Find what conspiracies are read on your birthday. Your birthday: the best day to read conspiracies. From trouble, sorrow of deliverance

Each of us has our own guardian angel, which protects and protects in difficult times. On his birthday, a person becomes more close to him than ever. Therefore, you should not miss the opportunity to turn to your angel with some kind of request. You cannot conduct a ritual aimed at negativity on your birthday. All rituals should be of exceptionally good content. People often use this day to change the line of fate, a kind of rebirth.

Birthday rituals

Few people know that the usual congratulations "Happy Birthday", like the candles on the cake, are already attributes of white magic. Saying wishes from the heart, your loved ones share with you a particle of positive energy. And if, simultaneously with congratulations, a candle on a birthday cake burns, then the effect of white magic will only intensify.

As soon as you wake up, go to the mirror and look carefully and intently into your reflection.... Sorcerers recommend looking directly into the eyes. At the same time, say the following words: “My dear and beloved Angel, thank you for being with me all year and protecting me from misfortune. Thank you for your help and I ask you not to leave me in the future. Help me to tune my life in harmony, wealth and happiness. "

This ritual is the main one, and it should be recited from the very morning of the holiday, as soon as you wake up.

What to do on your birthday:

  • Don't do black magic, love spells and spoilage guidance. Everything that you do that day will come back to you.
  • Perform rituals against everything that bothers you, whether it's overweight, lack of money, or family quarrels.
  • You cannot harm anyone, no matter how much you want to.
  • Rituals aimed at strengthening health, gaining love and prosperity are becoming relevant.

All the negativity that you attract to yourself will be very difficult to remove. In addition to troubles, you may experience mental disorders: various fears and manias.


There are many tips to follow to keep your luck on your side all year round. What should you do on your birthday and what are the signs?

Conspiracies and rituals according to the lunar calendar

To carry out such a ritual, two candles are lit and placed on the table. One of the candles should be green color, which symbolizes prosperity, and the other - red... If you have problems on the love front, then replace the green candle with a white one.

After you have lit them, say the following words: “Leave misfortune through the black pipe, through the high window, and come love (wealth) through the gate to my table. I'll give you a hare lip and three bones from a calf. May luck be on my side, catch misfortunes, misfortunes. I lock the door with the key, close the gate, I won't let trouble. Amen".

Both candles should burn out to the end and extinguish themselves. Collect whatever remains of them in a clean small handkerchief and hide in a safe place. Let them sit in a secluded place for as long as possible. They cannot be thrown away - only burned or buried.

A rite of passage

You should definitely retire so that no outsider sees the ritual. Stand in any comfortable place, close your eyes and imagine how the rain of gold is pouring on you.

You should feel warmth and energy. Repeat the following words to yourself: "I am one with the entire universe."

Think about your innermost desire and say clearly out loud what you want.... Using meditation, imagine that your desire is a bundle of energy that is sent up.

Crossroads ritual

You should go to the intersection, stand in the center and face east. Such a ritual can attract attention, so do it either early in the morning or late at night.

You must bow first towards the east, then north, west and south. At the same time, repeat the following words: “Forces are earthly, forces are eternal. I worship you, I hope for your kindness. " Express your wish in a clearly articulated sentence and bow again. At the intersection, throw a small coin, say: "Paid" and go home.

It is very important for a complete ritual to present before your eyes what you have envisioned... In this way all desires materialize. On the way home, you cannot look around, and also return to this place for several days, you cannot even raise a coin.

If you are interrupted, then such a ceremony will be considered invalid, and you will have to look for another intersection.

Change of fate

This ritual will be able to remove the curse, as well as protect the future from evil people... The following things will be needed:

  • One liter of holy water.
  • Two icons.
  • Seven thin church candles.
  • Matchbox.
  • Two small mirrors.
  • Salt.

Be sure to fast before the ceremony, and after it - go to church, light candles and distribute small change to the poor.

We install mirrors in such a way that both have your reflection... Place the icons between the mirrors, and place the candles in front of and behind them. Around the place where you will sit, make two circles, one of which will be made of salt and the other of holy water. Moreover, the salt circle must be inside.

After sitting down, you read the following conspiracy: “The heart is dark as in a mirror. I turn to you, Lord, shine a clear light on me and drive away the evil spirits. I bow down to you, mother, I call on the Father and the Son. Do not leave the servant of God unprotected. Amen". During a conspiracy, you should cross yourself three times. After you get up from the chair, be sure to cross yourself again and let the candles burn out.

