What does it mean to be born on a day of the week. The value of the day of the week of your birth. What can he tell about you? Contradictions and devotion to lunar birthday people

It is known that the day of the week of birth of a person is of great importance: it determines temperament, potential, character traits, vocation and much more.

Birthday Monday

People born on this day are characterized by such traits as contradiction and devotion, they are ruled by the Moon. Anxiety and indecision are always present in the life of those who have a birthday on Monday. Due to the great spiritual contradictions that many people on Monday cannot overcome, they cannot achieve those heights in life that they could reach.

They are open, emotional and sociable, know how to listen and sympathize with others, have a rich imagination, which is not always shown to others. A person born on this day easily adapts and wants to see a strong partner next to him. Sometimes people on Monday suffer from loneliness, because few are willing to take responsibility for them. In a relationship, they value sincerity, comfort and warmth, they are very loyal to their soul mate.

Birthday Tuesday

People born on Tuesday are ruled by Mars, the planet of warriors. The character of such people is characterized by assertiveness, stubbornness, and sometimes aggression. However, they may have doubts about the correctness and correctness of their conclusions. Basically, those who have a birthday on Tuesday need support and a strong shoulder. One can say about such people: “first he does, then he thinks”. A meek, gentle and unobtrusive person can become a second half for a person born on this day. In this case, the relationship will be a complete idyll, their union will be successful and will bring great prospects in work and in social activities.

Birthday - Wednesday

People born on this day are patronized by Mercury. They are successful in science and entrepreneurship, they enjoy learning and gaining new experiences, but they look more conservative than people who are open to everything new. Such people are persistent, from childhood they dream of achieving great success, all their lives they are organized in an organized way towards a certain goal.

The measured and predictable existence of some of them gets bored over time. In such a situation, they give an outlet for the negative energy accumulated over a long time. After that, everything returns to square one. In marriage, these people need to sometimes be given the opportunity to walk away from the relationship.

Birthday Thursday

Jupiter patronizes people born on this day. They are characterized by great organizational skills. They excel in governance and policy. Weaker people are drawn to them, which strengthens their leadership. People whose birthday falls on Thursday have developed intuition and are able to predict the future. Their disadvantages include irritability, intractability and stubbornness, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity, despite the fact that they are natural and consistent.

In the family, they are despotic and demanding. They will have a good union with people who are weaker than them. If fate has brought you together with a person born on Thursday, try to yield to him and not follow the principle. Remember that these people are owners, they are hard to bear treason. Having learned about it, in 90% of cases they leave and it is almost impossible to return them.

Birthday Friday

People born on this day are patronized by the planet Venus. They are endowed with the art of enjoying life, loving and being loved. These people are optimists who do not tolerate suffering and despondency. Their character is characterized by cheerfulness, flirtatiousness and frivolity. In their home, they create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, surround themselves with friends and family.

Such people cannot be tied to themselves, you need to give them freedom of choice, then they will reward friends and household with love. Jealous and domineering people will not be able to stay with the people of Friday for long. The birthday people of this day easily earn money, it is comfortable and pleasant to work with them.

Birthday Saturday

The planet Saturn patronizes people born on the sixth day of the week. Such people are strong and able to withstand a lot. They are characterized by hard work, outstanding abilities and intelligence. Measurement and slowness are what such people appreciate. They do not strive to lead, and the position of the boss is not particularly suitable for them.

Those born on this day are not always happy in their personal lives. They perceive marriage as the ultimate degree of relationship and do not show initiative in family life. People on Saturday are characterized by extremes: they either adapt to their partner, or vigorously defend their point of view. They are tired and annoyed by haste. In adulthood, they feel more comfortable than in younger years.

Birthday Sunday

The birthday people of the day are always cozy and warm, because their patron is the Sun. They are active, adventurous and successful. About such we can say - "darlings of fate." But failures in their lives also happen. Why is this happening? Sunday people mostly lead a carefree lifestyle, not making efforts to secure their future life. For a certain period they receive gifts of fate, and later life begins to ask them about full program... In the nature of such people, laziness, unwillingness to start a family and achieve success at work is manifested. They tend to go with the flow.

It is necessary to educate children born on this day strictly, trying to accustom them to hard work and helping in choosing a future profession. By instilling assertiveness and zeal in them, you will help them become happy in adulthood. The main goal of such people is to meet a judicious and persistent life partner with an imperious character.

And remember, no matter what day of the week you are lucky enough to be born, the main thing is to learn to accept yourself and your shortcomings, try to change for the better, making your life bright and harmonious!

The nature of people born on Saturday is very problematic - their actions are both altruistic and egocentric at the same time. These are very paradoxical people, people of eternal contradictions, clashes of two opposite opinions, constant internal struggle. It is not easy for them even with themselves.

