Flat surface basaloma. Basaloma after removal. The danger of basalomas and the need to remove it

Basaloma is one of the types of oncological skin diseases, localized predominantly on the face. It does not represent a special danger, if it is detected on time. But over time, the disease can progress, hitting all the large sections of the skin. To prevent this, you should diagnose and choose the appropriate treatment method.

Description of the disease

Basaloma (it is also basal cell carcinoma) is one of the varieties of skin cancer, so another name of this disease is a basal cell cancer.

The disease is a malignant tumor formed from the basal layer of epidermis: follicular and atypical cells. Depending on the stage of the disease, its size can be from 1 to 10 cm.

Another name of Bazaloma is a border tumor. It is due to a benign course of the disease without the formation of remote metastases. In medicine it is believed that the basaloma is almost impossible to die, especially if the disease is diagnosed at the initial stage. All deaths are registered in patients, too late as a specialist. Moreover, the causes of the death becomes complications arising from damage to nerves and vessels.

Basal cell tumor is not the only variety of skin cancer. Doctors allocate at least two types: flat-cell and metatipic cancer. The first is characterized by multiple metastasis and progressive flow. This is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. As for metatypic cancer, it occupies an intermediate place between the basal cell and flat-mellular shape.

For basalomas, a high risk of recurrence is characterized. To completely eliminate the refund of the disease, almost no method of treatment can not. However, this does not mean that the disease will be returned anyway. It all depends on the individual features of the course of the disease.

Skin basaloma is a rather common malignant neoplasm. According to the statistics of the occurrence, it goes immediately behind the cancer of the lungs and stomach. In the risk group of the face over 60 years old. In children, basaloma is diagnosed extremely rarely. Particularly susceptible to those who have light skin and spend a lot of time in the sun, since ultraviolet radiation provokes the formation of the disease. Most often, the tumor strikes open areas: the forehead zone, nose, eye and upper lips.

Specificity Disease - Video

How many varieties of basalomas skin face exists

Extmerate eight types of fabricity facial skin:

  1. The most common type of disease. It is easy to confuse with a small pimple due to shape and color, but in its central part, one or more small light recesses can be considered, which after a while merge into one prolonged education. If the tumor is damaging, blood flows out of it. Such a type of pathology quickly progresses.
  2. It looks like the previous type, but contains a dark pigment. Due to the characteristic appearance, the pigment basal is difficult to distinguish from.
  3. Unlike a nodule species, this basaloma is irrelevant. It looks like a small flat pink spot with slightly raised edges. Due to the appearance, similar to other diseases, for example, a differential diagnosis is required. The surface form is practically not evolving, it is easiest to be cured. At the same time, it is she who has the highest risk of recurrence.
  4. Externally, it looks like a surface, but has clearer edges and dark color. Over time, it may increase, while a flat ulcer is formed in the center, which is chipped during healing.
  5. It is characterized by a cluster of fluid inside. However, due to the fact that it is not always noticeable, the cystic tumor can be confused with the nodule. It may be pink or blue-gray.
  6. It is a single nodule, which is not expanding inside, and outward fabrics. Education is similar to a small dome. Can be combined with a cystic form of the disease.
  7. Basaloma with sclerosis. The rare form of the disease. It has a pale gray or light yellow hue. It is not similar to other species of Basal. It can penetrate enough deeply, and its exact boundaries can not be defined.
  8. The ulceal form of basaloma. Any of the above types can progress before this stage. It is characterized by the formation of ulcers, which over time is chosen. This can give a patient a false hope that the disease will pass by itself. Of course, this can not be, as the formation of malignant. After some time, the tumor appears again with a much greater ulcer, which again heals. Thus, it can leave and come back many times, acquiring an increasing size.

It is possible to determine exactly the form of the disease only during the clinical examination, since some forms are echoing with other diseases or other types of basaloma.

Types of Bazaloma Skin Facial - Gallery Photo

The bazaloma nodes shape is the formation of pink color with a deepening in the middle Pigment basalome is distinguished by dark color
Cystic basaloma contains fluid accumulation Ulcers can form in any form basal Sclerosing Basaloma has light color and fuzzy borders Solidaza Basaloma will grow not inside, but out
For flat basalomas are characterized by clear edges The surface form of basaloma is easy to confuse with other dermatological diseases

Causes and factors for the development of the disease

There are many reasons that can provoke the appearance of skin basaloma. These include the following:

  • bright skin;
  • long staying in the sun (characteristic of agricultural workers, builders and even truckers);
  • abuse of the tan in both the outdoors and solarium;
  • smoking;
  • contact with arsenic and its compounds, including when used in with water;
  • professional activities related to carcinogenic substances;
  • getting into light products of slate combustion;
  • the presence of some specific diseases (for example, pigment keroderma, Gold Holling syndrome and others);
  • passing radiation therapy in the treatment of other diseases;
  • the presence of burns, scars and ulcers;
  • low immunity.

A large amount of freckles or pigment stains indicates a tendency to this disease.

Symptoms of the disease at different stages of development

The disease begins with the appearance of cancer cells in the place of damage, inconsistent with the usual visual examination. A little later, a small nodule of light pink color is formed, which also does not cause anxiety from his "owner". Over time, basaloma covers all large areas of the skin, penetrates the tissue and is accompanied by a strong pain.

Total doctors distinguish 5 stages of the disease:

  1. 0 Stage is the very appearance of cancer cells, imperceptible to the unarmed look.
  2. 1 stage is characterized by a small formation, the dimensions of which do not exceed 2 cm in diameter, covering only a layer of dermis.
  3. At 2 stages of basaloma, up to 5 cm increases, it grows over the entire thickness of the skin, however, the subcutaneous fiber remains untouched.
  4. 3 Stage means that the tumor itself has gained dimensions more than 5 cm, and also spread to subcutaneous fat tissue. At this stage, ulcers are formed. The danger is the possibility of damage to the muscles and other tissues.
  5. 4 Stage - Last. During her, the disease penetrates cartilage and bones and gradually destroys them. In this case, the patient is experiencing severe pain.

There is a simpler classification. According to it, all the course of the disease can be divided into 3 periods:

Methods of diagnosis of Bazaloma

Before starting treatment for the disease, you should make sure that it is really basaloma. At the first reception, the doctor takes palpation and visual inspection of the neoplasm. The following methods are then applied:

  • cytological research - taking a smear from the surface of the skin at the place of lesion;
  • histological study that includes a biopsy procedure and further study of the material taken.

Basaloma should be differentiated from other similar dermatological diseases. To distinguish a pigmented baseball from melanoma, dermatoscopy is used. This is one of the most modern methods involving a hardware examination, which distinguishes it from invasive diagnostics. Dermatoscopy establishes the following characteristics of lesions:

  • the size;
  • structure;
  • the shape of the edge.

Taking into account the obtained data, you can make certain conclusions about the nature of the disease.

No less informative is an ultrasound study. Thanks to him, the boundaries of the tumor, as well as the depth of its distribution, are defined.

Treatment of Bazaloma

Dermatologists, oncologists and Surgeons-Oncologists are engaged in the treatment of basaloma. Depending on the size of the tumor, the depth of the defeat and the type of disease can be used by various methods of therapy.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention is carried out under local anesthesia. During the operation, the tumor is excised together with adjacent tissues. At the same time captures the distance from a few millimeters to 2 cm around the lesion area. This allows you to reduce the risk of recurrence. If the disease is at the last stage and affects the bones and cartilage, their parts will also be deleted.

Such operations are rarely used on the face, since the cause of the appearance of cosmetic defects is caused. Former skin type can be returned only with a series of complex plastic operations.

Contraindications to carry out such interference are:

  • location of basalomas in the field of nose, eyes or ear;
  • elderly patient age;
  • the presence of severe diseases;
  • individual intolerance to anesthesia.

The method of surgical removal is good if the radiation therapy or other treatments are not suitable for medical records. In addition, during deletion, it is possible to carefully study the tumor, its edges and make sure of its complete excision. Experts give a guarantee to 95%, that the disease will not return over the next 5 years.

The most reliable is the method of micrographic removal of Moos. It is similar to the usual operation, but before the wound closure, frozen samples of removed tissues are sent to an additional study. In this case, the result can be obtained almost immediately. If cancer cells are detected in the material, the excision of the tissue continues, but a large area is already captured. The procedure is repeated as long as the examination does not show clean tissues. This method allows you to get rid of a tumor that affects the fabrics on a deep distance from the surface. According to recurrent statistics, only 1% of cases occur after such an operation.

Despite the high efficiency of the Moos Surgery, in Russia it is used extremely rare. The reason in the high cost of intervention and a small number of clinics capable of spending it.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy can be applied as a separate method, and can complement surgical removal. The last method increases efficiency in the case of deep lesion. It is the radiation therapy that is most often applied on the field of face. Such irradiation is suitable for people over 65 years old.

The method is to exposed to basal surface x-rays or electrons. In the process of such therapy, the cells are destroyed in the process of reproduction. The specificity of basaloma is such that it is precisely cancer cells that are faster, and irradiation prevents them from spreading.

Unfortunately, there is radiation therapy and disadvantages. In addition to the basaloma itself, adjacent fabrics are affected. The irradiation can cause mutations in healthy areas of the skin, and for many years it may not appear in any way. After a time, new foci of cancer can form. For this reason, radiation therapy is not recommended for young and middle-aged patients.

After treatment, redness arise, pain becomes stronger. During this period, it should be healing, using special ointments. In the process of recovery, ulcers and crusts arise, which should be lubricated with vaseline and Argosulfan. Also, the imposition of the dressings with a solution of silver will also be useful. The exposure place needs to be protected from cold, heat, direct sunlight. Contraindicated friction. Every day you need to apply the cream with the Marking SPF15 or higher. Hats with wide fields will also help avoid the destructive effects of the sun. On average, the process of tissue regeneration after irradiation takes about a month.


Chemotherapy is not the most common way to treat basaloma, as the side effects are much more serious than the disease itself. At certain cases, local chemotherapy can be used, which implies the treatment of neoplasm with special ointments, which include fluorouracil. The medicine is applied directly to the place of defeat. Its components penetrate inside cancer cells and destroy them.


