmentally friendly. Mostly bird droppings are selected, although this fertilizer is aggressive, it can spoil the roots of the plant, so it is stirred in water. Also used organic cow dung, nettle infusion, wood ash.

Suitable for strawberries and ready-made mineral mixtures. They are used dry or diluted and must be combined with watering. Liquid mineral fertilizers are usually applied until the end of September at the most.


In the process of feeding, the following preparations can be used.

Let's start by determining the correct timing for feeding. The first rule is that strawberries should be completely free of berries, that is, complete their fruiting. So we will save the bushes from untimely intervention and ourselves from the opportunity to eat the berry treated with fertilizer.

If you grow remontant strawberries in a greenhouse or in the open field, then fertilizing or feeding it is usually necessary not earlier than at the end of October - beginning of November.

But we will feed the garden strawberries - we will feed the strawberries earlier - from the end of August to the middle of September, as its harvest ends faster than that of the remontant, or, as the English call it, “straw strawberries”.

For feeding strawberries planted in autumn, mineral fertilizers are more suitable, since, unlike organic matter, they do not oppress the sockets in the correct dosage - they no longer affect the soil, but directly on the plant and give it the necessary strength to overwinter.

There are such methods of feeding strawberries during planting, which are introduced directly into the hole. These include a very popular organic-mineral mixture of superphosphate, potassium chloride and humus. It is prepared as follows:

  • superphosphate - 35-40 grams;
  • potassium chloride - 10 grams;
  • humus - 3.5-4 kilograms.

The number and weight of the components are indicated for fertilization of 1 square meter of open ground. After planting is complete, it is recommended to mulch the soil with compost.

The optimal solution for fertilizing and feeding strawberries in autumn are substances such as K -



In order to fertilize strawberries with potassium and phosphorus, there are two main ways: you can sprinkle them dry in the aisles of the strawberries or prepare the following solution:

  • water - 10 liters;
  • ash - 250 grams;
  • potassium salt - 20 grams;
  • superphosphate - 10 grams;

Mix the resulting solution well and pour it over the strawberry aisles. Avoid getting this mixture on the bush itself, otherwise it will burn it badly or completely destroy it.

There is another way to fertilize strawberries in the fall, using a mixed liquid composition for feeding from ash, potassium, phosphorus, we need to know the following proportions:

  • water - 10 liters (bucket);
  • ash - 250 grams;
  • nitrophoska - 2 tablespoons;
  • potash fertilizer - 20 grams.

Mix everything well, until the dry components are completely dissolved, let stand for a while. The solution is poured under each bush, one liter.

When to start feeding

The timing of applying the autumn portion of fertilizers depends on the varietal affiliation of the crop and the region of cultivation. Strawberries need nutrition immediately after fruiting. If the classic varieties finish bearing fruit already in the middle of summer, then the remontant varieties delight gardeners until the first frost. For simple cultivars, fertilizers are applied in August, and for remontant ones in mid-October.

If you decide to transplant your strawberries, manure can be added to the soil (on average, 2 kg per 1 square meter). At the same time, experts do not advise using fresh straw manure, from which the roots of plants can get severe burns. As a top dressing, you can also use wood ash (100 g per 1 m2).

Of the mineral fertilizers, experienced gardeners recommend feeding plants when transplanting with nitroammophos (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

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It is more difficult to fertilize strawberries in autumn with organic matter, but the final harvest is environmentally friendly. Mostly bird droppings are selected, although this fertilizer is aggressive, it can spoil the roots of the plant, so it is stirred in water. Also used organic cow dung, nettle infusion, wood ash.

Suitable for strawberries and ready-made mineral mixtures. They are used dry or diluted and must be combined with watering. Liquid mineral fertilizers are usually applied until the end of September at the most.


In the process of feeding, the following preparations can be used.

Although strawberries are not a delicacy in our gardens, they also require maintenance. Experienced people who have been watching their crops for years are well aware of this. To be convinced of the need for strawberry fertilization in the fall, you should pay attention to several useful facts:

  • berries grow well and multiply on their own only the first two seasons; then the bushes become lethargic;
  • if the size of the berries has decreased sharply, then this indicates a lack of nutrients in the soil;
  • correct fertilization of berries in autumn guarantees an increase in yield by at least 20%;
  • often plants cannot recover from a cold winter without feeding;
  • there is no difference between young and old bushes in terms of nutrition.

Fertilizer for strawberries when planting in autumn is an opportunity to get a large amount of healthy and tasty berries. The process takes a little time, but the result is perfect.

Start feeding in autumn

It is important to ensure that the strawberries are placed on fertile substrates for a generous and healthy crop. Not every household plot has such a land that is rich in trace elements. In many cases, you have to resort to artificial fertilization. This should be done correctly, since the introduction of nutrients in excess will adversely affect the development of the culture.

It turns out that fertilization is one of the most important components of strawberry care. It is feeding that provides a rich harvest. This procedure should not be neglected. Strawberries can exist on their own without requiring outside intervention. But this may not last long, until she reaches the age of two.

In the future, the land will be depleted, which will begin to manifest externally: the berries will become smaller. That is why the regular addition of organic components and minerals is a necessity. Feeding strawberries is carried out three times per season - in spring, summer and autumn. In early September, mineral fertilizers are laid in the substrate so that the bushes have time to recover by the beginning of winter and can survive the frosts without loss.

