Triceps in the simulator while sitting. The French press with a barbell sitting or standing is a triceps exercise for trained athletes. Extension of arms with dumbbells lying down

Is it possible to spoil the spring mood with your own hands? Of course, if the short sleeves of T-shirts and blouses only emphasize full shoulders or flabby, sagging triceps. Strong hands and wise advice from fitness and bodybuilding experts will support all the downhearted.

The secret of triceps exercises is simple, and the result is available to everyone. Next, we will look at a set of triceps exercises for men and women in the gym.

Basic exercises

hold the barbell symmetrically about the edges

Free weight exercises that develop several muscles or muscle groups at once do not only give the arms proportionality.

First of all the basic type of load is aimed at developing strength, endurance and overall muscle mass. Designed for athletes of all levels, but especially recommended for beginners to prepare for strength training with serious weights.

For the harmonious development of triceps, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • A set of muscle mass is provided by 1 workout per week.
  • Triceps and it is better to swing on different days.
  • It is necessary to alternate the degree of load and intensity of training from light to heavy. Peak loads require a break of at least a week for recovery and muscle growth.

Classic close grip bench press. It does not require complex simulators, along the way it involves the chest and shoulders.

Lying in the starting position and holding the bar at outstretched arms, give the bar a stationary position. Lower the bar, trying to keep within a two-second interval. In this case, the end point of the bar trajectory should coincide with the lower edge of the pectoral muscles. Squeezing the bar up is done either vertically or with an initial slope towards the collarbones and a subsequent transition to the vertical. During the exercise, the grip of the bar is symmetrical about the edges, which prevents it from being skewed. Breathing technique: the upper position of the bar is inhalation, then holding the breath and exhaling during the reverse rise.

French bench press. Recommended for both beginners and professionals to work out all parts of the triceps muscle. Changing the position of the hands on the curved neck of the EZ bar accentuates the development of muscle bundles as well as changing the trajectory of the movement of the bar with a straight bar and the way it is gripped.

Mass training

start the exercise only from the top point

This type of exercise is aimed at increasing the volume of the triceps. In order to increase the effectiveness of training a small number of repetitions at maximum weight is recommended.

Push-ups on the bars. It helps to increase the size of the triceps muscle, especially its lower part.

To avoid injury, push-ups start from the top point, taking emphasis with straight arms on the uneven bars. Slowly lower yourself down, bending your elbows. In this case, the body should be given a slight tilt forward. Having fixed in the lower position so that the shoulders do not touch the bars, pause for two seconds. As you exhale, slowly unbend your elbows and return to the starting position.

A more convenient analogue of push-ups is considered to be exercises on a lever simulator.

Triceps isolation exercises

the maximum load on the triceps lies when the palms are located towards each other

The main benefit of this type of load is the uniform development of all bundles of the muscle body and the improvement of its relief. This is exactly what the triceps muscle of the shoulder is, including the lateral, medial and long parts.

The exercises are recommended for those who have at least two years of experience. It allows you to correct uneven development as a result of a genetic predisposition to the growth of individual parts of the muscle, as well as the "flaws" of basic training.

Extension of the arms on the upper and lower block. Works out the middle part of the triceps. The exercise can be performed standing both facing and with your back to the block device of the simulator. Depending on the position of the block and the triceps handle, the initial position of the arms is vertically up - with the upper or down - with the lower block of the simulator. Keeping the upper arm immobile, the forearm flexes at the elbow joint to a 90-degree angle.

Exercise is more effective than straightening your arms in an incline with a dumbbell.

Triceps workout video.

We pump muscles on the horizontal bar

This method is no worse than training in the gym, although less popular. The thing is that triceps works on extension, but nevertheless there is a way, and it does not require complex simulators.

Exit by force. Grasping the bar with a medium-wide straight grip, you need to swing the body. At the upper point of the swing amplitude, a jerk is made up to a position in which the body is fixed over on straight arms. At the moment of lifting, the arms at the elbows do not bend.

