No sexual intercourse. Promiscuous connections. Promiscuity in different cultures

Dreams about sex and the search for sexual connotations are something of a pastime for interpreters. Often you don’t even need to search for long.

Sexual satisfaction, love, flirting, attraction and nightly rendezvous are very often present in the bizarre interweaving of dreams.

The search for sexual connotations has long been a major avenue for dream research and interpretation, due in part to Sigmund Freud's significant contributions to the field.

However, interpreting the sexual meaning of dreams can present some difficulties.

Scientific research finds significant differences in the way men and women dream about sex.

However, when all is said and done, almost everyone "makes it" in dreamland.

How many? Sex is reported to be a topic in at least 12% men's dreams and 4% female.

Such statistics are generally consistent with our sexual desires in reality, where men are much more concerned about this issue than women.

(Although men are said to spend far more than 12% of their waking hours thinking about sex.)

In his book Finding Meaning in Dreams, J. William Damhoff revealed interesting data about the manifestation of sex in dreams:

Men: Participation in sex - 93%. Observation of sexual acts - 7%.

Women: Participation in sex - 68%. Observation of sexual acts - 32%.

This table shows that women in sexually charged dreams often separate themselves from what is happening, while men see themselves as participants.

This may have implications for understanding why achieving orgasm while asleep is more common among men—especially boys—than among women.

It also sheds light on the conflicts many women experience surrounding the good girl/bad girl TABOO.

In addition to explicit sexual actions, the issue of sexual images and symbols often found in dreams is important.

Because sexuality, either in childhood or throughout life, is shrouded in mystery, the SUBCONSCIOUS tends to visually represent sex in a variety of ways.

With his theory of the sexually driven personality, Freud made a major contribution to this development of thought.

Freud did for the sexual connotation of dreams what Henry Ford did for the internal combustion engine.

Suddenly, everyone, everywhere began to have sexual dreams.

Ultimately, this led to a cooling of some part of educated society towards Freud.

Many scholars are interested in the question of whether Freud was actually as obsessed with sexual symbolism as he is thought to be.

Interpretation of sexual dreams.

Sexual dreams are not dreams exclusively about sex.

They are often about how we perceive people and how we think others perceive us.

To create a framework for interpreting sexual dreams, it is important to identify who is with you in the dream and how you feel about the experience in the dream.

Some dreams are simply romantic. A guy and a girl meet in the land of dreams and enjoy each other.

Typically the scenario involves an attractive acquaintance and a generally pleasant environment. Apart from the feeling that perhaps events are moving too quickly in this nocturnal relationship, there is no violation of the taboo.

Often the dreamer simply acted under the influence of attraction to a certain person. Freud's theory of wish fulfillment is a sufficient explanation for this.

Other dreams cross the boundaries of our taboos. These include dreams with a sexual plot, which the dreamer would consider unacceptable in reality, but in which he takes part in the dream.

Such dreams can be very disturbing, and you may wake up with a feeling of rape, adultery, or loss of virginity. Dreams of this nature require more careful study.

The first important step is to identify what is causing the discomfort. Was it a BOSS, a work colleague, a friend? Someone much older or younger than you with whom you have an affectionate but platonic relationship?

Or was the most distinct feature of the dream the nature of the love encounter - whether it took place under duress, deception, taking place in public, or some other way? Who forced whom?

Maybe the STRANGER (STRANGER) reminded you of someone you know? Often components of sexual dreams are relationships of representation and REPLACEMENT.

Some of the dreams indicate our ambivalence towards taboos.

After all, there is something exciting about prohibition.

In some cases, we express our own disappointment with a sex life that does not suit us; in others, someone has transgressed the boundaries of our taboos, and we respond to this by perceiving him as a person receiving undeserved favor from us.

In these cases, dreams deserve attention and study.

As you explore what you first thought was disgusting, you will discover new aspects of your personality and the connections around you that were largely unnoticed before.

And perhaps most importantly, you will be more aware of the different facets of your personality in this relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from

Probably, few people are already familiar with the aphorism “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Today, the foundations of society have changed, as a result of which early sexual intercourse in adolescence is becoming commonplace. We get this result due to the lack of sex education both at school and in the family. Later in the article we will talk about the causes and consequences of early sexual intercourse.


