In the dream, the stranger speaks and leaves. Why is the Stranger dreaming? Individual cases and their interpretation from dream books

You had a rather ambiguous dream, dear reader. A dream with an unfamiliar girl can be both the personification of grief, confusion, despair, and a dream full of joy and harmony. It completely depends on you and your attitude to life.

But, fortunately, our subconscious mind constantly gives us clues, and even seeing the same girl can be seen in different ways. Remember the guest from your dreams: clothes, behavior, objects with her. If you managed to talk with her, then it is advisable to remember the details of the conversation.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar girl

It is also very important to find out if the girl was really a stranger to you. If her face simply simply did not lend itself to consideration, you did not recognize her, or everything was too cloudy, then you need to take the interpretation at your own risk. Because the “vague” girl in many dream books is definitely a symbol of failure.

An unfamiliar girl in a dream is a symbol of the unknown. There is an expectation of betrayal, deceit or surprise. But to give exact interpretation you need to remember the details. Since, for example, a girl who turns into an old woman leads to a happy life, and an unfamiliar girl following on her heels is a symbol of darkness and misfortune. So why is an unfamiliar girl dreaming?

Separate cases and their interpretation from dream books.

  • The unknown girl was beautiful. To see a stranger, charming in appearance and cheerful in spirit, is very good sign. Very soon you will begin the whitest streak in life, you will be overwhelmed with happiness;
  • If the unknown turned out to be unkempt and unsympathetic. The dreamer in the subconscious recalled a long-past quarrel with close friends. For a man, such a dream promises anxiety, depression and discord with himself. For a woman to dream with an ugly stranger portends the presence of diseases, ailments and squabbles;
  • A stranger who appeared before you in blood, or in bloody clothes. A stranger with such an entourage carries the message of a tragedy that cannot leave the depths of your subconscious to this day. Even if you haven't thought about her in recent days;
  • An unrecognized girl is following you around, chasing you. A dream with such a plot is a very bad omen. Most likely, the dreamer follows the path of darkness, goes against everything, including his desire, and does everything in spite. Man will sooner or later plunge into this swamp if he does not take active action;
  • The unfamiliar girl did not communicate and resolutely ran away. You cannot accept the real you and pretend to be someone else. You are often depressed because of this;

  • An old woman, a stranger, an unknown aged girl. After such a dream, it is advisable to be careful and ready for unpleasant gossip and rumors, not to give a reason;
  • A stranger in a dream needed help, called for help. You have a feeling of guilt for what you have done, these thoughts make you uncomfortable. You are in an internal struggle. You need to talk to loved ones and make amends;
  • Family girl, takes care of children in her sleep. The dream is interpreted completely the opposite, unlike the previous options. If the seer is lucky to see a caring stranger, this means that he is in harmony with himself and feels great;
  • An unknown female representative is breastfeeding a child. This phenomenon can be quite characterized as caring for children, however, according to most dream books, such a dream leads, if not to a quarrel, then to unpleasant worries, turmoil in everyday life;
  • You were flirting with an unfamiliar girl. In real life, a number of small unpleasant factors, troubles await you, from which you can easily get out only by making an effort;
  • Looking at a beautiful stranger. It portends your use in real life of a small lie, for which you will have to pay dearly. It is recommended to refrain from lying for selfish purposes.
  • If in a dream you kissed an unfamiliar girl. The kiss of a mysterious person marks material wealth, a possible bonus and winning the lottery;
  • A stranger visited you at your house. Such a guest marks imminent problems, the solution of which will require coordination and effort.
  • Fight with an unknown girl. A person will be made a tempting offer or offered to participate in a risky adventure. It is better not to get involved and not be led by emotions.

Now, dear reader, pay attention to the stranger's clothes from your dream:

  • An unfamiliar girl appeared before you completely naked, without clothes. The dream indicates that you have secret desires that are not destined to come true. For women, such a dream also gives food for thought: you are too vulnerable and dependent on the opinions of others;
  • We saw an unknown woman in black, mourning clothes. Such a dream in itself subconsciously does not bring anything good, and it predicts the active actions of your ill-wishers. Beware of enemies and do not trust unreliable acquaintances.
  • I dreamed in a nightgown. A heavy omen - in marriage, you can no longer expect happiness from now on, if you are only engaged, you should carefully review everything;

Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities.

