Pies with blueberry ice cream. How tasty and quickly prepare a cake with blueberries. Add natural thickeners

Blueberries are rightfully considered an extraordinary and tasty berry, which contains a large number of vitamins. Thanks to this, pies made of frozen blueberries are especially gentle and juicy.

You can make them open and closed, and also welcome to the recipe of cottage cheese, cream, other low-length berries and fruits. The dough can also be used by any - short, puff or yeast.

In any case, the inherited cake will be able to please close ones with a pleasant aroma and taste. To serve a dish is better in a warm form until the berry juice has absorbed into the dough, which will make it more dry.

Pies, as a filling in which blueberry berries are always juicy and satisfied. However, to prepare a valid delicious treat, you need to adhere to some simple rules. These include:

  • it is necessary to add lemon juice or sugar to the stuffing - it will help to save berries from bitterness, which appears as a result of heat treatment;
  • in order for the dish juicy, and the berry juice is not a bit, 250 grams of blueberries are recommended to take 2 large starch spoons - thanks to this, it will be possible to make a filling of thick;
  • so that the berries acquire a bright and pronounced taste, as they themselves are sweet, but tasteless, in the dough or stuffing for a blueberry cake, you can add a zest of any citrus, their juice or a little liqueur;
  • if you use a blueberry ice cream, you need to immediately cook the cake - you do not need to wait until it knows, otherwise the berries will lose juice, which will negatively affect the taste and appearance of the cake;
  • in the dough it is not recommended to put the soda, since because of this ingredient, the filling can acquire a green color, which, of course, will not give appetite dish.
  • Blueberry is a sufficiently juicy berry, so that it does not smooth the dough, it is possible to add not only starch, but also shredded crumbs or cookies. Also, you should not forget about the method of feeding the baking - it is best to supplement it with sweet whipped cream or sour cream with sugar.

Frozen Blueberry Sand Pie

Well established pies made of blueberries made on the basis of sand dough. It turns out in this recipe especially gentle and crumbly. And if you decorate the top with a dough with a lattice, baking will become even more appetizing. Prepare the dough is not difficult, and the recipe stove is fast enough.

Required products:

  • 2 cups of flour (it may be necessary slightly more or less, since as a result it is necessary to achieve a certain consistency of the test);
  • tutu oil or margarine;
  • half kilogram of frozen blueberries;
  • 3 sugar glasses;
  • 3-4 starch spoons;
  • 0.5 glasses of water (better to take cold).

Cooking method

First you need to prepare the dough. Margarine or butter, which is slightly tempered, is required to grate on the grater and mix with flour. It is important that they are not ice, but not too soft. As a result, a thin shavings should turn out.

Then we embarrass 1/3 of the sugar of the volume that requires a recipe, after which we mix the dough with your hands. At the same time, it is important to follow the crumb - it should not be too large and should not stick together, creating one com. If this happened, you need to add a little flour to the ground.

After that, water flows into the container and the dough is mixed. As soon as it becomes moderately thick and homogeneous, it is required to transfer it to the package and put it in the cold for 30 minutes.

We pull the berries out of the freezer and let it take a little so that they can easily be separated from each other. After that mix them with sugar residues and starch.

¼ Dough separating and laying to the side, and the rest slightening and shifting on the baking sheet. It is important not to forget to make sides, so that the juice from the berries does not pour out during cooking.

We decorate the filling, slightly grow up and decorate the remains of the test, which you need to fine-roll and cut into strips.

Preparation of blueberry cake is required at a temperature of 160 degrees. After 30-40 minutes, the appetizing dish will be ready. It is important to note that a large pie comes from this set of products, so if you have a small baking form, you can reduce the amount of ingredients or make two pie.

Frozen Blueberry Pie in Multicooker

This recipe can be compared with the charlotte, only apples and blueberries are used for its preparation. It is known that the quarreling is famous for its speed of preparation and a pleasant taste. And if you do baking in a slow cooker, the hostess does not need to follow the process of cooking, but the result will be excellent.


  • 3-4 eggs (their number depends on the size of the form in which the dish will prepare);
  • glass of blueberries (you can take more);
  • every egg is required to take on one large spoon of sugar and flour;
  • vanillin to taste.


