What is the number of Russians entered Berlin. How Russian troops took Berlin for the first time. War with Lucky

How did the Russian army first took Berlin

Berlin's taking by Soviet troops in 1945 delivered a victorious point in the Great Patriotic War. Red flag over Reichstag even decades later remains the most striking victory symbol. But the Soviet soldiers who went to Berlin were not pioneers. For the first time, their ancestors entered the streets of the capitulus of the German capital in two centuries before ...

The seven-year-old war began in 1756 became the first full-scale European conflict, which was drawn by Russia.

The rapid strengthening of Prussia under the rule of the warlike king of Friedrich II was conquered by the Russian Empress Elizaven Petrovna and made her join the anti-coalition of Austria and France.

Friedrich II, not inclined to diplomacy, called this coalition by the "Union of Three Bab", meaning Elizabeth, Austrian Empress Maria Teresia and the favorite of the French king Marquis de Pompadur.

War with Lucky

Russia's entry into war in 1757 was quite careful and indecisive.

The second reason According to which Russian military leaders did not seek to forcing events, the worsening state of the health of the Empress was a worsening state of health. It was known that the heir to the throne Petr Fedorovich is a hot fan of the Prussian king and the categorical opponent of the war with him.

Friedrich II Great

The first major battle of Russians with Prussians, which occurred at Gross-Jersdorf in 1757, to the great surprise of Friedrich II, ended with the victory of the Russian army.This success, however, was leveled by the fact that the Commander of the Russian Army General-Field Marshal Stepan Apraksin ordered to retreat after the victorious battle.

This step was explained by the news about the serious disease of the Empress, and Apraksin feared to nape the new emperor, who was about to enter the throne.

But Elizabeth Petrovna recovered, Apraksina was removed from office and sent to prison, where he soon and died.

Miracle for the king

The war continued, increasingly moving to the fight against exhaustion, which was unprofitable Prussia -the country's resources have significantly inferior to the reserves of the enemy, and even financial fan of allied England could not compensate for this difference.

In August 1759, in the Battle of Cunesdorf, the Allied Russian-Austrian forces of the Nedola broke the Army of Friedrich II.

Alexander Kotebu. "Cunesdorf Battle" (1848)

The state of the king was close to despair. "In truth, I believe that everything is lost. The death of my fatherland I will not survive. Goodbye forever",- wrote Friedrich to his minister.

The road to Berlin was open, but conflict arose between the Russians and Austrians, as a result of which the moment was missed for the capture of the Prussian capital and the end of the war. Frederick II, taking advantage of a sudden respite, managed to collect a new army and continue the war. The delay of the Allies, who saved him, he called the "miracle of the Brandenburg House."

All 1760, Friedrich II managed to resist superior allies forceswho prevented inconsistency. In the battle of Lignice, the Prussian was defeated by the Austrians.

Unfortunate assault

The French and Austrians, concerned about the situation, encouraged to intensify their actions to the Russian army. Berlin was proposed as a goal for her.

The capital of Prussia was not a powerful fortress. Weak walls passing into a wooden panelies - Prussian kings did not expect that they would have to fight in their own capital.

Friedrich himself was distracted by the struggle with the Austrian troops in Silesia, where he had excellent chances of success. Under these conditions, at the request of the allies, the Russian army was given a directive to hold a raid on Berlin.

A 20,000th Russian Corpus of the Zakhara Chernyshev Zakhara General, with the support of the 17-thousand Austrian Corps of Franz von Lassi, was supported to the Prussian capital.

Count Gottlob Kurt Heinrich Background Totleben

Russian avant-garde commanded Gottlob Tobleben, The neborn German, who has lived in Berlin for a long time and dreamed of the sole gluel of the conqueror of the Prussian capital.

Troops Totleben arrived to Berlin earlier. In Berlin, he was heard on whether to keep defense, however, under the influence of Friedrich Zeidlitz, the commander of the Cavalry of Friedrich, who took the treatment after injured, decided to give a fight.

The attempt of the first assault ended in failure. The fires started in the city after the shelling of the Russian army were quickly extinguished, from three attackers only one managed to break through directly to the city, but they had to retreat due to the desperate resistance to defending.

Victory with scandal

Following this, the Prussian Corps of Prince Evgenia Württemberg approached Berlin, which made Totleben retreat.

In the capital, Prussia was decorated early - the main forces of the Allies approached Berlin. General Chernyshev began to prepare a decisive assault.

On the evening of September 27, a military council was gathered in Berlin, on which a decision was made - in view of the complete superiority of the enemy, the city is to pass. At the same time, parliamentary was sent to the ambitious Totleben, believing that it would be easier to agree with the German, rather than with Russian or Austrian.

Totleben really went to meet the deposited, allowing the city's capitula to leave the city.

At that moment, Totleben was part of the city, he met with Lieutenant Colonel Rzhevsky, who arrived to negotiate with Berliners about the conditions of surrender on behalf of General Chernyshev. Totleben ordered the lieutenant colonel to transfer: he already took the city and received symbolic keys from him.

Chernyshev arrived in the city outside of herself from rage - the amateurness of Totleben, supported, as it turned out to be bribing from the authorities of Berlin, he was categorically not satisfied. The general gave an order to start the prosecution of the outgoing Prussian troops. The Russian cavalry caught upside down the part of the part and broke them.

