Holy Dormition Vyshensky Convent. Shrines of the Vyshenskaya monastery

Assumption Vyshensky (Vyshinsky) Monastery - a female (formerly male) monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, now the Ryazan diocese (formerly Tambov). Restored as convent in 1990.

It is located at the confluence of the Tsna River, its tributary Vyshi. Located at a distance of 25 kilometers from the city of Shatsk.

It was supposedly founded in the 16th-17th centuries (it was first mentioned in written sources in 1625 in the letter of the mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich - Marfa). From the day it was founded until the revolution, the monastery was for men. Apparently, initially the monastery was not eminent and rich, so already in 1724 it was assigned to the Cherneevsky Nikolsky Monastery. Since 1764 the monastery regained its independence.

A new page in the life of the Vyshensky Monastery is associated with the transition in the 19th century to the jurisdiction of the Tambov diocese, which at that time was ruled by Bishop Theophilus. Thanks to him, Elder Tikhon was invited from the Sarov Monastery, under whose leadership the Vyshinsky Monastery was rebuilt almost anew. Under Abbot Tikhon (abbot in 1800-1844), a stone four-tiered bell tower with the Trinity Church (consecrated in 1818), stone cells and a stone fence with towers were erected.

The main shrine of the monastery - a copy of the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - was given to the monastery on March 7, 1827, according to the will of the nun of the Ascension Tambov Monastery, Miropia.

In 1831, a summer stone summer church was laid in the name of this icon. It became the last building erected during the life of Abbot Tikhon: the consecration of the completed cathedral took place in the summer of 1844 - a few days after his death. This is a five-domed church with three altars: the central one was consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God; the left one is dedicated to the Nativity of John the Baptist, and the right one is dedicated to the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. The frescoes of the temple and the carved iconostasis were made in 1875.

Among others, in this cathedral there were icons painted by St. Theophan the Recluse. He lived in the monastery in 1866-1894. Since 1872, he spent his time in complete seclusion, personally arranging for prayers a small house church of the Theophany of the Lord.

A little earlier, while holding the position of bishop of the Tambov diocese, St. Theophan appointed the former steward of the Bishop's House of Arcadius to the post of abbot, under whom many new buildings of the monastery were built.

In 1861, the Assumption Church was built (consecrated in 1862) with two aisles - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Under Abbot Arcady, a two-storey stone fraternal building with a pharmacy, an almshouse, two stone hotels, a bakery, a stable and an inn were built.

In 1874-1890, a warm stone five-domed Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ was built, decorated on three sides with columns and porticos of the Ionic order. The main throne of the temple was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of Christ, the right one - in honor of the martyrs Adrian and Natalia, and the sacristy was located on the left. The venerated icon of the Nine Martyrs of Cyzic was kept in this cathedral.

In the 1920s, the monastery was closed, the buildings and all the property of the former monastery were nationalized, and the monks were evicted. The only cathedral where services continued for some time (until 1938) was the Church of the Nativity. The territory of the monastery was used as a forestry, a state farm for pig breeding, a children's town, and since 1938, a regional psychiatric hospital settled in the buildings of the monastery. In the 1960s, the monastery bell tower was blown up.

In 1988, the canonization of Theophan the Recluse took place, which drew public attention to the abandoned Vyshenskaya monastery.

A new revival of the monastery began in 1990, when part of the buildings was transferred to the church for the organization of a convent. On June 29, 2002, with the participation of Patriarch Alexy II, the solemn transfer of the relics of St. Theophan to the Vyshensky monastery.

Vyshenskaya Hermitage is located in the Ryazan Region on the right bank of the Vysha River, not far from its confluence with the Tsna River.

The Holy Dormition Vyshensky Monastery was built on the present site in 1625 according to the letter of the “great old woman Marfa Ioannovna” (mother of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich). Located in remote places, the monastery was an outpost in the spread of the Christian faith among the local pagans - Mordovians. The first temple of the Vyshenskaya Hermitage was built in the name of the Dormition Holy Mother of God in 1761 May 7, 1827 donated to the monastery miraculous icon Mother of God

"Kazan", for which a summer cathedral was erected (1831-1844). In 1886 Saint Theophan arrived at the monastery. He loved these places. “Height can only be exchanged for the Kingdom of Heaven,” he writes in letters. The Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ was consecrated in 1890. In the 19th century, the Vyshenskaya Convent became a center of spiritual enlightenment. The main shrines of the monastery are the miraculous image of the Mother of God of Kazan Vyshenskaya and the relics of St. Theophan, the Hermit Vyshensky

4 km from the Vyshensky Monastery is the village of Emmanuilovka, where there is a spring consecrated in honor of St. Theophan the Recluse. Pilgrims who have repeatedly visited the monastery, talk about cases of healing at the source. Pilgrimage trips to the Holy Assumption Vyshensky Monastery, to the ancient Shatsk land, remain in the memory for a long time.

