Which category of eggs is better than 1 or 2. What eggs are more profitable to buy. Functional products: eggs with iodine and carateinoids

Evgeny Shumarin

Reading time: 13 minutes


Chicken egg is the most common food. Eggs are consumed fresh, boiled, fried, or added to various dishes. Chicken eggs are famous for their useful properties, but in some cases they can harm our body.

We understand ...

Types of chicken eggs, categories

In Russia, we can meet two types of chicken eggs in Russia:

  • Dietic
    Such eggs do not differ in their composition. They must be eaten during the week and are named so because their shelf life is small. Another difference - they can be used in raw. Notice, when cooking, they are poorly cleaned. They must have a marked designation "D".
  • Table
    Their shelf life is 25 days. These eggs can be used in boiled or fried. They put the designation "C".

By weight and size, chicken eggs are divided into:

  • Eggs of the highest category
    According to Russian standards, they are denoted - "B". They have a large size and weight - from 75 g and higher.
  • Selecting eggs
    Their marked designation is "O". They are slightly smaller in size and weight - from 65 to 74.9
  • 1 category
    As a rule, eggs having a category, dining rooms. They are denoted - "C1". They have a weight from 55 to 64.9.
  • 2 categories - "C2"
    Possess weighing in 45-54.9
  • 3 categories - "C3"
    They weigh from 35 to 44.9

Regardless of these classifications, manufacturers today offer a wide variety of eggs. For example, enriched iodine, selenium and even two-stalky.

Composition, calorie and nutritional value of chicken egg - yolk and protein

Consider the energy value of various eggs:

  • In 100 g of raw chicken eggs contain 157 kcal.
  • In the same amount of boiled egg - 158.7 kcal.
  • In 100 g portions of fried fried eggs without oil - 174,6 kcal.

Note, 1 chicken egg weighs approximately 47. His calorie content - 73.8 kcal.

Consider food value of raw chicken egg

100 g enters:

  • 12.7 g of proteins.
  • 11.5 g fats.
  • 0.7 g of carbohydrates.
  • 74.1 g of water.
  • 3 g of unsaturated fatty acids.
  • 570 mg of cholesterol.
  • 0.7 g of mono and disaccharides.
  • 1 g of ashes.

And it contains vitamins:

  • Holine - 251 mg.
  • E - 2 mg.
  • A - 0.25 mg.
  • PP - 0.19 mg.
  • Bat carotene - 0.06 mg.
  • D - 2.2 μg.
  • Biotin (H) - 20.2 μg.
  • K - 0.3 μg.
  • A (RE) - 260 μg.
  • Vitamins of group B: thiamine (B1) - 0.07 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 0.44 mg, pantothenic acid (B5) - 1.3 mg, pyridoxine (B6) - 0, 14 mg, folic acid (B9) - 7 μg, B12 - 0.52 μg.

Also in the same there are vital elements:

  • Macroelements: 192 mg of phosphorus, 176 mg of sulfur, 156 mg chlorine, 140 mg of potassium, 134 mg sodium, 55 mg of calcium and 12 mg of magnesium.
  • Microelements: 2.5 mg of iron, 1.11 mg of zinc, 20 μg iodine, 83 μg of copper, 0.029 mg of manganese, 31.7 μg selenium, 55 μg fluorine, 10 μg cobalt, 6 μg molybdenum and 4 μg chromium.

The composition of boiled and fried eggs is slightly different from the composition of raw or fresh.

Protein food and energy value:

  • Calorie 100 g - 44.4 kcal.
  • Protein 1 eggs weighs 32 g - 14.2 kcal.
  • Water - 87.3 g
  • Proteins - 11.1 g
  • Ash - 0.7 g
  • Vitamins of group in: B2, B5, B6, B9, B12.
  • Holine and Vitamin N.
  • Macro and trace elements are the same as the composition of the whole egg.

Food and Energy Value of Yolk:

  • Calorie - 100 g contained 358 kcal.
  • Yolk 1 eggs weighs 15 g - 53,7 kcal.
  • Water - 50 g.
  • Fat - 30.87
  • Proteins - 16.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 1.78 g.
  • Ash - 1g.
  • Vitamins, macro and trace elements are the same as the composition of the whole egg.

Who useful is chicken eggs and dishes from them?

Do not forgetthat chicken appears from chicken egg. That is why there are substances and elements in the egg that are really necessary for the growth and development of a living organism.