"If Berlin is destined to be busy, then let it be Russians"

Berlin's population was terrified by the appearance of Russians, who were described as absolute savages, but, to the surprise of citizens, the soldiers of the Russian army were adequately, not learning the revenues against civilians. But the Austrians who had personal accounts with Prussians did not hold back - robbed at home, passersby on the streets, they threw everything, which could reach. It came to the point that the Russian patrols were able to cut the Allies with the help of weapons.

Stay of the Russian army in Berlin lasts six days. Fritrich II, having learned about the fall of the capital, immediately moved the army from Silesia to help the main city of the country. In the plans of Chernyshev, the battle with the main forces of the Prussian army was not - he fulfilled his task for the distraction of Friedrich. Collecting the trophies, the Russian army left the city.

Russians in Berlin. Engraving Daniel Khodoveksky.

King Prussia, receiving a report on the minimum destruction in the capital, noticed: "Thanks to the Russians, they saved Berlin from the horrors that the Austrians threatened with my capital."But these words of Friedrich were intended only for the nearest environment. Monarch, highly appreciated the power of propaganda, ordered to report the subjects of the monstrous crime of Russians in Berlin.

Maintain this myth, however, not everyone wanted. German scientist Leonid Euler so wrote in a letter to a friend about Russian raid on the Prussian capital: "We had a visit here, which in other circumstances would be extremely pleasant. However, I always wished that if the Berlin had ever been destined to be busy foreign troops, then let it be Russian ... "

That Friedrich salvation, then Peter - death

The care of the Russians from Berlin was pleasant for Friedrich a pleasant, but did not have a key value for the outcome of the war. By the end of the 1760, he completely lost opportunities for the qualitative replenishment of the army, driving in her rows of prisoners of war, which very often overwhelmed by the opponent. The army could not conduct offensive operations, and the king became increasingly thinking about renunciation from the throne.

The Russian army took the full control of Eastern Prussia, whose population already swore to the loyalty to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

At this very moment, Friedrich II helped the "second miracle of the Brandenburg House" - the death of the Russian Empress. He changed it on the throne of Peter III not only immediately concluded peace with his idol and returned to him all the territories conquered by Russia, but also provided troops for the war with yesterday's allies.

Peter III

What was happiness for Friedrich was expensive by Peter III itself. Russian army and, first of all, the Guard of a wide gesture did not appreciate it offensive. As a result, the coup, soon organized by the wife of Emperor Catherine Alekseyevnaya, passed like oil. Following this, the deployed emperor died at the end of not clarified circumstances.

But the road to Berlin, laid in 1760, the Russian army remembered firmly to return whenever it is necessary.

On May 2, 1945, the Capitulation of the Garminon of the German capital ended the Berlin offensive operation of the Soviet troops - the final chord of the Great Patriotic War. However, in the domestic military history, it was the third episode when Unter-Den-Linden (which means "under Lipami"), which means the world and tranquility, from where the threats of Europe came from and not only to the threat to the peoples of Europe . And the first one has happened 256 years ago in the period of the pan-European seven-year war 1756-1763.

The war was held between the two coalitions of opposing countries. In one - England with Prussia, and in another, whole premium of states: Austria, Russia, Saxony, Spain, France and Sweden. Western European countries entered into war, each individually, were pursued primarily their narrow-human goals, which were reduced to one - to grab what lies badly. The Prussian King of Friedrich II, more than all in this unrealistic business, continually expanding his own possessions at the expense of neighbors. His aggressive swells did not grow up the ruling circles of the Russian Empire.

The fighting began on August 28, 1756 without the traditional declaration of war, the sudden invasion of the Prussian army in Saxony. Prussians managed to apply a lot of distinguishing strikes with their opponents. However, they could not do anything when Russia took for business. The victims of a number of defeats from the Russian troops, the Prussian King of Friedrich II, in this regard, left a very remarkable entry in his diary: "It's a little Russian soldier. It still needs to be sophisticated. " He tried to turn the situation by collecting all the cash for the last and decisive battle with the victorious Russian imperial army.

This fight took place on August 12, 1759 near the village of Kunesdorf. On the result of the general battle, the lines written by Friedrich, written by Friedrich, after the battle, after the fight, one of their addresses: "From the army of 48 thousand I have no one and three thousand at that moment. Everything runs, and I do not have more power over the army. In Berlin, they will do well if they think about their safety ... ". Friedrich barely covered his legs, and his hat, having fallen in the heat of the battle with a boiled royal head, became the most honorable trophy among many other Russian winners in this war. She and Donyn is kept in the museum. A.V. Suvorov in St. Petersburg.

The Kunesdorf victory opened the road to Berlin's Russian troops. A campaign to the capital of Prussia Commander-in-chief of the current Russian army Count General-Field Marshal P. Saltykov considered his nearest task. On September 21, 1760, he received a relevant directive, which said the need to take measures to organize together with the Austrians a raider on the capital of Prussia. And the goals of the upcoming combat operation were clearly stipulated - the destruction of the arsenals and other military industrial facilities, thereby depriving the Prussian army of supply by martial materials.

Standed on September 26 to the Berlin direction, the Russian Expeditionary Corps included a raid detachment of Major General Totleben and cover force under the command of General-lieutenant Z. Chernyshev with a total number of twenty-four thousand bayonets and a saber with fifteen guns. Operational guidance carried out Chernyshev. The movement of Russian expeditionary forces supported the Austro-Saxon Corps of General Lassi with a number of about fourteen thousand people.

