Veronica's birthday according to the church calendar. Veronica: what does the meaning of the name for a girl mean. Veronica Name Day on the Church Calendar

By D. and N. Winter

The meaning and origin of the name:"Carrier of victory" (Greek)

Name energy and character: In terms of its energy, the name Veronica is extremely mobile, to the point that it is very difficult to suspect its mistress of the ability to concentrate on any one emotion for a long time, especially on a negative one. Rather, it looks like a windy spring day, when a quick change in weather has little effect on the general perception: it's still spring and it's still fun. At the same time, the name is not devoid of romance, take at least the constellation Coma Veronica, and beauty. All this attracts attention, and first of all, Veronica herself can be fascinated by her own name. This is a very significant moment, since it is he who determines the development of such an important quality as self-esteem.

Of course, a person without self-esteem is very bad, however, even with the excessive development of this feeling, there is a great danger of becoming selfish and even arousing the hostility of others. In this case, the beauty of the name can cause the opposite attitude in people, often bordering on open hostility. Thus, Veronica's parents and caregivers should be very careful not to forget that self-esteem must be balanced by respect for people. But, if such a balance in the character of Veronica is achieved, she becomes surprisingly easy-going person, which undoubtedly attracts not only girlfriends, but also numerous suitors. This can make Veronica picky and self-confident enough, which will appeal to those around her even more. Perhaps only she herself will be somewhat embarrassed by the lack of deep feelings, but most often she makes up for this with cheerful fun.

In general, usually this ease and ease finds its manifestation in all areas, from housekeeping to her work, which she will try to choose as prestigious as possible or even calmly assign this responsibility to her husband, using her energy to arrange the family nest. But the husband should be more attentive, because he himself may not notice how the lightness and self-confidence of Veronica will make him an obedient tool in her hands.

Communication secrets: Most often, Veronica belongs to the category of precisely those women, thanks to whom you can not spend money on publishing your ads in newspapers - it is enough to tell her about something in secret, and soon half the city will find out about this secret.

Name trace in history:

Veronica Steiner

According to evidence medieval chronicles, in 1574 in Austria, in the castle of Staremberg, a certain woman named Veronica Steiner was suddenly possessed by the devil. Here is what MA Orlov writes about this interesting case of obsession in the book The History of the Intercourse of Man with the Devil: “As soon as the Jesuit Brebantin, an experienced reporter of the possessed, began to reprimand Veronica, four demons emerged from her, marking their exit with the most undoubted signs, namely: a hellishly obscene smell, from which the present became ill.

An experienced demon, however, concluded that the possessed woman was not yet completely cleansed, that a whole bunch of devils were still stuck in her. He gave the demons an order that each of them, leaving their bodies of Veronica, put out a candle, of which many were lit. Inside the body of the possessed, a terrible noise arose ... The demons did not succumb to spells, left the possessed one at a time, so that the whole spell lasted six hours in a row, and each demon, leaving the body of the possessed, extinguished the candle as he was ordered.

The last demon turned out to be the most stubborn of all - he threw the body of the possessed up several feet with such force that five healthy men could not hold her. Upon his exit, Veronica sank into a deep swoon, from which she later woke up completely healthy and freed from her enemies. "

According to Mendelev

A gentle and light name. All signs are slightly outlined, they are melting, almost imperceptible. Nothing rude, base, loud - just some kind of unearthly name. However, all the Veronica still live on earth, among us - they eat, drink and somehow arrange their lives.

They have a very strong creativity, for Veronica it is a source of joy and at the same time many small and large troubles. A balance is observed: if something is open to a person that is inaccessible to others, it means that he most often lacks a practical grasp of life. All the hardships of everyday life do not bypass Veronica, and since she clearly lacks the strength to overcome difficulties, she sometimes withdraws into herself and lives more in the imaginary than in the real world.

These women are impressionable, instantly grasp the thoughts of the interlocutor, their remarks are deep and unusual, but in real life they are often helpless. They are saved by their lightness: they are undemanding, content with little, although they value good and expensive things. They can become famous in the literary, musical, artistic world; are amorous, their affections often change, but sex, especially rough sex, is instinctively avoided. A man who can connect his fate with Veronica will never be bored, the monotony of everyday life does not threaten him, but that's all domestic issues he will have to decide for two.

