Holidays in Tunisia what you need to know. What tourists need to know about Tunisia. Advice from personal experience

Do you want to visit an oriental fairy tale filled with aromas of spices and jasmine? Then go on vacation to Tunisia! This small country in the north of the African continent is a piece of heaven on earth. It harmoniously combines European charm and Arabic flavor and is rightfully considered the pearl of the Mediterranean Sea.

Velvet sandy beaches, turquoise sea water and the gentle sun of Tunisia create just perfect conditions for relaxation.

Cost of holidays in Tunisia

Holidays in Tunisia are quite a budget option compared to other popular tourist destinations.

Excursions, entertainment, meals, hotel accommodation - everything here is at reasonable prices, and you should definitely bargain with local artisans, buying souvenirs from them.

The BiletyPlus .ru website will also help you save on your trip, because it offers the most advantageous tickets and hotels. The cheapest air ticket to Tunisia can be booked for 9700 rubles, and the cost of a hotel room starts from 320 rubles per day.

But there is one “but”: the level of hotels does not always meet European standards, so 4 stars in Tunisia can be considered 3 stars in Europe. However, if you do not pursue luxury, then you will be satisfied with Tunisian hotels, especially since almost all of them are located right on the seashore.

Beaches with soft golden sand stretch along the entire coast of Tunisia. They are free for tourists.

Most of the beaches belong to the municipality, but some are the territory of hotels. They are equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers, which can be used free of charge or for a small fee (depending on the star rating of the hotel).

The best beaches in Tunisia are located in the resorts of Djerba, Mahdia, Sousse, Skanes.

Sights of Tunisia

It would be an unforgivable mistake to spend your entire vacation on the beach, because Tunisia has hundreds of interesting sights, historical and cultural monuments that you simply must see with your own eyes.

First of all, it is Carthage - the oldest ancient city. Here are the famous baths of Antoninus Pius, the Roman amphitheater (II century AD), the ruins of the Roman aqueduct, the altar of Tophet, where sacrifices were made to the gods.

In the capital of the country of the same name, Tunisia, there is also something to see: the ancient quarter of the Medina, the Olive Tree Mosque (the oldest in the city), the Cathedral of St. Vincent de Paul, Africa Square.

It is also worth visiting the cities of Hammamet, Dugga, Zagwan with excursions, where you will fully experience the spirit of the ancient world.

Thalassotherapy in Tunisia

However, the main reason why hundreds of tourists seek to get to Tunisia is thalassotherapy.

Therapeutic procedures based on healing mud, algae, sea salt and sea water are the best in the world. The fact is that in Tunisia, thalassotherapy centers use freshly mined mud, and water comes directly from the sea through special pipes, while other countries buy a packaged product.

At the same time, the prices here are lower, and the quality of service is at the highest level. Many thalassotherapy centers are located at hotels. All kinds of massages and body wraps guarantee an unforgettable rest for body and soul.

Clubs in Tunisia

Despite the fact that Tunisia is a Muslim country, the nightlife is in full swing here. The most popular nightclubs in Tunisia are located in the resort area of ​​Sousse. These are the Marakana club with a magnificent laser show, the Arena club with a wide selection of drinks, the BORA BORA club with incendiary shows and foam parties. There are also many bars, cafes and casinos.

In addition, Tunisia offers a lot of opportunities for outdoor activities. It can be a trip to the Sahara in jeeps or camels, diving on the coral coast, horseback riding on Arabian horses, golf and tennis.

Order a ready-made tour or organize an independent trip to Tunisia with and you won't regret it! Lemon and orange groves, sweet dates, sunrise over the desert sands will be remembered for a long time, and you will bring home real olive oil, oriental sweets and chocolate tan.

Tunisia is a small state in North Africa, most of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is desert. It cannot be said that the country is recognized as one of the most popular destinations for tourism, but it is actively striving to take a leading position.

The capital of Tunisia bears the same name. The official currency here is the dinar. There are no problems with exchange operations, since in the country, especially in resort regions, each hotel is equipped with bank currency exchange offices.

Tunisia is a leader in the production and global sales of figs, citrus fruits and olive oil.