Berlin was already a major cultural, scientific and industrial center not only Prussia, but also all of Germany with the number of urban population about a hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants. In the times described, the city was located on the two islands of the River Spree, and its suburbs spread around both her shores. Berlin himself looked out the fortress wall of the bastion type, and the river sleeves performed in the role of natural pivons. Posad on the right bank was observed by an extensive earthen shaft, on the left bank - a stone fence. Of the ten city gates, only CatBussian was covered with the strengthening of a very weak profile with one single three-pound gun.

Despite such an unassuming, compared to the capitals of other Western European states, the appearance and relatively small sizes, Berlin was already the Honored Glory of Athens on Sprey. Its enterprises produced more than half of the gross industrial product of all Prussia. It is necessary to say that in strategically, it was a very important object, which supplied the Prussian army with all kinds of weapons, ammunition and broadcast content.

By the time of the approach of the Russian troops, the Berlin garrison consisted of no more than three infantry battalions and two squadrons of light cavalry under the command of General von Rokhov. The appearance in the morning of October 3, Russian connectors caused panic among urban inhabitants. The commandant, yielding to the general mood, was already preparing to leave the capital without a fight. But the commander of the raid detachment General Major Tobleben, a foreigner in the Russian service, acted excessively carefully. Inspired by his indecision, the background of Rohov considered it necessary to hold out before the approach caused by reinforcements.

To demonstrative intimidation of an incomplete enemy Totleben allocated extremely minor forces, and only one and a half thousand people with four guns. The assault conducted by them was not crowned with success. On the night of October 3-1 October 4, the commandant of Berlin snapped the hope of the best outcome, when the expected reinforcement approached it - advanced squadrons of the Prince of Württemberg Prince. For them, as they told him, other parts were also hurried.

On October 7, by collecting all the cash in Kulak, General Totleben after artillery training knocked Prussians with their positions. But this attack did not receive further development. In the midst of the battle from Potsdam, another opponent detachment appeared - the Avangard of the Prussian Troops of General Gulsen. His commander, General Kleist, immediately rushed to the Russians. However, easily shot down, did not more tempt fate and disappeared behind the city walls.

By the morning, General Chernyshev, General Chernyshev, approached the aid of Totlebenu. Austrian Lassi seated a little later. Around Berlin, all the cash in the amount of thirty-seven thousand people with thirty-five field weapons were concentrated around Berlin, who immediately occupied the dispiro-assigned space for the assault. At the time of cooking, an unexpected news came to the attack - the enemy capital gives out without a fight, and its garrison capitulate. Boyed Prussian generals hurried to retire to the leader, throwing the background of Rokhov, his subordinates, and the capital itself for the mercy of fate. Contrary to Grozny Royal Instructions, they advised him to finally settle the world.

On the same day, Russian troops solemnly entered Berlin, after them included Austrians. Allies got huge trophies and a large number of prisoners of war, the reception of which ended on October 9 at Cottubussian Gates. There, members of the magistrate were handed over to the Russian command at the custom of the time the keys to Berlin. In addition, the Russians liberated 3976 Austrians, Swedes and Saxons who languished in Prussian captivity. The Russian officer Brigadier K. Bakhman was appointed Commandant Berlin. He immediately began to fulfill his direct duties.

Russian troops on the streets of Berlin in 1760
The entry of Russian troops was marked by one curiosity event. Committed by the Cossack units, the campaign of the Don Cossacks Brigadier F. Krasnashchekov ordered to grab all the Berlin newsrians. The latter in their printed editions were frantically watered with mud and her army, spreading the most vile lies and non-residents. Halfing from fear of Pisac led to Ataman and in his commandment in public, so that others would be unworn, carved on Unter-Den Linden, the central street of Berlin. The lesson went good. Over the next hundred years, no one in Prussia even dare even "cough" towards Russia.

Berliners, despite the slander of local borzopists, very soon they were convinced of a humane relation to Russian soldiers and officers to civilian citizens. Especially they were struck by the fact that the Russian troops, in order not to argue the citizens of the citizens, were located on the city's urban squares. The end of the alienation instantly melted, and friendly children's voices ranged from the soldiers' fires and tents, where ordinary people enjoyed the singing of Russian soldiers.

Other business Austrians. Bad warriors, they knew how to do only one thing - to rob the defenseless inhabitants. The Austrian warriors rushed not only government and private buildings, but even hospital and shelters for the weak and needy citizens. Berlin streets began to fill with cries of robbed and tied orders. Some of the flame languages \u200b\u200bfrom the buildings crushed by Austrians. And then, to stop the disgrace, Russian troops by order of General Chernyshev took control of the entire urban territory. And in the execution of the order of the commandant of the commandant Brigadier Bakhman, Russian patrols were grabbed and marauders were shot on dozens, not paying attention to the protests of the Austrian General Lassi.

After fulfilling his mission, Russian troops accompanied by the exclamations of grateful citizens, on October 12, left the Prussian capital. The latter left with his subordinate Bakhman, who was presented to the granted residents as a gift, the ten thousand talers collected by them in the subscription. He rejected the offering, declaring that he believes the days when he was the commandant of the enemy capital.