Modern does not skimp on alcoholic drinks and leads a wild lifestyle. Holidays in a large company with alcoholic drinks - new tradition start a relationship. Today, young people do not meet people in the theater, cinema or even on the street. A popular meeting place is registration at the “huts” of local children.

And what happens during such feasts and parties, how many rash actions can be committed while intoxicated! Parents no longer protect their children from dangerous acquaintances, but, on the contrary, are proud that their offspring have a sufficient number of friends. However, the quality of communication and the consequences of such gatherings are rarely taken into account. Not many people think about early sexual intercourse and its consequences.

Alcohol dope

Every drinking session is a leap into the unknown. Teenagers who love to indulge in strong alcoholic drinks lose the line between what is permitted and what is not permitted. Alcohol in the blood increases sexual arousal, and this is not far from early sexual intercourse and its consequences. The tongue is loosened, the hands are loosened - and this carriage can no longer be stopped. By the way, while intoxicated, some may resort to sexual violence and not even remember it the next day! Playing with “fire” is dangerous if a person has just embarked on the path of growing up.


Premature sexual activity often begins due to the banal curiosity of children, as well as the desire to quickly obtain the status of an adult. Everything goes awry, and fairly capable boys and girls can stop studying well, disappear at discos, drink, smoke, and engage in casual sex.

It is not surprising that the modern generation is prone to apathy and aggression towards parents, as well as excessive promiscuity. Unfortunately, not every family is an example good relations, and not everyone instills in their children a serious attitude towards their actions and their consequences. Early sexual intercourse is just an indicator of improper upbringing and lax morals of both children and parents.

Life disaster

Not everyone will agree that early sexual intercourse and its consequences can be attributed to the failure of youth. Some believe that this initiation into sexual activity (safely, of course) is a rewarding experience in a teenager's life that will prepare them well for adulthood.

Specific stories of the consequences of early sexual intercourse are similar to each other, like drops of water. Often the mother and presenter cannot set a worthy example for her daughter. We can see how mothers corrupt their own children by bringing numerous partners into their home. This lifestyle teaches a girl to look for “friends” from childhood. The situation here is a dead end: a mother who cannot cope with her responsibilities will not argue if her daughter follows in her footsteps. Thus, two women will be connected by common interests and experiences. In this case, the mother-friend will never be able to control her child, since she no longer has the rights to raise her. If you don’t conform yourself, you can’t talk about morality to others.

If people try to interfere in the lives of such a family, they will be accused of minding their own business.

When adults turn a blind eye to the immoral behavior of teenagers, the irresponsibility and immaturity of the latter only worsens. Examples of the negative consequences of early sexual intercourse are no longer surprising; they have become an everyday occurrence.

Unfortunately, children are no longer taught moral values ​​either at home or at school. Honor, innocence, chastity - all this has sunk into oblivion. That's why we often come across Negative consequences early sexual intercourse.

Love or lust?

Man is the only creature on the planet who not only becomes attached to people, but knows how to truly love. However, this ability can easily be lost if you lead a disorderly sex life.

What is love? Now this feeling has become worthless. But you can immediately recognize it when happy couple both try to support each other, remain faithful and care for each other.

Love is a feeling that is important to learn. First of all, teenagers need to love themselves, because a correct attitude towards themselves will not allow them to be so careless about their own lives and “waste” their time and health on unnecessary people.

Today, children confuse real feelings with the instinct of attraction to opposite sex. Unhealthy attraction, ignorance of moral and ethical standards, spiritual poverty, idleness, mental limitations - all this leads to early sexual intercourse, the negative consequences of which can affect the mental and physiological health of the child.

It is known that the ability to control animal drive is a sign of high human culture. This is why it is so important to talk with children about various topics, including “shameful” ones.

The harm of sexual intercourse without love can be classified as base, superficial relationships that destroy the moral character of not only adolescents, but also the entire society as a whole. Premature intimacy leads to the fact that a person loses the ability to love. For some reason, it has become fashionable to consider love as just an animal instinct, the attraction of an “insatiable” body.

However, value guidelines vary from person to person: some people need real love, while others need a surrogate of love - a completely good option.

Gynecology: consequences of early sexual intercourse

Early adulthood, according to research by many scientists and doctors, brings enormous harm to the body of a teenager. Early sexual activity leads to improper formation of the body, slows down growth and subsequently leads to early aging. Those teenagers who decide to take this path ahead of time often become lethargic, inattentive and unproductive in school and work. For a girl, the consequences of early sexual activity can be an unbearable burden that she will bear for many years, and perhaps her entire life.

