"Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword will die. There was a Russian land on that! The sword took, the sword would die who came to us with a sword

780 years ago, in 1236, the independent activities of Alexander Yaroslavich began as Prince Novgorodsky. Military victories in the Western borders of the country and the skillful politician in the East, he predetermined the fate of Novgorod and Vladimir Rus for two centuries. He showed the need for a cruel, uncompripable confrontation with the West and allied relations with the East, the Ordane Kingdom.


The birthplace of the famous Russian commander was the old Russian city of Pereyaslavl (Pereslavl-Zalessky), standing on the river Truzh, flowing into the lake Pleshino (Plescheevo). Called it with the Zalessky because in the old days a wide strip of dremal forests as it should be, defended the city from the steppe. Pereyaslavl was the capital of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, a person of power, decisive and solid in the fight against enemies, most of his life spent in military campaigns.

Here, on May 13, 1221, Yaroslav and his wife Princess Rostislav (Feodosia) Mstislavna, Toropetskaya Princess, the daughters of the famous Warrior, Prince Novgorod and Galician Mstislava, was born, the Son, the second in a row, who was named Alexander. The child grew up healthy and strong. When he was four years old, a rite of dedication to Alexander in the warriors (initiation) took place. Princely won the sword and planted on a combat horse. In the hands were given onions with arrows, which indicated the duty of the warrior to protect his native land from the enemy. From this time he could lead a friend. Father prepared from the son of Vityaz, but ordered to learn and lose. He studied Prince and Russian law - "Russian truth". The favorite occupation of the young prince was the study of the military experience of his ancestors and events of the native antiquity. In this regard, the Russian chronicles served as an invaluable treasury of knowledge and military thought.

But the main thing is, in training, Alexandra became the practical development of all the wisdom of military affairs. It was an unwritten law of harsh time, and did not make any princely princes. At Rus, then early adults and became warriors in adolescence. Already in 4-5 years, Knyazhich received an exact copy of the sword from a soft, light tree - Linden (he allowed to learn to keep a distance in battle). Then the wooden sword became harder and harder - it was made of oak or ash. Also kids were given onions and arrows. Gradually increased the size of the bow, the resistance of the theater increased. At first, the arrow is methali in a fixed target, and then in the mobile, the prince was taken to hunt. Hunting was a whole school of tracking, tracery skills appeared, the rates learned to kill and watch the dangers in the person (psychological training). Experienced princely warriors taught children Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Horse riding. Originally on well-leaving combat horses. By the age of ten, Knazhich was obliged to personally pacify the old-year-old horse. Warriors taught the prince of possession of Sulita (Russian dart) and spear. The sulitis thrown by a solid hand hit the enemy at a distance. Much more skill demanded a fight on a spear. Here, first of all, a heavy spear was worked out. The vertex of art was considered an irresistible injection in the took.

Such training was no exception: it was mandatory in princely families. The future prince is the ruler, and a professional warrior. Therefore, those facts that almost all the old Russian princes were selected printers, personally participated in the battles, and even in the first rows of their friends, they often joined the fights with leaders of enemies. A similar preparation, although easier, without riding, the preparation of the swordsman (the sword was expensive), etc., received all the loose men of Russia. Onions, a hunting spear, an ax and knife were the everyday Russian man of that era. And the Rusa at all times was considered the best warriors.

Features of Veliky Novgorod

In 1228, Alexander, together with the elder brother Fedor, were left by the Father, along with the Pereyaslav army, who was going on a campaign in Riga, in Novgorod under the supervision of Fedor Danilovich and Tiun Yakima. Under their supervision, the training of the princely ratal case continued. Knyazhichi was recognized by Novgorod, his orders, so that in the future not to make reckless solutions that could cause a quarrel with free citizens. The invited to the reign is often simply expelled from Novgorod. They pointed to the road leading from the city, with the words: "Go, princess, we are not love."

Novgorod was the most crowded and rich city in Russia at the beginning of the XIII century. Therefore, he was called great. He did not touch the swords of steppes in the south and the fierce struggle of the princes for Kiev, who was more than once devastated, only strengthened the positions of the Northern Center of Russia. Full whale divided the city into two parts. The Western side was called Sofia, there was a strong Kremlin - "Keynets", and in him the magnificent Stone Cathedral of Hagia Sophia. The long bridge connected the Sofia side with the eastern part of the city - the trading side, the most lively place in Novgorod. There was a bargaining. Checklets came here from the Novgorod Plen (regions), from the shores of Volga, Oki and Dnipro, representatives of the Finno-Ugric tribes from the coast of Baltic, residents of Scandinavia and Central Europe. Russians sold fur and leather, barrels with honey, wax and lard, penc and flax pins; Inomers were brought weapons, iron and copper, cloth, cloth, luxury goods, wine and many other goods.

Novgorod the Great had its own special control system. If in other Russian lands Evening already lost the leading role of the princely power, then in Novgorod, things were different. The highest authority in the Novgorod land was the eve of the meeting of all free citizens who have reached the age of majority. Evening invited to the prince of printed Novgorod to the prince with a small squad, so that the prince did not have a temptation to intercept the Office, and elected from the Warman's boyar environment. The prince was a commander of the feudal republic, and the Postunner guarded the interests of the citizens, led to the activities of all officials, together with Prince, conducted issues of management and court, commanded the militia, headed by the Eden Assembly and Boyarovsky Council, assisted in external relations. In addition, an important role in the city was played by the elected thousand, which represented the interests of smaller boyars and black people, conducted a merchant court, Russian disputes with foreigners, participated in the foreign policy of the aristocratic republic. An important role was also played by Archbishop (Vladyka) - the keeper of the state treasury, the controller of measures and weights, the domain regiment followed the order.

The prince's invited to Novgorod prince (as a rule, from Vladimir Lands, the former Bread Hit Road of the Volnoye City) did not have the right to live in Novgorod itself. His residence, together with a friend, was a settlement on the right bank of Volkhov.

Novgorod at that time was a powerful, mobile military organization. The protection issues of Novgorod from external enemies were always solved at the eve of the events. Before the threat of an enemy attack or speech, the Noggorod residents themselves was collected, on which the number of troops and movement routes were determined. According to the old custom, Novgorod exhibited a militia: each family sent all his adult sons, with the exception of the younger. Refusal to go on the defense of the native land was considered immemorated shame. The discipline of the troops was maintained by an oral promise-an oath, which was based on Ringer's solutions. The basis of the troops was urban and rural folk militia, formed from artisans, small merchants and peasants. The troops also included squads of the boyars and major merchants. The number of warriors cited by the boyar was determined by the vastness of land ownership belonging to him. The squads of Boyar and Novgorod merchants accounted for an equestrian "front squad". The army was shared on the shelves whose numerical composition was not constant. Novgorod could put up to 20 thousand warriors that for feudal Europe was a big army. The head of the troops stood prince and landing. The militia of the city itself had a slender structure corresponding to the administrative division of Novgorod. It was recruited from five urban ends (Nerevsky, Lyudin, Carpentry, Slavsky and Zagodsky) and numbered about 5 thousand fighters. Urban militia was led by a thousandth. The militia consisted of hundreds led by centuries. The hundreds included militia of several streets.

In addition, Novgorod land from ancient times was famous for the fleet. Novgorod residents were led by experienced and fearless selerges, who knew how to fight well on the water. Their sea ships had a deck and sailing snap. River ships were quite spacious (from 10 to 30 people) and high-speed. Novgorod residents skillfully used them for the transfer of troops and overlapping rivers when it was necessary to close the path to the enemy ships. Fleet Novgorod people repeatedly participated in military campaigns and tried convincing victories over Swedish ships. And the river flotilla of the Novgorod residents (Horseman) actively acted on the Volga and Kame, as well as the north. It is in Novgorod, Prince Alexander who learned the fighting capabilities of ship rati, the speed of movement of the walking troops on the water. That is, the experience of Svyatoslav the Great was restored, which by the help of ship raids could rapidly transfer troops to huge distances and successfully resist Khazaria, Bulgaria and Byzantium.

It must be said that the binding of the creation of the Russian fleet with the name of Peter I is incorrectly in the root. The Russian fleet exists from ancient times, what the victory of Rurik, Oleg, Igor and Svyatoslav and other Russian princes testify. So, in the Novgorod land, the fleet existed several centuries, inheriting the traditions of Russian Varyagov.

The combat control of the Novgorod troops was not much different from other Russian troops. His "man" (center) usually consisted of militia infantry. On the wings (flanks), in the shelves of the right and left hand, the princely and boyars cavalry became (professional warriors). To increase the stability of the combat order and an increase in its depths before the "man" was located a regiment of archers armed with long bows, the length of the tales of which (190 cm) contributed to a large range of arrows and a powerful slaughter power. The latter was very important in constant combat clashes with serious German and Swedish warriors. Sophisticated Russian bow stitched the armor of the knights. In addition, the center could strengthen the wagons, sled so that the infantry was easier to beat the onslaught by the enemy cavalry.

Such a construction of the Novgorod troops had a number of advantages over the combat order of the Western European knighthood. It was flexible, stable, allowed on the battle to maneuver not only the conean, but also infantry. Novgorod people sometimes enhanced one of the wings and created the deep shock column "Peshtse". The cavalry disposed of them during the battle made coverage, inflicting a blow from the rear and the flank. At the hike, the Russian Rail, which was able to make fast and long transitions, always had a watchtowel ahead ("watchman") for an opponent's intelligence and observation of his actions. These knowledge from the field of military affairs, the fundamentals of the routine art of Russia of the time from early childhood, Alexander Yaroslavovich was assimilated.