For the capture of Berlin, Friedrich II broke out an angry Tirara, in which he compared the Austrians with barbarians, but at the same time noted the fact that: "Russians saved the city from the horrors that Austrian threatened to him."

This event caused a huge resonance in Europe. The French philosopher Voltaire wrote the Russian Lubber to Grafa A. Shuvalov: "Your troops in Berlin produce more favorable impressions than all metastasio operas." He ends his German colleague Philosopher I. Kant: "If in the future Berlin will capture enemy troops, then I would have wanted them to be Russian." And as in the water looked. They once again came to the capital of Prussia - February 21, 1813, but already as liberators from Napoleonic dominion. What is noteworthy, by the Russian detachment again commanded Major General A. Chernyshev, a distant relative of the one who was the first time in Berlin.

Alexander Netoreov

You can always

Berlin's capture in militarily did not imagine special success, but had a large political resonance. All European capitals quickly flew through the phrase, uttered by the favorite of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna Count I.I. Shuvalov: "From Berlin, not to reach the St. Petersburg, but from St. Petersburg to Berlin you can always get it."


The dynastic contradictions of European courtyards in the XVIII century broke into the bloody and long war "For Austrian Legacy" 1740-1748. Military fortune was on the side of the Prussian King Friedrich II, who managed not only to expand his possessions, taking away from Austria to a rich province of Silesia, but also to increase the foreign policy Weight of Prussia, turning it into a powerful central European power. However, this state of affairs could not arrange other European countries, and especially Austria, which was then the leader of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. Frederick II that the Austrian Empress Maria-Teresia and the Viennese yard will strive to restore not only the integrity of their power, but also the prestige of the state.

The confrontation of two German states in Central Europe led to the emergence of two powerful blocks: Austria and France opposed the coalition of England and Prussia. In 1756, a seven-year war began. The decision to access Russia to the Antiprucian Coalition was adopted by the Empress Elizaveta Petrovna in 1757, since due to the many defeats of the Austrians, the threat of taking the veins arose, and the excessive strengthening of Prussia was contradicted with the foreign policy of the Russian yard. Russia also feared for the position of its recently attached Baltic possessions.

Russia acted in a seven-year war successfully, successfully all other parties, won brilliant victories in key battles. But their fruits did not use - in any case, Russia did not receive territorial acquisitions. The latter spacing due to internal court circumstances.

In the late 1750s. Empress Elizabeth often sick. Feared for her life. The heir of Elizabeth was her nephew, the son of the eldest daughter Anna - the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich. Before the adoption of Orthodoxy, his name was Karl Peter Ulrich. Almost immediately after birth, he lost his mother, in the darkness remained without a father and took the father's Holstet of the throne. Prince Karl Peter Ulrich was the grandson of Peter I and the grandchildren's nephew of the Swedish king Charles XII. At one time he was preparing to become the heir to the Swedish throne.

The young Duke's young Duke was brought up with rarity. The main pedagogical means were rings. This affected negatively on the boy whose abilities from nature, as believed to be limited. When in 1742, the 13-year-old Golztta prince was discharged to St. Petersburg, he made an impressive impression on everyone with his undeveloped, bad manners and contempt for Russia. The ideal of the Grand Prince Peter was Friedrich II. As the Holstein Duke, Peter was Vassal Friedrich II. Many were afraid that he would be a "vassal" of the Prussian king, and taking the Russian throne.

The courtiers and ministers knew that in the event of joining the throne of Peter III, Russia would immediately stop the war in the antiprucian coalition. But another reigning Elizabeth demanded victories over Friedrich. As a result, the warlords sought to defeat the Prussians, but "not fatal".

In the first major battle between Prussist and Russian troops, held on August 19, 1757, the village of Gross-Jersdorf, our army commanded S.F. Apraksin. He defeated Prussians, but did not pursue them. On the contrary, he retired himself, which allowed Friedrich II to bring his army in order and transfer it against the French.

Elizabeth, having recovered from the next illness, shifted apraksin. His place was taken by V.V. Farmor. In 1758, Russians captured the capital of Eastern Prussia Königsberg. Then the bloody battle was followed by the village of Tsordorf, both sides suffered heavy losses, but did not overcome each other, although each side announced his "Victoria".

In 1759, at the head of the Russian troops in Prussia, P.S. Saltykov. On August 12, 1759, the battle of Cunesdorf took place, which became the crown of Russian victories in a seven-year war. Under the start of Saltykova, 41,000 Russian soldiers, 5,200 Kalmykii and 18,500 Austrians fought. Prussian troops commanded Friedrich II, having a 48,000 person in the ranks.

The battle began at 9 am, when Prussian artillery inflicted a crushing blow to the batteries of Russian artilleryrs. Most of the artilleryrs died under the cabin, some did not even have time to make a single volley. Already by 11 o'clock in the day, Friedrich realizes that the left flank of the Russian-Austrian troops is extremely poorly fortified, and attacks it superior forces. Saltykov makes a decision to retreat, and the army, retaining the battle order, departs. At 6 o'clock in the evening, the Prusaki captured all the allies artillery - 180 cannons, of which 16 were immediately sent to Berlin as military trophies. Frederich celebrated victory.