At the end of the harvest, buds with flower rudiments form on the branches. Yields in the following season are directly determined by the fertilizing introduced in the fall. If the berry was planted this year, the autumn feeding will be the first for it. That is why it is important to carry it out without disturbances, so as not to harm future bushes. It is noteworthy that fertilization can increase the yield by 30%.

Most often, fertilizers for strawberries are applied in September, but the timing depends on the variety. Certain species require additional nutrient intake in October and November. Be that as it may, you can use fertilizers only when the crop is harvested.

Organic fertilizers for autumn feeding of strawberries

Fertilizing the soil in autumn with organic matter is a traditional method of saturating the earth with nutrients. This method has been used for a long time, therefore, it has been tested by many generations. It is considered safer due to its natural origin, traditional, affordable and also economically beneficial.

The main thing is not to forget to prepare organic fertilizers in the correct proportions of components and apply the required amount. That is, too much complementary food is dangerous for the plant.

Natural "feed" for the soil:

  • litter;
  • mullein;
  • wood ash;
  • slurry.

Concentrated product. You can buy it at a specialist store. Dried bird droppings are on sale. Before using it, you should add water and make an infusion.

Cooking scheme:

  • mix droppings with water in a ratio of 1 to 10;
  • place in a secluded place for 2 days.

If it is possible to get fresh droppings, then the "recipe" for preparing a liquid fertilizer will be slightly different:

  • place the collected droppings in a bucket or other suitable container;
  • a third of the total is enough;
  • keep in the open sun or warm for 2 days.

The main thing to remember: in no case should you fertilize with droppings without insisting in water. Otherwise, the root system of strawberries can be destroyed, and the excess amount will have a bad effect on the growth and development of the culture.


Mullein is used and prepared in a similar way as droppings. It is good for them to fertilize the soil in the berry beds.

Mullein is prepared like this:

  • dilute dry mullein with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Stir;
  • insist the liquid mass in a warm place for a day;
  • some gardeners mix charcoal. It will take 1/10 of the substance for the entire infusion.

Liquid fertilizer is poured near bushes and between strawberry beds. Cow dung can also be used to fertilize the land in the fall. This nutritious mulch is spread between the rows once every 3 to 4 years. But you only need to take rotted (fermented) manure. Otherwise, fungal colonies may develop.

Wood ash

The substance is universal. It can be mixed with water and infused or sprinkled dry. Dry ash is sprinkled on leaves around the bushes. So the berry is protected from pests, diseases.

Water the plant in liquid form. Enough 0.5 liters per berry bush. The ash is preliminarily diluted with water and kept for 5 - 6 hours. This nutrition competes with a mixed fertilizer: potassium phosphate.


Cooking and fertilizing with slurry is simple:

  • mix a liter of concentrate with 8 liters of water;
  • insist 2 days in a warm place;
  • pour the prepared liquid over the strawberry bushes.

When watering with infusion, it is not recommended to touch the plant itself. The concentrate is not consumed fresh: decay products will cause burns to the roots and other parts of the plant. To prepare an infusion from bird droppings, stir 200 grams of the product in a bucket of water.

As an organic fertilizer for feeding strawberries, poultry droppings diluted 1: 15-20 with water are most often used. The mixture is infused for 2 days and grooves are shed between the bushes. In no case should the infusion be allowed to enter the leaf outlet.

Poultry manure is a rather aggressive fertilizer that can burn the roots of plants, so it cannot be applied to the soil in a dry form. Feeding with droppings must be combined with abundant watering.

In addition to the beneficial effect on plants, poultry droppings help restore microflora and soil acidity. However, it should be remembered that an overdose of this organic fertilizer contributes to the accumulation of nitrates.

I like strawberries and mullein. To obtain fertilizer of the desired concentration, it is necessary to pour 1 part of the finished mullein infusion with 10 parts of water. If the soil requires it, for every 10 parts of mullein, you can add 1 part of charcoal. The solution must be kept warm for about a day, after which it can be used on strawberry beds (1 liter per 1 bush).

An alternative to mullein can be slurry diluted with water 1: 8. The solution must be infused for about 2 days, and then use no more than 1 liter for each strawberry bush.

Some gardeners mulch the aisles with rotted cow dung, which, decomposing over several years, provides plants with nutrients.

You can also use nettle infusion as an organic fertilizer, which is rich in nitrogen, potassium and iron. To prepare an infusion from this weed, a large container is filled 2/3 with nettles, which are poured with water, leaving a little room for fermentation to the edge of the container. Nettle is infused for 7-10 days, and then diluted with water 1:10 and watered plants under the root.

Leftover bread can be added to the stalks of the nettle for infusion. Such feeding helps plants to form healthy shoots, and also, due to the significant potassium content, improves the taste of the future crop.

At the end of October, it is advisable to feed the plants with phosphorus and potassium. For this purpose, complex preparations can be used. Or you can - wood ash. It is used dry, fertilizing the soil at the base of the plants, or bringing in ash for digging during the autumn preparation of the beds (no more than 1 glass of ash per 1 square meter).

This method will help to further protect plants from some pests and serve as a prophylactic measure to prevent gray mold.

