Pear dessert. Pear with caramel, detailed recipe

You have probably noticed that I recently pay attention to the composition and benefits of products. I think this is a very important topic for all mankind. In the near future, I plan to open the heading about what and how to use in the modern world, how to choose the right products to cook and what to use.

For example, you knew What kind of pear can not eat an empty stomach? The fact is that it contains a lot of fiber, which irritates the mucous membrane and enhances the peristaltics. Elderly people are also recommended to use a pear in baked. Edible varieties of pears were launched only a few centuries ago, before that, people used her in food boiled! In the raw form, these fruits were impossible to eat. Now, thank God, garden pear pleases us with their taste and useful properties.

What is a pear? The pear contains more fructose than sucrose, which means it can be eaten with diabetics. In pears contains potassium, which means it is useful to use those who have heart problems. In Fresh Poars, the vitamins E, P, A, C, B1, B2, RR are indispensable for its benefit, and the dried contains a large amount of folic acid, carotene, pectin, catechin, iron, copper, manganese, potassium mineral salts, iodine, Calcium. Consequently, the compotes from dried pear help in winter with a cold and cough. In the east, pear trees dried leaves. They contain a natural antibiotic, which helps to defeat mycoses and dermatitis. And if you prepare a "pear with honey" dessert, you will certainly increase yourself hemoglobin. It is very useful, especially for children and future mothers.

Well, now let's go back to the preparation of our dessert from pears.

Product composition for 2 servings:

Cottage cheese 400 g
Sugar 3 tbsp. Spoons
Sour cream 3 tbsp. Spoons
Lemon 1 slices

Pear 2 pcs
Sugar 3 tbsp. Spoons
Wine dry red or white 50 ml
Corn Cubes Cubes 70 g
Chocolate "Air" floor tile (can, of course, use another chocolate, but this is better to melt).
Milk 20 g
Walnuts on the sprinkling

Confectionery bag or tight package.

Cooking a dessert of pears and cottage cheese

To start growing chocolate. There are 2 ways. The first: Top in the water bath, the second: add some milk to the bottom, then on the slow fire "evaporate" it, constantly stirring.

Chocolate topped and cool a little.

Put cornflakes in chocolate, mix well, spread it on a plate, separating them, and remove them into the refrigerator.

Pears cleanse from the peel, cut into a small cube, add 3 tablespoons of sugar and wine. We put on a slow fire to languish. The cooking time depends on the ripeness of pears. They should turn out soft, but in no case "porridge". At the end, add cinnamon (about 1/3 teaspoon).

In the meantime, you will prepare a gentle curd mass. We like cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar, "trial" in a blender, add lemon juice, and still mix everything. The consistency should be homogeneous like a thick cream. Sour creams may need more, it all depends on the fat content of cottage cheese. Mass should not be shown gently sweet, sugar must be moderately.

Desert dessert from pears and cottage cheese

We begin to lay out our dessert. It will look beautiful in any glass wide dishes - creamy or glasses. Put the cottage cheese in the pastry bag, and start laying out layers.

Tip: Try not to form empties between the glass and layers, first put the filling close to the glass, and then in the middle. Last laid out of a puff dessert from pears: on the bottom of the curd mass, pears in wine, flakes in chocolate. Then again cottage cheese, pears in wine, flakes in chocolate. We apply a layer of cottage cheese from above, sprinkled with chopped walnuts and grated chocolate.

Step 1: Prepare pears.

Every pear will wash carefully, cut in half along. Remove seeds from the core, cut the tails. Now every pear half put in a baking tray, up.

Step 2: Cooking filling.

Several nuts set aside (for decorating dessert). The remaining walnuts finely cut on a cutting board, pour out in a bowl. Add honey to chopped nuts (3 art. L.), Ginger. Stir the stuffing. It is now this mixture to fit pears: fill in the recesses in the cores of pears with a mixture of nuts and honey.

Step 3: Bake in the oven.

Bake pears in the oven at a temperature of 160-180 degrees. After 15 minutes, remove the pear dessert. Give pears a little cool.

Step 4: Desert a pear dessert.

Chilled pears put into dessert plates. Decorate the pear dessert with the remaining honey (1st art. L.) And walnuts. Bon Appetit!

If a pear dessert will seem too sweet to you - use it with sour cream or cream.

You can decorate the finished pear dessert ice cream or whipped cream.

Keep a pear dessert in the refrigerator, so it will be saved much longer.

The pear dessert is a beautiful dish to a festive table, it is suitable for any family celebration.

Pear is a fruit that grows almost everywhere, so it's not difficult to get it. Such fruits during their maturation can try everything and obtain many vitamins and nutrients. From pears you can also prepare a variety of dish, and more delicious desserts.

Pears came to us since ancient Greece from the 10th century to our era. The exact homeland of this fruit is unknown - it may be Persia, Greece or the Roman Empire. Through so many millennia, the pear remained one of the favorite fruits of the whole world. And in our time, the pear remains very popular and in demand among many people.