Saint Theophan, addressing his spiritual children, wrote: “You stand above, and the gates are open. Whenever the Lord blesses to visit her for pilgrimage, you will always find her ready to receive you - to comfort and refresh.

Website of the Holy Assumption Vyshensky Monastery: http://svtheofan.ru/


Ryazan → v. Vysha Shatsky district of the Ryazan region with. Emmanuilovka → St. Nicholas Cherneevsky Monastery. → Ryazan

Travel program:

6:30 a.m. meeting of the group at the Nikolo-Yamsky Church (Tsiolkovskogo St., 8).

7:00 - Departure from the Nikolo-Yamsky Church (Tsiolkovskogo St., 8).

10:30 - Arrival at the Holy Dormition Vyshensky Monastery.

Veneration of the relics of St. Theophan the Recluse - the great teacher of the church, church writer of the 19th century, the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Kazan". Visit to the Museum of St. Theophan Vyshensky. Tour of the monastery.

Transfer to the village of Emmanuilovka. Source (with font).

Moving St. Nicholas Cherneevsky Monastery.

The monastery was called Cossack, because the Don army took part in the construction. Among the brethren of the monastery there were many Cossack veterans, participants in campaigns and wars. Don Cossack was the founder and builder of the monastery, the monk Matthew. St. Nicholas Cathedral of the 18th century, the Kazan Church (end of the 18th century - beginning of the 19th century), a bell tower with a gate church in honor of John the Baptist were consecrated in the monastery. The brethren of the monastery especially honor the miraculous icons of the Mother of God “Kazan”, “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, “Chernigov” and the icon of St. Nicholas. Tour of the monastery. If possible, a conversation with the rector of the monastery, Fr. Feofan (Danchenkov). Tea drinking.

17:00 - Departure to Ryazan.

20:30 – Arrival in Ryazan

Holy Dormition Vyshensky Monastery

The Assumption Vyshensky Monastery, founded in the 16th-17th centuries, was first mentioned in 1625 in a letter from the mother of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov. Since its foundation, the monastery has been carrying out missionary work, enlightening the local population - the Mordovians - with the light of the Orthodox faith. In 1827, at the command of the Queen of Heaven Herself, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was transferred to the monastery, which later became famous for miraculous healings from cholera of the inhabitants of Tambov, Morshansk, Shatsk and other cities. The icon was revered everywhere as miraculous, and the image itself received the name Vyshenskaya.

In the 19th century Along with Optina and the Sarov Hermitage, the Vyshenskaya Hermitage becomes the recognized spiritual center of Russia. When Archimandrite Arkady (Chestony) was the abbot, Pustyn spiritually nourished numerous believers, carried out a lot of enlightenment and educational work, work to build and equip many spiritual and educational schools and schools.

A well-known ascetic and theologian of the Russian Orthodox Church Saint Theophan, the Recluse Vyshensky, spent the last 28 years of his life on Vyshe, 22 of them in strict seclusion. In numerous letters, Saint Theophan wrote about the need to strengthen the spiritual and moral foundations of society. His most famous book, The Way to Salvation, leads many to faith today, showing the way to the Christian life. Many consider the saint to be a popular pastor and confessor, in whose writings one can find answers to the most pressing questions of spiritual life.

Today, the Assumption Vyshensky Monastery, continuing the centuries-old traditions of the monastery, is being revived as a spiritual and educational center of the Ryazan Metropolis. The life of the contemporary nuns of the Vyshensky Monastery is based on prayer service, which is combined to the best of our ability with service to the world, especially in glorifying the memory of the monastery’s patron saint, St.

Now the monastery has become a flourishing spiritual center. Repair and restoration work is being actively carried out in buildings that until recently housed a psychiatric hospital.

The building of St. Theophanes was restored, in which the museum and the home church of the ascetic are located. The Kazan Cathedral has been restored and opened for worship, in the iconostasis of which is placed the miraculous Kazan Vyshenskaya icon. In 2009, a shrine with the relics of St. Theophan was transferred from the Assumption Church to the Kazan Cathedral.