You can also prepare an ash infusion (100-150 g of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water and no more than 0.5 liters is added under each bush).

Some gardeners in the fall lay out mown grass without seeds in the beds between strawberry bushes, as well as chopped stems and leaves of lupine, sprinkling them with a small layer of soil or sand. These plants, decaying in winter, enrich the soil with useful substances.

If you are late with the introduction of autumn feeding, it is better to postpone it until next year, because an excess of nitrogen can prevent the plants from preparing for winter, and as a result, they will simply freeze out.

Natural substances perfectly enrich the earth, as they contain various trace elements: nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. They are suitable for all plants without exception. According to experienced summer residents, strawberries thrive well with the help of bird droppings, mullein and wood ash.

1. Bird droppings

To feed her for the winter, you can use natural droppings or store bought ones. Apply it in the form of a liquid solution. The recipe is simple: mix the droppings and water in proportions of 1 to 10. The mixture is infused for at least two weeks.

It is forbidden to use the solution in this form. It is diluted again with water before use. 1 liter of solution is suitable for a bucket of water. You need to water the land between the beds. Everything should be done carefully, as even small drops cause burns to the leaves.

If you have your own chickens, then their droppings, like the autumn feeding of berries in winter, are mixed with water in proportions of 1 to 3. As in the first case, only the earth is watered.

Important: respecting the proportions protects the harvest. Poultry manure is rich in nitrogen and an overdose will negatively affect plants.

2. Mullein

A mullein is definitely a good nutrient if you don't know how to fertilize in the fall after planting. It contains all the beneficial elements, so that each season the strawberry harvest will grow.

litter (autumn version; consists of solid and liquid excrement mixed with peat, hay and straw);

without bedding (suitable for berries; consists of semi-liquid excrement, in which about 70% nitrogen);

slurry (liquid excrement, rich in nitrogen and potassium; used only after high-quality processing and tincture).

Alternatively, any type of mullein is suitable for feeding your berries in October. Therefore, the choice depends more on what is at hand. When using a bedding or bedless mullein, you need to focus on the following proportions: 35 kg per 10 sq. meters.

Liquid mullein is bred in water, like bird droppings. It should not be taken in the summer, as the roots may deteriorate. This organic fertilizing for her fruiting during the fruiting period is combined only with autumn troubles.

3. Wood ash

How to fertilize strawberries in the fall for a better harvest depends on the underlying issues. You need to closely monitor the bushes and calculate the flaws. Analysis of wood ash reveals huge reserves of calcium. Ashes are often taken instead of minerals and combined with droppings.

But you can't just pour strawberry fertilizer. There are several signs that gardeners are guided by. If the leaves are stained, deformed, do not emit the usual smell, then there is not enough calcium.

An excess of the mineral, in turn, is characterized by wilting, white spots, and leaf fall. Therefore, for processing and feeding berries in the fall, you need to navigate the needs of plants.

Ash should be applied in any of three ways:

  • dig into the ground;
  • tame from above (it repels pests well);
  • make a solution and water the bushes with it.

Choosing the best fertilizer

In practice, Russian gardeners select various dressings and their combinations, and look at the results. What fertilizers to apply in autumn for strawberries:

  • organic;
  • mineral.

Combined substances can also be found in stores. When thinking about how to fertilize strawberries for the winter, gardeners often prefer natural fertilizers, as they find them more natural and safer. In fact, such a top dressing, in addition to its natural origin, helps the plant roots to better retain water from the soil.

The soil, thanks to them, passes oxygen well. You can resort to feeding chicken droppings, liquid manure. Ash, mullein and vegetable fertilizers are suitable. To use mullein, you need to dilute it to a liquid state. For this purpose, take 10 liters of water and add 1 liter of organic matter there. Leave the mixture for several days. Before use, add 100 mg of ash to this composition.

Chicken droppings are potent and should not be used undiluted. Freshly collected droppings are especially dangerous. It is better to cook an extract based on it or dilute it well. After that, the aisles are watered with the composition.

Before using the ash, it must be sieved. For each square meter, 150 g of ash must be poured. Fresh manure can also be applied under strawberries. Distribute it between the rows of bushes so that the root system does not get burned. During the winter months, it matures and provides nitrogen nutrition. By applying this fertilizer, it is possible to eliminate the need for mulching.

As for plant fertilizers, good feedback get lupine greens and plant stems that were cut after flowering. They are simply laid out between the rows. You can use leguminous siderates. Having placed the green fertilizer on the ground, a little sand or earth is poured on top. Another biological fertilizer option that can be used twice a season involves the use of nettles. Take a bucket of collected raw materials and fill it with warm clean water... The mixture is left for several days, after which it is ready for use.

Mineral feed for strawberries

If for some reason you had to give up organic feeding, mineral fertilizers can be an alternative. They are used both dry and diluted. In any case, their introduction must be combined with watering.

Potassium salt is diluted in a proportion of 20 g per 10 l of water, superphosphate - 10 g per 10 l of water. These fertilizers can only be applied between rows.

For root feeding, you can dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. nitrophosphate and 20 g of potassium salt. No more than 1 liter of solution is applied under one bush.

Nitrophoska can also be used when transplanting garden strawberries. In this case, about 40 g of fertilizer can be added to each well. In this case, it is important that the roots do not come into contact with the granules, otherwise the plants may get burned.