We list the positive properties of chicken egg

  • It is well absorbed by the body, about 97-98%.
  • Improves the mood, helps a person cope with depression and has a beneficial effect on his nervous system.
  • It is useful for women, as it prevents the development of cancer. The probability of the appearance of female tumors is reduced to 24%.
  • Recommend to use 2-3 eggs per day, as they can have breast cancer.
  • Helps the body to cope with sclerosis.
  • Improves memory and mental performance, feeds the brain.
  • Normalize the work of the liver, removes toxins and slags.
  • Improves eyesight, prevents the development of cataracts.
  • Restores the process of producing genital hormones. Especially useful eggs for men, as they improve the quality of sperm. On the day you can eat - 2 pieces.
  • Normalizes the work of the blood system of the body. Helps blood coagulation, dissolves plaques on the walls of the vessels.
  • Useful for pregnant women - the future kid will be transferred to all useful substances that will not be given to develop vices and diseases.
  • Because of the calcium, strengthens the bones, joints and teeth.
  • Stimulates the work of the immune system, helps the body to cope with infectious and viral diseases.
  • Promotes weight loss, as it contains proteins. From them we do not feel hunger. To lose weight quickly, you should eat boiled eggs in the morning.
  • Recommended to use eggshell. It contains more vitamins than the egg itself. It is advised to eat a crushed shell in 15-20 days, no more than twice a year.

Note All types of eggs have the above properties. But most useful - boiled.

Harm chicken eggs and contraindications

Chicken eggs can harm the body for several reasons

  • They contain a large amount of cholesterol. However, that its level in the blood does not rise, you can eat only 2 eggs or eats only protein. Doctors advise: to overcome the disease, it is better to eat eggs together with products that contain antioxidants and reduce the resulting "bad" cholesterol.
  • In the cheese egg there may be a harmful microbe - Salmonella. As soon as he enters the human body, he quickly begins to develop. Its action leads to infection of blood, unpleasant bowel disease and even typhus. In order for the usual egg chicken, he has led to such diseases, it is worthwhile to wash it with soap and not consuming in raw.
  • Sugar diabetes patients should not eat eggs. Doctors determined that diabetics consuming chicken eggs, the risk of stroke and infarcity increases twice.
  • The use of more than 7 eggs per week leads middle-aged men to premature death. Studies of scientists have shown that the risk of death increases by 23% and it directly depends on the formation of fat plaques in blood vessels.

Chicken Eggs in the diet of children, nursing mothers, pregnant women, diabetic allergies - SF answers all questions

How old is the child can give a chicken egg?

  • From 9 months in the diet, the infants may appear yolk, and the protein - from 2 years old, as it often causes allergies.

Are chicken eggs useful with diabetes?

  • In the menu for diabetics, chicken eggs are not the main product. It is better to abandon it, since its hypoglycemic index is medium - 48.
  • In some cases, doctors allow the boiled egg, but not fried and not raw, and add vegetables and greens, lowering blood sugar levels to the dish.
  • On the day you can only 1 egg.

Can be allergic to chicken eggs in children or adults?

  • Allergies cause only protein, so it needs to be refused.
  • If you suffer from food allergies, you can eat a maximum of 1 yolk per day.
  • If you have - the non-typing allergies, then you can risk and try the protein. Often, an adult response does not occur.
  • But the children from the protein should be shred.

Are chicken eggs for pregnancy?

  • Using chicken eggs, pregnant will fill the need from its body and the body of the kid in the necessary number of vitamins and minerals.
  • Holine entering this nutritional product will not allow emergence, deformities and mental deviations from the fetus.
  • And the future mother will not recover, since the squirrels of eggs from chickens are easily absorbed and do not postpone into fat.
  • Nutritionists advise to eat 1-2 eggs per day.

Chicken egg in a diet of a nursing mother

  • With breastfeeding, the mother must adhere to a strict diet. Since the chicken egg contains a protein to which allergies may occur, then the use of eggs should be refused.
  • Some doctors recommend risk and check the child's reaction. If the baby does not appear rash, the nursing can boldly use this product.

Chicken Eggs in the diet - the choice, preparation and rules of storage

Most popular and delicious eggs from eggs

  • Boiled egg - screwed, skey
  • Omelet from egg
  • Protein omelet from chicken egg squirrel
  • Eggs stuffed with pate, cream or salad
  • Salad Olivier with Egg
  • Egg pancakes
  • Gogol-Mogol
  • Ice cream on milk and chicken eggs
  • Pudding
  • Souffle of liver with egg
  • Egg vermicelli
  • Custard dough for eclairs
  • Custard on eggs for cakes
  • Marinated Chinese Eggs

Of course, eggs can be used not only by boiled. Cookins are often experimenting and served on the table. omelet with different fillings. For example, egg, broccoli or mushrooms. Such a dish is suitable for both adult and for a child from three years.

How to choose chicken eggs when buying?

Choose eggs chickens will not be difficult.

Note that:

  • Packaging and eggs were labeled designations.
  • Not exceeded shelf life.
  • Eggs were clean, without feathers and litter. As a rule, dirty eggs go to the store without sanitation.
  • There was no "bolt" in the egg. Yolk will hang out in the egg, if it is crushed.

Are there any white and brown eggs vomiting and composition?

