HIV spread statistics in the world. AIDS in Russia: statistics. AIDS Center. Regions and city leaders in the number of HIV defeat

The only regions in the world where the HIV epidemic continues to quickly spread, Eastern Europe and Central Asia remain in the final report of UNAIDS. Russia in these regions accounts for 80% of new occurrences of HIV in 2015, the International Organization notes. Another 15% of new diseases have to be cumulatively on Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Ukraine.

In terms of distribution of the epidemic, Russia overtook even the countries of South Africa, follows from fresh incidence statistics. Meanwhile, the Russian authorities not only do not increase the financing of procurement of drugs for patients, but if you believe messages from the regions, even strengthen the savings on this article.

Comparing published UNAIDS statistics for new HIV cases in different countries with the number of patients already available in these countries, "Gazeta.Ru" was convinced that our country was leading the pace of HIV distribution not only in its region.

The share of new cases of HIV diseases in 2015 in Russia - more than 11% of the total number of people living with HIV (95.5 thousand and 824 thousand, respectively, according to the Federal Audid Center). In the overwhelming majority of African countries, the number of new cases does not exceed 8%, in the largest countries of South America, this share in 2015 was about 5% to the total number of patients.

For example, by the speed of the growth of new sick in 2015, Russia overtakes such African countries as Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, in each of them almost twice as many patients than in our country (1.4-1.5 million people ).

More than new cases than in Russia, it is now annually annually in Nigeria - 250 thousand infections, however, the total number of carriers is more English there - 3.5 million people, therefore, in the equity ratio, the incidence is about 7.1%.

HIV epidemic in the world

In 2015, there were 36.7 million people living with HIV in the world. Of these, 17 million were obtained antiretroviral therapy. The number of new infection cases amounted to 2.1 million. Last year, 1.1 million people died around the world.

The number of new HIV infection in Eastern Europe and Central Asia increased by 57% in the period from 2010. Over the same period in the Caribbean countries, the number of new cases amounted to 9%, in the Middle East and in North Africa - 4%, in Latin America - 2%.

The decline was noted in Eastern and South Africa (by 4%), as well as in the Asia-Pacific region (3%). In Europe, North America, Western and Central Africa, there has been a minor decline.

In the largest countries of Latin America - Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico - the share of new cases of HIV infection remained at the level of 5% to the number of media. For example, in Brazil, where the number of people living with HIV is about the same as in Russia (830 thousand), 44 thousand people have become infected in 2015.

In the USA, where sick HIV is one and a half times more than in Russia, it is half a few annually - about 50 thousand people, according to the charity organization Avert, funding the fight against AIDS.

Russia does not cope with their own

The main reason for the deterioration of the situation, UNAIDS experts see that Russia has lost international support for HIV programs and could not replace it with adequate prevention at the expense of the budget.

In 2004-2013, the largest donor of the prevention of HIV infection in the region (Eastern Europe and Central Asia) remained a global fund, but as a result of the Russian classification as a high-income country, international support was left, and the internal financing of HIV fighting did not ensure due coverage of antiretroviral Therapies (prevents HIV transition to AIDS and ensures the prevention of infection).

The amount of grants of the Global Fund for HIV amounted to more than $ 200 million, said, head of the federal AIDS Center. "In the country, many preventive and therapeutic programs were carried out on this money. After the government returned this money to the Global Fund, it focused mainly on the financing of treatment, and preventive programs to finance had no one, they stuck, "he complies.

Similar messages come from St. Petersburg, Perm Territory and other regions. At the same time, the total amount of funds stipulated in the federal budget 2015 and 2016 for the procurement of antiretroviral drugs is approximately the same - the amount remains at about 21 billion rubles., Some of the funds are sent to procurement for federal medical institutions.

Directly regions in the 2015 budget of 2015, 17.485 billion rubles were intended, in 2016, the amount slightly decreased and amounted to 17.441 billion rubles. Information about whether the funds were communicated to the regions or somehow redistributed or frozen, federal ministries are kept secret. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health did not respond to the relevant requests of "Gazeta.Ru".

According to the government report on the execution of the anti-crisis plan, with which "Gazeta.Ru" managed to familiarize themselves, the money was transferred to the budgets of the regions in full, but it was refused to confirm this information.

How to fight HIV in the world

HIV combat measures in the whole world are the same: the prevention includes informing the population, identifying the most vulnerable groups of citizens, distributing the means of contraception and syringes, active measures are antiretroviral therapy, which supports the standard of living of already sick and does not allow the patient to infect others. However, each country has its own regional features.

The authorities in the United States primarily finance social campaigns opposing the Tagging the theme of AIDS. Also, with the help of social shares, Americans are calling for regular testing, especially if a person belongs to one of the most vulnerable groups - black citizens, men who had homosexual contacts, and others.

Another way to combat the spread of HIV and AIDS is sexual education. In 2013, the immunodeficiency virus was told in 85% of US schools. In 1997, these programs were taught in 92% of US schools, but due to the resistance of religious groups of citizens, the level of coverage decreased.

From 1996 to 2009, more than $ 1.5 billion was spent on the propaganda of abstinence as the only way to combat HIV in the United States. But since 2009, the financing of "orthodox" methods began to decline, more funds began to allocate comprehensive information to bring comprehensive information.

Nevertheless, according to Kaiser Family Foundation, so far only in the 15th states, speaking with schoolchildren on HIV prevention, prescribed to talk about contraception, despite the statistics, 47% of high school students have sexual experience. Optional informing about HIV remains in 15 states, as well as sexual education, in two more in the program only publishing is included.