Some mineral fertilizers can be mixed with organic matter. For example, another option for autumn feeding can be a mixture of diluted mullein (1 liter per 10 liters of water), superphosphate (2 tablespoons) and wood ash (1 glass).

You can also mix 2 tbsp. nitroammophoska with 1 glass of ash (this amount is enough to feed 1 square meter of the garden).

It is undesirable to make liquid dressings later than September.

Or you can go the simplest way and at the beginning of September use Kemira autumn or any other complex fertilizer for strawberries (according to the instructions).

Fall dressing is perhaps the most important of the year, as it allows strawberry bushes, depleted by fruiting, to recover and overwinter in order to please you with a bountiful harvest next season.

Sometimes finding organic fertilizers in the required amount becomes a problem. Then minerals are involved. You can scatter the preparation in granules between the bushes. They must contain phosphorus and potassium.

2 days after laying such a fertilizer, the soil is mulched. For this, sawdust or ordinary leaves are suitable. Gardeners recommend using a composition called Autumn Kemira. The consumption of such feeding should be 50 grams per square meter. It is used in the first decade of September.

An alternative choice besides organic fertilization is mineral fertilizing. It, like organic matter, can be diluted in water or used dry.

Fertilize with minerals should be together with watering. Potassium salt is used more often, it is mixed with superphosphate. In the fall, nitrogen is mainly introduced in the case of transplantation for the rapid growth of the green mass of the plant.

Potassium is involved in the development of the ovary, the formation of flowers, berries. Therefore, they are fertilized mainly in the spring. The substance makes the berries sweet, increases the shelf life. The lack of the mineral is noticeable in the brown leaves, the excess is the cessation of growth, the yellowness of the plant. Potassium is also fertilized in summer after receiving the bulk of the crop.

Feeding strawberries in the fall is also carried out using:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • potassium magnesium;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • potassium nitrate.

For autumn feeding, you will need a 0.3% potassium sulfate solution (stir 30 grams with 10 liters of water). For the best effect, phosphorus fertilizer is added to the solution, which is suitable even for acidic soils.

A solution of potassium nitrate (0.2%) is watered under the root, and leaves are sprayed with 0.25%. Kalimagnesia is not suitable for all types of soil, so you should first find out the type of soil, its acidity.

When using potassium, remember: dry minerals act gradually and longer. Therefore, they need to be poured less often. And in a diluted form, the result is noticeable faster. But the beds are also watered with this solution more often.

This mineral is largely responsible for the development of stems and roots. Lack of nitrogen is reflected in the slow development and growth of bushes. The formed leaves become brown in color, and the new ones brighten and weaken.

Excess nitrogen leads to abundant growth of greenery and deterioration of fruiting, taste berries. The culture tolerates winter worse.

  • calcium, as well as ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonia;
  • urea.

Calcium nitrate is considered one of the most effective fertilizers for the first planting or transplant. Therefore, it is used in such cases, regardless of the seasons.

Calcium nitrate is diluted in an amount of 25 grams per 10-liter bucket of water. Biennial plants are fertilized with ammonium nitrate. A 0.2% solution is used (20 grams are added to 10 liters of water). Ammonia take 3 - 4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

What fertilizers should be applied in autumn, sellers of mineral fertilizers in shops for gardeners know well. Each package of the product contains all the necessary elements - calcium, magnesium, nitrogen and potassium. Their function is to prevent diseases, strengthen and stimulate growth.

Autumn fertilizers for strawberries do not deform the fruits and do not negatively affect the harvest. These are only useful minerals that the earth and the plants themselves need.

When choosing how to fertilize strawberries in autumn, you should be guided by two main components - nitrogen and potassium. Nitrogen is responsible for berry size, color intensity and flavor. It can be found in ammonium nitrate and urea. These substances are very saturated, so one tablespoon is enough for a whole bucket of water.

The finished solution is poured in half a liter under the bushes. There is no need to water the plant itself. It will absorb the strawberry fertilizer by the roots. You cannot increase portions. As practice shows, an overdose of nitrogen leads to the loss of sugar.

Potassium is responsible for the taste and amount of sugar. If what to feed the berries for the winter in the fall, then it is them. Brown leaf tips on bushes are considered a sign of potassium deficiency. Each package of mineral supplements has a composition, painted as a percentage. Lean on it.

If strawberries are planted in the fall, then a mixture is introduced into the planting holes, which consists of compost, at the rate of 3 kg per square meter, 10 g of calcium chloride and 30 g of superphosphate. The compost must be well rotted. You can take humus instead. After such feeding, the soil under the bushes is mulched.

If you need to fertilize the fertile bushes, before the onset of cold weather, you can make additional fertilizing 2 times. For example, in early September, you can feed strawberries for the winter in autumn with the composition of Kemir autumn, the second time in the last days of October this is done after pruning. Superphosphate or potassium humate is used.