  1. Miller is categorical - the stranger is a messenger of intrigue in your real life. The dreamer should beware of adventures and not give rise to gossip and rumors, otherwise everything may turn out badly for him;
  2. Explaining the meaning of this dream according to Vanga is more difficult, since the Bulgarian clairvoyant never directly addressed this type of dream. In most cases, a dream in which an unfamiliar girl appears will lead to changes in real life, the scale of which will directly depend on the dreamer;
  3. Sigmund Freud divides dreamers into men and women. If a woman dreamed of a stranger, then the subconscious wanted to personify a rival in her. It is likely that a woman is often jealous for no reason, and such a dream once again reminds of this. The presence of an unfamiliar girl in a man's dream, according to Freud, is caused by secret desires, for which there is no way out;
  4. According to N. Grishina's dream book, an unfamiliar girl from a dream is a symbol of your plans, promises and goals. The character of a girl is your character, at least one of the expressions of your multifaceted "I";
  5. According to the family dream book, not only a stranger, but also any woman portends the appearance of rumors, gossip and intrigue in your life;

Dear reader, there is no need to panic if your dream falls into the unwanted category. Dream Interpretations cannot always correctly predict your fate, take your fate by the horns yourself. It all depends on you, and the subconscious will only direct and tell you what and how to do better.

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Dream interpretation of the XXI century

A stranger in a dream why does the dreamer dream

Stranger - It can be either a guardian angel, a patron, or an evil spirit. The more pleasant its appearance and the more positive the impressions about it, the more favorable the circumstances in real life will be. The image of an unfamiliar ugly or black-clad stranger promises imminent trouble for which you will not be ready. Such dreams call for vigilance and caution.

Miller's dream book

What is the dream of a stranger in a dream

Stranger - To meet a stranger - to change: in a good way, if the person is pleasant; bad, if ugly.

If you are a stranger (stranger), then unusual incidents will bring you trouble.

Eastern female dream book

Why is the Stranger dreaming

It all depends on the impression it made on you. appearance. If a person says something good, he looks pleasant and kind, then in reality everything will turn out in the best way. An ugly and evil gentleman portends trouble, serious trouble. If a stranger meets in a dream, but you understand that in fact it is you, strange questions will soon have to be resolved.

Universal dream book

Had a dream - Stranger

The dream speaks of the unknown, new faces, that the sleeper is in the wrong place. Emotions and impressions from a dream seen here play a major role. An unfamiliar man can pleasantly surprise, intimidate, warn about something, show some place or thing, threaten. If in a dream everything turns out in the best way - you should not worry, if you are scared - you should look closely at the people around you, be prepared for trouble. You should also find a thing or a place shown in a dream - a dream book A stranger can indicate the path to wealth.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a stranger

To an unexpected pleasant meeting. If this is a nice guy, then in reality changes for the better are possible in intimate relationships, personal life.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou-Gong

Why does a stranger dream in a dream

To receive information from outside. Having talked in a dream with an unfamiliar person, having experienced horrors and joys, having passed all the trials, you are cleansed, get rid of the judgments imposed by someone. Such a dream has a healing and calming meaning, frees one from the need to play a role in reality, to put on a mask. These are images of the sleeping person, his dreams, hidden emotions, weaknesses or advantages that he does not even know about. Own faces and actions can please, scare, warn of something important.

The subconscious thus opens the secrets of your soul, they can be frightening, but still I act beneficially, because in a dream you are liberated, you remove energy blocks. Unfamiliar faces may indicate your dissatisfaction with your appearance, behavior, or position in society.

Dreams in which strangers appear are often interpreted with great difficulty. For the most part, these strangers are just faces and images drawn from a list of names and faces that you know in life. In some cases, they may represent their own internal essence. Images of unknown people can tell us how we actually perceive the world. Different theorists explain in their own way the nature of the appearance of strangers in our dreams and the way they appear there. It is useful to interpret all dreams, having previously ordered the list of those who took part in the action.

Strangers from a dream are an inner entity (or several). According to the theory of Carl Jung, in the "I" of the male personality there is a female complement and vice versa. These additions are psychic projections that appear in our dreams. If an unfamiliar woman appears in a dream seen by a man, then her behavior may be a projection of the female side of the dreamer's personality. Quite the opposite, this applies to women who dreamed of male strangers. In principle, one may dream that these strangers experience for dreamers sexual desire, but this is quite rare. Heartfelt friendship is a more common plot of such dreams. It is useful for a person to understand these characters: thanks to them, we understand our desires - how we want to be perceived by others (we are talking especially about the opposite sex), which frightens us in their perception of our personality.

