How to cook a dinner party without cooking experience. Menu and step-by-step description of the dinner party What is served for the dinner party

  • — Stuffed pork chop —

    Thick pork chop on the bone - 2 pcs
    Garlic - 2 cloves
    Dill seeds - 1 tsp
    Kosher salt - 0.5 tsp
    Lemon zest - 2 tbsp
    Olive oil - 1 tbsp
    Provolone cheese - 2 thin slices

    1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
    2. Cut "pockets" into the pork chops by making a 5 cm cut on the side opposite the bone with a knife and deepening it to it.
    3. Crush the garlic with a knife, finely chop the dill seeds, mix it all with salt, chopped lemon zest and olive oil.
    4. Grate the chops outside and inside the “pockets” with the mixture, then place the cheese inside, if necessary, closing the incision with toothpicks.
    5. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add a little olive oil and fry one side of the chop for 3-5 minutes until golden brown.
    6. Turn the meat over and continue frying for about a minute on medium heat, and then transfer the pan to the oven, where the meat should stay for about 5-6 more minutes. The dish is ready!

  • — Pasta with chicken and spinach —

    Chicken thighs - 6 pcs
    Onion, chopped - 1 small onion
    Porcini mushrooms, chopped - 200 gr
    White wine or chicken broth - 0.3 cups
    Chopped parsley - 2 tbsp
    Fresh spinach - 3 large handfuls
    Dry pasta - 200-300 gr
    Gruyère cheese, grated - 1 cup

    1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Keep hot water ready for pasta.
    2. Season the chicken thighs with salt and pepper, then place them skin side down in the bottom of a cold nonstick skillet.
    3. Roast the chicken over high heat until sizzling, checking periodically to make sure the skin doesn't burn to the bottom.
    4. Reduce the temperature to 170 degrees, and cover the pan with a lid and leave in the oven for 15-20 minutes, periodically turning the thighs and reducing the heat if they suddenly start to burn.
    5. Boil the pasta. While straining, place the spinach in a colander and pour boiling water over it from the pasta pan. Stir the contents of the colander and set it aside.
    6. From the pan with the finished chicken, drain all the fat, except for a couple of tablespoons. Add onions and mushrooms to the same place, and then fry all this for about 3-5 minutes. Pour in the wine or broth, simmer for about a minute and add the contents of the colander.
    7. After darkening the contents of the pan over low heat for a few more minutes, pour the cheese into the same place and stir everything well. Pasta is ready!

  • — Tilapia with Parmesan —

    Calf fillet - 4 180-gram fillets
    Panko Breadcrumbs - 1 cup
    Grated parmesan - 1 cup
    Chopped fresh basil - 2 tbsp + for garnish
    Lemon zest from 1 small lemon
    Kosher salt - to taste
    Olive oil

    1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
    2. Mix breadcrumbs, cheese, basil, grated lemon zest and salt in a bowl.
    3. Pour dry fillet with oil, season with pepper and roll in a mixture with breadcrumbs.
    4. Place the prepared fillet on a baking sheet on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15 minutes or until the surface is browned.
    5. Garnish with basil before serving.

  • — Hamburger Hot Dish —

    Onion, chopped - 1 small onion
    Ground beef - 400 gr
    Pasta - 200 gr
    Tomato sauce - 400 gr
    Ketchup - 2 tablespoons
    Cheddar cheese, cut into cubes - 150 gr (optional)

    1. Boil pasta, drain and set aside.
    2. In a large frying pan, fry the minced meat (or meat), salt and pepper to taste.
    3. Add pasta, tomato sauce and ketchup to the meat, stir well and reduce the heat to the lowest, cover with a lid. Cook, stirring, 15-20 minutes.
    4. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with cheddar cheese.

