Sound ,, letter Нн. Capital and lowercase letter Нн. Uppercase and lowercase letter H, n

Writing lesson in grade 1

Topic. Uppercase and lowercase H, n

Pedagogical purpose.Create conditions for the formation of the ability to write capital and lowercase letters H, n; contribute to the development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, eyes.

Lesson type. Solution of the educational problem.

Planned results (substantive).

Comparison of lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters is carried out; syllable - sound analysis of words with sounds [n], [n ']. Perform writing syllables and words with the letters H, n, capital letter in proper names, letter of suggestions with comments. The sentences are supplemented with a word encoded in the object drawing. Copy from the written font. Know the criteria for evaluating the work performed.

Personal results.

Show cognitive interest, educational motives.

Universal learning activities (metasubject).

Regulatory: plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Cognitive: general educational - consciously and voluntarily build verbal statements in oral and written form;brain teaser - compare lowercase and uppercase, printed and written letters; conduct a syllable - sound analysis of words with sound[n]; highlight the signs of the proposal.

Communicative: know how to build statements that are understandable for a partner in communication.

The main content of the topic, concepts and terms.

The letters H, n; lowercase, uppercase, printed, written letters; syllable - sound

analysis of words; sound [n]; sentence.

Educational resources.

    Presentation by letter

    Presentation "Living Alphabet"

During the classes

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Greeting. Checking readiness for the lesson (having a notebook on the table

"Recipe number 2", pens.

(Children greet the teacher, each other, check their readiness for the lesson, emotionally tune in to the lesson)

II. Statement of the educational problem.

Listen to the poem and find a mysterious letter in it.

It is in the word "song"

It is in the word "he"

It is in the word "ladder"

It is in the word "elephant"

With her, the "night" begins,

And it ends the "dream".

And in the middle of "she" - she again!

Who is this mysterious stranger? (LetterH)

What the poem told you about the letterH?

(Letter H occurs at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words.)

Does it mean a vowel or consonant sound? (Consonant [n])

What letters do you think we will learn to write today?

(Uppercase and lowercase lettersH, n).

III. Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity.

1. Finger gymnastics.

Let's prepare our hand for writing. Let's do finger gymnastics.

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this -

So the heads were removed.

(The guys do finger gymnastics. They clench and unclench their hands to the rhythm of the poem).

2. Rules for seating at the table while writing.

We check the fit, the rules for handling the handle.

(The guys show landing at the table when writing, how to hold a pen correctly)

3. Acquaintance with the letter N.

Consider printed and uppercase letter H.

How are they similar and how are they different?

What does the letter look likeH?

(The guys look at the letters, answer the teacher's questions, listen to the poem)

Letter HI know you

The letter is strong, steel.

You are huge

And not the letter you, but the bridge.

Cars are running over you

The river runs under you.

With big steamers.

There are clouds above you.

4. Familiarity with writing lowercase letter n.

Consider a sample of the lowercase letter n. We start writing from the top line of the working line. We lead the stick down to the bottom line of the working line. Then, from the middle of the first element, we write the second element - the crossbar. This element should be slightly slack. The third element is a stick with a rounded bottom.

(The children listen to the teacher's explanation, watch the writing of the letter. They write the elements in the air).

Let's write a letter in the air under -one - and, two - and.

5. Work in the "Recipe". Letter elements letter n and letter n.

Consider a lowercase letter patternn.

What are the three elements of a letter?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

Circle the petals.

Add the elements of the letter n on the first line, add the letter on the second line n.

At home, you will practice writing a lettern.

(The guys examine the letter, its elements. Answer the teacher's questions. Write the elements of the lettern, letter n) .

6. Syllabus - sound analysis of words.

Circle the letters n in the words, read the resulting words.

(The guys circle the letters).

Consider schemes, correlate schemes and words.

(1st scheme - he, 2nd scheme - it, she, they).

Perform a syllable - sound analysis according to the schemes.

(The guys are doing word analysis).

7. Writing syllables.

Read the syllables in Recipe No. 2.

Complete the syllables on the lines, pay attention to the connection of the letters.

(The guys read the syllables in writing, do them in writing).