Rite of passage for the fulfillment of a cherished desire

Nobody should know about your desire, as well as that you are going to conduct the ceremony. For the ritual, you will need the following:

  • Holy water.
  • Church thin candles - three pieces.
  • White saucers without a pattern - two pieces.
  • Cinnamon - two sticks.
  • Large peas of allspice.
  • Red fabric bag.

The ceremony is performed on the night before the birthday. You retire in a place where none of your family should see you. Remove pets and any other obstruction. If you are disturbed, then the ceremony will be considered unfulfilled.

Place one peppercorn on one of two saucers and a cinnamon stick on the other. Light the candles and watching the fire say the following words: “With your great help, Lord, my desire will be fulfilled. I hope and trust in you. Give me strength and faith to wait until it is fulfilled. " Drink some holy water and say the following: “I am addressing you with a pure heart. I forgive help, let everything come true as I intended. Amen".

Mentally, you think about your desire, but do not say it out loud. Pour pepper and cinnamon from saucers and crush. Then you collect the spices and put them in a bag. Be sure to use red cloth as it is a powerful love energy drink. Now this bag will become your talisman, you can carry it with you or just keep it at home in your bedroom. Once the wish comes true, hide the talisman out of sight and do not touch it for at least a year.

Magic amulet of good luck

Any jewelry presented on this day can become an amulet of good luck... You just have to first carry out the ritual and charge it with magical energy. To do this, you need ginger, a green ribbon, seven green candles, small coins and a magnet.

The ritual begins in the evening and continues for seven days. Each day, one candle is lit and placed in front of the magnet. Coins are strung on a magnet, and an ornament tied with a ribbon is taken into the hand, and the plot is read.

“From my sprout grows a big and strong tree. This is how my money will multiply and multiply. Let it be so until I change my mind. " The candle should burn out completely. The next day, carry out the ceremony again, but only with the addition of new coins to the old ones.

After seven days, the magnet with coins and tape is removed away for six months.

Magic for love

This energy ritual will help girls get a long-awaited marriage.... It is held late in the evening or at midnight. To do this, you need two candles: one pink and the other white. On red paper, write all the qualities of the man you would like to meet.

It is even desirable to draw it. A sheet of paper is burned in the flame of candles, while pronouncing the following words: “I protect love and wait. Come to me, dear, hurry. " Then the candles can be extinguished and hidden.

Remember that on this day, the universe favors you. Therefore, take the opportunity to fulfill your deepest desires. All birthday prayers for the fulfillment of a desire must be spoken exactly.

Attention, only TODAY!

One of the ways known to mankind to attract money luck to a person is a birthday conspiracy for wealth. By combining the magic of your zodiac sign, the moment of birth, the direction of the energy of the life cycle on one task, you can multiply the effect of any conspiracy for money.

In the article:

How to read a birthday conspiracy for wealth

As we know, the day of birth is special for each person. It is celebrated year after year, marking the end of the next life cycle and the beginning of a new one. It is on this day that conspiracies, prayers, rituals and all sorts of divination gain strength greater than ever. The time-tested ones will help to bring happiness and joy, financial well-being, positively charged energy into the house, which will continue to nourish you with strength throughout the next days of the year.

Rituals that bring monetary luck do not have to be very complex or multi-stage rituals. The main driving force behind your conspiracies is faith, and the more unconditional it is, the more likely it is that magic will start working as soon as possible. You can also protect someone close to you with the help of this magic: a relative, a friend, a partner.

A birthday conspiracy for wealth is aimed at fulfilling your one and only desire, which should be sincere and coming from the very heart. It can be correcting the financial situation in the family, looking for a new job with better conditionsattracting money investments. The main condition is your pure desire and strict adherence to the rules of the ceremony.

Birthday money conspiracies

The most ancient and popular is and good luck. You will need three wax candles to hold it. from natural wax (paraffin candles or candles made from other artificial materials are not suitable), a white tablecloth without a pattern, a white dish without a pattern, as well as knowing the exact time of your birth. Not necessarily accurate to the minute, but the better you know him, the higher the likelihood of a successful outcome.