Saint Sophia Cathedral, Wisdom of God, in Novgorod - Symbol of the Republic

Threat from west

While the prince Alexander Yaroslavich grows up, everything was anxious at the borders of the Novgorod land. In the Baltic States, the German knights crusaders were aggressively involved, who did not hide far-reaching plans in relation to Rus. Catholic Rome and his instrument - "Dog-Knights", considered Russian unreal Christians, heretics, almost pagans, who need to re-burn with fire and sword. In addition, Western feudal feudalles have died on rich Russian lands. A raid of Lithuanians, who, creating their statehood and enhancing the fight against the Crusaders, were frequent to the neighboring Polotsk Principality, and encouraged the border Russian land. On the lands of the Finnish tribes, who were under the direction of Novgorod, began to make marchs of Swedish feudal.

Novgorod Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, to protect the northwestern borders of the Russian Earth, made a number of successful hiking - in 1226 against Lithuanians and 1227 and 1228 in Finland against the Swedes. But his conceived campaign against the German knights crusaders was broken. In reinforcement, the Novgorod army he led Vladimir squads. However, Pskov and Novgorod boyar saw in this strengthening of the princely power and refused to participate in the campaign. Vladimirtsy returned home. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, climbing with Novgorod, left with his wife to Pereyaslavl, giving time to the townspeople. Sons Alexander and Fyodor remained in Novgorod. But soon there were excitement, and the February night of 1229, Boyar Fedor Danilovich and Tiun, who secretly took the princely to his father.

However, the affairs of Novgorod walked badly. I had to reconcile him with the prince and return it again. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich promised citizens to rule on the old Novgorod customs. 1230, the Novgorod Republic called on Prince Yaroslav, he, having been two weeks in Novgorod, put on the prince of Fedor and Alexander. Three years later, at the thirteenth age, Fedor suddenly died. Alexander has ever had to join the rostrope. Father, preparing for himself a shift and successor of the princely kind, constantly kept the young Alexander with him. He began to learn the princely science to manage the lands, to lead diplomatic relations with alien and commanded by dashers.

Meanwhile, a terrible threat arose at the borders of Novgorod. Following the lands of Latvian, Crusaders captured Esta lands. In 1224, Pal Yuriev (Derpt). The fortress defended the Russian-Estonian ruin led by Russian prince Vyacheslav (Vyachko). Defenders of the city in cruel battle fell all united. Hastered the Order of the Mosenoshetsev in 1233, a sudden blow took the Russian border fortress Izborsk. Pskov RATI knocked out the crusaders from the town captured by them. In the same year, the German knights commit a raid to Novgorod lands. To reflect the aggression, Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich leads to Novgorod Pereyaslav squadrines. The Novgorod and Pskov Rachi joins it. The United Russian Army, at the head of which was stood by Yaroslav and Alexander, went to the campaign against the knights-starmen and in 1234 it came to Yuryev. Knight's army came true. In the fierce battle, the German army suffered a crushing defeat. Russian warriors tilted, it was driven on the ice of the Embach River. The ice broke and many knights went to the bottom of the river. The remaining Germans in a panic fled and got out in the fortresses. The swordsmen urgently sent ambassadors to Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and he "took the world with them in all his truth." The Order began to pay the tribute to the Novgorod prince and showedly promised not to attack the possessions of Veliky Novgorod. It is clear that this was a feigned promise, no concluded plans in relation to the Russian lands.

Participation in the campaign to Yuryev-Derptu and the battle on the Embach River made it possible to become a fourteen-year-old Alexander Yaroslavich to meet "in the case" with German knights. From the excuse grew a brave young Vityaz-Prince, who attracted people with courage and wiseness, beauty and tough skill. Despicable in judgments, consistent in communicating with people of various social layers, not violating the ancient customs of Veliky Novgorod, the young prince fell silent by simple Novgorod. Appreciated it not only for the mind and readiness, but also for courage and integrity.

Facial chronicle arch (volume 6 p. 8) Image of Alexander Yaroslavovich; Signature under it: "Thickening Boy and the Cement of the Earthly Military Mail Father from God, and the Cooked and Chad Condition, but the humble wisdom is more than Yako part from the strength of Samsonov, the voice of him to hear Yako pipe in the people "

Novgorod Prince

In 1236, Yaroslav left Novgorod to prince to Kiev (from there in 1238 in Vladimir). From this time, Alexander's independent military-political activity began. Alexander Yaroslavich became the military ruler of the huge Novgorod land, which the Swedes threatened, German knights and Lithuanians. It was during these years that the character traits of Alexander, who later won the glory, love and respect of contemporaries: rage and at the same time caution in battle, the ability to navigate in a difficult military-political situation and make the right decision. These were the features of the Great State Worker and Communion.

The Grozny 1237 came in. The Ordan troops invaded Russia. Drilling Ryazan and Vladimir, Baten moved the army to Novgorod. Young Prince Alexander was preparing for the protection of Novgorod. The strike of the Army Batya heroically accepted the Torzhok. Two weeks was an unequal fierce singer (defense February 22 - March 5, 1238). Residents of a small town beat off fierce attacks of the enemy. However, the walls were collapsed under the blows of Taranians. The Novgorod rich Tipper refused to send the army to help his chordide suburbs. The prince was forced to do only the preparation of Novgorod himself for defense.

A terrible threat bypassed Novgorod. From the yarn of the Ignach-Cross Stepnyaki turned cool to the south. It is not known why the Ordans did not go to a rich Novgorod. Researchers lead several reasons:

1) Spring dishthele occurred, snow melted in the forests, the frozen northern swamps threatened to turn into rusts that are impassable for large troops;

2) Batya's army suffered serious losses, a partisan movement was keen in the rear. Khan knew about the numerous and warlike army Novgorod, the strength of his fortifications. He saw a small trick defense. Bat did not want to risk;

3) It is possible that the process of establishing contacts between the battle and part of the Russian princes, including the father of Alexander, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, has already followed.

He passed a year after the departure of the Haling of Batya. In Russia, an important event was happening - the Big Congress. The messengers from Yaroslav Vsevolodovich arrived in Novgorod. He ordered his son to appear in Vladimir. Alexander's path lay through the ruined land in the convivoretors Ancient Vladimir, where the father gathered the Russian princes surviving in the battles - the descendants of the prince of Vsevolod a big nest. I had to elect the Grand Duke Vladimirsky. The accumulated princes called them Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Alexander returned to Novgorod again. So, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich inherited Vladimir at Brother Yuri, and Kiev took Mikhail Chernigovsky, concentrating in his hands the Galitsky Principality, Kiev Principality and Chernihiv Principality.

The Grand Duke Vladimir Yaroslav added Alexander possession, highlighting another Tver and Dmitrov. From now on, on an eighteen-year-old prince, the protection of Western Russian frontiers lay. And the military danger already visible on Russia from the West. European rulers were preparing for a new cross campaign against the Slavs and the Baltic peoples. On May 12, 1237, the head of the Catholic Church approved the Connection of the Teutonic and Livonian Order (former Order of the Maresemen). Master of Teutortsev became a great master (grandmaster), and the Livonsky Magister who became his subordinate was taken by the Title of Master of the Region (Landmister). In 1238, Pope and Master of the Order signed an agreement, which provided for a campaign to the ground of the pagans - Izhorayan, Karel, part of Novgorod Russia. Pope Gregory IX called on the German and Swedish knight of the power of weapons to conquer the pagan Finnish tribes. In June 1238, the Danish King Waldemar II and the Master of the United Order Hermann Balka agreed on the section of Estonia and hostilities against Russia in the Baltic States with the participation of the Swedes. A combined campaign was preparing, the purpose of which was the seizure of the North-Western Russian lands. Crusader's troops were tightened to the borders. Rome and Western feudal feudal plates planned to take advantage of the weakening of Russian principalities, bloodshed as a result of Batiev invasion.

In 1239, Alexander built a number of fortifications on the southwest from Novgorod along the Sheloni River and married Princess Alexandra, the daughter of Bryachcholiva Polotsk. The wedding took place in Toroptz in the temple of St. George. Already in 1240, the primacy of Prince, called Vasily, was born in Novgorod.

We once again congratulate the Triune Russian people with a symbolic victory in the project "Name Russia" holy prince Alexander Nevsky. We draw attention to the fact that the Russian people include "velikoporsa, Malorods and Belarusians, as well as Russian Tatars and Chuvashi, Russian Bashkirs and Mordvini, Russian Dagestanis and Chechens (yes, yes, and these natural robbers are also Russians), Russian Buryats and Yakuts and about 100 indigenous people and nationalities [all Those who have confused the century associated their destiny with the third God-in-law Russian people]. Neither the Chinese nor Jews nor African blacks nor representatives of other nationalities having their states abroad of Russia are not included in the concept of indigenous peoples of our country" With this definition that gave in his speech colonel Vladimir Kvachkov in Russian march on November 4, 2008, we fully agree.