In China, according to 2013, 780 thousand people live with an immunodeficiency virus, of which more than a quarter receive antiretroviral therapy. The most vulnerable groups of the population are gays and bisexuals, young Chinese up to 24 years old, drug addicts, introducing injections, a high proportion of infections from mother to the child. In the PRC, infection most often occurs through unprotected sexual contacts, so the main part of the effort is to prevent the transfer of virus sexuality. Among the measures - treatment for steam, in which one of the partners is infected with HIV, distribution of free condoms, promoting testing for the virus, informing about the disease of children and adults.

A separate category of effort is the struggle against the illegal market of donor blood, which bloomed after the ban in the 1980s imported blood products. Enontending Chinese, as Avert reports, were looking for plasma donors in rural areas, without taking care of the safety of the procedure. Only since 2010 in China began to check on HIV all donor blood.

In India, the second largest country in the world, in 2015 2.1 million people lived with HIV - this is one of the biggest indicators in the world. From the diseased treatment received 36%.

Hindus allocate four risk groups. These are sex workers, illegallands, men who had homosexual contacts, drug addicts and caste Hijra (one of the castes of untouchable, which includes transgender, bisexuals, hermaphrodites, castrates).

As in many other countries, the fight against HIV in India is conducted through work with the most vulnerable layers of the population, informing, distribution of condoms, syringes and needles, as well as methadone replacement therapy. The epidemic in the country is recession: in 2015, according to UNAIDS, fewer people have become infected here than in Russia - 86 thousand people.

In the countries of Latin and Central America, 1.6 million people with a virus of immunodeficiency lived for 2014, 44% of which received the necessary treatment. Among the measures taken by the countries of the region to combat the epidemic are social campaigns explaining what HIV is and why the sick cannot be discriminated. Such shares were held, in particular, in Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Mexico. In five countries - Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay, there were programs for the distribution of needles and syringes, in some cities of Colombia and Mexico, replacement therapy was used. In selected countries, the diseases are received by cash benefits.

Australia, in which the incidence of one of the lowest in the world has achieved such results through the introduction of integrated prophylaxis programs and due to the fact that they never stopped. She also used to fight HIV other than others, draws Pokrovsky from the AIDS Center. "I, for example, in 1989, got acquainted with the work of the organization" Collective Prostitutes of Australia ", which was engaged in HIV prevention among sex workers. This and dozens of similar projects were constantly financed by the government, "he emphasizes.

Main factors

At the beginning of 2017, the total number of cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens reached 1,114,815 people ( in the world - 36.7 million HIV-infected, incl. 2.1 million children). Of these, it died for various reasons (not only from AIDS, and from all reasons) 243,863 HIV-infected (according to the form of monitoring of Rospotrebnadzor "Information on HIV prevention activities, hepatitis in and with, identifying and treating patients with HIV") . In December 2016, 870,952 Russians, lived with a diagnosis of HIV infection.

As of July 1, 2017, the number of HIV-infected people in Russia amounted to 1,167,581 people, they died for various reasons 259,156 people (in the 1st half of 2017, 14,631 HIV-infected were died, which is 13.6% more, than 6 months of 2016.). An indicator of the affect of the population of the Russian Federation HIV infection in 2017 amounted to 795.3 infected HIV per 100 thousand population of Russia.

In 2016, 103,438 new cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens were identified ( the world is 1.8 million), which is 5.3% more than in 2015. Since 2005, the country registers the increase in the number of newly identified cases of HIV infection, in 2011-2016 annual growth averaged 10%.

The incidence rate of HIV infection in 2016 amounted to 70.6 per 100 thousand population.

In terms of the growth rates of the incidence of HIV infection, Russia reached the 3rd place after the South African Republic and Nigeria. * (V.V. Pokrovsky).

* / approx. The statement is ambiguous, because Not all countries consider equally well the number of HIV-infected people, which should also be identified for money (for example, in Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, where there is enough money to screen the population on HIV.

In addition, judging by identifying a huge number of HIV-infected gastrubages, - the affect of HIV in these countries is several times higher than in the Russian Federation) /.

For the 1st half of 2017, 52,766 HIV-infected citizens of the Russian Federation were revealed in Russia. The incidence rate of HIV infection in the 1st half of 2017 was 35.9 cases of HIV infection per 100 thousand population.

Most of all new cases in 2017 identified in Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Tyumen regions, as well as in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District.

Video. Incidence in Russia, March - May 2017.

An increase in the growth rate of new HIV infection cases in 2017 (but the general incidence of HIV infection is low) is observed in the Vologda region, Tsyva, Mordovia, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Moscow, Vladimir, Tambov, Yaroslavl, Sakhalin and Kirov region.

Growth of the total (cumulative) number of registered cases of HIV infection in Russian citizens from 1987 to 2016.

The growing number of HIV-infected Russians from 1987 to 2016.

HIV in regions and cities

In 2016, the following regions and cities were leading in terms of incidence in the Russian Federation:

  1. Kemerovo Region (228.8 new HIV cases were recorded per 100 thousand population - only 6,127 HIV-infected), incl. In the city of Kemerovo 1,876 HIV-infected.

  2. Irkutsk region (163.6% 000 - 3,951 HIV-infected). In 2017, 1,784 new HIV-infected were revealed in the Irkutsk region for 5 months. In 2016, 2,450 new infected HIV were registered in the city of Irkutsk, in 2017 - 1 107. Almost 2% of the population of the Irkutsk region was infected with HIV.