Physical education

We've worked, guys, and now - all to charge!

Stand up quietly, smile

All turn into little animals.

How many animals came to the class

Do not recognize my children!

Who is the bunny, who is the fox,

Who is the bear, who is the cat, who is the bird?

Start dancing more fun!

Everybody dance, don't hesitate!

It's time for us to get to work, sit down quietly, kids.

(Children pretend to be their favorite animals and dance to the music).

8. Acquaintance with the capital letter N. Comparison of the letters H, n.

Compare uppercase and lowercase lettersH, n

Are they spelled the same or differently?

Consider a capital letter patternN.

What are the two elements of an uppercase letter?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

(The guys are looking at the lettersH, n... Compare. Answer the teacher's questions. Consider letter elementsH... Outline the elements of the letter).

9. Acquaintance with writing the letter N.

Capital letterH we begin to write from the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We draw a small stroke up to the right, then draw a line down, cross the upper line of the working line, lead further down. Just before reaching the bottom line of the working line, round up to the left, slightly rise above the bottom line of the working line. We begin to write the second element just below the top line of the operating line. We draw a smooth line to the right, going up. We make a loop above the working line (the intersection is on the top line of the working line). We draw a line down and write as we wrote a stick with a rounded bottom.

Write a letter in the air under the bill and - one, and - two, - and.

(The children analyze a sample of the letter being studied, highlight the elements in the capital letter. They listen to the teacher's explanation, watch the writing of the letter. They write the elements in the air).

10. Work in "Recipe No. 2". Letter letters, syllables.

Write the elements of the letter on the first lineH.

Add a letter on the second lineH.

Read the syllables.

Pay attention to the connection of letters.

(The guys perform the task: they write the elements of the letterHand the letter H... Perform writing syllables)

IV. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.

1. Syllabus - sound analysis of words.

Consider a word outline.

What unusual have you noticed?

(There is no word written next to the diagram, and sounds are not color coded)

Using the picture, find which word this diagram refers to. (Threads)

Let's do a syllable - sound analysis of a wordthreads and color the diagram.

How many syllables are in a word? (Two)

Which syllable is stressed? (First)

How many sounds are there in the first syllable? (Three)

What does the first syllable consist of? (From the confluence of consonant and vowel sounds, the third consonant is outside the confluence).

Color in the first syllable.

(The guys are doing the job)

How many syllables are in the second syllable? (Two)

What does the second syllable consist of? (From the fusion of consonant and vowel sounds)

Color in the second syllable.

(The guys are doing the job)

2. Work in "Recipe 2" p. 15. Writing words and sentences.

Read the word. What does it mean? (Nina. This name)

What letter will we write at the beginning of a word? (Title)

Write the word nicely, following the pattern.

(The guys are doing the letter)

What's on the next line? (Sentence)

Why do you think so? (Starts with a capital letter. There is a punctuation mark at the end)

Read the sentence with your intonation.

(The guys read the sentence with intonation)

What letter is the beginning of a sentence written with? (With capital)

Write a sentence using a sample.

(The guys are doing the job)

Read the last sentence, replacing the picture with a word.

V. Reflexively evaluative.

Which letter were we visiting today?

Tell us about this letter.

Letter Hhappy with your work. And you?

What happened? What more work needs to be done?

Did you like visiting the letterH?

(The guys answer the teacher's questions)

Practice writing the letter you've learned at home.

Volkova Inna Ivanovna
Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Secondary School No. 12 with UIOP"
Locality: Altai region, city of Biysk
Material name: lesson outline
Topic: Capital and lowercase letter "Нн".
Date of publication: 22.09.2017
Section: primary education

Outline diagram of lesson 18 on literacy in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

for primary school teachers

Lesson topic:

Capital and lowercase letter Нн (pp. 14-15)

The purpose of the lesson:learn to analyze a sample of the letter being studied, highlight elements in lowercase and capital letters

Lesson type: learning new material

Teacher activities

Children's activities

I. Organizational moment

Stage goal:

psychological attitude to the lesson

Hello guys. Stand up straight

getting ready for the lesson

Are included in the business rhythm of the lesson

Personal: self-determined,

tune in to the lesson

II. Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

Stage goal:

motivation for cognitive activity

Let's check your readiness for the lesson. What should you have

lie on the desks?