Among the tourists who prefer holidays in this region, the vast majority are Russian-speaking citizens, French and Germans. Why is it worth visiting Tunisia and is it worth it, we tried to figure it out and set out in the article "".

Climatic conditions

The climate of the country is quite favorable for a beach holiday. In summer, hot weather is typical for this region and the climatic zone, when the thermometer rises to +33 .. + 35 degrees, but you can’t tell from the sensations, since dry air makes it easy to endure the heat of the African continent. In winter, the temperature is much lower and, for example, in the coldest month of the year - January - in the southern part of the country, the maximum temperature usually does not exceed +20..+ 22 degrees.

The holiday season here is the time from the second half of May to the end of October.

The average water temperature of the Mediterranean Sea in Tunisia off the coast of Sousse

How to get there

There is a direct regular air service from Moscow to Tunisia. Approximately 4 - 4.5 hours after boarding the plane, you will find yourself at the Carthage airport, which is located in the capital of Tunisia.

During the tourist season, additional charter flights are organized from Moscow and other major cities of the country, which will take vacationers not only to the capital, but also immediately to some resorts (Monastir, Enfida).

It is possible to fly with a transfer in Rome (Alitalia aircraft) or Istanbul (Turkish Airlines), but it is worth considering such an adventure, as be prepared for the fact that your flight time will increase by at least a few hours.

Since December 2014, Russian citizens have the right to visit Tunisia without a visa.



It is one of the largest cities in the country and is located at a distance of 65 kilometers from the capital. Recently, this city tends to visit an increasing number of Russians. Initially, the resort region was opened precisely as a treatment area, since the area is famous for the presence of thermal springs, and there are many thalassotherapy centers in the city. Translated from Arabic, the name of the resort means "a place for swimming."


Monastir is located 162 kilometers from the capital and is considered one of the most popular holiday destinations. All this is due to the fact that the international airport is located here. It is better to come here for a quiet beach holiday, for sightseeing and beauty, as well as for those who want to get acquainted with the history of the state.


Sousse closes the top three largest cities in the state, is famous for its excellent modern hotels with excellent service, as well as good and comfortable beach areas. Thrill-seekers and outdoor enthusiasts often come here, people who are attracted by nightlife and wild entertainment.


The city is located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. Since it is quite young and is still developing in the direction of tourism, couples with children, as well as those who prefer peace and tranquility to the night rhythm of life, can comfortably relax here.


Djerba is a separate island located off the coast of Tunisia. It has a comfortable climate, which can be enjoyed all year round. This is a famous resort for a beach holiday, where there are white sands, clear blue sea, a riot of greenery and colors around.

Almost everything that a vacationer may need can be purchased on site in small retail shops, but remember that in the city similar goods will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

When our summer heat season gives way to cooler months, many begin to dream of a trip to warmer countries. Someone is limited to just dreams, someone comes to the choice of a specific country, and someone acts in the truest sense of the word and soon basks in the rays of the warm overseas sun.

Tunisia is one of the most relevant tourist destinations. Although there is no year-round influx of tourists there. This is due to the fact that in the winter months the air temperature is kept within 12-15 degrees. The season here runs from May to October. In summer, the temperature here reaches 32-35 degrees, but due to the wind blowing from the sea, the heat is easily tolerated.

Traditions and laws of Tunisia

However, do not forget that Tunisia is a Muslim country. Here, 99% of the population is Muslim. That is why tourists should know the peculiarities of the laws of the country and how one should not behave here.

In general, Tunisia is a calm country, the crime rate here is lower than in other African countries. Tourists can easily walk the streets at night, and if you see a fruit grove, you can safely pick fruits, after asking the watchman. However, cases of petty theft in crowded places do occur.

The official language is Arabic, but everyone here speaks French, as the country used to be a colony of France. Locals are friendly towards tourists.

In Tunisia, men wear a bunch of jasmine behind their ears. And behind the right ear are married, behind the left - single. Tourists should not repeat this, because it will look ridiculous. During the religious holiday of Ramadan, Tunisians do not smoke or eat until sunset, so tourists who are in the country during this period should also refrain from eating and cigarettes on the streets of the city. However, in the hotel you can do whatever you want.