Usually, immunotherapy is carried out using vaccine injections that stimulate the work of human immunity. But for the treatment of basalomas can be used cream and ointments that increase the production of natural interferon. It is he who struggles with cancer cells. Immunotherapy can be part of chemotherapy and apply at its initial stage.

Laser destruction

The advantage of laser destruction is to achieve the most acceptable cosmetic effect. After exposure to the laser on the skin, only small marks remain. With this method, the removal of basaloma does not have bleeding, so the risk of infection is reduced to zero. Recurrements after this method arise very rarely. It is not recommended for the treatment of persons with the last stage of the disease.

This treatment has a number of contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy;
  • photosensitivity;
  • the presence of heavy cardiovascular pathologies;
  • skin injuries at the place of lesion.


Cryodestruction is also applied at the initial stages of the disease. The method consists in treating a tumor with liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of low temperatures, cancer cells die, and a small scar remains on the skin.

Photodynamic therapy

When phototherapy, a special photosensitizing agent is introduced inside the cancer formation. After that, the tumor affects bright flashes of light. Its cells are destroyed, and the feeding of the vessels is damaged. This allows you to remove basalomas, especially those that are located in hard-to-reach places without affecting the neighboring healthy skin. The method is also effective in cases where the formations of different sizes are accomplished. The main contraindication is increased light sensitivity in the patient.


The peculiarity of this method of treatment is the "causing" electric shock tumor. You can only delete small education. At the same time, they should be far from hearing and vision organs, since the current can damage them.

Medicia treatment

At the initial stages or during recurrences, drug treatment can be used. It lies in the use of anti-cancer ointments. Most often assigned:

  1. Cream is applied for three hours. During this time, the tumor accumulates in itself proactive porphyrins. After that, the basaloma is processed by incoherent light, whose wavelength is 570-670 nm.
  2. Omai ointment. In its composition of the bulb of a non-laminate. Prevents the breaking of the tumor and damages its vessels.
  3. Curadem cream. It contains Solasonin and Solmargin, which ensure the destruction of basaloma cells.
  4. It is a cytostatic ointment. It is applied to the tumor, covered with a special bandage, and the zinc paste of the Lassar is applied by its circle. The tool affects education during the day. When using the skin behind the skin, it is necessary to carefully care: to process the edges of the wound of hydrogen peroxide and delete dead areas.
  5. An antibacterial ointment that helps heal wounds and ulcers resulting from basaloma's development.

Outflows used in the treatment of basaloma skin face - Photo Gallery

Matvix is \u200b\u200ban effective ointment for the treatment of basaloma Curader cream destroys basaloma cells SalkoSeril is a cytostatic ointment that is applied to the tumor Iruksol contains antibacterial components

Most often doctors oncologists use combined treatment methods. For example, a combination of surgery and laser impact or chemotherapy and immunotherapy. This allows strengthening the effect of therapy and avoid recurrence of the disease.

Folk remedies

Unconventional methods are not a panacea in cancer therapy. No matter how good the tool, it will not give the same result as phototherapy or surgical removal. However, the use of folk treatment can weaken the course of the disease. Before applying any funds, you must consult with the attending physician.

Ointment for basaloma can be prepared independently of the burdock and cleanliness. Herbs can be bought at the pharmacy. They are mixed in equal shares and poured swine fat. The mixture must be removed in the oven and leave there for 2 hours. After this time, the tool is fastened, after which it is insisted within 3 days indoors with room temperature. The resulting ointment should be applied to Basaloma three times a day.

Infusion of Celebre has a positive effect. Make it easily: just pour one teaspoon of cut leaves with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is insisted for half an hour, and then a third of a glass is taken three times a day. Do not increase the dose due to the toxic effect of the plant. The next day you will have to make a new portion. It is impossible to prepare a large amount in advance, since useful properties disappear after a day.

Prediction of treatment and possible complications

Forecasts for the treatment of basalomas in most cases are positive (provided that the person appealed for help on the first three stages of the disease). It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions of the doctor and properly care for the place where the operation was carried out. This will help to avoid multiple consequences. However, they should be prepared. Basaloma removal can lead to enhanced bleeding, contact dermatitis, infection, and even incinerate wounds. So, you can allocate the most frequent complications:

  1. Bleeding. This problem in patients is quite rare. Statistics says that this happens only in 1 case out of 100. The probability of this exists during the first two days after the operation. In the risk group, people accepting certain medical preparations, such as Warfarin. However, it is impossible to cancel these drugs, as it can provoke or stroke. The decision on further actions takes the attending physician, given the size and location of the tumor.
  2. Contact dermatitis. Pads, plasters and ointments can lead to the appearance of contact dermatitis. Local skin redness is usually very frightened by patients, but this is not the only thing that it is dangerous: dermatitis can provoke infection. At the same time, drugs that caused an allergic reaction are canceled. It is possible to cure redness with the help of phenolic gel or other ointments containing glucocorticoids.
  3. Infection. Infection of the wound is found in 2.5% of cases. Usually golden staphylococcus causes it. To avoid this, when surgery uses sterile gloves and bandages, as well as antiseptic drugs. If the patient has diabetes or some other specific diseases, antibiotics for internal and external use can be assigned to it.
  4. Ischemia and necrosis. These complications are associated with impaired blood flow around the leather skin. They occur when microbes appear inside the wound, for example, in disabilities of safety or insufficient sterility of tools, gloves and other things. Ischemia may arise as a result of strong squeezing, damage to the set of vessels, cavity and other skin damage. In the risk group smokers. The degree of death may be different - from light peeling to complete necrosis. If there is a risk of such a complication, for two days the patient is under the closer supervision of doctors. If the fabrics begin to die, tight seams are removed, and the fluid is pumped under them. Antibiotics and washing with antiseptics are prescribed for treatment.

At any stage of the disease, surgical removal will lead to the appearance of the scar. The loss of sensitivity around the lesion zone is very likely. It is not necessary to scare this, usually sensitivity is completely restored after the operation.

Therapy results

The results of therapy are directly dependent on the degree of the disease. If Basaloma was diagnosed before it switched to the second stage, its removal passes quickly and painlessly, and postoperative complications are not observed. The rehabilitation period also goes well. The probability of recurrences is low.

It is necessary to worry if the tumor has a complex shape or greater depth. Typically, this happens in the third stage of the disease. Some types of basalomas are best to treat with the help of surgical intervention, but noticeable scars remain after it. Given that we are talking about the skin of the face, such changes in appearance will not like anyone. In addition, the launched tumor is likely to give recurrence after removal.

Statistics says that half of the people healing from basalomas, the disease occurs a second time. This means that it is necessary to regularly conduct a medical examination in order to detect re-education.

In general, the treatment of this type of skin cancer gives a favorable result. Survival rate with it ranges from 90 to 100%. The risk of mortality increases only in the case of late appeal to the specialist.

How to avoid relapse

Since the probability of the return of the disease is high enough, you should follow certain rules. As the prevention of basalomas for the skin of the face, doctors recommend the following:

  • going out to the street, be sure to use sunscreen;
  • do not forget to update the cream in a timely manner, according to the instructions on the package;
  • even when using a special cream, not to be in the sun for too long;
  • wear hats with fields that give shadow on face;
  • do not allow dry skin, use nutrient cream, even at home;
  • try to prevent damage to the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bremote basalomas;
  • follow hygiene rules;
  • minimize contact with carcinogenic substances;
  • normalize nutrition, make sure that all necessary vitamins are present in the diet;
  • quit smoking if Basaloma Localized in the nose area or lips;
  • undergo regular surveys;
  • immediately contact the doctors in case of discovering new formations.

With the timely identification of basal, it is easy to cure. Sign up for a doctor when the first signs of the disease is found, and the therapy will be much faster and easier.

Basaloma It is a malignant tumor growing from the most profound base layer of the epidermis. In most countries of the world, it is the most frequent look skin cancer And approximately three quarters of all skin tumors. Men are mostly affected. Basaloma is capable of developing at any age, but about a third of registered cases relates to patients over 40 years. Frequency growth Basal is observed in countries with a hot climate and a high average annual indicator of ultraviolet radiation. It is characterized by slow growth and lack of metastasis. The most frequent localization of these tumors are open parts of the body, however, mainly the tumors are located on the chest, neck and head. Due to slow inconspicuous growth, this neoplasm may remain unnoticed by both the patient himself and the doctor and detect only in the running stages.

Despite the fact that this tumor does not metastasizes, it may lead to serious consequences. It is especially dangerous to its localization in the field of icing, nose, mouth and earrings, because during germination it significantly deforms the cartilage and even bone base of these organs and leads to a pronounced violation of their function. In addition, the natural holes of these organs provide the path through which basalomas can penetrate the skull and even affect the brain. Thus, this tumor with non-aggressive behavior in comparison with other malignant tumors, under certain circumstances, can even lead to a fatal outcome.

Diagnosis and treatment, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. Most of the forms of this cancer successfully succumb to both radiation and surgical treatment. Drug treatment is also applicable, however, due to a predominantly local nature of this tumor, it is rarely applied. The probability of tumor recurrence depends on its size, the depth of penetration and the selected method of treatment, however, there are other factors that can affect this process. Given the slow growth, the absence of hematogenic metastasis and high full cure indicators The forecast of this disease is generally considered favorable.

Causes of Bazaloma

The substrate from which basalomas grow over time are certain skin disease, as well as such harmless education as moles and freckles. Some of them cause a tumor development in 100% of cases and therefore deserve special attention. Others provoke the development of the tumor less often. In this regard, the causes of the occurrence of Basal is divided into two categories - mandatory and relative.