Another aspect of the stranger in the hypostasis of the inner essence is the desire to express what is not available for our expression in reality. Women are sometimes presented with a character who shows terrible anger as compensation for a feeling that he cannot show in real life. Accordingly, in men's dreams there may be characters crying in pain - i.e. emotions are manifested that the stronger sex prefers not to detect. Strangers often act very friendly towards us, helping, protecting, or providing information with which we can solve our problems. In cases where they cause anxiety, it is mainly because these characters act in a way that we ourselves would like.

Displaced strangers. In such dreams, a person moves from one type of relationship with you to another type. Let's say in a dream some celebrity is your relative, but more often the boss or teacher acts in the form of a parent. In addition to personality roles, emotions can move, which is especially true when it comes to anger or sexual desire, which dreamers prefer not to show in real life.

Unknown people who are the personification of the incubus / succubus (demon). These are unfamiliar lovers whose purpose of appearance is sex with a dreamer. Quite often they represent the extreme poles of sexual experience. On the one hand, these characters can be idealized (both physically and emotionally) lovers. On the other hand, they can be demonic, disgusting, repulsive personalities whose goal is to take you away from realizing in reality something bad (in your opinion).

Unknown people are shadows of the same sex as the dreamer. They have the negative qualities of the dreamer's personality, and for the most part they have the form of an extreme manifestation. Such dreams are very conducive to ensuring that we better understand ourselves, our shortcomings. It is to indicate the weaknesses of the dreamer that strangers appear in dreams.

Family Dream Interpretation

Strangers in a dream are our patrons, friends, guardian angels, or, conversely, enemies or an evil spirit. Some come to us with peace, others with evil. Fear in such a dream portends evil. See how they look and what impression their appearance will make on you. The more pleasant your opinion of them is, the better the omen such a dream brings you. If you dream that a terrible, shaggy man dressed in all black has come to you, and this vision is repeated several times, then your life is in serious danger due to enemies who will try to destroy you.

An unfamiliar voice that indicates what to do is a sign that you should obey it, and you will find happiness or wealth. However, they will not be given to you without difficulty and not without trouble and risk. If you dream that well-dressed strangers have come to you and told you important news, then try to remember its content. Perhaps this will help you get ahead of your competitors and make more profit. A dream in which you saw that an unfamiliar young man of pleasant appearance took you by the hand and took you to some place or pointed to something, portends you good luck and wealth. After such a dream, try to find this place or that object.

If you dream of a stranger of a majestic appearance (it may be a woman) and predicts your failure, defeat or death, then know that your fate is sealed, no matter what steps you take. To dream of a beautiful young man who is trying to give you orders and threatens at the same time is a sign that you should act according to your own understanding in order to avoid shame, ruin or death. Fighting in a dream with a stranger is a sign that one should not get involved in a risky business.

Modern Dream Interpretation

A dream to see about a stranger - it can be either a guardian angel, patron, or an evil spirit. The more pleasant its appearance and the more positive the impressions about it, the more favorable the circumstances in real life will be. The image of an unfamiliar ugly or black-clad stranger promises imminent trouble for which you will not be ready. Such dreams call for vigilance and caution.

If a stranger gives you a seat in public transport - in reality you will meet a pleasant and courteous person. An unfamiliar person angry at someone dreams of the fact that in reality you can be undeservedly offended. Hugging in a dream with a stranger - to unexpected guests.

If in a dream a stranger kisses you and you have nothing against it, in real life this portends a loss of respect from your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - some annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

Freud's dream book

If a man dreams of a young man whom he has not actually met, then this image can symbolize a potential sexual rival, a person to whom he will be jealous and envy. Seeing such dreams means being afraid to fail in bed.

Women dream of strangers as images of ideal spouses and lovers. It is recommended to pay attention to the features and habits of the person whom the woman sees in a dream. If the future spouse possesses them, then this will become one of the guarantees of a strong marriage. When a stranger hugs you in a dream, the interpretation is symbolic. In this way, you are trying to get rid of internal taboos, which in reality often prevent you from achieving your goals.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

If a young lady dreamed of a stranger in a raincoat and hat, then in reality she hides her thoughts from others, but she still has to open up to them. Seeing a handsome guy in a dream is a sign that desires are not destined to be fulfilled for a long time. A dreaming naked man symbolizes danger. When a male person with a gray beard dreams, illness cannot be avoided. For a woman to see a man in a shirt in a dream is a harbinger of an unhappy marriage. A dead guy lying on the road dreams of discovering new sources of income.