Veronica is active and sociable, they do not seem to have any secrets, but few people succeed in understanding the train of their thoughts, changing their emotional state. To her friends, whom Veronica has few, she is devoted and tries to help everything she can, and she herself will take care of herself with gratitude, but a certain chill is always felt in her.

She is capable of instant decisions and unusual actions. Surprisingly, occasionally she overcomes obstacles in this way, finds the only correct way out in a difficult situation.

It happens that these women suddenly change dramatically on the threshold of old age, becoming gloomy, silent, harsh, and move away from everyone, going into religion or simply shutting themselves up tightly. They are remembered for a long time and do not conceal resentment against them.

This name is given mainly in cities.

The colors of the name are cool: green, white and a lot of blue.

1. Personality: women reigning in heaven and on earth

2. Color: blue

3. Main features: will - receptivity - morality - activity

4. Totem plant: lily

5. Totem animal: dove

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. Choleric people with a difficult character. These are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy, envious, but they have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

8. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always reveal their thoughts and feelings. They are secretive. They are very self-confident and calculating.

9. Will. Very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. Their totem is a lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, not everyone can tolerate.

10. Excitability. Combined with quick response, it becomes simply explosive!

11. The speed of reaction. Huge! If they do not agree with something, then they express their disagreement very violently. Stubborn. Failure and failure upset them, but they don't make it a tragedy.

12. Field of activity. Usually these are exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where you need to give all the best, but most of all they are suited for the role of the mother of the family and the keeper of the hearth. They enjoy working with children and caring for the sick, they can become doctors, nurses, nurses, teachers, etc.

13. Intuition. They have good intuition, but do not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. Stand firmly on the ground.

14. Intelligence. They do not strive to shine, they rather prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention to themselves. They have an analytical mind, hence the interest in little things, and not in the whole.

15. Susceptibility. These women are easily hurt and hurt. But they are quicker to intercede for others than to defend themselves. They are capable of strong affections, but their circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

16. Morality. Adhere to too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at the turning points of their lives.

17. Health. They have enviable health and stamina. Should lead a measured lifestyle. Weaknesses - intestines, lungs and skin.

18. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their life. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

19. Activity. One gets the impression that what others have to take with difficulty is given to them with ease.

20. Sociability. In society, they feel easy and at ease, although they themselves do not strive for communication.

21. Conclusion. In childhood, they do not cause trouble, since they early learn to solve their problems on their own, without placing them on the shoulders of others.

In this material you will find information about the meaning female name Veronica, his origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

Complete - Veronica

Name synonyms - Ferenice, Berenice, Berenice, Berenice

Origin - Greek, "bringing victory"

Zodiac - Virgo

Planet - Sun

Blue color

Animal - Dove

Plant - Lily

Stone - Onyx, black opal

The name Veronica originates in ancient times, where women rulers, called Berenice, existed. Berenice, in turn, descended from Ferenik's name. It is translated from Greek as "bringing victory" or "victorious", which refers to the Greek goddess Nike. The name Veronica is also in the Bible, but here it is read as Veronica. According to legend, this woman wiped sweat from the face of Jesus when he was led to Golgotha, as a result of which his "true image" remained on the piece of cloth with which Berenice wiped the face of Jesus. It is translated from Latin as "icona vera". Therefore, the name Veronica can mean "pure image". The name is spread all over the world.

Love named Veronica

This woman could be called frivolous, she is so amorous. She enjoys great attention from the representatives of the stronger sex, around her there is always a significant host of fans, whom she gives her attention. But at the same time, Veronica knows how to get away from specific promises, leaving the man's hope for reciprocity. She prefers wealthy men who do not skimp on gifts and fulfill all her whims. The presence of such increased amorousness often becomes the reason for early marriage, when a girl, without any verification of the applicant, marries him. And naturally, such a hasty marriage ends in divorce rather quickly.

