What is the color of the hair from Chechens. The ancient ancestors of Vainakhov (Chechens and Ingush). Mixed marriages: Natural lottery

Chechen appearance in the photo of famous people

Anthropologically Chechens belong to the Caucusque type of the Coresoid race. The encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron, published in the late XIX - early XX centuries, gives the following description chechen appearance:

Chechens high growth and well folded. Women are characterized by beauty. In the anthropological terms of Chechens represent a mixed type. Eye color, for example, varies (in equal proportion) from black to more or less dark-card and from blue to more or less light green. The nose is often crushed and concave. In the color of the hair, transitions from black to more or less dark-river are also noticed. Facial pointer - 75.26 (Chechens) and 76.72 (Ingush).

Chechen appearance In comparison with other Caucasian peoples, the greatest dolochiephalia is allocated. The Chechens actually meets, however, not only a lot of subhuchicephalov, but also a lot of pure brachicephalov with a head pointer from 84 and even up to 87.62.

Genetic genealogy. Most men in the Republic of Chechnya belong to Y-DNA to a haplogroup J2, originated in the Middle East. The second prevalence in the Republic of Chechnya is a haplogroup J1 (about 21%).

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From left to right: Economist Aslambek Pascachev, Mathematics Sh. Soltakhanov, writer Kant Ibrahimov.
From left to right: Artist Peter Zakharov, dancer, choreographer, actor Mahmoud Esambaev, Singer Heba Hamzatova. Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Sulyim Yamadayev, Singer McCae Sagaipova, Deputy Parliament of the Czech Republic Zhamul Escayev. Chechen women

Page theme: Chechen appearance, photos of famous people, Chechen appearance in photos.

Living proud, loving independence and homeland people. Its representatives have special features of appearance, character, education. Chechens, the appearance of which is very recognizable, are located and far beyond their homeland.

Religion Chechens

Before the arrival of Islam, this people worshiped the group of gods associated with nature and life. And only in the XIII century, Islam begins to spread in Chechnya. By the end of the XVIII century, Chechnya will be completely Muslim.

Now the prevailing religion in Chechnya is Islam. These are mainly the teachings of Sufism - Nadyrian or Nakshbadi. They, in turn, are divided into Virgin fraternities, which are more than 30.

The largest group is zickriters. They are followers of Sheikh Kunta Haji Kishiev.

Life and life of the Caucasian people

The main settlements of the Chechen people are Aules. Turolet houses, in which the most important thing is an impacting roof, inside very clean and bright. Those who live in the mountains are not so noticeable. There are no frames of windows, but only shutters and canopy in front of the door to protect against weather conditions.

In the yard of each house there is a special oven in which a very tasty homemade bread is baked.

In fact, the mountains are completely unpretentious in food, they are satisfied with cakes, corn piping, kebab or pussy.

The main activity of the people are:

  • cattle breeding;
  • beekeeping;
  • help;
  • hunting.

Women's occupation is the education of children, home care, the mood of the life. In addition, they tkut very beautiful carpets, sew dresses and shoes.

The appearance of men

According to anthropological data, Chechens are not any solid type. The appearance of Chechens can be attributed to the anterior race.

They are characterized by medium or high growth, a strong physique, a ripped or eagle nose, volitional chin, dense eyebrows. In a mixed type, hair can be coal-black, and light rusia. Just with eyes, there are people and dark brown eyes, and with light green.

The main feature of the appearance of Chechens - Dolikhetiephalia, that is, they have a longer head, they are longer than in other Caucasian peoples. Many men wear a beard or mustache, which gives them even more masculinity.

Inherent threshing, power and courage to some extent reflected on the appearance of the Chechens. A solid and straight look shows a unreleased will and the stubbornness of these beautiful horses.

The characteristic features of the appearance of Chechens are a slightly protruding forward, and strict outlines of the face.

