College of Journalism after 9. What subjects do you need to take as a journalist to enter the university? Professional qualities of a journalist

Journalism - creative specialty, therefore, applicants are not always subject to the rule of "three USE". In order to apply for the majority of journalism departments in the country, it is enough to submit USE scores in two subjects: Russian language (compulsory for all specialties) and literature.

Instead of the third exam, applicants take creative or professional tests held by universities independently, in full-time.

However, there are exceptions to the rule "Russian plus literature": in some educational institutions, the applicant may be required to obtain the USE results in one more subject. This could be:

  • foreign language(in particular, it is required for admission to Moscow State University),

  • social science,

  • story.

What subjects are taken for admission to journalism at the university?

Universities develop the program for conducting additional creative and professional tests independently, so the format for passing the exam and the requirements may vary greatly. Therefore, what exactly you have to take should be clarified at the university you plan to enroll in.

In most cases, the test is divided into two parts:

  • written creative work (essay),

  • interview.

This can be considered one exam, consisting of two parts (the maximum score is 100 points in total, and the "weight" of each part is determined by the university) or two separate tests, each of which is evaluated on a 100-point scale. When forming the rating of applicants, the points for the exam and creative tests are summed up.

When writing an essay applicants are usually offered several topics to choose from, and most universities include topics with a "professional" bias in the list - socio-political, devoted to the profession of a journalist or the media in modern world etc. A fairly frequent requirement is the full or partial correspondence of creative work to any of the journalistic genres (reportage, essay, problem article, and so on).

The interview can take place in the format of a free conversation, the purpose of which, as a rule, is to form an opinion about the general level of development of the applicant and his outlook in the field of media, preferences in journalism, attitude towards the chosen profession, awareness of the decision to become a journalist.

However, quite often the interview turns into a kind of exam: applicants pull tickets with questions and answer them. In this case, the test program, questions and a list of recommended literature are published in advance on the website of the admissions committee so that the applicant has the opportunity to prepare. In most cases, the questions are devoted to:

  • history of journalism

  • means mass media in the modern world,

  • peculiarities of media of different types,

  • characteristics of the main journalistic genres, and so on.

Most journalism faculties work training courses or "small faculties" focused specifically on preparing for creative tests, and their attendance greatly increases the chances of successful admission. A serious "plus" in preparation for the test will be the experience of working in the editorial office of teenage or youth media or the experience of cooperation with "adult" publications - this allows you to better know the profession and get to know the editorial process "from the inside".

Is a portfolio required for admission to the journalism faculty

By the time they enter the university, many applicants of the Faculty of Journalism accumulate an impressive folder with publications, certificates for victories in children's journalistic competitions and other documents confirming success in the chosen field of activity. However, whether this will affect admission depends on the university.

Sometimes a portfolio is recommended to be brought to an interview - and it affects the final grade. Or it can be appreciated selection committee by setting additional points for individual achievements. In most cases, individual achievements are taken into account:

  • victories on All-Russian Olympiads in specialized subjects or official Olympiads in journalism;

  • certified publications in registered media;

  • victories in journalistic competitions or olympiads held on the basis of the university you are applying to.

In addition, the portfolio may include other evidence of your readiness to study journalism, depending on the rules of the institution. For instance:

  • publications in unregistered media (including at the school level);

  • certificates of the participant and diplomas of the winners of children's journalistic contests and other contests of "related" directions (literary, photo and video creation, graphic design, etc.);

  • characteristics-recommendations from the editors of the media with which you collaborated or leaders of children's journalistic circles.

The question of what subjects need to be taken as a journalist often arises among applicants seeking to enter the journalism faculty.

Thanks to the introduction of the Unified State Exam, students no longer need to take exams at every university they choose, but certain difficulties can still arise.

Who can enter the journalism faculty

There are no restrictions on admission: any graduate of the 11th grade who has passed the necessary exams and successfully passed the creative competition of the university can pass the specialty "Journalism".

It is worth noting: after grade 9, you can enter a specialized college - this will help you get specialized knowledge.

The only feature of the direction of journalism is the need to bring your own publications to the university exam - this is necessary condition at most universities.

These can be articles in the official media as well as in school newspapers. This is not a prerequisite, but almost all prestigious universities put forward such a requirement.

Awards in creative specialized competitions or other evidence that the applicant understands the principles of journalism and has skills may also be suitable.

What subjects need to be taken

Each university has the right to choose its own list of compulsory exams in accordance with the specifics of further education.

Exams in Russian language, literature and mathematics are mandatory for all graduates.

Take into account: in mathematics, you must pass the basic level.

Additionally, each university must choose 1 or 2 specialized subjects from the list:

  1. Foreign language: English, French, German or Spanish. Other languages ​​are not accepted, however the exam itself is the most common.
  2. Story.
  3. Geography.
  4. Social science.