Egg composition does not depend on their color. White chickens carry white eggs, and brown - brown or beige.

How to check the freshness of chicken eggs at home?

We will tell you about the little ingenious tricks that many hostesses enjoy. In a glass with water, lower the fresh egg. If it is:

  • Floats at the bottom, then the chicken demolished it 3-4 days ago.
  • It is in a vertical position at the bottom, then he was demolished a week ago.
  • Castle, then - more than a week ago.

How to separate yolk from the protein?

There are several ways departments of yolk from protein.

  • So that this process goes correctly and quickly, the egg should be broken in half.
  • Then overflow yolk from one half to another, holding them above the mission.

Is it possible to eat eggs with blood?

  • Note, blood stained eggs you can use. They were formed during the branches of the yolk from the ovary of the chicken - the blood vessel burst. This phenomenon often happens in brown nurses.
  • Eggs in which a large blood ring is visible around the yolk - the blood circuit system, do not use.

How to boil the egg hard and skey it?

List a few heathsthat help hostess:

  • The cooking time of the Eggs "Skump" is 3 minutes.
  • In order to work out "Drunk", cook for 7 minutes.

How to cook eggs so that they do not burst?

When cooking eggs often burst. Sweep the water and boil them on slow fire.

What should boiled eggs be easily cleaned from the shell?

In order for the eggs well cleaned, lower them in cold water after cooking.

How to cook pashota eggs?

To cook egg pashota:

  1. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water.
  2. Bring to a boil and tighten the water with a spoon in a funnel.
  3. Slowly pour a broken egg from the bowl.
  4. Boil 2 minutes.

How to determine - boiled egg or raw?

It is possible to determine the boiled egg or raw, sroping it on the table. Boiled long and evenly spinning, and raw quickly stops.

How is it right and how much to keep chicken eggs at home?

As for the storage of chicken eggs, it is worth sticking to the following tips:

  • Keep eggs in the refrigerator, near the back wall. Before folding them into a mold, be sure to wipe and wipe off.
  • Store separate from other products. For example, if you put an egg to fragrant mandarin, it is impregnated through the pores by this smell.
  • Unclean boiled eggs You should eat for 4 days.
  • Separated protein May remain fresh for 2 days.

Chicken Eggs in Slimming Diet

Eggs help to lose weight, especially boiled. Two things can replace the whole meal.

Nutritionists advise to eat eggs to those who want to lose weight. But the daily dose should not exceed 3-4 pieces.

We list widespread diet on chicken eggs that do not cause the body harm:

  • Egg diet
    Its essence is to eat 2 eggs per breakfast, chicken breast or fish with greens at lunch and 1 egg in the evening. Adhere to this nutrition need 5-7 days.
  • Diet egg and grapefruit
    On the day you can eat 4 grapefruit and 4 protein. They must be distributed on 5-6 meals.
  • Diet 2 eggs It implies that on a day it is necessary to eat 2 boiled eggs, and at the same time - not to give up the rest of the food. It is desirable that there were many vegetables and fruits in the diet.
  • Diet Cottage cheese and eggs.

Diets that need to be abide by caution because they can harm:

  • Eggs and oranges. A day you need to eat 3 times and eat 3 orange and 2 boiled eggs.
  • Diet "First Day - Eggs" Designed for 10 days. During the first day, you must eat exclusively for boiled eggs.
  • Diet 6 eggs.
  • Diet 5 eggs.

Within the framework of the robust in 35 quality and safety parameters, the eggs 38 of trademarks were studied, 28 of which were tested in 2016, and 10 - in 2019. For a fan study, dining eggs of the highest and selected category were purchased - these products enjoy the Russians increased demand. All the products presented, with the exception of one Belarusian brand, had Russian origin. According to the results of laboratory tests with high-quality products that meet not only the mandatory requirements of the legislation, but also the increased requirements of the Ranking Standard, the eggs of two trademarks are recognized: "Tape" and "Delicious". These products have already passed the audit and were marked by a Russian quality mark. Note that this standard is voluntary. In 2019, the list of eggs corresponding to the increased requirements of the Ranking Standard, unfortunately, was not replenished.

Standard of the Russian quality system

The standard of the Russian quality system for chicken food eggs has established requirements for an alkaline yolk balance indicator, deviations from which may indicate a non-freight product. So, the pH yolk must be at least 5.9. According to the Ranking Standard, the egg shell must be normal, intact and clean (without spots of blood and litter), and the egg protein is dense, light and transparent; The presence in the egg stains and inclusions is not allowed. In addition, the mass of one egg should be over 55 grams, and in one package, the eggs should not differ by the mass of more than 5 g. The thickness of the shell should be at least 0.4 mm, and the height of the air chamber inside the egg - no more than 7 mm . Also, the Ranking Standard introduced additional requirements for the content of vitamins in the eggs (A, E and D 3) and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. The required level of product localization to assign the Russian quality mark is at least 98% of the cost of goods.