  • — Lasagne with cheese —

    Olive oil - 2 tbsp
    Sausage without casing - 200 gr
    Onion - 1 small onion
    Chopped mushrooms - 200 gr
    Chopped spinach - 400 gr
    Sauce Marinara - 600 gr
    Water - 1 cup
    Sheets for lasagna - 250-300 gr
    Fresh basil, chopped - 0.25 cups
    Burrata cheese, cut into small pieces - 250 gr

    1. Fry the chopped sausage in a 60 cm frying pan in olive oil, then add the onion and mushrooms. Cook for about 5 minutes.
    2. Add spinach, mix with sauce and water.
    3. Remove about 2 cups of sauce and fried mass from the pan, and transfer the rest to one side.
    4. Put most of the lasagna sheets on the empty side and try to evenly distribute it over the entire bottom, shifting the sauce from the opposite side over the sheets.
    5. Lay the remaining lasagne sheets on top of everything and spread it evenly, then repeat the same with the sauce set aside and the fried mass. Cook the lasagne for 12 minutes over low heat, covered with a lid.
    6. Put the cheese on top of the lasagna and place the pan under the grill in the oven for a couple of minutes to melt it.
    7. Sprinkle the dish with fresh basil and let rest for about 10 minutes before cutting and serving.

More recently, having invited friends to a dinner party, they did not look for new recipes and delicacies, since they filled the table with everything that was in the house at that time. Marinades, pickles and a mass of pre-prepared snacks were exhibited. Preparing for the arrival of guests, we made a variety of salads, jellies, aspic and other dishes that are served before a hot, main course.

Now a lot has changed. In our modern society, preferences have become different. It's getting harder and harder to impress your guests. We offer several recipes that can satisfy even gourmets.

Let's prepare an original dinner party. The recipes for the dishes described below will be unfamiliar to many of your guests. For example, the dish is Kok-o-ven, which in French means rooster in wine.

The dish is prepared quite simply, so it is quite possible to use it for a family dinner, the recipes of which are well known to everyone and have been tried many times. This will add variety and add appetite.

We need a one and a half kilogram bird carcass and 150 grams of not very fatty bacon. Bacon must be cut into cubes and fried in an ungreased frying pan. As soon as the bacon has melted the fat, we will set aside the greaves, as they will be useful to us later. We cut the carcass into pieces, salt and fry in the oil rendered from the bacon. Let's lay out the finished pieces from the pan, and in the remaining oil we will pass the pre-chopped onions, 3 onions are enough, and a quarter kilogram of chopped champignons.

At the end of the passivation, add a spoonful of tomato paste. Pour in half a liter of red wine, such as Burgundy or Beaujolais. And continue to boil the sauce for 10 minutes. Then add the prepared pieces of our chicken and bacon cracklings to the pan. To thicken it, you need to prepare a bechamel made from 20 g of flour and 50 g of butter. Carefully introduce it into our dish and cook for about half an hour. The finished dish is served with vegetables, which can be steamed in advance, and herbs.

When planning a dinner party, you can choose the most extraordinary recipes. Such an unusual dish will be pike dumplings served with mashed potatoes and spinach.

Of course, this delicacy is unlikely to be included in a family dinner, the recipes of which have long been selected, but it is quite suitable for a dinner party. So, for quenelles, you need to buy a pike up to two kilograms and clean the carcass from scales, remove the head and remove the tail. The pike needs to be gutted, and then cut into fillets. Skip the finished fillet into a meat grinder with two slices of white bread and one large onion. Salt the minced meat and season it with ground pepper, preferably white.

Then we prepare mashed potatoes from a kilogram of boiled potatoes with 100 ml. cream and three egg yolks. Season the puree with salt to taste.
After that, take 400 grams of spinach, sort it, wash it and blanch it in boiling, slightly salted water with a few drops of lemon juice.

Let's prepare dumplings from pike minced meat. Shape them with two tablespoons and steam them. Next, put the squeezed and chopped spinach on a refractory dish, ready-made dumplings on it and complete the decoration of the dish with mashed potatoes. Heat up, without bringing to a boil, 250 ml. cream and add 2 yolks to them. Put the resulting mixture on fire and bring to a boil. Salt, pepper and season with chopped dill. Pour our dish with lined quenelles, mashed potatoes and spinach with ready-made sauce and send it to the oven for 10 minutes. The delicacy is ready. At the same time, this dish is not only a party, but also a healthy dinner.

