Chiabatta do it yourself in an ordinary oven. Chiabatta - description from photo and calorie; preparation of present and quick italian bread (video recipe); what the product eats; Benefit and harm. Recipe cooking chiabatty

Recipe for the preparation of Italian bread - Chiabatta at home. Gorgeous, incredibly fragrant bread baked bread baked in the oven, is obtained very air with uneven porosity and with the most real crispy crust. Chiabatta, translated from the Italian "slippers or boots", bakes in the form of a small rectangle, which results in uneven, rounded edges - hence the name.

Bread, Italian peasants, prepares from simple products - water, flour and yeast. It insists the dough for bread for quite a long time - about 10 to 12 hours. Then it is divided into "slippers" and baked in a heated to 200 degrees oven, with steam. It is the high humidity in the oven and gives the breadshop that the most crispy crust. You can prepare a chiabatta with any additives: dried tomatoes or pepper, with cheese or onions, mayoran or basil, with olive oil or milk, etc.

Required ingredients:

850. Wheat flour + to work with the dough;

650 ml. warm water;

2 h Spoons of salt;

1/2 h. Spoons of dry yeast.

How to cook:

In a saucepan or a large cup, pour flour.

Add salt and yeast, mix the mixture with a large wooden spoon.

Pour warm water. Since the dough will appear about 12 hours, it is best if the water temperature is room, not more. So yeast is not activated ahead of time and raising will occur gradually.

With a wooden spoon, mix the dough to a homogeneous consistency. It is not necessary to impose too long to be mixed, enough for all the ingredients mixed, and the moisture was distributed evenly. The dough, as you see, should get sticky and unstable. Close up a saucepan or a cup with a dough cover, but not too tight, as it should "breathe" during the lifting. Leave the dough climb at room temperature from 10 to 12 hours, you can leave until morning on the kitchen table.

My dough stood exactly 12 hours, it is very good "launched" - this means that it is already time to cut.

Working with such a liquid test is more convenient on the kitchen towel. Push the generous flour on the towel and with the help of silicone blades put the dough.

Complete the dough layer on both sides of the flour and with the help of fingers, disarm it in the form of a rectangle. Then tighten one strand and fold to the middle of the formation.

Now this "converter" again break out your fingers to the form of a rectangle and again start collecting the edges to the center.

The finished reservoir, rolled in three layers, turn over and with the help of a sharp knife divide into four equal parts. This will be our future Italian bread - Chiabatta.

On the baking sheet bed parchment paper. Take one blank and stretch it a little. Place the Chiabatt to Parchment and put the second bread in the same way.

Turn on the oven and warm it up to 200 degrees.

While the oven is heated by the separated bread will have time to "go" after such a shock processing. In order for the bread to get a good crispy crust, bake the chiabatt needed with steam. The most convenient way is to put a metal bowl with water to the bottom of the oven. In the heated oven, put a bail straight with blanks and bake the bread for 30 minutes before the characteristic color appears.

In the meantime, collect the rest of the bread and also put the chiabatt to the parchment. Finished bread get out of the oven and cool down. In order for the parchment well from bread, wipe it with a damp cloth from the back and gently remove the softened paper.

Italian bread - Chiabatta ready!

This chiabatta recipe in the oven is as close as possible to the classical option for the preparation of this famous Italian bread. The advantage of the recipe in simplicity. Severance of the liquid test for 10-12 hours can seem to be excessively long, but it allows you to reveal all the aromas of the dough fermentation. In addition, kneading the dough from the evening, in the morning you can send finished products in the oven. So wake up the in the morning of your close scent of freshly baked chiabatta! :)


Flour 400 grams
Water 330 grams
Chopping dry yeast or fragment of fresh
1/2 teaspoon salt
Olive oil teaspoon

1. Emboss the dough using the ingredients. Do not forget that the chiabatta dough should be liquid. When mixing, do not add all the flour into the dough immediately. Flour, depending on its variety and quality absorbs water in different ways. Therefore, flour you may need a little more or slightly less from the total volume specified in the recipe. Our task is to get very and very sticky dough, approximately as in the photo number 3. Do not be afraid! Does not stick the dough to you dead grip. Fight!

