Why the deck moment drowned. Non-combat losses: why Admiral Kuznetsov lost its second fighter in a month. What happened to the fighters

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The accident of the Russian MiG-29KR carrier-based combat training fighter in the Mediterranean Sea occurred during the landing approach.

Judging by the official version Russian ministry defense, the fighter may have already slowed down and was on the glide path - the landing trajectory of the flight.

"During training flights, as a result of a technical malfunction during the landing approach, a few kilometers before the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, an accident occurred with the MiG-29K carrier-based fighter," the ministry said in a statement.

The reasons for the incident are not reported, but aviation is usually considered a piloting error or equipment failure.

In the case of the fall of the Russian fighter, neither one nor the other can be ruled out - the MiG-29KUBR fighter, like another carrier-based aircraft, the MiG-29KR, has not yet completed the test cycle, and the training of pilots for carrier-based aviation in Russia began relatively recently.

It is also impossible to exclude a malfunction on board the Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" itself - the ship's systems "help" the pilot during landing.

An experienced pilot?

The Department of Defense says nothing about how experienced the pilot of the crashed fighter was. He ejected, while not injured and was saved.

The MiG-29KR fighter from the Admiral Kuznetsov aviation group belonged to the 100th separate shipborne fighter aviation regiment, which was formed in 859th.

This regiment was formed on January 15, 2016. However, the training complex itself was not yet ready at that time.

The minimum required to start flights - a simulator simulating the deck of an aircraft carrier - was ready only at the end of March. In the message of the Ministry of Defense, a quote from the report of the Chief of Naval Aviation of the Navy to the Minister of Defense was cited.

"The construction of the springboard and the accelerating section has been completed. They are ready for commissioning [...] As of today, the readiness of the aerofinishers is 90%. Their construction will be completed in May [...] The entire complex will be fully commissioned by the end of this year," he said Major General Igor Kozhin.

Thus, the pilots began training and mastering the new carrier-based fighter only at the end of March.

It is not known whether they had experience flying from an aircraft carrier, but many experts noted that there were literally several pilots with such experience in Russia before.

In the United States, a full training course for a fighter pilot to fly from the deck of an aircraft carrier is about two years.

The Russian Internet publication, citing the words of a specialist in the field of carrier-based aviation, writes that previously the full course of combat training was three years. However, at the same time, the expert noted that several months are enough to master the takeoff and landing on the deck.

Experienced aircraft

Image copyright EPA Image caption Su-33s are also based on "Admiral Kuznetsov", designed for air combat

The MiG-29KUBR fighter (Russian shipborne combat training - the KUB index denotes export vehicles) is another modification of the old Soviet MiG-29 fighter, modernized to the 4 ++ generation level.

Accordingly, the usual version of the shipborne fighter is called the MiG-29KR.

The ship version of the MiG was developed since the late 1980s, but it was not until the late 2000s that they began to actively work on this aircraft for Russian carrier-based aviation.

The airframe has been updated for the aircraft (at least it should be reinforced for landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier, as well as the landing gear), composite materials have been used in it, the control and communication system has been updated for the aircraft.

MiGs significantly expand the capabilities of the Russian aircraft carrier - the Su-33s based on it are designed for air combat, while the MiG-29KR is capable of striking the ground. In addition, they can refuel in the air, which extends their range.

These aircraft were being prepared for the campaign of "Admiral Kuznetsov" at an accelerated pace. Moreover, they have not even completed the flight test program.

"While the tests are underway, so we cannot say about the prospects. So far everything is positive. We have already carried out a very large part of the tests, but in general they are calculated until 2018. The aircraft will still be used to a certain extent. Testing is a long process, but the lion's share of the tests concerning the ship, we will fulfill this year, "RIA Novosti quotes Kozhin.

Probably one of the tasks of the Admiral Kuznetsov's campaign to the shores of Syria was to test the aircraft in conditions close to combat.

It is worth noting that the general's "positive" assessment was given to the tests, during which it took place - in 2015, both fighter pilots survived, and as a result of the fall of the MiG-29KUB in 2011, the crew died.

Aircraft carrier

Image copyright Reuters Image caption A breakdown on the aircraft carrier itself could have been the cause of the plane's crash.

Finally, a malfunction on the aircraft carrier itself cannot be ruled out. Military experts point out that its current situation is far from ideal.

First of all, this concerns its power plant, which does not allow the ship to go at full speed for a long time, otherwise, in the absence of a steam catapult, it is not able to launch aircraft with a full combat load for strike missions - in fact, fighters with light weapons for air combat can take off from it. ...