  3. Samara Region (161.5% 000 - 5,89 HIV-infected, incl. In the city of Samara 1 201 HIV-infected), for 7 months of 2017 - 1,184 people. (59.8% 000).

  4. Sverdlovsk region (156.9% 000 - 6,790 HIV-infected), incl. In the city of Yekaterinburg 5,874 HIV-infected (the most HIV-infected city of Russia / or detect well? Ed. /).

  5. Chelyabinsk region (154.0% 000 - 5 394 HIV-infected),

  6. Tyumen region (150.5% 000 - 2,224 people - 1.1% of the population), for the 1st half of 2017 in the Tyumen region, 1,019 new cases of HIV infection were revealed (an increase of 14.4% compared to the same period of the past years, then 891 HIV-infected were registered), incl. 3 teenagers. The Tyumen region is among the regions where HIV infection is recognized as an epidemic.

  7. Tomsk Oblast (138.0% 000 - 1,489 people),

  8. Novosibirsk region (137.1% 000) of the region (3,786 people), incl. In the city of Novosibirsk 3 213 HIV-infected.

  9. Krasnoyarsk region (129.5% 000 - 3,716 people),

  10. Perm region (125.1% 000 - 3,294 people),

  11. Altai region(114.1% 000 - 2,721 people) edges

  12. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Ugra (124.7% 000 - 2,010 people, every 92th resident is infected),

  13. Orenburg region (117.6% 000 - 2,340 people), in 1 square meters. 2017 - 650 people. (32.7% 000).

  14. Omsk Oblast (110.3% 000 - 2,176 people), for 8 months of 2017, 1360 cases were revealed, the incidence rate was 68.8 %,000.

  15. Kurgan region (110.1% 000 - 958 people),

  16. Ulyanovsk region (97.2% 000 - 1,218 people), in 1 square meters. 2017 - 325 people. (25.9% 000).

  17. Tver region (74.0% 000 - 973 people),

  18. Nizhny Novgorod Region (71.1% 000 - 2,309 people) of the region, in 1 square. 2017 - 613 people. (18.9% 000).

  19. Republic of Crimea (83.0% 000 - 1,943 people),

  20. Khakassia (82.7% 000 - 445 people),

  21. Udmurtia (75.1% 000 - 1,139 people),

  22. Bashkortostan (68.3% 000 - 2,778 people), in 1 square meters. 2017 - 688 people. (16.9% 000).

  23. moscow (62.2% 000 - 7,672 people)

% 000 - the number of HIV-infected people per 100 thousand population.

Table number 1.

The number of HIV-infected and incidence of HIV infection by regions and regions of Russia (TOP). Interactive table, with the possibility of sorting.

How many HIV-infected people were identified in the regions of the Russian Federation.

What is the incidence in the regions per 100 thousand population.

Kemerovo Region



Irkutsk region



Samara Region



Sverdlovsk region



Chelyabinsk region



Tyumen region




































Nizhny Novgorod



Republic of Crimea












Table number 2.

The number of HIV-infected and incidence of HIV infection through the cities of Russia (TOP). How many HIV-infected people were detected in the cities of the Russian Federation.

Indicators of the incidence of HIV infection in the cities of the Russian Federation.



















City-leaders in terms of the number of HIV-infected and incidence of HIV infection: Ekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Samara.

The most affected by HIV infection subjects of the Russian Federation.

The most significant increase (speed, the growth rate of the emergence of new HIV cases per unit of time) In 2016 was observed in the Republic of Crimea, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chukchi AO, Kamchatka Territory, Belgorod, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk regions, Sevastopol, Chuvash, Kabardino-Balkarian republics, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region, Nenets and JSC, Samara Region and Jewish JSC.

The number of newly identified cases of HIV infection in Russian citizens in 1987-2016

Distribution of the number of new HIV cases by year (1987-2016).

The affected by HIV infection of the Russian population as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 594.3 per 100 thousand people.

Cases of HIV infection are recorded in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 2017, the defeat is 795.3 per 100 thousand. Us.

HIV HIV infection (more than 0.5% of the entire population) is registered in 30 largest and mostly economically successful regions where 45.3% of the country's population lived.

The dynamics of the indicators of the affectedness and incidence of HIV infection of the Russian Federation in 1987-2016

The incidence of HIV in the Russian Federation.

The most affected subjects of the Russian Federation include:

    Sverdlovsk region (registered 1647.9% 000 HIV living on 100 thousand population - 71354 people .. In 2017, there are already about 86 thousand people infected HIV), including more than 27,131 HIV-infected people were registered in Yekaterinburg, i.e. . Each 50th resident of the city is infected with HIV - this is a real epidemic. SEROV (1454.2% 000 - 1556 people). HIV is infected - 1.5 percent of the population of Serov.

  1. Irkutsk region (1636.0% 000 - 39473 people). A total of HIV-infected at the beginning of 2017 was identified - 49,494 people, at the beginning of June (almost for almost six months), 2017 registered 51,278 people with a diagnosis of HIV infection. In the city of Irkutsk, more than 31,818 people were revealed.

  2. Kemerovo Region(1582.5% 000 - 43000 people), including in the city of Kemerovo, more than 10,125 patients with HIV infection are registered.