The ceremony is performed in your bedroom when you are alone and there is no one in the house. Preheat the candles so that they can be easily bent without breaking. Lay the tablecloth on a curbstone, table or other suitable surface so that when you stand to the east you will be at the same time facing the covered surface. Visualize your desire: imagine how your dreams come true, you are lucky and any of your undertakings are successful, the flow of money that goes to your wallet does not deplete. Hold the candles near your heart for a while, saturating them with your energy. Put them on a plate and light them, then start reading the conspiracy:

Lord my God, give me your blessing. Come through the oak gate, paved on the way to my table, covered with a tablecloth. Bring me the consecrated wax candles, and the gilded dust, and the fused pipe. The midnight moon hurries across the sky, happiness beckons me to my house. From century to century, my words will be forever!

It is very important not to hesitate and not get lost while reading the conspiracy.
Wait for the candles to burn out completely. They should not go out without being burned out, and at this time no one should enter the room: neither households nor pets. If the candle still goes out, light it with another candle. After the candles burn out, hide the ritual items (tablecloth, dish) in a secluded place. They cannot be used during the year. Only after your next birthday can they be used as household items. Before that, it is not desirable that someone saw them and, moreover, touched them. It can destroy the energy of the conspiracy and even harm you if the person has bad thoughts or intentions.

There is also a special rite that can only be performed by a person baptized according to the Orthodox rite. This birthday money conspiracy requires nine consecrated candles, memorized words and a little time alone - about half an hour. Learn the conspiracy by heart, light the candles. Look at the fire and focus on your desire. Ask yourself: h what will change when the dream comes true? How will you change? Would you harm someone with your desire? If after that your determination remains the same, then read this conspiracy twelve times:

Lord God, almighty, bless me! Let the noble devil enter through the gates, through the window, to the oak table, and through the chimney, bring gilded dust as a gift. Aki a clear moon wanders across the night sky, so luck will always find a way to my house, servants of God (name). It's a strong case, but the word is molded. Amen.

While reading, you can not take long breaks, lose concentration, take long breaks between repeating the plot. Count how many times you have already said it. After you read the twelfth time, leave the candles to burn out, but, preferably, watch out so that none of them go out. Scrape off the wax, roll it into one piece, wrap it in a white cloth and hide it until your next birthday, after which it can be thrown away. Do not expect an instant fulfillment of desire and attracting money - you have a whole year ahead, during which the magic will act and, as a result, will lead you to the fulfillment of your expressed dream.

A handkerchief is required for the next Christian ceremony. Taking it in your hands, focus, and then read the conspiracy:

Whoever asks for help from the Lord, the Lord will help him. May my great desire be fulfilled with the help of heaven. Happiness will come to me by unknown roads, life will grow alive. Now I am tying my handkerchief, for a bright help, for good deeds.

After that, tie a knot on the scarf and carry it with you everywhere. When your wish is fulfilled, burn it somewhere outside enclosed space, while not untying the knot. Do not tell anyone about the ceremony you performed.

Birthday conditions and prohibitions

In no case should you wish harm to your neighbor, or curse with a conspiracy on your birthday. The conditions and prohibitions in magic clearly state: the one who breaks this rule for the entire next year will be pursued by failures and exactly the same troubles that he wished to another. Therefore, this prohibition cannot be crossed, since it will not work to pray for it or ask for forgiveness, having purified in this way.

In addition, on your birthday you cannot cry with grief, think or talk about illness or other misfortunes, or discuss the topic of death. Don't feel sorry for yourself or talk about your failures. On this day, your energy and yours aura are undergoing renewal, and therefore you are especially vulnerable to outside influence - and bad thoughts can help the ill-wisher in his bad deed. Do not lend money to others - this will take money away from your home.

It is impossible to celebrate this holiday in advance, as well as create a fortune tied to it on another day of the year. At thirteen years old, a child should be protected from a magnificent and noisy celebration, a man at forty, and a woman at fifty-three years old. The number of candles divisible by three is not placed on the table.

For every person, his birthday is not just another milestone. This is the day on which we all wait for the fulfillment of our cherished desire. For some it is money, for others - love and health, for others - good luck in everything and everywhere. Therefore, the birthday is considered a special holiday. If you wish for a day like this to come true cherished dream or made a wish, help the Universe make it a reality. For this purpose, you can use magic, special rituals, spells. They are called that - birthday conspiracies.

