The housewife flew over the lawn to fuss. Ecological education of preschool children. Synopsis of the GCD in the middle group “The housewife flew over the lawn

Generalization of knowledge about bees. Generalization of knowledge about bees. Acquisition of skills of independent Acquisition of skills of independent work with literature. work with literature. Learn more about the world around us, about the life of bees in nature. Learn more about the world around us, about the life of bees in nature. Expand your knowledge and ideas about the features of the appearance, life manifestations of bees. Expand your knowledge and ideas about the features of the appearance, life manifestations of bees. Enrich vocabulary. Enrich vocabulary. Learn to compare, analyze, establish the simplest connections about the activities of bees (queen, drone, worker bee), make generalizations. Learn to compare, analyze, establish the simplest connections about the activities of bees (queen, drone, worker bee), make generalizations.

In the old days, bees were called "God's servants", because they give people not only fragrant honey, but also wax, from which church candles are made. Since ancient times, the bee has become a useful insect for humans. Our ancestors traded honey and wax with overseas merchants. In those distant times, people have not yet built special houses for bees, which are called beehives. The bees built their nests in the hollows of old trees - beekeeping, and beekeeping was called beekeeping. In those places where there was a brisk trade, the ancient Russian cities of Kyiv, Chernigov, Novgorod arose ... Bees and people

Let's remember what a bee looks like. She has a head, chest, abdomen, legs. The body of the bee is covered with black and yellow hairs. With their help, she transfers pollen from flower to flower. On the hind legs of the bee are special baskets for collecting pollen. Bee wings are translucent, membranous. The bee has large eyes, with which it perfectly distinguishes the color of flowers. Bees see blue, purple, white and yellow colors especially well. The strong jaws of the bee - they are called mandibles - help the insect soften the wax. And the tongue of a bee has the shape of a groove and is covered with hairs. With her tongue, she sucks up sweet flower nectar and water. Of course, you know that a golden bee can sting very painfully, because a sharp sting is hidden in its abdomen. When a bee bites a person, it cannot pull out the stinger and dies. What kind of golden bee are you?

How a big friendly family lives In worries and labors! After all, most of the hive settlement is made up of worker bees. They have a lot to do! They extract sweet nectar and flower pollen, carefully feed the growing larvae, build and repair wax combs. In the early summer morning, scout bees fly out of the hive. They go in search of honey herbs. Then the scouts return to their native hive and begin a cheerful and intricate dance. They buzz, whirl, releasing drops of nectar. Other bees watch the dancers and perfectly understand the language of their movements. Soon all the worker bees fly out of the hive and rush after the scout bees. Each hive has the largest bee. This is the queen of bees, she is called the uterus. The queen bee is surrounded by a whole retinue of court bees. They feed the queen and take care of her. The queen never leaves the hive, she collects honey and pollen from flowers. She lays eggs in wax cells prepared by worker bees. At the beginning of summer, young bees emerge from the eggs. When a new queen hatches from a bee chrysalis, the old queen leaves the hive.

How is the bee house. How is the bee house. This is a rather large wooden box on four legs with an opening roof. Inside the hive there are vertically arranged frames. Inside these wooden frames, industrious bees build hexagonal cells from wax - honeycombs. Some of the cells in the combs are occupied by honey, while the uterus lays testicles in others. That part of the meadow or glade where the beehives are located is called the apiary. When the beekeeper wants to look into the hive to make sure that enough honey has already been collected by the bees and needs to be removed from the combs, he lets a small stream of smoke into the hive. A terrible commotion immediately begins in the bee house: the bees “think” that a fire has started somewhere nearby and, just in case, collect as much honey as possible into their stomachs. And if the stomach of a bee is filled to the top with honey, it cannot bend its abdomen and release its poisonous sting, that is, simply put, with a full stomach, the bee cannot bite. This is what beekeepers use when they take frames with honeycombs out of the hive. With the onset of cool autumn days, the hives are transferred from the apiary to warm sheds for the winter quarters. In winter, the bees do not sleep, but become slow, lethargic. Caring beekeepers insulate the hives and be sure to leave honey to their hardworking assistants so that they are fed up with a long frosty winter. “We love the apple tree for apples, and the bee for honey!” people say.