Russian Egg - No Salmonella

The risk of salmonelles disease is the main fear of consumers when eating eggs, especially raw. To eliminate this risk, it is necessary to wash eggs and kitchenware, as well as storing eggs in a separate boxing of the refrigerator - the shell should not touch other products. However, even observing all these procedures, the consumer does not receive a guarantee that the eaten raw egg will not turn into problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, we investigated whether there are pathogenic microorganisms in the eggs, including Salmonella. However, as it turned out, it is not necessary to fear - Salmonelle and other pathogenic microorganisms we did not find in the eggs.

Before buying eggs, as a rule, the consumer opens the packaging to check whether there are no broken eggs in it and evaluate the appearance of the product. Of course, an indirect sign of the quality of the egg is the purity of its shell.

According to GOST and the standard of robust, the shell must be intact, clean, without spots of blood and litter. The presence on the shell of spots, points, strips is allowed if their appearance is caused by contacting eggs with a cell or conveyor for collecting. According to the test results, single traces of blood and litter we met only on eggs "Just ABC".

In addition, during the study, the thickness of the enemy shell was studied. For the eggs of the shell - a protective shell, and for the consumer - a guarantee that all acquired eggs will be reported to the house safe and preservation. The shell thickness depends on the conditions of the content of non-bumps, their feeding, the type and age of the bird, as well as from the seasons of producing eggs from chicken. According to the Ranking Standard, the shell in thickness must be at least 0.4 mm. As the measurement results showed, thinner the shell in the eggs of four brands: "365 days", "Just ABC", "Sinyavinskoye" and "FINFUD".

Also in 2016, the visual characteristics of the egg shell were studied - its roughness and marble. A roughness is a defect caused by a violation of mineral and vitamin metabolism; It is believed that the rough shell is thinner and fragile. We met such a defect in the eggs of nine brands. Marble is the presence of brighter sections on the shell. It appears due to a lack of calcium bird body. Almost all the eggs presented in the study, with the exception of the eggs of two brands, had a marble shell. On the eve of Easter, robust experts during laboratory tests tried to identify the relationship between the roughness and marbornity of the egg and its ability to color. As a result, it was confirmed that both smooth, and rough eggs are painted completely equally. Moreover, no roughness, no marmory, ultimately have no relation to the shell thickness.

With dimensions missed

Eggs by their mass are divided into five categories: the greater the mass - the higher the variety. According to the Ranking Standard, the egg must weigh more than 55 grams. We will remind, in this study, the eggs were partitioned (C0) and the highest category (SV). Eggs 13 trademarks having this labeling were declared as "relevant GOST". In fact, only the eggs of one brand were able to correspond to the GOST - "The tastiest". The remaining eggs are 12 brands - "365 days", "Varaksino" Eco ", "Everyday", "Okoy", Praxis, , "Poultry Farm Seimovskaya", "Green village", "RUSSIAN NEW", "Sinyavinskoye", "Chepfa" and Fine Life. The categories "selected", which means that consumers misleaded their marking. This category of individual egg eggs could not correspond to real values \u200b\u200bin the eggs of five more trademarks produced by their own standards or technical specifications of enterprises: "Varaksino" Rustic ", "Seja Gold", "Passengers", "Roskar" Activita " and "Roskar" Bright ".

In addition, as established in the Ranking Standard, in one package, the eggs should not differ by mass by more than 5 grams. This requirement of the standard corresponded to the products of ten brands: "Varaksino" Rustic ", "Tape", "Just ABC", "Borovskaya Poultry Farm", "Poultry Farm Vladimirovskaya", "Bird Region", "The tastiest", "RUSSIAN NEW", "Chebarkul bird" and Fine Food..

Vitamins - Yellow

Eggs - a product rich in vitamins A, E, D 3, etc. Their maximum concentration - in the yolk. The Ranking Standard established to the content of vitamins the requirements similar to the technical regulations of the Customs Union. The amount of vitamins in the product is measured using two metrological characteristics: it should cover a part of the daily rate of human consumption and have a correct ratio of clean mass in micrograms per 100 grams of the product. During laboratory tests, the following results were obtained:

    The content of vitamin D 3 in all samples corresponded to the requirements (100 grams should cover 15% of the daily need; in most cases, 100 grams of yolk covered more than 50% of the daily need). However, in the eggs of two brands ( "Roskar" Bright " and "Chepfa") The number of vitamins does not comply with the information specified in the marking.

    The reduced content of vitamin A (100 grams of yolk must cover 12.5% \u200b\u200bof the daily needs) was found in products. "Varaksino" Eco ", "Seja Gold", "Everyday", "Summer", "Passengers", Praxis, "Just ABC", "Poultry complex" AK "BARS", "Roskar" Activita ", "Roskar" Extra ", "RUSSIAN NEW", "Sinyavinskoye", "Chepfa"and Fine Food..

