How to write the thesis sample. Rules for the design of abstracts. Sample of abstracts

Newbies often enter the copywriting field with the thought "What could be easier than writing articles?" In fact, it turns out that the texts compiled by them are a frank set of letters that do not carry any meaning and are difficult to read. Only professionals know how to write in such a way that their material is read in one breath.

What are abstracts and why does a copywriter need them? In this article, we decided to touch on this important topic. It is clear that not everyone and not always use this, but you need to develop and discover something new for yourself. This helps to improve the quality of the created content, which is immediately reflected in the interest from customers and buyers.

Thesis, what is it?

There are two opinions to explain this term. Some believe that a thesis is a meaningful material based on a voluminous text. Others claim that, on the contrary, detailed materials are created on the basis of theses. Both opinions are correct, theses are used for both.

Most often, scientific theses are encountered, since a complex topic must be presented in a short form. Speaking of brevity, if you think this is a couple of words, you are mistaken. Basic terms are written on more than one page. For example, if they are compiled for a conference.

Novice copywriters need not understand this topic if they need to write a text thesis from some site. It is enough to find out.

We have moved a little away from the topic of copywriting in order to explain in more detail the meaning of the word "thesis". But now you have an idea of ​​what this material is.

Examples of abstracts can be found on the Internet, they can be several times larger than the text on this page.

If you look at the second meaning of the thesis, which is used to create a large article, then most often it is a set of answers to questions. For example, a customer asks to write a text about a company. How does a copywriter know what the company does, what exactly it sells, how it stands out in the market, and so on.

To get the information you need, the client is asked questions:

  • what is for sale;
  • how is it produced;
  • features and characteristics;
  • Advantages and disadvantages;
  • what is the difference from analogs;
  • what confirms the quality;
  • the target audience.

The answers received can be considered as theses, they are used to compile voluminous material. In general, large companies try to prepare this information in advance in order to then transfer it to the authors, otherwise the article turns out to be insufficiently informative.

How to write a thesis?

Quite a lot of them have been created, the most interesting and popular examples are collected in the abstracts. Until you see how other people do it. Abstracts examples on the Internet are easy to find. Let's take a look at one of them, the thesis for the essay on the topic of mind and feelings was drawn up:

A small explanation that makes it clear what this work is about. These texts can be very different, it all depends on what format you want to use and what the thesis is created for.

When creating abstracts, you need to rely on several simple rules:

  1. The heading is selected according to the main topic, it is better to write the text first, and then figure out what to call the thesis, this increases the accuracy.
  2. The topic is narrow and precise, the short content of the theses does not allow to deviate from the main idea.
  3. One of the main factors in thesis is the availability of examples. Fit them even in a compressed text format.
  4. You need to start with the introduction, it should answer the main question. It is advisable not to stretch it, fit into one paragraph.
  5. The main content needs to be structured, use several subsections and statements, and accompany them with examples.
  6. The conclusion summarizes and explains where people can find the expanded version of the material.
  7. If the thesis is scientific, then it is advisable to include all kinds of footnotes, quotes and explanations in it.

Seven simple rules for the author of the thesis. Even for the article you are currently reading, you can write a short message so that users can first find out what will be discussed, and only then decide whether to study it. This approach helps to save time, even bloggers use it.

The thesis text is most often used for lectures, reports and other educational directions... A short content on a complex topic helps you to properly assimilate the material. Should you use abstracts in copywriting? Of course, at the very least, they help with the creation of complex articles.

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Some people think that the thesis is just a list of the main positions of the work, but this is not so. The theses of a scientific article are actually another form of it, an independent article, which should give a sufficient idea of ​​the research carried out. They are understood as the provisions of the article that are logically related to each other, the proof of which is given in the publication itself.

The purpose of abstract writing is to summarize the material presented in a scientific article. Having become acquainted with the theses, the reader will conclude that it is advisable to get acquainted with the article itself. If you unsuccessfully present an article in the form of abstracts, then this can scare off readers from acquaintance with interesting materials, while even a weak article in its content can generate significant interest due to well-written abstracts.

Structure of theses

Theses have a certain structure, adhering to which you can clearly state the essence of the problem. There are three main parts of the theses: the preamble, the main part and the conclusion. The preamble is preceded by information about the author of the abstracts and their title, which is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of a particular publication.