Special prayers and rituals intended for the day of birth should be said at this particular time. As practice shows, thanks to such conspiracies, it is possible to bring closer the realization of the desired, as well as "order" happiness for the whole year.

If you want the whole year, starting from the name day, to be accompanied by good, do these rituals. On your special day, get up early in the morning to watch the sunrise. Go outside. Close your palms at chest level and say, looking at the first rays of the sun, the text of the prayer:

“I, the servant of God (speak your name), will get up early in the morning and wash. Without crossing myself, yes without blessing I will leave the house, but I will go into a clean field. There is an ocean beyond the field, and on it is Buyan Island. There are three houses on that island. In the first, wooden, the Mother of God sits. Bowing down, I ask you to give me good health, good luck and radiant beauty. In the second, golden chamber, sits the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva. I will bow to her, ask for luck in money matters and prosperity. Saint Peter and Fevronia are sitting in the third chamber made of jasper. Bowing to them, I will ask for warm love, in the family of consent. The said words are a lock and a key for the whole year. Amen".

This prayer should be repeated three times. Return home when finished. After crossing the threshold of the house, light a candle. Having placed it near the icons, read prayers, referring to all the saints listed in the text of the conspiracy. As a rule, such rituals are very effective and will help not only to fulfill the wish on your birthday, but also to attract good luck in many things for the whole year ahead.

Rite of passage to attract more money

There is also a conspiracy that aims to attract wealth. These rituals have a powerful effect when performed at midnight. To implement your plan, you need to prepare:

  • 1 church candle;
  • the icon of the Almighty;
  • a piece of clean cloth.

To fulfill your desire to get rich, wait until midnight, which heralds the hour of your birth. When the arrows converge at 12, place an icon on the window. Light a candle and, holding it in front of the holy face, say the text of the prayer 12 times in a row:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will be baptized, bless myself with the cross (at the same time, cross yourself once and worship). Lord Almighty, you own everything that is visible and invisible, the hours and minutes of my life and fate. I thank You for the happiness of living on Earth this year, because I am not worthy of mercy, as I am sinful / sinful. Please give me more of your grace. I ask you to extend the days of my life, so that your virtues accompany me, so that I live in health and harmony, to feel the abundance of earthly gifts and wealth. Bless me, Lord, and mine every day for this year. Amen".

After you have recited this magical text, put out the candle. You need to do this with two fingers of your right hand. After that, wrap the rest of the candle in the prepared piece of cloth. As soon as you put the icon in place, place the bundle behind it. After completing these steps, go to bed.

Rite of passage to meet the betrothed

For those who wish to meet their betrothed as soon as possible, this conspiracy is suitable. On your birthday, you can order yourself various benefits (health, luck, wealth, money), including love. And given that the day of birth is a special holiday, the chances of getting things done are great. Birthday rituals like these will be effective for those who are not in love. This is one of the main conditions for success. The rest include confidentiality, conducting the ritual alone.

To attract the betrothed, to bring the meeting with him closer, do the following. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw your perfect man image. If you don't have the gift of drawing, you can write a list of qualities that you consider important. Then close your eyes and imagine your dream guy.

On your special holiday, picking up this sheet of paper, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as there is no bright sun in the night sky, so I am not alone. As in the night a month meets twinkling stars, so I will meet my betrothed. I have to walk with him for days, spend the night at night, then get married and share love. I walk with my beloved together for centuries. Everything I said will come true. Amen".

Such rituals will help to lure love (the narrowed one) in a short time, if you pronounce the magic words of the conspiracy at the same time for three days in a row.

A ritual to fulfill a wish

On your special day, when you were born, you can ask the Universe to fulfill your cherished desire. To make your dream come true, prepare the following items the day before the name day:

  • three church candles;
  • a glass of holy water;
  • 2 saucers;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • bag made of red fabric.

Wait until midnight before your birthday. When the arrows reach 12, place the items on the table. Light the candles, put pepper on one saucer and cinnamon on the other. Looking at the candles, say prayers first, then you can voice your desire. After this, the magic text should be pronounced:

“As the Lord Almighty helps all who ask him for help, so my cherished desire will also come true. It will be filled with the spirit of help, it will become a reality. Let the path of realization be unknown to me. May it be given to me, the servant of God (his name), by the Holy Spirit what I ask. I ask the Lord for help and wait. Amen".