It is curious that in 2019 we did not meet eggs with a disadvantage of certain vitamins.


As the study shows, the production of vitamin enriched, microelements, polyunsaturated fatty acids of chicken eggs is carried out according to its own technical conditions of enterprises due to the lack of a special single GOST; All natural nutritional eggs are available on Interstate GOST 31654-2012. At the same time, manufacturers on the packaging of goods indicate "with selenium", "with iodine", "with carotenoids", "with vitamins A, in 1, 2, in 12, d or e". This suggests that any egg must contain the stated elements in the appropriate quantity, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation of consumer rights to reliable labeling.

In addition to the content of vitamins, in 2019 we estimated how much in the eggs of caratinids. Most of them were in the goods "Volzhanin" and "Chebarkul bird". There is a well-established opinion: the darker yolk, the more carateinoids in it. Yes, in most cases in eggs with a dark yellow yolk, there are really many carateinoids. However, as the study showed, the axiom is not. In the eggs of one brand with a dark yellow yolk, there were fewer caratinoids than with yellow. So the indisputable dependence between the number of carateinoids and the color of the yolk is not. Rather, it depends on their type.

It will not be fat

The benefit of the polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega-3 and omega-6 for the body is difficult to overestimate: scientifically proven that people who consume a sufficient amount of these acids practically do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases and do not have atherosclerotic damage. And to obtain the necessary dose of polyunsaturated fatty acids, without leaving large amounts in the pharmacy, but simply regularly use products containing these acids in sufficient quantities.


Most of all Omega-3 (up to 2 grams) is found in herring, sardine and mackerel, many of them and in salmon - almost 1.5 grams. In natural eggs, Omega-3 acid is only 0.1 grams. This is a relatively small amount, and to satisfy the daiety need for Omega-3, the person must eat about six eggs per day. However, such a number of eggs doctors do not advise not advise: the dose of obtained cholesterol will block all potential benefits. To maintain the normal amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body, nutritionists advise on one or two days a week to use fish, and the rest of the time to maintain balance with eggs, flaxseed oil or walnuts.

As shown laboratory tests, all the studied eggs contain a sufficient amount of omega-6 acid, but with the content of omega-3, many have problems. Both acids in the optimal amount * were kept in eggs under trademarks "Varaksino" Rustic ", "Seja Gold", "Everyday", "Tape", "Summer", "Passengers", "Roskar" Activita ", "Roskar" Happy Chicken ", "Roskar" Extra "and "The tastiest". Among the eggs studied in 2019, we did not find those where Omega-3 and Omega-6 would be kept in an optimal amount - everywhere there was a lack of omega-3.

* According to the Ranking Standard, the optimal amount of omega-3 in 100 grams of eggs should be at least 0.2 grams, omega-6 - 0.8 grams. This quantity is calculated based on the daily human need and is based on guidelines "Norms of physiological energy needs and food substances for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation".

More air

Eggs - the product is perishable, so the freshness of the goods becomes a decisive factor when choosing and purchasing. One of the indicators that speaks about the "age" of the egg is the size of the air chamber between the protein and the inner wall of the shell. In the fresh egg, this air chamber (Pug) is small. Over time, the egg begins to dying, and the scales - increase. This process, by the way, directly affects the convenience of cleaning the product - from the older egg it is much easier to remove the shell. According to the requirements of the GOST, the height of the air chamber should not exceed 7-9 mm.


It is interesting to note that in the State Standard this indicator is presented for two temperature modes: from 0 to 20 ˚С - no more than 7 mm, and at a temperature of from -2 to 0 ˚С - no more than 9 mm. The second indicator was made specifically for the residents of the North, in the central part of Russia, the eggs are not produced and not stored at such a temperature.

In stores where we spent the purchase of samples, the temperature on the shelf was above zero. Therefore, according to the Ranking Standard, the height of the air chamber in the eggs should be no more than 7 mm. That is, we set up a high level of freshness of eggs. According to the results of the study, only eggs under trade stamps corresponded to this requirement. "365 days", "Avdon", "Volzhanin", CJSC "Poultry Factory" Orenburg ", "Tape", "Summer", OJSC "Poultry Farm" ATEARSKAYA ", "Poultry farm" Borovskaya ", "Poultry farm" Vladimirovskaya ", "Poultry farm" Youth ", "Morghauskaya poultry farm, "Poultry Farm Seimovskaya", "Roskar" Extra "and "The tastiest". The remaining eggs can not be called nonstable, but they were clearly shuffled on the counter.