Preamble... This part implies an introduction to the research problem, a description of its relevance and the purpose of the research. For a common phenomenon, the traditional formulation is used, while referring to a new or rare term must begin with its brief description.


Gambling addiction is one of the important problems of school-age children.

Cyberbullying is cyberbullying that has reached alarming proportions in the world.

When articulating relevance and other elements, do not rewrite entire paragraphs of text that may be present in your article. In your theses, you should draw attention to the problem, and not try to describe in detail its monstrous dimensions or consequences.

Main part... Here it is necessary to present several basic provisions of the work, which are united by the research problem. This part of the abstracts should be given special attention, since they touch upon the essence of the research and should be presented in sufficient volume. In the case of a quantitative study, it is necessary to briefly describe the methods used, the sampling parameters and the main results.

First, formulate the theoretical positions on the basis of which you conducted your research. The wording will help you with this:


... (term) represents

The main purpose (term) ... is ...

For ... (term) features are characteristic ...

Then describe the specific results of the study, for example, using the construction: "during the study it was revealed that ...".

When describing research methods, it can be noted by what criteria the subjects were selected, how many stages the study consisted of, in what form it was conducted. All this must be put into 1-2 sentences, in which there will be no unnecessary details (place and conditions of the event, composition of groups, etc.) and insignificant words.

Sample :

The study was carried out using the methodology (name of the methodology): 30 selected students with a high level of gambling addiction were asked questions from the author's questionnaire.

Conclusion... The latter statements should represent some kind of conclusion from all that has been given before. In the final part, you need to summarize the results of the study. This can be a generalization of the conclusions that you described in the previous part. Traditional constructions that lead the reader to the end of the work will help you: "the research results show ...", "in this way ...", etc.

Errors in the preparation of abstracts

  1. A common mistake when writing abstracts is the lack of a specific structure. This approach leads to the fact that the author simply presents in a condensed form some part of his research, without indicating its key parameters, or pulls out certain provisions of the work, without linking them with each other.
  2. The second mistake is excessive preamble. The authors of some theses pay too much attention to the formulation of the relevance of a topic or problem without touching on the research itself. At the same time, it is the research results that are of interest to the scientific world.
  3. The third mistake is associated with overly complex phrases. Some authors believe that an excess of special terminology will demonstrate their education, competence in this topic. But do not forget that the thesis should draw the attention of the audience to the issue you raised. The easier you formulate your thesis, the more likely it is that your topic will be discussed. At the same time, simplicity lies not only in the clarity of the sentences, but also in their brevity. Two short sentences are always easier to perceive than a long adverbial construction.
  4. Another error occurs due to the low content of the theses. It would seem that when formulating them, a problem should arise, how to fit everything into a small volume (1-2 pages). However, the opposite also occurs, when a person does not know how to highlight the main thing. Instead of laconic phrases logically related to each other, he presents a whole tape of text, devoid of the necessary precision and brevity.

Improvement of theses

Not every author spends time improving their theses, but in vain. It is during the correction process that your work can become deeper, more accurate and more interesting for a potential audience. People with high self-esteem often think that they have already tried hard enough, and their work is beyond praise. To get an objective assessment, invite competent people to read your abstract and the article for which they were written. You will surely receive some valuable comments that will help you to see your own work from the outside, remove unnecessary from it and make the existing provisions more meaningful.

Correctly designed conference abstracts have a very important role. Poorly prepared text can spoil the idea of ​​the main work, alienate the listener or reader, and also present the author himself in a bad light. Competently executed abstracts will allow you to reveal the full potential of scientific work, draw attention to your work or attract funding, and mark the author as a competent scientist. Conference abstracts, marked by the commission as significant, can be published free of charge in various journals or collections of conference articles.

Abstracts based on the publication of another author. The preparation of theses of this type consists in a thorough study of the work of a third-party author.

In the course of the study, it is necessary to highlight the main ideas and the essence of the work, then, on the basis of the prepared material, individual provisions are formulated, which are then formalized in the report.

Abstracts in order of writing

Abstracts by complexity

Abstracts by style of presentation

  • Defining the purpose of the work
  • Various data and calculations.
  • Main results
  • Final analysis and conclusions
  • Description of the new technique
  • Application descriptions

The title indicates the title of the article, the names of the authors, place of work or registration, as well as the country and city. In some cases it is necessary to prepare annotation and keywords.