Exercise requires good physical preparation, coordination of movements and self-control. Not recommended for beginners due to high risk of injury.

The specifics of exercises for girls

for a significant transformation of the triceps, you need to do at least 3 months

Women's tendency to accumulate fat cells on the back of the upper arm is physiologically determined. A sedentary lifestyle and a high-calorie diet greatly speeds up this process. Yes and a serious load on the triceps muscle in ordinary life happens much less frequently than on the biceps. But the ratio of the volumes of these muscles is expressed in the proportion of 2 to 1.

But even becoming a hostage to a diet, it is impossible to create an attractive shape of hands without physical exertion. Subject to the following training principles, you can not be afraid to pump up the massive muscles of bodybuilders:

  • It is enough to spend 30-45 minutes per class in order to remove fat deposits in the upper arm and keep the triceps in good shape.
  • It is not recommended to train more than three times a week.
  • Strength training must be alternated with. This scheme develops strength and endurance, preventing a set of muscle mass.
  • A large number of repetitions with a small weight "dries" the hands, i.e. burns subcutaneous fat.

Extension of arms on a lever simulator. Gives a load both on the triceps and on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, and forearms.

Take a position on the simulator: the back is straight, the shoulders are relaxed, the palms are closed on the levers of the simulator. Slowly extend your arms at the elbows as you exhale. In this case, the elbows are pressed to the body. Return to the starting position while inhaling.

Video workout for girls.

Pros and cons of triceps training

triceps exercises are dangerous

The benefits of triceps exercises are not limited to toning or muscle growth:

  • Harmonious, relative to the biceps, the development of the triceps muscle, ensure the beauty of the hands.
  • Most basic triceps exercises develop other muscle groups as well.
  • Physical activity strengthens the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.
  • Improves metabolism. The need for energy burns calories and extra weight. At the same time, the activation of sweating contributes to the removal of toxins through the pores.

The negative side of working on triceps is considered to be a high injury risk. Most often, it accompanies strength exercises with incorrect execution technique:

  • It's not just about the hands. The spine, shoulder girdle and chest are also at risk.
  • Tendons, joints and ligaments - the structure is quite fragile, requiring a warm-up warm-up and a hitch after a workout. This will help to avoid not only arthritis and tendinitis, but also problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Full extension of the arms at the elbows when working with large weights often causes tearing stress on the joints. The result is stretching, dislocation and displacement of intra-articular surfaces.
  • The force load during triceps exercises with a barbell or weighting agents deforms the interarticular discs, which eventually leads to osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine and arthrosis of the leg joints.


Strength exercises for triceps are prohibited for people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system such as arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other lesions of the ligaments, joints and tendons. Heavy loads are unacceptable for some types of scoliosis, anomalies in the development of bone and cartilage tissues and osteoporosis. In the same time light training during the improvement period strengthens the joints even with chronic inflammatory diseases.

Other contraindications: tendency to heart attacks, strokes, vein thrombosis, hypertension.

Training will not be beneficial for ARVI with fever, lung diseases, inflammation of the kidneys, abdominal organs and pelvis. Women should avoid excessive exertion during the menstrual cycle.

A consultation with a surgeon will be needed during the recovery period after injuries and operations.

Even if you miss, you can catch up at home. Flexion and extension of the arms with dumbbells, and even - it is not difficult to find a way to improve the shape of the arms. The result will not be slow to appear in 1-2 months.

Triceps is a skeletal triceps muscle of the shoulder, located on the back of the humerus. Consists of three heads - long, medial, lateral. Performs the function of flexion-extension of the elbow. In terms of mass, the triceps occupies two-thirds of the mass of the muscles of the shoulder.

To regulate temperature homeostasis, increase the rate of enzymatic reactions, improve blood and lymph circulation, and the intensity of metabolism before exercise, a warm-up is important (both in the gym and at home), that is, warming up the tissues and the cardiorespiratory system. The warm-up includes general developmental (the same for everyone: running, jumping, stretching, etc.) and special (associated with a particular sport) exercises.

