Is it possible to charge the phone without charging. We charge the phone battery without the phone. Charge your phone with alternative chargers

With whom has a situation never happened when there is still a whole day away from home, and the phone has 19% charge? Perhaps, with almost every phone owner. Going on a trip and knowing in advance that there is a long road ahead without a source of electricity, many take with them an external battery, aka PowerBank, and do not worry about anything. But on a normal weekday, hardly anyone does that. Everyone should know how to charge a mobile device without charging, because absolutely anything can happen in life.

Is it possible to charge the phone without charging

Of course yes. If you are within the city, then the easiest possible option is to go to the nearest coffee shop and sit there for an hour, taking a seat at the outlet.

What else can you really do in a similar situation:

  • service center - if you don't have an extra hour to spend it on coffee with a croissant and charging your smartphone, then you can leave your device in service centerby asking to connect it to the network for a symbolic fee - such requests are rarely addressed to such establishments, and in fact, this is not a specific service of the center, but its employees are unlikely to refuse to receive some money for simply charging your phone;
  • special terminals for charging - today in cities they are installed quite often, as a rule, in the center, and their location is indicated on the city map.

Many establishments issue an offer to charge a gadget as a competitive advantage.

When you start charging your phone, turn off all functions in it, set the power saving mode and add airplane mode to this. Thus, the device will only absorb energy without wasting it.

How to charge a gadget via USB

In many cars, hotels, cafes and shopping centers, USB connectors are located next to regular outlets. They are designed to charge phones, tablets and other modern devices.

The advantage of terminals for charging in shopping centers is that they do not imply a mandatory order, as in a cafe, and are able to connect a large number of devices at the same time

There is only one big "but": in this way the gadget charges very slowly. If we talk about a specific time ratio, then using an outlet, you will speed up the process three times.

We use a frog

The frog, also known as the crab, can also help you charge your phone. It will take up a minimum of space in the bag and will help out in a situation when there is an outlet nearby, but there is no charger, or the charging socket does not work in the smartphone.

So, the features of the "frog":

  • it powers the mobile phone directly through the battery - while charging the gadget you will not be able to use it and you will also not see how many percent of the energy has been added, and the owners of devices with built-in batteries will not be able to use the "frog".
  • this is a universal device - whatever "crab" you buy, it will be able to charge your phone.

The advantage of such a device is that it is universal for all batteries.

What to do if the charging socket does not work and there is no frog

A similar situation within modern world can be called extreme conditions. After all, now not a single day is complete without a mobile phone.

So, what needs to be done so that the device starts working again if the charger has no contact with the phone, and neither a frog nor a usb port with the necessary adapter wire looms nearby:

  • hitting the battery is an option for emergency cases, since after such manipulations it will need to be thrown away and bought a new one, but it will still be possible to make a few of the most necessary calls before that;
  • use the battery terminals - turn off the phone and remove the battery, strip the two wires of the charger and attach them to the corresponding terminals on the battery with electrical tape or tape - it is important not to confuse the polarity of the wires, paying attention to the "+" (the blue wire is connected to it) and "-" (red towards him), otherwise you will be slightly electrocuted.

Some batteries can be connected to wires without additional fastening

If you have the slightest opportunity to charge your mobile phone in the usual way, but for this you need to get a charger or PowerBank somewhere, use it better - it is safer and more economical.

Charging your phone in extreme conditions

A discharged gadget is not that difficult if you are outdoors within the city and there are many options for charging your device. Another thing is when the battery percentages are melting before our eyes, and you are in the forest, for example. Of course, if this "thicket" is a small landing near the city, then it's okay, but in the case when the phone was used as a navigator and suddenly stopped working, a real problem will arise.

Here are some methods that will help in cases where you are far from home and civilization in principle:

  • use a knife and fire - heat the knife blade over an open fire and apply it to the battery. Then we return it to the mobile phone and get the opportunity to make a 5-minute call, which is worth its weight in gold in extreme conditions;
  • for physics lovers - 2-3 metal plates are wrapped with copper wire and buried in the ground, this structure is poured with salt water and connected to the gadget using wires from the charger.

Of course, it is far from the fact that there is always such a set in every backpack. But if you have to go to nature, it is better to grab all these things in case your mobile phone runs out.

You cannot bring the knife to a red-hot state, because if exposed to too high a temperature, the battery will simply swell, or it may even explode.