A small bee, but its honey is sweet A golden bee flutters over a flower, Drinks fragrant juice - collects honey. Fragrant, delicious, healing honey is loved by everyone. It is not for nothing that people say: “The bee is small, but its honey is sweet,” and also: “Whoever has a bee, life is fun for him.” The color and taste of bee honey is different. Linden honey - lipets - is transparent, light golden - amber, and honey collected from herbs is brown, like a stream of a forest stream, and slightly bitter. People call bees busyworkers, workers, and when they talk about a hardworking person, they compare him with a bee. Such a person is usually said to work like a bee. The housewife flew over the lawn, Patted over the flower - He will share the honey. (bee)

Who loves honey? But not only people love honey, the bear will not miss the opportunity to feast on it, and Toptygin is attracted not only by honey, but also by the bees themselves and their larvae. There was a case that an agile, agile marten made his way into a hive with bees, however, it almost cost her her life - she barely took her sweet tooth away from the bees, angry with such impudent robbery. In nature, there is a large butterfly, which is called the "dead head". This butterfly is also very fond of bee honey and often visits the hives. Here is how the biologist and writer P.I. describes such a case. Marikovsky. “One of the largest butterflies in our country, the hawk hawk has a dead head” - there is a drawing of a human skull on its chest! This hawk is well known to beekeepers. He climbs into the hive and steals the honey. It is difficult to say to what extent such a pattern frightens the enemies of this butterfly. After all, the human skull is known only to people. Be that as it may, but some superstitious beekeepers are afraid to touch this butterfly, assuming that it is guarded by an evil spirit.

1. "Bee house". 2. “What do bees do during the day”? What do bees eat? 3. "What do bees do in spring"? (May). 4. "Bees live alone or as a family"? 5. "Who likes to eat honey"? 6. "What do bees do in autumn and winter"? Observation of the bees After all the work done, I can conclude the following: After all the work done, I can conclude the following: If the bees disappear, then all the flowers will wither, because there will be no one to pollinate them, the bear and the person will not have enough honey. No wonder the people have a saying "Flowers without bees, and bees do not live without flowers."

T. A. Shorygina “Insects. What are they? A book for educators and parents - Moscow 2008 T. A. Shorygina “Insects. What are they? A book for educators and parents - Moscow 2008 T. I. Tarabarina, N. V. Yolkina "Proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters." A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. T. I. Tarabarina, N. V. Yolkina "Proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters." A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. T. I. Tarabarina, N. V. Yolkina "1000 riddles." A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996 T. I. Tarabarina, N. V. Yolkina "1000 Riddles". A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. Literature:

Nadezhda Belikova


Formation of understanding that man and nature are interconnected, therefore there is concern for nature, concern for man, his future, and what harms nature harms man.


System formation environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development):

The name of fruit trees, flowers, their structure.

The bee is an insect habitat relationship with a person.

Upbringing humane attitude to nature (moral upbringing)

Preservation of objects of nature.

Its appropriate use.

Mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in practical activities and in everyday life.

The development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it)

Develop the grammatical structure of speech, enrich and activate vocabulary through gaming activities, attention, memory.

preliminary work:

Observation, experimentation and practical activities for the care of plants, aquariums. Reading fiction, folklore, guessing riddles. Consideration of plot pictures and illustrations that tell about natural phenomena, people's activities, their behavior in nature, entertainment and traditions. Role-playing games and studies on the topic "Flowers", "Hiking", "By the river", "Animals"; finger, round dance and outdoor folk games, theatricalization.

Priority educational areas:


Integration of educational regions:

Socialization, communication, health, fiction.


Playful, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive.


Box - package; model of a bee; Pictures: "Bee", "Meadow", "Hives", "Bee at the apple tree", "Fruit on the Tree"; cards: "Flowers", "The fruit and its half", "From Seed to Fruit".

Activity plan:

1. Motivation:

2. Main body:

D/game "Name the Flower"

Etude with elements of breathing exercises

Study: an experience "How Roots Drink Water"

D/game What tree is the fruit from?


D/game "Find out whose other half"

productive activity:

GCD progress:

1. Package


Guys, say hello to the guests. We received a package, but who sent it?


Flew over the lawn,

Pat over a flower -

He will share the honey.

She sits on a flower

Not tired of working in the morning

Gave people wax and honey

Restless ... (Bee, and her name is Maya

Want to know what's in the package? Come in, please, have a seat.

2. Open the package. (Pictures "Flowers")

D/game "Name the Flower"

All plants know this.

Sometimes they guess on it:

Maybe he loves, maybe he doesn't

She will tell us the answer

AT the field has such a flower:

Bright blue petal.

Swinging in the wind

Gently called.

You will find it in the forest.

You'll regret it, you won't break it.

He looks very gentle.

Here's a little - a little and call.


When they are young

Those are yellow and gold.

A little older - turn white,

And in old age they go bald.


Guys, why do you think Maya the bee loves flowers so much?

Picture "Flowering Meadow"

What is the name of such a flat place open to the sun, where many flowers grow? (Meadow, glade, lawn) . On such lawns set up bee houses.

Picture "Beehives"

Who knows what they are called? Hives.

To get a spoonful of honey, 200 bees must collect nectar throughout the day, flying from one flower to another.