The optimal duration of the warm-up and the size of the interval between its end and the start of work depends on the nature of the work to be done, the fitness of the person, his gender, age, and external factors (weather). Everyone has their own warm-up time.

Triceps exercises in the gym

In physical therapy, devices have been introduced everywhere that allow you to correctly and purposefully influence a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. The advantage of simulators is that by doing certain exercises, you can normalize them in terms of power, amplitude, rhythm.

The simulators are designed to develop strength and joints, muscle endurance, eliminate muscle hunger. Properly set exercises in the gym do not cause pain.

Both men and women need to pump triceps. Almost all triceps exercises involve all three heads. Start pumping in the gym should be with basic exercises.

So, basic triceps exercises are a whole complex using special shells (bars, blocks, dumbbells, Smith's machine).

After the basic exercises for triceps are completed, we proceed to the next stage - the main training.

It includes:

  • Press French. Starting position - as for the bench press, lying on the bench face up, feet pressed to the floor. Raise the bar with a straight grip on outstretched arms behind the head, forming a right angle of the shoulder and forearm. At the end point, do not stop and do not lower the bar too low. Repeat 10-15 times. You can perform this bench press on an incline bench with an overhand grip.

  • Narrow bench press. The bench press is performed in a Smith machine or a power rack. The starting position is the same, the grip is straight. Lower the barbell, touch your chest and immediately lift the barbell up. It is correct when the elbows form an angle of 45 degrees with the body. You can vary the width of the grip and the angle of the elbows. At the end point, stop for 3-5 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10 times.

  • California bench press. Starting position - as with the French press, taking the barbell with a narrow grip, place it above the top of the chest. As you inhale, slowly lower the barbell without spreading your elbows to the sides. Correctly perform, working only with triceps.

  • The best exercise is the extension of the arms on the upper block. Starting position - standing, slightly tilting the body forward. Grab the handle with your palms down, press your elbows firmly to the body. The essence of the exercise is to pull the handle of the block to the chest. Perform smoothly, freezing at the top point for 5 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10 times. You can also perform one-arm extension on the block (you will need a cable simulator with an upper block).

  • How to build triceps at home

    To have beautiful arms, triceps training is necessary, but it is not necessary to go to the gym, you can do triceps exercises at home.

    In every house there are stools or chairs, a pair of dumbbells, a gymnastic rug. How to pump up triceps with dumbbells if they are not? That's right, dumbbells are easy to replace with water bottles. Some even turn the house into a branch of the gym, installing exercise machines, blocks and other devices. It is convenient to do at home:

    For the best home workout, use a combination of two, and later three, different exercises to hit the triceps from different angles.

    For some women, a month is enough to move from “beginners” to the “pro” category, while others will not even take six months, it all depends on the level of body fat (the lower it is, the sooner things will go smoothly) and individual characteristics of the body. To achieve beautiful triceps, you need to practice for about three months.

The triceps muscle, or triceps, occupies the attention of both, and. Men who take care of their physical form know that against the background of a beautiful embossed body, weak arms are out of place.

In women, with age, the skin and muscles on the arms sag, forming ugly "ears" above the neckline.

A bit of anatomy

The triceps muscle is located on the back surface. It consists of three heads - long, lateral and medial. All of them are responsible for flexion-extension of the shoulder muscles. The long bundle is responsible for the movement of the arm back and back to the body, for the ability of the forearm to unbend.

The long muscle originates from the tubercle of the scapula, beginning with a tendon; lateral located outside the humerus; the medial one is attached to the shoulder part of the arm and is partially covered by the first two. Three heads of muscles form a powerful tendon attached to the process of the elbow.

Exercises and technique in the gym

Both guys can train in the gym: many triceps exercises are suitable for both. It's good if a competent instructor in the hall will consult - where and how to start.