In practice, this method may not be enough for a short time: this is just a way to squeeze out the entire charge from the battery by heating

These and other wild ways to charge mobile devices are best seen in action.

Video: how to charge your phone in the field

Still, the most convenient way to keep a gadget charged in the forest is to take with you an external battery with photocells that can absorb the energy of sunlight and transfer it to any device.

Even in a forest, where there is not much sun, such a battery will be able to recharge.

Charging features depending on the type of phone

Some people still believe that to conserve battery life mobile device in good condition, it must be periodically brought to zero power level, and then charged overnight. But this trick was relevant for very old devices. Modern devices require that they be recharged a little each time. Have you noticed that only 20% of the battery is left? Increase this rate up to 50%! Of course, the exceptions may be situations when there is a long road ahead and you need to get 100%.

A good solution is to connect a modern smartphone to a computer or laptop every time you work with it, especially if it happens on a daily basis

As for alternative charging methods, most of them are suitable for phones from which the battery can be removed.

By the way, high-capacity batteries have been created for smartphones, which will allow you to be more confident that the 90% mark will last longer than usual.

If you are dealing with a mobile phone that has a built-in battery, and the charging socket is broken, all that remains is to figure out how to hold the charger so that it contacts the gadget.

There are no hopeless situations. Even if you are far from the city with a dead phone and an inoperative charging socket, you can always do something. It is worth using one of the tips given, and the problem will be solved.

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To charge your phone without charging at home, you can use several simple ways... Smartphone, tablet, and other devices make life easier. But during their distribution, a problem arose - a quick discharge of the gadget. The Internet, playing games, watching videos, reading, rapidly reduces the percentage of battery power. More often, the smartphone is discharged inappropriately when it cannot be charged. This is not only experienced by travelers, it also happens at home when the charger breaks down.

In the town

Far from home, work, walking around the city, people do not notice how the phone goes down. Smartphones now run out of battery much faster due to improved performance and power consumption.

You can solve this by having a portable battery. The method and the device itself are effective, the price of portable charging is low. They are divided by power, principle of operation. The thing has become indispensable, extending the life of a mobile phone. But if it is not there, you can fix the problem of a dead battery in:

  1. Major shopping centers, train stations, airports, and other public places have terminals for recharging and charging the phone. The smartphone is charged here without a USB cable.
  2. The cellular salon is allowed to replenish the energy on the device.
  3. cafe, restaurant - it will not be possible to charge everywhere, you should agree with the employees.

Having a cable, they charge with a car cigarette lighter using a laptop. The charging speed is not high, but you will be able to replenish the charge to answer the call. If you have enough time, you can recharge it completely.

If you have a charger, you can find the socket here:

  1. Toilet of a large shopping center.
  2. Intercity transport (bus-liners).
  3. Train compartment car.
  4. Station waiting room.

At home

In addition to the standard method with an outlet, cable, charger, there are others. Options will help out if the cable breaks, the socket breaks:

  1. USB connector of laptop, computer - effective methodrequiring a cord.
  2. The power device is a type of portable battery powered by finger-type batteries. Purchase it in electronics stores from 500 rubles.
  3. Charger another smartphone. The option is suitable if the connector of the discharged one coincides with a foreign device.

If none of the options came up, the cardinal method will help - it requires knowledge of the battery poles. To implement it, you need:

  • find an old charger, cut off the end;
  • remove the insulation with a knife, scissors, leaving the wires unharmed;
  • deal with the battery poles of the device, determine the "plus", "minus". Then lean the red wire to the "plus", and the blue wire to the "minus";
  • glue them with tape to the junction for better attachment;
  • insert the plug into the socket.

Do not use the presented method continuously or for more than an hour at a time to save the phone's battery. Also remember to be safe, do not touch bare wires when charging.


You can take the trouble of finding a place to charge your phone if you have an extra battery. Carrying a second battery is a rational solution if the user is far from home. The method is suitable for owners of devices with a removable battery.

Non-standard methods will help you save battery percentages. To implement them, you will need simple things that are easy to get if necessary - office supplies, fruits, nails, a knife, copper wire.


To reduce energy consumption, glue the battery contacts and put them back in. The main thing is not to overdo it with layers, otherwise the phone will not turn on.


You can add energy for a short call by heating the battery. Do it carefully so as not to burn yourself, save the battery. Simple options are to put the device in a warm place for half an hour. You can heat the knife, put the battery on top, so the effect will be faster. The temperature should be low - otherwise it is fraught with swelling of the battery, its further unsuitability. Rubbing the contacts against denim or other dense fabric will provide energy for a short ring.

