Why not pay a car loan to the bank. How to pay off a car loan faster. What lies behind the external attractiveness of car loans?

Thanks to the development of car loans, it has become much easier to buy a modern, comfortable car, even if personal savings are not enough. Since it has become quite easy to take out a car loan, you can become the owner of a new car within a short period of time. A wide selection of car loan programs will allow you to minimize the interest overpayment on car loans. Tips on choosing a method for obtaining a credit car will help you navigate the variety of offers from banks.

How to get a car loan correctly

To get a car using credit funds, you need to complete several steps related to selecting a program, choosing a car and agreeing on a transaction with the bank and the seller of the vehicle. Depending on whether the loan is issued in a salon or directly at a bank, the procedure will have minor differences.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Choosing a loan application method.
  2. Submitting a preliminary application for a credit line.
  3. Once the application is approved, the search for a suitable acquisition object begins.
  4. Registration of the purchase and sale transaction in the salon and transfer of the down payment.
  5. Signing a comprehensive insurance agreement, a loan agreement and processing collateral papers.
  6. Transfer of funds by the bank to the seller's account.
  7. Vehicle registration.

Registration with the traffic police and registration of compulsory motor liability insurance completes the process of taking out a car on credit.

Particular attention is paid to choosing the method of making a purchase. If a low loan rate is important, the choice often falls on the bank. This way you can save 1-1.5% of the loan rate, but you should be prepared to provide the lender with a more complete package of documents, as well as undergo a thorough review of the borrower’s candidacy.

Who can receive

Each lender puts forward its own requirements for the borrower, but there is a certain list of requirements that must be met in any case:

  • availability of permanent registration in Russia;
  • stable monthly income, allowing you to make payments to repay the debt to the bank.

For car loans, taking funds from a bank is justified only if the burden of monthly payments is feasible for the future car owner. The loan calculator will allow you to preliminarily assess the possible overpayment and financial burden when choosing a particular car, as well as the required down payment. The main thing is that the monthly payment does not exceed half of the borrower’s total income. Increasing the credit line will allow you to attract a co-borrower, often the client’s second spouse.

As proof of solvency, the creditor is provided with documents confirming receipt of a pension, benefits, all sources of labor at the main and additional place of work, income from leasing the client’s property, receipt of dividends, income from valuable papers, deposits, etc.

Having sufficient income is an important condition when issuing a loan, but the key parameter in making a positive decision will be having a good credit history.

The bank needs guarantees that the loan will be repaid in full and in accordance with the schedule, so an important part of checking the borrower’s candidacy will be a request for a credit history from the BKI. If the client has successfully repaid several loans in the past, especially from the same bank, the chances of receiving approval are significantly higher. Another advantage will be having a deposit with a creditor bank or issuing a credit card with it.

In addition, each bank puts forward additional parameters:

  • Age limit ranges from 18 to 60 years. Justified by the fact that it is during the working period that the income of the population is higher;
  • the total work experience must be at least 0.5-1 year, with the duration of work in the last place being 3 months or more (much depends on the internal policy of a particular bank);
  • Sometimes additional proof of financial wealth (documents about other existing property) may be required.

Since you can take out a car on credit not only from a bank, but also from a dealership, you should study the features of this design option. Thanks to modern technologies It became possible to apply for a car loan without leaving the salon. In this case, the procedure for selecting a loan program is preceded by a preliminary selection of the make and model of the car.

Among various options For car loans, this option of taking out a car loan through a dealership will save you the effort of coordinating a loan and choosing a seller. In addition, purchasing a new car through a dealership does not require additional communication with the bank, and the documents necessary to obtain a car loan are submitted directly at the dealership.

Despite the fact that bank loan offers are considered more profitable, car dealers can offer particularly profitable promotions for specific brands from specific automakers. By using a special offer, you can reduce the interest on the loan to 3-5% per annum.