The sexuality of the name Veronica

This girl enters into an intimate relationship early enough. Amorous by nature, she wants to receive from her partner a full range of caresses and love foreplay. In this case, she can be completely free from conventions and show all the passion and temperament. She prefers experienced and passionate men who know how to arrange a romantic meeting with the novelty of sexual games. Veronica next to such a partner feels like a weak woman in need of male protection.

Marriage and family named Veronica

In marriage, this woman seeks to take the place of the family leader. And if the husband does not want to lose his beloved, he must submit to her, or at least pretend. Veronica constantly monitors her appearance and continues to feel the need for male attention, in addition to marital. The husband must constantly prove his love with scenes of jealousy. If he does not do this, the wife will doubt his feelings and may start looking for entertainment on the side. However, she will not stand treason from her husband. In everyday life, Veronica is a good housewife, a caring mother, she gets along well with her husband's relatives.

Business and career

The desire to be always in sight contributes to the fact that women with this name choose a career in show business. The desire for a beautiful and comfortable life pushes her to this. Her extraordinary abilities make it possible to study music, painting, find herself in the role of a teacher or lawyer. And everywhere she can attain a high position.

The meaning of the name Veronica in character

Veronica's character is complex. And it is radically different for girls born in different periods of the year. Winter Veronica has a sharpness, stubbornness, perseverance in her character, which repels many friends from her. However, honesty and fairness are inherent in her. Spring Veronica is a soft, gentle and romantic person who is easy to offend, so there are always many fans around her. Born in summer, the girl is distinguished by an adventurous disposition of character. She appreciates her personal freedom, so few people know what is going on in her soul. The girl who was born in the fall creates her own closed world, where she does not admit strangers. Veronica is very close to her family, for whom she is ready to sacrifice a lot.

In early childhood, Nick is a positive-minded child. Likes to dance, dress up and be in the spotlight. She has a lot of girlfriends and friends. But sometimes she gets shy when she wants to be noticed. Despite her light character, little Veronica needs constant care from her parents. It is necessary to explain to her from an early age that it is not always necessary to attract so much attention to her person.

Teen Veronica

At school, the girl is a good student, although she does not make much effort to this. She is more often given good marks for "pretty eyes" than she uses widely. Already from this age, she is characterized by signs of "star fever". After all, Veronica is the star of school life - she sings and dances, participates in all performances, goes in for sports and is always surrounded by a swarm of fans. Parents need to keep this in mind and push the girl more for real. Her character changes dramatically as she grows up. Veronica does not tolerate criticism, takes offense at truthful remarks and carries a grudge for a long time, considering herself the best. She knows how to manipulate people so cleverly that they don't even know about it. She knows her positive and negative sides of character, and she makes great use of this.

Successful people and stars:

Louise Veronica Ciccone - the infamous Madonna American pop singer

Veronica Gambara, Countess Correggio (1485 - 1550) - Italian poet and statesman Renaissance, ruler of the city of Correggio

Veronica Strizhak (Nika) - Russian TV presenter

Veronica Castro - actress of famous Brazilian TV series

Veronika Krasheninnikova - political scientist

Perfect Compatibility: Rodion

Unsuccessful compatibility: Albert, Arthur, Sawa

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higir)

She is restrained and modest, although she learns the intimate side of life quite early. Veronica feels more confident if she has an affectionate partner with her. With a mutual attraction, she is able to be relaxed with a man, to receive and give pleasure, but she needs time to adapt to him, to study the range of his acceptability in sex. She is happy with a man who has more sexual experience and sufficient activity than she. Veronica can ignore a partner, meetings with whom are "according to the template", offering her the same pose, saying the same words. She is alien to men for whom sex is only a means to get rid of discomfort, while for Veronica herself it is a desirable, happiness-bringing connection with her lover. She doesn't think intimacy without a love game, she reacts especially passionately when a partner caresses her breasts. Without erotic play, Veronica does not receive satisfaction, love and sexuality mean tenderness and affection for her, but she feels deceived if her partner, igniting passion in her in the preliminary period, does not wait until it reaches a climax. Her ideal is a man, strong not so much in the sexual sense as in the everyday sense. In his presence, she wants to feel weak, protected, in his caresses she prefers "art", "knowledge that is higher than strength." She is receptive to the words that her lover whispers to her during intimacy. Veronica is able to quickly and passionately get carried away, enjoys great success with men, but prefers to choose herself. The extraordinary amorousness of this woman can cause the collapse of her marriage.