After these words, you need to take a sip of holy water, then cross yourself. After completing the above, pour the peas on the table, and crush them with a saucer. This will symbolize getting rid of the negativity. Collect the pieces and throw them out the window. Now take the cinnamon. Hold the sticks a little over the flame of a candle, once again thinking about the fulfillment of desire. Put them in a bag immediately, tie it up and place it under your pillow.

He must lie there until the day comes. When you meet love, try your luck, or receive money, you can put the bag in another place, hiding it from prying eyes. But remember that such rituals can only be performed on a birthday.

Today is the day when we will talk about ways to fulfill desires. I, the magician, will offer you witchcraft rituals that work through the Christian Forces, as well as a simple warlock conspiracy at the crossroads, which a beginner can do on his own, since today this magic everyday life, is rapidly gaining momentum.

Any day of our life can be a day of luck and good luck. Today, magic rituals and conspiracies to fulfill wishes are of interest to many. With the help of rituals for desire, you can solve various everyday problems. This makes witchcraft spells effective and therefore attractive.

Home ritual for a birthday wish - a call to your shadow

For many people, the psychological perception of birthday is very similar. We tell ourselves: today is a day of luck and good luck.

  • This is a very special day.
  • The beginning of a new personal year.
  • Another round of life.
  • Renewal, awakening of fresh forces and new hopes.

A special line on which you can do real magic. And you can succumb to the influence of the practical rituals of magic on the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

Practicing magicians do a variety of rituals on the birthday for the fulfillment of wishes - with various rituals through different Forces. Most of them are quite simple, and therefore are performed independently at home. This effective rite of passage fulfillment of their strong desire is spent on their birthday - an independent call to your shadow to fulfill the petition.

The magic ritual on the birthday for good luck and money, really simple, is done independently through the Forces of the Christian egregor. If you work with this egregor, then you may well apply in your practice a powerful ritual on your birthday to quickly fulfill your innermost desire.

You need to stand so that your own shadow does not intersect with the shadows cast by surrounding objects.

Clasp your hands in the castle, and read the conspiracy for an urgent fulfillment of a strong desire three times in 1 day:

“Lord my God, I, your servant (name), are before you. How You created the moon, and the sun, and the stars are frequent, and the blue sea, and the black earth, and man, and his shadow - all this on the seventh day. And the Lord gave me a shadow for every day. I ask her and order her: let (give the Forces a clear, extremely specific formulation of the petition) be fulfilled. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

A good conspiracy to fulfill your wishes on your birthday

A real-life conspiracy on a birthday to fulfill a wish should be read three times, looking at the rising sun. Cross your palms, press them to your chest, and read the text of such a spell to fulfill your desires:

“I, the servant of God (name), will stand, blessing, crossing myself, clean water I will wash, go out of the hut, say goodbye to my father, bless my mother. I will go from the hut to the entrance, from the entrance to the porch, from the porch into the open field. Beyond that field is the sea of \u200b\u200bOkiyan, and in that Okiyan is the island of Buyan. There are three towers on the island. The first mansion is wooden, in that mansion is the Mother of God, I will go, bow to her and say: Mother of God, as you watched Jesus when he walked on the earth, look after me as long as I walk on the earth, and give me damask health and light beauty. The second tower is golden, in that mansion is Saint Paraskeva, I will go, bow to her and say: Saint Paraskeva, give me good luck in money matters, so that I do not suffer a lack of anything. The third mansion is made of jasper, in that mansion is Saints Peter and Fevronia, I will go, bow to them and say: Peter and Fevronia are saints, I ask you for hot blood, a boiling heart for love, and a strong spirit, for family consent. As the door to the doorpost pretends, so my words pretend to me, all days, all hours, at noon and midnight, day and night. Amen."

White birthday conspiracy for money

On this unique day, not only petitions for the fulfillment of the desired are popular, conspiracies for money are popular on birthday. And here is one of them.

You need to read a strong good luck plot at your hour of birth.