2. Easy?! not? Need to wash. Five minutes, and better ten. The quality of bread when squeezing rises. Therefore, MEEM. In Testsome, in a blender with nozzles or hands. We drove?! Now cover the clean napkin and leave for 10-12 hours in a warm place. Instead of the napkin, I adapted to use the glass cover from the pan. Through the glass I see how the dough grows and rises.

3. The tight and sticky test closures doubled in volume. The dough swelled and air bubbles are peeling on the surface. Inhale this fragrance and you will understand why it is necessary such a long-term outright .... mmm ... oh, this smell of freshly driving test!

4. On the desktop spread the nutritional film. So that it does not shuffle and does not chop, sprinkle the surface with water. For the film, seek some flour and ...

5. ... lay out the dough.

6. You just look at what a blunder! Despite the liquid state, the dough does not spread and keeps fine. It is convenient and easy to work with it.

7. Pour the dough from top to flour. Form the Baton. You can split the dough into two parts and get two batches, naturally slightly smaller :)

8. Naturend to cover with paper. Sprinkle with butter and sprinkle with flour.

9. Gently move the future chiabatt on the baking sheet and straighten the form. Leave another two hours in a warm place under a napkin for the final proof. Do not worry if the dough looks "flat". Chiabatta will increase and "launched" in the oven!

10. On the bottom shelf of the oven, put the pallet with water and bake 30-35 minutes at 220 degrees.

11. So he is a real Italian sneaker. Handsome!

12.Ity chiabatta! :) Agree, after the taste of the freshly baked chiabatta, cooked at home, the rifled Baton is not the same!

Hello, dear readers! In today's article, we will tell you what is necessary for preparation and, in fact, the Chiabatta recipe in the oven at home.

Chiabatta is a national Italian wheat product. Noteworthy in it is that it has an air flesh and at the same time, has a crispy exterior crust. The cooking process is pretty simple, and the options for cooking a huge amount, for example, with the addition of cheese or ham, but for experiments it is necessary to prepare a classic version, which we begin.


1. Yeast High Source Dry - 3 Gram

2. Water - 350 ml

3. Flour - 450 grams

4. Salt - 0.5 teaspo

5. Olive oil - 5 grams

Cooking method:

1. Before starting cooking, a container is needed for the test, take a large salad bowl or a deep bowl and a 350 milliliters of water in it.

2. Immediately after that, add the floor of a teaspoon of salt and mix that salt would dissolve.

3. Then add one teaspoon of olive oil, as well as one third of the teaspoon of yeast and mix all this to a state of homogeneous mass.

It is worth noting that there are different types of yeast, but we need dry high-speed yeast.

4. Take flour, approximately 450 gr. And pre-request it. After that, add flour into the water and begin to mix to the extent until they dissolve the lumps that were formed as a result of contact flour with water.

5. After we have achieved homogeneous mass, proceed to the kneading test. We mix it up to that condition until the dough becomes soft, a bit sticky and even a little liquid.

6. When we achieved the necessary dough consistency, cover the dishes with our contents of a clean towel or glass lid. We leave the dough in a warm place for ten - twelve hours.

7. After the necessary time, the dough should increase twice, as well as air bubbles commemorate on the surface.

8. Take a kitchenette or other surface for the further kneading test, pre-sprawling the surface, move the dough.

10. Next step, take a baking sheet and put a paper sheet for baking on it. We spray with oil and sprinkle with flour paper.

12. Cover the pawn with a towel with the contents, leaving it in heat another one - two hours for the final proof.

13. We warm up the oven to two hundred degrees, after which we put the dough. On the lower shelf, under the baking sheet, you must put a bowl with water.