Lunar calendar for today

Day of love, increased female sexual energy. The energy of the 17th lunar day contributes to the acquisition of inner freedom, on this day stereotypes break, you can get rid of bad habits. It's a day of fun ...

Girls and women with the name Veronica have birthday three times a year. They are celebrated on the day that is closer to the date of birth. According to Orthodox saints ecclesiastical and secular names are the same. In all Orthodox rituals, the name remains unchanged - Veronica.

  • 25.07 - St. Veronica the Righteous
  • 30.07 - Martyr Veronica
  • 17.10 - martyr Veronica (Virineya) of Edessa

The nature and interpretation of the name Veronica

According to the translation from the Greek language, the name Veronica is interpreted as "bringing victory". It appeared in honor of the goddess of Victory - Nika. There is also a translation from the Latin language and it is interpreted as a "genuine image".

The character of Veronica is very difficult to define in one word. Little Veronica is a timid, indecisive and shy girl. With age, her character is tempered. She becomes more self-confident, more determined, but can be stubborn and even irritable. She is always different. On the one hand, it is full of fun and lightness. On the other hand, she is full of wisdom and whims. She is very sociable. In the company of friends and acquaintances - the soul of the company. Veronica has a sharp mind, wild imagination and creativity. She loves art, is engaged in music, theater, dance, writes poetry and is engaged in painting. Veronica constantly hovers in the clouds, dreams and fantasies.

Veronica is a very amorous, windy and stubborn person. She always has many admirers and suitors. She always prefers male to female society. Her relationship is short-lived, she may be married several times. To their rivals in love affairs or men who rejected her can do nasty things and do everything in spite. She has many acquaintances and friends. She worries about them, helps in difficult situations and supports. Only you should not abuse her kindness and mutual assistance. She might get tired of it. She will not allow herself to be pushed around and put pressure on herself. She has pride and pride. A negative character trait can be called her prudence. Veronica uses people so cleverly for her goals that they don't even know about it.

A woman named Veronica is full of energy and liveliness. She is very restless and obstinate. She never becomes discouraged and goes through life with her head raised towards her goals and victories, because this is inherent in the energy of her name. She achieves everything in life that she sees fit. For all her strength and perseverance, she remains a feminine and gentle person, so attractive to the stronger sex. In family relationships, she is gentle, caring and quivering, in her career she is wise and purposeful. He will become a happy wife with a good patient husband, but he will marry quite late. Since she loves to be the object of attention of everyone around her, public professions are suitable for her, for example, TV presenter, journalist, actress. Veronica with an attractive appearance will become a successful model.

Patrons of the name

Saint Veronica is honored on July 25. It was Veronica who helped Jesus when, sentenced to death, he followed the path to Calvary. She was among the people accompanying the procession. She wanted Christ to heal her from an illness from which she suffered for many years. When the Savior fell with the cross, Veronica gave him water to drink and wiped sweat and blood from her forehead. At that moment, she felt that from one touch her ailment was gone. Returning home, she saw that a holy face remained on the piece of cloth with which she wiped Jesus. Veronica put a copper statue of Christ near her house. The grass that grew near the monument became healing and healthful for many women. The image not made by hands was sent to Rome and to this day is considered an icon not made by hands, and Veronica was canonized. Saint Veronica is considered the patroness of photography and photographers.

Martyr Veronica (Virinea) of Edessa lived during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian, for whom the torture and persecution of Christians were commonplace. Together with her mother and sister, she fled to Edes, where they were captured and tried to return to their hometown of Antioch. In order to avoid torture and abuse, in the name of faith, they accepted a martyr's death by throwing themselves into the river. A particle of the relics of St. Veronica is in Kolomna, in the Old Golutvinsky Monastery.

