Nutrition with impaired metabolism. Causes, signs and treatment of metabolic disorders. How to treat violation of metabolism

In this article, we will tell how to improve metabolism with healthy nutrition that will help burn fat throughout the day.

It is known that with age the metabolism of a person slows down. Scientists annually conduct new studies that should help run it again. On average, a woman is gaining to one kilogram per year during an adult life. It is easy to calculate that by the 50 years she can purchase about 20 extra kilograms. In this, it helps the level of hormones, loss of muscle mass and stress that working together, slow down fat burning. However, it should be known that an increase in weight with age is not inevitable. Exercises and our dieting Plan for Acceleration Metabolism Help prevent these changes.

Training will increase your metabolism and, moreover, build muscle tissue, which is the key to high metabolism. But this is only the beginning. For even greater acceleration of metabolism, add our nutrition plan developed by Dan Banardot and Tammy Lakatos to training. Consuming products that increase the metabolism, you will be better to sleep, you will have more energy, and you will notice that the clothes have become free after two weeks later. Take advantage of the following tips:

1. Do not starve

To lose weight, it is necessary to reduce the number of calories consumed. However, if this digit is too low to perform the basic functions of the body, then the metabolism is reduced on the contrary. In addition, muscle cells begin to be cleaved to ensure the body of the energy. Eat only for thickening hunger, making small snacks (about 150 calories) between meals, and metabolism will be held at the required level.

2. Do not skip breakfast

Breakfast starts metabolism and keeps it at a high level throughout the day. It is proved that women who pass breakfast are 4.5 times more likely to suffer obese. Let it be yogurt, or try oatmeal with low-fat milk and handful of nuts that will add squirrel to your meal.

3. Drink tea or coffee

Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system, so daily tea or coffee can increase metabolism by 5-8% - from about 98 to 174 calories per day. One Japanese researcher argues that a cup of brewed tea can increase metabolism by 12%. Such an effect is explained by the presence of antioxidants in tea - Catechinov.

4. Consume fiber to combat fat

Studies show that some fibers can increase fat burning by 30%. It has been proven that women who consume a large amount of fibers, with time gaining a minimum weight. Your goal is 25 grams per day, it is approximately 3 servings of vegetables or fruits.

5. Buy a big bottle of water

German researchers found that 6 cups of cold water can increase the metabolism of about 50 calories per day - this is enough to burn about 2-2.5 kilograms per year. Such an effect can be explained by additional energy consideration in order to heat the water to the body temperature.

6. Eat more fresh natural products

Canadian researchers found out that pesticide-treated products are unfavorable to reduce weight. Toxins are deposited in fat cells and impede the process of burning fat deposits. In other studies, the effect of weight gain was detected caused by the action of pesticides. Choose exclusively organic peaches, apples, nectarines, strawberries, cherry, salad lathouse, grapes and pears. These inorganic products tend to have a very high concentration of pesticides.

8. Eat iron rich in iron

This is necessary to deliver oxygen into your muscles. Before menopause, women lose iron every month during menstruation. If you do not fill the loss, it can lead to a decline in metabolism. Mollusks, lean meat, bean, vitamined flakes and spinach - excellent iron sources.

9. Get more vitamin D

This vitamin is necessary to maintain metabolism. Studies have shown that among the population over 50 years old is only about 4%, a sufficient amount of vitamin D is obtained from food. 90% of the recommended daily norm (400 meters) can be obtained from 3 salmon portions. Other good sources are tuna, shrimp, tofu, milk, cereals and eggs.

10. Avoid alcohol consumption

When you drink, burn less fat, because alcohol is used as an energy source. Two martini glasses can slow down your metabolism by 73%.

11. Drink milk

There is evidence that calcium deficiency, which meets in many women can lead to a decrease in metabolic rate. In addition, some studies have shown that the production of calcium from skimmed milk and yogurt reduces the absorption of fats from other products.

What should be eaten on a diet accelerating metabolism?