Repair and restoration work was carried out in the building with the historical name "Glacier". It is adapted for a refectory complex, which includes two refectory halls, two kitchens, and prosphora. In the main hall there is a large icon case with icons, and the walls are painted. All the main events of the monastery, including Feofanovsky readings, take place in this hall. The administrative center was opened, in which there are not only office rooms, but also a church shop, the shop “Gifts of the Compound”, a sacristy. A new cell building has recently been opened, in which the abbot's chambers are located on the first floor, and the sisters' cells on the second.

There are few sisters in the monastery - 16 people. They live alone in a cell. All the nuns have a cell rule - reading the kathisma of the Psalter with commemoration books. Sisters of advanced age have the opportunity to fulfill the rule during the day, and sisters engaged in obedience fulfill it in the evening.

The general morning rule begins at 05.30 in the Kazan Cathedral. Morning prayers, Midnight Office, Gospel, Apostle, canons are read. At the end of the rule, a prayer service is served daily with an akathist to the Mother of God and St. Theophan the Recluse (akathists alternate every other day). The presence of the sisters at the morning rule is obligatory. At the end of the prayer service, the hours are read and the Liturgy is served. Sisters who are free from obedience remain in the service, the rest disperse according to obedience. On Sundays and holidays, all the sisters remain in the service.

The obediences in the monastery are different: in the temple, in the refectory, in the prosphora, in the sacristy, in the museum, in the hotel, on the farm. Many combine several obediences: the monastery is being actively restored, and there is a lot to be done.

The activities of the monastery are built according to the charter. The main issues related to the life of the monastery are decided by the abbess, and in her absence by the dean. Each sister has the opportunity to communicate with Mother Abbess directly or by phone.

The monastery has a large staff of employees who work for hire. Those jobs, the qualifications of which the sisters do not have, are distributed among employees. The presence of secular people in the monastery is quite extensive. These are pilgrims, and employees, representatives of administrative, government structures, as well as local residents who still live in the buildings of the monastery. The monastery is a city-forming object, and thanks to the activity of the monastery, it is possible to resolve issues related to the life of the village: a new Kindergarten, the central part of the village of Vysha was improved, roads were repaired, street lighting was installed, a new water tower and a water supply system were installed. Walking children's areas around the Christmas tree were created, a monument to St. Feofan. A medical center has been organized in one of the buildings of the monastery, which will provide services to the population. The monastery also organizes trips for children to Christmas trees, excursions.

The monastery has the opportunity to receive both laborers and those who intend to remain in the service of God.

This year, on the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, the monastery will celebrate its 390th anniversary.

The Vyshensky Assumption Convent, whose website can be visited at any time (listed below, in the "Contacts" section), is known not only to local residents.

It has its own history, full of joyful and sad moments. But you need to know about all such events, since it is from the little things that a complete historical picture of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Russian state is formed.

People come here from different parts of their native country and even from near and far abroad. It attracts pilgrims with its special atmosphere of tranquility, peace and elevation above worldly problems.

In contact with

Description and location

Located in Vyshe, Shatsky district. It is a convent for women. Here are the relics of St. Theophan the Recluse. Thanks to this fact, the monastery gained fame and popularity. It was built a long time ago and was originally a male.

The Ryazan region can be proud of the fact that such a significant creation of human hands is located on its territory. The immediate location from the settlements is the village of Vysha near the city of Shatsk (about 25 kilometers from it). The place is quite picturesque at any time of the year, especially in summer.

Note: the village itself is successfully spread out where the Vysha (its tributary) flows into the Tsna River.


History is made up of various sources. Some of them are stories, legends and legends. And there are documented facts.

The original existence of the Vyshenskaya Assumption Hermitage is known partly from legend, partly from documents cited in the book of Abbot Tikhon (Tsiplyakovskii), published in 1881.

Its foundation is dated to the 16th-17th centuries. However, it is reliably known that already in the first quarter of the 17th century, this building existed.

It is worth noting: Initially, the Vyshinsky Monastery, according to some sources, was located a few kilometers from its new location.

In the 18th century the shrine was devastated and plundered, but its inhabitants survived. The monastery flourished in the 19th century, when it passed into the possession of the Tambov diocese. The twentieth century was marked for the monastery by both ruin and a new revival.

Like many religious sites in our country, the monastery complex at the beginning of the 20th century. closed.

Everything that belonged to the monks became state property.

Such a phenomenon is not uncommon at that time.

Interesting fact: The Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ became the only place for a short period of time where divine services were performed. However, this only lasted until 1938.