However, Russian troops continued to hold two strategic heights: Spitzberg and Sudenberg. An attempt to capture these items with the help of the cavalry failed: an uncomfortable terrain landscape did not give the Cavalry Friedrich turn around, and her whole died under the hail of the card and bullets. Under Friedrich killed a horse, and the commander himself was miraculously saved. The last reserve of Friedrich, Life Kirassira was thrown into Russian positions, but Chuguev Kalmyki not only stopped this attack, but also captured the departure of the Kirassir commander.

Realizing that Friedrich reserves were exhausted, Saltykov gave an order about the overall offensive, which plunged the strokes in panic. Trying to escape the flight, the soldiers crowded on the bridge across the Oder River, many drowned. Friedrich himself recognized that the defeat of his army was complete: out of 48 thousand stubs after the battle there were only 3 thousand, and the battle-captured at the first stage were repulsed. The despair of Friedrich is best shown in one of his letters: "From the army of 48,000 I have no 3000 at that moment. Everything runs, and I do not have more power over the army. In Berlin, they will do well if they think about their safety. Cruel misfortune, I will not survive it. The effects of battle will be even worse than the battle itself: I do not have any more money, and tell the truth, I consider everything lost. I will not survive the loss of my fatherland. "

One of the trophies of the Saltykov army was the famous Trianglass Friedrich II, which is still kept in St. Petersburg at the museum. Frederick II himself almost turned out to be a captive of the Cossacks.

The victory at Kunesdorf allowed Russian troops to take Berlin. Prussia's forces were so weakened that to continue the war Frederick could only with the support of allies. In the campaign of 1760, Saltykov expects to master Danzig, Kolberg and Pomerania, and from there begin the seizure of Berlin. The plans of the commander were realized only in part due to the inconsistency of actions with Austrians. To that, the commander-in-chief at the end of August himself was dangerous and was forced to pass the command of the farmra, who replaced the favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna in early October A. B. Buturlin.

In turn, the building Z.G. Chernyshev with the cavalry of Totleben and the Cossacks made a campaign to the capital of Prussia. On September 28, 1760, the advancing Russian troops entered the capitulus Berlin. (It is curious that when in February 1813, pursuing the remnants of Napoleon's army, the Russians took Berlin for the second time, at the head of the troops again was Chernyshev - but Alexander Ivanovich, and Alexander Ivanovich). One and a half hundred guns, 18 thousand gunshot units were one hundred and a half of the guns, 18 thousand units of firearms, were obtained almost two million down talers. Freedom gained 4.5 thousand people in German captivity of the Austrians, Germans and Swedes.

Having stayed in the city for four days, the Russian troops left him. Frederick II and his great Prussia stood on the edge of death. Case PA Rumyantseva took the Kolberg fortress ... In this crucial moment, Russian Empress Elizabeth died. Peter III, who joined the throne, stopped the war with Friedrich, began to offer Prussia help and, of course, broke the anti-Prussian Union with Austria.

Leated anyone from the light of born,
So that the triumphant people
Retained in the hands of the defeated?
Oh, shame! Oh, strange turnover!

So, with bitterness, MV responded with bitterness. Lomonosov about the events of the seven-year war. So the illogical end of the Prussian campaign and brilliant victories of the Russian army did not bring Russia any territorial acquisitions. But the victories of Russian soldiers did not disappear - the authority of Russia as a powerful military power increased.

Note that this war has become a combat school for the outstanding Russian commander Rumyantsev. He first showed himself at Gross-Jersandorf, when he headed the infantry of the avant-garde, he extended to her through the thickel of forests and hit the bayonets discouraged to Prussians, which decided the outcome of the battle.

Seven-year-old war has become one of the first in the history of wars, which can actually call the world. Almost all significant European powers were involved in the conflict, and the fighting was carried out immediately on several continents. The prelude to the conflict was a number of complex and intricate diplomatic combinations, as a result of which two opposing alliances were developed. At the same time, each of the allies had its own interests, often contrary to the interests of the Allies, so the relationship between them was far from cloudless.

The direct cause of the conflict was the sharp rise in Prussia during Friedrich II. The once spent kingdom in the skilled hands of Friedrich intensified sharply, which was the threat to other powers. In the middle of the XVIII century, the main struggle for leadership in continental Europe was conducted between Austria and France. However, as a result of the war for the Austrian legacy, Prussia managed to defeat Austria and pick up a very tallest piece - a silesia, a large and developed region. This led to a sharp strengthening of Prussia, which began to cause anxiety of the Russian Empire for the Baltic region and the Baltic Sea, which at that time was the main thing for Russia (there was no exit to the Black Sea).

The Austrians eased the revenge for failure in a recent war, when they lost Silesia. The clashes between French and English colonists led to the fact that the war began between the two states. As a deterrent factor, the French on the continent, the British decided to use Prussia. Friedrich loved and knew how to fight, and the British had a weak land army. They were ready to give Friedrich money, and he gladly exhibited a soldier. England and Prussia entered into an alliance. France took it as an alliance against himself (and did it right) and entered into an alliance with his long-time rival, Austria, against Prussia. Friedrich was confident that England would be able to keep Russia from entering the war, but in St. Petersburg wanted to stop Prussia until she became too serious threat, and it was decided to join the Union of Austria and France.

Friedrich II in a joke called this coalition to the union of three skirts, since Austria and Russia then women were ruled by Maria Teresia and Elizabeth Petrovna. Although France formally ruled Louis XV, his official favor of Marquis de Pompadur has enormous influence on the whole French policy, the efforts of which the unusual alliance was created, which Friedrich, of course, knew and did not fail his opponent's grip.