Did you know? The first inventor was named Gustav Zander. The Swedish physiotherapist has designed about seventy machines. They were bulky and more like medieval instruments of torture, but they were so in demand that the Swede became not only famous, but also rich.


on - in addition to the triceps muscle, the pectoral muscles are also involved:

  • get up to the frame of the simulator, simulating the bars;
  • clasp the arms of the simulator with your palms and take the position “on outstretched arms”;
  • straight, can be slightly bent into;
  • while inhaling, gently lower yourself down on your hands until a right angle is formed in the elbow bends;
  • it is advisable to take the shoulders back so that all the effort goes to the triceps - in this position, do not linger for a couple of seconds;
  • exhalation - a smooth rise;
  • repeat 10 times, three sets.

, but with a narrow grip:

  • it is advisable to work on a bench with racks or on a power rack;
  • when gripping the bar, the distance between the hands is no more than three;
  • while inhaling, the bar goes down, touching the chest immediately up - exhale;
  • in the “barbell up” position, rest, then repeat;
  • three sets of 6-12 reps.
Triceps exercises in the gym for girls on a lever simulator:
  • take a comfortable position on the simulator, keep your back straight, do not strain your shoulders, grab the levers with your palms;
  • press your elbows to the body, exhale and slowly unbend;
  • inhale - starting position;
  • 10-12 times, we approach three times.


The best exercise for triceps in for, which works exclusively on this muscle, is the extension of the arms on the upper block:

  • performed while standing, we cover the handle of the simulator with the palm down, the body is slightly bent, the elbows are pressed to the body, the handle is pulled up to;
  • while exhaling, lower the handle as far down as possible, to the area, while inhaling, return it up;
  • performed smoothly, 10-12 repetitions, three sets.
Extension with one arm in the "standing" position:
  • variation of the first lesson - the technique is the same, but with one hand;
  • in order to work out correctly, you need to take a comfortable stance: the body is tilted forward, the back does not move, one leg is laid back for emphasis;
  • returning to the starting position, resist the cable of the simulator, do not let your hand be pulled;
  • you should not work with a lot of weight and it is desirable to fix the wrist area;
  • perform 10 repetitions three times.

  • stand near the bench, lean on the bench with one palm;
  • take a dumbbell in another;
  • the elbow is pressed to the body, the elbow bend forms a right angle;
  • inhale the arm unbend, exhale - return back;
  • 10-12 times, three times.

Only the elbow joint should work here, the shoulder and forearm are not mobile. In the “dumbbell down” position, you should linger for a few seconds to tense the triceps. French bench press with a barbell:
  • performed lying on a bench, the body is pressed to the surface of the bench, legs on the floor, the grip of the bar is straight;
  • keep your arms stretched up, the distance between them is shoulder width apart;
  • while inhaling, the bar lowers, while the shoulder and forearm form a right angle, exhale - the bar rises until the arms are straightened;
  • try not to use your shoulders in the work, your legs should be pressed to the floor to maintain balance;
  • repeat 6-12 times in three sets.

These triceps exercises can be performed both in and at home, using two stools folded together instead of a bench; dumbbells are more suitable.

Aimed at heads

Almost all exercises involve all three beams, since they are interconnected, there is no separate lesson for working out one of them. But there are some tricks to enhance the effect for one specific muscle.

For a greater study of the long head, the complex of training with raised arms should be modified. For example, the French press described above - lower the barbell not to the forehead, but behind the head.
Similarly, flexion-extension with dumbbells - to carry out the movement from behind the head. To use the lateral head more, you should perform pronation of the hand, that is, the turning movement of the hand inward during dumbbell training.

The medial head is worked out during supination, that is, the movement of the brush outward. collapsible dumbbells are used for such exercises, leaving pancakes on only one side.

We swing triceps at home

You can pump triceps at home. Consider several options for classes for and at home. Let's start with men's activities.
with emphasis on the back:

  • lean with your hands on two folded stools (bench), legs are located on the floor or any elevation (sofa, stool);
  • inhale - the body goes down, the elbow bends form a right angle;
  • exhale - the body rises up.