Miller's dream book

I dreamed that I felt like a stranger in some company, which means that some strange things will bring misfortune on you. I dreamed of a meeting with strangers, which made a very strange impression on you - the meaning depends on their appearance. Were beautiful - so there will be favorable changes; had a repulsive appearance - nothing good awaits you.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

A nice stranger you met in a dream promises a change for the better in your personal life and intimate relationships. For a girl, such a dream is a harbinger of an unexpected pleasant meeting. When a stranger in love dreams, only he is not in love with you, such a plot often reflects real experiences, for example, such as jealousy or envy of someone else's family happiness.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The dream in which you saw a stranger on the threshold of your house portends you an unexpected guest or news in reality. If a stranger approaches you in a dream, this dream indicates your hidden desire to diversify your life a little with a romantic adventure. Seeing in a dream how some stranger attacks you - in reality this means changes in your personal life.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

These are your fellow employees. Will have to communicate in a team. Were among them - to the processes in which, along with many, you will also be involved. Fussed, scurrying about - some common chores are coming. Strangers had fun - which means that some social events will take place, you will take part in the party.

The mysterious image of a stranger who met in a dream has a great attraction for us.

In women's dreams, an unknown man can personify the Guardian Angel, the tempter demon or the Animus (the masculine principle of the soul). You need to understand what the stranger is dreaming of, and in all forms, in order to correctly interpret the meaning of sleep.

Basic roles of a stranger

The male part of the soul

According to the theory of Carl Jung, the soul of each person is based on the female and male hypostasis - Anime and Animus. In a dream, we get the opportunity to interact with the male version of ourselves, manifesting in the form of strangers.

Their actions towards us can be both friendly and hostile - differences in behavior are directly related to our self-esteem and level of mental development.

Such dreams are ideal educational material and provide great information for self-knowledge. As the dream book says, a stranger will tell you about many hidden aspects of your soul!

The behavior of a man - what to expect in reality?

The interpretation of a dream involving a stranger depends on what actions and phenomena accompany it. Questions will help to understand the dream: “What does he want from me? How does he treat me? How do I react to his actions or presence?

A man in love

In a dream, a stranger confesses his love to you? Recognition causes you irritation, distrust, or is accompanied by ridiculous incidents?

Then take a closer look at your fans in reality - intuition warns that you should not blindly trust them. They are probably trying their best to charm you, but all hidden flaws will instantly come out with closer communication.

If he confessed beautifully and caused a lot of bright, positive emotions - expect to meet a worthy person.

For married women, such dreams have a wider meaning - in the near future you will receive confirmation of your own achievements from important people. Opportunities for career advancement wages acquiring a higher social status.

sexual partner

Did you dream of a lover who, from the first minutes of the meeting, began to kiss you? Such a dream portends the receipt of many small gifts and pleasant surprises from various sources.

Does a guy kiss like a brother? Business trips, pleasant trips and extraordinary leisure are possible. In the near future, it is worth going out more often to expand the circle of contacts with new people (cooperation with them will be extremely promising).

If a man continues to kiss you in a dream, despite protests or you are uncomfortable with the touch of his lips, then in reality you have closed your heart from love and have stopped accepting help from other people.

Perhaps in Lately Have you often had to deal with many difficult situations? As a result, you developed a position: “No one can cope with the problem better than myself.” Such a dream means that the difficult period is over - allow yourself to "kiss", i.e. receive well-deserved rewards from life!

  • Lover not only kisses, but also hugs? A dream portends a successful solution to difficult situations.
  • Does the guy hug too tightly, to the point of hurting or wanting to run away? You may have made long-term commitments or promises that you are now burdened with.
  • Does the guy hug you too coldly or weakly, and even not kiss? Pay attention to the accumulated grievances and claims in love or friendship in reality - there comes a prosperous time to resolve conflicts and strengthen meaningful relationships.


In a dream, an unfamiliar guy turned out to be your fiancé? Expect unexpected developments in your personal life. Have you ever suspected that someone is in love with you? Soon you will have a pleasant romantic date!

Did the groom dream in a beautiful suit? Unmarried girls should expect serious proposals, for example: to start a relationship, live together or get married.

Did you dream of a groom publicly confessing his love? Beware of superficial relationships and men who date girls to maintain their own image. Do you communicate with such a gentleman? Do not be cunning with yourself and honestly answer the important question: “Does he love me?”.