Lemon, nails, wire

A seemingly complex option does not require many details. You can make an impromptu charger using lemons, copper wire, a couple of nails. Things will help you get a couple of percent of the battery's performance.

You will need 2-3 lemons, pierce each of them with a nail, connect them in series with copper wire, connect the end to the phone battery. For a strong connection, tape the wire to the smartphone battery. Charging speed varies - first hold for half an hour, check the level, repeat the procedure if necessary.

A rock

To reanimate a "dead" phone, you need to hit the battery on a stone. In this case, do not use too much force so as not to break it. They also offer an option with "biting" the battery - it works on conventional AA batteries, but the method is dangerous.

Using these methods will not add energy to surf the Internet, but it will help to call for a couple of minutes. If everything is done correctly, the energy of the device will last for 3-8 minutes. These options are unsafe and should not be overused. If something goes wrong, there is a risk of being left without a battery or even without a mobile phone.

Universal device

The familiar device for recharging the battery - "frog", "frog". It is only suitable for smartphones with a removable battery. Principle of operation: a battery is installed in the device, then it is connected to the power supply. The green LED should immediately light up - it means charging is in progress. When it goes out, remove the battery, insert it into the smartphone.

A significant disadvantage of this option is the inability to use a mobile phone while the charge is being replenished, long recharging. The main advantages: price (250 rubles), compactness, versatility (batteries of different brands can be charged with it).

Alternative options

This category of options suits phones with a built-in battery. All models now have a built-in battery, which is why the use of alternative options is increasing. The main advantages: convenience, ease of use. Cons: external batteries need to be purchased, their price is sometimes high.


Powerbank is an external battery that acts as a second battery and is connected to the charger connector. This drive is suitable for current smartphones, tablets, and other devices of this type.

You need to charge it as mobile phone... But at the same time, its power is enough from two or more charges. The price of this gadget varies - it depends on the capacity, additional characteristics. The cost of the device is from 900 rubles.

When buying a product, pay attention to:

  1. Capacity is the main parameter affecting the cost price and the period of use. The lower this indicator, the more often it will have to be recharged. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase a powerbank, the capacity of which is 2-3 times higher than the telephone one.
  2. Ease of use - in addition to the basic features of the gadget, it is designed to be convenient, compact, easy to hold in your hand.
  3. Durability of the case - to avoid scratches and other serious damage, you must choose the option with a rubberized top layer, shockproof case.
  4. Other functions - in addition to the standard required characteristics that powerbank provides, each manufacturer adds additional functions. You should pay attention to them, as they improve, simplify the use. For example, they additionally offer a built-in solar battery, a flashlight, or simply an unusual design.


Now the cover can perform more than just a protective function. Now it is possible to use cases with built-in charging. This allows you to leave the external battery at home, stop worrying that it will fall out of your hands. The principle of operation of such an invention is similar to the powerbank, but in addition to charging, it also protects the mobile phone from the consequences of a fall.

Solar energy

The sun's energy is also used for recharging. To do this, you need to have a solar panel. Most often they are presented as huge blocks, which is difficult to imagine as a smartphone charger. But there are small models that are made specifically for modern phones and tablets.

Their advantage is that they do not need an outlet with electricity, because they receive energy from the sun. Besides, there is no need to be afraid that the external battery will run out. It is suitable for long journeys to warm places where there is no way to recharge the smartphone's battery.

The only drawback of this method is its dependence on weather conditions, time of day, season. At night, in cloudy times, this option is not suitable. It will be indispensable in sunny countries, where it is always summer.

Energy of fire

This option will replace the previous one, it will charge the battery even at night, in cloudy weather. In addition to the sun, they generate fire energy for working with the phone. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a device is old, but it is not often used. This is a small device with a stand extended by an iron plate that is heated by a fire, a burner. It has a built-in socket for a smartphone cable. The advantage of this method is free, no electricity charging far from home.

Wind generator

Wind, as an inexhaustible source, is used in the form of a wind generator. You don't need to be in strong winds to increase the charge level. You can get energy from jogging in the morning, riding a bike - that's enough to convert it into phone battery power.

