What you need to know about the cadastral chamber. What you need to know about the cadastral chamber

On the territory of Moscow, the functions of organizing a unified system of state cadastral registration of real estate, state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, as well as spatial data infrastructure are carried out by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in Moscow (Rosreestr Office in Moscow).

The functions of the cadastral registration authority in the region are carried out by the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography" in Moscow (branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestra" in Moscow). The main task of the branch is to maintain and provide information from the state real estate cadastre in Moscow. The branch also implements the powers of Rosreestr in Moscow to provide public services in the field of registration of rights in real estate transactions and provision of information from the Unified State Register of Rights and Real Estate Transactions.


Maydanov Igor Ivanovich Supervisor
Borisov Alexander Vladimirovich

Ismunts Sergey Vyacheslavovich

Deputy Head of Department
Levchenkov Alexander Yurievich Deputy Head of Department
Makarova Maria Sergeevna Deputy Head of Department
Matevosyan Vitaly Artakovich Acting Deputy Head of the Department


Office of the Federal State Registration Service,

cadastre and cartography in Moscow

No. p / p

Department name

I Guide

Head of Department

Deputy Head

Assistant Manager

II Administrative Office

General Support Division

Department of Logistics

Public Procurement Department

Legal Department

Department of Public Service and Personnel

Department for the protection of state secrets and mobilization training

Financial and Economic Department

Department of organization and control

Department of operation of information systems, technical means and communication channels

Department for Coordination and Analysis of Activities in the Accounting and Registration Sphere

Department of State Land Supervision

Department of Land Management and Land Monitoring

Department of Geodesy and Cartography

Department for control (supervision) in the field of self-regulatory organizations

Data Quality Improvement Department of USRN

USRN maintenance department

III Territorial departments

Real estate registration department for the Central Administrative District of Moscow

Inter-municipal real estate registration department for the Northern, North-Eastern and Zelenograd administrative districts of Moscow

Real estate accounting in Russia has acquired civilized forms quite recently. In 1998, the well-known Rosreestr was created, and cadastral chamber official website became a public place for placing information on the entire system of cadastral real estate in Russia. The structure of the resource is a full-fledged working platform, where both representatives of government agencies and private individuals use its services.The publicity of access allows you to avoid fraudulent and criminal illegal actions in relation to any object of property rights on the territory of Russia. You can get extended information on the object of law in Russia in an extract from the USRN. The official website of the cadastral chamber provides services to both the public and legal entities.

What does the Land Registry do?

The range of issues that relate to the conduct of the cadastral chamber is extensive, and it primarily concerns cadastral real estate. The state register has been created for 20 years. Over the years, unique information and data have been collected on almost all objects of property law. The main advantage of this work is the complete state control of accounting for the entire real estate system. Now, when buying and selling real estate, you can check all the data on a specific object of law. The information is current as of the date of the request. In general, the Cadastral Chamber official website provides for the maintenance of such data in the register:
  • Register of land plots.
  • Register of immovable objects.
  • Database on cadastral value since 1998.
  • Information about ownership of property by owners since 1997.
  • Graphic database of the object of law.
  • Information on restrictions and database on encumbrances.
In addition, upon request, the cadastral chamber issues official information on various blocks of data regarding the object of property rights.

Additional features on the official website of the Cadastral Chamber

On the site you can see a public cadastral map, use additional services. In particular, you can place an order for an extract from the USRN, which you will need to contact the relevant structures and authorities. The cadastral chamber provides information and information for seeking help from cadastral engineers, where there is a special block of information designed to help owners of property rights. The database has an electronic data storage scheme, paper storage of information is also provided, but basically, all information is stored exclusively in an encrypted way.You can issue documents according to the selected requests directly on our website online. Get information and information in the public domain on any object of property law in Russia.