Thus, going to a car dealership to get a loaned car does not always mean a large interest overpayment, and the processing time is much shorter.

An urgent application for an express loan from a bank will reduce the processing time, but it is unlikely to provide the same benefits as obtaining a car loan through a car dealership when implementing any promotion.

An express car loan is issued at a higher interest rate (0.5-2.0%), and only basic and supporting documents are required. It should be taken into account that with express loans the amount of the down payment increases by at least 10%.

Despite the fact that the bank carefully checks the information about the candidate, putting forward quite strict requirements for the borrower, other measures are also necessary to guarantee the repayment of the loan. A special feature of a car loan is the need to issue the following documents as an additional guarantee of return:

  • agreement on collateral (the object of collateral is the purchased vehicle);
  • voluntary comprehensive insurance policy.

The loan vehicle will be pledged to the bank until full settlement, therefore, until the debt is repaid, the vehicle cannot be sold, donated, or disposed of in any other way, and the original PTS is deposited with the bank. If the borrower fails to repay the funds, the lender has the right to sell the car and use the proceeds to pay off the debt of the defaulter.

Taking out insurance is a necessity, since the car will be considered a collateral that will be used to pay off the debt if the client is unable to repay the loan.

Sometimes, as part of a car loan, preferential financing programs are offered - the car is provided in installments, i.e., in fact, the interest rate will be zero. When planning to use this program, you need to understand that vehicles purchased in installments will become the property of the buyer only after full payment of the cost. Failure to comply with the terms of the installment plan agreement will result in the loss of the vehicle. In addition, the first installment payment has been increased to 40%, and the cost of the insurance policy is 2-3% higher.

Various car loan programs financial organizations may vary significantly: by type of vehicle purchased, focus of offers, amount, duration of repayment, interest rate, car insurance requirements, etc. The borrower has the right to choose the most favorable conditions in terms of the interest rate, the final overpayment on the loan, additional insurance costs, purchasing various options.

As conditions for granting a targeted loan, the bank puts forward the requirement to store the original of the main document for the car until the borrower fully fulfills the financial obligations. You can get your PTS back only after the bank has completely closed the credit line.

Car loan programs have their advantages and disadvantages. The decision to take out a car loan is made carefully, after assessing all the benefits and consequences of this step.

The advantages of a car loan include:

  • lower interest rates than for non-targeted loans;
  • quick receipt of the car, despite the lack of funds;
  • timely repayment of the loan in full will play a positive role in your credit history, allowing you to receive favorable offers from the bank in the future;
  • participation in government programs will make overpayments minimal.

At the same time, attracting borrowed funds has its disadvantages:

  • the car is pledged to the bank for the entire duration of the contract;
  • the final cost of the car, taking into account the percentage overpayment, is much higher than the market price;
  • the costs of voluntary insurance over several years of loan repayment grow to a significant amount;
  • the presence of overdue payments will not allow you to apply to the bank for other financing programs in the future.

The future borrower is offered many different financing programs to choose from.

In the process of selecting the optimal option, you must consider:

  • overpayment of interest for the use of bank funds;
  • payment of insurance amounts for comprehensive insurance;
  • additional costs for registration;
  • the amount of available credit limit;
  • special conditions of the bank.

In some cases, you can do without taking out comprehensive insurance, but this will inevitably affect the loan rate or the size of the down payment. If refusal of insurance is fundamental, the borrower can contact Avangard, OTP-Bank, Credit Europe Bank, etc.

Car loans in last years are issued very easily, banks do not refuse loans even to young people and pensioners. But human life is full of all sorts of twists and turns, and sometimes it turns out that there is nothing to pay the bank with. A person loses his job, finds himself in some very difficult life circumstances and does not know what to do in such cases. The most important thing is not to despair.

Today there are even certain statistics on suicides due to loans, so many people plunge into despondency and hopelessness. You need to remember that you are not the only person in the world who is currently wondering: what should I do if I can’t pay my car loan?