Appearance for women

There are many very beautiful women in Chechnya. "Instagram" filled with selfie beautiful, young and well-groomed girls.

They have big eyes, starting with black and ending with light green, perfect eyebrows, noticeable nose, wide, with elegant contours, face, beautifully outlined lips and long hair. True to the old age, the face of the griste and becomes very tough.

As a rule, women cover their heads, but recently many young girls allow themselves to walk with a uncoated head. At least before marriage.

Despite the fact that Muslims of neighboring countries allow themselves to wear pants or jeans, Chechen girls are not solved for this, giving preference to long skirts and dresses.

Already from the school of young girls obliges to wear shawls on the head, which later they replace the beautiful hijabs and prostine.

Special attention, modern girls pay accessories. If this is a bag, then be sure to the famous brand. If shoes, then good quality sneakers.

Perhaps the most famous and beautiful Chechens are:

  • Zarema Irishanova;
  • Amina Khakisheva;
  • Zamira Dzhabrailova;
  • Makka Sagaipova;
  • Tamila Eldarkhanova and many-many others.

Character of the people

Nochcharal - this is how it is possible to characterize the entire essence of Chechen in one word. Appearance, the inner feeling of itself as a person with dignity, attitude to life and to people - all this is part of the word "Nohcho".

That is, this is a kind of honor of Chechen. The way they build relationships in the family, in love, in friendship, at work - this is Nokchachl.

Chechens are so honored by friendly relations that they can give their lives. Friendship for them is holy. Highlanders support a friend in any position.

The attitude towards the female semi is special. They always behave restrained in the presence of women, get up at the meeting and do not allow to say something superfluous.

Never Chechen man will not allow himself to strike a woman or the more child. In children, they do not want to raise cowardice, so physical punishment is completely absent. If the Highlander will hit the girl, then his entire family will be responsible for it.

If it happens that the wife changed her husband, he has the right to drive her out of his dwelling, demanding kalla to return.

Chechens are a cheerful hospitable people. Yes, the appearance of the Chechen men sometimes instills fear in the hearts of people of another nationality, but this does not mean that they are actually such cruel.

Although fairness should be said that after all, the age-old struggle for the Earth developed fearlessness, courage, dexterity, indispensability and endurance. Even the enemies of this people can not admit it.

Chechen traditions

The traditions of Chechens take their beginning for a long time, and most of them are still observed.

For example, a man is obliged to get up when an elderly woman enters the house. If he comes out with a woman to the street, then it should be a step forward so that in case of danger, the blow fell on him.

If the girl get married, then her fate is running her husband's family. The mother-in-law brings it up as it seems necessary, passing all the homework in her hands.

A big insult is the touch towards the head fault of men.

Chechens are not accustomed to show feelings for everyone to review. In relation to any person, Chechen is obliged to behave respectfully.

Some men wear a beard. Not because it is beautiful, but because it is accepted in their culture. For example, Muslims believe that a man is obliged to wear a beard.

However, the fashion today has spread so much that many began to pay attention to the beard of the eastern states. Today we learn what Chechen beards are represented, how to cut them and how to care for them.

Basically, all Chechens are beard, few people cut it and they have their own reasons for it. Chechens believe that if a man shaves his beard, then he makes a strong sin. Every Chechen man should grow beard.

Muslims believe that a beard is a symbol of masculinity. Chechen with a beard shows that he bowed before the Lord and carries his gift.

For reference! The beard wore a prophet, in which Muslims believe, and therefore they do not shake beard to be like him.

Correct Chechen beard What does it look like?

Chechens wear beautiful thick beards. They never shake mustache, as it causes a certain suspicion.

The length of this beard every man is different, but its feature is that it is thick and growing almost throughout the chin. The photo shows what a beard should be from Chechens.

Haircut beard

To bring a Chechen beard, you must first grow it right. It is important not to shave the hair as long as they do not grow into several centimeters. Basically, such a beard is worn with barenbards and mustache.