Strawberry care and feeding in spring is different from autumn activities. For fruitful work, you need to rely on proven knowledge. Here are some tips that will tell you what fertilizers should be applied when planting strawberries in the fall:

  1. You can not rely only on organic or only on mineral supplements. They work well together. Apply them simultaneously, taking into account the proportions. Some gardeners refuse purchased supplements, but then they have to calculate the amount of substances in more detail.
  2. In the fall, plants are preparing for winter, so it is not necessary to stuff them with nitrogen, which is responsible for active growth. Better to increase the amount of potassium. the main task - keep the roots and bushes in good condition so that they do not freeze and die from lack of nutrition.
  3. Feeding strawberries with a liquid solution is desirable in September, and solid additives are used in October. This is important because different types mullein and droppings decompose and absorb into the soil in different ways.
  4. It is necessary to mix organic and mineral fertilizers only before use. Together they should not insist. Each solution matures, ferments separately.
  5. The final decision is often applied based on the condition of the hives. For example, dried leaves with spots, small berries - this is evidence of a lack of nutrients. But this question can be overdone. Sluggish leaves and white spots indicate an overdose. Only careful analysis can help the gardener identify his mistakes and correct them.

The gardener always has something to fertilize strawberries in the fall. But this should be done only with knowledge of the intricacies of the process. Putting everything and more is not a good option. Using the experience of others, you will have the opportunity to improve the quality of the crop.

Mixed formulations

For garden strawberry varieties, mixed fertilizers will benefit. For this purpose, you can take:

  • mullein - 1 liter per 10 liters of water;
  • 20 grams of superphosphate;
  • 200 g of ash.

There are specialized fertilizers sold in stores, but an alternative can be made up of a solution in which:

  • 20 g nitroammophoska;
  • 30 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 250 g of wood ash per 10 liters of water.

The components are mixed until smooth and 500 ml is consumed for each bush.

Why fertilize strawberries in the fall?

  • Organic fertilizers. Such substances contain all the nutrients necessary for the plant. They significantly improve the structure of the soil, increase its air permeability, allowing maximum moisture retention. To enrich the soil, organic matter such as bird droppings, compost, manure, humus, and wood ash is added.
  • Mineral fertilizers. For the autumn feeding of the fruit plant, fertilizers are used, which include phosphorus and potassium. These substances contribute to the maturation of the shoots, helping the culture to prepare for wintering. Also, phosphorus-potassium mineral preparations increase the number of buds being laid for the next season.
  • It is not recommended to introduce nitrogen substances in late autumn, as they can cause the development of bushes before frosts. Such an undesirable process can lead to the death of the culture at low air temperatures.

    Watering strawberries with organic fertilizer

    Most often, chicken manure is used as an organic fertilizer for autumn feeding. In terms of the capacity of nutrient compounds, it is not inferior to mineral substances. Litter restores the acid balance of the soil and improves its microflora.

    This fertilizer is placed between the rows after pruning and transplanting. The amount of chicken droppings should not exceed two kilograms per square meter. Its overabundance in the soil in the fall can lead to an increase in nitrogen in the ground, which is unacceptable before wintering.

    The main action of bird droppings occurs in early spring. When the snow begins to melt, the fertilizer gradually penetrates the soil with moisture. Strawberries begin to develop intensively, receiving the necessary nutrition.

    Recycled poultry droppings restore acidity to soil under strawberries

    Well-rotted manure is used to feed strawberries. It can be laid in the aisles during digging or slurry can be applied around the plant. To prepare a liquid organic solution, you must:

    • one liter of manure;
    • eight to ten liters of water.

    Processing with a mixture that has been infused for two days occurs with the calculation of five hundred milliliters per bush.

    Watering with slurry should be done very carefully, since the solution, if it gets directly on the leaves and the root of the bush, can harm the plant.

    Fertilizing strawberries with liquid fertilizing is possible only at the beginning of autumn. Late application of wet substances can lead to the death of roots at the first significant drops in air temperature.

    Correct use of manure as an autumn top dressing helps to improve the physical qualities of the soil, improve its metabolic absorption capacity. The plant will receive all the necessary components that will help increase the immune defense and create all the conditions for obtaining a bountiful harvest next year.

    Manure is able to show its activity for three years, and twice as long on clay soil.

    Watering strawberries with water with the addition of recycled manure

    Over-matured compost and ready-made humus saturate the soil with many components necessary to improve the vital activity of the plant. These organic fertilizers are used in autumn as mulch to conserve moisture and improve the structure of the soil.

    Bushes are sprinkled with these useful substances, creating a nutritious layer of protection from frost.

    Over-matured compost saturates the soil with essential minerals

    Wood ash contains many useful trace elements. The fertilizer is saturated with a large amount of potassium and phosphorus, which are necessary for strawberries in the fall.

    One hundred and fifty milligrams of organic ash is used per square meter. In its pure form, it is scattered around the bushes or used as mulch, combining with humus or compost.

    Ash - as a type of fertilizer for strawberries

    For feeding strawberries in the fall, use granular or powder potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. They can be scattered between the rows of berry crops or used as a solution.

    To prepare a liquid mixture, it is necessary to dilute in a ten-liter bucket:

    • ten grams of superphosphate;
    • twenty grams of potassium salt.

    Watering is carried out exclusively in the row spacing. The solution, if it gets on the bushes, can burn the plant part.

    It is necessary to work with substances of chemical origin in accordance with the instructions for use attached by the manufacturer to the preparation.

    Superphosphates for strawberries can be used dry or diluted

    For the most effective plant restoration before wintering, a mixture of organic fertilizers with minerals is often used. Such compounds contain the maximum number of useful elements.

