The cheapest resort in Vietnam. The best resorts in Vietnam, where you should go on your own. Communication and Wi-Fi

People have certain stereotypes about the most popular resorts in the world. Many countries of Europe, the American continents, exotic islands. But for some reason, few people refer to them as Asia. Perhaps because of the unusual climate and conditions, or maybe because the people there are completely different, with a special worldview, or for other reasons. However, be that as it may, there will always be a brave traveler who wants to visit this corner of the planet.

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Generalizing characteristic

Many of these tourists are attracted to Vietnam. This country is a real pearl of the Indochinese Peninsula, which is in no way inferior to Thailand. It has many unforgettable experiences to offer. impressions even the most seasoned traveler. This article is for those who prefer a holiday in Vietnam. When it is better to go and what places to visit is up to you, and we will try to tell you in detail about the features of popular resort towns and islands in different seasons.

You can plan a trip in any season, as the climate here is favorable: throughout the year, the air temperature ranges from +25 to +30 degrees Celsius. But, since Vietnam has a large extent from north to south, in each region of the country the climate has its own characteristics. Therefore, Vietnam is a vacation, where it is better to go with a stock of knowledge about features local weather conditions. So, in the north of the country, spring and autumn will be the most suitable for recreation, and it is best to go to the south of the country in the summer. We offer you to get acquainted in more detail with those places where it is better to relax in Vietnam.

The best time to visit Nha Trang is from January to August. This is the most favorable time, since in September or October the rainy season begins here and lasts until December. November is the rainiest month. From November to February gusty winds blow.

Nha Trang is one of the most popular resorts in Vietnam. It is washed by the South China Sea. This city is ideal for a beach holiday. The beaches are clean, but tourists do not recommend the city beach - the sea is a bit muddy there. Most famous - Doclet beach, which is located 45 kilometers north of Nha Trang. Its strip extends for 10 kilometers along the sea. This is a place of extraordinary beauty, with palm trees, white sand and all the amenities that a tourist needs. There are hotels, restaurants, swimming pools. By the sea - comfortable sun loungers and umbrellas. Travelers love this place for privacy and comfort.

It is important to know that it is best to go to the beach either early in the morning or in the afternoon, since from 11:00 to 13:00 the sun is the hottest, and you can burn out instantly.

In addition to a beach holiday, Nha Trang offers many other attractions. Diving and snorkeling are very popular here. All kinds of excursions are conducted, including in Russian for Russian-speaking tourists, of whom there are many. Among attractions it is worth noting the Ponagar towers of the 13th century, the oceanarium, monkey island, the silk museum and others. You can see them not only with a tourist group, but also by yourself at any convenient time. You can also visit the amusement park, beauty salons, cinemas.

There are many restaurants in Nha Trang that offer a wide variety of dishes of both national and European cuisine. For those who like to shop, markets, supermarkets, shopping centers are open at any time. Prices mostly affordable, so there are products here for everyone. Nightlife is no less active - clubs, karaoke, restaurants and other establishments are open until the morning.

There will be no problems with accommodation, as the city has a fairly wide selection of hotels. Closer to the sea are five-star hotels, a little further you can find more modest hotels. All of them are no more than a ten minute walk from the beach. minus is that between the beach and the hotels there is a road with crazy traffic. But this inconvenience can be avoided by staying in a hotel outside the city. Accommodation there will cost a little more, but the rest will be more comfortable. A big advantage will be your own beach - clean, well-groomed, without a noisy crowd of vacationers. Getting to the city will not be difficult due to good transport interchange.

When you arrive in Nha Trang, you are amazed by the crowds of Russian tourists, for whom all amenities are created. Signs, posters, names and even menus in restaurants are in Russian. Among them is the famous Gorky Park, which is also worth a visit. So the Russian traveler will not have the problem of a language barrier.