In Tunisia there is a "hamam" - a Turkish bath. It is mainly used for the purpose of cleansing the believer, personal hygiene and communication with compatriots. Often such baths are located next to mosques. There are other "hamams" that serve as something like beauty salons - in them you can get a foam massage session, dye your hair and beard with henna, and make a clay mask. By the way, in this country, men and women dye their hair, palms, nails and soles of their feet with henna (this is common in many Muslim countries). Such coloring can be considered an ornament.

The entire severity of the law here punishes the use and distribution of drugs, and there are no concessions for foreign tourists. So, for the use of narcotic substances, it is provided from 5 years of imprisonment, for distribution - from 10. The rights of foreign citizens are protected by law here, but if a tourist has violated it, he will be punished to the full extent intended by this very law.

Tunisia is the only Muslim country where abortion is officially allowed, prostitution is legalized.

How to behave as a tourist in Tunisia

In order not to anger the locals, you need to follow some measures, namely:

It is better for Tunisians not to offer to keep you company in the use of alcoholic beverages.

Eating while standing or on the move is not accepted.

No need to closely examine women in a veil.

Bread must be broken off by hand.

You can not look into the face of a person eating food.

In the old quarters and the capital, walking in shorts and open T-shirts is not worth it, but in resort areas this is normal.

It is forbidden to take pictures of official buildings on camera, when photographing local residents, you need to ask them for permission.

You can trade everywhere, except for shops with fixed price tags for goods.

When visiting a hotel or shop, it is customary to greet people passing by. This can be done in any language.

You need to try not to speak too loudly, not to make scandals in hotels and on the streets of the city.

If you suddenly met a kneeling person on the street, go around at a decent distance and do not interfere with the prayer ritual.

It is customary to give alms to the poor.

Do not eat or smoke on the streets during Ramadan, but in the hotel and restaurant - please.

By adhering to these rules, you can make your vacation in sultry Tunisia extremely comfortable.

An adventurer who finds himself on a hot continent for the first time runs the risk of getting into a mess. In an Arab country, finding yourself in a difficult situation due to ignorance of customs is elementary. So, what should you never do in Tunisia?

1. Refusing kisses

Tunisians are very fond of kissing - both with close people and with friends of friends and with distant relatives of a new friend. When meeting, it is not customary for them to hug or exchange friendly glances eye to eye. Two kisses on one and the other cheek - that's what you need! In the same way, they express longing after a long separation, and the joy of a new acquaintance, and an everyday greeting. True, such kisses are permissible only among people of the same sex. A man with a woman at a meeting will get by with a dry handshake, which seems rather unusual for a person with a European consciousness. But if you are lucky enough to come to a Tunisian wedding, then here you will have to kiss all the guests indiscriminately. Do not be shy and smile brightly at everyone, Tunisians love people with an open mind, as they themselves say.

2. Flirt outside

What can I say, the Russians, who have been living in Tunisia for a long time, would not be advised to respond to any claims of people on the street. Locals in this regard can be extremely intrusive. If a person decides to meet you in one of the tourist areas, then he will follow you and try to start a conversation by any means. It will not be difficult for a skilled Tunisian to talk to you and find out information about whether you came to Tunisia for the first time, where you live and where you are going in the evening. Then he will come to you in terrible dreams ... Calls and SMS from a new friend will become an integral part of every day of your vacation. Therefore, if you have no desire to make spontaneous acquaintances, then go your own way and do not turn around. Your silence will not offend anyone much, but it will help preserve the right to personal space in a foreign country. Do not flatter yourself when you hear in your address: “Shakira, Shakira, ochen krasiva” - this is shouted to every fair-haired person passing by. Love for the Colombian singer has grown into a household name here and is promoted at every turn.

