Savings deposit in mcb. Savings deposit with a high interest rate JSC Moscow Credit Bank Additional information on the deposit

Moscow Credit Bank (MKB for short) is already 25 years old (the company was founded in 1992). In terms of net profit and assets, the bank ranks 9th throughout Russia and in the Central region of the country, and the reliability rating is assigned a high analyst rating - A, despite the unstable outlook, according to experts as of February 1, 2020.

Among several main deposit products - "Just In Case", "All Inclusive", "On Demand", "Savings" and "Pension", the "Savings +" product stands out in particular.

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In order to better understand what such a deposit is, it is tedious to study in more detail its conditions, rules for registering and using an account.


Everyone can become the owner of a bank account with the benefit of himself - both a Russian citizen and a foreigner. Only foreigners need an appropriate document confirming its legal location on the territory of Russia.

But in practice, it is the citizens of the Russian Federation who almost always apply for services on this deposit. There is no need to rush with the application for the "Savings +" deposit from the MKB financial institution.

It is better to immediately study all the terms of the future agreement, which will be concluded by the parties - between the bank and the client, and then fill out the application. You can also preliminarily study the conditions of the deposit according to the table.

Conditions of the "Savings +" deposit from MCB:

In addition to these basic parameters, it is also extremely important to familiarize yourself with other conditions of this type of deposit:

  1. Currency - only Russian rubles.
  2. The term is only 380 days, you cannot choose another.
  3. Interest is calculated in two periods - from 1 to 190 days, from 191 to 380 days.
  4. The total amount of accrued interest is carried out at the end of the entire term of the deposit.
  5. There is no interest capitalization.
  6. You can terminate the contract ahead of schedule without any loss of interest already accrued.
  7. There is no automatic extension of the term of the deposit agreement.

Deposit insurance exists, and it is carried out in accordance with all the rules that are regulated by law.

Unfortunately, on the Savings deposit, the MKB does not allow additional replenishment with other amounts, and also does not allow partial withdrawals from this account. All debit transactions on the "Savings" deposit are not provided.

Also, it will not be possible to automatically renew the agreement on such a deposit; to extend it, you will need to submit a separate application at the bank office or first contact the manager of a financial institution.

Deposit interest

According to experts studying the criterion of favorable offers for various banks, for 2020 the MKB is one of the largest financiers who are ready to pay higher rates on deposits.

Especially, this is clearly seen when compared with the offers of other larger banks.

So, for example, in Sberbank (the maximum rate is indicated up to 7-7.5%), VTB24 (up to 6-8%) and even in the ultra-modern innovative bank Tinkoff (up to 8-9.5%) and other financial companies, the maximum rates for savings you will not find more than 8-8.5% on average for deposit accounts.

But the company's MKB has a great opportunity to place its free cash on an account with a rate of 10%.

Of course, the level of the rate in each individual case will always depend on the period of placement of the amount of money in the deposit account:

These rates are valid from November 15, 2020 and will still be valid throughout 2020. In general, it can be stated with confidence that if in other banks the average rate is 6-7.5%, then in the company's MCB, interest is set at an average of 8-8.5%.

Not only the fluctuations of rates during the period of validity of the deposit agreement depend on the period of days, but also the amount of the amount that the client is ready to deposit into the deposit account is also of great importance.

The smaller the amount, the lower the maximum deposit rate can be set; here, too, an individual approach to each case of opening a deposit can play.

An important role is also played by the payment of interest when the client wants to terminate the contract ahead of schedule and request his money back along with the accrued interest.

The conditions for withdrawing the deposit, if the owner requests its withdrawal ahead of schedule along with the termination of the contract, are as follows:

  1. In practice, the rate in case of early demand shows the following range of values ​​- 0.01-7.5%.
  2. The interest accrued on the deposit amount is payable only for the past period of time.
  3. The value of the rate for calculation will be taken into account only the one that is set for the corresponding period of placing money on the account under the terms of the agreement.
  4. Interest due on the deposit for the current period that has not yet expired for the calculation of rates on the deposit amount will be taken into account from the day of the period when the rate began to operate until that day. When the depositor requested his money.
  5. In the case of interest for the current period, the rate in size will be set according to the rules of deposits "On Demand".
  6. In the event that the rate for the “On Demand” deposit has changed, then when calculating interest payable, each value of such rates will be taken into account, which fully corresponds to the terms of their validity, which are set by the bank.