And it doesn't matter what criteria was guilicious jury and in which it calculated the voices. It is important that all three names that "won," belong to Russian people who in one way or another participated in the management of Russia, in strengthening and developing it into very difficult periods of life of the Russian people. They all worked very much for the benefit of Russia And his life was given for the Russian people.

one. " Who with a sword will come to us, from the sword and will die! "

1.1. Great Prince Alexander Nevsky is heaven to the patron saint of the Russian man

The importance of victory named after the Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky is in a huge spiritual sense which the specifies the vector of directions for the development of Russia for the coming years. Russia for the first time during the magnitude of the Zhoida Christian yoke was named after the Russian saint, many centuries glorified by the church and the Russian people. Russia was consecrated by the name of the Holy Warrior, the state husband, one of the first gatherers of the Russian land. Let's not forget that in the powerful Russian empire in three emperors, in three anointers of God, heavenly patron was the Holy Pravda Great Prince Alexander Nevsky.

The Heavenly Patron of the Grand Prince is and a victorious Russian man. Here are some examples and lives of this holy prince.

"After 120 years after that, in front of the Don battle, one ink during the night prayer in the temple saw the candles were lit up before the tomb of Prince Alexander and two elders came up with words:" Get up, hurry to help your concern, Dimitri Ioannovich!"St. Prince got up and became invisible. Based on this vision, the holy relics after the Don victory were open and found intense, and there were many healing. When before going to Kazan (1552) Tsar John IV Vasilyevich prayed in the cancer of St. Blessed prince Alexander, then one of his approximal got healing, which was all accepted as pledge of the help of the blessed prince wonderworker.

In 1571, during the attack on Moscow of the Crimean Khan Devlet-Gire, Ink Anthony, a high spiritual life, saw how to the tomb of St. Prince Alexander came across SVV. Princes Boris and Gleb with the words: "Get up, our brother, Prince Alexander, prompted to help our concern Blessed king John Vasilyevich!"St. Alexander stood up, and they joined the cathedral of the Blessed Princes Andrei, Vsevolod, George and Yaroslav. The victory was won over the Devlet-Gyreum.

In 1491 they saw during the fire of the monastic temple of St. Blessed prince Alexander, rising on horseback to the sky through the air. Holy relics remained unharmed. In 1547, he was counted for the saints. Miracles and healing, which was going on from his saints of power, are not applicable, and it is impossible to list here.

On August 30, 1724, the holy relics of the Blessed Grand Prince Alexander were transferred to the Emperor Peter first in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra created in St. Petersburg. "(Nun Taisiya. Russian saints . C-PB. "ABC-Classic". 2001)

1.2. Why two names "Alexander Nevsky" and "Joseph Stalin" near

1.2.1. "Stop, Russian people!"

Recall that the first who returned the name of the Great Land of the Russian Land of Russian after a rearmed launcher in February 1917 Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Exactly on his personal order In the most difficult for the country in the prewar years, the film "Alexander Nevsky" with the famous song-hymn "was created Get up, Russian people!"(At the end of the news message, the text of this song is given). Currently, article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation would be threatened for writing a song to writing songs. But in the days of Stalin, this could not happen, because Stalin wanted this film, and this song to raise the Russian people to fight against German fascism. Now, through this film and this song, the Slave of God, Iosif Stalin, the Testament on the struggle with his knee is given, with whom he himself led to fighting adolescent years. This song raised and raises the Russian people to fight the enemies of God and the Land of Russian. Joseph Vissarionovich carefully followed the progress of works through his people from the environment of the film director Sergei Eisenstein, so that such a patriotic film was created, which would have strengthened the natural human sense of love for his homeland and the desire to serve her, willingness to die for her schism, as our pious ancestors.

Alexander Nevsky - a historical film about the outstanding Old Russian Prince, who won the battle with the Knights of the Teutonic Order on the Church of the Lake in 1242. Refers to the pleiad of the classic Soviet historical films of the 30s and is considered one of the best works of Sergei Eisenstein. Music wrote the famous composer Sergey Prokofiev.

Alexander Nevsky appeared in the cinemas in December 1938 and had a huge success (comparable, except, with Chapaev). Sergey Eisenstein received the Stalinist Prize and the degree of doctors of art historian without defending the thesis. However, soon after the release of the picture on the screens, it was withdrawn from the rental for considerations of political correctness to Germany, with which during this period the USSR tried to establish relations. In 1941, after the start of the Great Patriotic War, "Alexander Nevsky" returned to the screens with an even more deserving success. Almost in full force, the film crew of Nevsky was produced and the next tape Eisenstein - "Ivan Grozny".

But the opinion of the modern viewer about the film "Alexander Nevsky": "Of course, pleases the main line running along the plot - faith. Not just faith, but values, original Russians. Very colorful shows the worldview difference between the West and Russia One of the first scenes, where the knight saved by the prince itself, suggests not to mourn Alexander on the killed, because the servants were killed, and his bright mercy should not be grown on such trifles.

On this prince Novgorod replies to him that not servants, but people were killed, and not to mourn for people can not. In this short, it would seem that flashed scene, the entire difference in the essence of the existence of the Orthodox and Catholic Church is laid. Catholics are clearly presented in the form of a cumbersome management mechanism, oppressing and conquering everything in its path, where a person is no more than a small device that performs a specific set of functions in the event of the death of the device, its place will take another, and will continue to act. At all, in the film, quite a lot of time is paid to issues of religious" We will pay attention to the fact that it is not by chance that the eve of the country voiced by the Words on the wholeside and bloody war on the whole country: "Do not grieve for people can not!"

And what wonderful words invested Joseph Stalin in the mouth of the Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky in the ambassading the ambassadors of the Livonian Order, who, after the Ice Weight (in the summer of 1242), arrived at him to the Veliky Novgorod to ask the "Eternal World" to him: Who with a sword will go to us, from the sword and will die. There was a Russian land on that! Obviously, the basis of this phrase is a famous evangelical expression: " We took the sword, the sword will die " Or in full: Then he says Jesus: return your sword in his place, for everyone who took the sword, the sword will die (Matt. 26.52).

Sergey Eisenstein's film was released on the screens on December 1, 1938, and since then these words are associated with the name of Alexander Nevsky as his personal, "historical" phrase. Although such an expression was well known in the ancient world, in Dumanegel times. For example, in ancient Rome, it existed as a winged expression: Who fights the sword, from the sword and dies.

1.2.2. « Where is the Tatars? Where are the Poles? And with Igi Zhidovsky will be the same. Christuby will suffer their ...»

If you mean all the above, it becomes clear why the Lord God placed the names of these great workers to the glory of the land of the Russian and its people! After all, they both carried the cross of the rulers of the people, who was either under the intelligible Tatar IGA, and during the time of Joseph Vissarionivich and today - under the intelligible ig of girdwear.

Still reverend Avele Tyovidez spoke to the emperor Paul first: "On the fate of the state of the Russian was in prayer, the revelation about three people's yokes: Tatar, Polish and coming still Zhid*...

Blood and tears will see the crude land. Blood rivers flow. Brother will rise to his brother. And Paks: Lights, Sword, invasion of the interemphenics and the enemy internal power Zhidovskaya . And there is death, and here, and there is no place to run. Smoke fires and ashes, all alive sneaks. Dead deserts around. Nor a single soul of human nor the creature of the animal. Neither the tree, nor the grass grows even ... And will be JEW scorpion scorpion Russian land, * robble shrines, to close the Church of God, execute the best people in Russian. This is lighting God, Wrath of the Lordfor the renunciation of Russia from his tag! Will it still be! Angel of the Lord pours new disaster bowls [Hands of Jews-Christ, Hands Hitlerians, hands of communists and democrats], so that people go to mind » .

But the sharpness of the injury pain (they had to learn to love the uniform board!) Tatar Iga passed after the battle on the Kulikov field, on which, finally, fought and won under one hand hand of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Donskoy. "We left the battle of Muscovites, Belozers, Rostovchan, Suzdaltsi, Vladimirtsy, Kostromichi, Dmitrovtsy ... and returned to a single Russian people!"

About the intelligible (should love the power of God over them, which is carried out by the legal king - his anointed!) Zhidovsky IHE is not people, and the exhaustion of hell, Abel Tynovidez spoke to Emperor Paul first so: "And where is the Tatars, your imperial majesty? Where are the Poles? And with Igi Zhidovsky will. Not sad, the king's father, christuby hurts will suffer... "We will add that all traitors of the Russian people will bear their own, and all real Russian patriots. Only noshes they will have different and some will bring it into the depths of hell to the eternal torment, and others - in the kingdom of heaven for the life of the eternal.

1.3. "I serve one God, his honor and he worship »

Understanding that this result in the project "Name RUSSIA" is quite suitable for the power of the rule of the Lord and all other people of Russia, the Kremlin political scientists were apparently satisfied with this recognition, considering the identity of our holy prince, as the most neutral, distant historical time Personality. In fact, the life of the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky was instructive to Russian patriots at all times, but his life is extremely relevant.

Judge for yourself. Staying Russian prince, the hero of the Nevsky battle, he becomes the owner of a Khan label, which subordinates to him the Ordane warriors and Russia acquires the status of the Union State in relation to the Golden Horde. At the same time, Prince Alexander remains faithful to Orthodox faith.

In the life of the Holy Blessed Great Prince Alexander Nevsky, it is said that when he refused to fulfill Tatar pagan rites (for such a refusal of other Russian princes, Tatars were killed), Khan Bati ordered not to force her more saint and quickly lead him to him. "King," the buggy prince turned to Khan, bowing to him, - i bow to you because God honored you the kingdom I serve a single God, his honor and worship him». (Saints lives. August. 30th day. P. 553).