The course of war

Prussia possessed a very large and strong army, but the military forces of the allies in the aggregate significantly exceeded it, and the main ally of Friedrich, England could not help in a military plan, limited only by subsidizing and supporting the sea. However, the basic battles unfolded on land, so Friedrich had to rely on suddenness and their skills.

At the very beginning of the war, he conducted a successful operation, capturing Saxony and replenishing his army forcibly mobilized Saxon soldiers. Friedrich expected to smash allies in parts, expecting that neither Russian nor the French armies would be able to quickly nominate to the main theater of war and he would have time to smash Austria until she was fighting alone.

However, the Prussian king could not break the Austrians, although the forces of the parties were approximately comparable. But he managed to crush one of the French armies, which caused a serious drop in the prestige of this country, because her army was then considered the strongest in Europe.

For Russia, the war developed very successfully. Troops under the leadership of Apraksin took Eastern Prussia and broke the enemy in Gross-Jersdorf battle. However, Apraksin not only did not develop success, but also began to urgently retreat, which was pretty surprised by Prussian opponents. For this he was removed from the command and arrested. As a result, Apraksin stated that his rapid retreat was associated with problems with fodder and food, but it is currently considered that it was part of the failed courtish intrigue. Empress Elizabeth Petrovna at that moment was very sick, it was expected that she was about to die, and the heir to the throne was Peter III, who was known as a passionate fan of Friedrich.

According to one of the versions, in connection with this, Chancellor Bestuzhev-Ryumin (famous for its complex and numerous intrigues) decided to carry out a palace coup (they with Peter mutually hated each other) and put on the throne of his son - Pavel Petrovich, and the apraksin army was required to support coup. But as a result, the Empress recovered from the disease, Apraksin died during the investigation, and Bestuzhev-Ryumin was sent to the link.

Miracle of the Brandenburg House

In 1759, the most important and most famous battle of war was held - the Kunesdorf battle, in which the Russian-Austrian troops under the leadership of Saltykov and Laudon defeated the Army of Friedrich. Friedrich lost all artillery and almost all the troops, he himself was in the hairs of death, the horse was killed under him, and he was only ready (according to another version - a cigarette party), lying in his pocket. Saved by flight along with the residues of the army, Friedrich lost the hat that the trophy was sent to Petersburg (it is still kept in Russia).

Now the allies remained only to continue the victorious march to Berlin, which Friedrich could actually could not defend, and force him to sign a peace treaty. But the allies at the very last moment were collected and divorced the army, instead of persecuting the fled Friedrich, who later called this situation by the miracle of the Brandenburg Home. The contradictions between the allies were very high: the Austrians wished the dresses of Silesia and demanded from both armies to move in the direction, the Russians feared too much to stretch the communications and offered to wait for Dresden and go to Berlin. As a result, inconsistencies did not allow to reach Berlin at that time.

Taking Berlin

Next year, Friedrich, who lost a large number of soldiers, moved to the tactics of small battles and maneuvers, exhausting his opponents. As a result of such tactics, the Prussian capital again turned out to be unprotected than the Russians and Austrian troops decided to take advantage. Each side was in a hurry to have time to arrive to Berlin, as it would allow Berlin's conqueror laurels to himself. The major European cities were captured far from every war, and, of course, the capture of Berlin would be an event of a pan-European scale and would make a military leader who realized this, the Star of the Continent.

Therefore, the Russians, and the Austrian troops hardly rushed to Berlin to get ahead of each other. The Austrians so wanted to be the first to be in Berlin that no longer washed for 10 days, covering more than 400 miles during this period (that is, on average, they passed about 60 kilometers per day). Austrian soldiers did not grow up, although they had no matter to the glory of the winner, they simply gave themselves the report that from Berlin you can recover huge contribution, the thought of which could drive them forward.

However, the very first to arrive by the Russian squad under the command of Gottoba Totleben. He was a famous European adventurer who had time to serve in many yards, leaving some of them with a big scandal. Already during the seven-year-old war, Totleben (by the way, the ethnic German) was in Russia in service and, well-proven himself on the battlefield, raised to the general.

Berlin was very poorly reinforced, but the garrison that was there was sufficient for defense against a small Russian squad. Totleben attempted to assault, but eventually retreated and established the siege of the city. At the beginning of October, the squad of Prince Württemberg approached the city and forced Totleben to retreat with the battles. But here the basic Russian forces of Chernyshev approached Berlin (who carried out the general command), and the Lassi Austrians.

Now the numerical superiority was already on the side of the Allies, and the defenders of the city did not believe in their strength. Not wanting in vain bloodshed, the Berlin Guide decided to surrender. The city was delivered to Totleben, what was the tricky calculation. First, he arrived at the city first and first began the siege, which means he belonged to the honor of the conqueror, and secondly, he was an ethnic German, and residents hoped that he would show humanism to compatriots, third, city It was better to transfer to the Russians, and not by the Austrians, since the Russians in this war had no personal accounts to the Prussians, but the Austrians entered the war, guided by the thirst for revenge, and, of course, they would definitely ruin.