MKB Bank also operates a separate free service for regular customers, preliminary development of a strategy so that the client can receive the maximum income on the deposit.

But for this you need to be a bank client for at least 2-3 years and become a user of personal service.

Then you will have access to services such as a personal manager, special conditions for deposits, discounts, individual calculations and offers for financial solutions, and other privileges.

How to open a Savings deposit in the MKB

Of the documents for opening a "Savings +" deposit in the MKB, it is enough to provide an identity card - a passport with registration of a place of residence in Russia.

At the same time, it does not play a special role where exactly the registration of the passport holder was registered. A transfer to an open deposit account is the actual opening of a deposit.

The conditions for this stage of registration are as follows:

  • crediting to the account from the current account;
  • transfer to the account from any card account;
  • less than 1000 rubles cannot be initially deposited into the account, then the deposit will not be considered open.

There are several ways to open a deposit:

  1. Come to the office and apply there. Working hours of all MCD offices are from 10:00 to 21:00.
  2. Submit an application for consideration of the possibility of opening a deposit to the manager on the company's website.
  3. Fill out and submit the online application yourself.
  4. Draw up a comprehensive service agreement and get full access to your personal account through a unique password and login from the bank in order to open a deposit through MKB Online or MKB Mobile.
  5. Through the bank terminal.
  6. Call by phone and express your desire.

All of these methods, except for the first, are considered preliminary and are temporary. The first contact with the manager is just a discussion of the details of the deposit, its calculations, a discussion of the intricacies of the design and the client's capabilities.

Then, in any case, each client will have to go to the nearest office to conclude an agreement there and deposit the amount to an open account.

Features of the contract

Immediately it is worth noting one big advantage of such a deposit as "Savings +" - this is the insurance of the deposit of any client under this program, which is carried out by the state.

In other words, all the risks of losing a deposit, which took place during the time of perestroika, do not affect depositors today.

During the revocation of the license by the Central Bank of Russia to carry out the activities of the MCB, in the event of any moratorium that may be imposed by the Bank of Russia on the MCB and under other risk circumstances, each client will be paid insurance.

The size of the insurance payment fully covers the size of the deposit, which already indicates the impossibility of losing money in the deposit account belonging to the depositor.

The following important details should be clearly reflected in the agreement for this deposit - information on such important points:

  1. The amount of the deposit.
  2. Timing of the deposit.
  3. interest rates.
  4. Deposit insurance.
  5. Conditions for early termination and receipt of money by the client after closing the account.
  6. Bank obligations.
  7. The obligations of the contributor.
  8. Ways to resolve disputes.
  9. Signatures of the parties with details.

It is also very important that the agreement mentions the exemption from income tax for those clients whose deposits are assigned by the bank a rate that is below 16% per annum (5 refinancing rates from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

These measures were last introduced in the bank for the period from 12/15/14 to 12/31/15, but now they have been extended. Nevertheless, it is better to ask a bank specialist about such a deposit tax benefit again, because such measures can often be canceled.

Profitability calculation

Before submitting an application, each prospective client on the official portal of the bank is given the opportunity to calculate his own profitability on the Savings + deposit.

To do this, simply enter the page of this contribution, then click the active link "Calculate income".

On the new page that opens, the fields for filling out the online calculator will already be visible.

In these fields, you need to fill in the deposit parameters:

  • indicate the amount that you are ready to place on the account;
  • set the term of the deposit;
  • then, click "Calculate income";
  • you get information below the calculator in the form of a small plate with the results of a preliminary calculation.

All data on the profitability of the "Savings +" deposit, which you receive after the calculations are made on the website of the MCB company, are preliminary. Therefore, the final profitability will be calculated for you by a company specialist after you submit an application.

In any case, each potential contributor still has time to make a final decision, or time to change their mind about making an investment if the final version does not build it.

There is time before signing the contract and before opening an account and depositing the amount into it. After that, if you immediately withdraw money, returning it back, then there is a possibility of financial losses. It is better to immediately discuss all these details with the company manager, asking him all your questions.