The foreign policy and wise domestic board of the Holy Prince are in demand and are relevant in our time as an example of preserving the Orthodox people: his priesthood (from which subsequently sainted St. Sergius Radonezh, Rev. Alexander (Peresvet) and Andrei (Oll)), and his nobility (from which In the future, the prince of Dmitry Donskoy came out), the Holy Orthodox man. Russia in those days was between the hammer and anvilment: the Catholic West and the pagan coddle of the Horde.

And now, from the West, the knees of the knee of Danova are sent to Russia to exterminate the Russian people, and not for ordinary enslavement, as it was during the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. Invisible Khazaria, as always, makes an aggression with someone else's hands - with the hands of our Christian "brothers and friends" (by the hands of the countries of the "Peace-loving" block of NATO), and our "Brothers and Friends" from the Russian Empire and Socialist (Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Baltic). From the east, Armada godless China is ready to absorb all Siberia to the Ural Mountains, and China is pushing all the same invisible Khazaria.

« It is today that Alexander Nevsky's teamic experience receives development when defending our Motherland. Alexander Nevsky outlined his time and sought victories, in many respects disturbing generally accepted canons. Among the receptions that the Grand Duke used when conducting battles and who brought him victory can be remembered as such as blow to the weakest link of the enemy, profitable use of weather and geographical conditions, pursuit of a broken enemy ... "(former head of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Yuri Baluyevsky).

Alexander Nevsky did, as the story showed, the only right choice between the Union with the West and the Union with the East. The Union with the West meant the connection to "Love and Friendship" through the Ulya with Rome, and this inevitably led to the damage to the faith of the Orthodox heresy of Pipizma, which happened in the Western Principles of Chervonna Rus. And because the Holy Prince preferred submission to the Golden Horde - powerful, wild and bloodthirsty, but not encroached on the Orthodox faith. People who are offended by God's mind, and the faithful servants of the world backstage (invisible Khazaria) accuse the Blessed Prince in the betrayal of the Russian people. And even spend "good" evidence of their statements: the Golden Horde served rustically and even executed the Russian wrestlers for freedom from the Tatar yoke.

Yes, indeed, the Grand Duke manifested himself not only to the wise, but also a rigid state officer, mercilessly punished by the obligations of Orthodox people. Yes, the holy prince executed those "Russian patriots" who tried to free Russia from the Tatar Iga, which the Lord God imposed on the Russian people, so that he learned the vital necessity of uniform. Yes, Holy Prince suppressed the "national liberation" struggle of falsepatrots, which did not lead to the learning of understanding of the will of God, and this would ensure that the Russian people would protect God, but to a premature speech, which led to the meaningless death of Russian people. But this is precisely this fruit and I wanted to break the servants of Satan in Russia: master as much as possible Russian blood!

But isn't that the modern "Russian patriots" will lead to this fetus, which, without coming to the mind of Christ under the extremely painful ig of the Jews-cannibals - they are not needed, they need freedom and from the king, and from Jew, they urge to beat the Jews, Russia. it unceous patriots revolutionaries offer swipe off the frozen field in winter . And in order to take away from people who wanted to perform the will of God, and to follow their "patriotic" (in fact, Beshovsky!) Wisdom, these "Russian patriots" are ready to even pre-pray for the next "great Mr. and the Father" for dad Moscow All Rus!

But after all, the prayer is needed to be completely for another: to ask the mind to understand the will of God and to give the forces, the mind and grace of the Holy Spirit to implement this will of God in life! Who has ears hear, yes hears! (Matt. 13.9)

It should be understood that the Lord God imposed the Epitude Tatar yoke into the Russian people in order to stop the fratricidal interne-free wars of the Russian principalities, in order to realize Russian people the vital necessity of the only contractive prince.

The Novgorod uprising was premature, because they showed this uprising that they were doing to other Russian lands. And so God is still early to shoot the intelligible Tatar Igo from the Russian people, because these Novgorod "heroes" still do not need one-sidedly, their impudence of their momentary skin interests.

BUT once the rebellion is premature, it is clearly. He would have won only the enemies of the Russian people, because again the Russian earth would have had a blood of Russian. And without that depleted Russia would be in an even more severe and dangerous position.

The blessed great prince, having care of all Russian lands, acted quickly and decisively. With the Novgorod "heroes" -provers, he dealt very cruelly (though, much softer than the Tatars had done!), And thus saved the future third Rome from terrible and indispensable bloodshed.

2. The life of St. Alexander Nevsky gives us an example of an awake life under the IGA!

2.1. "Novgorod tightly joined the rest of Russia, becoming inextricably part of one huge whole"

Above the text was made from the lives of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. The words of the Grand Duke are very interesting, in which it can be seen that he has erected not to the pagan khan, but he accepted the definition of God: "King, - turned to Hanu the bold prince, kneading before him, - i bow to you because God honored you the kingdomBut the creatures I will not go. I serve a single God, his honor and worship him».

With its own brothers, the princes of St. Alexander Nevsky stated that "or we all dismissed the Tatar slavery together, or we all should be carried by the Cross of God's worship." Those who wish to slip away from the Tatars, the Grand Duke warned that samulatically punish those who do not want to carry God's punishment in the form of the Tatar oppression; those who wish freedom from Dani Tataram due to the tears and blood of their brothers From other Russian principalities. He, by the way, was Khansky (read - the royal) label, which allowed him to fight when and who he deemed necessary.

Instructive suppression holy faithful prince Alexander Nevsky novgorod Mountains In 1255. Just that the holy prince managed to achieve the demarcable conditions of the shameful Tatar yoke (however, Novgorod was now required to pay tribute to Tatars, as well as the rest of Russia), as Novgorod's divergers from the rest of Russia, fighters for the self-sufficiency of Novgorod from the grand stained power raised the rebellion for their place. Holy Prince, Rada for the whole Russian people , I understood that the new punitive invasion of the Mongolian barbarians will devastate all the great principality of Vladimir, before the punishers get to rebel-Novgorod. I.e as always, false jealousness of piety wanted freedom for someone else's account.

So, incited by ambition, Novgorod Mobile rebelled. "At the head takers of Starina stood posadan. Anania, in the simplicity of shower and * imagining himself a defender of expensive interests of his homeland [Although nothing further than his nose (his pose) did not see anything and did not understand that there is His homeland. And now, after a century, demons appreciate their forgiveness to the belligent jealousy in the form radiation via Starin . Silge not heat coot, but hot, in order to catch these freedimed of people on their distress, to draw a hot desire to the service of God in turningas it called this condition of unreasonable jealous saint Ignatius Caucasian

* This simplicity is worse than theft, for inevitably led to the new terrible invasion of Tatars. After all The Lord of this Igov taught Russian live the united people under the same high-end hand .

So in the distant 1257] most primer part Population, some boyars and the best people good understood all incommodity Caught UniversityHowever, they could not curb the divergent rebels " . «... Son Same saint Grand Prince Alexandra, ardent and young prince Vasily, who continued to sit here at the prince, announced encouraged cramole advisors what does not want to obey Fatherwhich brings with him the shackles and shame for free people, and left Novgorod

Anticipating a terrible revenge on the part of the Tatars, who threatened first of all to collapse not to Novgorod, but for anything not a borrowed Suzdal region, through which they will pass, Saint Alexander hurried himself to severely punish the bers members. Of course, he resorted to this unusual execution in Russian land only in order to show executed by Tatars in case of needed and convince the latter that the guilty were immediately punished; If he was executed by their deprivation of life, then, not knowing anyone in Novgorod, Tatars, upon arrival there, could not believe it.

There is no doubt that this time in St. Alexander's life was for him the most imperative; Even the native son did not understand him and rebelled against his father; Of course, he was extremely hard to resort to the specified cruel execution , and only in consciousness of their complete need for the good of the whole Russian earth Could he find moral support. Indeed, thanks to the Saint Alexander, Han's decisive measures adopted by his explanations and notice that Novgorod decided to conquer the new Lords of the Russian Earth " .

"Thanks to his politics, Novgorod joined the rest of Russia, becoming inseparable part one huge whole. Ottol fate is firmly connected with the fates of the General Fatherland: together to carry the burden of yoke and together friendly connected strive for independence It became like Alexander's testa. ... Putting Novgorod under the general relationship with the rest of Rus and destroying one of the prepositions to separation, Alexander prepared the case of John ιιι». (Alexander Nevskiy. P. 164-165).

2.2. Fighters against oppression, against the wrath of God, strengthen his anger to their head!

How strikingly flashes on the example of the Novgorod insurgency Who is the author of the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch freedom, if it is required for this freedom to rebel against the Grand Duke (King) and Father how did it for the babble of Kramolnikov Dusty Prince Vasily. What a symbolism! Clearing the current misconception in the very core. After all, now " volny people"without suffering shacks and shame Zhidovsky Iga (superimposed father-king (Nikolai second), thereby showing their nothing obey The coming king-father (the winner of the Antichrist). For God Father, in the opinion of the jeques, do not understand Christ, medlit with deliverance and theme carries shacks and shame"Wolted people."

Saint Alexander Nevsky clearly understood that tatar yo was a baythya from Lord. for selfhood Separate principalities, for unwillingness of uniform in Russia. He firmly knew that when the self-selfhood of the principalities would be finished, the Lord will remove heavy, but intelligible, Tatar yoke from the Russian people. And indeed, when the Russian gantry people came to mind and understood the need for a single sovereign for pleasing service to the Lord Jesus Christ.(they gathered squads of all Russian principalities on the culish field), Lord God removed her daisy From the people, who had already had to become the third God-in-law, and freed him from the Tatar-Mongolian yoke.