  3. Samara Region (1476.9% 000 - 47350 people),

  4. Orenburg region (1217.0% 000 - 24276 people) region,

  5. (1201.7% 000 - 19550 people),

  6. Leningrad region (1147.3% 000 - 20410 people),

  7. Tyumen region (1085.4% 000 - 19768 people), on July 1, 2017 - 20787 people.

  8. Chelyabinsk region (1079.6% 000 - 37794 people),

  9. Novosibirsk region (1021.9% 000 - 28227 people) area. As of May 19, 2017, more than 34 thousand HIV-infected were registered in the city of Novosibirsk - each 47 resident of Novosibirsk has HIV (!). As of August 1, 2017, 34,879 HIV infected were registered in the Novosibirsk region.

  10. Perm region (950.1% 000 - 25030 people) - Bereynok, Krasnokamsk and Perm, are mostly affected by HIV,

  11. saint Petersburg (978.6% 000 - 51140 people),

  12. Ulyanovsk region (932.5% 000 - 11728 people),

  13. Republic of Crimea (891.4% 000 - 17,000 people),

  14. Altai region (852.8% 000 - 20268 people),

  15. Krasnoyarsk region (836.4% 000 - 23970 people),

  16. Kurgan region (744.8% 000 - 6419 people),

  17. Tver region (737.5% 000 - 9622 people),

  18. Tomsk Oblast (727.4% 000 - 7832 people),

  19. Ivanovo region (722.5% 000 - 7440 people),

  20. Omsk Oblast (644.0% 000 - 12741 people), on September 1, 2017, 16,725 cases of HIV infection were registered, an explicit value - 823.0%.

  21. Murmansk region (638.2% 000 - 4864 people),

  22. Moscow region (629.3% 000 - 46056 people),

  23. Kaliningrad region (608.4% 000 - 5941 people).

  24. moscow (413.0% 000 - 50909 people)

Table number 3.

Rating of the regions of Russia for the affect of the population of HIV infection. The number of HIV-infected people identified in different territories in absolute figures and calculated per 100 thousand population of the represented region.

Sverdlovsk region



Irkutsk region



Kemerovo Region



Samara Region



Orenburg region



Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District



Leningrad region



Tyumen region



Chelyabinsk region



Novosibirsk region



Perm region



Ulyanovsk region



Republic of Crimea



Altai region



Krasnoyarsk region



Kurgan region



Tver region



Tomsk Oblast



Ivanovo region



Omsk Oblast



Murmansk region



Moscow region



Kaliningrad region



Age structure

The highest level of aggregation of HIV infection is observed in a group of 30-39 years, 2.8% of Russian men at the age of 35-39 lived with a prescribed diagnosis of HIV infection.

Women are infected with HIV in a younger age, in the age group of 25-29 years about 1% were infected with HIV, even higher than the share of infected women in the age group of 30-34 - 1.6%.

Over the past 15 years, the age structure among the first identified patients has radically changed.

In 2000, 87% of patients were diagnosed with HIV infection to 30 years.

The share of adolescents and young people aged 15-20 years in 2000 accounted for 24.7% of the newly identified cases of HIV infection, as a result of the annual decrease in 2016, this group was only 1.2%.

Diagram. Age and half of HIV-infected.

In 2016, HIV infection was mainly detected from the Russians aged 30-40 years (46.9%) and 40-50 years (19.9%), the share of young people aged 20-30 years decreased to 23.2%.

An increase in the share of newly identified cases was observed in older age groups, the cases of infection with HIV infection in sexually transference.

It should be noted that with a low level of adolescent testing and youth, more than 1,100 cases of HIV infection among people aged 15-20 years are registered annually.

According to preliminary data, the largest number of HIV-infected adolescents (15-17 years) was registered in 2016 in Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Samara regions, Altai, Perm, Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Bashkortostan. The main reason for the infection of HIV among adolescents is unprotected sex with a HIV-infected partner (77% of cases in girls, 61% in young men).

The structure of the dead

In 2016, 30,550 (3.4%) patients with HIV infection died in the Russian Federation (10.8% more than in 2015) according to the form of monitoring of Rospotrebnadzor "Information on HIV prevention activities, hepatitis B and C, identifying and treating patients with HIV. "

The highest annual lethaliness was registered in the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Republic of Mordovia, Kemerovo Region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ulyanovsk Region, the Republic of Adygea, Tambov Region, the Chukotka Autonomous Region, the Chuvash Republic, the Samara Region, the Primorsky region, the Tula region, Krasnodar, Perm Territories, Kurgan region.

Coverage treatment

On dispensary accounting in specialized medical organizations in 2016, 675,403 patients were infected with HIV, which amounted to 77.5% of the number 870,952 Russians who lived with a diagnosis of HIV infection in December 2016, according to the form of monitoring of Rospotrebnadzor, were diagnosed.

In 2016, Russia received antiretroviral therapy 285,920 patients, including patients who were in places of imprisonment.

In the 1st half of 2017, an antiretroviral therapy of 298,888 patients received antiretroviral therapy, about 100,000 new patients was still added to therapy in 2017 (the drugs are most likely not enough, because the purchase was in the figures of 2016).

Coverage of treatment in 2016 in the Russian Federation amounted to 32.8% of the number of registered persons with a diagnosis of HIV infection; Among the dispensary observation, 42.3% of patients were covered by antiretroviral therapy.

The achieved treatment coverage does not fulfill the role of a prophylactic event and does not allow radically reduce the pace of dissemination of the disease. The number of patients with active tuberculosis in combination with HIV infection, the greatest number of such patients are registered regions of the Urals and Siberia.