Important! Pauses in both positions will increase the load, but do not spread your palms too wide, otherwise the delta will have a greater load.

Exercise for triceps with dumbbells at home - extension of the arms from behind the head:
  • sit on a stool, back straight, legs pressed with feet to the floor;
  • clasp yourself with one hand, the second with dumbbells;
  • dumbbell raised above;
  • inhale - the projectile falls behind the head, exhale - rises back;
  • 12 times is enough to complete.
Do not use a too heavy projectile - you should not linger in the “dumbbell behind your head” position. A classic exercise that does not require any additions is push-ups from the floor. You can use it for warming up, in addition to the triceps, the legs, pectoral and spinal muscles are also worked out. Training can be complicated by additional weight, for example, a heavy backpack on your back. Let's move on to women's activities.

Triceps exercises with dumbbells for girls:

  • put two stools next to each other, lean on them with your knee and one palm;
  • the body is maximally tilted, the shoulder blades are together, the press is tense;
  • in the other hand, bent at a right angle, a dumbbell;
  • the elbow is pressed to the body during movement;
  • slowly bend-unbend your arm with a dumbbell;
  • inhale - down, exhale - up;
  • for each hand 12 times, three trips.

  • sitting on a stool, one leg can be taken a little back for greater balance;
  • the dumbbell is covered by two palms and brought above the head;
  • inhale - the dumbbell falls behind the head as low as you can;
  • exhale - rises back;
  • Two sets of 12 reps are enough.

Did you know? Dumbbells were used by ancient Greek athletes, however, not for pumping the relief. Athletes with the help of these shells improved the results of triple long jumps. After the run, bouncing, the athlete threw the dumbbells back. This helped to jump about 20 cm further than without the "accelerator".

Lifting your own weight is the same push-up, only from a bench (stool):
  • lean on the support with two palms, legs straight, fingers on the floor;
  • tense to unload the lower back;
  • on inhalation - down, touching the support with the chest, on exhalation - up.

  • lean on a bench or stool with both palms (the support is located behind your back);
  • legs bent at a right angle;
  • go down on inhalation, on exhalation - up;
  • only the upper limbs should work, we do not strain the legs;
  • repeat both push-ups three times 10-12 times.
A healthy beautiful body relieves complexes and helps to feel comfortable. In modern life, it is not always possible to find time to go to the gym, but at home you can do it with no less benefit and pleasure.

Have you decided to seriously go in for sports or just “pump up your bitsuha”? It is necessary to pay attention to each muscle separately. Only harmoniously developed muscles of the whole body can cause admiration and recognition of others. Triceps is extremely important because it makes up about 70% of the muscles of the shoulder and gives the arms a pronounced relief from the back, even in a relaxed form. However, before starting the workout, let's remember the lessons of anatomy in order to better understand how to pump up the triceps with the maximum result.

The triceps muscle of the shoulder, or, as doctors call it - musculus triceps brachii, plays an important role in the extension processes. It is represented by three heads, called medial, lateral and long. Thanks to the latter, the ability of the joints to unbend is determined. Regarding muscle motility, it is worth remembering that when flexing the biceps, the triceps muscle unbends, and vice versa.

Muscle mass, each of the heads, for the most part depends on the genetic data of the athlete. This explains the great desire of many athletes to dilute the training program with triceps isolation exercises that have a greater effect on one of the three components.

Approach to training

All triceps exercises are divided by professional athletes into two groups, according to the name of the part that is more stressed when performed. Most triceps exercises give a full load to each head at the same time. The formation of one does not take place without the development of the others.

Lateral and medial:

  1. Push-ups with back stop;
  2. Extension from behind the head;
  3. French bench press;
  4. Close grip bench press;
  5. Extensions on the upper block.


