Like a man clenching his fist. Know your character by clenched fist! You are a truly creative person

    1. If your fist looks like picture #1
      You are undoubtedly a kind, energetic and sympathetic person. You have an amazing sense of humor and people are always interested in you. You can go through fire and water with you. You are the one who always does more than he says. With all these qualities, you are a mentally vulnerable person and take everything to heart. At the same time, you have the delicacy not to respond to rudeness with rudeness. Be careful, people can take advantage of your kindness. Don't look for help from people who don't like you. Trying to be nice to all people, don't forget about your soul mate. After all, she also needs your care. No one has yet canceled the signs of attention to the most beloved, and this is always very pleasant.

2.If your fist looks like picture #2

You are a person who undoubtedly knows his own worth and understands his significance. You are principled in your beliefs, and you do not hold intelligence. You are always ready for new knowledge, and there is something to talk about with you. The support of friends is very important for you, if you receive it, there are no barriers for you.

In a romantic relationship, there is no one more devoted than you. But outwardly, you are often shy and do not dare to show emotions. Do not be afraid to seem intrusive, show your feelings, and your soul mate will definitely appreciate it.

3.If your fist looks like picture #3
At first glance, people may have a dim impression of you. You are often embarrassed in the presence of strangers, you are not always the leader in conversations, but you have an amazing gift to clearly see the essence and solutions of any problem.

It happens that, striving for perfection, you are hurt by those closest to you or you lose friends. Try to take a more active life position.

Love has a positive effect on you, and you keep your relationship secret until the very end. You can forgive your soul mate even the strongest insults, but the level of your nobility sometimes goes off scale.

In the same way, the way a person folds his fingers when clenching his fist can tell about the characteristics of a person’s personality. Try clenching your fist right now and find out something interesting about your character.

Option A

External personality: sensitivity, developed imagination, lack of a sense of security.

Inner personality: the desire to be protected and the need for sincerity.

Your result:

External personality:

A sensitive person with a well-developed imagination and great intuition who enjoys helping people; empathic, but a little insecure, feeling insecure. You are full of enthusiasm, don't worry about the little things, a little impatient, but energetic. You are also an inquisitive, adventurous, fun-loving, self-deprecating person.

Inner personality:

You feel the need for protection and the need for a sincere attitude, you like the feeling of recognition and acceptance. Sometimes you are too kind, and other people always take advantage of your kindness, but you want the elementary - that others share sincere feelings with you.

At the same time, you know very well who treats you well and who treats you badly, you are perfectly able to distinguish and understand who should be loved and who should be hated.

Love side of personality:

You are not very good at expressing your feelings. If you make it clear to your partner that you love 30%, then in fact you have more than 50% love. You tend to understate, downplay your feelings, and suppress your emotions. You are a person who is extremely difficult to anger, as you are used to suppressing your negative emotions. You are used to always treating people well and do not know what selfishness is.

Option B

External personality: You are full of talents, creative, have a special charm.

Inner personality: you have a vulnerable soul, you want to act, but you are afraid of making mistakes and getting hurt, you have rather bold expectations, but also a great fear of loss.

Your result:

External personality:

You are full of talents, creative, have a special charm, you have many friends from various fields. You are a generous, intelligent, self-confident and attention-grabbing person, with a strong sense of self-worth, who pays a lot of attention to power. You are also diligent, dedicated, full of ideals, flexible and agile.

Inner personality:

You have a fragile soul, you want to do a lot, but you are afraid to make a mistake and get hurt. You are full of high hopes, but subject to fear of failure, so you really need support. You don't want too much, just to find people who will understand and love the real you.

Love personality:

You always exaggerate everything, immerse yourself in depressing memories that are hard to let go. You always have doubts and feel insecure, and when you want to arrange a date with someone, you do not allow yourself to do this. If you love your partner very much, then you do not want the object of love to hate you or get tired of you. Therefore, you often pretend that you don't care and that it doesn't matter to you.

Option C

Outer Personality: Highly creative, witty, quick-witted, and emotional. Inner Personality: You can sacrifice your own interests to avoid hurting others.