The “Savings +” deposit from the Moscow Credit Bank is very profitable and convenient for those citizens who do not plan to use the money invested in the account, but plan to keep it for some time with a profit.

Credit Bank of Moscow interest rate

OJSC "CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW" offers its depositors a savings deposit with a high interest rate, which is called "Savings + Deposit". The highest interest rate in rubles on the deposit is 10.5% per annum. The deposit can also be made in US dollars or Euros.

The Moscow Credit Bank has set the following interest rates for savings deposits:

Deposit with a high interest rate

The main conditions of the Moscow Credit Bank for the proposed deposit with a high interest rate are as follows:

  • The minimum amount of a savings deposit is 1,000 rubles / 100 US dollars, euros.
  • The deposit is not replenished.
  • The deposit does not provide for debit transactions (except for the full early closing of the deposit).
  • The contribution is made only by transferring funds from a valid card or current account.
  • There is no automatic renewal.
It is worth paying attention to such a nuance - the “Savings + deposit” deposit can be issued for two terms (190 or 380 days), which in turn are also divided into “two periods of validity”, namely:

  • For a period of 6 months: from 1 to 95 days and from 96 to 190 days.
  • For a period of 12 months: from 1 to 190 days and from 191 to 380 days.
Why was it necessary to establish such “validity periods”? This is a kind of incentive for clients not to close the deposit before the full expiration of the investment period under the contract by increasing the rate in the second period. In addition, the establishment of "validity periods" is directly linked to the conditions for early demand of a savings deposit, which provide for the following procedure for calculating interest:

  • interest for the expired periods of the rate is calculated and paid based on the value of the interest rate set for the corresponding period of the rate;
  • interest for the current (incomplete) period of the rate is accrued from the day of the beginning of the period of validity of the rate until the day of early withdrawal of the deposit and is paid at the rate of the interest rate established for "On demand" deposits. If in the current (incomplete) period of validity of the rate the rate set for "On Demand" deposits has changed, then each value of the rate is applied to the calculation of interest in accordance with its validity period, set by the Bank.

So, in case of early closing of a savings deposit, interest income may depend on the closing date:

  1. If you close the deposit within the first period of the deposit, interest will be accrued at the "Demand" rate;
  2. If you close the deposit within the second period of the deposit, interest for the first period will be accrued in accordance with the rates set by the bank, and for the period of the second (incomplete) period at the "Demand" rate.

The banking system provides a solution so that the money of the population does not just lie under the pillow, but works for its owner and does not depreciate, despite the economic situation in the country. Consider what deposits in the IBC are offered for individuals in 2020 in rubles today, including for pensioners.

Clients can put their savings on short-term deposits up to 1 year and long-term deposits starting from 365 days. If we talk in general about such deposits, then they are:

  1. On demand - the client has the right to withdraw money when it is convenient for him without losing accruals.
  2. Term - savings are placed for a certain period:
  • with a monthly payment (the client receives accruals on a deposit through a bank card or through a cash desk on a passport);
  • at the end of the term (the depositor can receive the body and accruals only after the expiration of the contract);
  • with capitalization (meaning that the interest works for you, that is, on the first business day of the month they are transferred from the interest-bearing account to the account with the total amount).

We figured out the general theory, now let's take a closer look: what deposits does the Moscow credit bank offer for individuals in 2020:

  • “Cumulative” with all options.

The minimum contributions are standard, the longer the term, the higher the rate.

  • “Cumulative with capitalization” with all options.
  • "All inclusive. Estimated".

  • "Just in case".

This offer differs from the others in that the conditions provide for a low rate of 4.5% per annum. An account is opened with a minimum amount of 1 ruble, it is replenished from 200,000 rubles per calendar month, the maximum possible amount on the account is 1 million rubles. Additional privileges remain: capitalization, partial and full withdrawal before the expiration of the contract.

  • "Investments" is an investment account that opens from 10,000 rubles. It is of interest to brokers who conduct operations on the currency and stock markets. More information on the official website of the bank.
  • "On Demand" is an investment of funds on an unlimited basis, with monthly payments, the client has the right to terminate it at any time. Registration is offered at rates:
  • 0.1% for RUB;
  • 0.01% for USD, EUR.