A more accurate list as well minimum score it is worth looking at the website of a particular institution.

Also, many universities hold a creative competition (most often this is an essay) and an oral interview. This allows you to determine the level of knowledge of the future student and his preparation. It is also useful to have a portfolio:

  1. Victories in competitions in journalism or olympiads in specialized subjects.
  2. Victories in the competition of the university itself.
  3. Publications in the media or school newspapers.
  4. Characteristics from the editors with which the applicant collaborated, or from the leaders of the thematic circles at the school.

This is not a requirement of all universities, but in most cases, the presence of such work can significantly increase the likelihood of passing.

The Faculty of Journalism has always been a welcome place for many humanities students. To obtain the profession "Journalist", you need to select a university in advance, find out the list of required exams and prepare a portfolio of works. The latter is not necessary, but it is desirable to have - many reputable universities do not accept applicants without materials.

Watch the video in which practical advice on admission to the institute for a journalist:

Specialty code: 42.03.02 "Journalism"

Graduate qualifications: Bachelor

* The order of specifying subjects determines the priority of entrance examinations when ranking applicants.

** For foreign citizens and stateless persons, it is not necessary to pass the test

Based on vocational education

About the specialty

Every year journalism education is becoming more and more in demand. This is due to the constant growth in the number of television channels, Internet publications, print press and radio stations. Competition in the media arena is fierce, which means there is a constant demand for talented and literate journalists.

What is taught in journalism

For those who decide to become a journalist, a completely new world will open, in which the most diverse information reigns. As the saying goes, a true journalist knows everything about a little and a little about everything. So the main task teachers - to make students erudite and awaken their thirst for constantly learning something new.

High-quality journalism training affects several layers and instills in the student various skills:

  1. Ability to find and process information.
  2. Ability to present information in various genres: informational, analytical, journalistic, artistic.
  3. Knowledge of the basics of the psychology of communication with people.
  4. Ability to think outside the box and draw attention to your texts or reports.
  5. Ability to speak and write competently.
  6. Speech and voice production (for radio and television workers).
  7. Understanding journalistic ethics.
  8. Knowledge of one or more foreign languages.

These basics will be comprehended by everyone who wants to study to be a journalist, and after that students will be determined with a specialization and delve into the topic in which they want to work. Prospective students need to understand what to get higher education in the field of journalism, only those who have a craving for this craft can do it. For example, if a person from childhood hated to write and did not differ in literacy, it is almost impossible to teach this. But if he has a well-hung tongue and a pretty appearance, it is quite possible that he will be able to make a good career as a TV presenter of some entertainment program.

Where can you get a job with a journalism education

Most of the students who decide to study as a journalist start working during their studies. The essence of the profession is that without practice, pure theory has no meaning. Therefore, already at the stage of study, students can reinforce the knowledge gained at the institute by working in a newspaper or online publication.

After graduation, students can choose any direction: radio, television, Internet media, print press, press services of various companies or political parties. Also, the profession of a journalist is in demand in the field of PR-agencies and on copywriting exchanges. It is desirable for each student to deeply master one direction, since highly specialized employees are most in demand, for example: a fashion reporter, a news channel correspondent, a sports columnist, etc. The specialty journalism will always be in demand and relevant.

To enter the department of journalism and find Good work, you need to constantly work on yourself and always learn, even after graduation. This specialty loves sociable, observant, creative and intelligent people, and does not tolerate stops. In addition, the competition is growing every day, and you need to learn to always be the first in search of relevant information.

The journalist is a very interesting and versatile profession, which consists in accepting and processing the material that is obtained through the media. Where to go after graduation, what journalism colleges exist at institutes and what universities are most in demand in Moscow, you can find out from this article.

Who is a journalist and what does he do?

As mentioned earlier, the profession is about processing and presenting information. Journalists work in magazines, in various print media, creating and publishing articles that are relevant and interesting to read. In addition to magazines and newspapers, a person with a similar education can work in radio, television, advertising and marketing agencies.

A journalist is a creative and very responsible profession. He is responsible for every word he typed and must not go beyond the legal framework.

What skills and knowledge should a journalist applicant have?

A person who wants to connect his life with journalism should remember that working in this area is not so easy. To master this profession well and become a good specialist, you need to master the following skills:

  • be able to reproduce their own thoughts well, beautifully and intelligibly, both in writing and orally;
  • find the necessary and relevant material;
  • interviewing different people;
  • be able to competently ask questions;
  • be able to work with a large amount of information.

In addition to these skills, a person must have the following personal qualities:

  • sociability, since the profession of a journalist implies constant participation in public life, people who are unsure of themselves should not go into this area;
  • perseverance, patience and perseverance - you will have to write almost every day, and constantly develop the art of writing in order to attract and interest readers more;
  • great resistance to stress - journalists can work day and night, and are often overloaded with work;
  • sociability;
  • attentiveness to the little things;
  • creative mind.