    This solution is successfully used by many experienced gardeners:

    • ten liters of water;
    • one hundred grams of wood ash;
    • a tablespoon of nitrophoska;
    • ten grams of potassium sulfate.

    The mixture can be used for watering bushes. Under each plant, no more than five hundred milligrams of such fertilizer is applied.

    When planting strawberries in autumn, it is good to introduce such a combination of useful components into the pits:

    • three kilograms of humus;
    • twenty-five grams of superphosphate;
    • five grams of potassium chloride.

    The ground around each young plant is mulched with humus or compost for the winter. It is also good to water the plants with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate. Processing is carried out only in cases of berry disease. Instead of copper sulfate, it is advisable to use a Bordeaux mixture.

    However, in order to have a good harvest, it is necessary to take care of the berry not only in the fall, but also in the spring, and throughout the season. Correct feeding of strawberries in autumn helps to preserve all strawberry bushes after wintering and to increase their further productivity.

    Natural substances for fertilizing strawberries are cheaper than mineral ones, they allow you to get a clean crop from an environmental point of view. The following methods are especially popular in organic farming:

    1. A mixture of 1 liter of tobacco broth, 10 liters of weed infusion and half a glass of ash.
    2. 130 g of wood ash and 1 liter of slightly warmed mullein.

    Also, for autumn processing, you can use the following recipes:

    1. Biohumus in a volume of 200 ml is dissolved in 10 l of water, kept at room temperature and combined in a 1: 1 ratio with settled water.
    2. A mixture of rainwater with compost and earth, additionally you can add old jam.
    3. An incomplete ten-liter bucket of dried bread crusts must be soaked in water and allowed to stand for a week at room temperature. Then the resulting slurry is diluted with water three times. You can add 1/3 of milk whey to the solution and pour in 500–8000 ml under one bush.

    Fertilizers, especially dry ones, are applied in calm weather, dry land at times when there was no rain for at least two days before. Liquid mixtures can be used before frost so that moisture from the soil has time to evaporate. At later dates, it is optimal to use dry or granular products.

    Almost all substances necessary for strawberries contain complex mixed fertilizers. They help the plant to recover and prepare for the coming winter.

    A source

    The berry contains many vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, with the help of which the immune system works better. Many varieties have high yields. And from the remontant type of strawberry, you can harvest the entire summer season.

    For a high yield and increased fruiting, the soil in the beds must be saturated with substances useful for it. In addition to the summer application of top dressing, it is necessary to fertilize the plant in the fall.

    After all, the berries are harvested in the summer, and the plant is weakened by autumn. Therefore, the bushes will need to restore strength before the onset of cold weather, when fruiting buds begin to develop. They must be healthy and hardy. Moreover, a strong root system can withstand low temperatures more easily.

    Top dressing is of several types. More often, mineral and organic fertilizers are used to nourish the soil for strawberries. In the autumn season, the berries are often fed with organic matter.

    Minerals are more suitable for spring feeding. They can be mixed, added as purchased, ready-made, or prepared on your own.

    In addition to modern additives and standard dressings, there are many popular ways to fertilize strawberries for the winter. Sometimes they look strange, but they work.

    1. Bread

    Yeast is an excellent fertilizer for strawberries in the fall. They acidify the soil, give the berries the opportunity to grow to large sizes. You should take care of the yeast solution in advance.

    Dried bread crusts and pulp are soaked in water until it begins to ferment. Fermentation takes about 7-8 days. The resulting solution is mixed with water in proportions of 1 to 10. The mixture can be poured under the bushes or between the beds. The main thing is to register the land with high quality. Further the roots will take their toll.

    2. Nettle

    When discussing which fertilizer is best for strawberries in the fall, nettles are often encountered. This weed herb is not always associated with something useful. But its composition is a real elixir of life for berry bushes.

    The collected nettles are placed in a bucket or basin and filled with water. In order for the grass to start juicing, it is pressed down with some kind of weight and thoroughly mixed for several days.

    The resulting solution is used in proportions of 1 to 20. It is rich in nitrogen and potassium. It should be noted that strawberries and their feeding in the fall require rainwater. But in the absence of it, you can do with the usual one.

    3. Serum

    Many fermented milk products are suitable for improving soil quality. Whey contains the whole range of nutrients (nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus), amino acids and minerals.

    The slightly acidic soil allows the berry bushes to develop during all stages - ripening and fruiting. But serum alone is not enough. Better to take it as an addition to ash or poultry droppings.

    Milk-based sprayers can also be made. They drive away insects and preserve crops.

    Preparation for wintering

    In addition to autumn dressings, useful steps should be taken to care for strawberries so that they overwinter safely. This includes trimming foliage and mulching the soil. Watering is continued in autumn, as it is still dry and hot in early September.

    Whether it is worth pruning strawberry leaves - there is a lot of controversy about this. Those who are against, say that such a procedure is an intervention in natural processes. Pruning proponents say this manipulation will increase yields in the coming season.

    Shelter is not always required for strawberries. It is important to take into account the climatic conditions of the region of residence. If heavy snowfalls are observed in winter, the snow cover will act as a natural barrier from cold and other adverse factors.