Freshness of eggs, unlike previously studied fat productsIt is impossible to establish, measuring peroxidant or acidic numbers. However, an indirect indicator of the freshness of the product is also the parameter of the acidic alkaline balance of the yolk. The older an egg, the higher its acidity and the lower the pH level. The standard of robustic for eggs has established a pH value equal to 5.9. According to the results of laboratory tests, all products were able to correspond to this requirement, that is, all the eggs presented in the study were fresh and suitable for use.


At home, check the freshness of the eggs, lowered it into the water. If it is sinking, then most likely the egg is fresh if it rises to the surface by one end - not the first freshness, if it floats on the surface - unsaveable. How to choose chicken eggs and to pay attention to the store - read in

Picvario / RussianLook.ru.

How to choose eggs in the store

You did not think about why chicken and quail eggs are sold everywhere, and, let's say, the turkey or Phezanyah will not meet in the store? Or here are duck eggs: in Asia they can be bought without problems, we have no.

What eggs come?

"In the world there are only ten species of birds from which you can get an egg," Albert Schet told me, Professor of the Department of Poultry farming of the RGAU-MSH. K. A. Timiryazeva. - The best chickens and quail, so their egg is produced on an industrial scale. Geese and ducks five or six times more often chickens are sickly salmonelles and are treated at ten times, therefore their eggs in our country are not produced for sale. "

The most powerful immunity of quail, so their eggs are less likely to be infected. Plus, in quail eggs of trace elements and group vitamins in more than any other. "However, for almost 30 years, quails are cultivated just like chickens," Albert Schlela says. - And the differences between these eggs began to wear, because the quality of eggs by 70-80% depends on feed. However, the microelements quail egg is still champion - phosphorus, iron and potassium in it more than in chicken, 4.5 times. "

In the sense of the health benefits of quail eggs are not inferior by ostrich. "Of them, it is better to do an omelet," says Tatyana Vostrikova, director of the company "Russian ostrich". - One egg can be fed eight or ten people, because in the raw form it weighs more kilograms. " You can order the largest edible egg on the sample from April to October, when the ostriches are rushing.

Dietary eggs

But most often we still have a case with chicken eggs, we can cook them, fry, and therefore they are worth talking about more. The freshest - dietary eggs. They are easy to find out on the red marking "D" on the shell. The dietary is called an egg no older than one week. On the eighth day, the dietary egg turns into a table (blue marking "C", shelf life is up to 25 days).

Tastier whole egg is made on the third-fourth day after the demolition of the protein and yolk enzymes in it are perfectly absorbed by our organism. These three or four days the egg is better to "ripen" at room temperature.

Alas, dietary eggs now almost disappeared from the sale. In Moscow, they rarely meet, I told me Vasily Salo, director of Marketing Marketing Poultry Factory: "Metray-sized stores prefer to buy eggs in the regions, because it will reach Moscow so cheaper, and until the egg will reach Moscow, it will almost inevitably turn into a table."

How to check the freshness of eggs

Freshness of eggs at your request must be checked right in the store - Ovoscope. With it, you can see through the regimen by the air chamber in the blunt end of the egg. The older the egg, the more it is. The dietary egg the camera should not be more than 4 mm, at a table - 9 mm. By the way, it is that way - a blunt end up - the eggs in the refrigerator should be stored. If there is no ovoskop, just weigh the egg in your hand and look at the shell: the sweaty and matte - fresh, light and glossy - most likely spoiled.

Not the last role plays the weight of the egg. Eggs are heavier 75 g - this is the highest category (letter "B" on the shell), 65-75 g - selected (letter "O"). Eggs of the first category - 55-65 g (marking "1"), the second category - 55-45 g (marking "2"), the third category - 35-45 g (marking "3"). For example, a stamp "C1" means "table of the first category", "d2" - "dietary second category".

"The larger the egg, the better" is the myth. In large eggs, more water and less nutrients, there are already elderly chickens. Eggs of the second and third categories people are reluctant, and in vain: such eggs just carry the youngest chicken, and they are very tasty. The most balanced in the composition - the eggs of the first category.

What is "enriched eggs"?

Now in stores come across enriched eggs - with elevated content of carotenoids, iodine, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids. To get such eggs, chickens feed with different food additives. Determine on the eye, whether there are all these substances in the egg, it is impossible.

Enriched eggs are often sold with the inscription "Premium". In fact, premium eggs require strictly controlled conditions for the content and feeding of chickens, confirmed by a special certification system, which we do not yet have.

The inscriptions "Bio", "organic" on the package - also most often advertising trick. Abroad, such marking means that these are eggs from chickens grown on a free walking and natural stern, rich in chlorophyll. There is a decision of Rospotrebnadzor on the requirements for organic products, but there is no real certification, so the IVC icon does not guarantee anything.