When you reflected your hair to the desired length, then you need to draw the borders of the beard and unnecessary hair to shave. This will help you trimmer or a sharp machine. At the end, you can use scissors to correct the shape of the beard.

Many do not want to face the beard for the first time, so you can seek help from a specialist. If you want to paint the beard, then you need to do it in the cabin.

Tip! A special computer program will help pick up the beard that will be to your face.

Why does Chechens have a red beard?

Often you can see that the Chechen has a red beard. Such a color beard is not every Chechen, but this is due to some factors:

  1. In the genetics of the Chechens, it is laid down that they will have a red beard color. It can be said that this is an individual feature of the body.
  2. In connection with heredity, men have a red beard.
  3. Mixing nationalities.
  4. The hair color also affects the hormonal failure, vitamin deficit and improper nutrition.

These factors affect the color of the Chechen beard. Some men specially paint the broth in red color.

Raid on wearing beard without mustache in Chechnya

Beard at Chechens is a normal phenomenon that does not cause any doubts if a man to wear a beard without mustache, then he can ask a few questions. Such a haircut of beard are those men who support extremist ideologies. Therefore, men can not wear beards without a mustache, and if they do not want to wear a mustache, then they are better to shave and beard, so as not to attract more attention to themselves.

In Chechnya, documents are verified from those citizens who are doubted, this refers to bearded men without mustache. In 2015, the police checked every man. Given this, you need to know which beard styles can be worn in Chechnya, so as not to attract too much attention.

Beard care

If you still decided to make a beard, then you will have to constantly care for her. Be sure to buy special beard detergents to look beautiful.

Adjust the beard regularly. To do this, buy a trimmer with different nozzles. Coming every day combing with a special comb. Well-groomed beard always attracts attention.

When the conversation about the inhabitants of the Caucasus comes, the image of a dark-haired man is immediately formed in the head, with dark hair and dense black eyebrows. That is, according to the majority, Ossetians, Ingush, Georgians and Armenians look like. But often in families, bright children are born from representatives of this group of nations. No, to the blonds of Scandinavian type, they are far away, but light-blond hair, gray, blue or green eyes are not so rare.

Mixed marriages: Natural lottery

Why is this happening? One of the reasons, of course, mixed marriages in previous generations. The gene of "Belogee" is recessive, so brunettes in mixed pairs are born much more often. However, genetic information is preserved and smiling blue-eyed blond can be born after several generations. And then the young father should not be enough for the heart, and first of all you need to look into the album with family photos. There will definitely find a potato-agriculture beauty or a man with hair, the colors of ripe wheat.

The legacy of ancestors

But not only close ancestors can cause the appearance of a fair-haired baby in the Caucasian family. It will rather turn to historical sources to find out that the ancestors of Ossetians and the Ingush were not at all like contemporaries. In the annals, they are described as high, with white leather and predominantly blond hair.

Alans, so called this nomadic ethnic group, lived on an extensive territory, stretching from the Roman Empire to Asia. After numerous wars, some of them asslaved on the territory of modern Ossetia and Ingushetia, mixed with local tribes. But here, heredity and evolutionary mechanisms entered the game - dark hair is inherited more often, in conditions of warm climate, to have skin rich in melanin, much more comfortable. Therefore, the population gradually became increasingly similar to contemporaries.

Proof of this hypothesis are the notes of researcher Ethnographer I.I. Pantyukhova. He argued that the percentage of bright eyes in individuals of the Caucasus ranges up to 30%, which is comparable to the indicators of Europeans and Slavs.

Blonde Cherkessy

Circassians were among the most numerous peoples living in the territory of the modern Stavropol Territory. The ethnographers described them as "blonde, with red mesh and bright skin, gray or light brown eyes."

However, during the Russian-Caucasian war, a significant part ran to Turkey. But many remained. The most close genetically to the Circassians, the inhabitants of Aul Karm, it is difficult to distinguish them from the Europeans exactly until they start talking.