So let's summarize the main features

Hong Che Island

The islands of Vietnam for recreation are also very good. Therefore, when planning where to go and where to relax, you should not leave them unattended. Hon Che Island is located near Nha Trang. A cable car was built between the city and the island, which is the longest in the world. Moreover, it is one of my favorite attractions tourists. The island can also be reached by boat - it will be more comfortable in extreme heat.

But first of all, this island is famous for the unusual amusement park Vinpearl, which was built on an artificial mountain. There is a huge selection of fun, exciting activities: all kinds of attractions, a water park, slot machines, cinemas, discos, places for shopping. Those wishing to spend a few days on the island will be pleased with the five-star Vinpearl Hotel. The hot sun and cool water can be enjoyed on a well-equipped beach, which is located near the water park.

The island is located in the south of the country. In this region, the greatest amount of precipitation falls in summer, and the time from December to April is considered the most suitable for recreation. For those who do not tolerate the summer heat, January or February is more suitable.

Phu Quoc Island is another beach resort. It has both wild beaches and well-equipped ones, with cafes, restaurants and other entertainment. You can enjoy the tranquility and loneliness, lying under a palm tree and admiring the quiet waves, as there are few tourists on the island. But you can also relax here actively. This place is perfect for lovers of fishing, diving and snorkeling. A tour through the wild jungle will be quite extreme.

Curious tourists should visit such Attraction like the Pearl Museum, Black Pepper Plantations and Coconut Jail. The latter will bring unforgettable impressions. Although at the moment it functions as a museum, nevertheless, this prison will vividly convey all the sensations that the prisoners of the French colonialists once experienced.

You can stay at one of the hotels on the island, but many of them are somewhat overpriced. There are few places for shopping on the island. In general, despite the fact that this island is considered one of the best resorts in Vietnam, the tourist infrastructure of Phu Quoc is at the beginning of its development, but this will not be a hindrance. On the contrary, thanks to a small number of people, there will be an opportunity to enjoy the solitude and beauty of the surrounding nature.

In general, one can distinguish such peculiarities:

  • the best months for vacation are December, January and February;
  • excellent beach resort;
  • quiet, secluded place;
  • few tourists;
  • interesting excursions;
  • popular entertainment - diving and snorkeling;
  • expensive hotels.


Dalat is a mountain resort located in the central part of Vietnam. There is no access to the sea here. This place is quite unlike other resorts in the country. The climate in Dalat is not as hot as in other regions, and more like a temperate one. That is why it is perfect even for those who do not tolerate hot weather. You can go to Dalat at any time, but the period from November to April is considered the most favorable.

In Dalat, the influence of Europe is felt. This is reflected not only in the architectural landscapes, but also in the outlook of the inhabitants, which indicates the borrowing of the cultural traditions of Europeans since the time of French colonization. This resort will become more suitable for lovers calm recreation. The nature here is very picturesque: flower parks and gardens, coffee and tea plantations, pristine forests, clear lakes and rapid waterfalls.

No less interesting are the architectural sights of the city: the Cathedral, Catholic and Evangelical churches, Buddhist temples. Tourists are attracted by the old railway station, French Quarter, cable car. There are many excursions to these and other interesting places. Active recreation in Dalat is no less popular. Among its types are rafting, canyoning, golf, tennis, hiking in the mountains.

There are enough hotels and inns in Dalat, especially in the center. They are completely different price categories - from modest hostels to luxurious five-star ones. It is not necessary to book rooms in advance, the issue of accommodation can be easily decided upon arrival.

Due to the mountainous terrain, there is practically no public transport in Dalat. The city can only be reached by a winding mountain road. Despite the good asphalt and slow driving on new buses, passengers often get sick. But there is no other way, so everyone who wants to visit this beautiful place will have to be patient.

Let us summarize the main peculiarities Dalat:

  • mountain resort;
  • many excursions and attractions;
  • a wide range of restaurants and hotels;
  • mesmerizing landscapes;
  • difficult to reach due to the mountainous road and the small amount of transport.