And Novgorod, and others rebels, fighting oppression, fought and struggle with anger of God. Now we have the Igo Zhidovskoe, which is Epitia for the infidelity of the kingsfrom the house of RomanovFor infidelity Christ the Lord, for not the subordination of the hills to the princes, for life on slogan: who was nothing, he suddenly became all. And again one who can not say that he who it has a mindChrist (Rev. 13,18), but he sees the virtues of the fallen nature, like the Novgorod Planting Analya, in the simplicity of the soul* , imagine himself a defender of expensive interests of our Motherland. These "arms", incited by false teachers, rezind against oppression, against the wrath of God. They do not see, and do not want to see their sins, which caused this anger, and therefore they are not killed in them and, of course, do not change and in the mind of the truth do not come. And this means that they are asking for their activities to strengthen wrath of God's head! Remember, Rev. Abel Winovidez warned: "Will it still be! The angel of the Lord pours new disaster bowls so that people go to mind».

* This simplicity, by definition of the Russian people, worse than theft.

At the time of the previous, Mongolian Iean, the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky with the intelligent his subjects, as it were (on appearance), corresponded to the strengthening and expansion of the Tatar-Mongolian government quite essentially: not only the tribute to pay, but also gave their squads that the Mongols were suppressed by the peoples conquered by them Or conquered new peoples. But the Mongolian Khans being pagans, tried and many Christians to put to bow to the idols (fire).

And what? Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky ordered the Novgorod "Fighters" against Iga Basurman, who killed Baskakov, to work out the noses and ears, and also threatened the princes, to understand her brachia, sternly with each one who dares to oppose the power of the Khan. For the holy prince understood that this power of the Khanov was touched by God to burn with the Russian people to burn with Kalen durge selfhood and instill to these people desire and ability Perform the will of Cathedral, not everyone in itself.

The saint bold prince Alexander was at his life one of the founders of Russia. His life he as if blesses the path of the righteous ministry . The visions that were his coffin coincide over the years of disasters. During the years of tests, St. Alexander has always been a concern and defender of Russia. And now, in the years of new disasters, he does not leave Russia, as the praying for him about the concept and protection does not stop. In these last years, numerous than ever, despite the persecution, the crowds of the Bogomoles, who come to the godfather in Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the day of his memory. St. Alexandra is raised by the same prayers that he was raised by many generations. But in the terrible hour of Russia, these prayers of hot and petitions are more significant than during the world and well-being:

2.3. Prayers, Paths and Kondak with the Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

Tropear (voice 4th)

Yako piety of the root of the precessive industry was Esi, Blessed Alexandra, Javi Boga Christ Christѣ come Divine Treasure RossІ yst ѣ earth, Novago Miracle, Preslav and Bogoprі yatna. And your meeting came to your memoryѣ Roy and Lyu Yu, in Psalm ѣ x and p ѣ n і their rejoicing Slavim Lord, Davsagoѣ Grace iscelenі th. Eagle moths save hail, and power ѣ Snod of yours Gunly ѣ svtyi, and sons of RossI will escape.

Dedicated words are absent in the modern text of the path. And it is clear why: because under the affinations of the Blessed Grand Prince our ancestors understood the legitimate Russian kings and emperors.

Kondak (voice 8th)

Yako Svz ѣ ZDA tlau read, from the east, who attacked, and on the wee, which came: all boі yu wonders and the kindness of enriches, and prosѣ Schemas in ѣ roah vaulting memory Your, Alexander Blessed. This is for the day you celebrate your AssumptionI E, LEUD І E Your SUB and: moths save your fatherland, and the power of OrthodoxNagoThe blessed sovereign and father of our (eagle name you, Lord, Weigh), and all the driving kilsѣ Your power, and in ѣ pl yuschika Ti: Rejoice, our country approvedІ e.

Dedicated words are absent in the modern text of Kondaka. Before the revolution, read so: and the power of OrthodoxNago I.MMPERATER OUR N. I.Kolay Alexandrov ICH.

Other Tropear (voice 4th)

Know your brotherІ YU, / ROSS І YSK I. I Osife, / Not in Egypt ѣ , but in the sky kingdomI, / Blagov ѣ princess Alexandra, / etc.І them molen і i am them, / multiplying ... Fruitі eM Earth Tween, / Gradesі i'm fencing your mothI EM, / and sAL ѣ dear yours, / Blagov ѣ other imperter By aggravating confused.

This trail will be on the day of transferring the relics of the Holy Princely Prince Alexander Nevsky ( 30 Aug../ 12 Sep. 1724 g. By decree of the emperor Peter the Great, the transfer of relics to St. Petersburg) was carried out. Dedicated words are absent in the modern text of the path.

Prayer to the Saint Blessed Great Prince Alexander Nevsky

A quick assistant all diligently for you commemorated and warm our foremost to the Lord, the holy burglary great princess Alexandra! The proud is mercifully at us, unworthy, many lawlessness are neatomicious to themselves, to the Race of your power, now running out of the depths of the heart to you what they say: You are in life, the jealous and defender of the Orthodox faith was Esi, and we are warm to God to God prayers are unshakable . You carefully passed the great accomplishment of the ministry carefully, and you are your help to stay a coherer, it is intended to have, nasty. You, defeating the shelves of the Sugorant, from the limits of the Russian diskaluance, and on us the devoid of all visible and invisible enemies. You, leaving a raised crown of the Kingdom of the Earthhood, chose a silent life and now righteously crown with an impersonal crowned on the heavens of the kingdom, work out, and we, humbly molim, the march is quiet and serene and the eternal kingdom of the procession of your concern to us. The same with all the saints of God, pray for all Orthodox Christians, napass about the pious, autocratic, great state owner, the emperor(Eagle name, Lord, you weight) All Russia, God will save their Lord God as grateful in the world, health, rapidness and every well-being in the Rivest Summer, and I dream of Slavimagov and Bless God, in the Trinity of Slavimago, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Dedicated words are absent in the modern text of the prayer. Before the revolution, read so:napass about the pious, autocratic, great state owner, I.MPERATER N.I.Kolay Alexandrov ICHall Russia.

Get up, Russian people!

from the film "Alexander Nevsky"
Music: S. Prokofiev Words: V. Lugovskaya, 1938
Choir and Symphony Orchestra of All-Union Radio

Stop, Russian people

Strong free people
For our land is honest!

Live fighters - honor and honor
And the dead - the glory of the eternal!
For the father's house, for the Russian edge
Get up Russian people!

Stop, Russian people
On the glorious fight, for the death fight!
Strong free people
For our land is honest!

Do not be an enemy!
Raise, stand up,
Mother native, Rus

In Russia native, in Russia
Do not be an enemy!
Raise, stand up,
Mother native, Rus

Stop, Russian people
On the glorious fight, for the death fight!
Strong free people
For our land is honest!

Enemies on Russia are not easy
Shelves on Russia do not worry!
Paths on rus without slowing
Fields of Russia do not tap!

Stop, Russian people
On the glorious fight, for the death fight!
Strong free people
For our land honest !!!

To realize "Who was our Russian king Nikolai" (Sv. Rights. Pskovzersky Startist Nikolai Guryanov), bring the book of Roman Sergiev " The redemptive sacrifice of the Holy Tsar Nicholas became the key to the inevitable resurrection of Tsarist Russia". By clicking on one of the lines to leave for a more detailed table of contents, and on it you will find texts that will help you understand the greatest feat of the holiness of the emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, to the benefit of the will of God who liked the Lord to our Jesus Christ in an atonomy feat! It is by the hands of his anointed man - the saint king of the Redeemer Nikolai Alexarovich - the Lord saved the Godsbred Russian people from the extermination of the servants of Satan and predatory Inevitable Resurrection of Tsarist Russia.

On the great redemptive feud of our sovereign, lifting and committed to them to the image and likeness of the Redemon Raman of Christ the Lord, see the news messages of our site. We also recommend visiting the site "Nicholas II redeemed the treason of the people of Russian!" Two sermons are placed on the Christian atonight feat of the King Nicholas, said after Liturgy on May 19, 2008, performed at full imperial rank.

On our site you can see portraits of the emperor Nikolai second, written in his life. Look

The need to pray for the coming Russian king of the winner and how to do this in practice, see and work :.

Father Roman on the Orthodox Radio of St. Petersburg on Sunday July 20 spoke about the need to pray for the imperial rank and about the need to remove particles in the ambassoye, and for the Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas second and for the coming king from the reigning house of Romanovs on the female line. Conversation can be downloaded at the address of the news message: " The royal office on the radio with the royal theme "On the same address, you can read and download the conversations of the father of the novel with Zhanna Vladimirovna Bichevskaya already on the Moscow Radio in its author's program" from the heart to heart. "In addition, there you can download Liturgy, perfect for the service of 1901 (all the devices in Imperial Rank without abbreviations

Everyone read the light memory of the chicken Pskovo Starta Nikolai Guryanova They can find on our site the rarest and most valuable books about the older, written by him the most close to him - Writers of the Praught, His Ceper Schimonakhini Nikolay (Grotan): "Flame prayer of the Land Russian for the whole world", "", "" "

After reading these books, you will learn why, with such a force, the enemy of the human race will rebel to the Holy Ventance Tsarist family. At a friend of Tsareva - the enemies of God, the king and Russia "man of God", the Holy New Martyr Gregory New (Rasputin). Find out the truth about the holy burgher king John Tsar John VasilyevichIV Grozny and get answers to many other burning questions about whom the Lord graduated by the mouth of his wretched - "Pillar of Russian Strochet" - a chicken elder Nikolai Guryanova

In the light of frequently emerging turbulent discusions around the oldest symbol of the Russian National Culture - Hammatic Cross (Yarg-Swastika) On our site presents an extensive selection of material on this issue: see the Russian cross of the resurrection of Russia.