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Many Orthodox people celebrate only birthdays, forgetting about the main thing. church holiday- name days, which is also called "the day of the angel." Veronica is one of the oldest female names. According to legends, it was worn by a Jerusalem woman who helped Jesus, who carried his heavy cross. That is why it has long been believed that the girl will be distinguished by incredible good nature.

Legends about the bearers of the name

The name Veronica has a meaning according to the church calendar - "victory". But there is also a second variant of the meaning "to bring". If you combine the two meanings together, you get "bringing victory", this is how you can characterize the girl named after St. Veronica. The day of the angel according to the church calendar is celebrated three times a year:

  • July 25;
  • July 30;
  • 17 October.

In fact, the name day is a serious holiday that everyone pushes into the background and forgets to celebrate. And some owners ancient name don't even know when Angel Veronica's day is Orthodox calendar. This holiday is celebrated for everyone once a year, and the number must be chosen closest to the birthday.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Veronica's birthday is chosen for a reason. Each of three days, designated for the celebration of the day of the name, are dedicated to the three saints Veronica. On July 25, it is customary to honor the righteous Veronica, on the 30th - the Martyr Veronica, and on October 17 the Martyr Veronica of Edessa, who is also called Virinea.

Veronica the Righteous

The story of Veronica the Righteous begins with the pages of the Gospel. It is known that during the time of Christ there lived a woman who suffered from bleeding. For twelve years she spent her energy and money on doctors, but no one helped her. Then she learned about the miraculous touches of Jesus, and while the Savior was torturedly carrying the cross to the mountain where he was executed, the woman merged with the crowd and began to follow him.

The woman ran up with a jug filled with water and gave Christ to drink when he fell under the weight of the cross. She wiped the blood from his face with a handkerchief and felt that her illness was gone as soon as she touched the Saint. Twelve years of suffering ended instantly.

When Veronica returned home, she noticed that his silhouette appeared on the handkerchief with which she wiped the face of the Savior. To this day, this fragment is considered a miraculous icon.

After the miraculous healing, the woman installed the statue of Christ in her home, and with the grass growing at the foot, she began to heal other women as well. Now on the day of the name of Veronica the Righteous - July 25 - the church celebrates the day of this woman and the appearance of a miraculous masterpiece. By the way, it was believed that the woman took the name Veronica after healing, and before that her name was different.

The story of the martyr

There is no reliable information about who this woman was and what torments she experienced. However, Orthodoxy remembers the martyr for her unshakable faith in Christ on July 30. Since the days of remembrance of the Righteous and Martyr Veronica are close to each other on the calendar, parents have the right to choose which day of the name they prefer to their child, if the girl's birthday falls between these numbers.

Edessa woman

Martyr Veronica of Edessa was called Virinea. During the reign of Diocletian, a woman, along with her mother and sister, was forced to flee from her hometown to Edessa, since then abuse of believers and executions were the norm, therefore the Christian was nicknamed Edessa.

The life of the woman and her family was not free for long. Soon, the people pursuing the women caught up with them and sent them home.

The family of Veronica could not stand such a blow, and the women, having waited until the persecutors were distracted, turned to Christ and rushed into the river. They took a terrible torment, but they were free. On October 17, the church remembers Virineya, who gave her life for her unbreakable faith in the Almighty.

Origin and meaning

The name Veronica is of ancient Greek or Latin origin. The original form of the name is Ferenike or Birenika. The name Veronica comes from the name of the wife of the ruler of Egypt of the Ptolemaic dynasty. It is also known that the name received its strength and energy from the goddess of victory Nika.

According to the legend about Veronica the Righteous, the name occurred in the process of merging two words "icona vera", which translates as a true image (talking about an icon not made by hands). In this case, the name is translated as "pure image".

Today the name is very popular, especially in the territories of Ukraine and Russia. But in England, Italy, Romania and even Brazil, you can also find girls with this name. Various forms of the name:

  • Vera, Nika, Vika;
  • Rona, Ronya;
  • Nikusha;
  • Veritsa;
  • Verusha and others.