Are you planning a dinner party? The recipes are not over yet. Cooking for an Irish-style dinner party. Such a dish is not a very healthy dinner, the recipes of which are advised by nutritionists. But it is sure to surprise with its unusual taste.

For cooking, we will buy 100 g of bacon, cut it into cubes, a leg of lamb weighing 2-2.5 kg, garlic and chop it. For this dish you need 100 grams of honey, 50 grams of pepper juice, star anise and spices.

We cut off excess fat from lamb, but not all. We make cuts in lean meat and fill them with small pieces of fat. Mix the chopped parsley and the rest of the ingredients and generously rub our lamb leg with this mixture. Then carefully place it in the culinary sleeve. The leg should be placed so that the top layer of the film does not adhere to it, so that a golden crust forms. Lamb is baked over low heat for 2 hours.

Prepare any dish for your dinner party, recipes are selected especially for lovers of different meats. Bon appetit to you and your guests!

It has long been noticed that the best things in this world happen spontaneously. And if guests unexpectedly appeared on the threshold, such a surprise promises a lot of pleasant moments. And in order for the evening to be a success, it remains to build a quick and tasty festive dinner at the allotted time.

Impromptu sandwich

It is for such cases that sandwiches were invented, which can easily be turned into a festive snack. Yesterday's bread is perfect for her, which we will cut into slices 2 cm thick and dry in the oven or in a frying pan without oil over low heat. We will spread the bread with mayonnaise, to which we add chopped greens, a clove of garlic passed through a press and salt with spices. And we will decorate our sandwiches with rings of olives and olives. Thin Armenian lavash will become a real lifesaver for preparing a festive treat. The variations of toppings for it are endless: squid, Korean carrot and chicken meat, cheese and ham, tomatoes with herbs and cheese, etc. You can grease pita bread with the same mayonnaise with garlic, after which we roll it into a tight roll and cut it into portioned pieces.

Turkey in the cornfield

Another good idea for a festive dinner is a turkey with an Asian flavor. First of all, fry 3 cloves of garlic and a little crushed ginger in a deep frying pan in sesame oil. Add here the turkey fillet (500 g), cut into small cubes and, stirring occasionally, fry it for 7-8 minutes. Next comes leek, chopped into rings, slices of bell pepper and a couple of spoons of fish sauce. Lastly, put the small cobs of corn into the pan. Next, we dilute 1 tsp. starch in a quarter cup of water, pour the turkey with vegetables with this solution and wait a few minutes until the sauce thickens. The finished dish is flavored with pepper and sesame seeds.

Visiting the forest fairy tale

Add salad recipes to the menu of a quick and festive dinner - and the success of the evening is guaranteed. A win-win option would be a mushroom salad with parmesan and herbs. To begin with, fry in a pan 2 chopped cloves of garlic, a few chopped sprigs of fresh parsley and 200 g of diced champignons. At the bottom of the salad bowl lay out slices of celery stalks, pour over them with fresh lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and let it brew for a couple of minutes. We cover the celery with torn lettuce leaves and sprinkle with grated parmesan. Spread warm mushrooms with garlic and herbs on top, then sprinkle with grated cheese again.

Pasta in cheese and tomato dressing

The most ordinary pasta will help you prepare a festive dinner quickly and inexpensively. We will deal with them first of all, namely, boil until tender in salted water. For this recipe, it is best to take a pound of penne pasta. And while they are cooking, we will prepare the sauce. Fry half a glass of almonds in a pan, add a clove of chopped garlic, 30 g of grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste, mix thoroughly. In a deep preheated pan, simmer finely chopped tomatoes (1 kg) until they give up all the juice. We introduce the walnut-garlic mixture into the tomato mass and keep it on fire for a couple more minutes. We dilute the sauce with a small amount of water in which the pasta was cooked, and then mix it with the finished penne.