14. In the process of baking it will be seen how the dough will start climbing. The baking process takes up, about half an hour - thirty five minutes, to a ruddy crust.

15. We shift onto the board, so that Ciabatta has cooled, and after it cools can be cut into slices.

The fragrance is just awesome! Chiabatta has air balls with praises characteristic of it and crisp crisp. All this is accompanied by a magnificent smell.

1. It is advisable for cooking to take the flour of the highest grade, because the higher the quality, the less it is necessary in the preparation of the chiabatta.

2. Do not stand and protect the benefit of a bakery product. It is rich in amino acids, as well as a lot of vitamins and minerals in Chiabatte, and folic acid is present.

3. Siabatta varieties are a huge set. You can add milk to the dough, then it will turn out "Chiabatta on milk". Or add mayoran, as they do in Rome, to give a chiabatte spicy fragrance.

By the way, using the Mayran, it is best to store this herbaceous plant in hermetic packaging, to preserve the flavor, because this fragrance is very thin, and when dried by Majorant, the aroma is lost at all. The fragrance itself resembles a combination of mint, pepper, chamomile and cardamom.

Mayran has useful properties and recommend it to people suffering from liver and kidney disease, as well as sick diabetes and suffered myocardial infarction. The presence of it in the dish helps to establish the digestion and the menstrual cycle, however it has a warming and softening effect.

4. Chiabatta is supplied to various soups and salads. Also, this bakery product is perfect as the basis for sandwiches, sandwiches and all kinds of snacks, for example "Brushette". This bread in Bruckette is the basis for which the remaining ingredients are laid. By the way, Bruschetta is the snack - "antipasto", which you can serve in front of the main dishes to raise the appetite.

Chiabatta is Italian bread, with big pores, very air, soft inside, with a crispy delicious crust. We learned about this bread from the Italians. This bread usually makes a rectangular shape, loaves make small.
This time we will tell you how to prepare a chiabatt at home with the oven.
Cooking a chiabatt is pretty easy, but for cooking it will take a lot of time for cooking, but what is nice - this is what this dough does not require a kneading and oven.

Taste Info Bread and Pellet


  • water is cold, it is possible from under the tap - 360 ml;
  • flour - 500 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 ppm (can be without sugar);
  • yeast dry - 0.5 ppm or fresh - 8-10 g.;
  • vegetable oil (better olive, but it is not critical) - 1 tbsp.

Cooking time: 14 hours. Difficulty: Easy

How to cook a chiabatta at home in the oven without kneading

In the process of fermentation, the dough will decently increase in volume, about three times, so it is important to choose the dishes correctly. Chose? Then we went.
Wash the water with yeast, let stand for a few minutes so that the yeast was dissolved.
Then interfere with sifted flour, salt and sugar, add vegetable oil. All these ingredients I mix the spoon. No need for hand or mixer. Cover the dough tightly with a lid or film and put on the side of the clock by 10-12. Water for the dough is not warm, we do not put in heat: in 12 o'clock it is so perfect. Usually I put the dough in the evening, and bake in the morning. You can increase the fermentation time if you put the dough into the refrigerator. In this case, the furnace is starting a day.

Ripened dough very bubble and sticky. Gently shift it on a cutting board, a good flour, trying not to release bubbles from it.

We sprinkle on top of the flour, stretch in square.

Classic chiabatta recipes without kneading. Watch the dough edges inside, then again, then shut down the seam down.

We cut the dough on 2-3 parts - these are our future chiabatts.

We send blanks to the proofing for 1-2 hours, sticking with a napkin or a towel. I usually post them on the parchment-styled parchment immediately, then do not drag. Again, they do not put in heat, quite room temperature.