The saints prefer stricter forms of the name: Veronica, Berenice, Ferenika. The official date for the start of popularization is 1991. By the way, despite the abundance of forms, the church version remains unchanged and the child will be baptized under the name of St. Veronica.

Character traits

Little Nika is growing up as a very sweet, obedient and charming child. He easily finds common interests with other children and often touches adults with his quick wit. The task of the parents is to correctly indicate the path for the girl and put her in her place at the right time. Positive and sociable Veronichka can lose her head and forget about studying, although she has a lot of abilities.

The girl may become more irritable as she gets older. Stubbornness becomes her main character trait. The routine is unbearable for her, and she strives to change the whole world. She has spontaneous decisions and unusual actions. But all this can be avoided if the parents involve the child in reading or painting.

Due to excessive narcissism, she will choose the best path for herself. Good work in the field of art or pedagogy. Nika can be a good music teacher, painting teacher or doctor. Most likely, the profession will be associated with children, because the girl loves them very much.

Among men, the girl is not lost, she likes attention, and she often starts romances. She cannot be called constant, so long relationships are a burden for her. She needs a strong man, next to whom she will feel like the little and capricious girl she was in childhood. Marriages with women with this name often break up due to the desire to be the head of the family. But she strives for comfort.

If in her youth she leads a more riotous lifestyle, then at a conscious age she will look for a father for her children and will be an exemplary wife. As a friend, she is very loyal, but you should not trust her secrets, otherwise she will not restrain herself and tell everyone in a row. She always has many friends, but in life she should have one person nearby. If she finds a boyfriend, her friends will fade into the background.

Nick's health is not her strongest point. Especially, non-observance of a correct and balanced diet can lead to stomach problems. Since childhood, girls do not eat well, therefore they often get sick. Parents should monitor their child's nutrition. But sports are an integral part of Nika's life, especially swimming.

There are also downsides. Faith is a rather calculating nature and often uses people for its own benefit. But it is simply impossible to notice this, so you need to be more careful with her and not trust big secrets. One of her shortcomings is laziness, so in her studies she is often lazy and does not want to learn anything. A layman comes out of this and she should not be trusted with responsible assignments.

Girls have bright appearance, but poor health... Despite the fact that they do not want to work hard, thanks to the accompanying success, they achieve a lot in life. Between career and family, they will choose the latter. Because they would prefer to protect the family hearth rather than work half their lives.

Almost 100% compatibility in relationships and marriage with men named Stanislav, Leonid, Alexander, Vladimir or Sergey. But Eduard, Semyon and Vitaly are best avoided. With them, apart from problems, it is unlikely that anything will work out.

Talismans named after Veronica:

Saint Veronica is a wonderful name for a freedom-loving girl. It carries with it the oldest history origin and has a special energy.

Attention, only TODAY!

The Russian-language namebook is full of beautiful women, but not all of them are of Slavic origin. Some people give names to their own, without knowing their meaning and origin, they just like the pronunciation, or the name is given in honor of a famous relative. But meaningful parents always study in detail the interpretation and meaning of the name, because it will accompany his entire life. In this article we will talk about the characteristics of the name Veronica, which, by the way, does not have Old Church Slavonic roots.

What does the name mean

The name Veronica takes roots from the times Ancient Greece and Egypt... Scientists believe that it originated precisely from some powerful state. the ancient world... According to the translation from the ancient Greek language, this name means "Winning"... Veronica is called strong personalities who are constantly striving for success at each of the stages. life path... Veronica is a lover of fame, constant victories. She always tries to be in the spotlight. The meaning of the name Veronica completely imposes a strict character and a victorious fate on a person.

Origin of the name

There are many legends about the origin of this beautiful name. According to one of them, it came from the name of the wife of the ancient Egyptian ruler from the Ptolemaic dynasty. The name of the queen Ferenica, and translated from the ancient Egyptian language, it meant "bringing victory."

In Italy, it is believed that the name Veronica originated on the territory of their state.