We remember with you that the Lord God pointed to the emperor Konstantin Great to the fact that he will win the cross. Pay attention to the fact that only with Christ and precisely with a cross Russian people will win all their enemies And he will reset, finally hated Igo Zhidovo! But the cross with whom the Russian people will win is not simple, but as usual, gold, but for the time being he is hidden from many Russian patriots under the collaps of lies and slander. In news messages made by books Kuznetsov V.P. "The history of the development of the Cross form". M.1997;Kutenkova P.I. "Yarga-Swastika - a sign of Russian folk culture" Spb. 2008;Bagdasarov R. "Mystic Fire Cross" M. 2005., Talks about the place in the culture of the Russian people of the fertile cross - swastika. The Swasta Cross has one of the most advanced forms and concludes in its graphic form the whole mystical secret of the industrial defense of God and the entire dogmatic completeness of church creed!

In addition, if we remember that Russian people are the Third GodsBracted People (The third Rome - Moscow, the fourth - not to be; what swastika is a graphic image and all mystical mystery of industrial in God, I. all dogmatic completeness of church creed, then the conclusion is completely unequivocal. Russian people under the show hand Already coming soon Tsar-winner From the reigning house of Romanov ( House of Romanovs swore God in 1613 be faithful to the condation of the centuries ) Will we win all your enemies under the banners, on which there will be under the face of the deceased to wave a swastika (gammatic cross)! In the state coat of arms, the Swastika will also be placed on a large crown, which symbolizes the power of the Tsar-Bogopomannica, both in the Earth Church of Christ, and in the kingdom of the God-in-law of the Russian people.

On our site you can download and read, the wonderful work of the general and writer Peter Nikolayevich Krasnova "", which is the unfading wreath of valorous soldiers and officers of the Russian imperial army, his belly for faith, the king and the Fatherland putting this book, you will learn what Russian The imperial army was stronger than all the armies of the world and would understand who General Peter Nikolaevich Krasnov. The Russian Army Warrior, the Russian Patriot, an Orthodox Christian will be very much deprived of himself, if you won't find the time to read this very fertile book.

The unique book in which a specialist investigator, being an Orthodox person, obviously, according to the prayers of the Holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas of the Second and Novomarter of John, the faithful royal servant - Caviar I.M. Kharitonov, who died with his king, the second and his family in the basement of the House of Engineer Ipatiev, managed to show the ritual nature of the king of Tsar-Bogopomasannik servants of Satan.

The attempts of Russian people did not stop and never cease to understand what happened to the royal family in Yekaterinburg on the night of July 17-18, 1918. The truth is needed not only to restore historical reality, but also for understanding the spiritual essence of the martyrdom of the sovereign and his family. We do not know that they have experienced - the Lord judged them for more than a year to languish under arrest, in conclusion, in complete obscurity, in the atmosphere of hatred and misunderstanding, with the burden of responsibility on the shoulders - for the fate of the homeland and loved ones. But, preterapets, having accepted everything from the hands of God, they found humility, meekness and love - the only thing that man can bring to the Lord and most importantly, anything to him. Labor Petra Valentinovich Multatuli is a historian, the great-grandfather of one of the faithful servants of the sovereign, Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov, is unusual. This is not a scientific monograph, but detailed, scrupulous investigation of Yekaterinburg atrocities. The author's goal is, if possible, come close to a spiritual understanding of what happened in the Ipatiev House. The work used materials of Archives of Russia and France. Many documents are published for the first time.

All news messages on the book of Peter Valentinovich Multatuli on our site Look in the library

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Multatuli P.V. Nikolai Second: Name Russia. Historical choice M.: Act: Astrel, 2008. - 477 Invisible Khazaria
Publishing House: Grains, Ryazan, 2008. Hardcover, 477 ppm, Price in D / K Krupskaya (SPB) - 200r.

In the history of Russia there is no more slandered figure than the emperor Nicholas the second. For decades, the name of the emperor surrounded the slander, false, misunderstanding, condemnation, mockery. And the further we are removing from the events of 1918, the stronger the campaign of slander against Nicholas second is becoming more and more. It's time to tell the truth about the last Russian king. In the largest television project of the year - "Name of Russia", where citizens of Russia chose the greatest compatriot in the entire history of the country, the name Nicholas was among the 50 most popular personalities of domestic history.

The book is addressed to a wide range of readers interested in the history of Russia.

Emperor Nicholas II. Man and era ............. 9
Man ................................................ 9.
1. What was the basis of the worldview of Nicholas II? ...........nine
2. Was Nikolai II "not ready" to reign? ............. 17.
3. Was Nikolai II "wicked"? ...................... 22.
4. What properties did Nicholas II possessed? .......... 36.
Epoch ............................................................... .44.
1. Why the beginning of the reign of Nicholas II is one of the most difficult eras in Russian history? .......... 44.
2. Is Nikolai II guilty to "Haymanka"? ..................... 51
3. Why did Nicholas II decide to convene the Hague peace conference? ......................................... 57.
4. Who untied the Russian-Japanese war? ..................... 73.
5. What really happened January 9, 1905 and was Nikolai II guilty of "Bloody Sunday"? ............. 78
6. What was the "first Russian revolution"? ...... 103.
7 Was Nikolai II enemy reforms? ...................... 130.
8. How and why was the State Duma in Russia was created? ................................................ "37.
Chapter 2. Russian Empire of the Day of the reign of Nicholas II ........................ 148
1. Was the Russian Empire backward and poor state? ................................ 148.
2. Was the Russian Empire "Prison Peoples"? ......... 158.
3. Who was Gregory Rasputin in reality? .......... 170.
Chapter 3. First World War .............................. 177
1. What was the First World War for Russia? .............. 177
2. Did Nikolai II wanted war with Germany? ................. 188.
3. Did Nikolai II put the interests of the allies above the interests of Russia? ................... .......... 205
4. What were the reasons for the fact that Nikolai II accepted the Supreme Command in 1915? .............. 219.
5. What was Nicholas II as the Supreme Commander? ...................... ....... 225
Chapter 4. February Revolution ...... ...... 250
1. Who stood behind the back of the February revolution? ....... 250.
3. Did Nikolai II replicated from the throne on March 2, 1917? ..... ................... ..... 264
We firmly argue that King Nikolai renounced the throne on March 2, 1917, look at this news message dated 01.02.2008. and news report from O2.02.2008.
Chapter 5. Great path of the royal family ....314
1. Who was the initiator of the arrest of the royal family? ... .314.
2. Was the West to save the royal family? .. ..... 323.
3. What was the mission of the Yakovleev Commissioner? .. .338.
4. The organizers of the killing of the royal family: who are they? ... 375.
5. What were the true causes of killing the royal family? ...........................438

The fragment is taken from the book of Tatiana Gracheva. Invisible Khazaria. P. 384-398. The discharge is highlighted by the author of the news message.

Studies of geopolitical and historical problems in the book T.V. Gracheva was built on the Orthodox fault, the Holy Scripture, the Holy Tradition, the writings of the Fathers of the Church, the Resolution of the Universal Councils. The characteristic of religious extremists and fanatics, Satanists-Chrishtonianviters are given in the book in the generally accepted Orthodox sense.

In joining the book, charging the reader an optimistic approach of both history and current lifeentitled« We won us, but we are invincible» , Studies:

"The book of the Polystologist Tatiana Gracheva" Invisible Khazaria "for many will be a revelation, overturning established ideas about the modern world of great policies and in a certain sense - a real sensation.

For the first time in many decades, it appears so simple in the form and inhabitant in essence, the understanding of the most relevant "forbidden" by the fact not only in the intellectual measurement is familiar to the secular society, but also in the unusual, spiritual and religious sacral context. The world is managed by religious and large western policies are religious anti-Christian forces. - This is only one of the fundamental discoveries of the author analyzing world politics not only as a political scientist, but also as a spiritual analyst.

Russia, in the person of the state and secular society, was absolutely not ready and not able to adequately respond to modern spiritual challenges of external international aggressors who seized important government positions in Russia and leading real war against its sacred statehood.

After reading the book, you understand that only the Triune Union of the People, Army and the Church, bonded by the Unity of National Traditions, It is capable of reversing the wheel of Russian history today, whose flywheel is actively spinning by world backstage.

Returning Russia to its Orthodox traditions, to the ideals of Saint Rus, nevertheless, is an irresistible barrier for the world forces. For the spirit of the evil, on which the Western Empire stands is already defeated and is defeated by Jesus Christ. And today only the time is required that our people realize that our victory in the fight against any strength, against any globalization processes are predetermined if God is with us. If we make a conscious choice in his direction, and not towards his opponents. " For anyone born from God, the world wins; And this is the victory, the winning world, our faith "(1in. 5.4).

Book T. Gracheva This is an instruction for the warriors of the Spirit, having a courageous heart, mind, honor and dignity, the call to defend what was created and saved for us our great ancestors "

When we say that the history of Russia is the history of the wars, which she led almost continuously for their statehood, it should be borne in mind that the enemy who brought to our identity and statehood, after the defeat, it may be obsessed with thirst for revenge. And this destructive passion revenge, repeat the attempt to capture, may be rooted in history, and even in a very distant past, which suddenly comes to life, ignites the inner world of some group living in the present people and becomes the driving force of their behavior. Revolutionaries turns into the dominant of their personality.