Our rating of the best eggs, which can be found in Moscow:

1. Quail eggs

Denis Bykovsky

Eggs are produced on the poultry farm near Moscow - it means they have the shortest path to the counter. There is information about the expiration date and composition. It is written on the package that you can safely drink eggs with raw everyone, including children. In fact, it is better not worth it, especially if you are allergic to chicken eggs.

From the editorialThe choice of high-quality and truly useful products for healthy nutrition is a difficult question. Does manufacturers are always honest with us and inscriptions on the package correspond to reality? Check this simple buyer on its own almost unable. The project "Lady Mail.Ru" launches a series of materials in conjunction with the expert portal "Roskontrol.rf". We will tell you about the laboratory results of testing popular dietary products.

The benefits of chicken eggs for health have been known for a long time: this is an excellent source of protein, they contain all the essential amino acids, vitamins of group A, D, E, as well as phospholipids, which neutralize the negative effects of cholesterol and reduce the formation of free radicals in the body. One egg contains 12% of the daily protein rate and only about 100 kcal. It is thanks to these useful properties of the eggs in almost all diets - from traditional protein to Japanese.

The Russian Roskontrol Rights Protection Society sent to Easter to the expertise of the Eggs of popular trademarks cost from 65 to 130 rubles per ten: "Happy" ("Roskar)," Sinyavinskoye "," Village Green "," every day "(" Volzhanin ")," Rural nove "and" thieves ". Experts found out what eggs are the safest, in which contains the most useful substances, and whether the quality of eggs depends on the price.

About terrible

First of all, experts had to make sure that the eggs are safe for health. To do this, they checked the content in each sample of microbes, including those causing salmonellosis, and antibiotics. Roskontrol has previously already conducted tests of eggs, and then in two samples were detected by the antibiotics of the tetracycline group.

This time other trademarks went to check, and there were no antibiotics in them, fortunately.

As for the microbes, the experts checked on the content of Salmonelle, the bacteria of the intestinal stick group and other microorganisms are not only the internal contents of the eggs, but also the surface of the shell. Inside the eggs of the microbes did not turn out, but on the microorganisms shells were found. And although dangerous bacteria, including Salmonella, did not find among them, this is an indicator of pollution and the potential hazard of eggs. The most "pure" in this plan - Eggs "Telville", on their surface the least of all microbes - 840 ka / g. For comparison, on the surface of the "Sinyavinsky" eggs of microorganisms 4 times more - 3600 CFU / g.

Irina Konochova, expert portal Roskontrol.rf, doctor:

"Dangerous microbes, such as salmonella, find in the eggs extremely rare, on average, in one case of 800. Eggs contain protein lysozyme, which has an antibacterial effect, and even if the chicken was sick, the bacteria do not survive inside the egg. Salmonella may be present on the surface of the eggs, so before cooking the eggs you need to thoroughly wash and, of course, expose to heat processing: it is recommended to boil around them, and if you do - fry from two sides. "

Who has a bigger?

On the packs of eggs purchased for examination, with the exception of the sample "Datville", it is indicated that they refer to the category "selected". If you see this inscription on the package, and on the egg itself the designation "CO", it means that eggs should be large, the average weight of each of them is at least 65 grams.

Eggs of the brand "Every day" produced by the VOLGZHIN poultry farm turned out to be too small for the category of selected. These eggs are sold on Auchan stores, and not at least at the lowest price. The label indicates the GOST, which the product, according to the results of the examination, does not correspond. This violation can be qualified as a deception of consumers: if you buy a product, on the packaging of which the category "selected" is declared, you have the right to count on what gets the eggs of a certain size and weight.

On the packaging of eggs "Dvorville" category is not declared at all. At the same time, GOST, in which the manufacturer must indicate which category eggs it sells. In fact, these eggs turned out to be the most small among the tested, they can be attributed only to the first category (C1). It is worth noting that for this "healthy, farming product" the shopping network "Datville" asks a lot of money: it turns out that a dozen of these eggs costs 130 rubles, twice as much as, for example, the Eggs "rural new" (65 rubles)

The very largest eggs of the brand "Happy Chicken" produced by the poultry farm "Roskar", the average weight of one egg - 68 grams.

For reference:

Depending on the storage period, food eggs are divided into "canteens" and "dietary". In turn, the "Cutlery" eggs and dietary eggs are divided into categories. The most common categories that can be found on the counter are the largest - selective, are designated as CO, the first category C1, even smaller - the second C2. They differ in mass. Selected eggs should weigh from 65 to 75 g, the eggs of the first category - from 55 to 65. By the way, the category is not related to the quality of eggs, and the "selected" eggs - this does not mean the highest quality and safe.

Marketing tricks

Manufacturers often use various marketing moves to enhance the attractiveness of their products and emphasize its special properties. What inscriptions should be believed, and what is the deception of pure water?

Another manufacturer called his product "Happy Chicken". It is assumed that the chickens that are not contained in the close cells of the poultry farm, and are freely moved under conditions close to natural, more high-quality eggs are carrying more useful substances.