If the groom made a confession in the house, and even immediately began to passionately kiss - the development of relations with a real man is going well, try not to force things and enjoy every minute of communication.

See how future husband kisses you during the wedding? Expect to receive awards or cash rewards for the implementation of your projects.

The groom in a dream only hugs, but does not kiss? This means that there are always a lot of people next to you who are ready to support you. Have you begun to take someone else's help for granted? It's time to "give" - ​​now friends need your care and love.

detached person

Does the dreaming stranger seem like a shadow or a ghost? You rush to kiss him, but go through his body? Soon you will begin to receive a large amount of conflicting information. Try to remain calm and do not rush to respond - it will be important to show female wisdom in time.

Dreaming of an elderly stranger who kisses your hands, wraps you in a raincoat (blanket), covers you with an umbrella, or takes you home in a car (carriage)? In the near future, you will be able to have a good rest and enjoy the results of your work - life will delight you with pleasant surprises and financial stability. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

The meaning of a dream about a completely unfamiliar guy or husband in family dream book. So, according to this dream book, everyone dreamed of an unfamiliar guy or a man predicts great pleasure. But if a stranger is dreaming, with whom the sleeping woman is talking or arguing, this promises some kind of bad adventure, maliciously directed at the dreamers.

Also, such a dream promises some unpleasant problems that will be associated with relationships with the closest and loved one. In addition, an unfamiliar guy or man may dream of a future quick appearance of an old friend or, possibly) an army comrade, with whom the girl will be very, but uselessly jealous of her beloved boyfriend or faithful husband. It is worth noting that having seen such a dream, you should be wary, since this friend can still disturb the calmness and peace of the relationship of the sleeping person with her loved one, to whom she has been striving for a very long time.

If he is dressed all in black, then this can lead to loss and some sadness. If you dream of a complete unfamiliar man or boy, then this will bring prosperity to the sleeping woman in all her affairs, and if the guy is short, then the girl will be able to overcome all the difficulties prepared for her by fate.

But the question arises, what could such an unfamiliar guy or a wonderful person dream of. For many, such a dream remains completely incomprehensible. To understand such a dream, it is necessary to study the interpretation of several dream books at the same time.

Why does the Stranger dream - the subconscious thus opens the secrets of your soul, they can be frightening, but still the action is beneficial, because in a dream you liberate, remove energy blocks. Unfamiliar faces may indicate your dissatisfaction with your appearance, behavior, or position in society.

A stranger - it can be either a guardian angel, a patron, or an evil spirit. The more pleasant its appearance and the positive impression about it, the more favorable the circumstances in real life will be. The image of an unfamiliar ugly or black-clad stranger promises quick trouble for which you will not be ready. Such dreams call for vigilance and caution.

Stranger - it all depends on the impression that his appearance made on you. If a person says something good, he looks pleasant and kind, then in reality everything will turn out as well as possible. An ugly and evil gentleman portends trouble, serious trouble. If a stranger meets in a dream, but you understand that in fact it is you, you will soon have to solve strange questions.

A strange dream, I have a bench near a neighbor's house, my brother, grandmother and two more people are sitting on it, one grandmother is deceased (but I don’t remember exactly whether she’s not sure or not), and the other woman is completely unfamiliar to me ... my grandmother speaks to a stranger, who may be a strange woman, I see her for the first time and I look at her and she has all her hands in gold rings, well-groomed, I remember that she is elderly ... and then those two grandmothers began to talk to each other and ask the stranger What did you clean up here to walk? and he answers her: Yes, I decided to come from above to see what you have here ... and then this unknown woman she says to me, let's go up with me, we'll get there, and my grandmother asks her why you call her who you don’t need to see off, or you need to meet, I don’t remember ... and the woman walked away from us, took some bags, didn’t answer anything, and my grandmother didn’t let me go anywhere and I stayed to sit on the bench with them and woke up. I feel very uncomfortable ...

Hello! I dreamed that I had a loved one, a stranger. The stranger was very caring, handsome, attentive. But, in a dream, I did not feel that he was a stranger. I felt it was my favorite. We were at home. In my dream, he was perfect for me and for him. He solved some problem in my dream. He spoke to some man and solved a problem for me. I did not ask him about it. He did it himself. He was so joyful. We just lay next to one another. We both felt a light feeling in a dream pure love. I asked him to hug me. He hugged me and I hugged him too. And then I felt a feeling that I still can not forget. When he hugged me, I heard his heartbeat. It was so loud that the man who was sitting in our house heard and told him that he loves me so much. And then, some time after that, he came and hugged me so tightly and tenderly at the same time and said that he loved me. He followed me all the time, smiling, we were both very, very happy. We both felt such strong love for each other that after waking up I can not forget this magical feeling. What does this dream mean? Thanks!