Now you know

  • Publication date: 2016-10-17
  • Category: Articles
  • Section: Recommendations

ABSTRACTS are briefly formulated main ideas, provisions of the studied material.In order to make the abstract you need to:

1) Read an entire paragraph (even better, first read the entire text). Highlight the main idea (keywords) in the paragraph. Find key offers. They contain keywords.

2) discard details and explanations in the proposal.

It is possible that the main idea"Scattered" over two or even three sentences.

3) reformulate the selected thought in a simpler form.

Pr: a story about a mowgli girl (i.e., the essence or name is briefly indicated, if we are talking about a well-known experiment, scientific or historical fact)

Example: fragment of the transcript of Gordon's TV show with D. Leontiev and S. Bratchenko "The Dotted Man")

... The great psychologist Karl Rogers made a huge mistake when he identified human potential with what is in us by nature. The concept of "personal growth", which was introduced into everyday life by Karl Rogers, implies that everything is laid down, you just need to water and everything will sprout by itself. But it is not precisely what makes a person human that sprouts; what is only a prerequisite sprouts. Our natural potential is not our human potential. Human potential is not within us, it is in our relationship with the world.

In a person there is not only biological and social, but also personal, which does not apply to either one or the other. A very beautiful model describing this was proposed by the American psychologist Salvatore Maddi, the author of a very original theory of needs. He distinguishes three groups of human needs: biological, social and psychological. Muddy refers to the psychological needs of imagination, judgment and symbolization: something that no one has ever referred to as needs. And further Muddy describes two ways of personal development. The first way is when we perceive ourselves exclusively as the embodiment of biological needs and social roles, our biological and social needs dominate, and we perceive ourselves as the embodiment of these biological needs and social roles and behave in their logic. This is the conformist path. But there is also a second option, when psychological needs are dominant. We have our own images, our own world. We build ideals, we project ourselves into the future ... And we begin to behave in a different way, in a human way. You can do without it, but at the same time human potential is never realized. This is a choice that each of us makes ...


Karl Rogers falsely equalized the potential for heredity. And personal growth is about self-disclosure of abilities.

DAL The heredity is only a prerequisite. Human potential is in the relationship, not inside the h-ka.

DAL: Three aspects of a person's "content":




A similar idea of ​​the American psychologist Salvatore Maddi about 3 gr-needs (biology, social, personal).

According to Maddy, there are 2 ways r-i:

1) conformist: when we perceive ourselves as the embodiment of their biological needs and social roles.

2) when psychological needs dominate. Ch-k builds ideals, projects himself into the future. (= personal path along the DAL.)

Ch-k chooses the way of life

According to the general definition in Wikipedia: "Abstracts - briefly formulated main provisions, main thoughts of scientific work, article, report, term paper or thesis." Theses of scientific articles are a set of interrelated and logically built basic provisions of a full-text work, in which they must be proved and substantiated.

The main purpose of writing abstracts is to present a short affirmative generalization, to reveal the essence, main ideas and results of a more complete work or scientific work. Distinctive feature abstracts - this is a small volume (2-3 pages), reflecting the main ideas of the full report.

Correctly designed conference abstracts have a very important role. Poorly prepared text can spoil the idea of ​​the main work, alienate the listener or reader, and also present the author himself in a bad light.

Competently executed abstracts will allow you to reveal the full potential of scientific work, draw attention to your work or attract funding, and mark the author as a competent scientist. Conference abstracts, marked by the commission as significant, can be published free of charge in various journals or collections of conference articles.

Each scientist strives to convey the results of his work to the world society and other specialists. To prepare high-quality abstracts and publish them means to make your works worthy of scientific recognition and application by other scientists in their works.

Abstracts are classified according to the following types:

  • Authorship of the main scientific work (compiled using publications of another author, compiled on the basis of their own scientific works)
  • Place of presentation (international conferences, magazines, seminars, etc.)
  • The form of presentation (presentation with a speech, hearing in absentia, publication, etc.)
  • The order of writing (before the preparation of the main scientific work, when the scientific work has already been prepared)
  • The main content (contain the statement of the problem, the result of the study, a new method of work, etc.)
  • Difficulties (basic, simple, complex)
  • Presentation style (verb and nominative structure)

Abstracts based on the publication of another author. The preparation of theses of this type consists in a thorough study of the work of a third-party author. In the course of the study, it is necessary to highlight the main ideas and the essence of the work, then, on the basis of the prepared material, individual provisions are formulated, which are then formalized in the report.