However, it is possible that malfunctions could arise in other systems - after the Syrian campaign, they plan to send the ship to the dock for long-term repairs, during which its deep modernization will be carried out.

Deck aviation

But in any case, the accident of a carrier-based aircraft is not uncommon in military aviation.

In the post-Soviet period, the Russian fleet has experienced three accidents - in 1991, the latest Yak-141 fighter crashed; in September 2005, the Su-33, which was unable to board the Kuznetsov, sank in the North Atlantic.

In the US Navy, five carrier-based aircraft have crashed over the past 10 years as a result of various incidents. Moreover, these are only those cases when they flew from aircraft carriers, and there were much more accidents and disasters of carrier-based aircraft during flights from ground airfields.

It is no coincidence that piloting a carrier-based aircraft is considered one of the most difficult military professions.

Russia has not yet finally decided on the shape of its aircraft carrier forces of the future. Projects of nuclear aircraft carriers are being created, they are shown at exhibitions, but the economic crisis so far allows us to speak about these prospects only in the subjunctive mood.

Actually, one of the reasons why "Admiral Kuznetsov" is still in the ranks and goes on campaigns is an attempt to preserve the school of carrier-based aviation in case Russia can build a new aircraft carrier in the future.

The accident of the Russian carrier-based combat training fighter MiG-29KR (according to other versions - MiG-29KUBR) in the Mediterranean Sea occurred during the landing approach.

Judging by the official version of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the fighter may have already slowed down and was on the glide path - the landing trajectory of the flight.

"During training flights, as a result of a technical malfunction during the landing approach, a few kilometers before the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, an accident occurred with the MiG-29K carrier-based fighter," the ministry said in a statement.

The reasons for the incident are not reported, but aviation is usually considered a piloting error or equipment failure.

In the case of the fall of the Russian fighter, neither one nor the other can be ruled out - the MiG-29KUBR fighter, like another carrier-based aircraft, the MiG-29KR, has not yet completed the test cycle, and the training of pilots for carrier-based aviation in Russia began relatively recently.

It is also impossible to exclude a malfunction on board the Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" itself - the ship's systems "help" the pilot during landing.

An experienced pilot?

The Department of Defense says nothing about how experienced the pilot of the crashed fighter was. He ejected, while not injured and was saved.

He piloted a combat training modification of the MiG-29KR - a two-seater vehicle. However, according to the Ministry of Defense, there was only one crew member on board.

The MiG-29KR fighter from the Admiral Kuznetsov aviation group belonged to the 100th separate shipborne fighter aviation regiment, which was formed at the 859th Naval Aviation Combat Use and Retraining Center in Yeisk.

This regiment was formed on January 15, 2016. However, the training complex itself was not yet ready at that time.

The minimum required to start flights - a simulator simulating the deck of an aircraft carrier - was ready only at the end of March. In the message of the Ministry of Defense, a quote from the report of the Chief of Naval Aviation of the Navy to the Minister of Defense was cited.

“The construction of the springboard and acceleration section has been completed. They are ready for commissioning [...] Today, the availability of air arresting equipment is 90%. Their construction will be completed in May [...] The entire complex will be fully commissioned by the end of this year, ”Major General Igor Kozhin reported.

Thus, the pilots began training and mastering the new carrier-based fighter only at the end of March.

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It is not known whether they had experience flying from an aircraft carrier, but many experts noted that there were literally several pilots with such experience in Russia before.

In the United States, a full training course for a fighter pilot to fly from the deck of an aircraft carrier is about two years.

The Russian Internet publication, citing the words of a specialist in the field of carrier-based aviation, writes that previously the full course of combat training was three years. However, at the same time, the expert noted that several months are enough to master the takeoff and landing on the deck.

Experienced aircraft

Su-33s are also based on "Admiral Kuznetsov", designed for air combat

The MiG-29KUBR fighter (Russian shipborne combat training - the KUB index denotes export vehicles) is another modification of the old Soviet MiG-29 fighter, modernized to the 4 ++ generation level.

Accordingly, the usual version of the shipborne fighter is called the MiG-29KR.

The ship version of the MiG was developed since the late 1980s, but it was not until the late 2000s that they began to actively work on this aircraft for Russian carrier-based aviation.

The airframe has been updated for the aircraft (at least it should be reinforced for landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier, as well as the landing gear), composite materials have been used in it, the control and communication system has been updated for the aircraft.

MiGs significantly expand the capabilities of the Russian aircraft carrier - the Su-33s based on it are designed for air combat, while the MiG-29KR is capable of striking the ground. In addition, they can refuel in the air, which extends their range.