In the 70s. 20th century a couple of clerics dared to enter the abandoned building. They saw the complete barbaric destruction of the complex. They also found the remains of Bishop Theophan and performed a memorial service. So secretly the clergy slowly put things in order here and took out significant relics to a safe place.

Current state

1988 became significant for the entire Orthodox world. That year the saint was canonized, that is, they were canonized as saints. This fact became the starting point for the beginning of the revival of the monastery. It did not become superfluous to involve the public in this event.

Time was not long in coming. Already in 1990, the active restoration of the object began. It was handed over to the caring hands of believers. And in 2002, the Vyshensky Assumption Convent appeared to the world.

It's important to know: the consecration was carried out by Patriarch Alexy II, who was the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. He also blessed the transfer of the relics of St. The recluse.

Description of the monastery architectural ensemble

The architectural ensemble includes several buildings. Among them you can find the Assumption Church, Kazansky, the bell tower and other buildings.

It is worth noting: in this composition, the monastery ensemble appeared in the 19th century.

Today, the monastery is a unique object that many pilgrims seek to see, to touch the history of the Orthodox world, to plunge into the unique atmosphere of this place, to venerate the holy relics of Father Theophan.

Nativity Cathedral

At the end of the 19th century, as part of a real architectural ensemble of the complex, a cathedral was built, which now bears the name of the Nativity of Christ.

Do you know that: From the very beginning, the building was conceived as a "warm" temple, where it would be possible and convenient to hold services in the cold season. Especially in winter period, in severe frosts.

The building has 2 thrones and 5 domes.

The Nine Martyrs of Kizichesk - this is the name of the icon revered and located in the cathedral.

Kazan Cathedral

The construction went on for more than 10 years, and ended only in 1844. The Sarov Assumption Cathedral served as the basis for the project of Kazan, which is located in the Ryazan region. However, the decoration and its size still could not reach the level of its prototype.

The building has 3 thrones and is five-domed in its structure. The temple itself is very beautiful. Its columns and pediments are distinguished by their particular sophistication and sophistication.

Good to know: Bishop, theologian and publicist Feofan - is the author of many icons that adorn the cathedral iconostasis. And the minister himself was buried near the walls of the Kazan Cathedral.

Assumption Church

It can rightfully be called the very first building that appeared as part of the architectural complex of the Vyshensky Monastery.

Its origin dates back to the 17th century. However, the history of the church is not so prosperous and beautiful.

At the moment, it is not located where it used to be, since the first wooden building was moved. Now the church is a stone church, rebuilt on the site of a burnt one.

It was illuminated in 1988 after a long restoration. By the way, it was decided to put this building in order one of the first.

Bishop's House Church

The complex includes many different buildings.

Some of them appeared in the 17th century. Others were rebuilt several centuries later.

Each of them is unique, has its own history, architectural features. So, the ensemble also includes a house church. It is inextricably linked with the name of the bishop.

Since this holy man was a recluse, he celebrated all his liturgies here.

Take into account: to organize a house church received official permission. The diocesan authorities blessed her device. The event took place in 1867.

Bell tower

At the moment, the bell tower is a dismantled building. It happened back in the 70s. 20th century This account has befallen many Orthodox buildings. Neither small churches and chapels, nor large cathedrals and temples spared. Even the fact that the objects have a special cultural and historical value was not taken into account.

Note: The bell tower was built in the first half of the 19th century. It previously had 14 bells already at the beginning of the 20th century. The heaviest bell was the one whose weight was 726 pounds.

Other buildings

There were also other buildings and structures on the territory.

So, in order to conduct competent economic and other life activities, 12 stone buildings for the brethren were used.

There was also one wooden building. It was used as a barn.

The outer territory was also rich in guest houses. There were two of those. The complex received such an arrangement by the beginning of the new 20th century.

Saints of the Vyshensky Monastery

Theophanes, glorified in the guise of saints, lived in the 19th century. He is still the most famous theologian and preacher in Orthodox circles. Another of his occupations is called journalistic activity.

Theophan the Recluse (in the world Georgy Vasilyevich Govorov; January 10 (23), 1815 - January 6 (18), 1894) - Bishop of the Orthodox Russian Church; theologian, publicist-preacher

Life of St. Feofana is quite interesting. He had spiritual education and a clear intention to serve the church all his life. After graduating from the seminary and the theological academy, the young man became a monk.

It's important to know: St. Theophanes helped to raise the level of education by creating Sunday schools, parochial and other schools, for example, a diocesan school for the female population.

Arriving in Vyshenskaya Pustyn, he remained here until the end of his days. His burial took place in the Kazan Cathedral.