Recently I had a dream: I was lying in a room ... and my two friends were with me, but they were lying further away from me and on another bed, and then the door opens and a guy comes in (his face is not visible) ... He comes up and lies down next to me and takes ... HIM and I looked at the sky through the window, it was night and the sky reflected the image of three beautiful mermaids, it was so beautiful, but after a few minutes these mermaids turned into scary grandmothers, I asked him what it was, he said that it’s the end of the world and disappeared) ... and the most interesting thing is that I fell in love with this stranger, I liked it so much when he hugged me that I still can’t forget this feeling, and I want this dream to happen again ... ...

Three times I dreamed of the same guy whom I do not know and have not seen more than once! In the first dream, he was a friend of my friend, we were sitting on the sofa in the living room in the apartment in which I no longer live, he tried to kiss me. In the second dream, he woke me up with a kiss, I was sleeping and he was lying next to me in my room. In the third dream, we were at the ski base, he felt bad, I dragged him to the first-aid post. I had the first dream in June 2011, the second dream on September 11, the third - at the end of December 2011. The stranger in the first and second dream was with a short haircut, and in 3 - long. He is good-looking, handsome and has a pleasant feeling after sleep. And it also seems to me in a dream that I have known him for a long time.

What is the dream of a stranger in the dream book of a famous healer? A stranger seen in a dream can portend an unexpected pregnancy for girls and women. A dream about a fight with a stranger warns against participating in dubious affairs and risky activities. Meeting unfamiliar men can be interpreted as a sign of positive change if they are beautiful and well-groomed young people, and trouble when they are hostile and ready to attack. It is uncomfortable to feel among strangers and strangers - to get into a series of strange events and troubles.

A complete stranger is dreaming who is calling you where - to deception or loss. If a stranger in a dream is aggressive and armed, it means that you have enemies that you have no idea about. The dreaming young stranger portends a new successful undertaking, and the summer and gray-haired stranger - the acquisition of wisdom and well-deserved respect. Being in a crowd of unfamiliar men is an auspicious dream, which means that you are under protection and will be able to reach heights in your career.

A man who sees a stranger in a dream projects into his dreams the image of his sexual rival, the object of suspicion and envy. Also, such dreams speak of a subconscious fear of being defeated in bed. Women dream of unfamiliar men who reflect their idea of ​​an ideal spouse or lovers. The features and characteristics of a stranger in a dream can tell you which of the environment you should pay attention to when choosing a partner.

To dream about a stranger - to unexpected news. To see an unfamiliar man on the threshold of your own house means that in reality you will have to meet unintended guests. Talking with a stranger - to intrigue and romantic adventures. If a stranger attacks you, expect quick changes in your personal life.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive Dream Interpretation of Juno online service - with more than 75 dream books - is currently the most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books- both folk and written by different authors, among which are both well-known interpreters of dreams, and little known yet, but nevertheless, talented authors deserve attention.

Our Dream Interpretation of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful form, divided into paragraphs and subheadings dedicated to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:

Stranger: for a woman - an unwanted pregnancy; fight with a stranger - participate in a risky event. Meet strangers in a dream - if people are nice, then change for the better, if not or hostile - to trouble. To feel like a stranger surrounded by strangers - strange events will cause your worries, troubles, many dream books interpret such a dream.

Stranger - For a girl: a stranger portends an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives way to public transport - get to know a pleasant and polite person. An aggressive stranger pestering you on the street will start a risky venture that will not bring profit. An unfamiliar man of a ferocious appearance or with an ugly physiognomy, an unfamiliar woman is ugly - a sign of an unfavorable turn of events

Stranger - Meeting a stranger can be a harbinger of both good and evil events. It all depends on what impression the appearance of these people makes. If the sight of the stranger is pleasant, the dream is good; if the oncoming gentleman is ugly and gloomy - expect trouble. If a stranger is dreaming, but you understand that in fact it is you, you will have to solve some strange questions

Unknown - A handsome unknown man dreams of good changes. A stranger with a repulsive appearance who appeared in your dream does not bode well. In a dream, you feel like a stranger in some kind of society - you have strange and not very pleasant events ahead of you.