How many of you prepared correctly for the lesson


Who made mistakes? Next time be

more attentively.

Prescription number 2, stationery,

green notebook.

Check their readiness for the lesson. Wish friend

good job friend.



ways of doing

manifestation of emotional

relations in educational

cognitive activity;

developing interest in various


III. Knowledge update

Stage goal:

updating the necessary knowledge

Let's define the studied letters.

Describe the sounds they represent.

Give examples of words with sounds [n], [n ’].

Characterize the sounds [n], [n ’] according to the table,

prove that the sounds are consonants, compare them.

Listen to examples, evaluate correctness



ways of doing

manifestation of emotional

relations in educational

cognitive activity;

developing interest in various


IV. Primary assimilation of new knowledge

Stage goal:discussion of the structure and content of the "Recipe"

Compare the written and printed letters "n" on

page 14. Let's analyze a sample of lowercase

letters "n".

Remember the landing rules when writing, the importance

Compare printed and written "n".

Allocate and name the elements of the letters. Circle them

along the contour.

Demonstrate the use of hygiene


carried out

actions - control

correct answers

Personal: formation

correct posture, the position of the notebook and fingers on

Circle and write the elements yourself

a lowercase letter and the letter "n" on the working line with

additional lines.

writing rules.

At the expense of the teacher, they outline the elements and

the letter "n". continue to write until the end of the working

lines, observing the proportionality of letters in height,

width and angle of inclination using

additional lines.

self-assessment and mutual assessment;

defining the boundaries of one's own

knowledge and ignorance

V. Initial test of understanding.

Stage goal:

check understanding of the material

Now write the letters yourself on the work

line, choose the best option.

Now consider the connection methods in

combinations " on, but, us, no, well».

Prescribe the letter according to the pattern, the best

mark with a dot. Explain their choice.

Read combinations. Reveal the connection method

letters, write syllables on the working line,



to speak

their actions with the aim and at

need to correct

mistakes with teacher help

6.Primary anchoring

Stage goal:

fix material

Now consider and read the pronouns.

at the bottom of page 14. Write the letter "n" in them. Connect

words with a diagram.

Compare spelling reading with spelling.

Review the pictures above on pages 14-15.

story. Note that instead of names

objects you can use words he she it,

What names can be given to the heroes of the story?

What names can you write down now?

You can handle the recording of the name Ninaand why?

Let's write the capital letter "H" on page 15 to

analogies with lowercase. Try to plan your

actions (make a work plan).

Complete the task, discuss the correctness

execution, come to a consensus.

Make a conclusion about the difference in orthoepic reading

with spelling

Compose a story using the suggested

Give names to the boy and girl.

Analyze the recording capability of each

name. Come to the conclusion that Nina can not

write down, because they cannot write capital

the letter "H".


compare printed and written,

lowercase and uppercase letters

analyze the elements, register them

and letter on lines with additional


to speak

sequence of actions on

lesson; working according to plan, check

their actions with the aim and at

need to correct

mistakes with teacher help

spell the letter yourself


7. Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes and their correction

Stage goal:

check the understanding of new material, if necessary, analyze errors

Let's compare the ways to connect letters in syllables

On, Ni, Well.

Give examples of words that begin with these

Write off the name yourself Nina... Let's split

it into syllables, we define the stressed syllable.

Working in pairs: let's break it down:

word threads

sentence Nina has threads.

Reveal the way of connecting letters, write down

syllables on the working line by commenting.

Check the written.

Provide examples of proper names.

Read the word, divide into syllables, write down

Subject: Capital letter N.

Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of the ability to write the capital letter H; use capital letter H in writing; to promote the development of hand motility, phonemic hearing.

UUD: n - use symbolic means (schemes) to solve educational problems; reveal the peculiarities of writing the letter I; k - use speech to regulate their actions; p - evaluate, compare the results of activities (someone else's, their own); l - accept and master the social role of the student.

During the classes:

What letter did we learn to write in the last lesson? (lowercase letter n)

What letter does a lowercase letter go with? (with capital)

What do you think we are going to do in the lesson today?