Hot stand

A simple invention that is used as a stand for cold or hot, will help charge the device with a cup of morning hot tea or coffee. The stored heat of the hot cup, plate, will be transferred to the battery, which will increase the energy level.

other methods

They seem strange, difficult to use at this time. But still, they will find their place in the future. An example is:

  1. Human Breathing - Designed by João Paulo Lammonga. A person breathes with the help of a mask that is attached to the device. His breathing is converted into electrical energy, which increases the battery level of the smartphone. The idea is interesting, but the convenience and effectiveness of the method have not been proven in practice.
  2. Fruits with vegetables - they feed the battery not only with lemons, but also with an ordinary onion.
  3. Hand work - the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy - is the task of the variant. To replenish the battery with such a charger, you have to work physically.
  4. Pedals - the method is similar to the previous one, in order to obtain energy, it is worth using your arms or legs that will pedal. It accumulates in a smartphone charge.
  5. Hydrogen fuel - A variant was invented by Apple. The main plus of a portable device that uses the presented principle of operation is that there is no need to charge it.

Rapid charge increase

If the battery has not yet completely drained, and you need to save the remaining charge, standard recommendations will come to the rescue:

  1. Turn off the phone until there is an urgent need for use.
  2. Turn on the device screen less often. Frequent time checks, surfing the Internet eats up the percentage of the charge, so it is worth reducing the brightness, the time of using the smartphone to a minimum.
  3. Turn on "flight" mode - suitable if no incoming calls or SMS are expected.

How to save energy

In order not to puzzle over how to charge the battery, it is worth saving energy by using a mobile phone as a last resort. For this it is worth:

  1. Reduce screen operation level - reduce brightness level, backlight operation.
  2. Disable unused Bluetooth, WI-FI, and others that "eat" energy.
  3. Turn off auto-update applications.
  4. Remove unnecessary programs in time.
  5. To cleanse rAM.
  6. Do not use the smartphone for a long time in the cold - it quickly loses the percentage of charge. Also, do not put in the sun or near hot places.
  7. Use applications to save battery levels, which will be discussed below.

Savings applications

Operating cell phones android system use programs that save phone energy. The current, effective, comments under which confirm this include:

  1. DU Battery Saver - reduces energy consumption without reducing the power of the smartphone. Tracks the temperature with the battery capacity, the time until the end of the device.
  2. GO Batter Saver - turns off unused programs, monitors the operation of wireless communication modules.
  3. Apps from the developer Cheetah Mobile - helps to optimize the gadget, saves battery.

Many programs are known to conserve battery capacity. They are free, paid, less, more efficient. The help of programs depends on the smartphone, the specific case. The iPhone does not need such applications, as it is optimized, the android is only partially.

Alternative methods of recharging are actively used, because the battery of modern phones runs out due to the expansion of their capabilities, innovations, games, applications.

How do I charge my phone correctly? Should it be discharged to zero before the first charge? How to properly carry out the first charge? How to choose charging? If you look, you can find hundreds of answers on the Internet, which sometimes contradict each other! Where is the truth and where is the lie? Let's try to understand this difficult issue ...

And so, the first thing that needs to be divided is the types of batteries in phones. They are divided into:

  • Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride).
  • Li-ion (lithium-ion).

And it should be noted right away that nickel-metal hydride batteries have not been used for a long time. The vast majority of modern phones use lithium-ion battery types. If you are interested in all the details about the difference in technology, I found a fairly detailed publication on this topic on Habré. And I will tell literally in a nutshell in the most simple and generally accessible language. Actually, due to the misunderstanding of these two types, various misunderstandings and myths about charging have gone. Because the older type did indeed have a "memory effect", while the Li-ion does not. But first things first...

In fact, the rules for charging modern phones have become so simple that after reading these rules you will laugh in the face of those who are still thinking about how to properly charge it! :) In fact, I tried to expand everything in as much detail as possible, and in the end I ended up with a rather large text. Therefore, I divided it into two parts. In the first, below, I described everything in detail, trying to substantiate each point from the technical part. But if you are not interested in this and need only the points-by-point rules, scroll down the text, there I left a list of rules without unnecessary "technical garbage".