When opening a deposit in a branch, the client receives the maximum base rate, if an individual chooses additional options, for example, different options for withdrawing a deposit before the end of the term and so that accruals are not lost, then the rate will be reduced. Therefore, we recommend weighing what is important - it is mobility and ease of use of invested money or a high rate. Do not forget about the validity period: the longer the funds are in a banking institution, the higher the percentage.

To get +0.25% to the rate in national currency or +0.15% in foreign currency, you need to use the following resources:

  1. ICD Online deposits on the site;
  2. MKB Mobile;
  3. terminals.

A branch of a financial institution is not suitable, since the contract will be opened on a general basis.

Offers on deposit products are updated periodically, and profitable novelties with high interest rates are developed for the holidays.

Life hack: when comparing “Cumulative” with a capitalization for a period of 12 months at 7.5% and “Maximum income” at 8%, it is better to open an offer with capitalization (complex accrual), because if you recalculate without capitalization (simple accrual), you will receive total real rate of 8.5%.

All listed banking products are automatically prolonged at the current interest rate in accordance with the protocol.

Conditions for Champion deposit

Moscow Credit Bank offers the Champion deposit as one of the types of short-term deposits, where accruals and the body are paid at the end of the term.

  • suitable for wealthy citizens, tk. the starting amount is 100000 RUB or 1500 USD.
  • simple accrual of %;
  • there is no account replenishment;
  • there is no automatic renewal after the end of the period, so it is better to reissue or withdraw money on time;
  • early withdrawal without loss.

In MKB Bank, the "Champion" deposit is very popular among customers.

Favorable offers for pensioners

Pensioners can choose any of the above offers, however, not everyone has the money to deposit a large base amount, which can be used to open a deposit agreement. Therefore, you can keep in mind the following contribution from the Moscow Credit Bank for pensioners in 2020:

  • "Savings+" account, which can be issued starting from 1000 rubles up to 380 days and choose a maximum rate of up to 9%. The client receives payments only at the end of the contract.

Where to find an online interest calculator

To select the right offer, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the MKB website
  2. In the upper right corner, click "Individuals".
  3. Click on the menu "Deposits and Investments".

This calculator allows you to quickly select a deposit. The only negative is that it does not show what income you will receive at the end of the contract.

  • Select the deposit according to the previous calculator or simply select the appropriate one from the list.
  • Click on the deposit you like and click on the "Calculate" button.

The results will display the following information:

  1. interest rate;
  2. total amount at the end of the term (body plus %);
  3. sum %;
  4. term (in months and number of days);
  5. the ability or lack of replenishment of the account;
  6. the presence or absence of the possibility of partially terminating the contract;
  7. the presence or absence of automatic prolongation;
  8. payment of accruals at the end of the term or every month (through a plastic card or according to a passport through a cash desk);
  9. conditions for full early termination (at a reduced rate or without sanctions);
  10. deposit management: adding additional options;
  11. safety;
  12. depositor requirements;
  13. you can order a plastic card;
  14. Required documents.

Early withdrawal options. Does the bank apply sanctions in this case?

It all depends on the chosen deposit agreement, i.e. you choose a deposit with basic conditions, and then "string" additional options. The operator in a banking institution or the Online system forms an agreement where you can familiarize yourself with all the conditions:

  • sanctions are not provided. There are agreements that say that you can withdraw in full or in parts without losing accruals, but the percentage will be much lower. For example, "Champion".
  • the ability to withdraw partially, and in case of full closing of the deposit ahead of schedule at 0.1%. For example, the "Settlement" deposit, which has restrictions:

  • only full withdrawals at a reduced rate of 0.1%. Similar conditions can be found in the "Cumulative" agreement;
  • early withdrawal is not provided for under the terms of the contract. For example, "Maximum income".

Each selected type of deposit has its own conditions, if "early maturity" is provided, then you switch to another tariff. For more details, please contact your bank branch.

Deposit conditions Accumulative

Credit Bank of Moscow offers an "Accumulative" deposit with interest capitalization Online or with simple accrual.
“Cumulative” with simple interest accrual has an option - monthly withdrawal, therefore, in case of early termination, the payments received are deducted from the body of the deposit.