Lemon romance with fish

Fish gourmets will surely enjoy fried trout in lemon juice. Moreover, it can be cooked very quickly. Rub a few pieces of fish fillet with salt and pepper and carefully roll in flour. We send them to a preheated pan with butter and fry over medium heat until a golden brown crust appears. It will take no more than 5 minutes. Then turn the fish pieces over, fry for another 2-3 minutes, transfer them to a plate and cover tightly so that they do not have time to cool. Fry thin slices of lemon and thyme in butter until they turn golden. Add a little chopped parsley, salt and spices to taste to the pan. Pour the sauce over the trout and decorate it with fried lemon slices.

Dreams in sweet clouds

What's a festive dinner without a delicious dessert? A great solution for him would be homemade tiramisu. Beat 600 ml of cream with a mixer, gradually pouring 4 tbsp. l. sugar and some vanilla. Here you can freely experiment and add to the cream, for example, your favorite jam or pieces of fresh fruit. First you need to brew black coffee, in which we will soak the cookies. Ideally, this should be savoiardi, but any other recipe will work for a homemade recipe. We spread the soaked cookies on the bottom of the mold, then cover them abundantly with a dense layer of whipped cream. After that, repeat the layer of cookies again and again cover them with whipped cream. You can decorate such a dessert with grated chocolate, crumbs from the same cookies, coconut flakes or crushed nuts.

Knowing how to quickly prepare a festive dinner, you can always arrange a small impromptu celebration for friends and loved ones. And you can add to our collection of recipes with your holiday ideas in haste.

Have you ever had to prepare a festive dinner for guests? And there is no signature dish that could surprise them?

Or even worse: your culinary knowledge is limited to simple everyday recipes? Here's our advice: if you don't know how, pretend it's easy for you! And don't tell anyone how things really are. And we will help with recipes suitable for the occasion.

A dinner party is not a disaster. Even simple dishes with spectacular serving will make your table truly festive.

First, prepare the greens. Experts advise rinsing it and immersing it in settled water for half an hour to remove nitrates. After this time, dry the greens on a spread napkin. Now let's get to our menu.

...sandwiches with sheep's cheese and figs. You will need: Provence baguette, light honey, sheep's cheese and fresh figs. Cut the baguette into slices and toast them in the oven at 180°C. Place a little sheep's cheese and half a fig on each slice. Send to the oven for 10 minutes. Fields with honey. Ready!
...avocados stuffed with shrimps, celery and tomatoes. The amount of food will depend on how many guests you expect. Let's count for 8 people. So, cut 4 avocados in half and scoop out the pulp from them with a spoon (well, not under the very skin, of course). Finely chop a few stalks of celery, a cucumber, a tomato, and a sliced ​​avocado. You can add any greens. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with mayonnaise. Stuff the avocado halves with lettuce and top with a few boiled shrimp. Garnish the appetizer with lemon and serve on small flat plates.
...a turkey stuffed with apples, oranges and lemons. Wash the bird, rub inside and out with salt, pepper and garlic. Take lemons-oranges-apples in any proportions. Throw a whole lemon into the turkey. Cut apples into fairly large slices, and oranges into slices. And send these fruits after the lemon, adding chopped nuts. Shut up the bird. Coat it with honey diluted with water. Place the turkey, back down, on the wire rack and arrange the sliced ​​apples and potatoes around. Cover this design with foil. Place a container under the grill with a bird, into which pour 2 glasses of water (if necessary, add more). Put the turkey in the oven at 230°C for 15 minutes. Then switch the heat to 180°C and wait for the result for about 2 hours. Periodically check the bird and water the juice formed on the baking sheet.
... "Panna to the cat." For 5 servings you will need: 300 ml cream (22%), a bag of gelatin (10 g) and 3 tbsp. spoons of vanilla sugar. Soak gelatin in 3 tbsp. spoons of cold boiled water for 3 minutes. Then put it on a small fire and dissolve, stirring. Don't boil! Heat the cream over low heat and dissolve the vanilla sugar in it. Don't boil! Pour gelatin into the cream, cool slightly and pour into molds. Put them in the fridge overnight. If time is short, put the dish in the freezer for about 1.5 hours. Take the dessert out of the molds. Decorate with fruit.