Early pregnancy

The danger of this phenomenon seems paradoxical, but it still exists. The fact is that although a teenage girl’s body is ready for sexual activity, it is absolutely not prepared for childbirth. An abortion at such a young age can forever deprive a woman of the joy of motherhood.

Also, due to early sexual activity, children may develop a chronic inflammatory process of the genital organs, which can lead to infertility.


Sexually transmitted infections are a scourge for young girls. 2 years after their first sexual experience, at least half of teenage girls become infected with one of three known diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.

It is noted that girls who have had early sexual intercourse are more likely to develop cervical cancer.

Unfortunately, not all modern teenagers are aware of information related to the risk of STIs. It often happens that they cannot recognize the first symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Casual sexual intercourse is a favorable environment for the spread of infections, which cause enormous harm to the body of adolescents. Infections cause dysfunction of the genital organs, leading to severe inflammation and tumors that require surgical intervention.

Sexual abstinence

All people have their own schedule. The appearance of sexual desire and the time of its satisfaction depend on upbringing and social factors. Sexual abstinence before marriage is considered optimal. But for the modern picture of life, this rule has lost all relevance, given the number of divorces and the devaluation of marriage in general. Therefore, now they talk about entering into intimate life with a person only out of love (by the way, in the same marriages there may not be love, which is also detrimental to the psyche of young people).

It is known that sexual abstinence up to 20-25 years is useful, since during this period the human body actively accumulates vitality. Sexual energy during this period should shift to aspects of life such as education, sports and career.

Prevention of early sexual intercourse

To educate a person, it is necessary to instill in a child from childhood the standards of responsible behavior within the existing society. Sound moral criteria are now often omitted in modern society.

Since children and adults now have different values, it is as if they speak different languages.

In the family and at school, it is necessary to instill in children a reproductive culture (by this we mean proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, sports, avoiding early and casual sexual contact).

Adults should take care, first of all, that the child does not receive information about intimate life from peers or on the Internet - it is necessary to independently conduct introductory conversations with your child.

You should always find time for frank conversations - the topic of sex education should not be taboo.

It would be best to discuss with your child his aspirations, achievements, goals, plans for the future.

Careful prioritization is required as you grow older (education, health, travel, sports).

It is necessary to tell the child about how to maintain reproductive health and discuss with him the consequences of early sexual intercourse.

The right to sex life should be transferred to the moment of formation of an accomplished sexually mature personality, ready to love and be loved.

Promiscuity (Latin prōmiscuus “general”)– sexual promiscuity, the practice of casual sexual relationships with different partners, indiscriminateness in choosing sexual partners. Promiscuity is subject to moral condemnation when viewed in the context of social ideals, where sexual activity occurs exclusively within the framework of family relations. A typical example of this behavior is a one-night stand. Researchers determine the level of promiscuity in society precisely by the number of one-night stands.

Promiscuity in different cultures

Promiscuity (recognition of relationships as promiscuous) varies across cultures. Everything depends on the dissimilar standards applied to different sexes and social classes. Feminists argue that traditionally a double standard exists in relation to promiscuity of different sexes. Historically, certain stereotypes and biases towards female promiscuity have developed: women seen in promiscuity are condemned for promiscuity and, at a minimum, are called “whores”. The terms chosen for men, followers of promiscuity, are more varied and less offensive: “Don Juan”, “libertine”, in extreme cases - “womanizer”.

Promiscuity Research

It is difficult to reliably assess people's sexual behavior, because social and personal motives are strong, and dependence on national/religious taboos is strong. An individual tends to either minimize information about sexual activity or exaggerate his own sexual activity.

American experiments 1978 - 1982 showed that most men were willing to have sex with strangers, and the ladies were of very average attractiveness. Not a single woman, on the contrary, agreed to identical proposals from gentlemen of average attractiveness. Men generally felt comfortable and responded to the ladies’ attention with the phrase: “Why do you have to wait until the evening?”, and not: “Sorry, I’m married.” Women felt shock/disgust: “You must be joking?”, “What’s wrong with you? Leave me".