The first thing to remember is that Ni-MH batteries really had a memory effect, but if you bought within the next five years, then with a 99% probability you have a Li-ion battery and you can forget this rule (I mean "memory effect"). Li-ion, on the contrary, does not like deep discharge! And moreover, if you "drop" it to zero, then on the contrary it is very difficult to "bring it back to life". But the smart phone electronics knows this and turns off the device before you reach full zero. Although, of course, you shouldn't forget about the human factor either. And constant attempts to turn on a discharged phone can lead to the fact that the electronics will not cope with their task. In this case, you should find the most "strong" charger, connect it and hope for a miracle. The phone will not immediately react to it. I had a case when, after a full discharge, the phone was connected to the charger for almost an hour and showed no signs of life. However, then he came to life and went to charge. So do not bring your device to such a state.

Although at the same time, too long a "recharge" is no less harmful. If you keep the phone on charge for a long time when the battery is 100% charged, it will also lead to the death of the battery. And even more so! Not just death, but to its swelling, and sometimes even to tearing! Of course, the smart electronics of the device is ready for this, prevents this in all possible ways, but no smart electronics will protect you more effectively than an elementary shutdown of charging at the end of the charge.

So how do I charge my phone? You can't recharge, you can't unload it either ... What to do? In fact, everything is simple. Charge your phone not when you have 1% left, but when the charge level has dropped below 20-30%. Charge to 100% and remove the charger. Of course, you shouldn't run every five minutes to the phone and check, as soon as the charge has reached 100% - immediately get it. If, after the end of the charging cycle, the phone remains connected to the network for half an hour or an hour, nothing will happen to it. The charge controller will simply disconnect the phone from the network and stop charging. But as soon as the phone is 99% discharged, it will start charging again to 100%. This constant full recharge is what damages the power supply. Therefore, do not leave the phone connected overnight. But for an hour of lying after a full charge, nothing bad will happen to him.

And since we're talking about the charge controller, it's worth telling that you shouldn't forget about it either. In fact, over time, from such discharges to 20-30% and charging, it can get a little confused and show not entirely accurate readings. Those. for example, the real level is 30%, and it will show you 20. What to do? In fact, everything is simple. About once a month or two, do a full discharge and full charge cycle! Yes, of course, it does a little harm to the battery, but it is not so critical if such cycles take place once a month or two. Thus, you will periodically calibrate the charge sensor so that it shows the correct values.

Part 2. Briefly about how to charge the phone.

So what do we end up with? Let's derive the rules for charging a mobile phone from all of the above:

  • Do not overcharge. If the phone remains on charge for a long time at 100% charge, it damages the battery.
  • Full discharge is no less harmful. Do not discharge the battery to full discharge. Charge your phone at about 20%.
  • Once a month or two, carry out a full discharge / charge cycle to calibrate the phone's charge sensor.
  • Do not charge in short charges. It is better to charge once normally than 10 times at 8%.

That's all! You see a small charge, you charge, at the end, you turn it off. Simple, huh? :)

And further. On the Internet, I often saw advice that a newly purchased phone should be charged either all night, or 12 hours ... I would like to ask why should this be done if the phone turns off charging when it reaches 100%? let's talk about this separately about the first phone charge.

At first, I would advise you to drop the phone you just bought to zero. This is not difficult to do. While you download applications, while you get to know the functionality, while you insist, there is already no battery. Then charge it 100%. If you have carefully read the publication, I think you should guess why to do this. It is desirable to do this not for battery operation, but in order to calibrate the charge sensor. In principle, the same procedure can be repeated a second time if desired, although not necessarily. Actually, that's all, and then proceed to regular use of the phone, taking into account all the rules written above.

Part 3. How to choose a phone charger?

Today, when choosing chargers, there is such a choice that you do not know which is better to take. But in fact, everything is even easier here than with the charging process itself. Today, fortunately, the days when each phone was charged through its own charger and when each phone had its own connector is now a thing of the past. Today, the micro usb standard dominates, which successfully replaces the newer USB Type-C. But the connector doesn't really play any role in the choice of the charger itself.

The first thing worth paying attention to is that the output current should not be lower than 2.1 A. Why not lower than 2.1A? What is this parameter and what does it affect? In short and generalized, for the duration of charging the gadget. On the device, the output current can be marked as "output" or "output", the numbers indicated next to it mean how much current the charger can transmit. Charging a smartphone usually requires a current of at least 0.7 A. battery tablet - about 2 A.

Very often you can hear the question, on "native" charging, the current is indicated for example 1A, what will happen if I connect the 2A charging? Will the phone burn? No, all modern smartphones are provided with the power controller mentioned above, which does not take more than the smartphone requires. But then, if the phone can "use" this current, the gadget will charge faster. So it definitely won't get any worse, and maybe even better.