Due to the fact that the planet-ruler of this day is Saturn (lord of time), a person born on Saturday, as a rule, loves retro, old music, films, poetry. Often, a craving for antiquity makes them keen collectors of antiques or specialist historians.

A person born on Saturday appreciates humor. Humor for him is an integral part of life. This saves him in difficult moments of life, which he usually endures with dignity and, due to his contradictory nature, he has a great many.

People born on Saturday have good musical and literary abilities, but, unfortunately, all these talents, without support from the outside, remain at the level of hobbies and hobbies, since they cannot be called too bright either.

In terms of domesticity and recklessness, a person born on Saturday is perhaps the most balanced sign. He loves home, comfort, warmth and is an adherent of family holidays and family life in general as such. But at the same time, he is easy-going and his romanticism and lightness are so contagious that usually, if he wants to go on a hike, he will persuade the rest of the family on this adventure.

But, in spite of all this, a person born on Saturday is most often reserved and secretive. It is impossible to guess what he really feels, because he perfectly masters the art of hiding his true emotions. This is due to what he considers intimate and not intended for the "general public".

Naturally, this behavior of a person born on Saturday, combined with a contradictory character, makes him often lonely. But loneliness in general for a person born on Saturday is not a problem. In a sense, you can say that he cherishes his loneliness.

It should also be noted that people born on Saturday are afraid of a losing situation. It is unbearable for them. They take their defeats too close to their hearts and experience them almost as the end of the world, a tragedy on a universal scale.

People born on Saturday are gullible, sometimes too gullible. This comes from a desire for support, from the desire to share your sorrows and joys with someone, but every time a situation of frank conversation arises, people born on Saturday, often, do not care, and do not talk about the most important thing, and remain hidden and closed.

Surely you at least once met a person with charm and attractiveness, even without an indescribable external beauty. His gait, self-confidence, self-esteem fascinate from the first minutes of communication. He is a great conversationalist, ready to discuss almost any issue with you. It is possible that this person was born on the 5th day of the week.

This does not mean at all that people born on Friday cannot boast of external beauty. In most cases, they have excellent data, but their patroness Venus also awarded these people with an inner beauty that captivates at first sight. In honor of the planet of love and beauty, they are called Venusians.


These people always have many friends. The people around them have warm feelings for them, therefore they are drawn to the charismatic Venusians, who themselves are not averse to rallying around themselves as many loved ones as possible.

What is important in the life of such a person?

  • A family. Such is the nature of this person that she feels the need for close people. At the same time, she is ready not only to take, but also to give, to become a reliable support for her partner, regardless of whether it is a woman or a man;
  • Independent choice of professional activity. Usually, people born on Friday have, in addition to beauty, considerable abilities, which is why they try to find exactly the profession that will allow them to reveal their potential. It is almost impossible to force such a person to go the other way. It is worth saying that these individuals attract money, therefore, no matter what career they choose, it will always bring a good income;
  • Gen. It is important for a Venusian to live in comfortable conditions, which he usually provides for himself and for his family;
  • Helping others. He renders it not in order to show ostentatious mercy, to earn a “tick” in front of the Creator, but because their essence needs it.

Among those born on Friday, there are often foster parents for orphans. Taking a baby into the family, they are guided both by the desire for their unit of society to be as large and friendly as possible, and by the need to help those who are weaker. Venusians have leadership qualities, while they have a cheerful disposition, they are simple and easy to communicate. Another important characteristic of those born on the 5th day of the week is the desire for constancy. In this regard, they are looking for faithful and reliable people for the role of their loved ones, and they themselves are ready to behave accordingly.

As Venus bequeathed to them, the "wards" of this planet are connoisseurs of beauty, therefore they are demanding of their appearance. Before going to any meeting or just going out into the street, Venusians will take a long look at their reflection in the mirror, checking whether their image is perfect, looking for the correspondence of the smallest details.

Astrologers claim that one of the characteristics of people who were born on Friday is the duality of nature.

How does duality manifest?

  • Sometimes along with irresistible desire help someone, just as clearly they can show rage, aggression. When these feelings recede, the Venusian will feel bitterness and reproach himself for such emotions;
  • Despite the fact that individuals born on Friday are usually very capable, thoughtful and judicious, sometimes laziness prevents them from conquering even greater peaks;
  • Being self-confident people, they are still impressionable and vulnerable, therefore they react sharply to criticism in their address;
  • "Wards" of Venus often give advice to others, most likely because their fate is not indifferent to these people, although they themselves often ignore the same recommendations.

For the most part, the duality of character manifests itself in those born at the time of sunset.

Those born on Friday should remember that the year that begins on this day of the week is the most successful for them - the patroness will give a lot of opportunities, and they should not be missed.

Every time this day of the week gives the Venusian a feeling of joy, harmony, happiness.