Abstracts based on their own scientific works. This implies a clear understanding of the issue under study by the author. At the same time, the main task of the author is a short and concise expression of the problem under consideration in writing.

Abstracts at the place of presentation

Abstracts of scientific work will be presented at the conference, sent and reviewed at a seminar or forum, or evaluated in absentia by experts and accepted for publication in the journal.

Abstracts by presentation

A distinctive feature here is the need for a public speech, an absentee hearing, or the provision of abstracts to an expert council. Abstracts for an extramural conference are usually written short, capacious and informative, with the aim of their further publication in the conference proceedings.

Abstracts in order of writing

Preparation of abstracts based on the available material is to correctly highlight the main points and preserve the integrity of the work.

Preparation of abstracts before writing the main scientific work is the most common type. The difficulty lies in the fact that the author has not fully studied the material and has almost no idea what he wants to write about. After the emergence and formulation of the main idea, a short plan is prepared, on the basis of which the text is written.

Abstracts on the main content

They are the essence of the content of the report. They can be based on the formulation of a problem, the publication of research results, the publication of a new methodology, etc.

Abstracts by complexity

Simple theses include separate parts of the main work, disclose only the main points. Key messages include fundamentally important ideas and provisions of the main work. Each main thesis is explained in a simple way. Complex - include simple and basic theses, reveal the main scientific work in the most complete form.

Abstracts by style of presentation

Theses of the verbal structure mostly include verbal predicates and represent a short scientific description.

The theses of the nominative structure are characterized by the absence of verbal predicates and laconic fixation of scientific information.

Let's go directly to the question “ How to write conference abstracts».

The structure of the theses is based on the typology of their content.

When writing a text that reveals the formulation of a problem, the following blocks are included:

  • Laconic introduction, revealing the relevance of the topic.
  • Purpose of work and setting tasks
  • Brief literature review and analysis of existing methods or points of view, description of the subject area and object of research
  • Ideas and thoughts of the author about the problem under consideration
  • Procedure and possible ways of research development
  • Conclusions on the tasks and goals. Evaluation of the achievement of the result.

When writing text based on the research results, it is recommended to use the following outline:

  • Brief laconic introduction, problem statement
  • Defining the purpose of the work
  • General provisions and basic hypotheses of the study.
  • Applied methods and methodologies.
  • Various data and calculations.
  • Intermediate results and analysis
  • Main results
  • Final analysis and conclusions

Theses concerning new working methods include the following blocks:

  • Brief laconic introduction, techniques, scope
  • The purpose and objectives of the development of a new methodology
  • Description of existing techniques, literature analysis
  • Description of the new technique
  • Application descriptions
  • Assessment of benefits and limitations
  • Conclusions and the degree of achievement of the assigned tasks, the error of the method.

Requirements for abstracts

Requirements for the design of abstracts are submitted by org. the committee holding this or that event. It is very important to pay special attention to this, since incorrectly edited abstracts of the report may cause rejection of the article, because any violation of the rules for the design of works leads to an increase in the time for the layout of the collection of works and further placement in libraries.

The average size of abstracts is 3-5 pages, font Times New Roman, 12-14 point size, single or one and a half line spacing.

One of the important points is the design of the bibliography. It is necessary for accounting for citations, as well as for giving scientific weight to the text. For the correct construction of the list, GOST 7.1-2003 is used.

The title indicates the title of the article, the names of the authors, place of work or registration, as well as the country and city.

How to write abstracts for a scientific article

In some cases it is necessary to prepare the annotation and keywords.

General algorithm for writing conference abstracts:

  1. Determination of the type of thesis work and the choice of its structure
  2. Setting goals and required work results
  3. Formulation of the working title of the document, taking into account the previous paragraphs. It is necessary to take into account the topic of the required section of the conference.
  4. Drawing up the structure of abstracts according to the recommendations and type. For convenience, it is recommended to prepare one sentence in each block, including the main idea of ​​this section. If a section contains several ideas, then it will consist of several paragraphs
  5. Analysis of the received, if necessary - addition and clarification. It is important to logically build a proof of the main idea of ​​the work and the way to achieve the goal.
  6. Acquaintance with the requirements for the design of abstracts and preparation of the text based on the existing plan.
  7. Checking the received text. If there are new considerations or ideas on the issue under consideration, they must also be included by repeating the previous steps.
  8. Completion of writing the text of the report, abstract, keywords and verification of compliance with the requirements of the conference. It is very important to consider the number of pages indicated by the org. the event committee as recommended.
  9. Final preparation of the text of the article and presentation of them to your supervisor or friends.
  10. Sending ready-made abstracts, a completed application for participation to the address of org. committee.