One of the richest merchants of Prussia - Gochkovsky, who participated in the negotiations about the delivery, recalled: "Nothing remained to do, how to try to avoid disasters by submission and persuasion with the enemy. Then there was a question to give the city, Russian or Austrians. Asked my opinion , and I said that, in my opinion, it is much better to negotiate with the Russians than with Austrians; that the Austrians are real enemies, and the Russians only help them; that they first approached the city and demanded formally passing; what, as heard They are superior to the Austrians who, being sealing enemies, will come with a lot of rustic Russians, and with these it is possible to negotiate. This opinion was respected. The governor joined him, the Gen.-Lieutenant Back Rohov, and thus the garrison surrendered to Russians. .

On October 9, 1760, the members of the urban magistrate carried the symbolic key from Berlin, the city was carried out by the commandant of Bakhman, appointed by Toteboren. This caused the indignation by the general command of the troops and the older for the rank of Chernyshev, whom he did not inform about the acceptance of the surrender. Because of Chernyshev's complaints, Tobleben was not awarded to such a self-government and was not elevated in rank, although it was already presented to award.

The negotiations on the conjunction began, which the conquered city paid the parties to the parties and in exchange for which the army refrained from the ruin and robbery of the city.

Totleben, at the insistence of General Fermore (commander-in-chief of Russian troops), demanded 4 million talers from Berlin. Russian generals knew about the wealth of Berlin, but this amount was very large even for such a rich city. Gochkovsky recalled: "Kirchesen's urban head came to perfect despair and almost lost his tongue from fear. The Russian generals thought that his head was pretended either drunk, and in indignation they ordered him to take him to Gaptwaht. It would have happened; but I am with an oath asked Russian commandant that the urban head has been suffering from dizziness seizures for several years. "

As a result of tedious negotiations with members of the Berlin Magistrate, the amount of merry money was reduced several times. Instead of 40 barrels with gold, only 15 plus 200 thousand talers were taken. There was also a problem with the Austrians who were late for the cake section, because the city surrendered directly to the Russian. The Austrians were unhappy with this fact and now demanded their share, otherwise going to start robbery. Yes, and the relationship between the allies was far from the ideal, Totleben in their relationlation about the capture of Berlin wrote: "All the streets were full of Austrians, so for the protection of robbery by these troops I had to appoint 800 people, and then the infantry regiment with Brigadier Benkendorf, And put all the equestrillars in the city. Finally, since the Austrians attacked my guard and beat them, then I ordered to shoot on them. "

Some of the money received was promised to convey to the Austrians to stop them from robbery. After receiving the conference, urban property was maintained in immunity, but all the royal (that is, who belonged to Friedrich) of the Factory, shops and manufactories were subjected to ruin. Nevertheless, the magistrate was able to preserve the Gold and Silver Manufactory, convincing Totleben, which, although they belong to the king, income from them does not enter the royal treasury, but on the maintenance of the Potsdam orphanage, and he ordered to strike out the factory from the list to be ruin.

After receiving the conference and ruin of Fritrich factories, the Russian-Austrian troops left Berlin. At this time, Friedrich moved to the capital to the capital, to free her, but there was no point in holding Berlin for the Allies, they had already received everything from him that they wanted, so they left the city a few days later.

The stay of the Russian army in Berlin, though and delivered clear inconvenience to local residents, nevertheless were perceived by them as a smaller of evil. Gochkovsky testified in his memoirs: "I and the whole city we can testify that the general of this (Totleben) came with us rather as a friend than a commander. What would a warlord be with a friend? What would not say and would not forced it for himself personally ? What would happen if we got under the authorities of the Austrians, to curb which from robbery in the city of Count Tobleben was to resort to shooting? "

Second Miracle of the Brandenburg House

By 1762, all conflict participants exhausted their resources to continue the war and active fighting almost stopped. After the death of Elizabeth Petrovna, Peter III became the new emperor, who considered Friedrich one of the greatest people of his time. His conviction was shared by many contemporaries and all the descendants, Friedrich really was unique and known at the same time as a philosopher's king, a king-musician and a king-commander. Thanks to his efforts, Prussia from the Plussian Kingdom turned into the Center for the Association of German Lands, all subsequent German regimes, ranging from the German Empire and the Weimara Republic, continuing to the Third Reich and ending with modern democratic Germany, honored him as a father of nation and German statehood. In Germany, from the moment of the origin of the cinema, a separate genre of cinema has even stood out: Freedrich's films.

Therefore, Peter had grounds to admire them and seek the Union, only done it was not very thoughtful. Peter concluded a separate peace treaty with Prussia and returned her Eastern Prussia, the inhabitants of which were already sworn Elizabeth Petrovna. In return, Prussia pledged to help in the war with Denmark for Schleswig, who was supposed to convey to Russia. However, this war did not have time to begin due to the overthrow of the emperor his wife, which, however, left a peace treaty in force, without becoming renewed.

It is this sudden and so happy for Prussia the death of Elizabeth and the welling of Peter and was named Prussian king by the second miracle of the Brandenburg house. As a result, Prussia, who did not have opportunities for continuing the war, bringing out the most efficient opponent from the war, was among the winners.

The main loser of the war was France, who lost almost all North American possessions, which passed towards Britain, and who had a large human losses. Austria and Prussia, who also have a huge losses, have retained the pre-war status quo, which was actually in the interests of Prussia. Russia did not acquire anything, but did not lose the pre-war territories. In addition, its military losses were the smallest among all the participants in the war on the European continent, so that it became the owner of the strongest army with a rich military experience. It was this war that became the first combat baptism for the young and no one who is not a famous officer Alexander Suvorov - the future famous military man holder.