    If the winter is frosty and there is little snow at low temperatures, it is better to cover the strawberries. To do this, use Agrotex, spunbond or just dry leaves. The density of the covering material should be 60 grams per square meter. Better to pull them on an arc. Of the natural options for shelter, it is necessary to give preference to spruce branches. The shelter is carried out after the first frost, due to which the plant is hardened.

    Not all summer residents know how to feed strawberries in the fall and when it is better to do it. Top dressing in September or October is one of the important procedures that helps emaciated plants recover from fruiting. Thanks to fertilizers, strawberry bushes will winter well and next summer they will please with a generous harvest of fragrant and healthy berries.

    Growing strawberries.



    Supporters of organic fertilizers feed strawberries with an aqueous solution of poultry droppings, prepared in a ratio of 0.5 kg of substance per 10 liters of water and infused for 48 hours. With the prepared solution, strips of earth are shed between the bushes, avoiding the ingress of caustic liquid on the leaves. Poultry droppings stimulate plant growth, restore acidity and soil microflora. Exceeding the specified dosage will lead to the accumulation of nitrates in the soil. When applying an aggressive but beneficial fertilizer, the recommended proportion must be strictly observed.

    Feeding with cow dung are no less beneficial for large-fruited strawberries:

    1. 1 kg of organic matter is poured into 10 liters of water.
    2. Insist warm for at least 24 hours.
    3. The fertilizer is watered with ready-made fertilizer at the rate of 1 liter per 1 bush.

    In the same way, slurry diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 8 is used. Only the infusion time in this case is increased from 24 to 48 hours. If you need to supply strawberries with nutrients for a long time, you can use rotted cow dung and mulch the aisles with it.

    Mulching strawberries. Illustration for the article is used under a standard license © site

    Ash and green fertilizers

    For late dressing, ash is often used, which contains valuable mineral compounds. After the combustion of conifers, a substance with a high concentration of phosphorus is obtained, and after deciduous species - with a high content of potassium. Ash not only restores the life potential of berry bushes, but also prevents the development of fungal diseases and rot. Natural fertilizer is used in two ways:

    1. In liquid form. 100-150 g of ash is diluted with 10 liters of water and large-fruited strawberries are watered with this liquid (0.5 liters per 1 bush).
    2. Powder. Bring in for digging (1 glass per 1 m²) or sprinkle it on the soil at the base of the bushes.

    Read also:

    Does it make sense to shelter a strawberry?

    A large concentration of nitrogen, iron and potassium is contained in the nettle extract. "Green" fertilizer enhances the taste and aroma of berries, the formation of healthy shoots. The recipe for nettle infusion is simple:

    1. Plant stems are placed in a large tub or barrel so that the grass fills 2/3 of the internal volume.
    2. The container is poured to the top with water. If there are leftovers of bread in the house, they are also thrown into the barrel.
    3. Leave for fermentation and incubate for 7-10 days.

    The resulting concentrate is diluted with water (1:10) and poured under the berry bushes.

    Fertilize strawberries with ash. Illustration for the article is used under a standard license © site

    Other sources of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

    If there is no organic matter, then complex fertilizers are used as a source of minerals - special for strawberries or universal preparations:

    • Agrovita;
    • Agronomist;
    • Hera;
    • Gardener;
    • Ruby;
    • Fasco;
    • Clear sheet;
    • Florovit;

    They also use traditional mineral compositions... They are diluted with water and watered the aisles at the rate of 1 liter for each bush:

    The beds are enriched with dry organic and mineral substances in September or October. They try to have time to make liquid fertilizing before the end of the first autumn month, since later tillage can significantly reduce the winter hardiness of the berry culture.

    Strawberry is a favorite berry of many, which is not as difficult to care for and grow as many others. But the question of which fertilizer for strawberries to choose in the fall and at other times of the year can solve a number of problems. According to statistics, strawberries, which are fed with the right feeding, give a 30% more yield, and sometimes more.

    According to gardeners, when wondering how to feed strawberries in autumn, you should pay attention to organic types of dressing. The berry needs more minerals in the spring, while in the fall, organic fertilizers are required for strawberries. In autumn, organic matter for berries is useful in that it improves the looseness of the initial soil material, thereby increasing air permeability and saturation of the roots with nitrogen. Reviews suggest that the following dressings are considered the most useful for the plant:

    1. Cow dung is considered one of the most valuable organic matter for strawberries. However, it gets very hot in direct sunlight and warm soil. As a result, in undiluted form, it can completely burn the plant. The use of this drug for the plant is allowed only in diluted form.
    2. In second place for the benefits from organic matter is chicken manure. It is also forbidden to add it undiluted due to too strong concentration. After the leaf trimming period in September, it can be additionally supplied with an extract from chicken droppings. The mixture should be poured not onto the ridges, but onto the rows between them.
    3. Leaf humus collected from deciduous forests is considered the most harmless organic fertilizer. This fertilizer can be used as an embankment in a fairly thick layer directly on the ridges.
    4. When fertilizing with compost mixture, it is important not to let the substance get on the leaves. If the compote is of high quality, then in terms of its main functions it is similar to deciduous humus.
    5. If there is a need to saturate the berry with phosphorus, then wood ash can be used. In September, after trimming the foliage, you need to evenly distribute the wood ash over the site. Typical costs: 15 grams per square meter of land.