If you do not know the exact hour of birth, do the witchcraft rite at midnight - at the beginning of your birthday, but it works worse. For self birthday conspiracy to raise money the following materials are needed:

  • church candle
  • icon of the Lord Almighty
  • a flap of pure natural fabric

Put an icon on the windowsill, in front of it - a church candle. Light a candle and say prayers to the Lord (any that you know), after which read the conspiracy to obtain wealth, luck and good luck 12 times:

“I will be baptized with the Cross (be baptized once), I will be blessed by the Lord God (bow). Amen. Lord God, the lord of everything visible and invisible, all days and hours of my life depend on the will of your saint. Thank you, Lord, for granting me to live this year, because I am a sinner and not worthy of mercy. But you are long-suffering and merciful, Lord. Grant me more of your mercies. Prolong my life in peace and virtue, in health and abundance of earthly fruits. Grant peace and love with my relatives, in order to live in harmony with your neighbors. And above all, clear your conscience, strengthen it on the path of salvation, so that I may be the heir of your heavenly kingdom. God bless my year and all the days of my life. Amen."

After reading the home conspiracy on your birthday for wealth and good luck in business, in obtaining an abundance of earthly fruits, extinguish the candle with the fingers of your right hand, wrap it in a cloth or sheet of paper prepared for the ceremony and put it behind orthodox icon... The next birthday, a home conspiracy for luck and money can be repeated. Reading, i.e. fake, must be made on a new candle. And the candle that you have should be taken to the same temple (required).

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Recover Stolen Luck on Birthday - Witchcraft Ritual at the Crossroads

I want to remind you that everything that we have in earthly life cannot belong to us unconditionally and forever. Our life is temporary. We are all pilgrims here. And all we have is:

  • love,
  • money,
  • health,
  • youth,
  • the beauty,
  • success,
  • luck,
  • luck
  • and the energy of life

- is given to us only for a while.

Including monetary luck. If your luck is not defended, not jealously guarded from someone else's envy, it can be taken away by a sorcerer, an envious person or a person who is energetically stronger than you.

If a black streak has come in life, make a good luck plot on your birthday.

They read a very good conspiracy to fulfill desires in 100 days, at the crossroads. And here it is not the Lord, but the devil's name. So for those who practice white magic, this black rite will not work. If you are engaged in two-handedness, you can do it. The magic ritual is very simple, you will do everything with the power of black magic. It is clear that witchcraft rite of passage to fulfill your cherished desires for warlocks. The summoning of the Forces is not required, unless your connection with the Dark Spirits is not yet strong enough. If so, then the call of the Powers is worth uttering. This can be done either by leaving the house, or by standing at an intersection.

Guardian from trouble

On your birthday, first of all, you need to read the charm-conspiracy from trouble and adversity:

"Angel of my birth,
send me
Your blessing
From trouble, sorrow of deliverance,
From my enemies
Nine nine times
From the clause
And blasphemy in vain
From a sudden and terrible disease,
From the edge in the dark
From the poison in the bowl
From the beast in the thicket,
From the sight of Herod and his army,
From anger and punishment
From bestial tearing,
From eternal cold and fire
From hunger and black day
Save, save me.
And will come
My last hour
My angel, be with me
Stand at the head
Make it easy for me to leave.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

Or read such a strong charm conspiracy.

"I am a baptized bone,
My place is consecrated. Cross with me
The cross is before me
The Angel is coming with me.
Dawn feeds on the sun
Star with a month
The mute gave birth to my enemies,
Blind gathered my enemies,
I closed their eyes
I forgot to open them,
How God's river breaks the Sands,
How steep she blurs the shores,
So soften
Spread the mind-mind
At my enemies
For now, forever
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

On the third day after your birthday, you can read a voodoo witchcraft charm. They read it to the unfinished wine, which was left by the last guest. Conspiracy words are:

"Lord Jesus Christ,
In the Holy Scriptures:
"Ask and it will be rewarded to you."
I ask You, Lord, - Your amulet in the house
And outside
My doorstep
From every evil
From the strongest
From soap
With which the deceased was washed, From the word with which they destroyed,
From a wax doll
From a steel needle,
From the witchcraft schema,
From the black pantacle,
From the white pantacle,
From the yellow pantacle,
From the red pantacle,
From death
Through them in vain,
From a witchcraft love spell,
From the lapel,
What they whip
What they cut with
What they prick
Than they do not allow.
I believe
Into the One God Christ, Into His indestructible power, Now and ever, And forever and ever.


Conspiracy from energy vampirism

There are people who bring misfortune to others. without wanting to. As a rule, they suffer greatly from their "abilities", but they cannot do anything about them. However, on their birthday, they can reprimand themselves with a special conspiracy and become the most ordinary people.