Blueberries cleanse from garbage and rinse well. If you take a frozen berry, it takes it a little defrost.

Eggs are well whipped before the appearance of a stable foam, after which they add sugar and simply mix the mass at the maximum speed.

After that, slowly suck the flour, while without ceasing to knead the dough. It is recommended to seek in advance so that the cake from the blueberries turned out to be more gentle and lush.

We add vanillin and blueberries, and then again slowly mix the workpiece.

Multicooker's form with oil, pour into it prepared dough and put it in the kitchen for 30 minutes. In this case, the mode should be chosen "Baking".

If there is a desire, you can cook the classic version of the charlotte - for this you first need to pour into the bowl of the berry, and then pour them with the test. The finished dish is recommended to sprinkle with a powder, and then chop and presented to the table.

Celebration of yeast dough

Such a recipe is simply prepared, and the result is delicious - as a result, the dish will not be ashamed to be presented to the table, if the guests will suddenly come.

Required products:

  • half kilogram of flour (it is best to use wheat);
  • 75 grams of sugar + one spoon in filling;
  • little yeast bed (used instant);
  • 350 ml of milk (if desired, they can be replaced with serum);
  • one egg for lubrication of the cake;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 200 grams of blueberries (you can take a fresh or ice cream berry;)
  • 50 ml of oil;
  • 2 large starch spoons.

Cooking process

I sift the flour, we snip into it with yeast and mix lightly. We add to the rash mass butter, a little heated milk, sugar and salt. Then I wash a lot of about 10 minutes so that it turns out elastic and slightly sticking towards the hands. We lay out the resulting lump in a plate, cover with a towel and leave for 1 hour in a warm place.

After 60 minutes, the dough should increase in the amount of 2 times, and if you press it with a finger, the formed of the fume will not be delayed.

We divide the workpiece into two identical parts and roll over one thickness of no more than 1 cm. On top of put the berries, sprinkled with starch and sugar. On top to put the remnants of a rolled dough and scour it with an egg (you can also make a lattice). Cover the cake with a towel and give a break for another 15 minutes.

Putting form is required in a preheated oven. Preparation time -25-30 minutes, and 180 degree temperatures. To make baking more delicious, it is recommended to sprinkle with a powder.

Cake with blueberries and cottage cheese on a puff dough

Today in stores you can find different baking on the basis of a puff pastry, however, the cake with blueberries and cottage cheese is extremely rare. Therefore, hostesses are required to independently prepare such a baking to pamper their households with tasty and useful meals.

Required products:

  • 500 grams of bearing puff dough (used frozen);
  • 200 grams of blueberries;
  • 2 large sugar spoons;
  • one egg;
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese;
  • package Vanillina.

Cooking method

In a big bowl mix cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin, egg and blueberries, after which we mix well.

We take the dough from the freezer and leave for a couple of hours so that it will defrost. Then we ripe it in the diameter of the form in which the baking will be prepared. In order for the dough to be soft, it is required to roll in one direction.

The form sprinkle with flour, after which we put the layers and slightly convert the edges. On top to put the stuffing and put a baking sheet in the oven. The temperature is worth choosing 180 degrees, and the cooking time is 60 minutes.

That's all - after that, baking is cut while it is still hot and served to the table.

In advance (2-3 hours before the preparation of the dough), remove the creamy oil from the refrigerator so that it becomes very soft, creamy, or immediately before cooking soften it in the microwave. Also somewhere 1 hour before the preparation, lay out the quantity of sour cream and eggs from the refrigerator, so that they also warmed.

Lemon (orange) Wash hot water with soap and hide with boiling water to wash off a layer of preservatives from its surface.

Immediately before the test, turn on the oven and heat it to the figure 3.2 (180 ° C) (so that it was possible to approach the dough, if the other warm place, for example, the heating battery, is not). In different tanks, measure the amount of wheat flour with salt and sugar sand.

Milk warm in a saucepiece or aluminum bun on a small fire to a warm state (38-40 ° C). Add to it 1 tsp. With a small hill sugar (out of total for the dough), mix so that it dissolves, and turn fresh or pour dry yeast into it. Put a flame / skeleton in a warm place for 5-10 minutes so that the yeast is hung and Nobuchley.