HIV Survey Coverage

In 2016, in Russia, it was tested for HIV 30,752,828 of the blood of Russian citizens and 2,102,769 samples of foreign citizens.

The total number of tested samples of serum citizens of Russia compared to 2015 increased by 8.5%, and among foreign citizens decreased by 12.9%.

In 2016, the maximum number of positive results from Russians in immunoblot was revealed in the entire history of observation - 125,416 (in 2014 - 121,200 positive results).

The number of positive results in the immunoblot includes identified anonymously not included in the statistical data, and children with an undifferentiated diagnosis of HIV infection, therefore significantly differs from the number of newly registered HIV cases.

For the first time, a positive result of HIV testing in 103,438 patients was revealed.

Representatives of vulnerable groups of the population in 2016 were a minor part among HIV surveys in Russia - 4.7%, but among these groups, 23% of all new HIV infections were revealed.

When testing even a small number of representatives of these groups, it is possible to identify many patients: in 2016, 4.3% of HIV positive, among MSM - 13.2%, among the contact persons in the epidrasext - 6.4%, prisoners were first revealed among the examined drug users. - 2.9%, STI patients - 0.7%.

Structure of transmission paths

In 2016, the role of the sexual transmission of HIV infection has significantly increased.

According to preliminary data, for the first time in 2016, HIV-positive with established risk factors of infection 48.8% was infected with drug use by non-sterile tools, 48.7% - with heterosexual contacts, 1.5% - with homosexual contacts, 0.45 % - the children infected were from mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and in breastfeeding.

The number of children infected with breastfeeding are growing: in 2016, 59 such children were registered, 2015 - 47, 2014 - 41 children.

In 2016, 16 cases were registered with the suspected infection in medical organizations when using non-sterile medical instruments and 3 cases when overflowing blood components from donors to recipients.

Another 4 new cases of HIV infection in children were probably related to the provision of medical care in the CIS countries.

Diagram. Distribution of HIV-infected with infection methods.


  • In the Russian Federation in 2016, the epidemic situation on HIV infection continued to deteriorate and this unfavorable trend remains in 2017, which can even affect the resumption of the global HIV epidemic, which, according to UN, in July 2016 went to the decline.

  • The high level of incidence of HIV infection remains, the total number of HIV carriers and the number of HIV-infected deaths increases, the release of the epidemic from vulnerable groups of the population in the overall population has been activated.

  • With the preservation of the current rates of distribution of HIV infection and the absence of adequate system activities to prevent its dissemination, the forecast for the development of the situation remains unfavorable.

  • Radical actions of the Russian government to stop traffic, distribution of drugs and, most difficult, changes in the sexual behavior of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation (fastenings are wonderful, but the number of people practicing abstinence and practice with one heterosexual sexual partner throughout life - units and change it is impossible, .E. It requires the development of medication methods for pretentiating prevention with minimal side effects (drank the tablet and do what you want)).

V.V. Pokrovsky about the situation in Russia in incidence of HIV / AIDS\u003d74&v\u003dkumu8m31dqw.

Ten regions of Russia are in critical condition in terms of the spread of HIV. This was stated by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsov. Head the sad list of Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo region.

"HIV on the territory of the country is spread very unevenly, - the head of the Ministry of Health said. - Prevalence is significantly higher, several times, in those regions through which drug trafficking paths are held. Therefore, there are 10 regions of critical from 85. In the first place Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, which Fit (in connection with this) in the press, "Skvortsova said.

According to the minister, "57% of all sources of HIV infection is an injection path, as a rule, heroin addicts." As for such a traditional risk group, like homosexuals, in Russia this trend is less pronounced.

"40% of cases of infections transmitted by sexually belong to heterosexual pairs," said Skvortsov, emphasizing that the increase in the number of infected comes at the expense of prosperous women who have seen the virus from their own husband.

According to the Federal Center for Prevention and Combating AIDS, at the end of last year the list of the most HIV-affected regions looked like this: Irkutsk region, Sverdlovskaya, Kemerovo, Samara, Orenburg, Leningrad region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk, Tyumenskaya Areas.

During the year, anonymous testing was conducted in problem regions, which passed 23.5 thousand young people under 30 years. Among them were revealed 2.3% of HIV-infected.

In early November, the Ministry of Health of Yekaterinburg announced that every 50th resident was ill in the city.

"We have an infection rate - 1826 people per hundred thousand, it is 1.8% of the city's population, 26,693 thousand infected," Montravnika Yekaterinburg Tatyana Savinova said. "- And these are only known cases, the real incidence of even higher," she stressed.

But this situation in Yekaterinburg was developed by decades, so doctors do not make ads on the start of the epidemic, stressed in Golgjighv.

According to WHO's criteria and the United Nations Program on HIV, more than 1% infected means that the infection is firmly rooted among the population and its distribution is practically independent of risk groups.

Meanwhile, the Federal Center for Prevention and Combating AIDS is believed that Russia is today on the verge of transition to the third, the last stage of the HIV epidemic.

"The epidemic is a conditional concept. HIV allocate three stages. The initial - the first cases are imported from abroad. The second - concentrated, striking risk groups. We are now infected with 10% of men who have sex with men, and 20% of drug addicts. And when more than 1% of pregnant women are infected, then it is generalized. Here we are now at the stage of the transition from the second to the third, "said the portal L! FE Head of the Academician Ramne Vadim Pokrovsky.

