Pizza with smoked chicken recipe. Pizza with smoked chicken filling for pizza with smoked breast

Denis Kvasov


Kitchen hassles are tedious, because a lot of time is spent on cooking a certain dish. Sometimes there is a need to prepare something for a limited amount of time, and even with minimal effort. A good mistress for such situations must have in stock a couple of recipes simple in the preparation of eats, which is a pizza from smoked chicken breast, about whose features will be discussed in our article.

Seeing the photo, the recipe for pizza with smoked chicken will want to know every beginner and experienced hostess.

For the preparation of this delicious, satisfying and lightweight dishes, the following ingredients are needed:

  • Ready yeast dough - 500 g.
  • Smoked chicken breast - 150 g
  • Pepper Bulgarian - 1 piece.
  • Cheese - 140 g (perfectly combined with smoked Mozarella chicken).
  • Parmesan - 50 g
  • Tomatoes - 300 g
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup - to taste (for dough lubrication).
  • Basil - 3-4 twigs for decoration.
  • Another filling at will - mushrooms, corn, pineapples.

How to cook?

If you have the dough ready, then just get it out of the refrigerator and defrost. If not - first prepare the dough. That's what you need for this:

  • Flour - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast - 10 g.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - ½ tsp.

We connect all the dry ingredients in the cup, except for flour. Little to the flour. Thoroughly mix with a spoon or silicone blade. We wash enough elastic dough, forming a ball from it. We cover the napkin and remove into a warm place for 40 minutes so that it should be risen.

We turn on the oven and warm it up to a temperature of 180 °. In the meantime, while we are warmed up the oven and rises the dough, prepare the stuffing. It is not necessary to smoke anything, we buy a finished smoked chicken, we clean from the skin, separate meat from the bones. Fillet cut into pieces, you can cubes. Tomatoes are cut by circles, peppers - rings. Cheese rubbing on the grater.

As soon as the dough increased in the amount of times in 1.5 and became softer, we take it and divide on 2 or 4 parts, depending on how many pizza we want to get at the exit - two large or four small.

It should immediately make a reservation that pizza is tastier hot, so it is better to leave the dough for later, do not bake everything at once. After all, if all the ingredients are prepared, the preparation of this dish does not take you much time.
We pre-lubricate the shape of the oil and lay out the rolled dough there.

Tip: Be sure to pushing the dough in several places by fork.

Prepare sauce. To do this, we mix ketchup and mayonnaise.

Tip: Ketchup can be replaced with self-cooked tomato sauce. Preheat on a frying pan 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Add a tomato flesh there (first remove the peel from it, throwing boiling water) or tomato juice. Do not forget about spices and spices - send there on the pinch of pepper, salt and ground muscat. Add 1 tsp. Sugar and, constantly stirring, extinguish on medium heat before thickening.

Alternatively, tomato dough lubrication sauce can be used with sour cream sauce. For its preparation, take several spoons of sour cream, mix with finely chopped greens (dill, parsley), season with salt and black pepper.

The resulting mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup lubricate the dough. But do not abuse, the filling should not be drown in sauce. Top of laying pieces of smoked chicken, pepper rings, tomato mugs, and generously sprinkled with cheese, for example, parmesan. Pizza with smoked chicken and tomatoes bakes in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Tip: Cheese is not necessarily rubbed on the grater. If you took Mozarella cheese, you can cut it with large slices and lay out over the tomato layer. Chicken can also be cut into thin slices, not very grinding.

An interesting type of pizza can be given, decorating it with the leaves of the basil.

After 15 minutes, look in the oven and, lifting the tough edge with a knife, check the preservation of baking. We need the dough not to be overwhelmed. Therefore, if you saw that the dough was twisted - enough, you can safely get pizza from the oven. Pulled out? Put the pizza with smoked chicken breast on a special substrate of wood and cut the roller knife on the portion.

Pizza recipe with smoked chicken can be different. Delicious gets pizza in Hawaii. The essence of cooking is almost the same as described above. Only as the fillings are canned pineapples (300 g) and Mozzarella cheese (300 g), not smoked, and boiled chicken meat is taken as the basis.

Preparation of boiled chicken will not cause you difficulties. In order for the pulp of the birds to get juicy, boil it in salted water with a laurel sheet. The finished church will cool down and cut into thin layers.