These aircraft were being prepared for the Admiral Kuznetsov's campaign at an accelerated pace. Moreover, they have not even completed the flight test program.

“While the tests are going on, so we cannot say about the future. So far, everything is positive. We have already carried out a very large part of the tests, but in general they are designed until 2018. For the time being, the aircraft will be used to a certain extent. The tests are a long process, but the lion's share of the tests concerning the ship, we will perform this year, "RIA Novosti quotes Kozhin.

Probably one of the tasks of the Admiral Kuznetsov's campaign to the shores of Syria was to test aircraft in conditions close to combat. On the aircraft carrier, according to unconfirmed official reports, there were only two MiG-29s.

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It is worth noting that the general's "positive" assessment was given to the tests, during which there was one plane crash and one accident - in 2015 both fighter pilots survived, and as a result of the fall of the MiG-29KUB in 2011, the crew died.

Aircraft carrier

A breakdown on the aircraft carrier itself could have been the cause of the plane's crash.

Finally, a malfunction on the aircraft carrier itself cannot be ruled out. Military experts note that its current technical condition is far from ideal.

First of all, this concerns its power plant, which does not allow the ship to go at full speed for a long time, otherwise, in the absence of a steam catapult, it is not able to launch aircraft with a full combat load for strike missions - in fact, fighters with light weapons for air combat can take off from it. ...

However, it is possible that malfunctions could arise in other systems - after the Syrian campaign, they plan to send the ship to the dock for long-term repairs, during which its deep modernization will be carried out.

Deck aviation

But in any case, the accident of a carrier-based aircraft is not uncommon in military aviation.

In the post-Soviet period, the Russian fleet has experienced three accidents - in 1991, the latest Yak-141 fighter fell on the deck of the Admiral Gorshkov; in September 2005, the Su-33, which was unable to board the Kuznetsov, drowned in the North Atlantic.

In the US Navy, five carrier-based aircraft have crashed over the past 10 years as a result of various incidents. Moreover, these are only those cases when they flew from aircraft carriers, and there were much more accidents and disasters of carrier-based aircraft during flights from ground airfields.

It is no coincidence that piloting a carrier-based aircraft is considered one of the most difficult military professions.

Russia has not yet finally decided on the shape of its aircraft carrier forces of the future. Projects of nuclear aircraft carriers are being created, they are shown at exhibitions, but the economic crisis so far allows us to speak about these prospects only in the subjunctive mood.

Actually, one of the reasons why the "Admiral Kuznetsov" is still in the ranks and goes on campaigns is an attempt to preserve the school of carrier-based aviation in case Russia can build a new aircraft carrier in the future.

The haste in preparing the aircraft carrier for a long voyage turned into the loss of an aircraft ...

MiG-29KR / KUBR is an exclusively marine “breed” of multifunctional aircraft. Photo by the press service of JSC "RSK" MiG "

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation confirmed the loss of the MiG-29KR carrier-based fighter-bomber in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It was announced that the aircraft based on the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov ", interrupted the training flight due to a technical malfunction. The pilot managed to eject, was discovered by the rescue service a few kilometers from the aircraft carrier and brought aboard.

The flight accident happened on Monday a few kilometers before the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" during the approach of the MiG-29KR carrier-based fighter (shipborne, Russian) for landing. The military department reported that "nothing threatens the health of the pilot found in the water." Despite the incident, the Russian naval aircraft carrier group in the Mediterranean Sea continues to operate according to a long-range cruise plan, the information and mass communications department of the RF Ministry of Defense said. However, nothing was reported about a technical malfunction that led to the crash of the aircraft, and about the level of training of the pilot.

Thoroughly modernized carrier-based fighters MiG-29KR and MiG-29KUBR (naval combat training, Russian) in the amount of 24 aircraft received in the Russian Navy only in 2015. In the designation of this very last batch of machines, the letter P began to be used.This so that everyone could understand the modernization of fighters carried out purely for Russian requirements. Otherwise, vague comments began to appear that the Admiral Kuznetsov's armament received absolutely the same machines as the export aircraft sold to the Indians for their aircraft carrier Vikramaditya, which allegedly do not suit them in everything.

MiG-29KR / KUBR are multifunctional aircraft, brought to the level of generation 4 ++. They are designed to solve the problems of air defense of naval formations, gaining air supremacy, and striking surface and ground targets with guided precision weapons. The latter combat quality significantly distinguishes them from another wing group on the cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov", consisting of Su-33 aircraft, which are designed to conduct only air combat. The MiG-29KR / KUBR fighters can reach speeds of more than 2000 km / h, fly over a distance of up to 1,500 km, refuel in the air, thereby expanding the range of their action. The airframe design of the aircraft has been updated: the hull and landing gear have been reinforced for landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier, composite materials have been used, and control and communication systems have been updated.