There is also a hypothesis that Circassians are descendants of Slavs, in particular the Cossacks, since the research often meets the Samulation "Cossack". (Russian antiquities in art monuments. I. Tolstoy and N. Kondakov)

Caucasian Albany

He lived in the Caucasus and a tribe, which was called Albana, - white-skinned, blonde-haired Europeanoids. They differed straight from the Turks, were higher than the growth, had absolutely different beliefs and culture. Even the self-calving of the nationality comes from the Latin Albus - "white", which confirms the theory of historians about tribes, not similar to the Caspian type common now.

Unfortunately, a significant part of Albanov was destroyed during numerous wars with Arabs, but the "genetic echoes" are found in contemporaries.


Unlike Albanov, the shoes did not disappear, did not dissolve in a stormy boiler of small ethnic groups. They, like four millenniums back, live in the most high-mountainous region of Georgia (from 600 to 2500 meters above sea level). Their language is significantly different from Georgian, but gradually disappears, persistent only in the household speech of the older generation.

The royal colonel Bartholomew described this people as high, with a proud profile, blond and blue-eyed. He noted their simplicity and kindness, as well as the fact that the Svawa holy honored their traditions. Their culture has long developed in isolation for a long time, it made it possible to preserve genetic homogeneity.

And even after the union with Georgia in one state, Georgians were afraid of Svanov. The blond pots were honored, and the blood revenge was one of the most common ways to resolve family disputes. Therefore, mixed marriages have become familiar only in the past few decades. And the gene "Golden Locks" is often manifested, displacing the dominant Caspian appearance.


Modern Chechens and Ingush are straight descendants of Vainakhov - the Hurroman Ethnic Sheet. However, in about the third millennium BC, these tribes mixed with others that carry the genetic signs of the CromanDad race (modern representatives of this race are Slavs, as well as Finns and Swedes).

Genetic "cocktail" and explains such a wide variety of types of appearance in Chechnya. When the front -hasian race genes dominate, the child is born with dark hair, with dark hair. When the top takes the chromanade type - the appearance is practically no different from Slavic.

Nomads: Migration for Salvation

Another genetic branch, which became part of the ethnic heritage of the Caucasus, mainly blonde and white-skinned nomads are Polovtsy, who flee from numerous oppression from the enemy tribes. They gradually assimilated, merged with the locals and actually dissolved in the ethnic groups dominant in the predkiscosia.

That is why blondes among Caucasians are not at all uncommon - there are many of them in Chechnya and Dagestan, and in Armenia and Georgia. And this mixture of races is perfectly beautiful, because it once again reminds that every person who left the descendants is immortal. His tiny part lives in centuries. And through the centuries, blue eyes look at the world, exactly the same as a young guy who built the legendary Svaneti towers.

The Caucasus hides a lot of interesting secrets. One of them -

Racial appearance Chechens

The Chechen people, the troubles of all other peoples, does not represent a single whole in the race. But as among most peoples, they had a certain anthropological type, which is perceived as typical. This type belongs undoubtedly to the Ohasian race. In this regard, Chechens do not differ from other Caucasian peoples, the anthropological basis of which also belongs to the above-described race. Its characteristic features are well known. We are talking about strong people of medium and high physique with an unrefined, short shape of the head, a pronounced eagle nose and usually dark hair and eyes.

But among the anterorant race, which is common in a huge territory, it is necessary to distinguish subspecies, just as we do it among the bright North-Castle-European race. Among the peoples known to me with the front -hasional racial basis - Northern Armenians, Eastern Georgians with Pshawami and Hebusura, Azerbaijani Tatars, a number of Dagestan peoples, an Ingush and a minor number of Kumykov and Ossetians - I also found various options for this race in my opinion.