Of course, these are not all resorts in Vietnam. Where to go, what season, what to see - you can answer all these questions, relying on our advice and your personal preferences.

Vietnam in January is often considered by Russians as a good winter vacation option. This country is gradually becoming more popular with travelers and beach lovers. It has beautiful nature, relatively low prices, many interesting sights and a climate that allows you to visit local resorts all year round. Therefore, in the article we will try to figure out whether it is worth going to this country in the middle of winter and where exactly.

Weather in Vietnam in January

This month is quite dry. Rain in January is rare. However, the air as a whole becomes cooler, so it is not advised to go to the sea to the north of the country in winter - it can be ten to fifteen degrees Celsius there. But the southern regions of Vietnam are quite comfortable. It is not very hot here, 25-28 degrees Celsius, and the water in the sea has the same temperature.

In the central regions, although it is not cold, it is too damp. Storms often rage, it can rain, so experienced travelers do not advise traveling to Da Nang in winter. By the way, Vietnam in January can even resemble native land. For example, in the mountainous regions of the country it is quite cold - three to five degrees Celsius, and in some places it even snows.

Is it worth going to Nha Trang in winter?

Regarding this very “Russian” resort, the opinions of travelers are divided. Some people think that Vietnam (Nha Trang) is too damp and windy in January. The sea warms up to about 22 degrees Celsius, and the air - up to 27. Sometimes it can rain.

Others believe that even if the temperature here is lower than in more southern resorts, you can still sunbathe and swim here. In addition, the Winperl entertainment island is not going anywhere, where you can have a great time with your family and children. And the sea is calm there, while there can be big waves within the resort. But keep in mind that because of the constant winds, you will need sweaters, especially after dinner and in the evenings. This is a very good time to travel on various excursion routes, visit nature reserves, ride elephants.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne in January

These resorts are warm and sunny in winter. There are also hot days. Often the air temperature ranges from 29 to 32 degrees Celsius, but the breeze constantly blows from the sea, so the heat is quite easily tolerated. True, in the evenings it is still better to put something on yourself, because it can be chilly.

The water warms up to twenty-seven degrees, and real summer reigns on the local beaches with all its entertainment - scooters, sea skiing, snorkeling, parachuting behind a boat ... Excursions are also very accessible and interesting - Lotus Lake, the giant Reclining Buddha, Red Canyon. In Mui Ne, the weather is the same, but the waves here are quite big at this time. This resort in January is a paradise for surfers and kiters.

Phu Quoc and Con Dao

These islands, according to reviews, are the most comfortable for winter holidays. If you want to know what it is like to have a VIP vacation in Vietnam in January, be sure to visit them. In winter, the air temperature here is about thirty degrees of heat, and the water is 27-28. There is no rain or wind.

This largest Vietnamese island is located almost on the border with Cambodia. At this time, the high season reigns here, and the number of tourists per square meter can be quite large. Therefore, the prices for accommodation are usually high. By the way, the beaches of the island are considered one of the most beautiful in the world. And lovers of secluded relaxation will find here a large number of "wild" coasts.

In Fukuoka, as travelers say, inexpensive diving schools and very cheap natural pearls. And from here you can easily go on excursions to Cambodia and Singapore. For children, there is a real amusement park Winperl - a colleague of the same city of attractions in Nha Trang.

Condao Island is not so hot: there the water and air temperatures are approximately the same - 26-27 degrees. We can say that the real Vietnamese velvet season reigns here. Sometimes the water is even warmer than the air - this is a feature of Con Dao. It is interesting that during the French colonization there was a prison for political prisoners. And now there are guided tours. In addition, the island has excellent white sand beaches and virgin rainforests.

Tours to Vietnam in January

If you are going to this exotic country not just to lie on the beach and take sea baths, but want to see the sights, then a winter vacation is just for you. At this time, it is not very hot, and travel companies can pick up an excellent excursion program. For example, a trip to the ancient temples in the Ho Chi Minh area, boat trips in Halong Bay, cruises in the Mekong Delta. And fans of shopping and cheap branded items will love Hanoi. This metropolis in winter offers great discounts on a huge number of popular products. In addition, there is also something to see here, including beautiful ancient temples and pagodas.