To do this, a person must go to an aspen forest and backwards, stepping on heels, bypass any aspen there. In this case, the following conspiracy should be read:

Damned by god
Aspen root.
Like the blue sea
Fire is subdued
So that I
That aspen obeyed
Whose branch
Judah's Soul strangled itself.
Go my sorrow,
Go my dashing
Go to the aspen
Not fast, not quiet.
They are waiting for you here
Here you are accepted
Here is my soul from everyone
Dashing is released.
Be strong, my words.
Be, my deeds, sculpting:
For now, for ever,
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

Birthday conspiracy

A conspiracy to a cherished desire is read twelve times in a row on their birthday on three burning candles, which are then allowed to completely burn out. The conspiracy words are as follows:

Oh my God,
Bless and have mercy.
Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself,
Walk through the gate
Through the window
Through the black pipe
To my oak table
Bring me
Gilded dust
Pounded rabbit lip
And three bones from a heifer.
Like the moon in its hour
Walks across the sky
So to me, God's Servant (name),
From now on, you'll be lucky.
Sand in the sea, word, deed -
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

I think it's not a secret for anyone that people sometimes have prophetic dreams, there are those who constantly see prophetic dreams and build their lives based on the dreams they see. However, it happens that a person suffers, trying to remember his dream, but he does not succeed. He is sure that he saw something important, on which, perhaps, his future life or the life of those whom he loves depends on. Dont be upset. There is a special conspiracy that helps to remember a dream.

Conspiracy to remember a prophetic dream

They read it at three in the morning, on the day of your birth (for example, you were born on March 6, which means you can read the conspiracy on the 6th of any month). The conspiracy words are as follows:

Remember Lord
My memory.
Let her wash my head
Will not deceive.
Like the holy fathers
Remember the name of Christ,
So be my memory
Strong and sturdy.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

Fortune telling on birthday

For your birthday, you can tell fortunes about what awaits you during the year. To do this, in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, look out the window: if you first see a woman, then you will not have to complain about your health; if a man, you will be alone. A cat promises illness, and an empty street means a quiet life without any changes.

Birthday Signs

A lot of believers are interested in whether it is possible to celebrate a birthday in fasting. Of course you can. However, if you do not want to sin and want to do everything according to the rules, then you should remember: lean dishes can be served on the table and alcohol must be excluded. If the birthday falls on Easter or on one of the days of Holy Week (the last week before Easter), then it is still better to postpone it to the next week. By the way, then you can serve on the table not only lean dishes.

Now I would like to talk about the rules that should be followed when celebrating your birthday, so as not to make a mistake and not cause trouble.

You cannot celebrate your birthday in advance. Later, it is also better not to celebrate it.

If someone wishes you a happy birthday in advance, it's not good. In this case, you immediately need to say: May God live And survive all enemies.

You should not celebrate a birthday on a grand scale if a man turns forty, a woman is fifty-three years old, and a child is thirteen years old.

Guests are never invited in the number of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers negatively affect the birthday person, shortening his life.

You should not put three, nine, twelve and eighteen candles on the table. It is better to completely abandon such decoration.

What to do if presented with an even number of flowers (2, 4, 6 and so on)

It is considered a bad omen if you were presented with an even number of flowers for your birthday (especially bad if you are celebrating an anniversary). This can be done not on purpose, because modern bouquets are sometimes very pretentious, and people do not know all the signs. If something like this happens, then break one flower and throw it into the bucket, while saying:

"There are two dawns in the sky.
One dawn blooms
The other fades.
The sun does not rise without the dawn
Without the evening dawn Does not go.
The Lord of the apostles believed
And my flowers are not counted.
Who is across
He will count my prayer
That odd number
Key, lock, tongue.

If during the holiday a dish of rice (any) will be served, then guests cannot be treated with pancakes: either one or the other.

If you have a dog in your apartment, it is better to take it out of the house during the celebration. The fact is that guests can start singing songs, and the dog will sing along with them. On any other day, there is nothing to worry about, but if the dog starts howling on the birthday of one of the family members, then it bodes bad luck for the birthday boy.

The birthday boy cannot borrow money on his birthday.

If the dishes break during the holiday, they must not be thrown away until the last guest has left.

It is considered a bad omen if the birthday person changes clothes twice during the celebration.