Basic facts

  • HIV remains one of the main problems of global public health: today it burned more than 39 million human lives. In 2014, 1.2 million people in the world died of the causes associated with HIV.
  • At the end of 2014, there were approximately 36.9 million people with HIV infection in the world, and 2 million people in the world purchased HIV infection in 2014.
  • The most affected region is Africa south of Sahara - here in 2014, 25.8 million people lived with HIV. This region accounts for nearly 70% of the global total number of new HIV infections.
  • HIV infection is often diagnosed with diagnostic express tests (DET), which detect the presence or absence of antibodies to HIV. In most cases, test results can be obtained on the same day; This is important for diagnosis on the same day and the provision of early treatment and care.
  • Medications healing from HIV infection is not. However, due to effective treatment with antiretroviral drugs (ARV), the virus can be monitored, and people with HIV can have a healthy and productive life.
  • It is estimated that only 51% of people with HIV are aware of their status. In 2014, approximately 150 million children and adults in 129 low- and middle-income countries received HIV testing services.
  • In 2014, in a global scale, antiretroviral therapy (ART) received 14.9 million people with HIV, of which 13.5 million lived in low- and middle-income countries. These 14.9 million people receiving ART represent 40% of 36.9 million people with HIV worldwide.
  • The coverage of children is still insufficient. In 2014, access to ART had 3 out of 10 children with HIV - to compare among adults, access to ART had every fourth.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)) Amuses the immune system and weakens the system of control and protection of people from infections and some types of cancer. The virus destroys and relax the function of immune cells, so immunodeficiency is gradually developing in infected people. The immune function is usually measured by the CD4 cell number. Immunodeficiency leads to increased sensitivity to a wide range of infections and diseases that people can withstand with healthy immune systems. The very late stage of HIV infection is the syndrome of the acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS), which in different people can develop in 2-15 years. For AIDS, the development of some types of cancer, infections or other severe clinical manifestations is characterized.

Signs and symptoms

HIV symptoms vary depending on the stage of infection. For several first months, people with HIV are usually most infectious, but many of them learn about their status only at later stages. For several first weeks after infection, people may not appear any symptoms or to develop flu-like disease, including fever, headache, rash or sore throat.

As the infection gradually relaxes the immune system, people can develop other signs and symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes, weight loss, fever, diarrhea and cough. In the absence of treatment, they may develop such severe diseases such as tuberculosis, cryptococcal meningitis, and oncological diseases such as lymphoma and sarcoma capsis, and others.

Transmission of infection

HIV can be transmitted through different liquids of the body of infected people, such as blood, breast milk, seed liquid and vaginal selection. People cannot become infected with conventional daily contacts, such as kisses, hugs and smoke hands, or with sharing personal objects and use of food or water.

Risk factors

Forms of behavior and conditions that increase the risk of HIV infections include the following:

  • unprotected anal or vaginal sex;
  • the presence of another sexually transmitted infection, such as syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea and bacterial vaginosis;
  • joint use of infected needles, syringes and other injection equipment and drug solutions when using injecting drugs;
  • unsafe injection, blood transfusions, medical procedures including non-sterile cuts or puncturing;
  • random injuries from the needle injection, including among health workers.


Serological tests, such as DAT or immunoferment analysis (IFA), detect the presence or absence of antibodies to HIV-1/2 and / or HIV-P24 antigens. Testing such tests in accordance with the approved test algorithm allows you to identify HIV infection with a high degree of accuracy. It is important to note that serological tests do not detect directly HIV itself, and antibodies produced by the human body in the process of struggle of its immune system with alien pathogens.

In most people, antibodies to HIV-1/2 are produced within 28 days, and therefore at an early stage of infection, during the so-called period of the seronegative window, antibodies are not detected. This early period of infection is the period of the greatest infectiousness, however, the transfer of HIV can occur at all stages of infection.

Good practice is to conduct re-testing of all people initially diagnosed as HIV-positive, prior to their inclusion in the care and / or treatment programs to exclude any potential errors in testing or reporting.

Testing and counseling

HIV testing should be voluntary, and the right to failure to test should be recognized. Mandatory or forced testing on the initiative of medical workers, the health authority, partner or family member is not permissible, as it undermines the proper practice of public health and violates human rights.

Some countries have introduced self-testing or consider its introduction as an additional option. HIV self-test is a process, during which a person who wants to know his HIV status collects cum, conducts a test and confidentially interprets its results. HIV self-test does not allow the final diagnosis; This is an initial test that requires further testing conducted by a health worker based on the use of a national approved testing algorithm.

All testing and consulting services should take into account five components recommended by WHO: informed consent, confidentiality, counseling, the right test results and communication with services for care and treatment and other services.


The risk of HIV infection can be reduced by limiting the effects of risk factors. The main approaches to the prevention of HIV used often in combination include the following:

1. Use of male and female condoms

Proper and continuous use of male and female condoms during vaginal or anal sex can protect against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Actual data suggests that men's latex condoms are protected by 85% or more of HIV transmission and from other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

2. Testing services for HIV and STI

All people exposed to any risk factors are highly recommended for HIV testing and other STIs so that they can learn about their infectious status and immediately access the necessary services for prevention and treatment. WHO also recommends offering testing to partners or pairs.

Tuberculosis is the most common disease among people with HIV. Without detection and treatment, he leads to death and is the main cause of death among people with HIV - about every fourth death case associated with HIV occurs as a result of tuberculosis. Early identification of this infection and immediate provision of anti-tuberculosis drugs and ART can prevent these deaths. It is strongly recommended to include screening for tuberculosis in HIV testing services and immediately grant art to all people who have been diagnosed with HIV and active tuberculosis.