Your result:

External personality:

You have rich creative abilities, you are a witty, dexterous and quick-witted, eloquent, emotional person who has a quick reaction. You are practical, drawn to beauty and art, thoughtful, but sometimes overly exciting, sensitive. You are a smart, insightful person, a supporter of harmony, you are good at managing others.

Inner personality:

Most of the time you keep silence and silence, this is your softness - you are ready to sacrifice yourself, just so as not to hurt anyone. You are not difficult to understand, you just need a little flexibility and dreams, and have people around who will understand you.

Love personality:

You really do not like turmoil, the best for you is a comfortable environment and the same relationship. Your biggest weakness is an overly kind heart. Even if you've been shocked or hurt a lot, if the culprit sincerely apologizes, you won't be able to resist and forgive everything.

Our body knows more about us than we think. The slightest nuances of character are reflected in our habits and habits. Just think that even such a small thing as clenching a fist can contain so much information!

We invite you to take a simple and entertaining test. You just need to clench your hand into a fist without hesitation. It turns out that depending on the character, people do it in completely different ways!

However, this test has one small caveat. People who are seriously engaged in hand-to-hand combat subconsciously clench their fist so as not to injure it during the duel. So the fighters are unlikely to be able to find out the truth about their character. But the rest will be able to reveal the most hidden corners of their inner world!

1. If, clenching your fist, you cover the third phalanx of your index finger with your thumb, this means that everyone knows you as a cheerful, energetic, sometimes slightly adventurous person.

You have a great sense of humor and you can always cheer anyone up. Besides, you are not devoid of self-irony.

You are very kind and sympathetic and ready to help anyone. Friends appreciate you for honesty, loyalty and devotion. You can be relied upon in any situation!

Personal traits:

At the same time, you are very sensual and tender. You love to feel protected, but you also care deeply about those around you.

Sometimes you are too kind to people, so many people take advantage of it. Nevertheless, you are well aware of who truly loves you, and who only wants to appease for selfish purposes. Although outwardly you do not show your hostility even to sworn enemies.

Love qualities:

Since you try to be nice to all people, your soul mate can often be jealous of you towards others. You may be accused that your feelings are not strong enough, and it hurts you. Indeed, it is not so!

2. If you cover your fist from below with your thumb, wrapping it around the second phalanges of your fingers, then this means the following:

You give the impression of a confident person. You have a developed sense of self-worth, and you almost never compromise your principles and ideals.

You are smart and well-rounded. And make friends with people with a wide variety of interests.

Personal traits:

You are a very vulnerable person inside. Often you can not decide on a bold act, fearing to be defeated. But, if your friends fully support you, you are ready to move mountains!

Love qualities:

In relationships with the opposite sex, you are rather shy and indecisive. This is due to the fear of offending your soul mate or seeming too intrusive. But due to the fact that you are in perfect control of your emotions, others often perceive this as excessive pride and inaccessibility.

However, it is difficult to find a more dedicated person. It takes you a long time to really fall in love. But this love is extremely strong!

3. If, while clenching your fist, you hide your thumb inside, then this indicates that you have great creativity and a great sense of style.

You have a sharp mind and a good tongue. It's really hard to talk to you. You may have two impressions. To many, you may seem gloomy and withdrawn, but your friends consider you the soul of the company.

Personal traits:

You feel comfortable being alone with yourself and your thoughts. And even in the company you prefer to remain silent, often dreaming about something of your own. You only open up to people you trust completely.

Love qualities:

You don't like the extra hype around relationships. You try to keep your amorous affairs a secret to the last. You have a big heart, so you forgive your soul mate even the strongest offenses.

We have already tried many ways to look inside ourselves. But the main thing that gives us away with the head is our body. Our habits, antics, body movements and facial expressions reveal us, and the same applies to how we clench our fists.

I suggest you take this simple, but very truthful test, in which you just need to clench your fist and choose the appropriate answer.

You tend to help people even when it brings you some inconvenience. You are constantly in search of new knowledge and impressions, extremely energetic and a little impatient. People like you are called adventurers and daredevils, but at the same time, it would never occur to many how often excitement overtakes you and how much you yourself sometimes need help and protection. Recognition and acceptance is vital for you, because often you come across people who take advantage of your kindness. But a strong inner core, nevertheless, does not allow you to become limp and completely give up on people. You still continue to protect and protect those in need, except that you become a little more circumspect.