The number of sexual partners people have during their lifetime varies widely within populations. In 2007, a survey in the United States showed the average number of sexual partners: seven for men, four for women. It is possible that men exaggerated and women underestimated the actual number, but the survey still showed an average (Pareto principle). About 29% of men and 9% of women admitted to having had more than 15 sexual partners.

A systematic analysis of data from 58 countries in 2006 found no association between regional trends in sexual behavior and the number of sexual partners and sexual health. That is, promiscuity has less influence on STDs than socioeconomic factors.

Severe promiscuity, along with a compulsive desire to have sex, is a common symptom of borderline personality disorder. But most people who have promiscuity do not have this disease, that is, promiscuity is not classified as a personality disorder.

Promiscuity in different countries

In 2008, research into promiscuity in the US found that Finns had the highest number of sexual partners among industrialized countries, and the British among major Western industrial powers. The study was based on the number of one-night stands, the number of sexual partners, and attitudes toward casual sex. In the UK, a national survey was conducted in 2014, which secured Liverpool the title of the most liberated city in the country.

England's position in the international "promiscuity index" is due to the increasing social acceptability of promiscuity among women. The UK's ranking was influenced by the following factors:

  • reducing the influence of religious interpretations about extramarital sex;
  • growth of equal pay, equal rights for women;
  • popularization of sexual culture.

A non-scientific survey conducted in 2007 by condom maker Durex measured promiscuity based on the total number of sexual partners. The study found that Austrian men had the highest number of sexual partners, with an average of 29.3. Women in New Zealand had the highest number of sexual partners, with an average of 20.4. In all countries surveyed except New Zealand, men reported more sexual partners than women.

In general, people from developed Western countries had a higher number of sexual partners than people from developing countries, and the number of STIs, in contrast, was higher in developing countries.

Male promiscuity, or a portrait of Giacomo Casanova

In 1994, a study conducted in the United States determined that 20% of heterosexual men had only one partner, 55% had two to 20 partners, and 25% had more than 20 partners. Earlier studies have shown that homosexuals tend to have more sexual partners.

Research in 1989 revealed the presence large number partners (over 100) among some homosexuals. Social analysis data prove that the distribution of the number of partners among homosexuals and heterosexuals is similar. Differences appear only in the proportion of those who have a very large number of partners: here the primacy is among gay men. Similar data was published after the 2010 study: the average number of lifetime sexual partners for both gay and heterosexual men was six. A small number of gay men (2%) had a disproportionate number of partners.

Female promiscuity, or the history of evolution

Scientists suggest that female promiscuity is inherited from ancestors. Sexual promiscuity increases the likelihood of conception and birth of children, evolutionary selection occurs. Female promiscuity was beneficial: it allowed females to choose potential fathers for their children with better genes.

Sexual behavior and sexual disorders in humans
General concepts of sexology Andropause Asexuality Vollust Homosexuality Corpora cavernosa Clitoris Libido Masturbation Masters and Johnson Orgasm Pigasm Sexual arousal Penis Promiscuity Sexual norm Tantric sex G-spot Transsexuality Sexual response cycle Orgasm control Frustration Benjamin scale Kinsey scale Tanner scale Erection Ejaculation
Sexual dysfunctions Anorgasmia Vaginismus Venous leakage Hypogonadism Dyspareunia Clitorism Menopause Penile fracture Early ejaculation Erectile dysfunction
Manipulations in sexology Vaginoplasty Labiaplasty Ligamentotomy Voorn Technique Enlargement of the glans penis Enlargement of the clitoris Enlargement of the G spot Kegel exercises
Sexual deviations

Promiscuity, or, as people say, a dissolute lifestyle, has always been condemned by society, and if male debauchery attracted less attention - it was believed that it was inherent in the nature of a man, then female promiscuity was subject to condemnation and was punished with various kinds of punishments.

What is promiscuity?

Promiscuity is an attraction to promiscuity (lat. prōmiscuus - indiscriminately). The historical roots of promiscuity lie in antiquity, when people lived in a primitive communal system, although this assumption of historians is not entirely confirmed. Modern psychiatry and sexology have borrowed this term to refer to the multiple sexual relationships of an individual. In biology, promiscuity is described as the Coolidge effect: the appearance of a new female in the area causes the male to desire to mate with her.

What is the difference between promiscuity and nymphomania?

