How to delete a whole sheet in a Word. How to delete an extra page in a Word. Delete blank page in MS Word

Users' knowledge of the work of computer programs is far from always enough to get out of a difficult situation on their own, and some often have a question of how to delete a page in the Word.

It is this text editor that is most often used to create, read and edit documents in all areas of activity.

The English version of this article. If you have unwanted blank page in your document, it might contain blank paragraphs, manual page breaks, or special format section breaks. Page breaks are separators that divide a book into separate pages for printing. To print a sheet with the exact number of pages required, adjust page breaks on the sheet before printing. While you can work with page breaks normally, we recommend that you use Page View to customize them so you can see how other changes affect automatic page breaks. For example, you can see how a change you make to the row height and column width affects the placement of automatic page breaks. After you are done with the page breaks, you can return to normal view. You can also quickly delete them. ... Manual page breaks are added to solid lines.

To figure out how to properly remove an extra blank or filled page, saving space and not damaging the entire text, consider a few simple ways.

Method number 1. Delete unnecessary new document

In the case when the document has just been created, and all the information typed is no longer needed (copied or used, or requires correction), it is very easy to delete all its contents. To do this, just close the file, refusing to save the changes.

Manually added page breaks

You can also right-click the row below which or the column on the right where you want to insert a line break and click Insert Page Break. If you have not entered the manual page that you are entering, the Scale To Scale option can be selected on the Page tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

Important: To drag page breaks to a different location on the sheet, make sure the cell drag and drop feature is turned on. If this feature is not enabled, you may not be able to move the page breaks.

You can also remove a page break by dragging it from the page preview area. If you can't drag pages, make sure drag and drop is enabled.

To continue working in the document, you can simply select all the text (hot keys "Ctrl" + "A") and press Delete or BackSpace. The last deletion option is also suitable if there is only one sheet in the document.

Method number 2. Removing a blank sheet

In order to delete a blank page, you need to do the following:

Remove all manual page breaks

This procedure resets the worksheet to display only automatic page breaks. During the process, it is often noticed that there are missing pages missing, or that already formatted pages will better pass elsewhere in the book. If you follow some simple rulesadding, removing and moving pages in your book will look like child's play.

All pages can be moved around in the photo album - except, of course, the title and the back of the book, which is usually called the first and fourth covers. First and last page books being simple pages, they also represent a specific case.

  1. Place the cursor at the desired location;
  2. Select the icon for displaying all characters in the Word 2007 panel (and any other version) or simply press simultaneously "Ctrl", "Shift" and "8".

Now on the sheet in the middle of the document, instead of a blank, paragraph icons will appear with a transition new page, headers and footers and spaces. All of them take up space, but can be easily removed by pressing the BackSpace key in turn, and by selecting all invisible characters at once.

Removing a blank sheet

The easiest way is to move the double pages with your mouse directly to the page selection area, which displays all the pages of your book as thumbnails, or at the bottom of the work area, to the right of the work area. Click on one of the thumbnails and move it to the desired location. If you have moved a two-page page to the beginning of the book, it will be deleted and inserted in front of the two-page target. If you move the double page to the back of the book, it will be inserted after the landing page.

Clearing an empty sheet of signs, they achieve it automatic deletion.

Method number 3. Removing the last blank sheet

Sometimes at the end of the text you can see the last blank sheet or even several. This increases the printer's print queue and file size, and therefore requires deletion. You don't even need to enable special characters to quickly fix the problem.

The case of "single" pages

Removing and adding individual pages gets complicated. This is simply because inserting one page inevitably entails a sliding page on the double page thus created, and therefore altering all subsequent pages. Inserting individual pages is possible by right-clicking on one of the page selection space thumbnails or in the Layout section of the toolbar. When you delete a page, the program automatically asks if you want to move the next pages.

You just need to place the cursor at the end of the last sheet and press BackSpace until it is removed with all its formatting.

Method number 4. Deleting a page of text

If you need to delete not an empty part of the document, but filled with text, images or other visible inserts, there are two main options for resolving the issue.

If you choose this option, all double pages after the deleted page will be "unmounted". Otherwise, the page will not be deleted, but its content will simply be deleted. In short: we advise you to avoid deleting and pasting individual pages when there is already content on the following pages.

What are hidden signs

You can also add and remove pages and double pages from the Layout menu. The way the insert function is phrased in the program can be misleading: the "Add Page Right" option adds the right page to the open double page "Add Page" on the left, adding a left page and Adding a double page means the pages are scrambled to insert a double page before the current double page.

Deletion occurs using the cursor or special Word commands - each method has advantages for its situation.

Second page

Suppose there is a document whose second sheet you want to delete.

The simplest option, suitable for Word 2007, 2003 and even earlier versions, including the 1995 program:

Your items are not permanently deleted until you empty your trash. If your document has an unwanted blank page, it might contain blank paragraphs, manual page breaks, or section breaks. To find them, you must display non-printable characters in the document. On the Home tab, click Show All Non-Printable Characters, or click.

If you find empty paragraph marks, select them and click Remove. To manually remove a page break, select it and click Remove. You can also click the left margin next to the page break to select it, then click Remove. To remove a section break, select it and click Remove.