Diet to accelerate metabolism

Naturally, exercise is needed for fat burning. However, you can burn additional 350 calories, only slightly changing your daily activity. Climb the stairs, talk on the phone standing, perform small movements - stretching or mahi legs, and you will easily burn 350 additional calories.

Read about the effective way to lose weight in the article.

Not all modern food can be called healthy and safe - most dishes, on the contrary, contribute to the deterioration of the body's work. At the same time, when a person cannot lose weight, although often sitting on diets and is generally trying to limit the consumption of calorie products, they say that it is disturbed by metabolism, or, simply, the metabolism. The two of these situations are the use of harmful food and a violation of metabolism - interrelated, the second is a consequence of the first. To lose weight during slow metabolism, it is necessary to restore its speed, and the corresponding diet will help.

Essence and features

Metabolism is the process of cleavage of admitted substances into small components and the subsequent compound of them in those components that are easily absorbed by the body. As a result, the synthesis of energy is occurring, which is necessary for the physical and mental work of a person.

When a large amount of food arrives in the body at the same time, which is also split into incompatible elements, the metabolism is slowed down, and the components undecided because of this are deposited in the form of fatty deposits. At the same time, the process of digestion is also disturbed, which also affects the state not in the best way.

Diet to restore metabolism will not immediately - the body will need some time to get used to rational work. Harmful food, used by years and even decades, leaves his mark, from which it is impossible to get rid of a few days.

To understand whether there are problems with the metabolism, it is necessary to analyze whether the following symptoms are observed:

Metabolism can be slowed down not only due to the use of harmful food.

Important. In 2% of cases, the root of evil turns out to be problems with the hormonal background, so before sitting on diet for the normalization of metabolism, It is necessary to sign up for a doctor and pass the survey.

If you have to lose weight really have a disease that will not be treated, then no methods for accelerating metabolism will give a positive result.

Principles for accelerating metabolism

The difference between this method of weight loss from others is that it offers no, and durable. At the same time, the body not only does not suffer, but also will define its work. There is no weightless deficiencies in the diet, except for the need for a willow force manifestation for refusing favorite products, as well as in a thorough selection of products and long-term cooking.

The diet for the proper metabolism and subsequent weight loss will be possible when complying with the following principles:

What you can eat

So that weight loss does not harm the body, the diet must be balanced. Not only is the menu should be different at least within seven days, it should also contain a sufficient amount of plant and animal food. In this case, the base of the diet should be protein in moderate quantities. For this, low-fat varieties of meat, birds and. The protein is seriously absorbed by the body, so the process requires significant energy costs, which means burning fat stocks.

With independent preparation of the diet for a diet that restores metabolism, it is worth focusing on the following products:

The food needs not to fry, but cook, stew (without prior roast), bake with a minimum amount of oil or cook for a pair. Vegetables, fruits and berries can be found in raw. Menu is necessary in such a way that the daily calorie consumption is in the range of 1200-1500.

Approximate menu for a week

Duration diets for recovering metabolism and weight loss Fully depends on the moral and physical condition of the losing weight. To begin with, it is worth trying to hold out a week, and if no problems arise, then continue until the scales show the cherished number. You can make a menu for 7 days and cyclically repeat it throughout the diet.

The approximate diet looks like this:

The results of such weight loss depend on the initial state of the shape and the neglence of the problems with metabolism. On average, a week at the beginning of the diet can be reset 2-4 kg, but gradually this number will decrease. However, this does not mean that the technique has become ineffective - on the contrary, the deliverance from unnecessary kilograms will go rationally.


Before you get rid of overweight, you need to understand what is the reason for it. If there are no diseases that promote obesity, then you need to go to proper nutrition in combination with physical exertion. D. yeta, normalizing metabolismmay become the basic principle of nutrition for many years - then the need for weight loss will disappear.