Next, you need to prepare pineapples, it is best not in the form of a rings, but already sliced \u200b\u200binto pieces. Otherwise, cut fruit as thinner as possible. For this recipe, to preserve the entire flavor and tropical sour-sweet flavor of the fruit, the optimal option will be fresh pineapple, and not canned.

Sauce for pizza in Hawaii is also a little different. The basis of him also serve tomatoes. We scrape the tomatoes with boiling water to make it easier to the skin, rub on the grater. Pour into the saucepan, add salt, sugar and spices to taste. We bring to a boil, add starch. We stir so that no lumps formed. We add finely chopped garlic, remove the sauce from the stove. As the sauce is cool, the sauce thickens and acquire the necessary consistency.

Dough division into 4 parts. 1 part We leave for work, the rest while we remove under the napkin so that it does not dry. Roll over in a circle with a diameter of 22-25 cm. We lay out the dough into a lubricated-oil shape, piercing for a fork. Carefully apply sauce on the dough. Alternately, boiled chicken, on top of pineapple, then sprinkle with grated cheese. Heat the oven to 200 ° and put our pizza for 15 minutes.

In independence, you are a fan of smoked and boiled chicken, you will definitely have to taste a pizza from a bird.

Bon Appetit!

Pizza with smoked chicken and pineapples

Pizza with smoked chicken and pineapples from lovers to enjoy fragrant and juicy delicacies are enjoying much popularity. This is a delightful taste combination of sour-sweet tropical fragrant pineapple, spicy cheese and an excellent taste of smoked chicken breast, seasoned to taste, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Ingredients for cooking:

The homemade dish will be 24 cm in diameter. Let's conditionally make 6 servings - there will be those who can eat everything yourself, and those who are enough to enjoy one piece.

Energy value indicators 1 servings - 100 g:

  • Proteins - 25 g.
  • Fats - 32
  • Carbohydrates - 42 g
  • Calorie - 566 kcal.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • solid cheese - 225 g;
  • fresh yeast - 25 g;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • smoked chicken breast - 340 g;
  • pineapple - 225 g;
  • olives (peeled) - 190 g;
  • sweet pepper - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 0.75 h.;
  • wheat flour - 265 g;
  • fresh milk - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt to taste;
  • seasoning: chili, mayonnaise, oregano, ground white pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

Make the dough first, very tasty if you take the recipe for Italian cuisine.

  1. For a yeast dough for pizza in the appropriate tank of yeast, mix with milk and sugar, pour warm water, stir with vegetable oil. Wait a few minutes.
  2. In the sifted flour, pour salt and pour out Zakvask. It's good to knead all and retain the dough for 45 minutes - let it fit.
  3. When the right time passed, kneaded the dough for pizza once again, sprinkled with a flour table, rolled it with a rolling pin, forming a circle shape. At the edges of the pellet leave a little thicker than the middle. Put warming up the oven to a temperature of 220 degrees.

It is necessary to engage in cutting prepared for filling products:

  1. Smoked chicken breast crushed with small cubes.
  2. Pineapples are not very thick rings on fibers.
  3. Olives are cut by ringlets.
  4. ½ Prepared cheese is crushed with cubes slightly large than chicken breast.

After that, pizza with chicken collect:

  1. Place a round base on a suitable baking with sunflower oil with a suitable baking sheet.
  2. Distribute evenly on her chili sauce, smoked chicken cubes.
  3. Sell \u200b\u200ball olive mayonnaise with oregano.
  4. They put on pineapples, after - again chili sauce.
  5. Add Olives, Place shredded cheese on them.
  6. Repringed with mayonnaise and sauce.
  7. All sprinkle neatly pepper and oregano.
  8. Grind on a large grater left half cheese upstairs, send to the oven.

Pineapple pineapple bakes half an hour, removed from the oven for the dish, corresponding to the size.
A cooked pizza with smoked breast and pineapples serve to the table in a hot. It is very tasty, suits enough and unusually fragrant.