Drinks are not only tasty, but also useful because there are many vitamins (A, C, K, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12 and many others), microelements, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium , phosphorus, zinc, copper. Even these fruits are filled with fatty polyunsaturated and mononiusaturated acids. If you regularly use pears, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin, nails, hair, increase the immune system, strengthen the bones. Especially for hypertension.

The pears dessert is quite easy to prepare, but very tasty and will surely decorate your festive table if you feed it, for example with a cup.


  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • pears - 2 pcs.
  • chocolate - 100 g
  • cognac - 15 ml.
  • sugar Sand - 20 g
  • cinnamon - 1 wand
  • fat cream - 200 ml.
  • cream ice cream - 60 g

First you need to wash the lemon and cut off the skin with strips. Then squeeze the juice with lemon in the pan and put the zest in juice. Add sugar sand and cinnamon stick. It is also worth adding a small amount of water and bring the resulting mixture to a boil.

Pears should be cleaned from the peel, just not cut off the fruit. Cut pears in half and cut the core. Prepared pears are required to put in a saucepan with syrup and put to boil about 10 minutes. After that, turn off the fire and leave everything cool, without pouring syrup.

Meanwhile, you need to pour cream into another pan, breaking there chocolate and put languishing on small fire. In the resulting hot chocolate should be mixed.

Prepare a wide dish, put pears on it, to put it in each bed and pour away the resulting hot chocolate.

Dessert with cinnamon


  • pear - 2 pcs.
  • bee honey - 5 ppm
  • hammer cinnamon - 1 tsp.

Pears first need to be washed, cut in half and cut the middle to the recess. Then fill this deepening honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. Then put pears into the oven for 20 minutes to be baked at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Dessert with cream


  • pears are large - 2 pcs.
  • black chocolate - 200 g
  • fat cream - 200 ml.
  • cognac - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - 1 wand
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • vanilla ice cream - to taste

First you need to squeeze the juice from the lemon, and the zest cut into small pieces. Pour 160 ml of water in the pan, add sugar sand, cinnamon, lemon juice and zest.

Pears, first of all it is necessary to wash, clean from the peel, just do not cut the tail. Cut pears into four parts. Put pears in a saucepan with previous ingredients and cook on small fire for about 7 minutes.

Chocolate needs to melt on a water bath, add cream to it, heat out a little more and mix with brandy. Having cooled pears to lay out in the creams, pour chocolate sauce and decorate with vanilla ice cream.

Dessert with honey and pear


  • pears - 5 pcs.
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • natural bee honey - 4 tbsp.
  • hammer cinnamon - 4 ppm

Pears need to be cleaned, cut into four parts and put on a baking sheet. Mix with lemon juice and pour pears. And put in 25 minutes to stop in the oven. When pears are ready, take them out, lay out on the plates and pour from above juice, which remained on Protvin.


  • sugar Sand - 200 g
  • pear of solid varieties - 4 pcs.
  • portwine - ½ liter
  • black chocolate - 200 g
  • fat cream - 200 g
  • nuts - 3 tbsp.
  • lemon juice - to taste
  • syrup "Grenadines" - 500 g

Pears need to be washed and clean from the peel. Cut core, just so as not to cut the fruit, and cut down from below. In a separate dish, mix port wine with sugar, lemon juice and syrup, and then put in a pan of pear sauce and peel on a small fire. Cook them follows 5-7 minutes. After that, get pears from the syrup and give the opportunity to cool.

Clean nuts, crumpled with a knife. In the water bath it is necessary to melt the bitter chocolate. When the chocolate is melting, add cream thin ridge, and then nuts. To put pears with this mass and lay out in the creams.


  • black chocolate - 100 g
  • cream ice cream - 100 g
  • sugar sand - 50 g
  • creamy butter - 20 g
  • pears are large - 2 pcs.

First you need to clean the pears, only so that the tails remain. Then pour into a saucepan 200 g of water and sugar sugar. Bring to a boil and put in pear syrup. Cook them follows a few minutes. Finished pears will be when they become soft. Then remove the fruits from the pan and dry.

Syrup Leave to boil on the stove so that it swallowed half. In this syrup you need to add broken into pieces of chocolate, butter and leave to melt. Prepare creams, put ice cream in them, put up top of pears from above and pouring ready-made chocolate sauce. Dessert can be served on the table.

Yeast dough dessert


  • yeast dough - 260 g
  • large pears - 4 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • the kernels of walnuts - 1 tbsp.
  • almond nuts - 1 tbsp.
  • cognac - 1 tbsp.
  • raisin - 1 tbsp.
  • creamy butter - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp.

First you need to pour the raisins of brandy and leave to bent for about 20 minutes. Nuts, both walnuts and almonds, finely chop the knife. Mix raisins and brandy with nuts, sugar and cream oil.