In a big bowl for the kneading test (about 3.5 liters), take the mixer with conventional wedges in the magnificent egg foam with the remaining sugar for the test.

Add to them the swath yeast, mix all and enter, sieved through fine sieve, 200 g of wheat flour for the test, interfere.

Put in the dough softened butter, sour cream and grate on a shallow grater of half of the lemon (or orange), mix.

Add about 120 g from the remaining flour to the dough (also sieving and interfering with a mixer) so that the dough becomes thick. And then (in 2-3 receptions), enter the remainder of the flour and mark the dough with your hands until it becomes homogeneous and elastic and will not lag behind the hands and walls of the dishes. As a result, the dough should be soft and pleasant to the touch.

Form the ball from the finished test and put back to the bowl, then close it with a food polyethylene film and put in a warm place for 40-60 minutes. So that the test volume increases by about 2-3 times.

At this time, wash and beat the blueberries for the berry filling. Leave the washed berries on the table in the open dishes so that they are a little dry.

When the dough is suitable, turn on the oven and heat it to the figure 3.2 (180 ° C), if it has not been turned on in advance. A large baking sheet (28 × 38 cm) or any other available in your presence similar or larger area, put anti-stick paper for baking (to do it optional).

The dough came up with their hands and divide, preferably using weights, on 25 identical pieces, rolling each into the ball and placing on the table. Each ball is in turn (starting with those that were made first) roll out (if necessary, sprinkled with a table with flour) with a rolling pin in a circle Ø 10 cm, put it on it. Spoons of starch, slightly waving the strip in the middle of the circle, berries ( About 2 hours. spoons with a medium hill) and sprinkle them from above ¼-⅓ h. spoons of sugar sand. Form the billet of the piddle by folding the cake with the filling in half and the occupancy of her edge first in the middle, and then take turns from each of the ends to the center (do it carefully so that in the process of baking from the pupbling does not compact berry juice). After that, the "scallop" of the test must be wrapped with "feedbacks" on the side, moving from one end of the pie to another, as a result of the seam, a beautiful "pigtail" turned out. Shaped piddle put on the prepared tray. Similarly, do with the remaining dough balls and stuffing, folding them on a contrary at some distance from each other (so that they do not stick around by increasing when baking). If all the blanks on the bareadon are not included (about 12 pcs are placed on the tray of the specified area), leave you who are not relevant on the table at room temperature to wait for its turn in the oven.

Blank future pies with a paper napkin (and those that are on the contrary, and those that on the table, if any) and put a bail barrels in a warm place, giving them to come there so that they increase in volume.

When the blanks are suitable, in a separate tank, take a small egg with a hand whisk or fork, take the silicone brushes and slightly lubricate the surface of the blanks. Put the baking sheet and bake the pies on the figure 3.2 (180 ° C) to the golden top color of about 25 minutes. or in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions for your oven for baking yeast dough. You can go 15 minutes after the start of the bake flip the baking sheet with the other side, so that the blanks are twisted evenly.

Finished cakes remove out of the oven, close the paper towel from above and allow them to cool at room temperature completely or to a warm state. Then serve to the table.

Keep the remains of fully cooled pies with a blueberry in the open dishes under the paper napkin not more than 12 hours at room temperature, and then it is better to remove them into the fridge in a closed polyethylene package. There, at a temperature of 0-6 ° C, they can be stored for up to 2-3 days.

The most speed inheriest cake is prepared on a kefir test by the method in which all products, including berries, are mixed with each other into a single mass. After this mass is simply poured into a suitable form, round or square, and baked in a hot oven by one korzh.

The five most commonly used ingredients in the recipes of the blueberry cake:

If there is time and desire to figure out something more complicated, you can take a shaky pie with berry filling. That is, where the dough goes separately from the filling. It can be yeast, puff, sandy. If it is dense and keeps the shape, it is rolled into the reservoir, to which the berry is laid out, mixed with sugar. If liquid, then poured on the bottom of the form, and the berries are neatly laid out on top. At the same time, they plunge into the dough, which looks very nice in the finished form.