  1. Bent over extensions;
  2. Lowering the bar behind the head while sitting;
  3. Extension with dumbbells lying at an angle;
  4. French head press;
  5. Thrust block from the back of the head.

Naturally, such diversity is necessary for harmonious development. Since we started talking about harmony, it should be said that pumping triceps and chest on the same day is undesirable. Although there is a widespread belief to the contrary.

Exercises on the chest make the triceps tense at the same time. Therefore, it is not worth downloading too much. If you decide to combine triceps and chest, then this can be compensated for by a special technique, according to which
The intensity of the load should be alternated in order every week: medium - weak - strong.

Can't go to the gym? You can use the best triceps exercises at home to fully pump your muscles, below, to replace the lack of special simulators:

  1. Close grip bench press;
  2. Lowering the EZ-bar behind the head while sitting;
  3. Push-ups with back stop;
  4. Push-ups between chairs or on bars;
  5. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow rack.

Some triceps exercises are fairly well-known and do not need careful consideration. If you doubt the correctness of your technique, then you can get acquainted with the performance techniques.

Technique for performing exercises for the medial and lateral heads

Push-ups with back rest

We rest with brushes on a gymnastic bench or two chairs, a bed is perfect if you practice at home. The legs are extended. Inhaling, we go down until the angle at the elbows becomes straight - 90 degrees. Exhaling, raise the body up, straightening the arms. You can increase the load using delays in the lower or upper position.

Extension from behind the head

We take a sitting position on a chair or bench. Feet press firmly into the floor. The back should be well arched at the waist. We hold the dumbbell above ourselves, the elbow is straightened. Taking a breath, lower your hand behind your back. Almost immediately, along with exhalation, we straighten it back.

When performing, you will have to monitor the shoulder joint so that it does not move. You can hold it with your free hand. A set should be done from 10-12 cycles.

French bench press

We lie down on the bench so that the back with the buttocks are tightly pressed. We rest our feet on the floor. We hold the bar above ourselves with a girth at the width of the shoulders. While inhaling, lower the bar to the forehead. Make sure your shoulders and elbows form a right angle. Having briefly lingered in this position, we exhale and raise the barbell with a slight slope from the head, and immediately do the next approach. You need to do 3-4 sets of 12 repetitions.

Close grip bench press

We take a lying position on a horizontal bench. Grip with a distance of 3 fists. We lower the projectile to the chest. Together with the exhalation, we begin to push the bar up until the elbows are fully extended. We take a breath, you can fix the position for a while, and again lower the projectile.

Weight must be selected with the expectation that there is enough strength for a maximum of 12 repetitions. The set is repeated 3-4 times. This triceps exercise is great because it engages the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

Extensions on the upper block

We stand near the simulator and take the handle so that the palms look down. Elbows are pressed. As you exhale, pull the handle down to your hips. After lingering for 2-3 seconds, slowly relax your hands.

This is considered to be one of the most effective triceps exercises, allowing you to completely focus the load on all heads. We also try to complete 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Technique for performing exercises for a long head

Bent over extensions

It is best to do the following exercise at the end of your workout. We stand on the edge of the bench, rest with our palms and bend to a horizontal state so that the back is straightened parallel to the floor. If desired, put the foot on the bench. We bend the arm so that the angle at the elbow is straight.

We inhale and, holding the air for a couple of seconds, straighten the arm with the effort of one triceps muscle. We try not to use other muscles. After a short pause, slowly return to the starting position. Make sure the body does not move. Repeat 3 sets of 10-12 cycles.

Seated barbell press

Sit down and lift the bar up. Keep your back straight. Move your head slightly forward so as not to hit the bar. Gradually, with an inhalation, lower the bar by the neck and with an exhalation, slowly, begin to raise it. Repeat 12 times. Number of sets - 3.

Incline dumbbell extensions

Grab two dumbbells and lie down on an incline bench, face up. Inhale, and then as you exhale, pull your elbows out to the sides so that your shoulder blades can connect. Lock in and lower your elbows back. Repeat like everyone else.