Mandatory causes of basal

Mandatory precancerous diseases include:
  • pigment Keroderma;
  • bowen's disease;
  • pedge's disease;
  • erytoplasia Caera.
Pigment Keroderma
The hereditary skin disease, in which the solar ultraviolet radiation causes irreversible changes in all layers of the epithelium. The cause of the disease is the congenital absence of an enzyme that destroys the melanin that is released during the tanning, as well as the enzyme, responsibly for the repair of the DNA chains modified under the action of solar radiation. Thus, the more often the patient is in the sun, the sooner the disease progresses due to the ever-increasing number of mutated skin cells. Externally, this is manifested by an inflammatory response and a motley skin view in the first and second stages of the disease, respectively and atrophy with malignant tumor reincarnation of individual foci in the last stage.

Bowen's disease
The precancerous skin disease, developing both in men and women, more often in open parts of the body. The cause of its development is long-term injury to the skin with ultraviolet radiation, aggressive chemicals, as well as human papillomavirus. The clinically disease is manifested by the formation of stains with uneven outlines, with the time of transforming in a slow-growing plaque. The plaque can be both smooth and velvety, bright red in the initial stages and dense, rough, copper color, covered with scales, ulcers and cracks in subsequent stages.

Pedgety's disease
This disease is synonymous with breast cancer. It is often developing after 50 years in patients with both female and male. The peak of morbidity in women in 62 years, and men - 69 years old. The first of its manifestations are to be insignificant redness of the nipple or a certain area of \u200b\u200bArea with superficial peeling and increased tactile irritability. In the future, itching, burning and soreness occurs, serous-bleeding from the nipple appears. Classical symptoms are the retraction of the nipple and the formation on the arole and the skin around it the area resembling an externally orange crust. The last symptom is caused by swelling and sweat glands above the deep-spied tumor, squeezing lymphatic ducts. When palpation of the armpits, the inflammatory reaction of lymph nodes is often detected, which manifests them with increasing and soreness.

Eritopia Caera
Inflammatory skin disease of the head of the penis and extreme flesh, often leading to the development of flat-bell or basal-cell skin cancer of this localization. It develops more often in men aged from 40 to 70 years. Clinically represents a scarlet shiny spot, a plaque or their cluster on the mucous member head, often turning on the extreme flesh. To the touch, the formation of painless and slightly protrudes over the surface of the skin. Analogous to clinical manifestations The disease developing on the mucous membranes in women is described as a disease of Bowen genital location.

Relative causes of Basal

Relative precancerous diseases include:
  • keratoacanta;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • solar keratosis;
  • seborine Akantoma;
  • radial ulcers;
  • keloid scars;
  • skin horn;
  • syphilitic gums and granulomas;
  • cold abscess with tuberculosis, etc.
A benign tumor of epithelial tissue, located mainly in open areas of the body. It is less likely located on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and genital organs. It is characterized by high growth rates, despite the high degree of differentiation characteristic of benign tumors. Statistically, this formation manifests itself in the male floor 2 times more often than that of female. The growth rate of Keratoacant is observed in the elderly. Clinically, it is manifested by a protruding skin of the skin with a node or a plaque of pink, red or sometimes bluish color with island of keratin in the center and raised rolling edges. The typical size of this formation varies within 3 - 5 cm, however, tumors were recorded with the largest diameter of 20 cm. In half cases, the described volume formation was capable of independent disappearance.

Trophic ulcers
These pathological formations cannot be called diseases, since they are vascular or neurogenic complications of such metabolic diseases as sugar diabetes, oblique atherosclerosis, deep vein thrombosis. With sugar diabetes, ulcers occur more often in the footsteps. In arterial and venous insufficiency, ulcers are developing on the legs near the ankles. Visually trophic ulcers are rounded or oval long-lasting skin defects. They are often painless to the touch, since element of polyneuropathy is also present in their education. On their surfaces, a transparent adhesive substance is allocated constantly or periods, which causes the effect of mocking.

Solar keratosis
The emergence of these formations contributes to a certain genetic predisposition and intensive insolation. This type of keratosis is numerous foci of the skin peeling. Over time, these foci are compacted, tower over the surface of the skin and become pink and white due to a large amount of fine skin scales. Histologically foci areas are areas of altered tissue developing in place healthy, which in medicine is denoted as dysplasia and metaplasia. MetaPlasia, in turn, is a direct harbinger of tumor rebirth.

Seborine Akantoma
Synonym for this disease is senile keratosis. According to the title, it is developing mainly in elderly people, but it rarely can also meet with young people. More often, this tumor-like formation is localized on the closed parts of the body near the places, often irritated by friction ( straps of bras, etc.). As a rule, this formation is a homogeneously pigmented soft tumor coated with oily crusts. As the tumor grows, the crusts can crack and reject, replacing similar crusts, located deeper. The growth of this volume formation is extremely slow, sometimes reaching several decades. Rebirth to basal cell Cancer on various sources occurs no more often than in 5 - 7% of cases.

Radie ulcers
The lesion of the skin by ionizing radiation occurs in emergency situations in accidents at atomic objects or during the treatment of certain types of malignant tumors by irradiating their waves of a radioactive spectrum. Rady ulcer develops in stages. Initially, redness is formed in the zone of the most intensive changes. After a few hours, multiple small blisters appear against redness, which have a tendency to combine. Another 1 - 2 days in the projection of the irradiated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is a solid large painful blister with a transparent yellowish liquid. After a certain time, it is independently revealed, exposing the bottom of the ulcers. A distinctive feature of these ulcers is their ability to recur. In other words, after their healing, repeated opening of ulcers occurs. Thus, the late ray ulcers are foci of increased mitotic activity and excessive formation of connective tissue, and in fact, and regions of metaplasia. The metaplasia of any epithelium, in turn, is a precancerous state.

Keloid scars
This type of scars develops after wounds with fuzzy comparison of borders or with a large tissue defect. In these cases, the formed cavities are filled with excess detritus - the cell base, from which the connecting tissue is subsequently formed. Such a fabric has the character of a benign tumor, since it is well differentiated and capable of quite progressive growth. Clinically, such a scar differs in color from healthy skin and is more dense. It is entertaining that its growth does not always take out, where he immediately becomes noticeable. In most cases, the keloid scar grows inwards. Given the fact that it does not have an invasive growth as a malignant tumor, its growth is accompanied by the surgery of the surrounding structures. Therefore, such a bunch itself is a source of chronic inflammation and for this reason should be removed.

Skin Rog
To this day, disputes are being conducted regarding the cause of the development of this pathological education. Some dermatologists consider the horn with independent skin disease, the other - the manifestation of elder keratoacantomas, the third - a variant of Bowen's disease. However, it is proved that approximately a quarter of cases, this volume formation is capable of reborn into basal. In the form, it really resembles a horn with dimensions, rarely exceeding 1 - 2 cm. The surface of the horns horns, the consistency is often dense, but it happens and moderately elastic. When drilling, thin scales are separated. The basis of the growing can be extended and similar to conventional skin with signs of inflammation. However, the foundation of the horns does not differ from its structure.

Syphilitic gum and granulomas
In addition to direct complications of syphilis associated with its pathogenesis, there are also indirect complications with gum and granuloma. It must be recognized that such cases are infrequently found in medical practice, but they do not need to forget about them. In the case of a long chronic flow of syphilis, skin changes may become so pronounced that they entail the formation of centers of metaplasia, which are a precancerous state. For the development of such a scenario, it is necessary that the body is weakened exactly so much so that the maximum intensity of protective and regenerative processes is approximately equal to the aggressiveness of the pale treponia - syphilis causative agents. In such conditions, the resulting gum and granulomas are not healing for a long time, leading to a gradual change in the properties of the skin on which they developed. In the entire history of medicine, there were no more than 20 such cases ( according to 2013), so they are more scientific character than clinical.

Cold abscess
This type of abscess is differently called a studio, which brighter reflects its origin. In most cases, the cold abscess develops with a secondary tuberculosis of bones, leather, joints or lymph nodes, as well as after the incorrect technique of performing the BCG vaccination. It is most often formed in an octolar space with a caseometric melting of one of the vertebrae, as well as on the shoulder. At the same time, the pus is released outside the main focus, encapsulated and forms abscess. Such an abscess is called cold, since the skin above it is rarely changed and painful. With its autopsy, a light curved or crumb-shaped rose is detected, long-standing out of the wound. Often, after such abscesss there are long-haired fistula and ulcers, which are substrate to rebirth local tissues in tumor.

In addition, there are still a number of factors that according to statistics increase the likelihood of the appearance of basal-cell skin cancer. These factors include predominantly factors internal and external environments that have an aggressive effect on the skin. With a combination of these factors with an existing relative precancerous disease, the frequency of development of the tumor increases at 2 - 5 times.

Factors of development of basal cell skin cancer

The most frequent factors contributing to the development of basal cell skin cancer are:
  • excess skin tan;
  • freckles;
  • numerous moles;
  • long-term contact with arsenic and its derivatives;
  • long contact with oil products and tar;
  • thermal skin injuries ( supercooling and burns);
  • immunosuppression.

Excess skin tan
Excessive ultraviolet radiation adversely affects the skin at least by two mechanisms. First of all, a strong tan leads to inflammation of the skin. Frequent inflammation, in turn, leads to a resistant increase in the pace of reparative processes. At a certain point in time, the proliferation of connective tissue and basal epithelium can become uncontrolled, which is the substrate of the tumor process. The second mechanism of the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin lies in its direct effect on the DNA of the cells of the base layer of the skin. In this case, mutation occurs, leading to the loss of tumor cells of functional features and an increase in the pace of their division.

The presence of freckles in humans indicates that there are plots in its skin that easily absorb ultraviolet radiation. It is for this reason that the freckles are distinguished against the rest of the skin. Ultraviolet rays lead to the development of basalomas in mechanisms similar to the above.

Numerous moles
Moles are benign tumors of melano-forming cells. According to statistics, their malignant rebirth occurs in melanoma, having an extremely aggressive course. However, in a certain proportion of cases, there is also rebirth in the basal cell cancer.

Long contact with arsenic and its derivatives
As you know, arsenic is poison for the human body. Its feature is the ability to accumulate in the skin and her appendages ( nails, hair) And stay there for many years. With long-term skin contact with this substance, the poisoning does not occur, since the necessary dose is not achieved at which it takes place. Nevertheless, the accumulated arsenic leads to latent inflammation of the deep layers of the epithelium, leading to its dysplasia.