● Pizza dough - 400 gr
● Smoked chicken fillet - 100 gr
● Green Basil - 3-4 twigs
● Black olives - 10-12 pcs
● Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
● Tomato sauce - 4-5 tbsp.
● ORGANO - 1-2 pinch
● Mozzarella - 140 gr
● Cappers - 1 tbsp.
● Parmesan - 50 gr
● Tomato - 1 pc

1. Finished dough roll out and lay out on a lubricated olive oil form. Be sure to push the dough for a fork. We need to prepare tomato sauce. It needs a little. Such a ripe tomato or one-third cans of canned tomatoes (120-130 grams). At the most extreme case - an incomplete glass of good, better home, tomato juice. Heat the frying pan 1 tbsp. Olive oil, add the selected tomato (juice, peeled tomato or tomato flesh), chopping pepper, salt and nutmeg. Add 1-1.5 hl. Sugar and stew on medium heat, stirring continuously until the sauce thickens. Lubricate the dough tomato sauce. It is desirable that the sauce was not very much, otherwise the filling will "swim". As they say, the thin layer will be enough.

2. Green basil wash and dry out a napkin. If the basil is slightly sluggish, you need to pre-wet it for several hours in cold water. To break all the leaves. Leave 6-8 small leaves to decorate the finished pizza, and the rest of the leaves decompose on a lubricated sauce base from the test.

3. Usually Mozarella cheese in our pizza rubs on a large grater. But you can cut Mozarella on thin plates. Disinted chopped mozzarella. The fact that cheese lies with the "islands" - even better.

4. Large ripe tomato, not cleaning from seeds and peel, cut into thin circles across. Shut up tomato mugs. Sprinkle all pizza 1-2 pinch of dry oregano and add capers. Pizza with smoked chicken must give a smoke.

5. Smoked chicken fillet - very thinly cut. As you can thin. Dispatch chopped chicken fillet and black olives without bones - whole or halves.

6. Sprinkle all pizza grated on a small grater of parmesan. Pretty entire parmesan is recommended to pour along the side, edges. And to leave the center quite a little bit. Sprinkle with pizza with olive oil.

7. Lost Pizza bake. The dough perfectly baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes. But, nevertheless, it is worth controlling the process, given that the oven oven - Maine. Guarantee that 200 degrees is 200 - no one will become. After 15-16 minutes, it is worthwhile to raise the edge of the dough using a knife and look at availability from below. As soon as the dough becomes rumbling - enough, it is more important not to overcover.

Finished pizza pull out an oven and shifting on a wooden substrate for pizza. On top of the finished pizza decompose the remaining green leaves of the basil. Cut the pizza with a roller knife for 6-8 parts. Pizza with smoked chicken is served on the same wooden basis. Pizza with smoked chicken is ready.

Bon Appetit!

The most Italian folk dish, which has long been part of the world-wide culinary heritage, is definitely a pizza.

It would seem that a flat cake from fresh dough, with a variety of stuffing. Italians believe that the real pizza bake only they. But pizza is eaten even in the extreme north and in African deserts. Moreover, it is noteworthy everywhere it is called Italian.

It is believed that the prototype of Pizza appeared in Naples simultaneously with the migration of tomatoes from the new light. Perhaps, but, as the story says, round thin bread with all the delicious snack decomposed on it, was still in the times of ancient Rome. Since then, in Italy, established recipes of various types of pizza appeared.

Be that as it may, if you move away from the classics, in the composition of the filling always very tasty the presence of meat or sausage. Well, together with the usual components - sauce, cheese, tomatoes, greens. For some reason, I remembered a pizza with smoked chicken, which we ordered in California. She was cooked with basil, mozzarella and tomatoes.

We decided to repeat such pizza at home. As it turned out, this recipe for a smoked chicken pizza is quite repeat, there is nothing exotic, and all components of the filling can be bought in one store near the house.

Smoked chicken pizza. Recipe

Ingredients (pizza 34 cm)

  • Pizza dough 400 gr
  • Smoked chicken fillet 100 g
  • Tomato sauce 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato 1 piece
  • Mozzarella 140 g
  • Parmesan 50 gr
  • Capers 1 tbsp. l.
  • Green Basil 3-4 Spots
  • Black olives 10-12 pcs
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Spices: Orego 1-2 pinch
  1. Prepare dough. The recipe is simple and accessible, we took it for the main and recommend everyone. So far no one complained, except from harmfulness. Read -. Everything is very simple there. Finished dough roll out and lay out on a lubricated olive oil form. Be sure to push the dough for a fork.