They become a feature of the forces of historic revenge and the successors of their war against Russia. Being obsessed with malice, aggression and revolutionary rebellion, a detrimental pride and revenge, they give themselves to the power of these forces, become successors of the case of those who led war against us, who wanted to enslave us and destroy who wanted to crush our statehood. They readily take the relief of war from those who fought against us in the past, but could not conquer us.

This destructive continuity and spiritual connection of aggression forces and revenge continues throughout the Russian history. To understand the historical origins of revengery and its driving forces - it means to understand the motives and objectives of the modern war and determine who and how it actually behaves and how to confront the new embodiment of the old historical opponent. ("Invisible Khazaria ...", p. 141).

Battle for statehood

Spiritual meaning of world politics
Main target of modern war ...................................... 5
War in the spaces of statehood .......................... 13
War in the physical space ........................................ 19
War in demographic subsprantspace.
When drugs become a weapon .................................... 21
Fight against life: population reduction technology .. 63
Mercenaries of death
New Strategy of the Globalistic Military Doctrine
War in the territorial subsprance. Metamorphosis of the modern war ................... 93
(Fragments up p. 95 see chapter 1.4.3. News message from 10/23/2008. )
Mercenaries - the last army of the new war ................. 97
Project "Khazaria"
Who is behind the world backstage
War in mental space ....................................... 138
Historical revenue forces against the forces of historical sacred statehood ...... 141
After Khazaria ................................................ .............. 153.
(News message from 11/16/2008. )
Return of the Khazaria ................................................ .. 160.
Snake that bites himself by the tail. Anti-Semitism - Product of Zionism ............................. 168
(News message from 12/15/2008. )
United States under the control of Israel
Using the "Christian" launders, Zionism comes to power in the Christian world
War in the spiritual space. The desire for spiritual revenge ....................... 324
Potion for Protestantism .......................................... 335
The defeat of spiritual weapons means the total challenge ............................. 336
(P.324 - p.344 News Message from 12/15/2008. )
(P.344 - p.363 News Message from 24.12.2008. )
Imperial Project "Third Rome" against the project "Khazaria"
Future of Russia - in the preservation of spiritual traditions
Knee Danovo - performers of the will of the devil .......... 364
(P.364 - p.383 News Message dated 25.12.2008. )
Will there be a new pearl harbor? .................................... 384
Russia: Third Rome or New Jerusalem .............. 392

(P.384 - p.398 News Message dated December 26, 2008. )

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Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword and will die!
It is believed that these words belong to the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky, the hero of the battle with the Swedes on the Neva and the crusader knights on the Lake Church. And he uttered them allegedly to edify the ambassadors of the Livonian Order, who, after the Ice Weight (in the summer of 1242), arrived at him to Veliky Novgorod to ask the "eternal world."
In fact, Alexander Nevsky to these words has nothing to do - in the few chronicle sources, which are narrated about him ("Sofia First Chronicle" and "Pskov Second Chronicle") There are no mentions of these words or others, at least remotely on them similar.
The author of these words is the Soviet writer Petr Andreevich Pavlenko (1899-1951), and for the first time they appeared in his filmceneuria "Alexander Nevsky". According to their scenario, and pronounces the protagonist of the film: who will come to us with a sword, from the sword will die. There was a Russian land on that! (See: Pavlenko N. A. Alexander Nevsky: Cinema // Coll. Op. T. 4. M., 1954). Film (director Sergey Eisenstein)
she walked on the screens on December 1, 1938, and since then these words are associated with the name of Alexander Nevsky as his personal, "historical" phrase.
Obviously, the well-known evangelical expression is based on this phrase: "The sword took the sword." Or in full: "Then Jesus tells him: return your sword in his place, for everyone who took the sword, the sword will perish" (the Gospel of Matthew, Ch. 26, Art. 52).
Such an expression was well known in the ancient world, in Dwavergelege times. For example, in ancient Rome, it existed as a winged expression: who fights the sword, from the sword and dies - Qui Gladioferit, Gladio Perit (KVI Gladio Fairs, gladio peer).
Citizates: like edification and caution to the future by the defeated or potential aggressor.

  • - River in the Tula and Lipetsk region of the RSFSR, the right don's influx. Length is 244 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool of 6000 km2 flows on V. Midnource, elevation. Powered mainly snow. Female in March - April ...

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  • - River ...
  • - Swedish-Norwegian military Order, founded in 1522 Gustav Vaza. Five degrees. Order of the Order - the focused cross with the crown; Yellow ribbon, with blue stripes. The Order has revenues used on pensions ...

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  • - From the poem "Iliad" the legendary poet of the ancient Greece Homer. Allegorical: 1 ...
  • - From Latin: Pereat Mundus Et Fiat Justicia ...

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  • - From the novel "Twelve Chairs" of Soviet writers Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - threat to a potential sports enemy ...

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  • - Mike is a beautiful sword - the right influx of Don; According to Sobolevsky, from * Falle "Medveditsa", which is doubtful ...

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  • - Charging. Be in constant combat readiness. - That's the mother gave birth to us, so that the sword from the hands did not produce we would protect them their holy homeland ...

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  • - We took the sword - the sword would die - the expression from the Gospel ...

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  • - See courage - courage -...
  • - see youth -...

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  • - Review. Study. Constantly be in combat readiness. F 1, 98 ...
  • - Pribor. About random, ridiculous death. SNFP, 95 ...

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  • - SUB., Number of synonyms: 1 river ...

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"Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword and will die!" in books

Who with the pen comes to us, from the pen and will die!

From the book the secret life of great writers Author Schnakenberg Robert.

Who with the pen comes to us, from the pen and will die! Nothing lowers the writer from heaven to Earth as a letter from the publisher with refusal. Even the greatest authors happened to receive from the gate. Rotate. When Emily Dickinson finally gained courage to send his poems on

Humanity will die?

From the book Immortality: the strange topic of Russian culture Author Frumkin Konstantin Grigorievich

Humanity will die? The paradox of immortalism is that if, on the one hand, the immortality is fixing the individual, providing him to be relatively unchanged during an indefinitely long time, then, on the other hand, to achieve immortality

Who will come to us with a sword ...

From the book "Russians go!" [Why are Russia afraid?] Author Verchinin Lev Ramovich

Who will come with a sword ...

From the book of Valua by the author Sychak Robert.

Who will come with a sword ... Marriage Margarita Valua and Heinrich de Bourbon was to reconcile Catholics and Protestants. But it happened differently. Soon, Karl IX dies from Chatheka, and his brother Henry Anjou is rising to the throne. Henry gradually managed to pay off local foci

Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword and will die!

From the book Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and expressions Author Serov Vadim Vasilyevich

Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword and will die! It is believed that these words belong to the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky, the hero of the battle with the Swedes on the Neva and the crusader knights on the Lake Church. And he uttered them allegedly to edify the ambassadors of the Livonian Order,

Chapter first. Who with the sword to us will enter, from the sword and will die

From the book who with a sword to us will be included, from the sword and will die Author Mavrodin Vladimir Vasilyevich

Chapter first. Who with a sword to us will enter, from the sword and the struggle of the eastern Slavs will die with the nomad of long-standing Slavs lived at the junction of the forest and steppe of Eastern Europe. At the very edge of the dense forests, their settlements stretched, and then south, right up to the shores of the Black and Azov Seas,

Who will come to us with a sword ...

From the book we go to the east! How Russia grew up Author Verchinin Lev Ramovich

Who will come to us with a sword ... And they switched. Yes, otherwise I could not. Immediately after the flight of the father Nasredin-Khan (he became popular, because the taxes that no one canceled, no one tried to charge) announced the need to restore the Khanate in his old borders from

From the sword and die

From the book of fears (September 2008) Author Russian life magazine

From the sword and the three characters will die in the future. And, above all, we will talk about Feldmarshal. In the official necrologist published by the Kiev thought newspaper, the following: "General-Field Marshal Eichgorn was born on February 13, 1848 in Breslau.

And people will come ... And the people will come ... who will help Putin save the country Viktor Anbov 12/19/2012

From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 994 (51 2012) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

"Who will come to us with a sword - from the sword and die ..."

From the book of the newspaper Tomorrow 773 (37 2008) The author of tomorrow is newspaper

"Who will come to us with a sword - from the sword and die ..." Medvedev D.A., President of the Russian Federation, Putin V.V., Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich! Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Express sincere support to the decision on

25. The woman tells him: I know that the Messiah will come, that is, Christ; When he comes, it will hesitate to us.

From the book of the Clean Bible. Volume 10. Author Lopukhin Alexander

25. The woman tells him: I know that the Messiah will come, that is, Christ; When he comes, it will hesitate to us. Samaryanka does not dare to make any objections about his teachings on the benefits of the people of Jewish and about the new worship of God: she sees the prophet in it.