Long contact with oil products and tar
It is statistically noted that employees of oil wells, car repair shops, coal mines and gas stations are more likely to face basal-cell skin cancer than representatives of other professions. It is assumed, the products of the distillation of oil and dispatch have toxic effects on the skin. More often, skin lesions is limited to its dryness or eczema, however, in some cases, malignant formations are developed in the lungs, brain and skin.

Thermal injuries
Both burns and frostbite are characterized by the lesion of deep layers of skin and muscles. The cold itself does not have a negative effect on the skin, since it retains the structure of the tissues unchanged. The thawing is more dangerous, since it is accompanied by the formation of ice crystals that destroy skin cells and subcutaneous tissue from the inside. Frequent burns also lead to chronic inflammation. As a result of such lesions, skin often regenerates. Active regeneration increases the chances of the occurrence of an error manifested by cell mutation. In addition, frequent thermal injuries lead to the formation of a layer of scar tissue under the skin, which, as well as keloid scars, tends to zero-quality.

Immunity in the usual understanding not only protects the body from viruses and bacteria, but also prevents the formation of tumor cells. This type of immunity is called antitumor. Its intensity depends on the severity of general immunity. With its excessive strengthening, the risk of developing autoimmune diseases increases, and with weakening - benign and malignant tumors.

Detection of these factors lasted not one ten years. Numerous studies were conducted in many countries of the world, under which statistics were transformed into certain patterns. For example, most often basaloma develops in miners who have contact with aggressive substances suspended in dust. Machinists, because of their profession, are forced to regularly touch with various petroleum products. Firefighters subjected their skin frequent burns, which can not affect it.

The highest risk of developing basal cell cancer in the lateral people with a small number of skin pigment melanin. Freckles and red hair color also increase the risk of this disease. The combination of the above factors confirms reality - the greatest predisposition to Bazalome have residents of Scotland and Northern Ireland, which have red hair and a multitude of freckles. We are talking about predisposition, since in reality in these countries, the highest rate of basal cell cancer.

The frequency of this disease grows with an increase in the average annual amount of ultraviolet radiation. In other words, as the average number of patients with the most common type of malignant skin tumor approaches the equator. However, it is necessary to make amendment that these statistics are confirmed only in countries mainly with the cease-skinned population. People of the Negroid race almost never get sick skin cancer, due to the high concentration of melanin in their skin. The Mongoloid Race is also less predisposed to this disease, however, not to such an extent as a non-dish. The greatest risk on the right belongs to the Europeanid race.

Immunosuppression develops for many reasons, the most common of which HIV / AIDS, treatment of immunosuppressors and chemotherapy of tumors. Presumably immunosuppression increases the likelihood of basal-cell skin cancer, however,, as well as other tumors, by parallel to reduce the intensity of DNA reparation processes. As a result, cells with modified DNA appear at a certain time, which can provoke a tumor growth.

Radiation radiation has a direct destructive effect on the tissue. Strong radiation leads to burns, weak - to cell mutation. Long-term existing skin burns lead to an increase in the activity of connective tissue cells, which in some cases can lead to basalomas. It is noteworthy that tumors developed due to radiation radiation or severe sunny burn are multiple and each at its development stage.

Large moles and scars have a certain potential for growth, despite the fact that the first are initially benign tumors, and the second - with a connecting cloth that fills the wound defect. As they grow, a gradual change in the composition of tissue data can occur, accompanied by the loss of their functional properties and the acquisition of a pronounced trend towards division.

The main pathogenetic link of the development of any tumor is the mutation in its genome and blocking the process called cell apoptosis. Apoptosis is a natural protective mechanism in which any organism cell that ceases to perform their direct functions must destroy itself. Cells deprived of this mechanism lose specificity and smoothly multiply, producing millions of subsidiaries with a similar error in DNA. As a result, a plot of aggressively growing fabric appears that does not perform any function, but intensively consuming the resources of the body, that is, a malignant tumor.

In the case of basalomas, its growth is infiltratively. In other words, the tumor germinates to the surrounding tissues, pass along the way. It is for this reason that there is always a small but active zone of inflammation around the tumor.

Types of Basalom

In appearance and clinical flow, 4 main types of malignant skin tumors are distinguished. Despite the fact that there are certain differences between them, there are some features characteristic of all types of Basal. The color of the tumor can be pearl-white, pink or even red, but it does not speak little about the nature of the tumor and its activity. The color is determined exclusively the degree of expansion of surface vessels of the skin and density of teleangectasis ( vascular stars). However, it is worth noting that the speech in this case goes only about unchanged skin. In those places in which the ulceration of the surface of the tumor occurred, the colors will change, and these changes will have a value.

The growth of the tumor is accompanied not only by an increase in its size, but also by changing the contour of the borders. The stronger the contour of the tumor is changed, the more malignant it is, that is, the stronger the cell atpius is expressed. Despite the fact that basaloma is a slow-growing tumor, according to its periphery, there are almost always signs of inflammation caused by compression of surrounding tissues. A pigment may appear on any form of tumors. As a rule, it is chaotic spread over the surface of the tumor. His appearance also does not say anything as the color of the tumor itself. The location of the tumor near the vital organs, what are the eyes, the nose, the ears can lead to a pronounced deformation of the cartilaginous skeleton. In addition, the tumor tends to spread into the skull through the natural holes and cavities. This, in turn, threatens involvement in the tumor brain process with shells, which threatens with a fatal outcome.

It is believed that basaloma never metastasizes, but it is not quite so. In the United States of America several cases of basaloma growth in the lungs were registered. At first glance, such an unusual localization of the tumor could be caused by the propagation of tumor cells from the primary focus by blood. However, with a more careful study, no metastasis was found outside the lungs, which is not entirely characteristic of hematogenous dissemination. Another important feature of all cases was that all of them developed in patients who have a tumor spread to the mucous membrane of the mouth or nose. The only explanation of this manifestation of the tumor was the falling of detachable cells into the lungs along with a sigh.

The following clinical forms are distinguished by Basal:

  • nodal;
  • superficial;
  • scar;
  • jazznaya.

Basaloma kncl form

This type of skin cancer is the most common. It is a small sizes of a tubercle to 1 cm in diameter with relatively gentle edges. Its surface is brilliant, wax, more often pearl color, although there are also tumors with a more reddish tint. On the surface of it often detect single teleangectas. This type of tumor grows slowly, without causing any unpleasant sensations in the patient. As the tumor growth grows, there is a decay with the formation of ulcers. The ulcer is covered by a bodily color with a crust. When it is removed, the bottom of the wounds are at the level of surrounding skin. As a result, the tumor circumference is formed by a closed ring-shaped raised shaft. In the English-language literature, such a land is called worm-shaped and in most cases is a direct sign of basal cell cancer. The most frequent localization of the tumor of this type on the neck and face. More often there is a tumor growth in the central part of the upper floor of the face. The ability to invasion deep into the skin and below the arranged structures in this type of tumor is relatively low, which provides good results after surgical treatment, even with a tumor size of more than 20 mm in diameter.

Surface shape of basaloma

This type of basal-cell cancer is manifested in the form of a sparing skin of a bottle of up to 40 mm, having a gentle of wax edges. The surface of the tumor is often ulcerated and heals in different places, so the skin over it is thinned, atrophichnaya, red-pink. The tubing edges of the tumor are not always present, and if present, then almost never closed. Unlike the nodal form, the surface is localized not only on the face, and also on the other open areas of the body. Typical localization - on the chest. Three quarters of surface basal, localized on the legs, develop in women. In terms of growth and the degrees of invasion in the tissue, this form is approaching nodal and can grow more than one year before it is noticed.

Scar shape of Bazaloma

Contrary to the established believing that all types of Basaloma originate from the nodal form, the scar form rather refutes this hypothesis, since it has some pronounced distinctive features. The surface of the tumor is often located below healthy surrounding fabrics. Its consistency is a denser, resembling a dense keloid scar, and the color is gray-pink. The edges of the tumor are slightly raised, shiny, wax, and resemble the cutting edges with node form, but less pronounced. The ulcerations are not formed in the center of the tumor, but on the border with a healthy cloth and often applies to it. For this reason, it is often possible to accurately determine the borders of the tumor in order to surgically remove it.

It is important to note that the scar form of basaloma can be both in primary cancer and during relapses ( repeated manifestations) After treatment. The frequency of relapses in this type reaches 40% in some countries due to the trend towards the deep growth of this tumor. Upon reaching a vessel or nerve tumor, it often occurs along the data of formations for a large distance. This fact explains the emergence of secondary tumors with an identical pathomorphological picture at a distance from the place of growth of the remote tumor. The growth of tumor data is also slow, so they have a favorable forecast. Typical localization on the chest, neck and face.

Ulcerative form of Bazaloma

This form of basal cell cancer is rightfully the most dangerous, since it causes serious tissue defects to which it applies. This tumor is characterized by a solid peptic surface, as a rule, below the skin level. Periodically, the ulcer is covered with dark crusts. When they are removed, a bug, deep bottom of the ulcers of gray, red and black colors is exposed. The edges of ulcers are uneven, dense, shiny, towering over the surface of the surrounding skin.

In addition to the presented clinical classification, there is also a morphological, which is used mainly by laboratory technicians and doctors and is difficult to understand persons who do not have special medical education. According to this classification, the tumor is divided into many histological options according to the degree of cell differentiation and similarity with various tissues of the body.

Diagnosis Basalom

As mentioned earlier, the basal cell cancer has several forms, each of which may be similar to other diseases. Proper and timely recognition of this neoplasm is the key to successful cure.