Italians firmly declare that Veronica is a resident of the Italian town of Verona.

If you look at the pages of the Bible, then you can see this amazing name there. According to Christian beliefs, Berenice (Berenice) was the daughter of one of the Jewish kings (Herod Agrippa I), who ruled during the formation of Christianity.
Two apocryphal legends are also associated with the name of Veronica: Veronica was said to be the name of the biblical bleeding wife and the Catholic saint who gave Jesus a cloth to wipe His bloody face on the Way of the Cross. As the legend says, the face of the Lord was subsequently imprinted on the board - "He saved not by hands", or "Veronica's veil".

It is also believed that the term Veronica (from the Latin vera (faith) and the Greek eikon (icon) - a true icon) in the Middle Ages denoted the very un-made “real image” of Christ. Since the story of the fee is not mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, it is likely that St. Veronica is a fictional character that arose as a result of a misinterpretation of medieval texts.

Angel day according to the church calendar

St. Veronica is universally revered only by the Catholic Church. Veronica's birthday according to the Catholic Church calendar fall on July 12, when her memory is honored by the Orthodox Church of Constantinople.

Short and diminutive form

Veronica, like any other name, has its own abbreviated and diminutive forms. On the territory of our country, all women with a similar name can be called Verune, Verochka, Nika, Nikusya. The following word forms are a little less common: Nikusha, Ronyusha, Rona, Nikasha, Ronya.

Translation of the name into other languages ​​of the world

Let's figure out how the name Veronica is spelled in different countries:

  • in Ukraine - Veronika;
  • in Spain - Verónica;
  • in Serbia - Veronica;
  • in Bulgaria - Veronica;
  • in Italy - Veronica;
  • in China - (wéiluóníkǎ) - Veiluonic;
  • in England - Verónica;
  • in Finland - Veronika;
  • in France - Véronique;
  • in the Czech Republic - Veronika;
  • in Portugal - Verônica;
  • in Romania - Veronica;
  • in Poland - Weronika;
  • in Germany - Veronika.

It should be noted that this name is not known to all peoples on planet Earth. Some tend to pronounce and write the name in the form in which they hear it.

Personality traits, temperament and behavior

Almost all Nicky are explosive sanguine in temperament. They react quickly to all events that take place, try to be in the spotlight, love only interesting work. If it seems to Vera that her work does not bring her emotional or aesthetic pleasure, then she simply will not perform it normally.

Did you know?In honor of Nika, one of the asteroids is named, which was discovered back in 1891.

The name Veronica is not in vain translated as "bringing victory." Women and young girls with this name always try to find themselves only in strong and influential companies. They are charming, agile, always looking for new adventures and impressions. Nika aspires to a hectic profession that will, however, make her the center of everyone's attention. Veronica can be a great actress, journalist, correspondent, waitress or secretary. People feel that women with a similar name show increased interest and attention to them in order to learn something new and convey to people. From this, by the way, we can draw another conclusion - Nicky simply does not know how to keep secrets.

Study, hobby and career

Veronica is very active and creative person, trying to constantly convey to people any bursts of her talent. In childhood and adolescence with such a name, they will always be participants in school performances. They love to draw, sing, write and read poetry, for some of them this kind of occupation can become a lifetime earnings. In their studies, not all Faiths succeed, as they are often distracted from the main occupation during the childhood period.

Nika can very quickly begin to climb the career ladder, but then just as quickly down it. These personalities are very fast-paced and unpredictable, and often rely on twists and turns of fortune. Nevertheless, Veronica always tries to choose the most prestigious profession, since star fever affects them even in childhood or adolescence.

All Nicky start to get sick from childhood. They are often susceptible to various injuries, especially before the age of two. Much depends on the time: if this is early morning, then the crumb will find strong and will be rare, but if it is late evening, it is better not to give it to Kindergarten or in different circles, as the baby will constantly "cling" to infectious diseases.

Important!Veronica strives to be a leader in marriage, and if the husband does not accept this, then there will be a risk of family breakup.