The story of the readers "How I dropped 18 kg in 2.5 months"
All my life was Tolstoy, suffered because of excess weight. In clothing stores, chose the size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell for a long time, as I tried to fight my 30-35 extra kilograms: both diet, hunger strike, and physical exertion, even pills and some conspiracies. The effect was short-term or absent at all. In short, despair, depression and practically humility with their huge weight. But once I came across ... Chocolate, which helps to lose weight! Trying it to me nothing worthwhile - I love chocolates. Ordered, ate. And the weight crawl down !! It looks like mystic, but it is. I began to study the question, and I understood how it all works. Girls, try! I already threw the 18 kg in 2.5 months. And continue. Your business, but you do not lose anything other than the weight, of course. Try chocolate Choco Burn for weight loss for 147 rubles.

The metabolism (metabolism) is a set of all chemical compounds and types of transformations of substances and energy in the body that ensure its development and livelihood, adaptation to changes in external conditions.

But sometimes the metabolism can be broken. What is the cause of such a failure? How to treat him?

What are the symptoms and the treatment of metabolic disorders by folk remedies?

What is the metabolism? Causes, symptoms

For a healthy existence of the body needs energy. It is drawn from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Metabolism is the process of recycling the splitting of these components. It includes:

  1. Assimilation (anabolism). The synthesis of organic substances (energy accumulation) occurs.
  2. Dissimillation (catabolism). The decay of organic substances and the release of energy occurs.

The balance of these two components is the perfect metabolism. If the process of assimilation and dissimulation is broken, the metabolic chain is upset.

With the predominance of dissimulation in the body, a person loses weight, if assimilation is gaining weight.

These processes in the body flow depending on the number of calories consumed per day, calorie consumed, as well as from genetics. It is difficult to influence genetic features, but to revise your diet and correct its calorie content - it is much easier.

The reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • toxic substances in the body;
  • abnormal diet, overeating, the predominance of high-calorieness of the same type;
  • stress;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • load on the body by periodic strict diets and breakdowns after them.

Overbinding - the inconsistency of the energy consumption of the number of calories consumed per day. If a person has a sedentary lifestyle, and it is regularly powered by buns and chocolates, it will soon have to change the size of the clothing.

Nervous disorders can lead to "hot" problems (this often occurs in women), which will lead to the unbalance of the processes of assimilation and dissimulation.

The lack of protein or carbohydrate deficit will also lead to a violation of metabolism. With low fluid consumption especially.


Violation of metabolism can be determined by the following signals:

  • the color of the face is changing, he becomes unhealthy;
  • the condition of the hair is worsening, they become brittle, dry, much falls out;
  • weight too fast goes up;
  • slimming without causes and changes in the diet;
  • the thermoregulation of the body changes;
  • insomnia, anxious sleep;
  • on the skin appear rash, redness, the skin becomes edema;
  • there are pain in the joints and muscles.


If a woman or man noticed the symptoms of a malfunction in metabolism, they make independent attempts to purify the body.

It is unacceptable. Here you need a doctor consultation. Such violations affect the processes associated with fat exchange.

The liver is not able to cope with large volumes of fats, and low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol are beginning to accumulate in the body, which can sow on the walls of the vessels and cause various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

For this reason, you must first consult a doctor.

How to treat violation of metabolism in the body at home?


Therapy of any pathology begins with elimination of the reasons that caused it. It is necessary to adjust the daily diet and power mode, reduce the amount of carbohydrate and fats.

Patients regulate recreation and wakefulness, try to avoid stress or calmly respond to them. Many begin to play sports, which will help increase the body's energy consumption and give him a cheerfulness.

These measures will help eliminate metabolic disorders if they are not complicated by genetics or other factors.

If the problem has come too far, no medical care does not do. If pathological changes in the organs have already appeared, the patient must undergo a course of treatment.

It can be hormonal therapy in hormonal imbalance, thyroid drugs, if the function of the thyroid gland is broken, or insulin during diabetes.

With serious pathologies of the thyroid gland or adenoma, the pituitary is carried out surgery.

What to do with impaired metabolism?

Healing Fitness

Muscular activity has a significant impact on metabolism. LFC in disruption of metabolism:

  • increases the energy costs of the body;
  • enhances metabolism;
  • restores motor-visceral reflexes that regulate the exchange;
  • tones the central nervous system;
  • increases the activity of the glands of the internal secretion.