In a nutshell, I would like to say about charging from a computer. Many people charge their jn PC gadgets quite often. Is it correct? In fact, yes and no. Those. if we are talking about charging small gadgets such as watches or old unpretentious phones, then there are no problems at all. But if we are talking about top smartphones, tablets and other "heavy" devices, then it is not so simple. At the time of the development of these ports, even in thoughts it could not be that they might need a charging function. And therefore, their output current is only 0.5A. Now compare it to 2-3A charging the tablet? Therefore, when you try to charge your brand new tablet, you put a huge load on the computer's motherboard.

Part 4. About data security.

Well, at the end, I would like to say a few words about security not in terms of hardware, but at the software level. Have you ever thought that simple charging can cause a non-working smartphone not due to a burned-out board, but due to viruses? Let's talk about this at the end.

The first thing worth paying attention to is the fact that both the connection to the computer and the connection to charging in phones have long been carried out through the same port. This is of course convenient for the user, and also convenient for intruders who wish to gain access to your phone.

A very illustrative experiment was conducted at the RSA security conference in San Francisco. Authentic8 representatives assembled a charging station at their booth and proposed to the event participants. About 80 percent of conference attendees took advantage of the offer without even asking if it was safe.

"They were at an event where security issues were discussed, and they probably should be good at such things. However, for some reason they did not suspect anything.", - explained the authors of the experiment.

Of course, the authors did not aim to steal data, but to show the vulnerability. For this reason, the data was not stolen. Hacking consisted in the fact that on the screens of their phones the inscription was displayed: " Please take care of safety and do not connect your phone to unfamiliar devices". However, in the same way you can not only play a trick, but also steal almost all information from the device. From personal photos to registration data. social networks and data bank cards... How to avoid this? Just follow simple rules:

It is best not to use public charging stations. Well, if there is no other choice, do not use the "built-in" wire, but find a regular outlet and use your charger. This simple "life hack" will allow you to save not only battery power, but also your personal data.

An indispensable phone for entertainment. Listening to music and watching movies become available using smartphones, and games of various themes will not let you get bored during a long trip.

A phone can have a ton of useful features that you can only use on one condition. Your phone needs to be charged. Without charging, the gadget turns into a useless item that can crack nuts.

Alas, not everywhere we can use the charger. Often the lights are suddenly turned off, and then it is simply impossible to charge the phone. In life, there are such extreme situations when a phone call becomes a matter of life and death. For example, you went on a mountain hike and an avalanche suddenly descended. You just need to call and call the rescuers. But you never know situations in life when one phone call decides everything? But if your phone suddenly runs out of power, then you simply cannot survive.

3 ways to charge your mobile phone without electricity

  1. If your cell phone is completely out, there is one proven method. Remove the battery and hit it hard against a hard object. Ideally, this is a stone or wall. A small amount of charge is released from the impact. It will last for 2-3 minutes. During this time, you will have time to make a phone call.
  2. Lemon method Do you have lemons? They will do a great job of dealing with a dead battery problem. Of course, ideally you will need 5-6 lemons. Stick nails or other metal objects into them. Connect them with copper wire. Then carefully attach the ends of the wire to the battery. The method is not the most optimal, but if you have the necessary equipment, it works.
  3. Take out the battery and place it in the sun. Some even advise placing the battery on a metal object to help it warm up faster. Exposure to sunlight develops a slight charge in the battery. His strength is enough to make a short call.

These are 3 ways that folk craftsmen often use. Yes, there are more sophisticated options. For example, a battery is poked with a nail, passed over it with a hot knife blade, or attached to electrodes. But you can easily ruin the device. And these methods require special skill.

We do not always manage to charge a mobile phone on time. There are unforeseen situations when the charge is running out. If you see that your mobile phone is about to go out, and there is nowhere to charge it, you need to take a number of actions.

  • Disable absolutely all functions, including vibration. When the charge is running out, you shouldn't waste it on Bluetooth, Internet, Wi-Fi. This will win you a couple of hours.
  • Disconnect your phone. You are not expecting an urgent call - turn off the device. Turn it on when you need to make an important call.
  • Do not expose your phone to the sun. For emergency charging, you can expose the battery in the sun, but if you want to extend the charge on an uncharged device, put your phone in a dark place. This way it will consume less energy.