Also, a lot depends on the month. "May" Veronichka is often exposed, which affects her mental behavior and nervous system. "March" Vera has a weak immune defense, so at the first autumn cold snaps, you can expect from the child and. If you were born in September, expect frequent illnesses. "September" Nika will grow up as a weak girl who gets sick in the breath of any draft.
She will have frequent problems with appetite, in addition, such children are prone to suffer from cholecystitis. Chocolate candies It is better not to give to faith, as, most likely, it is inclined to. In order for a girl to strengthen her immunity and get sick less, she needs to be taken to the pool or enrolled in a figure skating club.

"July" Veronica often runs the risk of getting sick with an increase in body temperature. Problems with the bronchi can be chronic, so the girl should often be given fresh fruits and vegetables.

Love relationships and marriage

Veronica loves to be constantly with her family, to delight her husband and children with her achievements. But very often after the wedding, Nick takes a long time to adapt to family life, minor quarrels with her husband may occur. In bed, Nick may be distracted by a text message or an "interesting" radio notification, which will annoy her husband.

Nika's strongest and truest feelings will be with: Boris, Gleb, Andrey, Robert, Trofim, Taras, Egor, Varlaam, Kirill, Ostap. Nikita will be able to secure a strong and faithful marriage with: Nikita, Akim, Taras, Gabriel, Igor, Fedor and Julian.

You should be wary of marriage and love feelings with: Vsevolod, Roman, Vasily, Valentin, Tikhon, Matvey, Nathan.

Astrological characteristics

  • planet - Mercury, Sun;
  • most suitable sign zodiac - Leo;
  • talisman stone - black opal and onyx;
  • totem animal - tiger and dove;
  • vegetable symbol - cypress;
  • ideal year - goat;
  • the luckiest day of the week is Sunday;
  • black colour;
  • element - water;
  • the ideal and successful season is summer.

Famous women named Veronica

Previously, many women were called Veronica, and now they are called a lot. There are many famous Nicks:

Here we have listed far from all the famous Nicks, but it should be noted that most of them are remembered either for their acting skills or sports skills.

Did you know?The famous brand of clothing "Nike" is named after the goddess Nike.

Now you know about the origin and meaning of the name Veronica, as well as about her character and temperament. Remember that by calling your daughter Nika, you give a person the opportunity to become a strong personality. After all, it was not for nothing that the ancient Greek goddess Nike was the patroness of victories.

The girls, who are named after Veronica, celebrate the day of the angel on July 25 and 30, as well as October 17.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Veronica

The name Veronica comes from two Greek words that mean "to bring victory." In our country, this name has become quite popular over the past 30 years.

The girl named by that name has been cheerful, active and cheerful since childhood. She has many friends with whom she spends all her free time.

Veronica is not at all notorious, and always asks adults questions that interest her. The girl has her own point of view on any issue, which she will always defend to the last.

Artistic and sociable, Veronica participates in all the events organized at the school, and her studies are rather frivolous.

She most often chooses a creative profession - an artist, singer, model, dancer, artist, designer, and other similar fields of activity.

The girl is very popular among men - she has excellent taste, always looks impressive and beautiful.

Often Veronica begins to command the representatives of the opposite sex, so she often changes partners and treats them with some "disdain".

Only the person who can conquer her heart, subjugate herself and turn out to be more stubborn than she will become the spouse of a beauty.

Congratulations for Veronica on her birthday in verse

You are a groovy girl, flexible camp, light-faced,
The coquette Veronica fascinates everyone at once!
Be beautiful and desirable, and always be successful!
To only rejuvenate all the past years!

You are desirable and inviting, like a sweet strawberry
Our baby Veronica conquers with one glance!
I wish to be beautiful, and also very beloved,
May your witch's eyes always burn only with happiness!

SMS congratulations to Veronica on her name day

Veronica, congratulations, today is the day for you,
I wish you to be lucky, may you always be lucky!

More beautiful than light, Veronica, you are a ray of the sun in my destiny!
You are the muse of my great deeds, I send congratulations to you!
I wish you happiness a full cart, and a million beautiful roses!