3. Eating Pork in Ramadan

It is widely known that Muslims do not eat pork under any circumstances. In addition, people who honor their faith will not even put a piece of bread in their mouths during Ramadan until 20:00 pm. Tunisians limit themselves to food and drink from sunrise to sunset. Therefore, if you suddenly find yourself in Tunisia in mid-July and take a serveral stick with you in reserve, do not rush to eat it in public. This will doubly offend the feelings of believers. Hungry and tired Tunisians who are fasting will look with contempt at any "chewing" in the daytime. Out of respect and tolerance for a different culture, it is better not to even drink water on the street. Eat whatever you want, but at home or in your room, and in the evening you can have an unforgettable time and visit the most popular places. After dinner, full and happy Tunisians will go to listen to street concerts, eat bamboloni (donuts with powdered sugar), cooked in boiling oil right there, and go shopping in the medina. Join now!

4. Ask unnecessary questions

Do not try to find out how some Tunisians can spend whole days in a cafe, lazily sipping espresso. Take it for granted: they sit, they sat and they will sit. Sometimes it’s even incomprehensible how this endless sitting is combined with work and where does the money for coffee come from? All street cafes are filled with local men who smoke cigarettes, drink coffee and smoke again, but this time hookah. They think about something and occasionally exchange a couple of phrases, but mostly just look at passers-by and cars passing by. After a couple of weeks of living in the rhythm of Tunisia, you begin to get used to this atmosphere and you feel in your gut that it's not so bad. Every time you spend more and more time in a cafe, it no longer seems strange that the menu often contains nothing but coffee (and it only costs a dinar!) and tea. Thoughts follow each other in their turn, and what is happening around becomes more and more exciting.

5. Push in a taxi

When you learn to ride in a taxi according to local customs, you will face two things: good and bad. Tunisians, getting into a taxi in a tourist city, say "par place" ("for a place") and four of them travel in one car. The driver collects other passengers along the road, so in most cases he travels along one, well-known route. The undoubted advantage of such movement is cheapness. In such a situation, you will definitely not overpay and get to your destination with a breeze for only 600–900 millimeters (less than one dinar, about 30 rubles). We must not forget about the reverse side of the medal - it will be crowded. Perhaps you will feel a not always pleasant closeness with a neighbor who accidentally presses you to the window. Or find yourself in the middle, between two Tunisians who are impressed by the appearance of European beauty in their area. Be friendly and greet everyone: “Aslemah!” ("Hey"). To the question "how are you?" answer: “Hamdullah” (stretching out the sounds). This phrase means "thank God". Even if a Tunisian is not in the best mood, but in a mess in life, he still answers this way, thereby emphasizing that he accepts all difficulties, because this is the will of God.

6. Get naked in public

In Tunisia, you will see people dressed in many different ways: hippie-style youth in Bob Marley T-shirts, Salafi men in traditional long robes, fashion beauties in mini shorts or ripped jeans. But it is better for visitors to be discreet in their clothes, despite the deadly heat. Especially girls, especially in cafes, where, as we remember, local men spend their time. Muslim women are also stuffy, but they wear long dresses and find an opportunity to look attractive. Feminine floor-length dresses, openwork transparent scarves with colorful decorations and original accessories will come in handy in your wardrobe. Tunisians will appreciate this, because each of them, wherever he works, is always dressed smartly and neatly.

7. Take pictures with the police

It is in Tunisia that one is drawn to take a selfie with a man in a police uniform. After all, they are so cute ... These smiling charming guys and girls do not create a frightening impression at all. Even machine guns thrown over a thin shoulder are not very alarming. But the Tunisians themselves say that now the country is “such an unstable situation” that it is not worth distracting law enforcement officers for the sake of a couple of dozen likes on Instagram.

8. Don't like children

In Tunisia, everyone, absolutely everyone loves children. Especially men. They try to dress their child beautifully and according to the latest fashion, carry them in their arms and indulge all children's whims. On the street you will not meet angry mothers screaming at their naughty babies. The religion of the country teaches parents patience and boundless love for little fidgets. Dads are happy to frolic with children both at home with their families and on big holidays. Therefore, aggression towards children is not accepted here. If you are a strict parent and encourage your child with a whip more often than with a carrot, leave your harsh habits at home. In a warm country, smile more often and take the tricks of the child for granted.