LFK is prescribed individually for each patient, taking into account the reasons that caused a metabolic violation. At first, the patient must adapt to moderately increasing physical exertion. Gymnastic exercises, dosage walking and self-massage prescribe.

Then additionally includes daily walks, the length of which is gradually adjusted to 10 km, tourist hiking, running, skiing, swimming, rowing, other exercises.

LFC is very effective in obesity. Therapeutic gymnastics with such pathology should last at least an hour.

Use movements with a large amplitude, wide maids limbs, circular movements in large joints, exercises with moderate burdens. Useful slopes, turns, rotation.

Such exercises increase the mobility of the spinal column. We need exercises that will strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press. You should use dumbbells, printed and inflatable balls, expander, gymnastic sticks.

To the slow run as the main form of occupations, after adaptation of the patient to long walks. Running 100-200 m alternate with walking, after cutting runs increase to 400-600 m.

After 3 months, go to a long continuous run, time is adjusted to 20-30 minutes a day, and the speed is up to 5-7 km / h.


Massage with impaired metabolism is effective in obesity, diabetes, gout. Massage reduces fat deposits in certain parts of the body and stimulates lymph and blood circulation.

  1. Massage should be carried out in the morning after breakfast or before dinner.
  2. Impact techniques with weak muscles of the abdominal press can not be carried out.
  3. If the patient's condition deteriorated during a session, the procedure is stopped.
  4. The intensity of massage increases gradually.
  5. Common massage is carried out 1-2 times a week.
  6. Patients need passive rest before the procedure and after it, for 15-20 minutes.
  7. The effect increases when conducting a massage in a bath or steam room. But it must be advised to consult a doctor.
  8. The procedure is enhanced after a long diet.

With obesity, when the patient cannot lie on the stomach and suffers from the breath, he falls on his back. He is under his head and knees put a roller.

First make a massage of the lower extremities. Then you use stroking, rubbing, vibrations, which alternate with the kneading, climbing the surface of the surface of the lower extremities, direction from the foot to the pelvis.

How to lose weight and improve metabolism using nutrition?


Diet with impaired metabolism is able to restore the balance between assimilation and dissimulation. Fundamental rules:

  1. Food use frequently. The gap between the receptions is 2-3 hours. If the gaps are longer, the body will be stock with fat.
  2. Only light food normalizes metabolism. Salads, vegetable soup, yogurt, fish, vegetables - easy-to-wear products.
  3. Dinner should be easy. After it, you should stroll.
  4. Fish - Mandatory product in the diet. Contains fatty acids omega-3. They help produce enzymes that contribute to splitting fats and prevent their deposits.
  5. Tea, coffee or acute food do not affect the metabolism rate.
  6. The rate of clean water is two and a half liters per day. It should be drinking half an hour before meals and an hour after.

What food must be excluded from the diet for the disease associated with the metabolic disorder?

In obesity, they exclude:

The rejection of these products will also be a good prevention of the Many Diseases of the GCT. The rate of daily calorie content of products consumed - 1700-1800 kcal.

Recommendations for the refusal of products in diabetes, in general, the same. But daily caloric content can be increased to 2500 kcal. Suppose bread and other flour products, milk and low-fat dairy products, moderately sharp sauces.

A person should not consume a lot of fats.

It needs only in the polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 class. They are contained in the vegetable oils of walnuts, flax, rapeseed, oils from sea fish.

Olive oil is the optimal product neutrally acting on metabolism.

It should be limited to the use of oils from the omega-6 group (corn, sunflower), solid saturated fats. This diet should follow many years.

The following recipes will help to cope with impaired metabolism:

The use of all the above-described funds must be coordinated with the doctor.

Indications: Obesity.

Purpose: elimination of excess fat deposits.