Usually, focusing on the above clinical signs of the nodal form, it is enough to simply suspect the basal cell cancer. However, at the initial stages of growth, when the sizes of the tumor do not exceed 3 - 5 mm it is easy to confuse with an ordinary mole ( especially if the tumor is pigmented), contagious mollusa or old seborrheic hyperplasia. From the Molenia can grow hair, which does not happen in basaloma. A distinctive feature of the contagious mollusk and elder seborrheic hyperplasia is a small island of keratin in the central part. If there is a crust on tumors, it can be confused with a wart, keratoacanta, flat-belling skin cancer and contagious mollusk. In this case, the crusts must be carefully sewed. With basal cell milk cancer it turns out the easiest. After the bottom of the wound is exposed for greater confidence and scientific confirmation it is necessary to make a print-imprint from the bottom of the ulcers and determine its cellular composition.

Strongly pigmented basalomas are easy to confuse with malignant melanomas. In order not to happen, you need to know that the elevated edges of the basal cell cancer almost never contain melanin. In addition, basaloma painting is more often brown, and melanoma has a dark gray shade. The flat shape of the basal-cell cancer can be confused with eczema, psoriatic plaques and Bowen's disease, however, when scraping the scraps from the edge of the tumor, a true picture of the disease is detected.

These clinical signs are designed to orient the doctor towards the correct diagnosis, and its confirmation should be carried out only after biopsy, cytology or morphological test of the tumor.

Survey at the doctor

When the patient appears on the skin of the provincial suspicion, it is necessary to refer to the oncologist or oncosurgeon. In the absence of these specialists, you can consult a dermatologist or a regular surgeon.

At the reception in these specialists, the patient can ask the following questions:

  • How long has education appeared?
  • How did it show itself, was pain or itching?
  • Is there any other way on the body? If so, where?
  • Is it first the patient with him facing or previously had such education?
  • What is the type of activity and conditions in which the patient works?
  • What time is it on average patient spends in the open sky?
  • Does it apply the necessary protective measures against solar radiation?
  • Did the patient happen to be excess radioactive irradiation? If so, where and approximately what was the total dose?
  • Does the patient have relatives patients with oncological diseases?
After the survey, the doctor asks the patient to demonstrate a suspicious education. It may be necessary in the inspection of the entire body for the presence of such objects. Based on the features of education, the doctor produces the necessary diagnostic manipulations. If there are scales, they gently donate on the glass slide, swing in a special solution and are considered in the microscope. With a naked peptic surface, the slide applied to it, covered with coating glass and is also examined under the microscope. If the leather over the tumor is a mustache, then the only way to establish an accurate diagnosis will be a piece of biopsy with a fence of tumor material for analysis.

In addition, the doctor may send a patient for additional surveys, such as radiography in two projections, ultrasound examination, computed tomography and magnetic resonance tomography. These paraclinic studies can provide valuable information about the size and depth of the tumor, its distribution in the skull cavity and the neighborhood with vital structures.

For patients with treasured basal cell cancer, it is necessary to annually undergo a survey from a doctor not only in order to control the recurrence of the tumor, but also for screening new tumors. The patient once treated from oncopathology, automatically enters the risk category for other tumor diseases.

When does biopsy and histological examination of Bazaloma need?

To confirm the diagnosis of basaloma, it is necessary to detect the corresponding tumor cells. Their receipt can be carried out by scraping dead scraps, the works of the smear-imprint or biopsy. The rice of the tumor walls makes sense when there are dead tissues. The stroke of the imprint is performed if there is access to the bottom of the tumor, which is usually typically for the ulcerative form. The biopsy is carried out either with the unchanged surface of the tumor, or if other methods turned out to be unsuccessful.

Biopsy is performed in a procedural office in compliance with the conditions of aseptic. For this manipulation, weak anesthesia is performed in inharal preparations or not performed at all. Puncture is carried out in the following way. The tumor is fixed with the fingers of the left hand. With the right hand until the middle of the tumor introduces an empty syringe with a hollow needle at the end. Promotion of the needle from the edge of the tumor to the center must be accompanied by its rotation. Upon reaching the center of the tumor, the syringe piston is delayed, after which the needle is removed. Next, the contents of the needle are thrown into a sharp impetus to the slide glass and applies to it using the other - covering glass. With a sufficient amount of biopsy, several samples are manufactured. The thinner the layer of the substance on the glass, the better the cooked samples and the greater the likelihood of establishing the correct diagnosis.

Laboratory tests

Unlike other types of malignant tumors today, Basaloma has no specific oncological marker, whose definition could in the blood might point to the diagnosis. The remaining laboratory tests reflect unbearable inflammatory changes, such as leukocytosis, a significant increase in the speed of erythrocyte sedimentation, a positive thymol sample, an increase in the C-reactive protein, etc. However, the specified data is characteristic of most inflammatory diseases and therefore rather make confusion in the diagnosis process. As a result, laboratory tests are rarely used to diagnose basal, since they are not indicative.

Treatment of Bazaloma

In the treatment of basal cell cancer, medication and radiation therapy are used, as well as surgical tumor removal. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages and applies based on well-defined readings. Nevertheless, the treatment prediction depends not only on the selected treatment method, but also on the characteristics and size of the tumor, its localization, concomitant diseases, etc.

The following features reduce the likelihood of successful bazaloma cure:

  • the diameter of the tumor is more than 20 mm;
  • localization of the tumor near the eyes, nose and lips;
  • fuzzy and uneven borders of the tumor;
  • low level of patient immunity;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • infiltrative, micronodule and basic scubamous histological type of tumor;
  • tumor growth near large blood vessels and nerves.

Is there effective treatment for basaloma medicines?

Despite the fact that the preferred method of treatment of basal cell cancer is the radiotherapy and surgical removal of the tumor, drug treatment also gives positive results. General chemotherapy with cytostatics and immunosuppressants does not make sense, since it causes more harm to the body due to pronounced side effects than real benefits. Local use of chemotherapy in the form of ointments, gels and creams is transferred to the patient much better, and their effect is carried out directly on the tumor. Indications for this treatment are tumors of up to 5 - 7 mm in a dimension or relapse. The most frequently used chemotherapyups are Omaiin, recipidine and 5-fluorouracil.

What are the signs of malignant tumor growth?

It is quite difficult using only clinical benchmarks, set the moment in which the precancerous skin disease is reborn into the basal. The most clear criteria exist regarding the misstitution of non-units ( moles). In the English-language medical literature there is an easy-to-remember set of recognition of reborn moles. The name of this set of features is an abbreviation from the first letters of symptoms and sounds like the first 5 letters of the English alphabet - ABCDE.

BUT - Asymmetry ( asymmetry.) - Any mole with a benign course in 95% of cases is always symmetric. The exceptions make up the birthmarks that may have intricate contours and at the same time remain harmless.

B. - the border ( border.) - the edges of the mole, as a rule, smooth and smooth. The appearance of zzabrin, ulcers or scabes speaks about the beginning of the misstitution.

C. - color ( color) - a benign papilloma is always the same shade throughout its surface. The appearance on the surface of the tumor more or less pigmented islands speaks of its malignant transformation.

D. - diameter ( diameter.) - This parameter is the least accurate and rather imposing many of the misconception, however, it is believed that the tumor of up to 6 mm is most likely, benign, and the possibility of its rebirth increases to exceed this indicator.

E. - Progression ( evolution) - Rapid growth is a characteristic feature of malignant tumors. Benign tumor normally may increase by 1 - 2 mm per year.

When do you need a tumor removal operation?

Basaloma is a successful surgical treatment with a tumor with a sufficiently low percentage of postoperative recurrences. Therefore, this type of treatment is preferred at any stage of basal cellular cancer.

Nevertheless, small tumors ( T1 and T2.) It can be treated, including targeted radiation therapy or local chemotherapeutic drugs. Such tumors can be cured when applying only one of the types of therapy. Tumor dimensions The corresponding stages T3 and T4 are an indication for the joint use of radiation and surgical treatment. The purpose of operational treatment is excision and complete removal of the tumor.

The operation to remove basaloma should be carried out in the operating room in aseptic conditions. The type of anesthesia depends on the expected volume of operation, the location of the tumor and the general condition of the patient. Local-infiltrative and conductor anesthesia is produced on average up to 55 - 60 years at the location of the tumor on the body and limbs. The size of the tumor should not exceed 10 mm. With larger tumors with presumptuous involvement of the subjects of the subjectable structures, spinal anesthesia is carried out. Localization of the tumor on the neck and back instructs the conduct of general anesthesia regardless of the age of the patient.

By virtue of its specifics, this tumor does not always have clear boundaries. Often borders are not determined due to the ulceration of the edges of the tumor with the transition to healthy fabrics. In this case, the oncosurgeon must carefully examine the edges of the tumor with the help of a special magnifying device or a simple magnifying glass. In the future, focusing on the edges of the tumor, its wedge-shaped resection is performed. Depending on the size of the tumor, it is retreating for a certain distance in order to maximize the likelihood of the residual finding of tumor cells in the wound and prevent recurrence. Russian and Western schools disagree in opinions regarding the magnitude of the necessary indent. The Russian school is more radical, as it recommends from each edge of the tumor to retreat 2 cm at T1 and T2 and 3 cm at T3. The Western School states that the amount of the incidence should not exceed 3 - 5 mm. This is an argued by statistical data indicating that with the indent 3 mm, the probability of recurrences is located in the region of 15%, and with an indent 4 - 5 mm - does not exceed 5%.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that an increase in retardation reduces the likelihood of recurrence, but leaves a more pronounced postoperative defect. However, it is important to note that even with the maximum indent, the likelihood of a tumor recurrence is preserved within 2 - 3%. This is due to the specifics of the basal cell skin cancer, namely its ability to increase along the blood vessels and nerves at considerable distances.

Special attention deserves such surgical methods as laser therapy and cryotherapy. They are used primarily at small tumor sizes. Their advantage is atraumatic and rapid charges of healing. However, there is a certain pattern. The success of this method in skillful hands reaches 97% with small tumors, but with an increase in the size of the tumor increases and the chance of relapse.