After the proof, we send buns in the oven. The oven is preheating to the maximum temperature. We bake first 15 minutes at a temperature of 250 ° C ferry, then 15-20 minutes at 200 ° without steam. Couples in the oven are needed that Chiabatti come out ruddy and more evenly protected. Important! In this place of the recipe I stayed without the door of the oven! If you are sprayed with an oven from the spray, make sure that the water does not get on the glass door: it can split into pieces, as it happened in my case. And it is better - just put the vessel with water to the bottom of the oven.

Readiness Checking on the sound: Open the oven and knock on the bun nail. Sign of product readiness - a deaf wooden knock. Ready-made cyhabatts are stitching on the grille.

Today I want to offer you a chiabatta recipe in the oven, which is done on a liquid test. She will be preparing for a short time, if not to take into account the time in which it will just stand for lifting. All cooking processes are not very complicated, so if you have ever worked with the test, then you will definitely work out.

This chiabatta recipe at home in the oven, and it can be even in a slow cooker, if it is so more convenient for you, but in this case I will not tell me with the baking time and the regime on which it is done.

Chiabatta bread recipe, sent me Naduha, who often his bake for his family. And with bread, I love to experiment to find the perfect ways of cooking. Buy it in the store, I do not like, as it is used to home, and that breads that they sell, often not at all delicious. I also like the fragrance of freshly baked bread.


  • Wheat flour - 360 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Yeast dry high-speed - 0.5 ppm
  • Water - 350 ml.

How to bake a chiabatt at home

The dough for chiabatta in the oven is more convenient to do in a big bowl, as it will increase. To begin with, the flour, dry yeast and salt. Next, they mix them well, so that the yeast is evenly distributed in the flour.

After that, I pour water into a dry mixture, and mix the spatula to uniformity. The water temperature should be 35 - 40 degrees and not higher, it is warm to the touch. The dough is not a thick and no longer needed to knead it, but even more so do not think about the flour.

Then cover a bowl with a dough food film that needs to be pierced in several places for air intake. The holes should be small and easier to make them toothpick. Due to this, the dough is better risen and there will be no extra moisture inside. Leave it at room temperature for 12 to 18 hours and no less. It is most convenient to do it in the evening so that in the morning it was possible to start the following processes.

After the expiration of the specified time, all the dough will be covered with small bubbles, it should be. In no case do not mix it.

Silicone rug sprinkle with flour and pouring liquid dough on it. Next can be done in two ways. In the first case, with the help of two wide blades I carry bread on a baking sheet with a parchment, which also need to sprinkle with flour in advance. In the second case, everything is a bit more complicated and longer. But thanks to the detailed description, this recipe for chiabatta at home will not be something very difficult for you, and accurately.

Blank or hands form round bread. For this, the edges of the dough wrap in the center, as if collecting it inside. From these products you can make one big or two small bread. To the dough did not stick to the blade, constantly sprinkling the edge of the product. And the movements must be sharp. If you do not have a rug, form bread on the kitchenette, well sprinkled with flour. Next, leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, also sprinkled on top of a little more. After the specified time, I check the readiness of the test: slightly presses the finger on the dough, it should spring - the hole until half the depth is immediately restored, and after it is weaker. If not, wait a little more. Then I divide the dough into 2 parts and gently form rectangles.

Bake them in a preheated oven, at 250 degrees, 15 minutes with steam. And to make steam, it is enough to put deep dishes with boiling water. It is important that the dishes are intended for the oven, since not every can withstand high temperatures. After that, reducing the temperature to 220 degrees, remove the dishes with water and bake for another 15 minutes. Next, gently take it out of the oven and leave to cool. As you can see, the Italian Chiabatt Bread is not difficult to do, but if you cook it for the first time, I first read everything carefully and only after that, start cooking.

I hope that you liked the chiabatta recipe in the oven, and you cook it for your family. This is such an unusual Italian bread turned out. And inside it with big holes, which looks quite interesting. Try and you cook it, and I will be glad if my recipe becomes one of your loved ones. Bon Appetit!