Promiscuity and nymphomania are concepts close in meaning; they are based on promiscuity, but the mechanisms of origin and causes are different. Differences characteristic of promiscuity and:

  1. Sexual promiscuity manifests itself in chaotic sexual relationships, but mostly controlled by consciousness. The attractiveness of a partner matters. Nymphomania is an impulsive, uncontrollable desire that occurs several times a day, in severe cases up to 20 times. Gender, age, social status and attractiveness of a partner are not important. In the old days, nymphomania was called “rabies of the uterus.”
  2. Promiscuity occurs in both sexes and in people of different sexual orientations. Nymphomania is characteristic only of women.
  3. Promiscuity ends in orgasm. Nymphomania - such women are often frigid and excited only in a psychological sense. Physiological release in the form of orgasm does not occur, which gives rise to “eternal” dissatisfaction.

Promiscuity - reasons

From a psychosomatic point of view, promiscuity is caused by a lack of self-worth, which “falsely” must constantly be confirmed with each new partner. This is not realized on a conscious level; more often people consider this to be the norm and love to talk about their adventures, increasing their self-esteem in their own eyes. Reasons that shape dissolute behavior:

  • psychological complexes;
  • traumatic sexual experience (rape, first unsuccessful sexual intercourse);
  • asociality (a person leads an asocial lifestyle);
  • cheating on a partner can cause a desire for revenge: cheat with several at once and the behavior can become entrenched;
  • search for new sexual experiences;
  • mental illness (oligophrenia, schizophrenia).

Female promiscuity

Women exposed to promiscuity are, deep down, very vulnerable and vulnerable. More often, the roots of promiscuity go deep into childhood, when the basic needs for safety and love are leading and the dissatisfaction of these needs leads to a violation of the correct perception of one’s integrity, femininity and pushes a woman into the arms of many men. Other reasons for female promiscuity:

  1. Character accentuations: demonstrative and hysterical women are more prone to promiscuity.
  2. Fear of loss. The death of a partner or betrayal leaves a negative imprint on a woman’s psyche and she chooses not to feel or become attached.
  3. An ancient genetic mechanism for searching and selecting the best sire for reproducing offspring.

Male promiscuity

Promiscuity is more common among men. The desire for contact with as many partners as possible can be explained in part by the instinct of survival and procreation. It is a known fact that among homosexuals there is a high level of promiscuity, on average up to 100 casual sexual relationships. IN modern world, the reasons for male promiscuity are more prosaic and are rather psychological:

  • need for recognition and admiration;
  • the desire for excellence;
  • infantilism or immaturity;
  • reluctance to take responsibility for strong and stable relationships;
  • fear of loneliness;
  • high libido or hypersexuality;
  • sometimes getting rid of one addiction (smoking, alcohol) does not get rid of addictive behavior as such, and a new addiction is formed - dissolute behavior.

Teenage promiscuity

Adolescence is a difficult period in the formation of an adult, when various kinds of deviations in behavior are most manifested. Boys and girls often, in order to establish themselves in a certain social group and prove that they are “worthy,” can start using alcohol, drugs, and enter into promiscuous relationships with unfamiliar partners. Teenage promiscuity – the main reasons:

  1. Hormonal “shock” - high levels of hormones generate search activity.
  2. Sexual trauma - incest, rape.
  3. Early alcoholism contributes to erratic and frequent changes of partners, more often in girls.
  4. Hyperthymic accentuation of character - such teenagers lack shyness, are liked by the opposite sex, easily make contacts and just as easily break off relationships.

What do promiscuous relationships lead to?

Promiscuity in sociology is considered as a direct threat to the existence of the institution of the family. Moral values ​​have remained unchanged for many centuries, among which the family represents the greatest value for a person. The consequences of promiscuous relationships are known to humanity and are constantly covered in the media and special lectures, but such is that he thinks: “This is not about me!” The result is always disastrous. It would not be amiss to recall these consequences:

  1. Sexually transmitted diseases. Extensive group: Hepatitis B, C, syphilis, HIV, herpetic infections. In the modern world, when antibiotics cease to be effective, a mild infection can become incurable and chronic (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea). Condoms are not always 100% effective.
  2. Men and women subject to promiscuity cannot build normal relationships built on trust and mutual understanding. The result: loneliness in later life.
  3. Unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. Far-reaching consequences:

Each of us sees himself as a being of high intelligence, civilized, socially developed. At the same time, there is an opinion that sexual looseness, which expresses itself in many different types of sexual contacts, is an experience that is necessary for building one’s happy future life, including a family one. Premarital relationships have long been accepted as the norm, and frequent changes of partners as wisdom.