The most advanced surgical method of removing Basalom today is the MOHS surgery. This method was proposed in the 30s of the last century and lies in the layer-by-layer removal of the tumor and its parallel histological examination. In more detail, the operation is performed as follows. Initially, the tumor is classically removed, observing the necessary indents. In the event of the time, the wound is tampony, but does not cut, and the patient goes to a special chamber, where he can relax. The tumor itself is sent to the laboratory, where the laboratory manifestation with the help of special equipment separates it to a plurality of thinnest layers, each of which is investigated in the microscope after the corresponding staining. The tumor is considered completely remote, if in all sections the pathological tissue is surrounded from all sides healthy. If the level of tumor tissue is detected at any level with the edge of the cut, then the patient is called again, and the additional portion of the tissue is brought in the specified area, which is also sent to the laboratory. Thus, the phased tumor is completely removed along with all the branches. The duration of such an operation on average takes 8 hours, however, there were cases when the operation with all the interruptions lasted 2 to 3 days. The duration of the method is justified by the highest rates of cure and the lowest percentage of recurrence, which in some advanced clinics reaches ten percentage.

Treatment of basal cell cancer depending on the stage of its development

Basaloma First Stage
At the first stage of basaloma, the treatment of all existing methods in the form of monotherapy is permissible. Thus, the tumor can be treated surgically, by means of radiation or chemotherapy. Cryotherapy and laser burning of tumors enjoy great success. With small sizes, the probability of successful treatment without recurrence will be up to 97%. This result boasts only MOHS surgery described earlier. Excessive treatment is also often successful, but in this case it is necessary to take into account the histological type of the tumor in order to choose the drug to which it will give the greatest regression.

Basaloma of the second stage
The same treatments are used as at the first stage, however, in the form of comprehensive therapy. In most cases, treatment is carried out in 1 - 2 stages. With one-stage treatment, treatment is carried out, as at the first stage, but with a correction for a larger tumor. With two-stage treatment, the radical removal of the tumor is first performed, and then the control rate of radiation therapy. With an increase in the size of the tumor, the efficiency of cryotherapy and laser removal decreases, so it is important to weigh all the arguments "for" and "against" to choose the method of treatment. Chemotherapeutic preparations are rarely used, starting from the second stage of basal-cell cancer and higher.

Basaloma Third Stage
In this case, treatment is carried out in 2 - 3 stages. Two-stage treatment is carried out, as in the second stage. Three-step treatment implies an additional course of treatment with chemotherapies or ionizing radiation in order to reduce the size of the tumor before it is removed. Cryotherapy and laser techniques are not used in tumors of such sizes.

Basaloma Fourth Straty
In the case when the removal of the tumor brings more benefits than the absence of treatment, the operation is performed. However, when the tumor spread on vital structures from the operation has to be abstained. Rady therapy of tumors of such sizes can only lead to a minor decrease in its size and very pronounced side effects. Common chemotherapeutic treatment can also ensure recurrence of the disease for a certain period of time, but it rarely occurs. Under certain circumstances, it makes sense to perform a palliative operation in order to reduce the compression of the structures surrounding the tumor and improve its sanitary condition.

Basaloma, or basal cell skin cancer is a skin cancer that extending in basal layers of epidermis, not having metastases. However, despite this, basaloma has a destructive effect on the cells of the epidermis, can go deeper into the skin, use muscles.

Basaloma skin

In this publication, we will try to tell you about the features of basalomas, or as it is called differently - basal-cell skin cancer. Let us discuss her clinical picture, identify symptoms, as well as - tell you about the peculiarities of treatment.

It is worth noting that the name "Basaloma" occurs not on behalf of the doctor who opened it, but from the cells themselves that cause a malignant tumor. The fact is that our skin has many layers of cells, among which there are basal, main layer of skin.

The basal cancer has 70% of all oncological diseases that appear in the skin, and the tumor itself grows slowly. Fortunately, such cancer rarely leads to a fatal outcome, since there are no metastases, because the disease occurs only in the skin. But if it is strongly launched, then the destruction of the skin, muscles and even bones can occur.

Most often, basaloma is localized on the face. Most often, it has single manifestations, but it is pushed out this kind of skin cancer as multiple basalomas.

Also, basal-cell skin cancer has a recurnective property, and even after successful treatment, it may appear again. The patient seems to be cured of cancer, but a tumor after some time can again manifest itself in a new place.

Basaloma is cancer or not?

Many patients ask a question: Is there basalioma skin oncology? If it does not give metastases, then maybe it is not at all cancer? Oncologists definitely respond to this question: basaloma is cancer, moreover, cancer is malignant.

Yes, this type of tumor does not give metastasis to other organs, but this does not make it less significant.

Basaloma has a property to strike not only the skin, but also the surrounding tissues, as well as the deep layers of subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscle and even bones. Particularly destroyed by basaloma on the face: a running tumor can "Dange" floors, deprive a person's eyes, nose, mouth, and even jaws. To restore the person after such a destructive impact of the oncological disease, it will have to be resorted to the help of plastic surgery, but completely restore the skin and vital organs will not be possible.

Therefore, the only advice that can give you a surgeon oncologist: Do not delay, immediately contact the doctors to remove this tumor. At the early stage, the forecast is favorable, and you can forever get rid of cancer.

What a basaloma looks like

An oncologist can easily recognize Basaloma, but the patient is not easy to determine whether the navigation on the skin is any kind of cancer, or not. Therefore, if you have a suspicion, it is necessary to immediately be examined by the oncologist's doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

As for the aless itself, this tumor has several varieties.

Often, the surface variety of basalomas is manifested in the form of oval, rounded spots with various shades of pink color. It is worth noting that the foci can be several at once.

Tumor Basaloma

In turn, the tumor form has the form of a nodule formation of 0.5 centimeters, which protrudes over the skin surface, and usually, has a smooth surface with clearly distinguishable blood vessels. Sometimes it happens that the appearance of Bazaloma is replaced by scales with explicit erosion. Sometimes this form of cancer can be confused with flat-mellular cancer, as it has a rounded shape, protruding over the surface of the epidermis.

Sometimes this type of oncology has a kind of ulcer. Such basaloma looks like erosion. Sometimes, ulcers can reach up to 10 centimeters in diameter, and even more, and around the hearth visible rollers.

The hyperpigance form of the illness has a motley tint in the center of the defeat. May have pinkish edges, but dark brown or black scape in the middle.

The latter of the known science of varieties of basalomas is greatly different from other types of cancer, the presence of whites "plaques" with foci at the edges.

Causes of Bazaloma

Why does basaloma appear? Unfortunately, no one can answer this question, but specialists repeatedly conducted a number of studies to find out the reason why basaloma may arise.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Prolonged, frequent effects of solar radiation - ultraviolet radiation, negatively affecting the growth and division of cells of the epidermis;
  • Work with benzene, arsenic, coal resin and other substances affecting cell cores with long-term exposure to the skin;
  • Smoking;
  • Ionizing radiation;
  • Genetic predisposition, that is, the probability of obtaining skin cancer is laid in man genes;
  • The presence in the organism of the onkovirus.

Oncologists are more inclined to the version that in the appearance of basal cellular cancer "to blame" onkovirus. This is a certain form of papillomovirus, which is able to "rely" to "healthy cells into cancer. Nevertheless, not all people - onkovirus carriers can get skin cancer.

Who most often manifests basaloma?

As a rule, Basaloma develops in people aged from 65 years. According to statistics, out of 100,000 elderly people, basallan-cell cancer strikes 21 women and 25 men. Moreover, currently, this statistics progresses.

Often, people living in rural areas are susceptible to this type of skin cancer, in southern regions, as there and solar activity is stronger, and people outdoors people from villages and villages are much more than city inhabitants.

The disease occurs both in men and women. And most often, the frequency of manifestation depends not on the floor, but on the skin type. For example, basalome are subject to more people with light shades of the skin.

Symptoms of Bazaloma

Basaloma, most often, looks like a limited piece of skin having a pinkish color and slightly elevated above the main layer of skin. In some cases, it looks like a slight recess, wet or brilliant in the middle. A characteristic feature of cancer - the presence of rollers around the affected place.

Basaloma begins in the form of a small pigmented spubby, completely painless. The tumor has been developing slowly, months and even by years, sprawling on the side of the epidermis surface.

Often, people simply do not take into account the tumors at an early stage, considering them for ordinary acne, or inflammation on the skin. Moreover, sniffing skin and peel, they only aggravate the situation, provoking the development of alert. At the early stage of Basaloma "harmless." But, if it is "run", then growth is possible into the deep fabrics - muscles and bone. If the basaloma grows on the face, it will gradually "enroll" an eye on the eyes, feeding the sclera. Basaloma on the nose can grow deep into, gradually destroying the nasal cartilage and penetrating inside the skull.

The development of the disease helps the doctors determine the exact diagnosis. The following symptoms of basalomas are the increased erosion, ulcers with crusts-scales, and nodules visible along the edges of the affected area.

If you continue not to be treated, the nodules are gradually absorbed, and the bright red shade ulcer appears.

What is dangerous basaloma?

Despite the fact that the tumors of this species of the skin are not allowed metastases into blood vessels, they can bring significant harm to the musculoskeletal system, destroying the muscles and bone. Basaloma has destructive growth. If the tumor grows on the face, it leads to blindness, loss of important organs (nose, mouth, jaw).

Especially in potentially dangerous places, Basaloma can also hurt the nerve endings, causing sharp and endless pain.

The cells of the malignant tumor are faster than healthy skin cells, so they manage to grab the impressive areas of the skin in a short time. Thus, the risk and normal functioning of the body for which the skin is a protective "membrane" from aggressive environmental impact.

Treatment of Bazaloma

In order to cure a malignant tumor, resort to all the well-known therapy that is currently in fighting cancer. These are the main types of bazaloma treats:


If the tumor is noticed at an early stage, and it is possible to remove it without harm for the rest of the body, it is cut out by surgical path in short time. The tumor is removed using the operational treatment method. Unfortunately, this option is suitable only for very young foci of the tumor, and is completely useless at the launched stage of basaloma. The resulting tumor affects a significant surface of the face or body, a part of the muscles and even the bones is already destroyed, and, in the case of surgical intervention, the patient is often the skin plastic shown to restore the destroyed parts of the body.