There are quite a few ways to avoid paying a debt to the bank. Some of them involve parting with the car, others are aimed at deferring payment. You need to understand that losing a car is not very profitable, since in 1-2 years of operation it can lose up to 40% of its value.

Method 1: sell a car or a loan

Selling a car is, of course, not the best way out of the situation, but it, as a rule, allows you to completely get rid of debt. If you took out a car on credit a long time ago and the remaining debt is already very small, it makes sense to simply find a buyer for the car. The scheme here is this: you agree with the buyer to sell the car for cash. He comes with you to a credit institution, brings money, you pay off the balance of the debt, the bank issues a title, you go to the traffic police, where the car is re-registered to the buyer. The main advantage of this method is that you can get a good price advantage. And not only repay the loan, but even get some remaining cash, which will help improve your difficult financial situation.

As for the disadvantages of this method. Firstly, it is very humiliating to admit to the buyer that he took out a car loan and cannot pay it off. Many buyers in such cases turn around and leave. Secondly, the loan agreement may imply a moratorium on early repayment of the loan. That is, most likely, they will allow you to repay the loan, but the bank will pay very high interest rates for this procedure. So, when planning to sell a car, it is better to re-read the loan agreement again.

The second option of this method is that the car is sold to the buyer along with a loan. Banks are very reluctant to make such transactions, but they also have nowhere to go - it’s better to get at least some money than complete non-repayment. The main disadvantage of this method is the actions of the appraiser, who will most likely reduce the cost of the car by 30-40%.

The buyer, of course, will benefit from this, but the owner will lose a lot. Difficulties also arise with renewing insurance, because the previous owner may not have had any accidents and received a good discount from the insurance company. The buyer, having learned about the high cost of the insurance policy, may completely refuse the transaction. And the bank, having assessed his solvency, will refuse. But in general, this option still guarantees a faster sale of the car along with the loan, since a person can become the owner of a good car by paying a minimum amount.

As for re-registration of the transaction, banks usually charge about 0.1% of the cost of the car for this procedure. It’s unpleasant, but what to do if you can’t pay the debt.

Method 2: ask the bank for a deferment

Philosophers say that life is like a zebra: after the black stripe, a white stripe will definitely come. If you are sure that in the near future your solvency will improve and the bank will have something to pay the debt, what is the point of giving up the car?

What should I do to defer payment? You need to go to the bank, ask for a meeting with someone from the management and submit a statement listing the reasons why the loan cannot be repaid. In such situations, banks usually meet their clients halfway, and from the point of view of the law, the borrower is now more protected, because he no longer falls under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as an intentional defaulter.

The client cannot pay the car loan and honestly notifies the bank about this. You need to ask for a deferment for the maximum possible period, since the bank will reduce it anyway. If there is no opportunity to pay in the future, you can ask for a second deferment, but banks no longer agree to it. Although if you try to at least partially repay the debt during this period and create the appearance of ardent zeal, then sometimes you can achieve a second indulgence.

Every client who has nothing to pay should know that modern banks do not like to go to court. Of course, a financial institution is unlikely to want to forgive a car loan, because the amount is very large. But the lawsuit will be preceded by a long period of psychological processing.

Usually, if the debtor has not made a payment after the deferment granted, the bank transfers the information to a collection agency, which begins to harass them with calls and threats. Late payments may be subject to penalties and fines - in short, the amount of the debt sometimes increases many times over. In this case, you need to contact a lawyer, since most fines and penalties are illegal. The time while collectors are calling can also be considered a kind of delay.

Some clients write down collection threats, catch the bank violating the law, make a big fuss, file counterclaims, ultimately seeking the cancellation of fines and deferment of payment. If there is no way to pay, but you have nerves of iron, cunning, legal savvy and knowledge of psychology, then it is quite possible to turn the situation in your favor. But you need to know that very experienced and cunning professionals are also working on the other side.