On your birthday you cannot cry, regretting the years gone by. Instead of being sad, think about it better. what the Lord has given you all these years. How many good things have you had during this time, and good things must have been, how many loving relatives, friends and girlfriends you have, how many interesting things you have seen and learned. Of course, it's a pity for the departed youth, but what a happiness that you were born and lived in this wonderful world. and he is beautiful, no matter what they say. You have, are and will be people who love and appreciate you. - isn't it a miracle? Therefore, do not cry on your birthday, because your tears can offend your Guardian Angel.

If you decide to celebrate a holiday in a cafe or restaurant, ask if there was a commemoration here after the funeral. If celebrated, look elsewhere or celebrate at home. If a mistake was made, and the person fell ill, then he should be immediately reprimanded. To do this, read a special conspiracy over the lamp oil and with this oil draw crosses on a person's hands and feet, while reading the same conspiracy:

"In an open field,
In pure expanse
There are four oak trees
Four vortices.
Come on you four whirlwinds
Spread the trouble of the Servant of God (name),
To get rid of her trouble
Rolled down
Fell down, fell off,
How the leaves fall
Frequent from four oak trees,
From four Vetrov Vikhrovichi.
How do you shoot,
Winds, foliage from oak trees,
From their trunks
Twigs and twigs,
So remove any trouble,
From the servant of God (name).
Keep my word strong
Lean and tenacious
And inseparably.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

On the birthday of the groom or bride, in no case should a wedding be celebrated. For example, if the bride was born on Tuesday, then the wedding is not celebrated on Tuesday.

It is forbidden to get married on a birthday.

Bad numbers in the date of birth

Some numbers in the date of birth are considered unfavorable and they need to be reprimanded with special conspiracies. In the date of birth, you need to read off the eight, six, zero and thirteen.

How to read off the number 8 in a date of birth

To scold negative influence the numbers "eight" on Good Friday (the last Friday of Lent before Easter), walk around the temple, saying:

"In the name of God, Eternal And Living,
Mother eight
I will tell you to help me.
Turn around, turn around
Come back to me with luck.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

How to read off the number 6 in a date of birth

To chastise the six, take the egg from the black hen. It is quite possible to get it, because in the villages many keep chickens, and in the cities there is a private sector. Even if you live in a big city, you can always get to the nearest village. This egg must be boiled at midnight, while reading this conspiracy three times in a row:

"Black bird-daredevil
With ten claws
With two wings
With troubles, with bad luck,
With a dull longing
With dashing trouble.
Get off, get off,
Roll up, boil
Roll into the grave
With the servant of God (name),
From the body, from her case,
Out of her way, out of her way
From small paths
From her footprints and from her bones
And animals.
Go to the grave
To the black earth
To the sleeping
And a blind ghoul.
Go, put in the grave
Bad luck shaker
And black bad luck.

This egg should be taken to a fresh grave. On the way back and forth, you cannot talk to anyone (until you step over the threshold of your house), and on the way back you cannot even look back.

How to report 0 on a date of birth

Mother birch.
You give fire.
Fire gives smoke.
The smoke goes there.
Where the Angel counts the years.
The angel is bright.
Holy angel.
With God's servant (name).
Count the servant of God
(name) zeros.
Help her!
The sun.

Whose name
The power is given.
Innocence martyrs.
Amen. Amen.

How to tell the number 13 on your date of birth

This ceremony is especially useful for those parents whose children were born in 2013. The rite to neutralize the negative impact of the devil's dozen is carried out on the night of the twelfth to the thirteenth of any month. Twelve minutes before midnight, they take thirteen small church candles and place them on the table. They light only one, the thirteenth candle, read a conspiracy over it and let it burn out. The other twelve are cleared from the table and hidden. The conspiracy words are:

"Thirteen devils.
Thirteen devils.
Baker's dozen.
The demon's army.
You can't take me!
Go to the dark woods.
On a stone mountain.
To the demonic courtyard.
There are tables
Wooden beds.
There you will live forever.
And I am at twelve
The apostles live out.

This rite must be performed every thirteen years. who is somehow connected with the number thirteen.

The negative impact of the damn dozen can be chastised in another way. Go to church and ask the priest to name the twelve names of the apostles, without saying why you need it. If he names all the names, then you will be freed from the influence of the number thirteen.