The methods of charging the phone with the help of improvised means are very primitive. Nobody can give a 100% guarantee that they will be effective. Therefore, do not be lazy to purchase a quality portable charger. It will save you from unforeseen situations. You can take it on a hike, on a trip, or just keep it at home just in case. And then you can always stay connected.

Despite the rapid development mobile technologies, the expansion of functionality in modern smartphones is not always beneficial.

New features often require more power, resulting in shorter smartphone battery life. Everyone is familiar with the situation when it is necessary to make an important call or urgently go online, but a discharged battery does not allow doing this. It's good if you can use the nearest power outlet and replenish the battery with the power supply. However, far from home, for example, in field conditions, this is not possible. There are several great ways to charge your phone without a charger.

Charging from a computer via USB

If there is a computer, laptop, tablet or TV with a USB connector nearby, as well as an appropriate cable, the phone will recharge. To connect to such power sources, it is enough to make sure that they are connected to the network or work autonomously thanks to the built-in battery. Finding the right USB adapter is easy, as most smartphones, cameras, and other gadgets come with it.

Using Power Bank

To ensure that a discharged battery of your mobile device is never taken by surprise, we recommend that you carry it with you. This small device has a USB port for pairing with a smartphone and allows you to store a solid amount of energy. Due to this, the external battery is an indispensable companion on vacation and traveling away from outlets. The most important thing is not to forget to recharge it from time to time.

Connecting to the cigarette lighter in the car

Sometimes, and can come to the rescue in a critical situation. It is enough to insert the USB adapter with the phone into the cigarette lighter socket to allow the battery to recharge to an acceptable level. You can also connect your smartphone to the car radio, if it is equipped with the required connector.

Solar charging

Users who prefer active outdoor recreation, but do not want to completely part with the benefits of civilization, need to purchase a solar-powered charger for their phone. This device is a small power supply unit equipped with photocells. By absorbing the energy of the daylight, the device supplies it to the connected device, which allows it to replenish its battery. Of course, the effectiveness of this method is highly dependent on weather conditions.

Recharging with the "frog"

Only owners of smartphones with a removable battery will be able to use this method. You need to remove the battery from the phone, and then place it in the universal one. In this case, you need to make sure that the polarities (plus and minus) on the battery and the terminals of the device are opposite. After the "frog" is connected to the outlet, the recharging process will begin.

Charging with AA batteries

You can also replenish the battery on your smartphone using a charger that works on. As in the case with previous types of devices, a USB adapter is required here. The disadvantage of this method is the need for the constant purchase of new batteries, but in case of urgent need they can be borrowed from the TV remote control, flashlight or alarm clock.

Dynamo application

Another useful device for recharging a smartphone battery away from a wall outlet is. Unlike solar panels, this device does not need a cloudless sky to work effectively. The dynamo is engaged in converting mechanical energy into electricity - only after the user twists a special handle for a few minutes. Thus, it is quite possible to charge the battery by a couple of percent in case of urgent need.

Lemon, nails, copper cord

Now you can move on to more extreme methods of recharging, the use of which is associated with a risk to both the battery and human health.

To implement this idea, you will need a lot of lemons. The more there are, the more you will be able to charge the battery. It is necessary to stick a nail into each fruit, connecting them together with copper wire. Its free ends must be connected to the previously removed device battery. This will replenish the stock by a few percent, which is sometimes very important.

Sometimes it turns out to charge the phone in this way:

Battery heating

Use this method you need to be very careful. As you know, heating the battery will slightly increase its battery life, if it is very required. A heated blade of a knife or other metal object should be briefly applied to the battery. This will allow you to get a couple of extra percent of the charge, but it is important not to overdo it, as there is a risk of blowing up the battery.

Hitting a hard surface

It may seem more of a gesture of despair, but the energy generated by the battery hit will allow you to make one short call. Of course, it is contraindicated to abuse this method, because even after the first throw on a hard surface, the battery may fail.

Direct connection to power supply

The following procedure can only be carried out with rubber gloves. First you need to strip the end of the old charger with a knife to expose the two wires (red - "plus", blue - "minus"). Next, you need to separate them a little to the sides and connect them to the opposite contacts of the smartphone battery. After fixing the device with electrical tape, it must be connected to a power source.

There are quite a few ways to return the battery a couple of percent of the charge. Of course, using the last three of the above methods is recommended only at your own peril and risk, since you can cause irreparable damage to the phone and battery. We recommend that you take care of this problem in advance.