  • Scroll the document to the top of the element to be deleted;
  • Move the cursor over the field opposite the first line and select it;
  • Move with the mouse wheel to the bottom (or the entire text, if you need to delete several sheets) without clicking the text;
  • Press "Shift" and, without releasing it, select the very last line of the deleted part of the document. As a result, all text on the sheet will be selected.

The new combo section uses the formatting of the second section. To preserve the formatting but delete the extra page, double-click the break section, and then in the Document dialog box, set the section start to Continuous.

A blank page may appear. This blank paragraph contains formatting information that you cannot remove. On the other hand, you can shrink it so that it is small enough to prevent the addition of an additional page. Adding, removing, and reordering pages is done differently depending on whether your document is a layout document or a word processing document.

Now you can erase it, leaving the rest of the document intact and freeing up space of unnecessary information. In the same way, you can delete several sheets in a row, selecting them from the beginning of the first to the end of the last, and even most of the document.

Although in the latter case, when only a few paragraphs need to be saved from the entire text, and the main volume is deleted, it is easier and faster to copy the necessary information into a new document.

Reorder pages in a layout document

In a word processing document: select all text and all objects on the page, then press the delete key on your keyboard until the page is deleted. If the page you want to delete is blank, click at the beginning of the next page, then press the delete key on your keyboard.

Reorder pages in word processing document

In word processing documents, content is propagated from one page to another in a section. Thus, you cannot freely reorder the pages by dragging and dropping their thumbnails, as this can interrupt the spread of the text.

Page within a large document

If you have to delete not the first or the second, but, for example, the 120th or even 532nd page, their search inside a large document can take some time. To save it, use the following method.

  • First of all, a transition is made to the page that needs to be cleared. To do this, simultaneously press the "Ctrl" and "F" keys on the keyboard, which open the search and replace window.

To reorder content, you must cut it from one page and paste it into another. Depending on the content you want to move, you may need to do it in several steps. Click at the end of the text where you want to move your content and then add a page break. This creates a clearly identifiable space in which you can insert the moved content. The content is removed from your document and a copy is saved to your computer's clipboard. To avoid preserving the page break, place the insertion point in front of the moved text, and then press the delete key on your keyboard. If you cannot select all the content you want to move at the same time, keep cutting and pasting them until they are pasted in the right place.

  • Next, the "Go" tab is selected, and the page number is entered into it.

  • All that now remains to be done for cleaning is to type the command "\\ page" instead of its number and click "Go".

Organization of site navigation is very important so that your visitors can easily get the information they need on your site. In this section you will find all the details of setting up your menu. You will learn how to create or delete a page, move it, copy or add a submenu.

Removing with page break options

Navigation is the "menu" of your site. This is where all your pages will be listed. There are many options for changing your navigation. To change your menu, simply hover your mouse over your site's existing menu and click "change navigation" that will be displayed on mouse over. When you're done making your changes, don't forget to click on the "Save" button to make the changes visible to your visitors!

Now you can close the search bar (the cross in its upper right part) and easily get rid of the unnecessary page of one of the keyboard keys intended for this.

The method is great for large documents and saves time for users of any version of a text editor, including Word 2013. It is not always advisable to use it to delete a part of a small amount of information.

Click the symbol. This adds a new page to the bottom of the page you just clicked on. You can add all the pages you want. The new page created will be named "new page". To rename this page, simply click New Page and enter the desired name. Remember to save your changes again.

Click the little trash symbol next to the page you want to delete. The confirmation will ask you to confirm your choice or not. Jimdo cannot recover deleted content. To create a subpage on your site, add a new page.

Advice! Instead of highlighting with commands, some users will find it more convenient and faster to mark the deleted text with the mouse - in this case, you should use only the first part of the method to find the right place.

Sometimes when typing or editing it, situations happen that you need to delete extra page with text or even blank, which in the future will interfere with you when printing or saving a document. Let's try to understand this process.

Then just click on the arrow pointing to the right. The page will be placed as a subpage of the top menu. In the image on the left, the Who Am I? Page, is a subpage of the French page. Click on the left arrow to return this menu to the top-level menu.

Help improve Word

Click the down arrow to move the page in your navigation. Click on the arrow pointing up to mount the page in your navigation. Don't forget to save your changes! Note 2: It is not possible to block a click on the root page of your menu if you have subpages: remember to also complete this page to place buttons that return to your subpages.

Delete blank page in Word

For removing blank page there are several ways. The simplest of these is using the Backspace or Delete keys. To delete a blank page following a page with text, you need to put the cursor at the end of the previous page and press "Delete" on the keyboard. And if you want to delete, on the contrary, the previous blank page, then you need to put the cursor at the beginning of the next and press the "Backspace" button.

Click the eye icon next to the page you want to make invisible to visitors in the navigation. But they won't be able to see it or access it through the navigation menu. If hypertext links point to this page, it may be linked search enginesand so they can be found as well.

Instead, you can create hyperlinks to these subpages. The subpages will be displayed in the "secondary navigation menu". Thus, only the top-level page is neither visible nor accessible via navigation menus or sitemap.

There is another method, deleting a blank page, it can be deleted using the non-printable characters icon.

Delete a filled page in Word

After we figured out how to delete blank pages, let's further figure out how to delete a filled page in Word with text, images or other information. This process does not take much time and does not require special knowledge from you. What is needed for this:

That's the whole procedure - the page in Word has been removed. Congratulations, you have learned several methods on how to delete a page in Word 2007 or Word 2010.