General characteristics: Reducing the calorie content of the diet due to carbohydrates, especially easily friendly, and to a lesser extent - fats (mainly animals) with a normal or slightly elevated protein content. Restriction of free fluid, sodium chloride and exciting food appetite and dishes. Increase the content of dietary fiber. Dishes prepare boiled, stew, baked. Roasted, rubbed and chopped products are undesirable. Sugar substitutes for sweet dishes and drinks are used (xylitol and sorbitol are taken into account in the calorieness of the diet). The temperature of the dishes is ordinary.

Composition: proteins - 90-110 g (60% animals), fats - 80-85 g (30% vegetable), carbohydrates - 150 g, sodium chloride 5-6 g; Liquid - 1-1.2 liters.

Calorie: 1700-1800 kcal.

Power Mode: 5-6 times a day with sufficient volume for saturation.

Excluded products and dishes:

  • products from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade, bonded and puff pastry;
  • soups dairy, potato, cereal, legumes, with pasta;
  • fat varieties of meat, goose, duck, ham, sausages, sausages boiled and smoked, canned;
  • fatty views, salt, smoked, canned fish in oil, caviar;
  • bold cottage cheese, sweet raws, cream, sweet yogurt, ryazhenka, foiled milk, fatty and salted cheeses;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • cereals: rice, manna and oatmeal, pasta, legumes;
  • fat and sharp snacks, sauces; mayonnaise, all spices;
  • grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, very sweet varieties of other fruits, sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, ice cream, kissel;
  • grape and other sweet juices, cocoa;
  • meat and culinary fats;
  • bread and flour products: rye and wheat bread made of coarse grinding flour, protein-wheat and protein-cut bread - 100-150 g per day;
  • soups: up to 250-300 g per reception, from different vegetables with a small addition of potatoes or cereals; soup, borsch, okroshka, beetter. 2-3 times a week of soups on weak degreasing meat or fish broths with vegetables, meatballs;
  • meat and Bird: up to 150 g per day. Low fatness beef, veal, rabbit, chickens, turkey, limited - low-fat pork and lamb - predominantly boiled, as well as stew baked with large and small pieces. Meat roasted after boiling. Jelly beef, beef sausages;
  • fish: low-fat species up to 150-200 g per day. Boiled, baked, fried, seafood;
  • milk and fermented dairy drinks. Sour cream - in dishes, cottage cheese, low-fat and 9% fat (100-200 g per day) - natural and in the form of cheesery, pudding. Long varieties of cheese - limited;
  • eggs: 1-2 pieces per day, screwed, protein omelets, omelets with vegetables;
  • cruses only for adding to vegetable soups. Crumbly porridges from buckwheat, pearl, bishnel majority due to reduction of bread;
  • vegetables are used widely, in all kinds, part of necessarily raw. All kinds of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, radishes, salad, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnip are desirable. Sauer cabbage - after washing. Limit dishes from potatoes, beets, green peas, carrots, trousers (total up to 200 g per day), as well as salted and pickled vegetables;
  • snacks: salads from raw and sauer vegetables, winegirls, vegetable salads with boiled meat and fish, seafood. Flip from fish or meat, low-fat ham;
  • fruits and berries of sour-sweet varieties, raw and boiled. Jelly and mousse on methylcellulose, xylitis, sorbitol, unsweetened compotes;
  • sauces and spices: tomato, red, white with vegetables, weak mushroom; vinegar;
  • drinks: tea, black coffee and coffee with milk. Lightweight juices fruit, berry, vegetable;
  • fats: butter (limited) and vegetable oils - in dishes.

Approximate Diet Menu No. 8:
1st breakfast: Vegetable salad with vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
2nd breakfast: Fresh apples.
Dinner: Booschie vegetarian with sour cream (1/2 portion), boiled meat, stewed cabbage with vegetable oil, compote from dried fruit without sugar (on xylitis).
Afternoon person: Cottage cheese is low-fat with milk.
Dinner: Fish boiled, stew from vegetables, tea.
For the night: kefir low-fat.

Diet number 9.

Indications: Sugar diabetes.

Purpose: promote the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and prevent fat violations.