Laser removal of basaloma

Skin tumor is removed using a laser. The affected area under the influence of high temperature. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia, however, the healing of the skin after the laser occurs slowly and hard, often formed large scars. With small tumors, radiation therapy gives progressive results, and does not give diseases chances to manifest itself in the same place again.

Treatment of basaloma medicines

In some cases, an oncologist may appoint a special ointment. Its action on cancer cells is destructive. However, this method is not considered very effective, and it is possible to be treated in this way only under the supervision of your attending physician. In no case do not care for skin cancer on your own!

Basaloma electrocoagulation

Also used electrocoagulation, when the tumor is heated to a critical temperature (when cancer cells die immediately) with an electric current. But this method is not popular, and it is resorted to it if Basaloma is still at an early stage.

Cryodestruction Basaloma liquid nitrogen

In addition, the patients with basaloma are successfully cured with cold. Using the process of cryogenic destruction (freezing of the diseases of the disease), it is possible to get rid of basal cell cancer in a short time. To do this, use cryosonds through which allowed azot. Due to this, basaloma cells are converted into ice crystals, lose the intercellular bonds and the ability to divide. Ice crystals destroy the membranes of cancer cells, completely destroying the tumor. And with everything, at the same time, the procedure is absolutely painless, does not require additional surgical intervention, and does not cause complications in most cases.

Healing after cryodestruction occurs quickly and practically painlessly. There is a dark crust on the place of the burn, which disappears during the week. It is worth it to add that the cryogenic method of treating the basal skin cancer increases the immunity of the cells of the epidermis: they begin to resist intensively by the actions of the oncorus, which prevents the appearance of new foci of tumors.

To avoid possible consequences and help therapies of the patient often prescribe medications of the cytostatic group - Bleomycin, recidencies, etc.

Treatment of basaloma folk methods

Folk medicine against Bazaloma is powerless. If you have a suspicion of cancer, at the first opportunity, contact your professional doctor oncologist, and do not trust those who claim that it will be able to save you from cancer with alternative treatment methods.

Bazaloma prevention

To reduce the chance of the disease with this ailment, despite the fact that a person is in the risk group, it is best to use a number of recommendations. Performing these tips, you can reduce the chance of infection, if not to zero, then to a minimum. Especially, it is necessary for people with gentle, light skin, and they quickly "burn out" under the sunny rays.

It is necessary to limit its skin from injury, long-term effects; Immediately heal wounds and ulcers.

If a person works with lubricant materials, chemicals, then you need to take all necessary protection measures and adhere to strict personal hygiene.

If the patient has an early stage of the development of the disease, the treatment ends with a success 100 percent of cases. But even the second chance to recover really high - about 95-97 percent of patients after passing the therapeutic course are cured from the tumor.

Skin basaloma is basal cell leather cancer, which strikes people older than forty years. The dangerous tumor is developing in the basal layers of the epidermis, and in the initial stages is a nodule formation. The growth of basalomas is not characterized as intense, and is not accompanied by the formation of metastases. How is the basal cell cancer of the skin, and whether it is worth the fear of novel formations on the skin in the future?

Basaloma - a variety of skin cancer

The root cause of the origin of Bazaloma

Skin basaloma is a "mature" disease that rarely occurs in young people. Clarification of the root cause will allow to determine the most effective treatment in the shortest possible time, which will lead to a speedy recovery. Basaloma is manifested in open areas of the skin, so moral discomfort arises together with complex symptomatics. The main reasons for the appearance of a tumor in the lower layers of the epidermis:

  • constant effect of ultraviolet rays;
  • frequent dermatitis and skin diseases;
  • injuries of skin;
  • bad habits (especially smoking);
  • influence of carcinogens;
  • burns, skin damage;
  • old scars;
  • chronic skin disease.

Signs of basalomas will allow you to restore the overall picture of the ailment and make a complex, effective treatment at any stage of the development of the tumor.

Basaloma: External manifestations

What does basaloma look like at the initial stage? A nodule formation, similar to small inflammation, is accompanied by strong painful sensations. Basal-cell skin cancer applies to different parts of the body, forming whole agglomerates consisting of tumors. In any case, it is impossible to launch a parable, because the more skin surface will be damaged, the longer the rehabilitation is waiting for a person. It is subject to the appearance of novel formations of the skin of the back, face, and any other sections of sensitive epidermis. Basaloma of any type itself does not pass, and the course of the disease is only aggravated.

Basaloma in the initial stage looks like a nodule

The variety of bazaloma of the skin

What is basaloma? A nodule education that can issue himself for a regular pimple. For the convenience of classification, basalomas are divided into several distinctive types, which depend on the location of the tumor, its size and the concomitant infection of healthy skin. Novoy formation of the lower layers of the epidermis, which threaten human health:

  • nodule-ulcer;
  • rubtsovo-Atrophic;
  • nodular;
  • wartaging;
  • papillomous.

The formulation of an accurate diagnosis will ensure timely assistance, because similar in the type and external manifestation of the disease can affect different areas of the skin and influence inipically into healthy parts of the body.

Risk and form groups

Basaloma is a disease that the older generation people suffer more often.


For the eyelid and sensitive skin of the mucous membrane, a nodule-ulcer disease is characteristic of the initial stage, a barely noticeable nodule appears, surrounded by a small red penetration. Inflammation acquires red, in extreme cases burgundy color. The surface of a similar tumor is most often glorified like an old crust. Without adequate therapy, the nodules-ulcerative basaloma develops into an ulcer exposed to constant injury (wounds, cracks). Secondary infection with unauthorized infections of the neoplasm Common phenomenon that entails serious consequences.

Under the dry compacted crust, a capillary mesh is distinguished through which pathogenic bacteria and harmful microorganisms fall into the blood flow. Metastases in cases of occurrence of nodule-ulcery basalomas are not observed.


Often, the center of the resulting ulcer is frozen, and after the tumor is growing up to healthy skin sections. Such an education occurs on injured epidermis (wounds or cuts), and develops quite quickly. Basaloma of a wart-type type for external manifestation resembles a cauliflower. The structure of the tumor consists of numerous nodular formations that can perform above the surface of the skin, not to go inside. A characteristic feature of warthastic basalome was an increase in dangerous tumor outside, and not under the skin.

Warf basaloma overgrown in the center and extends to


Basaloma sclerodermo-like differs from similar forms of the disease with sharp, clear edges of the nodal and neighboring inflamed tissues. Roller (skin surrounding) has a dark red shade, which when pressed, begins to hurt much. A rare form of illness is striking the skin of the face and neck, less often - back and clavicle. Determine the accurate diagnosis can only an experienced specialist.


Pigment basaloma is externally similar to melanoma, manifests itself with a massive nodule under the skin and a pearl roller around the tumor. Often confused by a similar type of education with others, especially for a person, who has not yet encountered the complex features of the skin cancer. Externally education, tumors, nodules in the lower layers of the epidermis are identical.


Flat surface basaloma testifies to the development of a pedal disease. Such education can remain unnoticed for a long time. Basal cancer of a similar type is developing inside, which creates all the necessary prerequisites for deterioration of the general state of the person. Basaloma superficial is one of the most dangerous forms of skin disease (cancer).


Spigler tumor. Cylinders are several tumors that form a solid infected surface. For this type of tumor, the location under the hair on the skin of the head is characteristic. The benign nature of the disease requires urgent treatment before the disease has not turned into a malignant disease.


Carcinoma can develop on the human mucosa in cases where the reduced immunity is unable to resist internal inflammatory processes. Basaloma of this type refers to hazardous malignant skin tumors that require urgent surgical intervention.

Sophisticated skin disease is not transmitted through touches (close body contact). A nodal tumor is not an inclision, so it's not worth afraid of random infection from a sick person.

The basal cell skin cancer carries a direct threat to a person in which pathological changes occur in the body. The cancer cell can grow rapidly or years.

Carcinoma is extremely dangerous

Diagnosis of skin cancer

The diagnosis of complex disease begins with the primary examination of the formation on the upper layers of the skin. Basaloma is easy to identify, but for more accurate diagnosis it will be necessary:

  • cytological research;
  • histological testing;
  • general blood analysis;
  • external examination of the skin.

Based on the results of all analyzes, an experienced specialist determines the exact diagnosis on the basis of which the most effective treatment is appointed. Therapy aimed at the destruction of the tumor will only help with an integrated approach to the problem.

The diagnosis of the consideration is the edge of the formation and composition of cells (exclusively under the microscope). The nest accumulation of cells is only three types:

  • rounded;
  • oval;
  • spine-shaped.

The clinical manifestation is often different from histological studies, so self-treatment based on external inspection is ineffective. Basal cellular skin cancer is taken for a lupus, deprive (red or flat), Bowen's disease. Psoriasis is also similar to dermatitis, with which they rarely appeal to a doctor for qualified help. If a common picture of the disease is difficult, then the tumor scrap (biopsy) is amenable to re-learning and consideration.

Basaloma Diagnostics which covers the inspection of the whole body will allow to identify hidden diseases that served as the cause of the development of the tumor.

Remote basal Must be viewed under the microscope

Treatment of Bazaloma

Malignant tumor-basaloma is treated pretty quickly if a person appealed to qualified help in a timely manner. After clarifying the diagnosis, comprehensive therapy is assigned to the patient. In cases where the tumor managed to increase and develop, the only available option to get rid of education is surgical intervention. Studying the edge of the node in the lower layer of the epidermis allows you to remove only potentially dangerous areas of the skin. A similar procedure occurs under general anesthesia, so a person does not feel strong pain or discomfort.

In the postoperative period at the site of the tumor, an unpleasant scar is formed. Remove this defect (the inevitable consequence of surgical intervention) can healing ointments and cosmetic plastic.

Alternative technique

Complete the main course of treatment using other ways to get rid of basalomas - an alternative to the patient. Basal cellular skin cancer is amenable to the following mandatory procedures:

  • gradual cryodestruction;
  • photodynamic therapy;
  • medical treatment of the tumor.