Snacks are the main decoration of any table. So take care of the variety. Sliced, fruits and pickles - this goes without saying, but with light snacks you will have to tinker a bit. For example, you can make original sandwiches that are great for white wine.

Here is another nice recipe. Take 200 g of lightly salted trout, 2 cucumbers and about 100 g of Philadelphia cheese. Cut cucumbers into slices. For each, put a thin piece of fish, spread with cheese.

Main course

Depending on the tastes and preferences of your guests, choose poultry, meat or fish. There are many ways to cook them beautifully, tasty, and most importantly - without any hassle.

For example, a bird baked in the oven looks just great! We do not recommend "messing" with a duck or a goose. They have tough meat that takes quite a long time to cook, so it's best not to risk it. If you want to please your guests with a big beautiful bird with a ruddy crust, take a turkey - it will turn out very effectively.

By the way, the bird can be baked in the culinary sleeve - this will simplify the process. But be careful with meat. It is important to choose a good piece so as not to give guests a hard sole. The capricious Gogol “inspector” Khlestakov spoke well about such a “treat”: “This is not hot ... The devil knows what it is, just not hot. This is an ax fried instead of beef ... "Therefore, it is also better to bake the meat - so it will surely turn out juicy.

Take a pound of fresh pork, rinse well and pat dry. Cut into slices 3 cloves of garlic, one carrot and stuff meat with them. It's simple: with a thin sharp knife, make fairly deep punctures in the pulp and put garlic and carrots in them. Pour 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper, 2 teaspoons of dry mustard, 1/2 teaspoon of rosemary and a pinch of red ground pepper into a cup.

Salt and pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil. Rub the meat well with this mixture and let it lie down in this form for a couple of hours. The meat can be made at the same time as the side dish. Peel potatoes and onions, cut them into large rings, sprinkle with spices, salt and sprinkle with olive oil. You can also add sour apple. Put potatoes and onions in the culinary sleeve, meat on them. Tie on both sides and send for about an hour in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C.

If your main dish is fish, then take more sea fish, rinse well, remove the insides and scales. You need a lot of salt: for 1 kg of fish - 1 kg of salt. Mix sea and coarse table salt in a ratio of 2:3. For 1 kg of salt there are 3 proteins and 4 tbsp. spoons of water. Place half of the salt mixture on a baking sheet, on top - the fish, which must be covered with the remaining salt. The fish should be well immured in the salt "dough". Preheat the oven to 240°C and place a baking sheet in it. A fish weighing 1 kg is baked for about 25 minutes, a fish weighing 3 kg - 45. Let the finished dish stand for 5 minutes, and then carefully remove the salt crust. Separate the meat from the bones and arrange on plates.


If you are not "friends" with pastries - it does not matter! There are many delicious, beautiful and delicate desserts, which, by the way, can be prepared in advance, which is extremely useful in a situation like preparing for a dinner party.

Make it beautiful

Don't forget to use your imagination to decorate your holiday dishes. Greens, beautifully chopped and arranged vegetables, berries and thin slices of lemon will help you here. And if you take a small hot chili pepper, cut it lengthwise into strips, leaving them fastened at the base of the fruit, and put on ice, the pepper will “open up” and take the form of an exotic flower. And you can make ladybugs from cherry tomatoes - there are many options!

By what time? Would anyone grab a salad or a chocolate muffin from the candy store?

Suppose the guests arrive at eight, and you sit down at the table at half past nine. I offer a menu and a step-by-step description of your actions. Do not be nervous and do not be afraid, and everything will be fine.


Avocado with mint-lime sauce

mushroom risotto

Green salad with dressing

Meringues with fresh raspberries

Coffee with chocolate

It is better to buy products ahead of time. Go to the supermarket the day before dinner. Take the cart: there won't be enough baskets this time. Moreover, with a trolley it is much more convenient to cross off purchases from the list, think and break in shoes purchased especially for dinner.