Shrines of the Vyshenskaya monastery

Among the shrines of the Vyshenskaya Hermitage, the relics of St. Theophan stand apart. They were canonized as saints in 1988.

Before being transferred to their permanent location, they were located not far from the monastery, which was completely closed at that time.

The reliquary with shrines is also kept here. Thus, people are given the opportunity to bow to the holy relics and ask for help in one place, if it is not possible to arrive at the place of the exploits of the saints.

The Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan Vyshenskaya can also be found here. Many pilgrims come to pray, ask for help and intercession from the Mother of God. Nobody remains unanswered.

Take note: the relics of other saints are stored in small shrines in the monastery. So, for example, the remains of four Ryazan saints, as well as the reverend fathers of the Kiev Caves.

Information for pilgrims and tourists

Let's consider some points:

How to get there

Former monastery Tambov diocese. The current convent of the Ryazan diocese.

The Assumption Monastery is located 25 km from Shatsk in the village of Vysha.

Presumably it was founded in the XVI-XVII centuries. In written sources, it was first mentioned in 1625 in a letter from the mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich - Martha.

From the day it was founded until the revolution, the monastery was for men. Apparently, the monastery was not eminent and rich, so already in 1724 it was assigned to the Cherneevsky Nikolsky Monastery. However, in 1764 the monastery became independent again.

With the transition in the 19th century to the jurisdiction of the Tambov diocese, it was rebuilt almost anew.

The main shrine of the monastery - a copy of the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - was given to the monastery on March 7, 1827, according to the will of the nun of the Ascension Tambov Monastery Miropia (Maria Ivanovna Adenkova).

In the 1920s, the monastery was closed, the buildings and all the property of the former monastery were nationalized, and the monks were evicted. In the book “Red Terror in Russia” on page 103 there is a paragraph: “Will we find in life and literature a description similar to that given by Steinberg about the incident in the Shatsk district of the Tambov province. There is the Vyshinsky icon of the Mother of God revered by the people. the Spanish woman raged in the village. procession, for which the local Cheka arrested the priests and the icon itself ... The peasants learned about the mockery carried out in the Cheka over the icon: "they spat, shuffled on the floor," and went "to help the Mother of God with a wall." There were women, old men, children. The Cheka opened fire on them with machine guns. "The machine gun mows down the rows, but they walk, they see nothing, over the corpses, over the wounded, they climb right through, their eyes are terrible, the mothers of the children go ahead, shouting:" Mother, Intercessor, save, have mercy, all we’ll lie down for you ... There was no longer any fear in them. ”

The only cathedral where services continued for some time (until 1938) was the Church of the Nativity. The territory of the monastery was used as a forestry, a state farm for pig breeding, a children's town, and since 1938, a regional psychiatric hospital settled in the buildings of the monastery. In the 1960s, the monastery bell tower was blown up.

In 1988, the canonization of Theophan the Recluse took place, which drew public attention to the abandoned Vyshenskaya monastery.

A new revival of the monastery began in 1990, when part of the buildings was transferred to the church for the organization of a convent. On June 29, 2002, with the participation of Patriarch Alexy II, the solemn transfer of the relics of St. Theophan to the Vyshensky monastery.

Wiki: en:Vyshensky Dormition Monastery

This is a description of the Holy Assumption Vyshensky Convent 130.5 km south of Murom, Ryazan Oblast (Russia). As well as photos, reviews and a map of the surroundings. Find out the history, coordinates, where it is located and how to get there. Check out other locations on our interactive map for more details. Know the world better.

Cathedrals No. 6940 - Dormition Vyshensky Convent

Temples of Russia No. 10853 - Assumption Vyshensky Convent (Assumption Vyshensky Monastery for Men, 1625)

The monastery was founded as a male monastery in the forests at the confluence of Tsna and Vysha, it was transferred to a modern place in 1625. For a long time it was not rich and not crowded, it began to develop in the beginning. 19th century care of the builder hierom. Tikhon, who came here from the Sarov desert. Most of the buildings, including the cells and the fence, were built in the 19th century. Received special fame for living here in 1866-1894 in the gate of Bishop. Feofan (Govorov), a famous spiritual writer. Closed in the 1920s, occupied by the forestry. Since 1938 occupied by the regional psychiatric hospital. Restored in 1990 on part of the territory as a female, but before the end. In the 1990s, the sisters lived outside the monastery. At present time is running gradual withdrawal of the hospital to new buildings.

3 editions in total, last 6 years ago by kasper from Krasnodar