Abstracts should be short and informative

The logical relationship should be traced throughout the text

The writing style must be purely scientific

The text should be understandable even to an unprepared reader

Graphic design in the form of diagrams and tables is encouraged.

See the article on this topic "10 Basic Rules for Writing Scientific Articles"

Now you know how to write conference abstracts... Quality articles and scientific growth!

  • Publication date: 2016-10-17
  • Category: Articles
  • Section: Recommendations

1) The main theses are fundamentally important, main provisions that summarize the content of the source (main conclusions).

2) Simple theses - the main thoughts that are present in individual pieces of information. Simple theses reveal the main ones.

3) Complex points - includes basic and simple points. Each main thesis is explained in simple terms.

- Theses should be arranged in the logical sequence in which the main ideas of this book are most correctly stated (which does not always coincide with the sequence of presentation of the material).

- It is advisable to use a complex plan for writing abstracts.

- The wording of the theses should be clear and concise.

- No substantiating facts or examples are given in the theses.

- Some of the abstracts can be written in the form of quotations.

- Well-written theses follow from one another.

Algorithm for drawing up abstracts

2. Divide the text into logical parts.

3. In each part, highlight the main thing.

Report abstracts - a sample and an example of how to write

Consider what has been highlighted, formulate theses.

Abstract is a systematic, logically coherent record that unites the plan, theses, extracts.

A synopsis written by one reader can be used by others. It is more versatile than other types of recordings. The notes can be successfully accessed several years after they were written.

Types of notes:

1) Planned synopsis - drawn up on the basis of the plan. Each question of the plan is answered by a certain part of the outline. Where a plan item does not require additions and explanations, it is not accompanied by a text.

2) Textual synopsis - created mainly from quotes from the author of the book. Extracts can be connected by logical transitions, can be supplied with a plan and include abstracts. Helps to determine the falsity of the author's judgments or to identify controversial points.

3) Free synopsis - combines extracts, quotations, sometimes abstracts. Part of its text can be provided with a plan. To compose a free summary, you need a deep understanding of the material, a large and active vocabulary in order to clearly and concisely formulate the main provisions.

4) Thematic summary - gives a more or less comprehensive answer to the question-topic posed. Such a synopsis is drawn from several sources, so it does not necessarily reflect the entire content of each of them.

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Memo to the participant

Acceptance of applications for the conference will be open February 9th... An electronic application form will appear on the website.
Completion of accepting applications - March 12.

Working language of the conference: Russian.

All materials will be checked for plagiarism (RuContext system). Originality must be at least 60%. Articles that do not meet this requirement will be sent for revision or rejected. Materials that do not correspond to the topic of the conference or the rules of design, as well as submitted in violation of the established procedure, are not accepted for publication. Materials that have gross violations are returned to the author for revision.

Abstracts drawn up in violation of the rules, abstracts without applications, as well as those sent by fax, are not considered.

An expert opinion for publication in the open press must be attached to the abstracts.

Printed collections of abstracts are issued during the work of scientific sections only to the participants who made a presentation. For absentee participants, an electronic version of the collection of abstracts will be available on the conference website with all the output data in * .pdf format

This section will be updated as information for the participants is formed.

Requirements for abstracts

Abstracts of reports and messages of participants are published in the collection of scientific papers, issued for the opening of the conference.

Printed collections of abstracts are issued during the work of scientific sections only to the participants who made a presentation. For absentee participants, an electronic version of the collection of abstracts will be available on the conference website (with all the output data) in * .pdf format

The reports are the results of scientific research of significant interest and scientific and practical significance. The volume of abstracts should not exceed one page printed text including heading.

Abstracts should be prepared in MS Word (* .doc, * .docx) without formulas and figures. Volume of abstracts not allowed less than 2/3 of the page excluding the title.

Page and text options:

Paper size - A4 (210mm x 297mm);

· Top margin - 20 mm;

Bottom margin - 20 mm;

· Left margin - 30 mm;

· Right margin - 15 mm;

· Font - Times New Roman;

· Line spacing - single;

· Indent of the first line of the paragraph - 1.25 cm;

· Main font size - 12 pt;

· Alignment - in width.