Fate and health

In many ways, these people are influenced by Earthly Venus, giving them a craving for beauty, and bringing them closer to Heavenly Venus, which generates the beauty of the soul. In this regard, they often associate their profession with beauty.

Venusians make excellent designers, fashion designers, and they often gravitate towards professions related to nature, plants, these people are close to art.

Friday people strive to live in comfort, but it is impossible to limit them only to everyday life, worries and problems associated with it. Due to the influence of their patroness, they always need new hobbies, emotions, impressions.

Do not try to limit the person of Friday in his aspirations, because the inquisitive nature, presented by Venus, and a fate full of experiences are inextricably linked in people born on Friday.

They are often exposed to stress, and the nervous system and heart suffer from this. In addition, they may have diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver.

At a middle age, people on Friday may face diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


If your significant other or someone close to you was born on the 5th day of the week, you should know how to properly build a relationship with this person.

Give him warmth and care, and the Venusian will answer you in kind. You should not pester him with jealousy, distrust.

Regardless of gender, these people prefer to communicate and be friends with women. Communication with them is especially important for a young Venusian, but this does not mean at all that you have reason to suspect him of treason - the bonds with him are very strong. Women born on the 5th day of the week also tend to gravitate more towards communication with representatives of the same gender.

The "ward" of this planet will appreciate the sincerity, but he quickly recognizes the falsity. If your child is born on this day of the week, teach him to work from childhood so that laziness does not develop in him.

Born on Friday the 13th

Many fear this date. However, if you were born on this day, there is no need to worry. Astrologers claim that people who were born on Friday, the 13th, have excellent intuition. History, cinema, art are known for many personalities who were born on this date, and who have achieved tremendous success in their field.

As for the danger that, according to some superstitious people, can pursue throughout life, it is far-fetched. Many people even consider such days to be their lucky date, which is associated with many joyful events in their lives.

If your child was born on the 13th on Friday, look for talent in him from childhood - he must have it. From the very day of his birth, think only of the positive and do not be afraid of anything. Believe that your baby is initially protected from all sorts of hardships and troubles, and only success awaits him in life. Yet some people cannot cope with their superstitious emotions. If you are on their list, on each of your birthday, which falls on the 5th day of the week, perform such a ritual.

Incredible facts

The day of the week you were born can tell a lot more about you than you knew before.

Seven days a week - seven different types personality.

What does the day of the week you were born say about you?

If you do not know what day of the week you were born, you can find out , by entering your date of birth.

If you were born on a MONDAY

Monday is the day of the moon. The energy of the day is feminine, soft.

1. You think creatively, but have the ability to keep a lot of good ideas to yourself.

2. You are very empathetic and empathetic.

3. Family and a few close friends are the most important things in your life.

4. You are an excellent negotiator and always try to make sure that all parties get what they want.

5. Your success is business leadership.

If you degenerate on TUESDAY

Tuesday is Mars day. The energy is fiery, active.

1. You have a lot of energy and drive.

2. People are drawn to you and always help.

3. You are successful in building your career.

4. You sometimes worry about things that you cannot control.

5. You enjoy having good, quality things, so saving money is a real challenge for you.

6. You are honest and do what you think is right.

7. You are sensitive to criticism.

8. You know how to put people in their place.

If you were born on WEDNESDAY

Wednesday is the day of Mercury. The energy is light and positive.

1. You learn new things quickly and do your job well.

2. You are always organized.

3. You are very light on your feet and others like how relaxed you look.

4. You enjoy learning from other people, you love communication.

5. You know how to get along with different people.

6. You like your job and the people you work with.

Day of the week by date of birth

If you were born on THURSDAY

Thursday is the day of Jupiter. The energy is blessed and blissful.

1. You are an optimist.

2. You are independent in your work.

3. You are a respected person. In turn, you respect people too.

4. You have leadership qualities and you know how to get to the top.

5. You don't like people who criticize you. Often you are offended by them.

6. People are drawn to you because of your natural charisma.

7. Your range of interests is very wide, but at the same time, you quickly get bored.

If you were born on FRIDAY

Friday is the day of Venus. Sensual, feminine energy.

1. You value beauty and harmony and try to create it around you.

2. You are the most creative person of all your friends.

3. When it comes to relationships, you are emotionally sensitive.

If a person was born on Saturday, Saturn rules his life and the person can be called a Saturnian. Saturn is the planet of trials and limitations, and, as a rule, Saturnians perceive their fate as a trial, a cross that must be humbly carried through life. The life of a Saturnian is difficult from birth. It is difficult for a Saturnian to enjoy life. The most he can do is to be philosophical about his difficulties. Saturn is the planet of evil fate, limitations, fortitude, and the life of a Saturnian is full of fatal accidents, he lives for a long time in limitations, fate temper his spirit. The Saturnian lives in constant spiritual and physical stress, and the stronger his spirit and body, the easier it is for him to endure the blows of fate. In the upbringing of a young Saturnian, the main emphasis should be on hardening his spirit and body.