This offer can be used by adults and children from 14 years of age with a passport. Partial withdrawal is not provided here, but you can, if necessary, completely terminate the contract, but at 0.1%, regardless of the deposit currency.

How to open a deposit in the ICD Online instruction

It is possible to open a deposit agreement without contacting the branch. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • Go to the official website of the IBC.
  • In the lower left corner, click on the MCD Online menu.
  • Enter login and password.
  • If you are not registered, then fill in the fields below:

  • Fill in the required fields in the application.

Summing up

The bank offers competitive offers on deposits. Potential and new customers of the bank can open a deposit by filling out an application On-line in various ways or Off-line at the branch itself. Not all deposits can be opened on-line, however, those that are possible, the depositor receives an additional percentage and, accordingly, income.

I would like to note that the products from the Moscow Credit Bank are insured, since the bank is a member of the Deposit Insurance System and in the event of a crisis, the depositor can receive up to 1.4 million rubles.\

What deposits of individuals are there today in the IBC

As in most Russian banks, all the most popular types of deposits are presented in the MCB today: at maximum interest, with replenishment, with the possibility of partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest. In addition, there is a special deposit for individuals - pensioners, as well as a complex product with the opening of an Individual Investment Account.

The correspondents of the site have summarized the maximum interest rates of deposits of the Moscow Credit Bank in a comparative table:



MEGA Online

All inclusive
(Tariff "Maximum income")

All inclusive
(Tariff "Cumulative")

All inclusive
(Tariff "Cumulative with capitalization")

All inclusive
(Tariff "Settlement")

New Year's dreams

Savings account

MKB deposit calculator in 2020: calculate income

Interest and terms of MKB deposits for individuals today

Further, the site will consider in detail the current interest rates, as well as the conditions for registering deposits of individuals in the Moscow Credit Bank. And we will begin our review with a new offer of the bank. It is on him that you should pay special attention to those who want to invest money at the maximum percentage.

Deposit of ICB "MEGA Online": interest and conditions

This is a deposit with an increased rate, which can only be made online - in the Internet bank or the MKB mobile application. Its main advantages are the possibility of replenishment and monthly payment of interest. The deposit can be made for a period of 3 to 36 months in increments of 1 month.

Interest rates

Term, months

from 1000 rub.

from 2 million rubles

5.5% 5.6%
5.6% 5.7%




Term: from 3 to 36 months;
Min. amount: 1,000 rubles;
Replenishment: yes
- during the first 95 days with a period of 95 to 330 days;
- during the first 185 days with a period of 370 to 1100 days;
Partial withdrawal: no ;
Extension: no
Early termination: at a rate of 0.1%.

Deposit of the Moscow Credit Bank for pensioners "Grand"

Not everyone can make this deposit. The deposit is provided only to citizens of the Russian Federation who:

Have reached the general retirement age, upon reaching which they acquire the right to receive a pension;
have a pension certificate or a certificate of appointment of a pension.

It can also be issued to those who have a pension card of the Moscow Credit Bank "Wisdom".

Interest rate

1 year

1 year 6 min.




Term: 370, 540, 730 days;
Min. amount: 1000 rubles;
Replenishment: yes;
Partial withdrawal: no ;
Interest accrual: monthly;
Extension: no more than 2 times.
Early termination: at a rate of 0.01%

You can see the most profitable pension deposits in other banks today

Deposit of the Moscow Credit Bank "All Inclusive"

A client who opens this deposit in the Moscow Credit Bank can choose one of four tariff plans, which can then be changed during the term of the deposit: Maximum income / Accumulative / Accumulative with monthly capitalization / Settlement. Each of them has its own characteristics. We will analyze the conditions and interest rates of each of the tariff plans in more detail.

Tariff "Maximum income"

It makes sense to choose this tariff if you plan to receive the maximum rate. Interest is paid at the end of the term. It is possible to add options: partial withdrawal, replenishment, monthly capitalization of interest, payment of interest to the account.

Interest rate

In Russian rubles


6 m

1 g

18 m

2 g

In US dollars


6 m

1 g

18 m

2 g


Replenishment: no ;
Partial withdrawal: no ;
Extension: yes.

Tariff "Cumulative"

The deposit with this tariff plan can be replenished. Interest is charged monthly to a separate account. It is possible to add options: partial withdrawal, monthly interest capitalization.