Above is the title of the report without a dot at the end. The title of the report should not exceed two lines. The font is bold.

The next line contains the names and initials of the authors in alphabetical order. The speaker should be underlined. The number of authors of one report should be no more than three.

On the next line, the scientific supervisor of the authors is indicated, indicating the academic title, academic degree, surname and initials in the form: “Scientific supervisor - professor, doctor of technical sciences. Surname I. O. ".


Abstracts should be submitted to the Organizing Committee at in electronic format as an attached file along with an application for participation in the conference and an expert opinion. File names must include the last name of the contact author (or all authors) to identify the materials of the report. For example, "Petrov.doc", "Petrov_Semenov_Makarov.docx", etc.

Abstracts drawn up in violation of the rules, abstracts without applications, as well as those sent not through the conference website will not be considered. The organizing committee informs the contact authors about receiving abstracts on e-mail specified in the application. In the absence of confirmation (due to possible technical failures), abstracts and an application must be sent a second time.

The abstracts must be accompanied by expert opinion for publication in the open press.

(Note: a single expert opinion for the theses of Mayevites will be drawn up upon completion of the acceptance of applications by the leadership of the corresponding section)

All materials will be checked for plagiarism(RuContext system). Originality must be at least 60%. Articles that do not meet this requirement will be sent for revision or rejected. To publication not accepted materials that do not correspond to the topic of the conference or the design rules, as well as presented in violation of the established procedure. Materials that have gross violations are returned to the author for revision.

A conference participant can be a contact author of only one report and a co-author of no more than two other reports.

One person cannot be both the scientific advisor and the author of one work.

Creating a scientific paper is one thing. But speaking at a conference, presenting strong facts, being interesting, not letting the listeners get bored, and even facing hundreds of unfamiliar faces is not an easy task.

In preparing for a conference, there is something like preparing for a diploma defense. But there are also some nuances.

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Why is it so important to know how conference abstracts are written?

Participation in a scientific conference is the ultimate dream of any scientist. It is there that all authoritative personalities gather who will or will not notice your bright thoughts.

The knowledge of how to correctly write and issue abstracts for the conference will be useful to many even earlier. Even at school, especially successful students have the opportunity to participate in such an event. Another example is the student years, when young scientists begin to take their first steps in science.

A successful presentation at the conference will become a confident application for participation in the scientific community. If you get noticed (in a good way), you can reach great heights in the future.

And one more point why it is so important to follow the rules for writing abstracts for a conference: poor preparation will put in an unfavorable light the main scientific work, and sometimes the personality of the author himself.

Conversely, a good structure, a competent plan and compliance with all the requirements of the abstracts for the conference will allow you to get several advantages at once:

  1. Unleash the potential of scientific work.
  2. Pay attention to yourself and your work.
  3. Attract funding.
  4. Declare yourself as a new scientific author.

Please note that the abstracts marked by the commission can be published free of charge in collections of scientific articles, conference proceedings, etc.

What are conference abstracts

Writing abstracts for a conference is a process of collecting into a single whole interrelated and logically built basic provisions of all scientific work (coursework, diploma, scientific article), where the main evidence and justification should be provided.

Abstracts - briefly formulated main provisions, the main thoughts of a scientific work, report, article, term paper or thesis.

There are several main purposes for abstract writing:

  • providing a short persuasive summary,
  • disclosure of the essence of the work,
  • acquaintance with the main ideas and results of work.

If you take a closer look at the requirements for the design of abstracts for a conference, you can catch a clear resemblance to writing a report for a thesis. Here, you also need to observe a small volume - only 2-3 A4 sheets, on which the main ideas of a complete scientific work are displayed.