3. Voluntary Medical Men's Circumcia

Medical Men's Circumcision (Circumcision of the Last Flest) In the case of its secure health care professionals that have completed proper training, reduces the risk of HIV-infection with men with heterosexual contacts by about 60%. This is one of the main interventions in epidemics with high levels of HIV prevalence and low indicators of men's Circumcision.

4. Use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for prophylaxis

4.1. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) as prevention

The test conducted in 2011 showed that in the case of a HIV-positive person, an effective artistic risk of a virus transfer to its uninfected sexual partner can be reduced by 96%. With regard to pairs, where one partner is HIV-positive, and the other HIV negative, WHO recommends that the HIV-positive partner is independent of his / her CD4.

4.2 Pre-Expositive Prevention (PROEP) for HIV negative partner

Oral PRP HIV is a daily reception of people uninfected HIV, ARV in order to prevent HIV infection. More than 10 randomized controlled studies have been conducted, which demonstrated the efficiency of the PROEP in reducing HIV transmission levels among a number of groups of the population, including serodiscordant heterosexual pairs (pairs in which one partner is infected, and no other), men who have sex with men, women, Changed sexuality, heterosexual pairs of high risk and consumers of injecting drugs. WHO recommends Countries to carry out projects to obtain experience in the use of SDPs safely and efficiently.

In July 2014, WHO released "Consolidated guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of HIV for basic risk groups", in which the PDAP is recommended as an additional version of HIV prevention as part of a comprehensive recruitment of HIV prevention measures for men having Sex with men.

4.3 Post-exposure prevention of HIV (PAP)

Post-exposure prevention (PAP) is the use of ARV within 72 hours after the impact of HIV to prevent infection. PEP includes counseling, first aid, HIV testing and conducting a 28-day course of treatment of ARV with subsequent medical care. In a new supplement released in December 2014, WHO recommends PEP in case of influencing both related and not related to work, as well as for adults and children. New recommendations contain simplified ARV reception schemes already used to treat. The implementation of new guidelines will make it possible to simplify the appointment of drugs, improve the compliance with medical prescriptions and increase the total completion of the PEP for the prevention of HIV in people who are influenced by HIV, such as health workers, or in people who have exposed to HIV as a result of unprotected sex or sexual aggression. .

5. Reducing harm to inject drug consumers

People who use injecting drugs can comply with precautions to prevent HIV infection by using sterile injection equipment, including needles and syringes, for each injection. A complete package of prevention and treatment of HIV includes:

  • programs for the spread of needles and syringes,
  • opioid replacement therapy for drug users and treatment of dependence on other psychoactive means on the basis of actual data,
  • testing and counseling for HIV,
  • hIV treatment and care,
  • ensuring access to condoms and
  • conducting STIs, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis.

6. Elimination of the transfer of HIV infection from mother to the child

HIV transfer from HIV positive mother to her child during pregnancy, bouts, genera or breastfeeding is called a vertical transmission of infection, or transferring an infection from mother to a child (PIMR). In the absence of any intervention measures, the rates of HIV transmission from methane child range from 15-45%. Such transmission of infection can be almost completely prevented, provided that both the mother and the child receive ARV at the stages when infection can occur.

WHO recommends a number of options for preventing HIV-to-child transmission of HIV infection, which include the provision of ARV Mothers and children during pregnancy, childbirth and in the postpartum period or supply of life treatment for HIV-positive pregnant women regardless of their CD4 number.

In 2014, 73% of the estimated 1.5 million pregnant women with HIV in low- and middle-income countries have received effective antiretroviral drugs to prevent transmission of infection to their children.


HIV can be weakened by combined antiretroviral therapy (ART) consisting of three or more antiretroviral drugs (ARV). The ART does not cure HIV infection, but controls the replication of the virus in the human body and promotes the strengthening of the immune system and the restoration of its abilities to deal with infections. Thanks to Art, people with HIV may have a healthy and productive life.

At the end of 2014, in low- and middle-income countries, ART received approximately 14.9 million people with HIV. About 823,000 of them are children. In 2014, the number of people receiving ART increased significantly - by 1.9 million in one year.

The coverage of children is still insufficient - art is obtained by 30% of children. Child compared to 40% of adults infected with HIV.

WHO recommends starting an ART at the stage when the number of CD4 cells decreases to 500 cells / mm³ or lower. Art regardless of the number of CD4 is recommended for all people with HIV in serodiscordant couples, pregnant and lactating women with HIV, people with tuberculosis and HIV and people, co-infected HIV and hepatitis B with severe chronic liver disease. Similarly, art is recommended for all children with HIV under the age of five.

Activities in

As humanity approaches the term scheduled to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, WHO works with countries in the implementation of the Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV / AIDS for 2014-2015. WHO has identified 6 operational goals for 2014-2015 for the most efficient support of countries on ways to promote global HIV goals. They are aimed at supporting the following directions:

  • strategic use of ARV for the treatment and prevention of HIV;
  • hIV liquidation among children and expanding access to the treatment of children;
  • improved HIV health sector response measures among key risk groups;
  • further innovations in the field of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care in HIV;
  • strategic information for effective scale extension;
  • strengthening bonds between HIV and related health results.

WHO is one of the sponsors of the United Nations AIDS Joint Program (UNAIDS). Within the framework of UNAIDS WHO, leads work in such areas as treatment and care for HIV and coinfection of HIV and tuberculosis, and together with UNICEF coordinates the work on the elimination of HIV transfer to the child. Currently, WHO is developing a new strategy to respond to the Global Health Sector for HIV for 2016-2021.