Etude "Flower" with elements of breathing exercises

We showed you how the flower grew, but did not name it, but what the flower has in the ground. What is the root of a flower for? (children's answers)

An experience:

We lower a piece of bandage twisted into a tourniquet into a solution of manganese. He climbs up the fabric. So water and nutrients get into the plant, and it grows.

D/game: "From Seed to Fruit"

D/game: "Name the fruit from which tree it is"

Itself with a cam, a red barrel,

Touch - smooth, bite - sweet.


This fruit tastes good

And it looks like a light bulb.


He's almost like an orange

Thick skinned, juicy

There is only one drawback -

Very, very sour.


What are the names of the trees that grow fruit? - Fruit.

Where do fruit trees grow? - In the garden.

Do bees need flowers, do flowers need bees?

We will find the answer to this question in the orchard.

(A bee buzzes. The bee is in the parcel.)


Hello guys. I heard the word garden and woke up. I so want to drink nectar in the garden. Let's fly with me.


Bee, our kids can't fly.

Fizminutka: "Bees"


And you turn around 3 times, immediately turn into bees. (Turn) Flew…. Here we are in the garden. Turn around 3 times and turn into guys, sit on chairs.


I have a mouth - a proboscis, I lower it into a flower, collect nectar, and pollen from a flower collects on my paws. Then I fly to another flower, while I drink nectar, the pollen that was on the paws falls on the flower, and a new one is recruited. This is how I pollinate plants. And if the plants are not pollinated, then the flower will wither and no fruit will come out of it.

Conclusion: Plants need bees.

D/game "Find out whose other half"

Additional task:

Name in one word - vegetables and fruits;

Where do vegetables grow? - in the garden.

Where do fruits grow? - on the tree.


We have to work hard, pollinating gardens, orchards and fields, so that they can bear fruit; collect nectar and make honey. Honey heals a person from diseases, and useful herbs, fruits and vegetables increase its immunity.

I have to go to the hive, goodbye, kids. (The bee flies away)

3. Conclusion:

A small bee brings a lot of benefits to people, so you need to protect and protect bees and their habitat, preserve nature.

Fairy tale for reading on the topic of the lesson (taken from internet)

"The Peppermint Tale"

Once a villager went to visit his apiary and returned home gloomy like a cloud.

- What happened? - the wife was frightened.

- Trouble with our apiary. Not like honey, there are almost no bees left. They were attacked by a furious tick, from which there is no escape.

The villager and his wife were saddened - they were left without money, which they helped out for honey. A villager went to the market to buy bread for his children with his last money. He was walking, suddenly stumbled and dropped his last coin. This coin rolled straight to the old man who was selling some fragrant grass tied in bunches. Dedok raised the villager's coin and He speaks:

“Do you want me to give you a bunch of mint for your coin?” There is a wonderful substance in this plant - menthol. Mint will drive away a cold, and remove colic in the stomach, and calm the heart.

- I would like my children not grass. And to bring sweet rolls from the market, I don’t have money for them. Give me your grass, maybe it will make your heart feel better, - said the villager and took a bunch of mint.

“Pour boiling water over mint at home and drink it instead of tea,” the grandfather advised at parting.

The villager did just that. They sat down with the whole family to drink fragrant mint tea and see that the bees are hovering over the cups. One bee flew right up to the peasant's ear and buzzed:

- For us, mint is salvation. From its smell harmful mites fall dead.

The villager was delighted and put a rag soaked in mint infusion into each hive. Soon, not a single tick remained in the hives. The bees recovered and honey was applied.

The villager helped out money for honey and did not know more trouble.

In the village at the grandmother's, in the park, at the dacha, riddles about insects will not leave indifferent any child. After all, wasps, bees or butterflies occupy kids no less than cats and dogs. This section contains the most entertaining riddles about insects.
Tip: You can diversify the game of riddles by adding interesting signs. Did you know that if you find a lot of spiders in one place, then you can expect good weather?

Red, but not a horse,
Horned, but not a ram,
They don't like him at home.
And they won't buy it at the market.
Answer: (Cockroach)

Under the ground he digs a passage,
But not a mole!
Answer: (Worm)

Who sings behind the stove
Doesn't it let me sleep at night?
Answer: (Cricket)

Turned off the light in the house -
Still no rest.
Ru-choo-choo yes roo-choo-chok.
Who is this? …
Answer: (Cricket)

He doesn't mind sleeping all day long.
But when the night comes,
His bow will sing.
The musician's name is...
Answer: (Cricket)

Trumpet sounds bass.
Don't touch the soloist!
Let him sit on a flower
And drinks sweet juice during the intermission.
Answer: (Bumblebee)

Flew over the lawn.
Pat over a flower -
He will share the honey.
Answer: (Bee)