Sample abstracts for a scientific conference:

Types of abstracts

Before making abstracts for the conference, you should thoroughly study them according to the following criteria:

  1. By the authorship of the main scientific work... When compiling them, publications of other authors, as well as their own scientific work, can be used. In the first case, someone else's work is thoroughly studied, its essence and main ideas are highlighted. On the basis of the prepared data, the author formulates separate provisions, which should be reflected in the report. In the second case, it is assumed that the author in the course of research has acquired a clear understanding of the issue studied. And here main task is to concisely and succinctly display the problem under consideration before the public.
  2. At the place of presentation. Before making abstracts for the conference, you need to understand where they will be presented (seminars, magazines, international conferences, and so on).
  3. By the form of presentation... This can be a presentation with a speech, publication, hearing in absentia, and so on. This item directly depends on the previous one. An example of writing abstracts for a correspondence scientific conference will be distinguished by brevity, information content, capacity, so that they can be published in a scientific collection of conference articles. In the presentation, a certain lyrical digression is permissible, and in some cases an appropriate joke will come in handy.
  4. By order of writing... Such abstracts of the report for the conference can be written before the main scientific work is created, or when the work is already ready (following its example). If the work is done on the basis of the finished material, it consists in clearly highlighting the important points and giving the whole work integrity. The sample of the abstracts for the conference before the creation of the main work is the most common type. Its difficulty lies in the fact that the material has not yet been fully studied by the author, and therefore he does not yet have a clear idea of ​​what to write about. Here you need to work out a clear plan with the smallest details, on the basis of which the text will be written.
  5. By main content... It may contain a statement of the problem, describe a new method of work, the results of interesting research, and so on.
  6. By complexity(difficult, medium, simple). At the same time, simple theses deal with the disclosure of the main problem, the middle ones (the main ones, consisting of many simple ones) consist of fundamentally important ideas and provisions of the main scientific work, and complex ones consist of both simple and basic theses that will fully reveal the essence of scientific work ...
  7. By style of presentation(nominative or verbal structure). Theses of the verbal structure look like a short scientific description and consist mainly of verbal predicates. Theses of the nominative structure are characterized by the absence of verbal predicates, are distinguished by the laconic fixation of scientific data.

So we examined the main points of how the abstracts for the conference are drawn up. Now let's move on to the main thing: how to write them?

How to write conference abstracts: rules and sample

The structure of this type of work will completely depend on what type of thesis you decide to work on.

If a text is written that will describe the problem posed, it should include the following information blocks:

  • description of the purpose of the work and setting goals;
  • small lit. review, analysis of current points of view and methodologies;
  • presentation of your own thoughts on the problem;
  • possible ways of developing the problem;
  • summing up, evaluating the results achieved.

If you are writing a text based on research results, it is better to use a slightly different structure:

  • a short introduction, revealing the relevance of the topic;
  • description of the purpose of the work;
  • general provisions, basic hypotheses;
  • methods and methodologies used;
  • bringing calculations and data;
  • derivation of intermediate results, analysis;
  • familiarity with the main results;
  • final analysis, summing up.

And here is a sample of how conference abstracts are written, following the example of working with new techniques:

  • short introduction, description of techniques, areas of application;
  • description of the purpose of the work and setting tasks when developing a new methodology;
  • acquaintance with the available techniques, analysis of the literature;
  • acquaintance with a new technique;
  • description of the scope;
  • real appreciation of the merits and limitations;
  • conclusions and the degree of implementation of the tasks, description of the method error.

Requirements for conference abstracts: how to correctly formulate

Before starting work, be sure to contact your supervisor. He must show how the abstracts for the conference look like, show examples and samples, how to make them, as well as how to arrange them.

In addition to the supervisor, the organizing committee holding the conference can provide the rules for registration.

It is extremely important to pay special attention to the design. Errors and inaccuracies can lead to refusal to speak. Why is everything so strict? Simply, any deviations can cause a delay in the layout of works and their further placement in libraries and publications.

And here are the basic rules for registration:

  • main font - Times New Roman,
  • size 12-14 size,
  • single or one and a half line spacing,
  • preparation of the list of references exactly in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003.

The title of the work must contain the author's data: his last name, first name, patronymic, place of study / work, country and city. Sometimes it is required to carry out the abstract of abstracts for the conference, but this is extremely rare. Therefore, we will not dwell on this point.

The main thing is to define a clear algorithm for creating conference abstracts. Here's a checklist to help you, with which you will be able to make a real "bomb" and "blow up" the scientific world with your performance:

Do not worry. If you have already reached the point that you want to participate in the conference, then more than half of these requirements are already firmly in your head. Well, if time flies mercilessly, and you cannot find even a minute to prepare, it is not at all necessary to refuse to participate. After all, you can simply apply for abstracts to a conference from specialists of student service and calmly enjoy the world of facts, scientific reports and in-depth knowledge.