It is useful to temper it from early childhood. different ways... It is unacceptable to pamper him, you need to do everything so that he grows up as a strong person, self-confident, able to independently solve his problems. If a young Saturnian fell, do not rush to help him, let him get up and calm down himself. Feeling strong support and care from parents, the Saturnian will not learn to be independent. The prohibition in his upbringing is very useful and even necessary, since it will help him at an early age to come to terms with fate and more easily endure its blows in adulthood. A Saturnian can be a harsh, emotionally restrained, very demanding and even evil and cruel person, because this is the nature of Saturn - the ruler of his life, determining the basic qualities of his nature. The harsh nature of the Saturnian can repel people from him, but thanks to this character, this person can become an excellent specialist in the field of strengthening the spirit and body, an expert in any field where physical endurance, strength of character, and high self-control are needed. Regardless of their physique, the Saturnians are very hardy and are able to work for a long time without rest, lack of sleep, and malnutrition.

These are real workers, ready for any job, just to improve their financial situation. A young Saturnian must be taught to work from an early age, even if he learns in his youth what a piece of bread is worth. It is useful for him to engage in sports that require endurance. The Saturnian can be a great coach in these kinds of sports. Saturn is the planet of conservatives, and Saturnians are often very conservative in their views, they hardly change their habits, "lag behind life." Thanks to conservatism, the Saturnian can be a great fan of the classics, with great respect for traditions. Often, the Saturnians take on the function of the keeper of what should remain unchanged, for example, they become museum curators, collectors of antique items. Any Saturnian has the ability to preserve what he touches. The things serve the Saturnian longer than people born on other days of the week. As a rule, Saturnians are not influenced by fashion and build their lives according to their own rules.

Many philosophical teachings say that a person comes to Earth to change, to become better. But a person who lives under the influence of a conservative Saturn is difficult to change. It is difficult for such people to develop their abilities, so the more abilities he discovers in himself in childhood, when the spirit is more mobile, the more interesting his life will be. Traditions, rules and laws are important for the Saturnian, since Saturn is the planet-legislator. The Saturnian can become a keeper of traditions, an agent of the legislative system, an employee of the bodies that monitor the implementation of laws and regulations. The Saturnian is able to be content with little, can be very economical and often becomes an economist. He possesses qualities that allow him to see unnecessary objects, he loves strict simple forms, is able to simplify life, relieve himself and others from unnecessary difficulties. The Saturnian has an innate sense of proportion, which can make him an expert in the exact sciences. It is useful for a young Saturnian to ask questions about quantity more often, for example, to ask him "How much do you want ...". This will help him discover a sense of proportion in himself. But, regardless of his desires, never give him a lot of food, toys, and other things. Teach him to be content with little.

Saturn is the planet of bosses, it is associated with relationships with elders in age or position, therefore, for a Saturnian, relationships with their own father, older brother, and bosses are very important. A good relationship with his boss or with his father helps him to get well in life even more than an excellent education. The Saturnian, who grew up without a father or without any other authority, will seek his replacement all his life, choose a spouse with the qualities that he would like to see in his father. The absence of a father, a bad relationship with his father is a disaster for him. It is the father or someone who replaces him who will be able to teach the Saturnian a lot, to reveal his potential, to give the upbringing and education necessary for the successful implementation of his life program. Any Saturday is a happy day for a Saturnian, when he should take on the most difficult cases, make responsible decisions. The year of Saturn, that is, the year that began on Saturday, can also be a happy year. Although the year of Saturn is a difficult period for most people, a Saturnian in such a year has the double support of the ruler of his life and can achieve a lot.

Those born on Saturday are either very good or very bad, they are dominated by conflicting qualities of character in the highest manifestation. If they are smart, then they do everything excellently; if they are stupid, then stupidity is accompanied by everything. In any case, they are very emotional and this trait is key in their character throughout their life. Possessing great magnetic power, they can win the attention and love of even the most non-contact people. They easily adapt to any environment, but sometimes they fall under the influence of someone else's will and often suffer from this. They hate quarrels, scandals, but schemers are often found among them. Their resourceful mind allows them to see events several moves ahead and build it according to their own design. But their fate is often changeable: either they fly high, then they rapidly fall down, Ups and downs accompany them all their lives, undoubtedly, this causes them some moral damage, but nevertheless does not knock them out of the saddle. They are meticulous, always sort things out to the end. But often they themselves play a double game. False and defamatory rumors are always spread about them. They are efficient, they never waste time. They can be excellent civil servants, and it will not be difficult for them to manage an enterprise and a country. There are many investigators and judges among them, excellent diplomats. In childhood, they usually do not get sick with anything, the nose with age appears diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and disruption of the endocrine glands. Sabbath people are often involved in accidents.