The actions of Peter III laid the foundation for reorienting Russian diplomacy from Austria to Prussia and the creation of the Russian-Prussian Union. Prussia has become a Russian ally to the next century. The vector of Russian expansion gradually began to shifted from the Baltic and Scandinavia south, to the Black Sea.

The capture of the German capital is an old Russian tradition, which has been more than a quarter of millennia.

Die but do not surrender

In early October 1760, the Russian army approached Berlin. War with Prussia, which lasted the seventh year, went to his logical end. Frederich Great, Grozny Emperor, who has recently considered the first European commander, perfectly understood that the old fortifications of Berlin are not able to withstand a long siege or serious assault. Dilapidated medieval walls and wooden palisades were weak protection for the garrison, which appeared at the moment of all and a half thousand bayonets.

However, the first requirement to surrender sent by the commander of Russian advanced parts, the International Adventurer General Gotlob Kurt Henry Background Totleben, Prussians responded with decisive refusal. Then he unfolded the assault battery and hit the center of the city, explicitly giving it to understand that he was able to shoot him through. However, the garrison still did not switch the flag. The prowess of the Germans was appreciated - the old Berlin Netleben put another battery, this time at the city gate. Tight fire opened the road to the city and led to fires along Friedrichstrasse Street. By midnight, in the light of fires, Russian Grenadiers three detachments attacked the break. But to take the city "on a spear" from the go failed.

Participant of Prince ProzorovskyWho commanded here with Russian troops, wrote in his memoirs that one squad in the dark got off the road, the second fell under the fire of fortress artillery and retreated. And only the detachment that he headed personally, despite the huge losses, managed to break through the water filled with water. However, the ditch itself under the fire was unrealistic. The first assault ended with a failure, but it was worse than the fact that the advanced corps were on the outcome were firing supplies. In addition, many guns failed: to increase the range of shots, they were charged with an excessive amount of gunpowder. The seemingly almost defenseless fortress survived and was ready to continue defense.

Russian fights - Germans tremble

Soon the main forces of the Russians under the command of the general approached the capital of Prussia Zakhar Chernysheva. This is where the main battle began - in which unfortunate Germans did not take part, expecting to solve their fate. Chernyshev and Totleben placed their camps, respectively, on the right and left shore, the spree. At the same time, Chernyshev tried to achieve obedience from Toteleba, wanting to take over the general leadership of the assault. In turn, Totleben with persistence worthy of better use, ignored all orders of Chernyshev. On the requirements, he immediately replied to the right bank with a categorical refusal. After half a century, retreating before Napoleon, in the same way will drag the blanket for yourself Bagration and Barclay de Tolly..

The bruil men who missed the Spirit did not interfere with the precipitating to engage in their straightenings, especially since they had enough of their affairs - they approached fresh reinforcements from Saxony and Pomerania. So by the time the Russians again drew attention to Berlin, the ratio of forces was already quite decent. Berliners hoped that a miracle of three years ago would repeat when Stepan Apraksin For the leading reasons to him. In addition, the battle is now, and yesterday we saw a simple enterprise, threatened to turn into a real slaughter.

Circumstance of force majeure

However, in contrast to the concerned only by personal glory of generals, the Most High was on the side of Russian battalions - a hurricane of unprecedented power swept over Berlin. And if the burgomist could still be done with the cereal oaks with the root oaks, then the false sections of the palissada under the fire of Russian troops were already difficult to repair. And then, on the misfortune of Prussians, two days before the planned period to the city approached their sworn friends - Austrians, the Allies of the Russians. Of course, it was possible to wait whether the Russian generals with Austrian were confused, finding out who was now the main one, but Prussians decided not to risk. On the night of October 9, they began to move to Spauau. In the morning of the same day, the power of Berlin carried the keys and capitulated in front of the countryman, General Totleben, who was the smallest evil from the three leaders.

In Berlin, the Russian troops captured 4.5 thousand soldiers, captured 143 guns, 18 thousand guns and pistols and as payment of track expenses - almost 2 million ending talers. But at the same time, the births of pogroms were waiting for Berliners and there was no violence - fierce Russians behaved surprisingly peacefully and calmly.

Presented victory

Berlin's fall plunged the emperor Friedrich the Great to extremely despondency, but soon the fruits of Russian victories in this war were reduced. January 5, 1762 Russian Empress Elizabeth Petrovna She died and her nephew climbed onto the throne PeterIII. The new sovereign of Friedrich the Great and therefore immediately completed the war without any benefits for Russia, returning to his idol all the land he won.

Contrary to the well-established opinion in the actions of the new sovereign there was a certain logic. Peter III, nee, Duke Halstein-Gottorpsky, wanted to attract Friedrich to the war with Denmark, at that time pulled down a big piece of his Holstein possessions, and he succeeded. True, before the celebration so doubtful diplomacy, our emperor did not live: he was eliminated in the interests Ekaterina Alekseevnawhich will be called Great subsequently. But this is a completely different story ...

And the keys to Berlin, subcame on October 9, General Totleben, to this day are stored in the Kazan Cathedral of St. Petersburg.