    For strawberries in the fall, you can also apply green types of fertilizers. For strawberries when planting in the fall, siderates are also used.

    Phosphorus is considered essential for root growth. Fertilizers with phosphorus content are used before planting a plant. Pure phosphorus supplements for strawberries in the fall are used only if there is a deficiency of a trace element.

    Advice! You can determine the lack of phosphorus by the color of its leaves. Young foliage takes on a bright green hue, while old foliage turns purple. The plant begins to look weaker and grow worse.

    When wondering which fertilizer is best for strawberries, you can opt for superphosphate. It is added to the berry in a ratio of 50 grams. fertilizers per 1 m2 of plot area with strawberries. Potassium monophosphate can be used alone or in combination with superphosphate. Dilute the liquid in proportions of 10 liters of water 10 gr. substances. Consumption is 4 liters per 1 m2. Top dressing with such fertilizers should be carried out in evening time after watering the berries.

    How to feed for the winter - complex fertilizers

    Complex fertilizer for strawberries is considered ideal when preparing berries for wintering. It can help provide nutrients to strawberries and help them adapt to cold weather. The most popular complex fertilizers include:

    • the composition of nitrophoska or nitrophos contains a large amount of useful salts, including calcium chloride and potassium nitrate. Treatment of strawberries with fertilizer is desirable in proportions of the standard type 16:16:16;
    • nitroammofosk contains two forms of nitrogen at once, therefore, it is twice as useful. For the best yield, you can use the ratio 15:15:15 or in standard with the previous fertilization;
    • in addition to nitrogen, ammofosk contains important calcium and sulfur. In autumn, this fertilizer is useless for strawberries; it is better to apply it in the spring season.

    Many summer residents are wondering how to dilute the listed elements in one fertilizer. This can be done by mixing 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska and other vitamins per 10 liters of clean water.

    Ammonium nitrate

    The benefit of nitrogen fertilizers is the ability to grow large, ripe and juicy berries. If there is not enough nitrogen, the yield is sour and small. Ammonium nitrate is used in spring, ideally it should be combined with urea. Ammonium nitrate and urea are diluted with 10 liters of water per tablespoon. Consumption per bush is one and a half liters. If you overdo it with this mixture, the taste of the berries will not be so sweet.

    Fertilizer "Rubin"

    Asking the question of what to fertilize strawberries in the fall, you can pay attention to such a drug as Rubin. The main task of this complex is to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the growth of shrubs. With this addition, you can disinfect the soil and protect it from a number of garden pests. It is worth remembering that the packaging of the product for 1 kg is designed for feeding a plot of 35 m2

    Gardeners are advised to apply just before the flowering period. The second top dressing should be applied after harvest. In the fall, a special powder is used for feeding with the name of the season when it should be applied.

    Fertilizer "Ryazanochka"

    Strawberries can be fed with the Ryazanochka complex supplement. Its main task is to improve soil fertility indicators, enhance the immunity of strawberries and improve its taste characteristics. The question of how to use the drug is quite simple. A solution is prepared from 1 tea boat of the preparation for a bucket of water in the amount of 10 liters. Top dressing is best done in the early morning or late evening. The last feeding with the drug should be done a couple of weeks before the beginning of the growing season for strawberries.

    Fertika fertilizer

    When it is necessary to help the strawberries to set the buds for the new season, as well as to stimulate flowering and growth of the root system, you can apply the fertilizing of the complex Fertika type. The peculiarity of the drug is that at different times of the year and for a specific culture, different conditions must be observed. Fertilizers of this type in the fall contain less nitrogenous compounds, but a doubled dosage of potassium with phosphorus. The proportions of the substance depend on the purpose of the purpose of the treatment of the plantation. For example, feeding strawberries will cost 40 grams. substances per 1 sq. meter. If you plan to dig the site in winter, you should count on 50 grams. per square meter of land. Consultants will tell you what fertilizers are best for what kind of strawberry when ordering a product, since each case is individual for the drug. How to dilute a product for treating other crops is usually written on the package.

    Fertilizer "Fasco"

    Strawberries for the winter can be fed with such a complex preparation as "Fasco". Its main task is to increase the immunity of the berry and strengthen the root system. It will take about 25 ml of liquid fertilizer for a standard 10 liters of water. For one plant, 15 liters of solution should be taken into account. The best application time is after the yield, the feeding interval is once a week. If you apply it more often, you can burn the strawberry roots.

    Basic feeding against pests

    The question of what fertilizers will help get rid of or reduce harm from garden pests worries many beginners. According to reviews, two drugs are considered the most effective in this matter.

    "Karbofos" against pests

    The remedy is considered the first in the fight against the garden strawberry mite. It is worth remembering that its action is short-lived, therefore it will require frequent additional spraying. Spraying with this drug is relevant at the beginning of the autumn period after harvest. After processing the solution, the strawberries should be covered with something for a couple of hours, for example, agrofiber.

    Fitoverm for strawberries

    Another well-proven pest control product. In addition to a long period of action, up to 15 days, it is not dangerous, non-toxic and does not accumulate in the foliage of the berry, creating a strong protective layer around it. It is prohibited to use it undiluted. Usually, the less concentrated the solution, the less hazard it poses to the plant foliage. Funds are sold in different volumes for different land plots. The solution should be diluted before use, it is not suitable for storage.