Today we will learn how to write the capital letter H, we will conduct a syllable-sound analysis of new words.

In the literacy lesson, we continued to get acquainted with the letter N. What did you learn about it?

Give examples of words in which you can hear the sound [n], [n "].

Finger gymnastics. "Mirror Drawing".

They take a pencil in each hand and draw simultaneously mirror-symmetric figures and letters.

Work in "Recipe No. 2" (p. 15). Comparison of the letters H, n.

Compare the uppercase and lowercase H, n.

Are they spelled the same or differently?

Consider a sample of the capital letter H.

What are the two elements of an uppercase letter?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

Acquaintance with writing the letter N.

We begin to write the capital letter H from the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We lead a small stroke up to the right, then we draw a line down, we cross the upper line of the working line, we lead further down. Almost reaching

To the bottom line of the operating line, round up to the left, slightly rise above the bottom line of the operating line. We begin to write the second element just below the top line of the operating line. We lead a smooth line to the right, rising

Up. We make a loop above the working line (the intersection is on the top line of the working line). We draw a line down and write as we wrote a stick with a rounded bottom.

Write the letter in the air under the count of i-times, and-two, -i.

Letter letters, syllables.

Write down the elements of the letter N. on the first line.

Add the letter N. on the second line.

Read the syllables.

Pay attention to the connection of letters

Syllabic-sound analysis of words. ("Recipe No. 2", p. 15)

Consider a word outline. What unusual have you noticed? (There is no word written next to the diagram, and sounds are not color coded)

Using the picture, find which word this diagram refers to. (Threads)

Let's perform a syllable-sound analysis of the word thread and color the diagram.

How many syllables are in a word? (Two)

Which syllable is stressed? (First)

How many sounds are there in the first syllable? (Three)

What does the first syllable consist of? (From the confluence of consonant and vowel sounds, the third consonant is outside the confluence)

Color in the first syllable.

How many sounds are there in the second syllable? (Two)

What does the second syllable consist of? (From with a consonant and a vowel)

Color the second syllable

Writing words and sentences.

Read the word. What does it mean? (Nina. That name)

What letter will we write at the beginning of a word? (Title)

Write the word nicely, following the pattern.

What's on the next line? (Sentence)

Why do you think so? (Starts with a capital letter. There is a punctuation mark at the end)

Read the sentence with your intonation.

What letter is the beginning of a sentence written with?

Write a sentence using a sample. (With capital)

Read the last sentence, replacing the picture with the word

Tell us about this letter.

The letter H is pleased with your work. And you?

What happened? What more work needs to be done?

Did you like visiting the letter H?

Subject: Lowercase letter n.

Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of the ability to write the lowercase letter n; contribute to the development of phonemic hearing, fine motor skills, eyes.

Expected results: distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters; comparing printed and written letters; syllabic-sound analysis of words with sounds [n], [n "]; use a capital letter in proper names; supplement sentences with a word encoded in the object drawing; copied from the written font.

UUD: p - search for the necessary information; perform syllable-sound analysis of words, correlate written words with a model scheme; k - understand the possibility of different positions of other people, different from their own, and are guided by the position of the partner in communication and interaction; p - correlate the plan and the operations performed, find errors, establish their causes; l - accept and master the social role of the student.

During the classes:

Listen to the poem and find a mysterious letter in it.

It is in the word "song"

It is in the word "he"

It is in the word "ladder"

It is in the word "elephant".

The night begins with her,

And it ends the "dream".

And in the middle of "she" - she again!

Who is this mysterious stranger? (Letter H)

What did the poem tell you about the letter H? (The letter H happens at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of words)

Does it mean a vowel or consonant sound? (Consonant sound [n])

What letters do you think we will learn to write today? (Lowercase letter n)

Finger gymnastics.

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this -

So the heads were removed.

They clench and unclench their hands in the rhythm of the poem.

Repetition of landing rules while writing.

Acquaintance with the letter n.

Consider block and uppercase H.

How are they similar and how are they different? What does the letter H look like?

Letter H, I know you

The letter is strong, steel.

You are huge

And not the letter you, but the bridge.

Cars are running over you

The river runs under you

With big steamers.

