Dormition Princess Monastery. Holy Dormition Princess Convent - vladimir - history - catalog of articles - love without conditions

One of the main cities of the Golden Ring - Vladimir was once the mighty capital of North-Eastern Russia. Several historical buildings have survived to our times, remembering the reign of the great princes, the founders of the Vladimir principality. Temples, monasteries and other religious buildings are best preserved. One of the oldest sights of Vladimir is the Knyaginin Monastery, founded presumably in 1200.

Its emergence is associated with the names of Grand Duke Vsevolod the Big Nest and his wife Maria Shvarovna. Their family was very prolific, twelve children were born in marriage, for this the prince received the nickname "Big Nest". Maria Shvarovna was distinguished by special piety, therefore, when, after her last birth, she became very ill, she asked her husband to found a monastery, which was named after her Knyaginin. Feeling quick death, the princess took the veil as a nun in the created monastery and soon died.

As many chroniclers write, all the inhabitants of the Vladimir principality bitterly mourned the death of their beloved princess. And the Knyaginin Monastery has since become the family burial place of the Grand Duchesses. The sister and daughter of Maria Shvarovna, both wives and the daughter of Prince Alexander Nevsky, who was the grandson of the pious founder of the Assumption Monastery, were buried here.

Since this monastery was very rich, during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, it suffered more than once from raids and devastation. Then objectionable princesses were repeatedly exiled to the Knyaginin Monastery. So, one of the wives of Tsarevich Ivan, the son of Ivan the Terrible, lived here for some time, who was taken here for childlessness, and later Princess Xenia, the daughter of Tsar Boris Godunov, found shelter in the same monastery.

From the time of Peter the Great, the decline of monastic life began, and after the Bolsheviks came to power, the ancient Knyaginin Monastery was generally closed and given a new name - the village of Vorovsky.

Only in 1992 did monastic life resume. The monastery was returned to its main shrine - the icon of the Bogolyubskaya Mother of God, which is considered the first icon painted by Russian masters. Prior to that, all the icons were brought from Byzantium. It is believed that it was written at the behest of Andrei Bogolyubsky, and, therefore, it is about 850 years old. They placed it in the Assumption Cathedral.

In addition, another important relic is kept here - a particle of the relics of St. Abraham of Bulgaria. This saint initially professed Islam, but then converted to Orthodoxy. Not succumbing to numerous persuasions to renounce the Christian faith, he was executed. Later, Prince Yuri of Vladimir, son of Vsevolod the Big Nest, transferred the relics of the saint to the Knyaginin Monastery. They say that miraculous healings from mental and eye diseases occurred from them.

The Assumption Cathedral, which can now be seen in the monastery, was built in the 16th century on the foundation of an earlier church. Per brickwork fragments of ancient walls have been preserved. In the middle of the XII century, the interior of the church was decorated with wonderful frescoes made by Moscow masters. Fortunately, they are generally preserved.

The restoration of the Knyaginin Monastery, which keeps the history of the great princes of the Vladimir land, continues. It remains to be hoped that nothing will interfere with the former prosperity of this holy place.

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Holy Dormition Knyaginin Monastery

History of the Book Monastery

The Holy Dormition Monastery endured a lot. Over the 800-year history, it has been burned and devastated more than once. The Polish-Lithuanian invasion of the 17th century left a deep mark. Even more severe were the consequences of the reforms of 1770, which were published by Catherine II. But the monastery suffered the most severe destruction from a fire that happened in the 19th century, which took away with it many testimonies of past times. But despite past difficulties, by the beginning of the 20th century convent blossomed again! V Soviet times, like many other religious institutions, the Holy Dormition Monastery was closed. Its premises were used as granaries. And after, as a museum of atheism.


The Knyaginin Monastery has found a new life in our days. In 1993, the dust of oblivion was shaken from him. The monastery was restored, and the nuns again settled within its walls. Of the ancient buildings of the monastery, the most interesting that have come down to us are: the Assumption Cathedral of the Book Monastery - built in 1500 and the Kazan Church, built in 1789. In addition, monastic cells built in the second part of the 19th century are located around the entire perimeter of the monastic estates.

Architectural monuments of the monastery

Assumption Cathedral

Assumption Cathedral of the Knyaginin Monastery in Vladimir

The Assumption Cathedral was built on the foundations of its predecessor, which has been standing here since 1200. It was probably destroyed under the Mongol-Tatars, and the current temple dates back to 1500. The external decoration of the Assumption Cathedral is not as poetic as its internal appearance. It is concise and geometrically accurate. The main advantages of the cathedral are hidden from prying eyes inside the temple. Fragments of ancient murals from the middle of the 17th century have been preserved there; their beauty can delight every traveler! Here I found my new house a very valuable and revered Bogolyubov Icon of the Mother of God.

Frescoes of the Dormition Cathedral of the Knyaginin Monastery

Kazan church

Kazan Church of the Knyaginin Monastery in Vladimir

It will also be interesting for tourists to visit the Kazan Church, previously the Church of St. John Chrysostom stood in its place (its first mention dates back to 1665). Today it is the northern limit of the temple. The southern limit was completed in the 19th century and named after Abraham of Bulgaria. In 2007, the church was revived and re-consecrated.

Mosaic "Rejoice, zealous intercessor of the Christian race" on the apse of the Kazan Cathedral of the Knyaginin Monastery


Today, the monastery houses an orphanage and a regency school. The monastery itself is active, almost three dozen nuns live on its territory. This should be taken into account by tourists when visiting the monastery walls. The most interesting is inside the Assumption Cathedral. Parishioners are inspired and impressed by the frescoes of the mid-seventeenth century. The artistic composition "The Last Judgment" is distinguished by a special, extraordinary beauty.

The atmosphere of the monastery, located in a quiet cozy place in Vladimir, is filled with peace and ancient wisdom, it is harmonious and allows those who come to realize themselves. Even just for the sake of this, the Holy Dormition Book Monastery is worthy of your attention!