To describe the Chechen Frontazyat, I want to negatively express. His profile does not have those over-orange forms, which for example are often observed with Armenians. A similar profile of Armenian, about the one that was published in Lushan and was converted in various books in the afraid, among the Chechens is not found at all. However, according to my observations and among Armenians, this type is rare. The Chechen photographed (image 5 and 6 on the right) has, perhaps, the most extreme front-of-andasian forms among their people.

The usual Chechen anthropological type is depicted in the photo number 7. This, therefore, a completely moderate front -haasian profile, albeit with a large, but still only a bit curved and not a meaty nose and with a demolly educated chin. The latter is especially striking in comparison with the image number 5, on which, as in general in obvious front -hasional profiles, the chin retreats further and itself is flatter than what matches our ideal of beauty. The profile in the image number 7 is not striking, it is balanced and pleasant to counted its scope and bold, large outlines. Also right sitting man (Image No. 8) refers to this category. Anthropological forms are often distributed almost non-reminiscent of an overall origin about such a predatory bird, and in contrast having almost direct and thin noses and in which only short skulls resemble the oarsa heritage. These correct features of the face were the cause of the former glory of Caucasian beauty and prompted Blumenbach at one time to introduce the concept of the Caucasian race. Previously, especially in the era of the Caucasian Wars, when even the Bodenstedt was in the Caucasus, the Caucasian peoples were too idealized, this particularly concerns their bodily beauty. Later, opposite hit another extreme. Anthropological publications are misleading, in which the most extreme types of faces are displayed. This refers to, for example, photographs published in the Hunther's Human Resources. It depicts Imeretic from Kutaisi, which is probably the most ugly man whose could be found in this city.

As for the physique, I noticed that among the Armenians, the eastern Georgians, Hevsur and Dagestanis are mainly common people of medium growth and strong physique, more often, roast, rather than slender, but in no case are not high; Partly growth is very small, for example, in some areas of Dagestan (Kazikumuh, Gumbet). Compared to them, Chechens are striking due to their growth. It is enough to go from the last Hevsur settlement of Shatale in the Kittenskoye Jared and amazed with a sharp anthropological change: among Havsur Conguese, wide figures, among the bricks are high, slender, even said elegant appearance. This observation was also confirmed by Radda.

The completeness I watched among Armenians and Eastern Georgians, both among men and women, especially in old age, is almost completely absent; Weslestness and thinness.

High Chechens seem only compared to their neighbors; The average indicators can hardly compare with Northheremiec. People tall above 1.85 m I have seen with confidence only twice. One was a brownie (meant Highlander) from mellist, the other, the highest Chechen in general, was already the mentioned Great Vezir of the former Emirate - Dishninsky. By the way, this circumstance played not the last role in increasing his authority among ordinary horses. He was quite an aristocratic person who connected in himself as all the advantages of his race, as well as of its flaws.

In the foregoing, the racial basis of the Chechen people was called an overseas, but with the same right it can be called Dinar. Dinarids I met in a large number among the prisoners of war of Serbs during my execution of Carinthia and Styria (historical areas of Austria) and if I compare them with the dominant race among the Chechens, then I do not see any significant differences in order to speak in counterweights of the Dinar race about That special variety of advanced. For Armenians and some Dagestanis, it may correctly talk about the special subtanging of the ancient race, but also only in the sense that the distinctive features of the Dinar race among them are too excessively expressed, (thus it gives them from dinarids); The shape of the head is to the form of the "tower skull", the nose is ugly large, growth is partially below the standard. For Chechens, it is as a whole, not characteristic, is also not typical for Ingush and Ossetians, as well as according to the generally accepted representation for Circassians. Thus, only with these reservations I relate to Chechens to the anterior pass.