In size, these eggs, as mentioned above, are really the largest. But according to the content of useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, they were only in second place, giving way to the eggs "Green village". Most of all omega-3 fatty acids, protecting our body from atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases, is contained in the eggs "Dvorilla".

Price-quality ratio

According to the results of all the tests it turned out that the quality of eggs directly does not depend on their price. The first place for the amount of indicators came out not the most expensive eggs "Village Green" (97 rubles for a dozen), in which most of all useful polyunsaturated fatty acids. Only a little inferior to them "Rural New" eggs (66 rubles per dozen). The most expensive eggs "Datville", as already mentioned above, turned out to be the most small, although in quality and not bad.

The cheapest eggs among tested, "Sinyavinsky" (65 rubles), in quality do not correspond to the GOST indicated in the marking. Shells with cracks, on the surface of eggs stains in the form of flops, liquid protein and yolk - all these signs say that the conditions for the transportation of eggs from the factory to the store were violated, and then they were stored in the wrong conditions and began to deteriate. If you get eggs with stains, cracks, liquid content, experts do not advise them, as they represent a potential health hazard, which is confirmed by expertise: microbes on their surfaces were the most.

Report on the results of flour examination and choose the safest and most qualitative.

You are in the store or supermarket. There are eggs in the list of shopping. In front of you on the shelves, as usual, the three most common categories of chicken eggs: the second category of the table is the cheapest; first category table - somewhat more expensive; The selected table egg is even more expensive. Other categories have less frequently and far from everywhere. They do not take into account.

Attention, question: What category of eggs is most profitable to buy? We checked everything, everyone considered and now share with you received.

State Standard and Reality

The gradation of eggs by category is regulated by the respective GOSTS. The determining category parameter is the mass of the egg (the sixth page of the document on the link).

However, this is a standard. Does he keep in practice? I often hear from the older people in the style "and here are cheating, sell the second grade as a selection." We went to the store and made control purchases. Ten eggs of each category.

With the help of culinary scales, we weighed the eggs of each category.

Results in the second category:

The total weight of the tent was 509 grams, that is, on average, one egg weighs 50.9 grams. It is almost the middle of the norm according to GOST. Everything is fine.

The total weight of the tent was 595 grams. The average mass of one egg is 59.5 grams. Again the middle of the norm. All right.

Selected egg:

The total weight of the tent was 665 grams. The average mass of one egg is 66.5 grams. Hmmm ...

According to GOST, the minimum mass of the selected egg can be 65 grams. It turns out that in practice, we have given a dozen selection is actually at the bottom limit of the norm. Another 1.5 grams, and it would be possible to ask questions to the poultry farm.

Ideally, one selected egg should weigh an average of 70 grams. From this tent of the selection, we have suffered about 35 grams of the product.


Now let's turn to the financial side of the issue. We have an average price of shopping for eggs such:

For a start, calculate the cost of 1 gram eggs for each category.

As you can see, the gram of selected egg is the cheapest, but very often people are trying to save and take the second category of eggs, because they seem like the cheapest. In fact, it is most profitable to take a selection. Let it be more expensive, but by the ratio of the resulting mass of the product, the selection is most profitable.

Now let's spend moving in a more visual form. We will rely on the second category. Denote by the average actual mass of the egg of the second category as x.

Then the average actual mass of the eggs of the first category relative to the second will be 59.5 ÷ 50.6 \u003d 1.17x. It means that the price of the tent should be 1.17 × 53 \u003d 62.01 rubles. But in practice, dozens of these eggs cost only 59 rubles.

The average actual mass of the selected egg relative to the second category is 66.5 ÷ 50.6 \u003d 1.3x. So, the price for a dozen should be 1.3 × 53 \u003d 68.9 rubles. In practice, only 63 rubles.


It turns out that, buying a selection instead of the second category, we save 68.9 - 63 \u003d 5.9 rubles from each tent of the eggs.

I am engaged in power sports, and it is important for me to carry out the daily rate of the protein, which, by the way, is at least 1.7 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. With this calculation, even 10 eaten eggs per day do not solve the problem of the lack of protein, and therefore the greater one egg, the better.

Let's see how much I save, if I bought a dozen selected eggs every day during the year instead of the second category.

5.9 × 365 \u003d 2 153.5 rubles saving per year. Not bad!

Once again about the harm of eggs

Modern studies unconditionally denied the relationship between the consumption of eggs (as well as other animal fats and cholesterol saturated by animals) and an increase in harmful cholesterol in the blood. It turned out that the protein contained in the eggs, on the contrary, helps to establish a cholesterol transport process in the body and avoid the formation of plaques and thrombones. In fact, the lack of protein in the diet is much more terrible than the reasonable exceeding the number of saturated fats. Our article "" will tell you the truth about the eggs.