Interest rate

(with monthly interest withdrawal)

In Russian rubles


6 m

1 g

18 m

2 g

In US dollars


6 m

1 g

18 m

2 g


Term: 95, 185, 370, 540, 730 days;
Min. amount: 1000 rubles / 100 dollars;
Replenishment: yes;
Partial withdrawal: no ;
Interest accrual: monthly to a separate account.

Tariff "Cumulative with monthly capitalization"

If you choose this tariff, the deposit will also be replenished. Interest is accrued monthly with subsequent capitalization. It is possible to add options: partial withdrawal, monthly interest capitalization.

Interest rate

(including interest capitalization)

In Russian rubles


6 m

1 g

18 m

2 g

In US dollars


6 m

1 g

18 m

2 g


Term: 95, 185, 370, 540, 730 days;
Min. amount: 1000 rubles / 100 dollars;
Replenishment: yes;
Partial withdrawal: no ;
Extension: yes.

Tariff "Settlement"

The deposit with this tariff is replenishable, partial withdrawals are also allowed. But its profitability will not be so high.

Interest rate

(including interest capitalization)

In Russian rubles


6 m

1 g

18 m

2 g

In US dollars


6 m

1 g

18 m

2 g


Term: 95, 185, 370, 540, 730 days;
Min. amount: 1000 rubles / 100 dollars;
Replenishment: yes;
Partial withdrawal: up to the size of the down payment;
Interest accrual: monthly with capitalization;
Extension: yes.

MKB deposit with an income of 7.5% per annum "New Year's Dreams"

This is a comprehensive offer that involves the simultaneous registration of two products:

Deposits for individuals;
agreements on trust management of funds of an individual investment account (IIA).

In this case, it is necessary to invest an amount no less than the amount of the deposit.

If these requirements are met, then the client receives an increased interest rate on the deposit. If you terminate the investment agreement, then the base rate is set, and from the date the deposit was opened.

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 18 to 65 can make a deposit.

Interest rates

7.5% per annum in rubles;

5.5% per annum in rubles upon termination of the IIA contract.


Term: 395 days;
Min. amount: 50,000 rubles;
Max. amount: 1 million rubles;
Replenishment: no ;
Partial withdrawal: no ;
Interest accrual: at the end of the term;
Extension: yes.

Savings account of Moscow Credit Bank

This is a financial instrument that allows you to freely manage the funds stored in the bank. You can deposit and withdraw money when you need it. In this case, the bank will daily accrue interest on the amount in the account. And interest is paid monthly on the last calendar day of the month.

The peculiarity of the account is that the interest rate can be increased if you spend more than 30,000 rubles a month from MKB cards. If you spend less, it doesn't matter. The bank will charge interest at the base rate.

Increased interest is charged only for amounts up to 500,000 rubles! For the rest of the funds, interest is accrued at the base rate, regardless of the expenses on MKB cards.

Interest rate

Amount, rub.

Purchases with cards over 30,000 rubles. per month

Purchases with cards less than 30,000 rubles. per month



Term: not limited;
Min. amount: unlimited;
Replenishment: yes;
Partial withdrawal: yes;
Interest accrual: daily;
Interest payment: monthly.

How to open a deposit in the IBC

There are several ways to deposit money at the Moscow Credit Bank.

1 Contact one of the bank branches in Moscow or the Moscow region.

2 If you are already an MKB client and you have enough money on your account for an initial deposit, you can make a deposit:

In Internet banking MKB Online;
ICD Mobile application;
through a payment terminal.

Question answer

? Who can contribute to the IBC?

Citizens of the Russian Federation over the age of 14 can open a deposit in the Moscow Credit Bank, unless otherwise specified in the conditions of the deposit. For those who are not yet an IBC client, you must contact the office in person.

? Can I open multiple deposits at once?

You can open any number of deposits for one name, there are no restrictions.

? Can I open an account in the name of another person?

It is possible to open a deposit in the name of another person if you act on behalf of the depositor under a notarized power of attorney, which provides for the powers necessary to open deposits. Deposits in favor of third parties in the Moscow Credit Bank are not opened.

? Is it possible to open a deposit for several people at once, for example, a family one?