The opinion is popularized that changing partners is the main joy in life, and promiscuity is an activity for a select few. I would like to figure out whether this is so or, thinking this way, are we going with the flow, where we risk running into many pitfalls? Meanwhile, such behavior and promiscuity are a primitive phenomenon, originating from the period before the biological evolution of man.

Why does promiscuity appear, what are the reasons for increased sexual activity?

Normally, libido increases under the influence of chemicals produced in the body during falling in love, during puberty in boys, during menopause in women, before menstruation and during pregnancy, also under the influence of hormones.

It happens that a stressful environment stimulates sexual activity. But there is also a pathological increase in sexual desires. If activity increases on its own, without justified reasons, especially if it is accompanied by a craving for random connections, frequent change of sexual partners, intimacy with minors, any uncontrollable fixation on sex, then it is worth making a friendly visit to the doctor, as this may be a manifestation of various kinds of destructive brain processes (from trauma to a tumor) or endocrine ailments.

A person suffering from hypersexuality must be thoroughly examined for diseases of the brain and mental health, including the possibility of using narcotic drugs.

If a person is healthy, then what is the reason for such behavior? Psychologists say that sexaholism can be a forced psychological compensation for disappointments, fears, inferiority or an imaginary physical defect. For example, a man has a modest penis size, he does not know peace about this and tries to balance this with a large “track record”. Another example is a girl who considers herself not beautiful enough because she has excess weight, strives for as many contacts as possible, thus subconsciously convincing himself of his own attractiveness. Such phenomena are especially common in teenage groups, where being ugly and unpopular is unfashionable and unprestigious. The same manifestation of an attempt to balance her psychological imbalance can occur in a woman who has finally escaped from the bonds of marriage that were weighing her down. Feeling free and empowered, she wants to make up for lost time over the past years. A person who does not receive the desired sexual impressions from his partner may also find interest in frequently changing partners, thus he will search, try, and convince himself of his own self-sufficiency.

A sudden increase in libido, reaching such a level that it already interferes with normal life and prevents you from being in harmony with yourself, is always a cause for concern. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the craving for promiscuity is not considered by its admirers as a deviation. They consider themselves full-fledged people. It is necessary to understand exactly what exactly caused such a rampage of hormones. To do this, you need to undergo a detailed examination and talk with a psychologist. The desire for promiscuity should not be confused with sexual temperament.

Who needs promiscuous sex, is this the norm?

The need to satisfy oneself sexual desire- one of the basic human needs. There are three types of sexual temperament:

Weak - for people with this temperament, sex is not particularly important. They get great joy from hugs, kisses and confidential conversations. They do not experience vivid orgasms.

Average - approximately 80% of people have this type of temperament. For them, sex is a natural part of periodic passion that occurs three or four times a week or month.

A strong temperament is indicated by earlier puberty; sex for representatives of this type is a very important part of life, but such manifestations as foreplay and tenderness are not for them. As a rule, they do not know how to love, they know how to perform intercourse, being confident that this is all that is needed to make their partner happy.

It is difficult for couples where the type of sexual temperament is radically different to get along. The lack of desire for sex in women will not please most men. Living with an overly sexual partner is very difficult, it tires a person with a weak temperament, since you need to constantly satisfy him, endure his annoying harassment, and he constantly restrain his impulses so as not to offend each other. As an example of this in some sense, the disease nymphomania in women. Therefore, it is important to know your temperament and find out what your partner’s is and whether it is worth seriously building a relationship that is doomed to collapse. Sexual dissatisfaction among women and men in the family is unacceptable.

What should a person with excessive sexual potential do? This is where the danger arises of unnoticedly switching to the practice of promiscuity. But the solution is nearby: suitable partner, and transform the rest of the sexual energy into sports and creative activity. Hypersexuality is not an excuse for leading a promiscuous lifestyle, violence, or infidelity. A person is different from an animal in that he holds the reins of control over his interests and presents them to society in a morally acceptable form. In addition, frequent changes of sexual partners and unprotected sexual contact are a direct growing threat of HIV infection.