7. On that day, every person will discard his silver idols and the golden idols that your hands made you in sin. 8. And Assore is not falling from the human sword, and not the human sword consumes him, - he will escape from the sword, and his young men will give him. 9. And from fear will run by his fortress; and

Author Lopukhin Alexander

7. On that day, every person will discard his silver idols and the golden idols that your hands made you in sin. 8. And Assore is not falling from the human sword, and not the human sword consumes him, - he will escape from the sword, and his young men will give him. 9. And the fear will run

3. Strengthen weakened hands and adjust the knees trembling; 4. Tell me a timid soul: be firm, do not be afraid; That is your God, will come to ignition, the reward of God; He will come and save you. 5. Then the eyes of the blind will open, and the ears of the deaf are rejected. 6. Then the chrome will jump like a deer, and the tongue will be shattered;

From the book of the Clean Bible. Volume 5. Author Lopukhin Alexander

3. Strengthen weakened hands and adjust the knees trembling; 4. Tell me a timid soul: be firm, do not be afraid; That is your God, will come to ignition, the reward of God; He will come and save you. 5. Then the eyes of the blind will open, and the ears of the deaf are rejected. 6. Then chrome jumped like a deer, and language

11. And the disaster will come to you: you will not know where it will rise; And the trouble will attack you, whom you can not dismiss you, and suddenly will come to you the Paguba, about which you do not think.

From the book of the Clean Bible. Volume 5. Author Lopukhin Alexander

11. And the disaster will come to you: you will not know where it will rise; And the trouble will attack you, whom you can not dismiss you, and suddenly will come to you the Paguba, about which you do not think. Hoping for her magic and sorceress, Babylonians were convinced that they were

Who will come to us with a sword ...

From the book Proveri.ru. The best modern parables Author Collective authors

Who will come to us with a sword ... A young man who has been interested in the teaching he followed, was very worried about the inhentime. And all the time I was rushing to carry the light of truth, in order to open faith and mutual understanding, love and kindness for them. I did not hold back

It works on the manuscript of the new book "Speech, which changed Russia." It will include the speech of many of our great compatriots, including Gagarin, Molotov, Sakharov, Mendeleev.

With the resolution of the radio, I want to publish one chapter about speech, which was not ...

Alexander Nevskiy
Who will come to us with a sword, he will die from the sword.

Great Prince Alexander Yaroslavich was born on May 13, 1221. Universal fame to the young prince brought a victory overwhelmed by him on the banks of the Neva over the detachment, which was commanded by the future ruler of Sweden Yarl Birger. It was for this victory that the prince began to call Nevsky. In 1242, the victory on the Knights of the Teutonic Order was inscribed his name in history, like a commander, secured the Western borders of Russia. Great Prince Novgorod and Vladimirsky. He died on November 14, 1263. Buried in the Vladimir Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin. He was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1942, the Soviet government established the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

In many military units of Russia, we will find a phrase on the posters: "Who will go to us with a sword, from the sword will die!". And the signature under it: "Alexander Nevsky". In this case, we are dealing with cultural and historical curiosity. And that's why. We have not reached us, and no words of Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky) - one of the great princes of Russia, the most influenced by her story. Even his appearance did not reach. But they reached his business. Why do we bring it in the book "Speech, which changed Russia"? The answer to this question gives the feature film "Alexander Nevsky", filmed by director Sergei Eisenstein in 1938. It is in this film that the role of Alexander Nevsky actor Nikolai Cherkasov sounds the words: "Who will come to us with a sword, he will die from the sword. Tom stood, there will be a Russian land of Russian! ". The film was removed under the personal patronage of Stalin, which made its adjustments in both the script and the final installation of the film. The film was supposed to become not only artistic, but also ideological phenomenon. The threat of a big war was then real, and this threat proceeded from Germany. Historical parallels with the film were for the viewer transparent. When the film went on the screens, he had a grand success. But in 1939, the Soviet Union signed a non-warning pact with Germany and the film was forbidden to show and put the regiment, so as not to spoil relations with Hitler and not to initiate a negative attitude towards the Germans. However, as we know, the nonsense pact was treacherously violated by the fascists in 1941 and keep the film on the shelf did not make any sense. And even moreover, in 1942 it was fulfilled 700 years from the day of the battle on the Church of the Lake. It was the impression that the film was specifically removed to this date, and even with propaganda subtext. Indeed, in the film, the Knights of the Teutonic Order (Germans) are represented by a powerful, well-organized force, which turns into nothing, having met with the heroism and the resourcefulness of Russian people. As if pointing to this, the words of Stalin printed on the film posters: "Let the manly image of our great ancestors inspire you in this war." The film ends with the full victory of Russian troops over the invaders. In the final scenes, Novgorod people solves their fate so. Simple warriors are released, the knights are left for redemption, and the leaders of the troops are executed. Alexander Nevsky's leaving knechtam throws, however that those handed over to others: "who will come to us with a sword, that from the sword will die. Tom stood, it is worth the land Russian! ". These words at that moment sounded very relevant, it was that the disgraced and defeated Germans of the thirteenth century were to convey these words to the Germans of the twentieth. But, of course, these words did not hear neither those nor others. But these words heard these words, they perceived all the souls, they understood and inspired by them Russian people of the twentieth century, whose share of which fell back to the powerful, well-organized power of fascism and turn him into nothing in three years later. In this, this war, as in cinematic, the landscape and climate were "allies" of our troops.

The historical parallels were not an accident, to which, in particular, indicate the words of the creator of the film Sergey Eisenstein: "It was 1938. "Patriotism is our topic" - stood steadily before me and in front of the entire creative team during filming, during the sound during the installation. Reading at the same time the chronicles of the XIII century and the newspapers of today, lose a feeling of the difference of time, for that bloody horror, which in the XIII century sowed the knightly orders of conquerors, is almost no different from what is being done now in some countries of the world. "

This phrase, Novgorod Prince allegedly said when the ambassadors of the Livonian Order arrived at Veliky Novgorod to ask for the "eternal world" after defeating in the ice-heading. The film of Sergey Eisenstein "" (1939), who had formed a whole complex of myths about Alexander Nevsky and the role of the Battle of Lake in April of 1242 became a source of persuasion in the public consciousness "" Since then, the statement of the Hero of Nikolai Cherkasov, who performed the main role in the picture of Eisenstein, is firmly associated with the name of the Novgorod Prince.

Examples of use

There were still three hundred years of shame and humiliation, three hundred years of Russia paid a tribute to Khanam Golden Horde. But already sounded a formidable warning of the enemies of the words of Prince Alexander Nevsky: "Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword will die!"(Nazarov O. "Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword and will die!" // Site-newspaper "Local demand", 04/16/2013)

And what extremes did not fall individual politicians, claiming that the confrontation of the West and Russia could go to the "hot" war stage, we answer: Russia is not going to fight with anyone. But no one should have doubts about our power and determination. As Alexander Nevsky said at his time: "Who will come to us with a sword - from the sword and will die."(Newspaper "Tomorrow", №37 (773) of September 10, 2008)


The phrase that the director and the screenwriter was invested in the mouth of Nikolai Cherkasov, represents a slightly modified version of the quotation from the Bible, apparently from the Gospel of Matthew (26:52): "And here, one of the former with Jesus, stretched the hand, a sword extracted His and, by hitting the slave of High Priest, compartment to him ear. Then he says Jesus: return your sword in his place; For everyone who took the sword, the sword will die. "

The statement similar in meaning is also found in the "Revelation of John the Bogosla" 13:10): "Whoever captures, he himself will be captured; Who kills the sword, the one should be killed by a sword. Here is the patience and faith of saints. "

It is curious that the similar formula existed in the ancient world, in particular, in ancient Rome in the form of a phrase "Who fights the sword, from the sword and dies" (QUI Gladio Ferit, Gladio Perit).

In fact, sources do not report whether the Novgorod Prince uttered such a phrase. In the texts telling about the life and affairs of Alexander Nevsky (including the Sofia First Chronicle and the Pskov Second Chronicles), there are no mentions about it.

According to the researcher of Middle Ages Rus I.N. Danilevsky, Alexander Nevsky is one of the most sacralized characters of Russian history. His image as a defender of Orthodoxy, the fighter for the independence of Russia began to form in the XVIII century, the researcher claims, and had a solid ideological platform: a place that chose to build a new capital was practically there, where the Nevsky battle took place in 1240. Claims of Russia at the exit to Baltic caused associations with the victory of Prince on the Neva. Even the day of the memory of Alexander Nevsky (August 30) was chosen outly: on this day Russia concluded Nesteadt world with Sweden.

Subsequently, the image of Alexander as a defender of Russian land began to popularize everything: in 1725, Catherine I established the highest military award - the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky; Elizabeth in 1753 ordered to put the power of Alexander in silver cancer. Then they began to conduct a special procession from the St. Petersburg Kazan Cathedral annually in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Finally, at the beginning of the 20th century, one of the Moscow streets was named after Alexander Nevsky, notes I.N. Danilevsky.

A new life of Alexander's image as an outstanding defender of Russia was given film Eisenstein. The picture went on a wide screen in 1941, when the Great Patriotic War began. His authors were awarded the Stalin Prize. The film turned out to be so dirting that in 1942 the Order of Alexander Nevsky, decorated with a portrait of the artist's leading role, Nikolai Cherkasov - and this is despite the fact that just a few years before that, the scenario of cinema Professional historians called "inventing history."

The influence of the film on the public consciousness turned out to be so strong as the screen image of the main character, and the whole range of accompanying myths - including the key role of ice traveling in the fight against the crusaded expansion, and that Alexander Nevsky symbolically completed it a reeued biblical quote about the sword - firmly entered the public consciousness, entrenched in historical memory, and appear not only in the arguments of the inhabitants when references to Starin, but also in the works of professional historians, and in educational materials.