You are sociable, attracting a wide variety of people. Friends love you for your sincerity and sharp mind. You are self-confident, you have a strong sense of self-worth. You are diligent and agile, which makes you both an excellent ringleader among friends and a good leader in business matters. However, fear of failure often prevents you from making bold decisions, as it can greatly hurt your pride. You often need approval and praise. Well, it's not that bad. Most importantly, do not stop believing in yourself, even if you are not told how good you are. After all, it is quite possible that you just found yourself among people who envy your success.

You are witty and eloquent, but somewhat shy, which does not allow these qualities to be fully manifested. Therefore, many people consider you silent and not inclined to communicate. You are thoughtful, pedantic and sometimes require too much of yourself, which leads to unnecessary anxiety. You are insightful, trying not to disturb your inner harmony. People close to you are very comfortable with you. Sometimes you become unbearably sad at the thought that you cannot easily build relationships like this, easily join new teams and be the soul of the company. But do not take it to heart, because it is enough to become a little more flexible and friendlier, and people who were previously afraid to approach you will immediately reach out to you.

By gestures, gaze, facial features and movements, one can make a fairly accurate psychological portrait of a person. Professionals can tell you everything about your character or hidden fears by watching you for a while.

High creativity, wit, ingenuity and emotionality.
Inner personality: You can sacrifice your own interests in order not to hurt others.

You have rich creative abilities, you are witty, dexterous and quick-witted, eloquent, emotional person who has a quick reaction.
You are practical, drawn to beauty and art, thoughtful, but sometimes overly exciting, sensitive. You are a smart, insightful person, a supporter of harmony, you are good at managing others.

Most of the time you keep silence and silence, this is your gentleness - you are ready to sacrifice yourself, if only not to hurt anyone. You are not difficult to understand, you just need a little flexibility and dreams, and have people around who will understand you.

You really do not like turmoil, the best for you is a comfortable environment and the same relationship. Your biggest weakness is a too kind heart. Even if you've been shocked or hurt a lot, if the culprit sincerely apologizes, you won't be able to resist and forgive everything.

Sensitivity, developed imagination, lack of a sense of security.

A sensitive person with a well-developed imagination and great intuition who enjoys helping people; empathic, but a little insecure, feeling insecure. You are full of enthusiasm, don't worry about the little things, a little impatient, but energetic. You are also an inquisitive, adventurous, fun-loving, self-deprecating person.

You feel the need for protection and the need for a sincere attitude, you like the feeling of recognition and acceptance. Sometimes you are too kind, and other people always take advantage of your kindness, but you want the elementary - that others share sincere feelings with you.

At the same time, you know very well who treats you well and who treats you badly, you are perfectly able to distinguish and understand who should be loved and who should be hated.

You are not very good at expressing your feelings. If you make it clear to your partner that you love 30%, then in fact you have more than 50% love. You tend to understate, downplay your feelings, and suppress your emotions. You are a person who is extremely difficult to anger, as you are used to suppressing your negative emotions. You are used to always treating people well and do not know what selfishness is.

You are full of talents, creative, have a special charm.

You have a vulnerable soul, you want to act, but you are afraid of making mistakes and getting hurt, you have rather bold expectations, but also a great fear of loss.

You are full of talents, creative, have a special charm, you have many friends from various fields. You are a generous, intelligent, self-confident and attention-grabbing person, with a strong sense of self-worth, who pays a lot of attention to power. You are also diligent, dedicated, full of ideals, flexible and agile.

You have a fragile soul, you want to do a lot, but you are afraid to make a mistake and get hurt. You are full of high hopes, but subject to fear of failure, so you really need support. You don't want too much - just to find people who will understand and love the real you.

You always exaggerate everything, immerse yourself in depressing memories that are hard to let go. You always have doubts and feel insecure, and when you want to arrange a date with someone, you do not allow yourself to do this. If you love your partner very much, then you do not want the object of love to hate you or get tired of you. Therefore, you often pretend that you don't care and that it doesn't matter to you.


Translated and adapted:

Liliana Smirnova