General characteristics: Diet with moderately reduced calorie content at the expense of easily durable carbohydrates and animal fats. Proteins comply with the norm. Sugar and sweets are excluded. The content of sodium chloride, cholesterol, extractive substances is moderately limited. An increased content of lipotronic substances, vitamins, dietary fiber (cottage cheese, low-fat fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, solid grain croups, coarse flour bread). Boiled and baked products are preferred, less often fried and stewed. For sweet dishes and drinks - xylitol or sorbitol, which take into account the calorie diet. The temperature of the dishes is ordinary.

Chemical composition and calorie: .

Composition: proteins - 90-100 g (55% animals), fats - 75-80 g (30% vegetable), carbohydrates - 300-350 g (mainly polysaccharides), sodium chloride - 12 g, liquid - 1.5 liters .

Calorie: 2300-2500 kcal.

Power Mode: 5-6 times a day with uniform carbohydrate distribution.

Excluded products and dishes:

  • products made of food and puff pastry;
  • strong, fat broths, dairy with semolina, rice, noodles;
  • fatty varieties of meat, duck, goose, smoked, most sausages, canned goods;
  • fatty and varieties of fish, salt, canned food, caviar;
  • salted cheeses, sweet curd cheese, cream;
  • rice, semolina and pasta (restricted sharply);
  • vegetables salted and pickled;
  • grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, sugar, jam;
  • candy, ice cream;
  • fat, sharp and salt sauces;
  • grape and other sweet juices, lemonade on sugar;
  • meat and culinary fats.
  • bread and flour products: rye, protein-carved, protein-wheat, wheat from the flour of the 2nd grade bread, on average 300 g per day. Non-propagant flour products by reducing the number of bread;
  • soups: from different vegetables, soup, borsch, beetter, okrochka meat and vegetable; Weak low-fat meat, fish and mushroom broths with vegetables, resolved cereal, potatoes, meatballs;
  • meat and bird: low-fat beef, veal, edged and meat, pork, lamb, rabbit, chickens, turkey in boiled, stew and fried after boiling form, chopped and sideways. Russian sausages, diet sausage, boiled tongue. The liver is limited;
  • fish: low-fat species, boiled, baked, sometimes fried. Canned fish in their own juice and tomato;
  • milk and fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese bold and low-fat and dishes from it. Sour cream - limited. Sound, low-fat cheese;
  • eggs: 1-1.5 per day, skeyka, protein omelets. Yolks limit;
  • cereals: Limited within the limits of carbohydrate standards. Porridge from buckwheat, bunny, millet, pearl, oatmeal; legumes;
  • vegetables: Potatoes, taking into account the norm of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are also taken into account in carrots, beets, green peas. Preferred vegetables containing less than 5% carbohydrates (cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants). Raw vegetables, boiled, baked, stew, less often fried;
  • snacks: Vinigrets, Fresh Vegetable Salads, Vegetable Caviar, Caucasus, Washing Herring, Meat, Fish Flower, Seafood Salads, Low Great Beef Jelly, Cheese Sound;
  • fresh fruits and berries of sour-sweet varieties in any form. Jelly, sambuchs, mousses, compotes, candy on xylitis, sorbitol or sacchaine; limited - honey;
  • souces: low-fat, weak meat, fish, mushroom broths, vegetable brave, tomato. Pepper, hell, mustard - limited;
  • drinks: tea, coffee with milk, juices from vegetables, molding fruits and berries, decoction of rosehip;
  • fats: Sob-free butter and fused oil. Vegetable oils in dishes.

Approximate Diet Menu No. 9:
1st breakfast: Cottage cheese low-fat with milk, porridge buckwheat crumbly, tea.
2nd breakfast: Decoration of wheat bran.
Dinner: Fresh vegetarian cabbage soup with vegetable oil, boiled meat with milk sauce, stew carrots, fruit jelly on xylitol.
Afternoon person: Fresh apples.
Dinner: Schnitzel cabbage, boiled fish, baked in dairy sauce, tea.
For the night: kefir.