“This is a modern multifunctional aircraft with qualitatively new combat capabilities, with increased payload and an expanded range of weapons ", - the Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation, Hero of Russia, told earlier about this aircraft, general manager Flight Research Institute. MM. Gromova Pavel Vlasov. The fighter armament complex includes guided air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, corrected and unguided aerial bombs, unguided missiles and a built-in 30-mm cannon. Well, in general, a rich ammunition load for attacks on objects of the "Islamic State" banned in Russia.

But in all this delightful novelty, there are also alarming moments. Shortly before the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" went on a long voyage, information appeared about the incomplete test cycle of the MiG-29KR / KUBR aircraft and the barely begun training of pilots for them. The ship traditionally carried Su-33 and Su-25UTG aircraft from the 279th Separate Shipborne Fighter Aviation Regiment (OKIAP) of the Northern Fleet's Naval Aviation. In early July, the aircraft of this regiment arrived on the aircraft carrier after undergoing training at the NITKA Ground Testing and Training Complex (aviation) in the Crimean town of Saki. But the MiG-29 fighter-bombers from the recently formed 100th OKIAP were supposed to take over the aircraft carrier later, since they were in the city of Yeysk (Krasnodar Territory), where, during the time Crimea belonged to Ukraine, they began to build another - the Russian NITKA complex.

Before the campaign, the Ministry of Defense circulated a message with quotes from a report to the head of the department of the chief of naval aviation of the Navy, Major General Igor Kozhin. “The construction of the springboard and the accelerating section has been completed, they are ready for commissioning,” the general said. - As of today, the availability of aerofinishers is 90%. Their construction will be completed in May ... The entire complex will be fully commissioned by the end of this year. "

And on September 6, 2016, news agencies circulated more detailed explanations from Kozhin: “While the tests are underway, so we cannot say about the future. So far, everything is positive. We have already carried out a very large part of the tests, but in general they are designed until 2018. For the time being, the aircraft will be used to a certain extent. The tests are a long process, but the lion's share of the tests concerning the ship, we will carry out this year. "

In a word, it is clear that the MiG-29KR / KUBR aircraft did not pass the full test cycle by the beginning of the long-range cruise in mid-October. But there is no exact data on how many "flares" of the 100th OKIAP took all the same on board the aircraft carrier before a long voyage and in what technical condition they are. And it is still not clear how many pilots were fully trained for flights from the deck of the "Admiral Kuznetsov". They, of course, began such trainings already upon arrival in the Mediterranean ... Only in aviation circles they believe: if the NITKA complex in Saki, which returned to Russia along with the Crimea, had not been deprived of due attention, the training of combatant pilots of the 100th OKIAP for flights on the MiG-29 from the deck of a ground-based "aircraft carrier" could have been started a year ago. Meanwhile, according to official data, only seven pilots, including military and civilian test pilots, as well as pilots of the 100th OKIAP, were trained to fly the MiG-29KR / KUBR at the NITKA complex in Saki. Therefore, the current attempts to deny the possible human factor in the crash of the MiG-29 in the Eastern Mediterranean seem absurd.

Oleg Vladykin

The accident of the Russian carrier-based combat training fighter MiG-29KR (according to other versions - MiG-29KUBR) in the Mediterranean Sea occurred during the landing approach.

Judging by the official version of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the fighter may have already slowed down and was on the glide path - the landing trajectory of the flight.

“During training flights, as a result of a technical malfunction during the landing approach, a few kilometers before the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, an accident occurred with the MiG-29K carrier-based fighter,” the ministry said in a statement.

The reasons for the incident are not reported, but aviation is usually considered a piloting error or equipment failure.

In the case of the fall of the Russian fighter, neither one nor the other can be ruled out - the MiG-29KUBR fighter, like another carrier-based aircraft, the MiG-29KR, has not yet completed the test cycle, and the training of pilots for carrier-based aviation in Russia began relatively recently.

It is also impossible to exclude a malfunction on board the Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" - the ship's systems "help" the pilot during landing.

An experienced pilot? The Department of Defense says nothing about how experienced the pilot of the crashed fighter was. He ejected, while not injured and was saved.

He piloted a combat training modification of the MiG-29KR - a two-seater vehicle. However, according to the Ministry of Defense, there was only one crew member on board.