The topic of the article is not the most pleasant, but "warned - it means armed", the problem exists and just close the eye to her - an unforgivable carelessness. Travelers and so often risk health, fortunately, with smaller consequences, but it is not worth exposing themselves to danger.

South Africa

Although the country is the most developed on the African continent, the number of HIV-infected records here is 5.6 million. This is despite the fact that there are 34 million patients in the world, and the population of South Africa is about 53 million, that is, more than 15% live with the virus.

What you need to know: most HIV-infected - blacks from disadvantaged suburbs. It is this group that is in the worst social conditions with all the ensuing consequences: drug addicts, random sex, antisanitarian. Most patients were recorded in the provinces of Kwan-Natal (the capital - Durban), Mpumalanga (Nelpreed), Fisterfrite (Blomfonden), North-West (Maficheng) and Gauteng (Johansburg).


Here carriers of HIV infection 3.3 million, though it is less than 5% of the population: Nigeria sweated Russia so long, taking the 7th place in the world - 173.5 million people. In large cities, the disease applies due to asocial behavior, and in rural areas due to the permanent labor migration and "free" morals and traditions.

What you need to know: Nigeria is not the most hospitable country and the Nigerians themselves understand this perfectly. Therefore, the receiving party will surely take care of safety and warns against dangerous contacts.


The country accounts for 1.6 million infected, slightly more than 6% of the population. At the same time, women are more often affected by the disease - about 8% of Keniek are infected. As in many African countries, the status of a woman, which means the level of its safety and education is still very low.

What you need to know: Safari in the National Park or Beach Hotel Recreation in Mombasa - quite safe classes, if, of course, specifically, not to look for illegal entertainment.


The country is quite friendly for tourists with a bunch of interesting places, is also dangerous from the point of view of HIV infection, although not as many other states in Africa. According to the latest research, the incidence rate of HIV / AIDS in Tanzania is 5.1%. Infected men are less, but the gap is not so significant, as, for example, in Kenya.

What you need to know: Tanzania on African standards is a sufficiently prosperous country, therefore, if you comply with the obvious rules, the threat of infection is minimal. High, more than 10, the percentage of the Nzobe infected in the region and the capital of Dar Es Salame. Fortunately, both of them are far from tourist routes, unlike Kilimanjaro or Islands Zanzibar.


The country is defined not only by sights, but also elementary infrastructure from hospitals to the road and water supply. In addition, many of the consequences of the civil war are still not resolved. Of course, an African country in such a state could avoid an epidemic: according to different estimates, 1.6 to 5.7 people are infected with 1.6 to 5.7 people - it simply does not allow the conditions. Due to the widespread virus of the immunodeficiency, foci of tuberculosis, malaria and cholera are often flashing.


The country with good potential for classic safari tourism, which is actively developing lately. Plus, Uganda was and remains one of the most advanced countries in the prevention and diagnosis of HIV in Africa. The first profile clinic was opened here, throughout the country there are centers of disease testing.

What you need to know: risk groups are the same as everywhere: drug addicts, the former prisoners - a sensible tourist will not be difficult to interact with them.

Zambia and Zimbabwe

These countries are largely similar, even the main attraction, they have one for two: located right on the border - tourists can come to him and from the other side. In terms of living and incidence of AIDS, the country also went away from each other - in Zambia with almost a million, in Zimbabwe - 1.2. This is the average for the south of Africa - from 5% to 15% of the population.

What you need to know: There are problems with the provision of medicines, in addition, in rural areas, many are engaged in self-medication and practitioning useless rites. Therefore, the disease is typical of cities, and to remote areas.


HIV-infected people are 2.4 million, though on the background of 1.2 billion population, it looks not so frightening - less than 1%. The main risk group - the workers of the sex industry. 55% of Indians with HIV-positive status live in four southern states - Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. In Goa, the incidence rate is far from the highest for - 0.6% of men and 0.4% of women.

What you need to know: Fortunately, HIV infection, in contrast to many other tropical sorelies, depends on the antisanitarian indirectly. Frank dirt and tesne is a normal state for India. The main thing, as, by the way, in any country, try not to appear in public places, if there are wounds and cuts on the body, do not wear open shoes in the city, but we don't even talk about dubious entertainment.


Eastern Europe, unfortunately, over the past decades showed a positive treason of incidence of HIV / AIDS, and Ukraine stably heads this sad list. Today in the country a little more than 1% of HIV people are infected.

What you need to know: a few years ago, unprotected sex, overtaking the injection with dirty syringes. Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odessa and Nikolaev region are unfavorable. There, 100 thousand inhabitants account for 600-700 infected. Kiev, much most often come tourists, the average level, and the lowest indicator in the country in Transcarpathia.


America in the 9th place in the world in terms of the number of carriers of HIV infection - 1.2 million people. Such a high indicator in one of the most prosperous countries is due to a high level of drug addiction, unresolved social contradictions, active migration. Yes, and the rainy dissolved 60s did not pass the gift for the health of the nation. Of course, the disease concentrates on specific groups of people who are in most commonly living in order separately from all, but localized, in the "bad" areas.

What you need to know: We will give ten cities, where the percentage of HIV-positive patients is above all (descending): Miami, Baton Rouge, Jacksonville, New York, Washington, Colombia, Memphis, Orlando, New Orleans, Baltimore.