Five fastest cake recipes with blueberries:

There is a third cooking option: with sauce or pouring on a cheesecake manner. In the cake there is a lower, main layer in the form of a basket with sideboards. And this basket is filled with sour cream or creamy mousse with blueberries. There are recipes where the gelatin is also involved. And the collected pie is not baked in the oven, but is cooled in the refrigerator.

Whatever the option is chosen, the pie will turn out not only with tasty, but also beautiful - thanks to the color of blueberries.

Frozen Blueberry Cake Recipe

Kitchenware:glass Baking Glass, Bakery Baking Pack, Several Misens of Different Diameter and Depth, Wooden Spoon or Rubber Shovel, Marley or Tassel, Flat Big Plate for Finished Baking.


Step-by-step cooking

  1. Dough divide into two parts, one of which should weigh approximately 300 g. The smaller part is set aside. A larger piece of dough is evenly distributed by manually in shape and make sides.
  2. On top of the test, lay off the bakery paper for baking and pour on it 220-300 g of beans or pea and spread these products on the surface of the workpiece. It must be done in order to do not swell the dough during baking.

  3. We turn on the oven and warm it up to 180 degrees. Then we send a blank and baked approximately 10-12 minutes.
  4. Pre-frosthed blueberry berries in the amount of 200-230 g pour into deep dishes.

  5. On top of the berries, nuck 45-50 g of starch and stir the resulting mixture with the help of a rubber blade.

  6. We take out the dough out of the oven, remove the paper with the beans and let the workpiece cool a little.

  7. We lay on the basis of the cake of blueberry berries and evenly distribute them using a blade.

  8. On top of the filling scatter 100-120 g of sugar so that each berry is covered with this ingredient.

  9. The remaining dough is separated by 12-15 parts and roll them into flavors.

  10. We lay out the shaped harnesses on top of the filling, creating a kind of mesh.

  11. In a separate dish, we take a little bit of the yolk and lubricate the surface of the product. We send a fully formed cake in the oven approximately for 15-20 minutes.

  12. I remove the finished baking from the oven, let me cool a little, and then shift onto a flat plate. From the top, if desired, generously sprinkle with sugar powder cake.

Cake video from frozen blueberries

Detailed description of the process of cooking cake with frozen blueberries according to the simple recipe described above, you can trace the video below.

  • In order to make it easier to distribute the sand dough in shape, from time to time sprinkles with sunflower oil or wheat flour.
  • If you prefer the sour-sweet baking, reduce the amount of sugar sand.

Did you know? Regular use of blueberry dishes makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of blood sugar, improve the operation of the digestive tract, as well as, according to scientists, these berries increase visual sharpness. It is known that this fruit is rich in antioxidants, which contribute to a decrease in the risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Recipe of the filling cake with blueberries

Total cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes - 2 hours. Your participation: 15-25 minutes.
The number of portion pieces: from 7 to 16.
Calorie (100 g): 354-360 kcal.
Kitchenware:food processor, fine sieve, kitchen sharp knife, baking form with a diameter of 28 cm, rolling pin, bowl of large diameter and depth, paper towel, iron plug, rubber blade.


Step-by-step cooking

Prepare dough

  1. Sift 300-320 g flour directly to the combine bowl. We add 5-8 g of the baking powder and 60-70 g of sugar.

  2. Cut 150-170 g of butter into small pieces and send them to the dishes to the rest of the components.

  3. Cover the combine with a lid and grind all the ingredients before getting small crumbs.

  4. In the resulting mixture, add 1 large chicken egg and 15-20 ml of oily sour cream.

  5. We stir the resulting dough for 3-5 minutes. It is not worth doing a long ear, otherwise the oil melts and it will be difficult to achieve proper consistency of the test.

  6. We sprinkle a smooth surface of flour and lay the finished dough over it on top of it.

  7. We form a cake from the dough, and then roll it into a thin round layer, with a diameter of about 25 cm. Put the sand blank in the form, gently stretch the dough in shape and make sides.

  8. We send a form with a blank in the refrigerator for approximately 15-20 minutes.

Cooking filling

Prepare Pie

Cake video card with blueberry filling

The video footage suggested below will teach you how to quickly prepare a filling for a cake from frozen blueberries so that the pastries hit the aroma and admire the appearance.