The special position of the Chechen front and the color will be still proven with the color of hair, eyes and skin. People with pure black hair, very dark eyes, like the Armenians and partly Georgians, do not often meet among Chechens, in any case there is no such signs to match. Therefore, you can only talk about the anthropological type, which is generally dark. Most often dark (as well as black) there are heads of head, eyes opposite brown or color, which is difficult to describe with accuracy. It probably can be called light floors, with a small admixture of green. Clear, translucent light-brown eyes, I often watched in women than men. But the fact that first of all rushes into the traveler is a large number of blondes and light-eyed, mostly recent of those listed. It is difficult to say what kind of tone prevails: common both gray and gray-blind eyes are also common and purely blue, ill-grained eyes, which in northern Germany could not be clearer.

Several less frequent eyes are blonde hair. But then the reason in a very strong gradual darkening. Among children are significantly more bright, rather than among adults and dark-haired adults assured me that in childhood were with blond hair. I drew attention to early poses in men; Usually, thirty-year-old Sedina is clearly noticeable. Surely one of the reasons is the constant wearing of the dad. Shaved bulge men are also not uncommon. The study of hair color is naturally awesy because of this custom. And in general, it is necessary to go to spend the night from people to see uncovered heads; People with naked head under the open sky do not see: no difference man, woman or child. Never.

I also repeatedly saw and red-haired; The color of their eyes was light floors.
More often than blonde hair, there are light beards, and I remembered a brown-red tone, as well as men with dark hair and brown eyes. Beards are abundant and smooth, they are worn with definite accuracy. Also wielding redheads as a Barbarossa beard, and it should be noted that the henna is not used. But most men wear only a mustache.

The skin of light Chechens is gentle and fragile, young girls have a beautiful color of the face. In men, the face was reddened from wind and bad weather, and not dark, the circumstance is particularly characteristic of the Nordic race. The body is white in the best sense. I once watched it in mellow. Some number of kitinta (meant in view of the Highlander) was occupied by the crossing of the tree in Argun, they themselves standing in the water, transported unbound trunks of trees, towed them in the right direction holding long sixts in muscular fists and directing the logs between the washed foam waves with boulders. Although they were not dressed, they were not embarrassed by our pribring Georgian column. Similar cases are more with me in the rest of the Muslim Caucasus did not happen. Extreme cheepingleness prevents men to shift non-male. They are also unpleasant to see at least partially bare bodies of others; I was convinced of this repeatedly when in the winter of 1919/1920 a whole month lay seriously ill in a private house in Botlikha (Andean Dagestan), I could not persuade a single man at least somehow help me. When I tried to raise everyone left, despite my objections to the room. I do not think that this is due to any superstitions, such as fear of infection.

The free looks of Chechens are reflected on the more free position of women who are freely moving without closing the veil, which is allowed to openly talk with men, which in the domestic Dagestan is hardly observed.

For a more affordable description of the Chechen blond, I want to compare it with the bright North European. S. Paudler in his work on light races clearly distinguished between the far Creemone racial and ordinary dolichocephalic (i.e. long-headed) representatives of the Nordic race. Of the two of these races, only the latter is suitable for comparison. Light Caucasians are similar to it because of greater smoothness and evenness of lines, more complete lips and more rounded eye cuts. Hard, gross features, which, for example, are often found among the inhabitants of Westphalia (area in Germany), judging by my observations. Not to mention the extremal far anthropological types from Scandinavia published by Paudler. As far as I know they are not found among other Caucasian peoples. A comparison with bright North Majoro European Dolichocellas is permissible only in relation to color and face forms. In the structure of the skull, Chechen blonds do not differ from their brunette countrymen. And there are the same short, straight skulls, the same eagle noses.