You will need:

2 ripe avocados
- 1 lime,
- 3 large onions,
- 1 head of garlic,
- a package of green salad,
- a package of lettuce,
- pack of watercress,
- a package of fresh champignons (choose large ones),
- 2 packs of fresh raspberries,
- bouillon cube
- a pack of long-grain rice,
- packaging of dried mushrooms,
- two packs of meringues (about one hundred and fifty grams),
- a jar of French salad dressing
- some powdered sugar
- 1 can of whipped cream
- fresh parmesan,
- 3 hungry guests.

In addition to the above, do not forget wine, tea, coffee, mineral water and flowers. A whole day ahead: do you regret messing with dinner? Call the invitees back - suddenly their plans have changed. It is easy for those who change their minds to find a worthy replacement! .. On the eve of the evening, take care of dessert, and let them spend the night in the freezer. If dinner takes place in the middle of the working week, prepare everything in advance. There will be an emergency - you can generally limit yourself to dessert with coffee, but don’t think about it yet, tune in to the maximum program.

Try to clean up and put things in order in advance.

You don't want an early guest to see you with a vacuum cleaner, do you?

Let's check the clock, the countdown has begun!

18.00 Lay the table. Don't forget flowers, fancy napkins, scented candles. By the way, how are you going to seat the guests? Candles, wine, meringues - the atmosphere allows, you can spin a romance ...

18.30 Prepare risotto - after all, the main dish, and the most trouble with it. If you're worried, you can cook it the night before... No, sleep is much more important! Transfer the finished risotto to a fireproof dish.

19.00 Bring yourself into a divine appearance: dress, shoes, hairstyle, light makeup, valerian ... (I already told you how to get ready in five minutes.)

19.40 Put olives, crackers, snack cookies on a flat dish. Put on a disc that matches your mood (I also taught you how to choose music).

19.45 Prepare the plates. Remove the avocado, lime, and mint from the refrigerator.

19.55 Light candles, sprinkle with perfume.

20.00 Meet guests, offer wine.

20.15 Look which of the guests is late.

20.20 Invite guests to the table.

20.26 Run to the kitchen: cut the avocado and serve immediately.

20.30 Eat an avocado with the guests.

20.40 Sneaking into the kitchen unnoticed, place the risotto in a non-hot oven and, if you haven't already done so, transfer the salad to a dish. Get dessert out of the fridge.

21.00 Collect plates, offer guests more wine, bring clean plates and salad.

May 21 Serve risotto.

21.15 While gluttonous guests are eating risotto, make your way to the kitchen and put dessert on a plate. I hope he looks as good as yesterday?

21.30 Collect plates from under the hot and offer to pause. Let them look at your CDs and choose what they want.

21.35 You are back in the kitchen. Decorate the meringues with raspberries and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Dessert is ready.

21.40 Serve dessert.

22.00 Invite guests to move from the dining room to the living room. The most disciplined will carry the plates to the kitchen.

22.30 Serve coffee with chocolates.

23.00 I hope the guests enjoyed everything, although they are already going home ...

23.30 Transparently hint that tomorrow is a working day.

23.45 Clear the table and wash the dishes. I know you're tired, but this needs to be done today.

00.30 Take a bath and go to sleep.

"How to Walk in High Heels" by Camilla Morton

"No problem!" - you will say after reading the book by Camilla Morton. Because any problems can be easily solved. You will learn how to urgently get ready for a date, run in high heels, skillfully apply makeup. You will learn how to effortlessly remove a wine stain and prepare a dinner party, you will be able to easily handle any fancy technique. It will not be a problem for you to stop the flood, enter a burning hut, screw in a light bulb in record time and even change a wheel. And all this - with dignity, grace and style. Still would! After all, your instructors in all these tricks will be Manolo Blahnik, John Galliano, Kylie Minogue, Vivienne Westwood, Sophia Loren, Stella McCartney, Madonna, Oz Clark and many others.