Travelers seeking treatment and spa treatments will surely enjoy the local healing mud and thermal springs and centers of traditional medicine. Prices for such tours are quite high, because they often fall on the New Year and Christmas holidays. Ten to eleven days in the country can cost you forty to fifty thousand rubles (with a flight from Moscow).

Cooking and holidays

Some tourists who prefer to travel to Vietnam in January boast that they can devote more time to the delights of the local cuisine. Of course, for some it may seem too exotic - snake soup and tincture of alcoholized tarantulas can only be tasted by the brave. But just at this time it is worth planning culinary tours to Vietnam.

January-February, in addition, are excellent months for participating in various festivities and festivals. The most famous and popular of them is the Lunar New Year (Tet). This floating date in most countries of Southeast Asia, influenced by Chinese culture, is celebrated grandiosely and with pomp - fireworks, parades and dragon dances and so on. By the way, as tourists say, at this time you can try cheap seafood - in summer their prices soar.

Many choose Vietnam for holidays, as they are already a little tired of the traditional resorts of Turkey and Egypt. Therefore, let's see how this country, which is located in Southeast Asia, can surprise us.

Where is the best place to go

If you are traveling for the first time and have not yet decided where it is better to relax in Vietnam, then we can tell you with confidence that the islands are perfect for this. You can come to this country on vacation both in winter and summer, as the average annual temperature varies from +26 to +30°С. But in different regions of the country the climate is significantly different and this must be taken into account.

You may also be interested in information about how much money you need in Vietnamto feel comfortable and have an interesting time.

In the north of the country(from Hanoi to Halong resort) it is best to relax in April and May, as well as in September, October and November, as quite comfortable temperatures are set here in spring and autumn, and there is no sweltering heat. It is quite cold here in winter, especially at night. And from the end of May, the rainy season begins, lasting until September.

In the south of Vietnam(from Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet) it is always warm and never cold. In summer it is very hot and humid here. There is no change of seasons in the traditional sense of the word, as there are only two seasons - the first lasts from May to November, and the second from December to April. In June, July and August there are heavy rains, so this region is suitable for winter holidays.

In the center In Vietnam (from Nha Trang to Hue), it is best to relax in the summer: in June, July and August, since it is at this time of the year that the air and water temperatures are the most comfortable, and the humidity level is the lowest.

You can get more detailed information about the resort cities of the country from the article: what are the best resorts to choose in Vietnam for recreation?

If we consider the islands of Vietnam for recreation, then the most popular is Phu Quoc, as the most respectable Vietnamese resort is located here. It is this resort that is often chosen by couples for families with children, as well as diving enthusiasts. And here it rains only in October, while the other 11 months are beautiful weather.

On the island of Khon Lao, which is located 20 km from Nha Trang, a huge number of monkeys live in the natural jungle. Tourists come here to plunge into the real world of nature and even see a real circus show.

And Hon Tam Island, or as it is called “Silk Island”, is great for relaxing, as here you will find beautiful beaches with white sand, convenient access to the sea and beautiful nature.

When to go on vacation

When is the best time to relax in Vietnam, many tourists ask. Also interested in the question of when to go to Vietnam on vacation with children. In the southern part of the country, the sea is warm throughout the year, but if you do not want to be exposed to constant rains, then the best time to relax will be from November to May.

In Nha Trang, the beach stretches for 7 km and here you can not only sunbathe, but also windsurf, jet ski and water ski. In the evening, there are numerous cafes and restaurants on the beach.

But if you want to sunbathe in more comfortable conditions, then you can go to Vinpearl Island, which is connected to the city by cable car. Here you will see a gorgeous beach in a quiet blue harbor, where there are almost never waves. The beaches of Phu Quoc Island are suitable for a relaxing holiday, and in Da Nang on China Beach you will find fine sand and a good wave for surfing. The beaches of Vietnam, such as Bai Rang, which is located near Phan Thiet, have the best conditions for tourists.

Vacation with children

The resorts of the country are diverse and everyone can offer something unique, but where in Vietnam it is better to relax with children, we will now briefly consider.

The best resorts for families with children are Nha Trang, Phu Quoc Island and Halong Bay. The beaches of Nha Trang are among the best in the country, and here, in addition to mineral springs and coconut trees, there is a wonderful amusement park Vinpearl Land, which is reached by a cable car. This park is called the little "Hollywood" (opening hours from 8-00 to 20-00 daily).

The outdoor playground has various carousels, roller coasters and other attractions. In the closed area there is a 4D cinema, a game supermarket, karaoke and various virtual reality games. On an area of ​​60 sq. meters there is a water park, and on the other side there is a sandy beach with water games: paths, tsunamis, seaplanes, wave meters.

Extreme lovers can try themselves in such attractions as: free fall, black hole, flying river, wind tunnel riding, etc. At the Water Palace, you will see over three hundred different sea creatures from North and South Asia, as well as the Amazon River.

Phu Quoc perfect for a vacation with a small child. There are excellent hotels, clean beaches and warm sea. There are also special menus for children in restaurants.

Halong bay will be of interest to older children who love to ride catamarans and boats, sunbathe and swim, as well as climb caves.

In Ho Chi Minh you can visit the Damsen water park with your child, and Hanoi will offer you a very interesting puppet theater on the water - Thanglong. Chi Nguyen Island has one of the most beautiful and largest aquariums with a variety of exotic representatives of the underwater world. Your kids will love it here.

Vietnam can offer its guests more than three thousand kilometers of coastline. Beautiful sea waves, white sand beaches, outlandish islands, bays await fans of beach holidays and water sports enthusiasts. Most of the most famous beaches are located in the south of the country. The tourist season there begins in October and ends around the end of February. The rest of the time it often rains.

In the northern part of the Republic of Vietnam there are also good resorts located near Hanoi. You can have a great rest on them from May to October. Consider the top five resorts to choose the most suitable according to personal preferences.

Three of the best resorts in Vietnam

The country has many beaches and resorts of different levels. In order to find out which of them are in the south, which are in the north, which are adjacent to large cities or airports, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the map in Russian, which indicates their location.

Map of the best beaches

The most beautiful beaches and the best hotels in Nha Trang

Nha Trang is considered the most popular resort city in Vietnam and is called its "beach capital". located 30 km from the resort. The tourist season lasts almost all twelve months of the year, the most ideal time for relaxation is January-August. Least of all guests in Nha Trang in the period from October to December.

The resort is ready to offer travelers a lot of interesting things.:

  • beautiful, well-groomed beaches, having a sufficiently large length and width;
  • active sports (diving centers);
  • Hon Che entertainment island for the whole family, connected to the resort by cable car;
  • picturesque waterfalls;
  • a lot of entertainment (night discos, parties);
  • a large number of restaurants, cafes;
  • cosmetology centers with therapeutic mud and springs;
  • cultural and historical attractions (Monkey Island, temples, Long Son Pagoda, etc.);
  • hotels for every taste from fashionable to cheaper.

The central part of the resort will please with a developed infrastructure and quality service. The city beaches in this area are seven kilometers long and are covered with white sand, consisting of small particles of shells. The water near the shore is clean and transparent. Cleaning is done every morning on the coastal zone. There are showers, changing rooms, toilets, medical aid stations.

Almost all beaches are municipal, so most often the entrance to them does not need to be paid. Money will be required only to pay for the rent of a sun lounger or umbrella.

The beaches located on the islands are usually bought by hotels. The hotel complexes Ana Mandara Beach Resort (five stars) and Sofitel have proven themselves well.

The ideal time to visit Nha Trang is January-August.

As for the prices for entertainment offered at the resort, on average they are as follows:

  • renting a jet ski for thirty minutes - forty - forty-five dollars;
  • parasailing 1 person - twenty dollars, two people - thirty-five dollars;
  • banana ride fifteen minutes five people - forty dollars;
  • an hour catamaran ride - forty-five dollars.

Coast of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

These two resorts are located only twenty kilometers from each other, so consider them as a whole. The resort area of ​​Phan Thiet is several kilometers away from the city. A lot of young people who love water sports and golf have a rest here. Signs in Russian hang everywhere, the cafe offers a menu in Russian.

The Mui Ne Peninsula is also famous for its surfing and kiting schools, of which there are more than twenty. They employ instructors who speak Russian. For an hour of surfing, they charge about fifty dollars, kitesurfing - seventy dollars.

You can relax in these resorts in any month. The main influx of tourists falls on the period from November to April. But the sea is calmer, on the contrary, from April to November.

Hotels are represented by bungalows, villas, buildings of respectable hotels. Each offers customers its own beach, equipped with sunbeds and umbrellas. Prices for double rooms in hotels by the sea vary around thirty dollars. Victoria Resort (four stars) is considered a very good hotel.

As for the review of the beaches, it is as follows:

  1. Central beach of Phan Thiet located right in the city. Suitable for those who are too lazy to travel far.
  2. Tien Tan (Phan Thiet, Ke Ga lighthouse area)- quiet place. Water brings a lot of debris and turbidity due to large waves. If the first one is regularly cleaned, then it is difficult to get rid of the dregs. The entire infrastructure ends with the work of hotels. There is practically no entertainment.
  3. Puhai Beach (near Phan Thiet)- quiet, surrounded by respectable hotels that monitor the cleanliness and grooming of the coastal zone.
  4. Khon Rum (twelve kilometers from Mui Ne)- a secluded and beautiful place without entertainment and hotels. City bus number one goes here.
  5. Rang (Mui Ne central beach) has a developed infrastructure, many hotels, schools of active sports. It's always crowded here. The entrance to the water is gentle. Passages to many sections of the beaches are blocked by hotels.

Where to relax on the island of Phu Quoc?

The largest island of the country, located in the Gulf of Thailand, has its own airport. It is considered one of the most popular resorts due to the abundance of beautiful and well-groomed beaches. Offers its guests a lot of entertainment:

  • tours to the jungle or mountains;
  • excursions to the farm and the pearl museum;
  • visiting a farm specializing in the cultivation of black pepper;
  • fishing for squid, crabs and other marine life;
  • diving and snorkeling (the cheapest lessons and equipment rental);
  • many restaurants and cafes.

The most luxurious hotel is LaVerandaResort & Spa, which has a huge tropical garden and a French bakery. In general, living on the island is expensive compared to other Vietnamese resorts.

The best beaches on the island are:

We bring to your attention a small video review of Bai Sao beach.

Which Vietnamese resorts to choose and where to go? The popularity of tourist destinations in Vietnam is increasing every year, it is one of the inexpensive travel options in Southeast Asia.

For lovers of seafood - in Nha Trang

In one of the most beautiful bays in Vietnam, there is the resort town of Nha Trang, which beckons with its sights, convenient geographical location, and moderate climatic conditions.

This is one of the resorts in Vietnam, where it is a pleasure to go. You should definitely try the local cuisine, enjoy delicious exotic dishes, swim in the calm sea and buy a lot of souvenirs for your relatives.

This city has an amusement park that will be interesting for children. Adults can visit the temple complex, take a memorable photo with a seated Buddha. At night, it will be interesting for partygoers, divers, training here is inexpensive, suitable for everyone.

Athletes - to the resort in Mui Ne

For those who want to actively spend their holidays, it is best to go to Mui Ne. Here you can feel at home, there are many Russian-language signs, staff who will speak the same language with you. Restaurants offer dumplings and borscht with donuts.

And the local bay welcomes kiters and surfers, who have a fair wind blowing all year round. The prices here are reasonable, more than a dozen schools offer training for beginner athletes, and experienced athletes can show their skills in comfortable conditions.

Hotels are located along the entire coast, with wide beaches and fine white sand, palm trees and pine trees. This place is perfect for families with children, the spectacle from the rooms is unforgettable, exotic nature and many attractions.

For a relaxing holiday - Phu Quoc Island

There are no bright entertainment complexes, places for shopping, only warm sea and sunny beaches, as well as magical sunsets, pearl farms and black pepper plantations.

Rest is suitable for people who are tired of the bustle of the city, want to soak up the beach and improve their health. This is the place of Vietnam where it is better to go with small children, people in old age and so on. This is the most peaceful place in the country.

The cost of tours to Phu Quoc is much higher than other resorts in the country, but there is an opportunity to stay one on one with effective nature, meditate, do yoga and improve your health.

Another resort corner of Vietnam is Vung Tau, it is unlikely to find something unusual here, this is a place with beaches and nothing else. No exotics and entertainment. The visiting card of this place is the statue of Jesus Christ.

Inside, you can climb the spiral staircase to the top of the building and admire all the colors of the city. Additionally, you can visit the white palace, built by a Frenchman at the beginning of the last century.

For connoisseurs of historical sights

If you are in Da Nang, be sure to visit the marble mountains.

Where to go in Vietnam to enjoy centuries of history? These are the resort towns of Hoi An and Da Nang. The Marble Mountains, the Cham complex Michon, the Haivan pass, as well as museums of sculptures and architectures deserve the attention of tourists.

You can walk along the local streets, visit temples, antique shops, go on amazing excursions, get acquainted with the ancient traditions of the country, chat with centenarians.

Da Nang is an industrial and economic city of the country, that's where to go in Vietnam will be a little expensive. Here you have to pay several times more for everything than in other resort towns, but in Da Nang itself there is nothing to do except eat exotic dishes and sunbathe on the beach.

Holidays with children - where to go and what to see?

Where to go with a child in Vietnam, where it will be exciting and interesting for kids, and parents will be calm and safe for them? With children, it is better to choose quieter tourist places. Those who want extreme sports can take a tour to the central parts of the region, giving preference to entertainment complexes and sports activities.

Hanoi - history in entertainment in one place

Near Hanoi there are places that every traveler of Vietnam is simply obliged to visit, this is Halong Bay, Dragon Bay, called by the whole world one of the wonders of the world. This attraction is located 160 km from Hanoi.

What you see resembles an amazing fairy tale: islands with rocks and steep banks protrude from clear emerald water, the sky is crystal clear, small white clouds float across it, forming images of various animals.

With small children, you can go to a theatrical performance, which is located on the water. There are no such colorful performances in any other country, the actions tell about the history and everyday affairs of local residents.

In Hanoi, there is one of the largest zoos in the country "Thu Le", in addition to meeting animals, you can also walk with children in the park, ride a boat and have fun on the rides.

Nha Trang - a magical world of adventure

You should definitely visit the Vinpearl Land Water Adventure Park on Hon Tre Island with your children. This complex consists of a lot of attractions, a water park, an aquarium and an oceanarium. You can have fun all day long, both for children and adults.

Aquarium Chi-Nguyen, in other words - the Palace of Neptune. It was built with the money of a Vietnamese fisherman, it surprises with its architectural structure, this place can be safely included in the cultural program of your family.

Ho Chi Minh - a place of entertainment and water world

In this resort town, you can visit the zoo and the botanical garden with children, the Dai Nam amusement park, a cinema with modern audio and video materials, many restaurants, cafes, and shops. And the Dam Sen water park is considered one of the best for families with children.

Where to stay in Vietnam?

There are plenty of options, which tour to choose - colorful and expensive or calm and beach? It's up to you to decide, but in any case, this trip will be bright and memorable!