Pears should be washed, cut in half and cut the core, only so that the tails remain integer. Obtain a lemon of pear cuts, and the middle put into the resulting minced meat. Connect two halves of pear. Dough roll out, cut four squares and put in each square on one peer. Connect all the ends of the square and closely start. Corners of the dough on the contrary, you need to disperse inside out.

Separate the protein from the egg yolk, squirrel to lubricate the inside of the folds in the dough. Connect all the folds and put in cold for a while. Then lubricate the yolk dough from above and put in a preheated oven to 220 degrees to stop for about 15 minutes. After this time, the fire is reduced to 190 degrees and also bake for 20 minutes.

When pears are ready, you need to wait some time until they are cool and can be served on the table. Such pears in the dough are obtained very fragrant and tasty.

Suddenly got the guests? You do not know what is so tasty to cook and surprise guests? Exquisite juicy dessert from fragrant pear with a delicate chocolate filling! This hot fruit dessert is prepared in a microwave oven in a few minutes. By the way, up to the 16th century it was believed that pears should be used only after heat treatment. I hope this simple chocolate-pear dessert will delight your loved ones and guests!

I prepare the ingredients on the specified list. Pears need to take juicy, of which the dessert will be tastier.

In a bowl, lay out pieces of chocolate, add sugar, butter, vanilla sugar.

In a microwave oven, in several stages heats the ingredients, mixing until a homogeneous mass is obtained. I give a lot to cool a little.

At this time, my pears, cleanse from the peel, cutting in half, with the help of a spoon of nuazetki, I first remove the core with seeds first, then make a deepening slightly large in size.

Thus, I prepare all pears.

I continue to cook chocolate dough. In a bowl with chocolate and butter, add an egg and flour sifted with a baking powder.

With a fork or a whisk, kneading a homogeneous dough.

With the help of a teaspoon, laying out the dough in the prepared halves of pears.

Bakeup pears in a microwave oven for 4 minutes with a power of 900 W.

Chocolate-pear dessert is ready! It can be sprinkled with cinnamon or sugar powder. Enjoy your meal!

We bring to your attention a few original recipes for cooking desserts from pears that will take an honorable place in your culinary book.

Brush dessert in wine


  • - 1 PC.;
  • red dry wine - 500 ml;
  • carnation - 8 pcs.;
  • fresh pear - 10 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 100 ml;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • sugar powder - 50 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • maskarpone Cheese - 150 g


In the saucepan we pour wine, add spices, orange zest, lemon, sliced \u200b\u200bwith slices in the peel, and honey to taste. We put the dishes on the slow fire, heating, but do not boil. Then remove from the plate, cover the saucepan with a lid and leave to stand. Pears cleanse from the skin, leaving only tails, cut off the bottom to give fruit stability. Now neatly lower them in a saucepan with syrup, we put on a slow fire, we close the lid and periodically turn pears so that they are completely impregnated with wine. We leave to languish about 20-25 minutes. In the meantime, let's cook the filling: whipped with cream sugar and add curd cheese. Finished pears carefully remove, cool and remove the heart. Wine with spices, we boil to the delicate, add a little brandy and filter. Start the middle of a pear with a creamy and cheese mass, decorated with cream, watering the sauce and sprinkle with nuts. That's all, the original dessert from the pear in the syrup is ready!

Pear and Curd Dessert


  • pear - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • honey liquid - 1 h. spoon;
  • juice lemon - 1 h. spoon;
  • nuts - a handful;
  • hammer cinnamon is a pinch.


We cut pears in half and carefully, with the help of a teaspoon, remove the flesh with seeds. Thus, each half should have a little recess. Then we splash the fruit with lemon juice and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. In the bowl mix cottage cheese with sour cream, put the honey and throw crushed nuts. The cooked stuffing fill the deepening in the pears, we wrap every half a foil, lay out on a baking sheet and baked for 25 minutes in the oven until pears are soft.

Pear Dessert in Multicooker


For dough:

  • flour - 350 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • butter cream - 100 g;
  • basin - 1 h. spoon;
  • vanillin.

For filling:

  • pear - 3 pcs;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. the spoon.


For the preparation of the dough, the creamy olive is in advance from the refrigerator and leave to lie down for some time at room temperature. When it becomes soft, lay it out in a bowl, we smack the egg here, sugar sugar and mix. Gradually add sifted flour, baking powder and vanillin. Mix all the ingredients well and mix soft dough. Then we wrap it in the food film and remove the minutes by 30 in the refrigerator. With this time, you will cook with you a filling for a cake: rinse fruits, dry, delete frames, cut off the peel and remove seed boxes. Next, cut apples and pears with small slices and sprinkle sugar. Multivarka's bowl with cream oil, laying out the dough and gently distribute it along the bottom, forming flights. Now fill it all with fruit pieces and assign the shape to the side. The egg whipped with sugar to beat, put the sour cream, snatch starch and flour. Well mix the mixture and pour our fruits with this mixture. We close a multicooker with a lid and prepare the pie for 80 minutes in the "Baking" mode. After the sound signal, carefully remove the finished dessert from apples and pears using a double-meart container and serve on the table.