There are clouds above you.

Work in "Recipe No. 2" (p. 14).

Acquaintance with writing the lowercase letter N.

Consider a sample of the lowercase letter n. We start writing from the top line of the working line. We lead the stick down to the bottom line of the working line. Then, from the middle of the first element, we write the second element - the crossbar. This element should be slightly slack. The third element is a stick with a rounded bottom.

Write the letter in the air under the count and-one-and, two-and.

Letter elements letter n and letter n.

Consider a sample of the lowercase letter n.

What are the three elements of a letter?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter. Circle the petals.

Add the elements of the letter n on the first line, add the letter n on the second line.

At home, you will practice writing the letter N.

Physical education. (teacher's choice)

Acquaintance with the writing of the capital letter U.

Syllabic-sound analysis of words. ("Recipes", p. 14)

Circle the letters n in the words, read the resulting words.

Consider schemes, correlate schemes and words. (1st scheme - he, 2nd scheme - it, she, they)

Perform syllabic-sound analysis of words by schemes.

Writing syllables.

Read the syllables in Recipe 2.

Complete the syllables on the lines, pay attention to the connection of the letters.

Which letter were we visiting today?

Tell us about this letter.

2. Working with the first working line

Take a look at the first working line.

What do you see?

What is unusual about this oblique line?

Why do we need to split the slanted line in half?

From the middle of the slanted line, we'll start the second element.

Who knows what the second element is called?

You already know how to write an oblique line divided in half. See how I will write the second item.

Shows the spelling of this letter's element.

We begin to write from the top line of the working line, draw an oblique line down to the bottom line of the working line. We rise along it up to 1/3 of the top with a "tubercle", go up to the right, unfold the handle on the upper ruler 5 and go down along an inclined line.

Let's complete these elements in notebooks. The handles took everything right, everything sat down beautifully.

Circle along the dotted line and continue writing to the end of the line.

3. Working with the second working line

Look at the 2nd working line. What elements do you see?

Take a look at the board, I'll show you how to write this element.

We put the handle in the middle of the working line and go up with a tubercle to the right, unfold the handle on the upper line of the working line and lower it down an oblique line.

Follow these elements dotted and write to the end of the line.

What letters are these elements in?

4. Working with the third working line

Guys, look at the 3rd working line. What do you see?

That's right, this is the queen of all letters. How many elements does it consist of? What are their names?

See how I write it.

I begin to write from the top line of the operating line, draw a short oblique line down, round at the bottom, lead the line up to the top line of the operating line. Continuously write the second element - a short line with a rounded bottom.

Write this letter dotted to the end of the line.

5. Physical minutes for fingers

6. Graphic dictation

Guys look at the next line. On this line we will perform a graphic dictation.

I will dictate the name of the elements, and you will write them down on this line one after another.

Elements:large sharp hook, large hook with a rounding (with a turn of the handle), rocker, large hockey stick.

Children, check if you wrote down all the elements like mine.

7. Physical minutes

8. Working with elements of the capital letter H

Guys look at the next element.

What is the name of this element?

Which letter has a loop?

This element will help us when writing a capital letter H (showing an uppercase capital letter H).

See how to write it.

We put the handle 1/3 from the top in the additional line, go down the oblique line, make a loop, overlap on the upper line of the working line, go up to the right, press against the upper line of the working line.

Let's execute this element in our notebooks along the dotted lines to the end of the line.

Take a look at the following items. What are these elements?

See how I write this item.

a) I'll start writing just below the middle of the line space, draw the line up to the right, round it, lower the line down to the bottom line of the working line.

b) I'll start writing just below the middle of the line space, draw the line up to the right, round it, lower the line down to the bottom line of the working line, round it to the left and end the letter just above the bottom line of the working line.

Take a look at the last line. What is this element?

Guys, remember, such an element is encountered when writing letters such as: uh, el.

This element begins to be written from bottom to top.

I start writing just above the bottom line of the operating line. We draw an oblique line up to the right and finish writing at the top line.

Look at the next element, how are these elements similar? What is the difference?

I start writing just above the bottom line of the operating line. We draw an oblique line up to the right and finish writing just above the middle of the line space.