A disease that cannot be transmitted by air-drip or contact path, requires strong impact on cancer cells, but the freezing with nitrogen or radiation therapy is determined by the attending physician. Basaloma skin cancer in the early stages is a rapid treatment with subsequent rehabilitation. Tumors that have grown on healthy areas of skin are cleaned gradually, to reduce stress for the body. The moral well-being of a person plays a latter role in the effectiveness of therapeutic therapy.

Photodynamic therapy - one of the methods of treatment of basaloma

Complication of launched basaloma

The problem affecting people of mature age is not aggressive. A nodules and inflamed roller do not bear a direct threat to human health in the early stages of the disease. Complex treatment should be underway at the first symptoms of the ailment - discomfort and pain in the field of neoplasm. Even launched forms of illness (Basaloma tumor) do not give metastasis, but this does not mean that such a malignant education tolerates deposits.

The main danger of the neglected disease is to weaken the body against the background of a protracted illness. Tumors covered with crust are subject to constant injury, and wounds and formed ulcers - ways to enter secondary infections and dangerous bacteria. Basaloma disease belongs to oncological diseases, but the threat occurs only in extremely launched forms. To allow development, an increase in the number of tumors is undesirable.

Forecast of Bazaloma Treatment

The forecast is worried about every patient. External skin defect affects not only physical, but also moral well-being. General forecasts due to the lack of metastasis are favorable and positive. Before death, it comes only in the absence of treatment and disregard for their own health. After transferring one-time treatment (relief from the tumor), the patient is assigned rehabilitation and subsequent prophylaxis. Recurrences of the disease - a common phenomenon that only persistent, positive people can be avoided.

If the tumor size did not reach twenty millimeters in diameter, then the forecast of fast recovery is over 90%. Non-case therapy, the diligent implementation of the recommendations of doctors and faith into a cloudless future - a guarantee of rapid effective treatment.

Basaloma can be confused with any dermatitis that occur as a natural response to internal diseases or an external unfavorable environment. Tumors in the form of nodules under the skin from the very beginning do not disturb the person, but soon a potentially dangerous formation begins to grow and infect the neighboring healthy skin sections. How quickly need to react to the tumor? Basal cellular skin cancer leaves scars, scars, but surgical (standard) intervention saves a person life. It is impossible to remove the tumor independently, and the drug damage to the nodules will only strengthen the inflammatory process. Each person who takes care of the state of his own health, to defeat the malignant tumor, and can be able to own an incredible force.

(basal cell cancer) is a malignant skin tumor, developing from epidermis cells. It received its name due to the similarity of the tumor cells with the cells of the base layer of the skin. Basaloma has the main signs of malignant neoplasm: germinates in neighboring tissues and destroys them, recurrences even after the proper treatment. But unlike other malignant tumors, basaloma practically does not give metastasis. In relation to basaloma, surgical treatment, cryodestruction, laser removal and radiation therapy are possible. Therapeutic tactics are selected individually depending on the characteristics of basaloma.


(basal cell cancer) is a malignant skin tumor, developing from epidermis cells. It received its name due to the similarity of the tumor cells with the cells of the base layer of the skin. Basaloma has the main signs of malignant neoplasm: germinates in neighboring tissues and destroys them, recurrences even after the proper treatment. But unlike other malignant tumors, basaloma practically does not give metastasis.

Causes of Bazaloma

Basaloma is found mainly in people over 40 years old. The factors contributing to its development include frequent and long stay under direct sunlight. Therefore, residents of southern countries and people working in the sun are more susceptible to basaloma disease. People having light skin are sick more often than dark-skinned. Contact with toxic substances and carcinogens (petroleum products, arsenic, etc.), constant injury to a certain area of \u200b\u200bskin, scars, burns, ionizing radiation are also factors that increase the risk of basalomas. The risk factors include a decrease in immunity against therapy with immunosuppressants or a long period of course.

The emergence of basalomas in a child or a teenager is unlikely. However, there is a congenital form of basaloma - Gollyn-Goltsy syndrome (non-cellular syndrome), combining the flat surface form of the tumor, the cyst of the mandibular bone, the malformations of the ribs and other anomalies.

Basaloma classification

Symptoms Basalom

Most often basaloma is located on your face or neck. The development of the tumor begins with the occurrence on the skin of a small nodule of pale pink, reddish or bodily color. At the beginning of the disease, the nodule can resemble a regular pimple. It grows slowly without causing any painful sensations. In his center a grayish crust appears. After its removal on the skin there is a slight recess, which soon again covered with a crust. Characteristic for basaloma is the presence of a dense roller around the tumor, well noticeable when stretching the skin. Small grainy formations, of which the roller consists, look like pearls.

Further growth of basalomas in some cases leads to the formation of new nodules, which in time begin to merge with each other. The expansion of surface vessels leads to the appearance of the "vascular stars" tumor. In the center of the tumor can occur with a gradual increase in the size of the ulcer and its partial scarring. By increasing in size, basaloma can grow into the surrounding tissues, including cartilage and bones, causing expressed pain syndrome.

The nodule-ulcerative basaloma is characterized by the appearance of a seal protruding over the skin having a rounded shape and similar to the nodule. Over time, the seal increases and ulcerated, its outlines acquire the wrong shape. A characteristic "pearl" belt is formed around the nodule. In most cases, the nodule-ulcerative basaloma is located in the century, in the field of nasolabial fold or in the inner corner of the eye.

Basaloma's triggering form occurs mainly in those places where the skin is constantly injured. It is distinguished by the rapid growth and pronounced destruction of surrounding tissues from the tumor-ulcer form of the tumor. Bearded (papillary, exofitis) basaloma with its appearance resembles a cauliflower. It is dense semi-shaped nodes, growing on the surface of the skin. The peculiarity of the wart-shaped form of basaloma is the lack of destruction and germination into surrounding healthy fabrics.

Nodular (large-sized) basaloma is a single node protruding over the skin, on the surface of which are visible "vascular stars". The node is not growing into the depths of the tissues, like a nodule-ulcerative basalome, and outward. The affiliate form of basaloma has a characteristic appearance - a nodule with its "pearl" roller. But the dark pigmentation of the center or the edges of the tumor makes it similar to Melanoma. The sclerodermiforous basaloma is characterized in that the characteristic nodule of pale color as it turns into a flat and dense flax, the edges of which have a clear contour. The surface of the plaques is rough and over time it can ulcerate.

The broton-atrophic form of basaloma also begins with the formation of a nodule. As the tumor grows in its center there is a destruction with the formation of ulcers. Gradually, the ulcer increases and approaches the edge of the tumor, while the scarring occurs in the center of the ulcers. The tumor acquires a specific view with the scar in the center and an ulcerated edge, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the tumor growth continues.

Flat surface basalome (pedjetoid epithelioma) is multiple neoplasms of up to 4 cm, which do not germinate the skin and are not towering over its surface. Education has a different color from pale-posed to red and raised "pearl" edges. Such basalomas develops for several decades and has a benign current.

Spigler's tumor ("Turban" tumor, cylindrome) is a multiple tumor consisting of pink-purple-purple-coated with teleangioectasis of pink-purple nodes with a size of 1 to 10 cm. The spyigler basalome is localized on the scalp, has a long benign.

Complications of Bazaloma

Although basaloma is one of the types of skin cancer, it is distinguished by a relatively benign flow, because it does not give metastases. The main complications of basalomas are associated with the fact that it can spread to the surrounding tissues, causing their destruction. Heavy complications up to death occur when the process affects the bones, ears, eyes, cerebral shells, etc.

Basaloma diagnosis

Diagnostics is carried out by cytological and histological examination of the scas or smear-imprint, taken from the surface of the tumor. During the study, under the microscope, the heavy or nesting accumulations of the rounded, spindle-shaped cells or oval shape are found. Along the edge of the cell is surrounded by a thin rim of the cytoplasm.

However, the histological picture of Bazaloma is also diverse, as is its clinical forms. Therefore, its clinical and cytological differential diagnosis with other skin diseases has an important role. Flat surface basal is differentiated from red lupus, red flat deprived, seborrheic keratosis and Bowen's disease. Sclerodermiforous basaloma differentiate from sclerodermia and psoriasis, pigment shape - from melanoma. If necessary, additional laboratory studies are carried out, aimed at eliminating similarities similar to bazalome diseases.

Treatment of Bazaloma

The method of treating basaloma is selected individually depending on the size of the tumor, its location, clinical shape and morphological species, degree of germination in neighboring tissues. Maintaining a primary tumor or relapse. The results of the treatment carried out earlier, age and concomitant diseases of the patient are taken into account.

Surgical removal of basalomas is the effective and most common way to treat it. The operation is carried out with limited tumors located in relatively safe places for surgical intervention. Basalome resistance to radiation therapy or its recurrence is also an indication for surgical removal. With sclerodermiform basalome or recurrences, the excision tumor is carried out using a surgical microscope.

The cryodestruction of basalomas with liquid nitrogen is a fast and painless procedure, however, it is effective only in cases of the surface location of the tumor and does not exclude the occurrence of relapse. The radiation therapy of basalomas with a small amount of the process I-II of the stage is carried out by close-focused radiotherapy of the affected area. In the case of extensive lesion, the latter is combined with remote gamma therapy. In difficult cases (frequent relapses, large tumor size or its deep germination) X-ray therapy can be combined with surgical treatment.

Laser removal of basaloma is well suited to elderly people who have surgical treatment can cause complications. It also applies in the case of localization of basaloma on the face, as it gives a good cosmetic effect. Local chemotherapy Bazaloma is carried out by applining cytostatic applications (fluorouracil, metatrexate, etc.) on the affected skin.

Basaloma forecast

In general, due to the absence of metastasis, the disease forecast is favorable. But in the launched stages and in the absence of adequate treatment, the forecast of basalomas can be very serious.

Of great importance for recovery has early treatment of basalomas. Due to the inclinations of basalomas to frequent recurrence, the tumor of more than 20 mm is already considered to be launched. If the treatment has been carried out while the tumor did not reach such sizes and did not begin to germinate the subcutaneous tissue, then in 95-98% there is a resistant cure. In the propagation of basalomas to the subjectable tissues after treatment, significant cosmetic defects remain.