The MiG-29KR fighter from the Admiral Kuznetsov aviation group belonged to the 100th separate shipborne fighter aviation regiment, which was formed in the 859th Center for Combat Use and Retraining of Flight Personnel of Naval Aviation in Yeisk.

This regiment was formed on January 15, 2016. However, the training complex itself was not yet ready at that time.

The minimum required to start flights - a simulator simulating the deck of an aircraft carrier - was ready only at the end of March. The Ministry of Defense report quoted from report of the Chief of Naval Aviation of the Navy to the Minister of Defense.

“The construction of the springboard and acceleration section has been completed. They are ready for commissioning [...] Today, the availability of air arresting equipment is 90%. Their construction will be completed in May [...] The entire complex will be fully commissioned by the end of this year, ”reported Major General Igor Kozhin.

Thus, the pilots began training and mastering the new carrier-based fighter only at the end of March.

It is not known whether they had experience flying from an aircraft carrier, but many experts noted that there were literally several pilots with such experience in Russia before.

In the United States, a full training course for a fighter pilot to fly from the deck of an aircraft carrier is about two years.

The Russian Internet publication, citing the words of a specialist in the field of carrier-based aviation, writes that previously the full course of combat training was three years. However, at the same time, the expert noted that several months are enough to master the takeoff and landing on the deck.

Experimental aircraft The MiG-29KUBR fighter (Russian naval combat training aircraft - export vehicles are designated by the KUB index) is another modification of the old Soviet MiG-29 fighter, upgraded to the level of generation 4 ++.

Accordingly, the usual version of the shipborne fighter is called the MiG-29KR.

The ship version of the MiG was developed since the late 1980s, but it was not until the late 2000s that they began to actively work on this aircraft for Russian carrier-based aviation.

The airframe has been updated for the aircraft (at least it should be reinforced for landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier, as well as the landing gear), composite materials have been used in it, the control and communication system has been updated for the aircraft.

MiGs significantly expand the capabilities of the Russian aircraft carrier - the Su-33s based on it are designed for air combat, while the MiG-29KR is capable of striking the ground. In addition, they can refuel in the air, which extends their range.

These aircraft were being prepared for the campaign of "Admiral Kuznetsov" at an accelerated pace. Moreover, they have not even completed the flight test program.

“While the tests are going on, so we cannot say about the future. So far, everything is positive. We have already carried out a very large part of the tests, but in general they are designed until 2018. For the time being, the aircraft will be used to a certain extent. The tests are a long process, but the lion's share of the tests concerning the ship, we will perform this year, ”RIA Novosti quotes Kozhin.

Probably one of the tasks of the Admiral Kuznetsov's campaign to the shores of Syria was to test aircraft in conditions close to combat. On the aircraft carrier, according to unconfirmed official reports, there were only two MiG-29s.

It should be noted that the "positive" assessment of the general was given to the tests, during which there was one plane crash and one accident- in 2015, both pilots of the fighter survived, and as a result of the fall of the MiG-29KUB in 2011, the crew died.

Aircraft Carrier Finally, a malfunction on the aircraft carrier itself cannot be ruled out. Military experts note that its current technical condition far from ideal.

First of all, this concerns its power plant, which does not allow the ship to go at full speed for a long time, otherwise, in the absence of a steam catapult, it is not able to launch aircraft with a full combat load for strike missions - in fact, fighters with light weapons for air combat can take off from it. ...

However, it is possible that malfunctions could arise in other systems - after the Syrian campaign, they plan to send the ship to the dock for long-term repairs, during which its deep modernization will be carried out.

Carrier-based aircraft But in any case, the accident of a carrier-based aircraft is not uncommon in military aviation.

The Russian fleet has experienced three accidents in the post-Soviet period - in 1991 on the deck of "Admiral Gorshkov" the newest fighter Yak-141 fell, in September 2005 in the North Atlantic the Su-33, unable to board the Kuznetsov, drowned.

In the US Navy, five carrier-based aircraft have crashed over the past 10 years as a result of various incidents. Moreover, these are only those cases when they flew from aircraft carriers, and there were much more accidents and disasters of carrier-based aircraft during flights from ground airfields.

It is no coincidence that piloting a carrier-based aircraft is considered one of the most difficult military professions.

Russia has not yet finally decided on the shape of its aircraft carrier forces of the future. Projects of nuclear aircraft carriers are being created, they are shown at exhibitions, but the economic crisis so far allows us to speak about these prospects only in the subjunctive mood.

Actually, one of the reasons why “Admiral Kuznetsov” is still in the ranks and goes on campaigns is an attempt to preserve the school of carrier-based aviation in case Russia can build a new aircraft carrier in the future.