    Finished dough roll out on the form

  2. It is necessary to prepare tomato sauce in advance. It needs a little. Such a ripe tomato or one-third cans of canned tomatoes (120-130 grams). At the most extreme case - an incomplete glass of good, better home, tomato juice. In the frying pan heat 1 tbsp. l. Olive oil, add the selected tomato (juice, peeled tomato or tomato flesh), chopping pepper, salt and nutmeg. Add 1-1.5 h. L. Sugar and stew on medium heat, stirring continuously until the sauce thickens. This is a simple option. You can use the "complex option" - Salsa di Pomodoro tomato sauce. We make it in the fall in small jars, and it is enough for a long time.

    Cheese, Basil, Sauce, Smoked Chicken

  3. Lubricate the dough tomato sauce. It is desirable that the sauce was not very much, otherwise the filling will "swim". As they say, the thin layer will be enough.

    Lubricate the dough tomato sauce and decompose basil

  4. Green basil wash and dry the napkin. If the basil is slightly sluggish, you need to pre-wet it for several hours in cold water. To break all the leaves. Leave 6-8 small leaves to decorate the finished pizza, and the rest of the leaves decompose on a lubricated sauce base from the test.
  5. Usually, mozzarella cheese in our pizza rubs on a large grater. This time we retreated from our rule, and cut mozzarella on thin plates. Disinted chopped mozzarella. The fact that cheese lies with the "islands" - even better. In general, this time the filling cut very large.

    Dispatch sliced \u200b\u200bmozzarella

  6. A major ripe tomato, not cleaning from seeds and peel, cut into thin circles across. Shut up tomato mugs. Sprinkle all pizza 1-2 pinch of dry oregano and add capers. Pizza with smoked chicken must give a smoke.

    Disink tomato mug

  7. Smoked chicken fillet - very thinly cut. As you can thin. Often in stores can cut any meat quite worn.
  8. Dispatch chopped chicken fillet and black olives without bones - whole or halves.

    Scroll chopped chicken fillet and black olives without bones - whole or halves

  9. Sprinkle all pizza grated on a small grater of parmesan. I recommend almost all parmesan pouring along the side, edges. And to leave the center quite a little bit. Sprinkle with pizza with olive oil.

    Sprinkle all pizza grated on a small grater of parmesan

  10. There is a pizza bake. Our smoked chicken pizza is perfectly baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes. But, nevertheless, it is worth controlling the process, given that the oven oven - Maine. Guarantee that 200 degrees is 200 - no one will become. After 15-16 minutes, it is worthwhile to raise the edge of the dough using a knife and look at availability from below. As soon as the dough becomes rumbling - enough, it is more important not to overcover. Otherwise, come to the ill-fated "chipse". Our house has an oven "Running". We know well - like she bake. Therefore, without failures.

    Ready pizza pull out of the oven and shifting on a wooden pizza substrate

Delicious aromatic homemade pizza from the minimum number of ingredients. Recommended in this recipe for cooking pizza use cherry tomatoes. Pizza with smoked chicken - a great dish for any reason. And most importantly, everyone can prepare such a pizza at home. You can use the finished base for pizza from the store or cook homemade dough for pizza.

Basis for pizza - 1 pc.
Fillet smoked chicken - 200 g
Cherry tomatoes - 100 g
Pepper sweet - 1 pc. Small size
Cheese - 150 g
Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. Spoons
Oregano - to taste
Basil dried - to taste

Step-by-step recipe for homemade pizza with smoked chicken

Step 1.
Cherry tomatoes cut with halves.

Step 2.
Pepper clean from seeds, cut into straws.

Step 3.
Grate cheese on medium grater.

Step 4.
Cut the fillet smoked chicken.

Step 5.
Prepare the basis for pizza. If frozen is to defrost. The basis is pretty lubricate tomato paste and add a little oregano and basil.

Step 6.
Put the basis for pizza 1/2 part of the grated cheese.

Step 7.
Lay uniformly smoked chicken fillet, sweet pepper and cherry tomatoes cut up.

Step 8.
Sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese from above. Baking a baking sheet for baking and lay out a pizza. Put bake in a heated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Step 9.
Pizza with smoked chicken is ready! Bon Appetit!