Pros and cons

Each profession has its positive and negative sides. Journalism has the following benefits:

  1. This is an interesting and exciting profession. A person working in this area broadens his horizons thanks to the constant flow of new information.
  2. Journalists often go on business trips abroad, but for this you need to be a good professional and a master of their craft.
  3. Through articles and publications, journalists have the right to express their own thoughts (in the measure that is permissible, of course).

The disadvantages of professions are the following points:

  1. Frequent stress and overwork due to workload and business trips.
  2. Great responsibility for the articles written.
  3. Negative situations are not uncommon.

Only by weighing all the pros and cons can you decide for sure whether journalism is really what you need. This profession requires great dedication, constant work and self-development. Only a person with the right set of qualities and really wanting to grow in the field of journalism will become a good specialist.

Educational institutions and specialties

For those who wish to work in this area in the future, you must first undergo training as a journalist, choosing one of the following specialties:

  • publishing;
  • journalism;
  • printing;
  • literary creativity;
  • arts and humanities.

It is very important to decide in advance on the choice of specialty and, of course, the place of study. There are many universities, institutes and colleges for the humanities in Moscow where you can study to be a journalist. Some students leave immediately after the 9th grade. It should be remembered that after graduation from the college of journalism, you will still have to study at the university for several years.

Those who enter the university after the 11th grade will have to take entrance exams.

Study in higher institutions is 4-5 years old.

Faculty of Journalism: Exam

Upon admission to a journalist, a future student will have to pass the following subjects in the form of the Unified State Exam:

  • literature;
  • Russian language;
  • foreign language.

You need to know these subjects at a high level in order to pass the exams well and enter the desired institution. Also, in some universities, in addition to these subjects, social studies are required.

List of colleges

Educational institutions that you can go to immediately after the 9th grade.

The first on the list is the RSSU College (Russian State social university). There are many different directions including "Tourism", "Economy" and " Hotel service". Those interested can apply to the specialty" Publishing. "

  • possess knowledge of the work process of the editorial board and publishing enterprises;
  • know the types of printed and electronic publications;
  • have skills such as processing, storing and transmitting information.

This college is located in Moscow, on Losinoostrovskaya street, 40. There are no entrance examinations in RSSU. On the basis of 9th grade studies here lasts about 2 years.

Publishing Moscow College

This is one of the most famous journalism colleges in Moscow with a publishing bias. The teaching and presentation of the material here is at the highest level.

The Moscow Publishing and Printing College is located at Yaroslavskoe shosse, 5, next to the VDNKh station.

For future journalists, the college has the following specialties: "Printing", "Publishing" and "Printing".

The duration of the educational process on the basis of 9th grade is 3-4 years. On the basis of 11 grades - 1 year - 3 years 10 months.

and information technology)

This is an excellent journalism college at the institute, which has many advantages:

  • There is no need to take exams such as the USE.
  • After graduating from college, you can immediately enter the 2nd year of the university.
  • Excellent teaching level and good presentation of material for students.
  • Obtaining the necessary skills and knowledge for a future profession.

At the College of Humanities, students will be taught the rules of working with text, editing and analyzing articles, correcting various publications, as well as how to use reference and normative literature. The most studied disciplines are:

  • study of the foundations of the theory of literature;
  • basics of decoration;
  • release of a printed edition;
  • style;
  • proofreading;
  • foundations of the theory of journalism.

Located at st. Verkhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 53, not far from the "Pervomayskoye" metro station.

Faculty of journalism in Moscow universities

There are a great many universities with this bias in the capital. The most prestigious and popular are the following higher schools:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
  • RSUH.

And these are just a few universities with a journalism faculty in Moscow.

The best is deservedly considered to be Moscow State University named after Lomonosov. You can choose the following areas: "Journalism" and "Television". Getting there is very difficult. In order to enter the budget, you need to score at least 346 points on the exam. Subjects such as a foreign language, literature and Russian are compulsorily surrendered. In addition, you need to take an entrance creative exam.

RGGU is also considered a prestigious place for obtaining a cherished profession. The number of points scored for the budget is quite high. For the specialty "Journalism" you need to score at least 349 points, and for "Advertising and public relations" - at least 267. When applying for journalism, you will need to pass a compulsory entrance exam in text analysis.

RANEPA is practically not inferior to Moscow State University in terms of the quality of education and the level of teaching. The academy has the following specialties: "Journalism" and "Advertising and Public Relations". In order to enter the budget, you need to score at least 280 points on the exam. Those who wish to enroll in journalism will have two compulsory exams - Russian language and literature, as well as an entrance creative exam. To enter the specialty in advertising and public relations, you need to pass the following subjects - Russian language, social studies and a foreign language. Entrance examination for this specialty in the university is not provided.