The pursuit of slimness has long become familiar in modern society, and what they just do not go to achieve ideal forms! .. All sorts of short-term diets, starvation and other methods, of course, give the desired effect, but at the same time cause irreparable harm to the body , resulting in some time released kilograms come back again .

Choosing another diet, many ladies do not even think about the cause of their completeness, and meanwhile, the weight gain is a signal that a failure of the metabolic disruption has occurred in the work of the body.

Therefore, if you adjust your power mode and normalize metabolic processes in the body, you can lose weight without damage to health. In addition, such a way of weight loss excludes a repeated set of kilograms.

What is the metabolism?

We all know that for the proper operation, the body requires the energy that it draws from the food consumed - proteins (proteins), carbohydrates (saccharides) and fats (lipids). The processing process, splitting of these substances wears the name of metabolism or metabolism.

The rate of flow of metabolic processes depends on several factors:

  • the number of calories consumed;
  • the number of calorie consumed;
  • individual genetic features of the body.

And if you can't argue with genetics, then control the consumption and consumption of calories is quite possible.

The human body is inclined to accumulate fats, and consumes them only as a last resort, when there are no other sources of energy. Intensive power and interval training accelerate this process, but due to their employment, a person is usually simply not enough time to visit the gym.

Therefore, the exit from the situation can be a diet for metabolism, which involves the use of products, the digestion of which requires significant energy consumption.

Rules diet for metabolism

This diet for weight loss It is based on the principles of proper nutrition, where the food diet is for the most part useful products rich in vitamins, macro and microelements and other useful substances.

Firstly, it is necessary to eat as often as possible (The optimal period of time between meals is 2-3 hours). Each meal is accompanied by a short-term stimulation of metabolism, and the more often the body will receive food, the faster it will digest it, which will significantly accelerate the metabolism and burning subcutaneous fat.

Reverse effect may occur if you allow large breaks between meals. Fearing to "stay hungry", the body will start stocking with fat, from which it will be enough to get rid of it.

Secondly, you need to eat correctly. Even accelerated metabolism will not be able to help if you eat constantly high-calorie food. Full food with small portions - this is what is supplied for the correct operation of the body. It can be a cup of soup, a salad with a small piece of fish or chicken meat, etc.

In the absence of ability to fully eat, snacks are allowed by fruit, dietary yogurts, loaves, etc. Do not forget about fiber - the main stimulator of metabolic processes, which is contained in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.

Thirdly, despite the fact that the loss diet itself is built on the principles of fractional nutrition, yet one dense meal on the day should be present, and have to take place from 12.00 to 14.00.

Due to the fact that at night, all the processes occurring in the human body slow down, eaten later, heavy foods, which will need no less than 4 hours, may be simply not learned.

Before you have to eat, it is recommended to make a small walk to strengthen the intensity of the digestive organs. But after the meal, any manifestations of activity are not laid, as it can provoke the development of serious bowel diseases or cause an indignant of the stomach.

Diet for proper metabolism /

Fourthly mandatory product is fishbecause it contains the most powerful metabolic stimulants - docosahexane and eikapentaenic acid (DGK and EPC), as well as omega-3 fatty acids. These substances provoke the production of enzymes responsible for the splitting of fats, thereby preventing the accumulation of unnecessary kilograms.

However so that useful diet I gave an even greater effect, you can additionally take DGK and EPA (up to 300 ml per day).

Well, fifthly do not rely on the action of toning drinks and sharp seasonings. Neither green tea, nor caffery-containing drinks, nor even the sharp food is not able to affect the metabolism speed. Therefore, the widespread opinion of many on the effectiveness of such slimming products is only self-exchanger.

After diet ...

The main problem of many lost weight is to secure the result achieved, because after exiting most diets is required for a long time. live in food . The lack of such restrictions of the diet for metabolism and differs from other weight loss techniques.

Using the right products that will maintain the correct balance between proteins, carbohydrates and fats, without limiting themselves at the same time, you can save weight within the normal range.