Not a motor, but noise,
Not a pilot, but flying
Not a viper, but stings.
Answer: (Bee)

Though they sting painfully
We are satisfied with their work.
Flying over the lawn
Pat over a flower -
He will share the honey.
Answer: (Bee)

fluffy flies,
Flying for sweets.
Miracle city-town,
Row of noisy houses!
Amber honey all year round
Barrels never end!
And all summer all the people
Swinging on flowers.
Answer: (Bee)

Who has eyes on horns and a house on his back?
Answer: (Snail)

winged fashionista,
The dress is striped.
Growth, though crumbs,
Bite - it will be bad.
Answer: (Wasp)

Not motors, but noise,
Not pilots, but fly,
Not snakes, but sting.
Answer: (Wasps)

A rope is twisted, at the end is a head.
Answer: (Snake)

Flying like a bird
Bullish roar.
zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu,
I'm sitting on a branch
I always say the letter Z.
Knowing firmly this letter,
I buzz in spring and summer.
Answer: (Bug)

Two horns, not a bull
Six legs - no hooves.
Answer: (Bug)

I don't buzz when I lie down
I don't buzz when I walk.
If I spin in the air
I'm going to have a good time here.
Answer: (Bug)

Black, but not a raven,
Horned, but not a bull,
Six legs, but all without hooves.
Answer: (Bug)

She, like a snake, flickers in the grass.
The tail will break off - the other will gain.
Answer: (Lizard)

Who are they? Where! Whose?
Black streams flow
friendly little dots
They build their own house on a hillock.
Answer: (Ant)

I work in artel
At the roots of a shaggy spruce.
I drag a log along the mounds -
More carpenter it is.
Answer: (Ant)

In appearance, of course, smallish,
But everything that is possible is dragged into the house.
Restless guys
Their whole life is connected with work.
Answer: (Ants)

In the forest by the stump
Bustle, running:
working people
Busy all day
He builds a city for himself.
Answer: (Ant)

Men without axes
They cut a hut without corners.
Answer: (Ants)

Red wings, black peas.
Who is walking on my palm?
Answer: (Ladybug)

What cow, tell me bye
Haven't given milk to anyone yet?
Answer: (Ladybug)

blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.
Answer: (Dragonfly)

The cat has
The dog has
How much do you have -
Never count.
Answer: (Flea)

small, humpbacked,
Jumping, rushing
In hand
Not given
Answer: (Flea)

She loves him, but torments him,
He hates her, but he is looking for
Find - rejoices.
Answer: (Flea)

In a green tailcoat maestro
Flies over the meadow in bloom.
He is the pride of the local orchestra
And the best high jumper.
Answer: (Grasshopper)

Jumping spring -
green back -
From grass to blade of grass
From the branch to the path.
Jump Champion
Jumping, jumping through the meadows.
Answer: (Grasshopper)

A sieve is hanging, not twisted by hand.
Answer: (Spider)

On the wall in the corner mokhnach,
He is a hunter, he is also a weaver.
Answer: (Spider)

Dolgoruky old man
Weaved a hammock in the corner,
Invites: “Mosquitoes!
Get some rest, little ones!"
Answer: (Spider)

A bug crawled
For a big daisy.
But fluttered in a hurry
And entangled in the nets.
Guess the kids:
Who set up the nets?
Answer: (Spider)

Lives in a dark corner
Weaving silk thread
He sneaked in here
He was about to build a new house.
Answer: (Spider)

Doesn't sew clothes
But the fabric always weaves.
Answer: (Spider)

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he fluttered and flew away.
Answer: (Butterfly)

Above the flower flutters, dances,
Waving a patterned fan.
Answer: (Butterfly)

In the autumn it will climb into the gap,
And wake up in the spring.
Not a bird, but flying
With a trunk, not an elephant,
Nobody tames
And she sits on us.
Answer: (Fly)

Flying all day long
It's very boring for everyone.
Answer: (Fly)

A walker walks through the ceiling
Everyone gets bored, health is threatened.
And when autumn comes
It will also start biting.
Answer: (Fly)

Neither animal nor bird
And the nose is like a needle.
Who will kill him
He sheds his blood.
Answer: (Mosquito)

Flying, squeaking
Legs long drags,
The case will not miss:
Sit down and bite.
Answer: (Mosquito)

I beat myself because of you
Because of myself I beat you -
My blood will be shed.
Answer: (Mosquito)

Not the sun, not fire, but it shines.
Answer: (Firefly)

hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Even though there are many legs
Still can't run.
Answer: (Caterpillar)

I thought: I won’t take my legs,
Courage has limits!
Today I met in the forest
I'm a mixture of goose and titmouse.
Answer: (Caterpillar)