This slim, brachycephalic (ie, short-column), a large-scale race, which is in the aggregate both in a dark and light form, is so prevailing among the Chechens that the remaining available composite racial parts cannot change the overall picture. Dominant among other anthropological types is similar to the Alpine race. That is, most often we are talking about dark, low humans with a shapeless television end and a rough addition of the skull. The image number 5 and 6 shows a representative of this race, which still has a relatively correct features of the face, especially fairly elegant nose, while in the main face of alpians seem ugly. Judging by my observations, the Chechen alpine does not reach the rounded forms of the inherent alpytes of Central and Western Europe. The body is rather taped and angular, which is most likely associated with the way of life. I can not say that I noticed a significant number of mixed between high front-axia and alpine anthropological types. Both coexist rather at the same time: I do not remember that I met a high Chechen with a bulky head and a short nose and a flat face profile or the opposite of low and native with anterior-oarsa face and skull. Both men in the image number 5 and 6 are photographed sitting and seem one growth. At the very leader, the front of the opposite was on the right above the alpiece left.

As for the question of the geographical distribution of individual anthropological types, then I can only speak with some more confidence about the spread of blondes. And in this regard, I can say that individual regions show great differences.

Without a doubt in the western part of Chechnya, the percent relationship of blondes is higher than in the East. In the West there are terrain in which the population can be called mainly light.

First of all, it is the territory along the Changty-Argun beginning with Melhista to Soya. Especially in these places I was surprised by a large number of Nordic appearance in general, especially since blonde hair combined with exceptionally good growth. In Maistah, adjacent to Melhista District, it was less noticeable * (* Among the children, I noticed some obviously Jewish features of the face). Because of the correct features, I was still remembered by the population of the Valley of Children. And I already wrote about the Shatoysky girls. Next, you should call the header of the Sharo-Argun, although to a lesser extent than the chateau. I was only in the eastern and Western villages, Chobakh Kyner and Hoy, where I did not notice a significant number of blondes, although it was Cheping that I was described by some Chechens as a territory with a largely bright population. In general, it must be said that some of the many traveled Chechens were well aware of the anthropological features of a particular region, such as the high growth of the residents of Melhista. My observations on the spread of the Light Population were as a whole confirmed. My question about the reason for differences, I was answered without much thought, that in such a region more blondes, and in such more brunettes. The disappearance of a light element in the East is especially felt in Southern Auye and after the intersection of the Andiy watershed in Dagestan territory already dominates the dark element, both in Gumbet and in Andei. At the same time, the number of rough and ugly faces is increasing. This most expressive is manifested in the village of Benoy. I would like to add that among the other Chechens and especially among the gumbetans who buy corn from them, the inhabitants of Benoy are pleased with the bad reputation.

The fact of the predominance of a bright element in the West is particularly interesting if you look at the history of the territory of the territory. It turns out that in the territories of the arranged judges according to legends, first of all, more blondes than the lands in the east. It suggests the idea that the reason must be sought in the later colonization of the eastern regions, and as already mentioned, in the possible absorption of another population.

On the plain I did not notice the obvious predominance of a light or dark anthropological type. Also (as in the mountains), high, slender people with eagle noses prevail.

Among the Caucasian peoples known to me, undoubtedly, the largest number of blondes among the Chechens. In ethnographic work, as well as in the literature in the Caucasus, they are mainly writing about Ossetians. In principle, the reason is clear. Ossetians are the Indo-Germanic people and in the Epoch of Indochman's Research, they paid great attention. In fact, the percentage of blondes among Ossetians is unlikely higher than among the Chechens.

Nevertheless, I got the impression that the features and expression of the face in Ossetians are more similar to European, rather than those of Chechens and Ingush. The Ossetian hosts of the hotel in Vladikavkaz, blondes, I constantly interfered with a completely unfamiliar language from their mouths; It seemed to me that in front of me the Germans. Perhaps the role was played and the fact that the Ossetians are mainly Christians, the reason for the same extent maybe in a more numerous intelligentsia, than their eastern neighbors.

Von ECCT anthropologically investigating 70 Chechens (a list of references used, No. 12) wrote at the end of the publication that everyone had dark hair. This conclusion is very unusual, assuming that the testimony is made on the basis of accurate observations. But it is exclusively about the inhabitants of Auha, that is, the Chechen East.


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