The Internet does not connect through the phone. How to access the Internet from a computer using a phone (Android, Windows Phone) as a modem via Wi-Fi

We already have a detailed article on how to connect all possible devices to it. But, there are situations when there is no way to connect to the Internet from a computer, but it is very necessary. For example, somewhere in nature, a university, etc. Yes, there are 3G / 4G USB modems, or mobile Wi-Fi routers, which are great help in similar situations. But, not always this modem or router is at hand. And do not buy such a device just because it is possible that one day you will need the Internet, where there is none.

But our mobile phones are always with us. And, if you have an Android smartphone, or Windows Phone, then you can simply distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from your phone and connect your laptop to it. The phone will act as an access point. This is very convenient, I already wrote about it, both for Android and for Windows Phone.

In order to distribute the Internet from your phone and connect a computer to it, we need:

  • The phone itself, which runs Android, or Windows Phone.
  • The phone must be configured mobile Internet (from the provider). It is desirable that an inexpensive tariff be activated. Since the computer will use a lot of traffic.
  • Your computer that you will be connecting to the Internet must have Wi-Fi. If it is there, but does not work, then most likely it is necessary.

How to share Wi-Fi from your phone?

When I just started writing this article, I thought it would be very big. Since I want to talk about everything in detail, and show it in the screenshots. I would have had to write instructions for setting up mobile Wi-Fi routers for smartphones on Android, and separately on Windows Phone. But, I already wrote about this 🙂

We do this: if you have a phone on Android, then you just need to configure the distribution of the Internet and connect your laptop. How to do this is written in a separate article. Everything is detailed and with screenshots.

If your phone works on Windows Phone, then we do everything according to the article:. Everything is also clear there with screenshots.

After you start the access point on your phone, just connect your laptop or other device to it. This is done very simply. Click on the network icon (in the lower right corner), and from the networks available for connection, choose your (it will have the name you set in the smartphone settings).

Enter the password that you have set on your smartphone.

Everything works, the network is connected. Internet access is available.

Step 2. Connect your phone to your computer

You can read about how to connect your phone to a computer using a cable or Bluetooth in the article "Connecting a mobile phone to a computer".

Step 3. Configuring a telephone modem on the computer

Open the "Control Panel" through the "Start" menu, select "Phone and Modem Options", in the window that appears, select the "Modems" tab.

If the Location Information window appears, enter the area code, set the dialing mode to pulse (required for other modems) and press OK.

Select your phone modem from the list and click the Properties button.

Make sure the modem is still connected to the computer. Also, after connecting the phone via cable or Bluetooth, it takes up to half a minute for the modem to appear in the system.

In the opened "Modem Properties" select the "Additional communication parameters" tab, in the "Additional initialization commands" field write the modem initialization string:

  • For the Beeline network: AT + CGDCONT \u003d 1, "IP", ""
  • For the MTS network: AT + CGDCONT \u003d 1, "IP", ""
  • For the Megafon network: AT + CGDCONT \u003d 1, "IP", "internet"

We register additional parameters (the image shows an example for the Beeline network)

Click OK.

Step 4. Connection setup

Go to the "Start" menu, "Control Panel", " Network connections"and select the item" Create a new connection "on the left. Sequentially select the following options:" Connect to the Internet "," Set up a connection manually "," Via normal modem. "Then select your modem and click" Next ".

  • Settings in the Beeline network. Phone number: *99# ; Username: beeline; password: beeline; Password confirmation: beeline;
  • Settings in the MTS network. Phone number: *99# ; Username: mts; password: mts; Password confirmation: mts;
  • Settings in the "Megafon" network. Phone number: *99# ; Username: gdata; password: gdata; Password confirmation: gdata;

Step 6. Internet access

Launch the connection shortcut created on the desktop. Click "Properties", in the "General" tab, disable "Use dialing rules", if set. Click OK.

In the connection window, press the call button, after 3-5 seconds the computer will be connected to the Internet - just launch the browser.

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