  • If you use frozen berries of blueberries, do not defrost them, only rinse with cold water and lay out in filling.
  • Creamy oil can be safely replaced with high-quality margarine.
  • I advise chilled butter to grind on a large grater, so the baking will turn out more lush.
  • If the dough is obtained too sticky, add 15-30 g of flour into it. If, on the contrary, crumbs are collected in a solid lump, pour a little sour cream.
  • Starch will pre-miss through fine sieve, so you get rid of unnecessary lumps, and the filling will turn out to be more gentle.

Other reptile recipes from blueberries

Shortbread dough is best suited for cooking pies with berries. You already have one recipe, however, you simply must pamper your loved ones incredibly fragrant and incredibly appetizing, preparing differently.

I can not resist not to offer you a recipe very useful, especially for children and future mothers ,. A strikingly gentle and delicate delicacy will surprise with their taste of even the most pressing sweets. The kids will be delighted with this cake and will be happy to light the product from cottage cheese, who usually refuse to eat.

I started my first yeast cakes to the oven a little more than 3 years ago and, frankly, was very afraid that it would not work. It seemed to me that yeast baking was something incredibly difficult. But in fact everything turned out to be easier than I thought. The main thing that I remember how yeast dough should look like on the touch. And I remember it since the pies baked my mom and all the neighbors came to her recipes. Now the cakes of the Beach, and do it with great pleasure.

Today I have yeast pie with blueberries. Blueberries for filling can be taken and fresh, and frozen, but if you take frozen berries, you will have to add a little starch to the filling, since the frozen berry gives a lot of juice. And it is also very important that all ingredients for the pie were not cold, so it's in advance of the eggs from the refrigerator, the oil is melt, and the milk is heated to 35-38 degrees.

Before kneading the yeast dough, it is necessary to make a layer. To do this, we ask 100 grams of flour from the total, add high-speed yeast and teaspoon of sugar to them.

Will all milk, mix and leave for lifting for 25-30 minutes, cover with a towel or a napkin.

After the specified time, the opara will increase in volume. Now you can knead the dough on the pie.

We shift the pole into the rest of the sifted flour and suck the rest of sugar. Eggs break and shake up for a fork to homogeneous mass. Let's catch a total mass, but if you wish, you can leave a little to lubricate pies in front of baking. We mix all with a spoon.

Last but I will add to the dough melted and cooled oil, mixed with salt, and knead the dough. We will only be kneaded until the oil fully interferes in the dough, not more.

It is possible to knead in a bowl or on the table, drinking it a little flour. Before leaving the dough on the proofing, clean the bowl from the remnants of flour and the lining it is quite a bit vegetable oil. Put the dough into a bowl, cover the towel and leave for lifting by 1.5 hours.

With a frostbed blueberry, a slight piece of juice so that the filling was not too liquid. Add starch and some sugar to taste, it was enough for me one sugar spoon for sweets. We mix.

After the specified time, the dough approached and increased by 2-2.5 times in the amount. Now you can chain it and form a cake.

We will turn on the oven and warm it up to 180 degrees. We divide the dough into two parts: one bigger, the other is smaller. I baked the cake in the form of a diameter of 21 cm, but this test is enough for a larger cake, about 26 cm in diameter. But I baked 3 small buns from the remaining dough. So, we roll most of the dough and lay in a lubricated oil form so that the workpiece with the side is turned out.

We post on top of a filling from blueberries.

We roll out the second part of the dough, cutting strips and make cuts for beauty with a knife. We will lay the cross-closer strips of the test over the filling, protect the edge. Let's leave the pie for another 15 minutes, after the lacking the remaining egg mass and we will send the oven to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. We bake the cake with a blueberry about 30-35 minutes, focus on your oven, because the time may differ.

When the cake becomes beautiful and ruddy, you can get it out of the oven. Readiness Checking a wooden stick that will remain dry if the cake is fully ready. The finished pie is necessary to make cool, well, after cutting into pieces.

And so this cake turned out in the context. As you can see, the filling did not go anywhere and stayed in place!

Pie with blueberries from yeast dough is good and with tea, and with a cup of milk.