Opening a deposit for several people (joint) is not allowed. But it is possible to issue a power of attorney for any capable family member to manage the deposit. To do this, contact the office of the ICB, where the account is opened, or issue a power of attorney notarized.

? Are deposits of individuals in the ICD insured?

Yes, deposits are insured by the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" for up to 1,400,000 rubles.


How profitable and safe is it today to open deposits in the MKB

1 The line of deposits in the Moscow Credit Bank is simple and understandable today. It practically does not differ from the one that today is in Sberbank or VTB.

2 Interest rates of MCB deposits are slightly higher than in Sberbank, which distinguishes them favorably.

3 There is no doubt about the reliability of investments. MCB is one of the systemically important banks in Russia, which means that the state will not leave it even if hard times begin in the bank. He will be pulled, as once Otkritie and Promsvyazbank.

4 The network of MKB branches in the regions is not widely developed, and therefore it loses to competitors in terms of accessibility for non-Muscovite clients.

What is the most profitable contribution to the ICD for pensioners

Moscow Credit Bank now has a special offer for pension recipients. This is the Grand deposit. Based on the interest rate, it can be considered the most profitable today for pensioners. Plus, it's refillable. These features make it really attractive.

However, the terms of deposits in the MKB are so democratic that any of the deposits may well be beneficial for older people receiving a pension. The minimum deposit amount in the MKB is only 1000 rubles, and the interest rates are quite high.

Summary. MKB today offers more favorable terms and rates on deposits than many other banks in the Russian Federation. Opening a deposit in the MKB can become a really reliable and profitable investment of savings, says Viktor Davidenko, an expert on the site on deposit programs.

About bank

Moscow Credit Bank is not as popular among the Russian population as Sberbank, and therefore let me tell you a little about the bank itself.

So, MCB has been operating in the Russian banking market since 1992. To date, it has grown into a universal commercial bank providing all types of services for corporate and private clients, as well as financial and credit organizations. Became one of the systemically important banks in Russia.

The territorial network of MKB is concentrated in Moscow and the Moscow region, where today there are more than 90 branches and 20 operating cash desks. The network of payment banking devices includes over 5740 payment terminals and 1040 ATMs.

Since 2004 Moscow Credit Bank has been a member of the Deposit Insurance System of Russia.

Contacts for information

Learn more about the conditions and interest rates of deposits of individuals for individuals and pensioners from a bank employee.

Phone in Moscow: +7 495 777-4-888 (round the clock), 8 800 100-4-888 (toll-free within Russia).

Postal address: 107045, Moscow, Lukov pereulok, 2, building 1.

General license of the Bank of Russia No. 1978. The information is not a public offer.

The Moscow Credit Bank accepts the "Savings + Deposit" deposit in Moscow in rubles. The minimum deposit amount is from 1000 rubles, the interest rate on the deposit is up to 9.00% per annum for Moscow. The "Savings+ Deposit" deposit is insured. Payment of interest on the deposit at the end of the term.

Expert opinion website about the pros and cons of this deposit, according to the results of comparison with other deposits of Moscow banks:

  • the deposit is insured;
  • high interest rate;
  • short term deposit;
  • capitalization no;
  • payment of interest at the end of the term;
  • no auto-renewal;
  • partial withdrawal is not possible;
  • non-replenishable deposit;

Deposit rates and interest

Basic parameters of the deposit

The deposit is insured insured in DIA Capitalization of the deposit No Increasing deposit interest No Frequency of interest payments at the end of the term Deposit auto-renewal No Partial withdrawal No Early withdrawal of the deposit no loss of interest Withdrawal restrictions No

Additional information on the deposit

In case of early withdrawal of the deposit, there are two options: interest for the expired rate validity periods is calculated and paid based on the value of the interest rate that is set for the corresponding rate validity period, or interest for the current (incomplete) rate validity period is calculated from the day the rate validity period starts until the day early demand of the deposit and are paid on the basis of the interest rate established for deposits "On demand". If in the current (incomplete) period of the rate validity the rate established for "On Demand" deposits has changed, then each value of the rate is applied to the calculation of interest in accordance with its validity period, established by the Bank.

You can make this deposit at any of the 100 bank branches in Moscow or another region of presence: