Sbts gas industry facilities 1999 Gas industry facilities

  • gas equipment and gas supply of industrial enterprises, buildings and structures. Outdoor Lighting. ( general provisions; relative cost of developing design estimates)
  • guide to basic prices for design work for construction. urban planning documentation
  • manual for determining the construction cost of developing urban planning documentation
  • reference book of basic prices for engineering and geodetic surveys during the construction and operation of buildings and structures
  • base price guide for engineering-geological and engineering-environmental surveys for construction
  • railroads and roads. bridges. tunnels. subways. industrial transport
  • railroads and roads. bridges. tunnels. subways. industrial transport. chapter 4. artificial structures
  • manual for determining the relative cost of developing design and estimate documentation. railroads and roads. bridges. tunnels. subways. industrial transport
  • recommendations for determining the coefficient to the base prices for design work, taking into account the additional costs of organizations for preferential payments for wages
  • directory of enlarged base prices for engineering and geodetic surveys for construction
  • guide to basic prices for design work for construction. gas industry facilities
  • manual for determining the relative cost of developing project documentation. gas industry facilities
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. gas industry facilities
  • civil aviation facilities
  • guide to basic prices for design work for construction. objects of housing and civil construction
  • manual for determining the relative cost of developing design and estimate documentation for housing and civil construction projects
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. objects of housing and civil construction (general provisions)
  • forestry facilities
  • practical guide on the application of the base price guide for design work for the construction of forestry facilities
  • oil trunk transportation facilities
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. oil trunk transportation facilities
  • engineering industry facilities
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. engineering industry facilities
  • oil industry facilities
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. oil industry facilities
  • industrial facilities building materials
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. building materials industry facilities
  • river transport facilities
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. river transport facilities
  • communication objects
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. water supply and sewerage facilities
  • water supply and sewerage facilities
  • pulp and paper industry facilities
  • a practical guide on the use of the reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of facilities. pulp and paper industry
  • reference book of basic prices for measuring works and surveys of buildings and structures
  • enterprises of transport, storage of oil products and gas stations
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. enterprises of transport, storage of oil products and gas stations
  • clarifications on the use of the price book and reference books of basic prices for design work for construction
  • base price guide for the development of technical documentation for automated control systems technological processes(APCS)
  • base price guide for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment
  • practical guide on the use of the base price guide for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment
  • reference book of basic prices for the development of technical documentation for the overhaul of building structures of buildings and structures
  • fire and security protection systems
  • a practical guide to using the base price guide for design work for construction. fire and security protection systems





    Edition 2, with changes and additions

    Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Gas Industry Facilities" (Edition 2, subject to changes and additions) developed by the State Enterprise "CENTRINVESTproject» Gosstroy of Russia and DOAO VNIPIgazdobycha» OAO «Gazprom» instead of the Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Gas Industry Facilities", approved by the Ministry of Construction Russian Federation(Resolution No. 18-12 dated February 8, 1995) in agreement with the Department of Design and Survey Works and Expertise of Projects of RAO Gazprom (No. 17-3-6 / 79 dated December 16, 1994).

    Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Gas Industry Facilities" (Edition 2, subject to changes and additions) approved and recommended for use by the letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 07.12.99 No. NZ-4298/10.

    Clarifications and advice on the application of this Handbook is provided by the GP "CENTRINVESTproject» Gosstroy of Russia (125057, Moscow, Leningradsky pr., 63, tel. (095) 157-39-42) and DOAO VNIPIgazdobycha» (410760, Saratov, Sacco and Vanzetti st., 4, tel. (845-2) 28-37-45).


    1.1. Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction (hereinafter referred to as the "Reference book") is recommended for determining basic prices with a view to the subsequent formation of contractual prices for the development of design documentation for the construction of gas industry facilities.

    1.2. The base prices in the Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of the designed objects: productivity, capacity, length, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “main indicators of the designed objects”), excluding value added tax.

    1.3. The directory is intended for use by organizations of various organizational and legal forms that have a license to perform design work for the construction of gas industry facilities and having the status of a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.4. The base prices in the Directory take into account all costs included in the cost, in accordance with the "Guidelines for the composition and accounting of costs included in the cost of design and survey products (works, services) for construction, and the formation of financial results", approved by Gosstroy of Russia on 06.04 .94, and profit (excluding business travel expenses).

    1.5. The Directory contains prices for individual design of new construction projects.

    1.6. Base prices are set in relation to the procedure for development, approval, approval and composition of project documentation, regulated in the prescribed manner.

    1.7. The base prices of the Directory do not include:

    Development of design solutions specified in the design assignment in several versions;

    Development of working drawings for special auxiliary structures, fixtures, devices and installations for the production of construction and installation works;

    Development of solutions for monumental and decorative design of buildings and structures;

    Making changes to the project documentation (with the exception of correcting errors made by the design organization);

    Development of detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD), construction and technological blocks and technological pipelines of factory production;

    Surveys and measurement works at facilities subject to reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment;

    Development of design documentation for custom-made equipment, in addition to the preparation of the initial requirements necessary for the development of technical specifications for the implementation of this documentation;

    Research, experimental and design work;

    Engineering services not related to design work;

    Marketing services;

    Business travel expenses;

    Development of interiors, performed in accordance with GOST 21-507-81;

    Development of projects for the production of construction and installation works (PPP);

    Design of temporary buildings and structures for the needs of construction organizations;

    Development of automated enterprise management systems (APCS) and automated process control systems (APCS);

    Development of EIA (prices of tables 1¸9).

    1.8. In addition to the works listed in clause 1.7, base prices The guide does not include the cost:

    Designing water intake, water treatment and sewage treatment facilities, as well as water treatment facilities, including the development and approval of materials for special water use, installations for thermal treatment of industrial wastewater;

    Designing trunk communication lines and overhead lines along the gas pipeline;

    Designing overhead lines along gas pipelines for power supply to linear consumers;

    Design of off-site technological engineering networks and communications with structures on them;

    Design of power plants, electrical substations for external power supply, switchgear, stand-alone heating boilers;

    Design of automatic fire extinguishing installations;

    Designing rotational residential camps;

    Reclamation of disturbed lands;

    Compilation of the ZD schedule;

    Acoustic calculations and calculations for self-compensation of pipelines for gas piping of gas compression plants;

    Compilation and protection of consolidated custom documentation for the acquisition of construction equipment;

    Development of technical specifications for manufacturers for switchboards and low-voltage complete devices, as well as instrumentation and A switchboards;

    Preparation of materials for the land acquisition project;

    Measures for the protection of archaeological monuments.