Method 3: refinancing and debt restructuring

In Russia, these methods are just gaining popularity, although in the USA and Europe they have been actively used for decades. Refinancing involves replacing many small loans with one large one. This is especially convenient if you have nothing to pay not only for a car loan, but also for something else. Moreover, very often refinancing is possible, even if the loans were taken from different banks. When a small short-term loan is replaced by one large and long-term one, the amount of monthly payments for the owner is naturally reduced. Sometimes you even manage to ask the bank for a sum of cash to improve your financial situation.

A certain analogue of refinancing is taking out another consumer loan. However, this method does not allow you to pay lower interest and increase the payment period; it only provides a short-term respite. Therefore, if you have nothing to pay for a car loan, it is better to consider the main refinancing programs, and pay attention to the conditions and interest. It is worth remembering that when re-registering, you can lose a lot of money due to the same moratoriums on early repayment. And when refinancing, they will no longer take a car as collateral, but something more substantial, for example, an apartment or a dacha.

Debt restructuring is a reduction in interest on a loan or an increase in its repayment period without taking out a larger loan. Considering that it is not very profitable for a financial institution to restructure, bank managers usually take this step only in exceptional cases. Sometimes restructuring can be achieved if the bank serves a large client who can act as your guarantor.

What to do if there is no possibility of refinancing or restructuring? You can try to take advantage of offers from other credit institutions or look for additional guarantors. If the bank is small and commercial, try offering its management your terms for restructuring the loan. There is always a chance to achieve concessions if you behave correctly.

A fairly common question in times of crisis.

In the lending market, car loans have the lowest interest rates compared to consumer and even mortgage loans. This is due both to the presence of a collateral, which the purchased car becomes, and its insurance, and to the absence of problems with the sale of the collateral in the event of its seizure to pay off the debt.

If the borrower bought a car on credit, is in arrears or has stopped repaying obligations, the loss of the car is the main risk of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of the contract. Only if the realizable value of the collateral does not cover the amount of the debt, foreclosure can be applied to other property and cash debtor. But such cases are rare, given that usually the loan amount is comparable to the purchase price of the car, and often less - based on the requirement for a partial contribution of the car owner’s own funds at the time of purchasing the car. Such conditions for car loans, on the one hand, made it profitable and popular among the population, on the other hand, they always confront the borrower with a fact - either to fulfill obligations or to prepare for the very likely repossession of the car.

The conditions for car loans and collateral differ between banks and car dealerships, so what happens if you don’t pay a car loan depends on the specific situation and the procedure for collection and recourse to the car that is pledged under the contract.

Basic conditions of car loans

Car loans differ according to the following main parameters:

  1. Vehicle type (new, used, foreign, domestic, passenger, truck, commercial, etc.).
  2. Presence/absence of a down payment, its percentage.
  3. Loan amount and currency, loan term, interest rate.
  4. Registration in the general order or according to a special program - a car manufacturer (dealer), federal (support for the domestic automobile industry or certain categories of citizens, for example, public sector employees or people with disabilities).
  5. The procedure for registration is at a bank or car dealership.
  6. The conditions of the pledge are that the car is with the lender (extremely rare) or the so-called PTS pledge, in which the lender only has the car’s passport or other documents for it, which does not interfere with the operation of the vehicle.
  7. Conditions of collateral insurance.

Today, most car loans are offered at car dealerships, but this does not change the fact that the loan is actually provided by the bank. At the same time, car loans issued at a bank and issued at a car dealership may have fundamental differences:

  1. Convenience, simplicity, speed of obtaining a car loan - all these are the advantages of a car dealership. These factors attract clients, but do not allow them to consider all lending options and choose the most profitable product and often result in overpayments. The speed of registration may not allow you to carefully study the terms of the loan and collateral, and most importantly, the consequences of late payments.
  2. When applying for a loan at a car dealership, there is a high probability that the collateral will be seized faster than in the case of applying for a loan at a bank. A lot in this matter depends on the terms of the agreement between the car dealership and the bank. But knowing that selling a pledged car through a car dealership is faster, easier, and more profitable, the bank may refuse to wait until the borrower’s solvency is restored and will not undertake restructuring.
  3. A loan should not be confused with an installment plan or deferred payment for the cost of a car. Only a bank can provide a loan, but not a car dealership - it does not have a license for this. When analyzing the proposed car purchase program, you should definitely study the nuances of the calculations, the status of the vehicle in the period until its cost is fully repaid. Some car dealerships do not cooperate with banks, but with microfinance organizations or car pawnshops - there may be too many pitfalls with high risks.

When analyzing car loan offers, you need to take into account not only interest rate, but also the cost of insurance. Average market indicators should serve as a guide in this matter. A low insurance rate may hide additional fees, while a high insurance rate may hide unnecessary services.

Car loans almost always require collateral for the purchased car - this is serious insurance for the bank of its risks and the profitability of the loan for the borrower. However, unlike a mortgage, a vehicle pledge has a number of features related to the fact that it state registration is not formally provided for and, as a rule, the car is in the unhindered possession of the owner.

The terms of the pledge and the procedure for foreclosure on the car are determined by the specific terms of the contract. Can a car be taken away for loan debts?? As a rule - yes. It is advisable to study the reasons for this and the procedure for foreclosure on collateral immediately when applying for a car loan. In addition, this will allow you to immediately determine your rights in relation to the car while it is pledged, and not get into a problematic situation.

Banks have different approaches to pledging cars in terms of additional insurance of their risks against the possible sale of the vehicle or its other use, which entails leaving the borrower’s possession (use). But the issue of control by the bank over the fulfillment of the terms of the pledge is also important.

By general rule, while the car is pledged, the borrower cannot sell it, donate it, lease it, or remortgage it without notifying and obtaining the consent of the lender (pledgee). But a car is not real estate; it is much easier to dispose of it without informing the bank. And the credit institution is unlikely to constantly monitor the situation if the borrower repays the loan properly.

To counteract official transactions, banks resort to:

  1. To the seizure of the vehicle title, which is kept by the lender until the loan is fully paid off. This is not against the law and does not interfere with the operation of the car, but must be specified in the conditions of the pledge.
  2. To the notarized registration of the pledge. Since the summer of 2014, notaries have the right to record pledge agreements for cars in a special register, as well as pledges of other movable property.
  3. To transfer information to BKI. Credit histories always contain information about collateral for loans - this information must be there.
  4. The transfer of information about the vehicle being pledged (presence of restrictions) to the traffic police, but as such there is no database for pledged vehicles, and in the regions they treat this differently. Not always information from the traffic police can become an obstacle to the sale and re-registration of a car to another person, and sometimes it is not checked at all, so this method is considered the least effective for preventing transactions with collateral.

​A car, especially a new one, is considered a liquid collateral, which, moreover, is easy to sell. Therefore, banks will not wait a long time until the borrower’s solvency on the loan is restored and he solves his financial problems.

If arrears begin to form, there is no way to repay the loan, but you still want to keep the car, you will have to negotiate with the bank on restructuring. True, unlike other loans, you need to be prepared to present more serious arguments regarding the presence of problems and the ability to quickly solve them. If the bank does not agree to restructuring, you can consider the option of contacting another bank for refinancing. The best option for all parties may be to agree on a deal to provide a car for rent, through payments on which further repayment of the loan will be carried out.

Cases of deferring loan payments (credit holidays) and repaying the loan through rental payments are the most effective options for solving the problem, how not to pay a car loan legally and save the car. But if the safety of the collateral does not matter, then delays, which many deliberately allow, will lead to the seizure of the car - the debt will be repaid from the proceeds from the sale. For many debtors, this is not the worst way out of financial problems.

Good afternoon, Valentin!

Your situation, unfortunately, is not unique, and we are often asked the question “I can’t pay a car loan, what should I do?” let's consider possible options way out of this situation:

1. Sell the car and pay off the debt.

Although you will lose your car, this option is one of the most profitable. You will be convinced of this by reading the article to the end.

How to do this when the PTS is pledged to the Bank: you and the buyer and his money come to the bank branch, pay off the debt, pick up the PTS and calmly go to re-register it at the traffic police. Of course, not every buyer will agree to such a deal, because theoretically, having paid off the debt at the bank, you can quickly run away and sit in a remote village for 5 years, or the person simply does not want to waste his time on all the above procedures.

2. Go through the procedure.

The option, of course, cannot be ruled out, but bankruptcy implies the sale of existing property to pay off the debt. The value of the property is determined by the arbitration manager (whose services, by the way, are paid). If on the market you yourself can easily find a buyer for a one-year-old car for 70% of its cost, then arbitration can determine its price at only 30-50%.

3. Give the car to the Bank.

In this case, as in the previous one, the collateral will be valued very low, and you may end up losing.

4. Debt restructuring

If you still plan to pay off the loan in full, but for now the monthly payment amount is unaffordable for you, try to negotiate with the Bank by submitting an application for restructuring. If the difficult financial situation can be documented (dismissal, layoff, death of a close relative, birth of a child, serious illness, etc.), the Bank can accommodate and increase the loan term by reducing the monthly installment, or provide a credit holiday.

5. loan

A popular service of many banks: you take out a new loan from another Bank at a lower interest rate and for a longer period to repay the existing loan. If yours is not yet completely damaged, you can resort to this option. Plus: the car will be released from bail.

6. Fraud within the law.

Checkout 2 credit cards with a grace period in different Banks and pay 2% of the payment amount per month, transferring the payment amount back and forth until the financial situation is restored. We described this scheme. Again, you don't need the worst credit history.

Since it will not be possible for you not to pay the car loan to the bank, because in 2 months you will face a trial on the car loan, we advise you not to delay this issue.

Many borrowers, when the credit burden becomes unbearable, think about how to avoid paying a car loan without unpleasant consequences. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely get rid of debts, since by signing the agreement, the bank client assumed certain obligations. And he bears full responsibility for their failure to comply. But you shouldn’t take the matter to court and debt collectors, since there are ways to reduce your debt burden or get rid of it altogether.

Refinancing and restructuring

The easiest way is to contact the bank for refinancing or restructuring of a car loan.

Refinancing is the replacement of several small loans with one large one, or the replacement of one with another for more favorable conditions. If the borrower has other debts in addition to the car loan, he can consolidate them. This is one way to avoid paying a car loan and leave your car safe and sound.

It is necessary to carefully calculate the potential benefit, since with an apparent decrease in the amount of the monthly payment, the total amount of overpayments may increase significantly. It should be noted that banks rarely agree to refinance different types of loans, especially if there is collateral.

Possibly restructuring the only way reduce car loan payments

If you need a solution to avoid paying off a secured car loan, consider restructuring. This is a revision of the terms of the existing loan agreement. For a borrower with a single loan – for a car – this is the preferred option. As a rule, banks agree to renegotiate the following terms:

  • Increasing the duration of the loan, which allows you to reduce the monthly payment.
  • Reducing the interest rate.
  • If there are penalties and fines, they will be cancelled.
  • Paying only interest, without the loan body, which allows you to reduce the size of payments, but does not solve the problem as a whole.

In the described option, it will not be possible to avoid paying the car loan to the bank at all, but restructuring will help to significantly soften the conditions and wait out temporary difficulties. To obtain a restructuring, it will be necessary to prove that the reduction in the payment to the borrower is really necessary. For example, due to illness or temporary disability.

Payment deferment

Another option on how to avoid paying a car loan legally is to arrange a deferred payment for some time. Of course this won't solve main problem– complete relief from debt, but will help you live in peace and create a financial “safety cushion.”

The deferment is provided for different periods of time - from 1 month to a whole year. The duration of the temporary suspension of payments will depend on the success of negotiations with the bank.

To do this, the borrower must provide a serious reason, for example:

  • Prolonged illness or the need for surgery, which ultimately leads to temporary disability.
  • Downsizing at work.
  • Loss of expensive property - for example, a fire in an apartment.
  • Birth of a child.
  • Death of a co-borrower on a loan or a close relative on whom the financial well-being of the family depended.

The reasons are strictly individual, and each postponement must be agreed upon with the management of the unit. You should be prepared for the fact that it may not be given. Or they may be required to pay only interest on the loan during the deferment period. But if you are thinking about how to avoid paying a car loan, the deferment option is worth considering.

Using insurance

This option will work, naturally, if an insurance contract has been drawn up. We are not talking about compulsory motor liability insurance, but about insurance of the life and health of the borrower or the risk of job loss. You can insure your car against theft or accident. If an insured event occurs, the borrower will receive monetary compensation, which will be enough to repay the car loan early. Plus, there may still be funds left - it all depends on the terms of the policy.

Naturally, insurance is expensive, and often payers have to defend their interests in the courts if the agent company does not want to pay compensation. But this is the only opportunity not to pay a car loan legally and start living in peace.

To ensure that the money paid for the policy does not go to waste, it is recommended to draw up an agreement investment insurance. Then, if the insurance is not useful, at the end of the contract the client will receive a reward - the result of the company’s investment activities.

Car sale

If a situation has arisen that payments have become unbearable, there is a way to avoid paying a car loan according to the law - selling the car. There are two options here:

  • Sell ​​the car for cash and pay off the loan early using this money.
  • Sell ​​the car along with the debt.

In the first case, you need to warn the buyer that the car was purchased on credit and obtain his consent to the following sequence of actions:

  • Draw up a purchase and sale agreement.
  • Drive the buyer with the documents for the car to the bank.
  • Accept money from the buyer (cash or non-cash) and immediately repay the loan ahead of schedule.
  • Pick up the vehicle passport from the bank.
  • Complete the transaction by transferring all documents and signing the contract.

Banks quite willingly agree to such schemes. This is a great way to avoid paying a car loan at VTB24, Sberbank, Gazprombank and other institutions.

Both banks and buyers rarely agree to the second method - with the sale of a car and a loan in addition. But if it is possible to obtain the consent of both parties, then the scheme is as follows:

  • The buyer and seller draw up a car purchase agreement.
  • They drive up to the bank with him.
  • The manager opens a new loan in the buyer's name.
  • The buyer transfers money to the seller.
  • The seller covers his debt.
  • The PTS remains pledged to the bank, and the parties transfer documents to each other.

What happens if you don't pay your car loan?

If you do not pay the debt for the car to the bank on time, you can not only lose the car, but also lose part of your property, which will be taken away by the bailiffs for fines. Sometimes on the topic “how not to pay a car loan” on forums you can find truly “bad advice” that is born from an incorrect interpretation of the laws:

  • If you don’t pay the loan for 3 years, the debt will be “written off” (in fact, the bank will simply sue, and the bailiffs will come and seize the collateral).
  • It is enough to transfer the car to another owner, and it will not be taken away (but how? The title is in the bank!).
  • You can fake an accident and get fictitious insurance (if this scheme is discovered, another article for fraud will be added).

In fact, you need to look not for a way to avoid paying a car loan, but for ways to improve your financial condition. The terms of the contract will have to be fulfilled in any case, no matter how much you want it. But you can force the bank to make concessions and delay payment, or soften the conditions. And if trouble happens, then use insurance (if you have it).

Video: Possible consequences of non-payment of a loan