Rare lines and marks on the hand. Marks on the arm Rare lines on the arm

Many dream at least once in their lives to meet an old gypsy, as described in books, who, taking their palm in her old, wrinkled hand, will tell them fortune. Wrapped in the smoke of her pipe, she will peer into the lines on her hand, see only happiness, love and wealth there, put an end to disturbing thoughts about the future.

The ardent desire of a person to look into the future and find out his fate led to the creation of various methods and techniques of divination. Those in power did not neglect the predictions, who always listened to the prophecies of the court magicians and astrologers.

Palmistry is an ancient system of divination by hand that uses all the lines, patterns and bumps in the palm of your hand as a tool for predicting the future and analyzing personality. It originated in ancient India, was known in Tibet, in China, in ancient Egypt.

The lines on the palm of a person change all the time. And this is the main aspect of palmistry as a science: a person is the master of his own destiny. According to palmists, the lines of the hand represent the structure of the brain. But the dermatoglyphic patterns that appear on the fingertips are formed in the womb and remain unchanged throughout life. Therefore, each person's fingerprints are unique.

According to palmists, every experienced incident, a deep wound in the soul, is in an unknown way displayed in the palm of your hand in the form of silent signs.

Active and passive hand

Which hand to choose to study? Palmistry distinguishes between active and passive hands. The active hand is the one that dominates. For some it's right, for others it's left. It is the active hand, according to palmists, that contains information about all ongoing processes and changes in life. And the passive hand shows the inherent features and predetermined possibilities, the initial data. For a complete picture, it is necessary to study both hands.

To make a complete picture of human destiny, palmists take into account everything: from the color, texture of the skin, the shape of the fingers and nails to the smallest signs in the palm of your hand. Each line on the palm has its own name. Separate main and secondary lines. The main lines are:

  • life;
  • hearts;
  • Fate.

Minor lines:

  • success;
  • health;
  • intuition;
  • Marriage (marriage);
  • Voluptuousness;
  • Ring of Venus.

life line

It starts between the thumb and forefinger and extends to the base of the latter. This is the line that interests everyone. The life line can be divided into segments, each of which will correspond to a certain age. Exactly the middle of this line indicates the age of 40 years, and the end - at 80. The length of the line cannot have anything to do with life expectancy. This is just a reflection of the life path with all its ups and downs, changes, events of a different nature.

A clean and even line that does not intersect with any others is a favorable sign. The curved shape speaks of rich energy, long and deep - of vitality. A pronounced semicircular line means strength and passion. A long line is an indicator of great potential and physical resource. If the line of life and mind are connected at the beginning, then this indicates a balanced person who is not capable of spontaneous and thoughtless actions.

The forked end of the life line indicates that death will overtake a person far from the place where he was born.

If the line of life is broken, this indicates that the life of a person has been or will be in danger. If the line continues after the break, then there is a chance to defeat the disease, and if it is weakly expressed, blurred, then there is little chance.

Signs on the line of life

A small island is a disease or a problem. One big island indicates the presence of one big problem. The points on the line of life can be compared to a pit into which a person falls and is unlikely to get out. A star on the line of life means a problem or illness.

Life line direction

The life line does not always end at the wrist. Sometimes it, curving in a bizarre way, ends on one of the hills - elevations that are on the human palm. If the lifeline ends

  • on the hill of the Moon, this speaks of physical pain, trauma;
  • hill of Venus, then this is a sign of impermanence;
  • the hill of Jupiter, this speaks of financial success;
  • the hill of Saturn, these are problems in the family and at work;
  • the hill of the Sun, this means financial stability and tranquility;
  • the hill of Mercury, it gives happy moments, a happy marriage;
  • the hill of Mars, this indicates travel and a rebellious nature.

Mind line (Mars)

It runs between the lines of the heart and life. A long line indicates ambition, and a deep line indicates a good memory. People with a short line cannot boast of a good memory, but logical thinking and intuition do not fail them. The straighter the line of the mind in the palm of your hand, the more practical the person. His actions are logical. He is able to make decisions quickly.

If the beginning of the line of the mind is at a considerable distance from the beginning of the line of life, this indicates the independence of the person. Such people from childhood are independent and free from parental influence. They tend to be selfish and don't value friendship. But the connected beginnings of the lines of the mind and life speak of great parental care and a person's dependence on them.

It happens that the line of the mind is directed upwards and crosses the line of the heart, which is responsible for the spiritual qualities of a person. This speaks of the predominance of the mind over the heart. Such a person does not believe in God, loves money, is selfish, can be a thief and a heartless killer.

Signs on the line of the mind

A chain is a set of small problems, over the solution of which the mind will struggle.

Islands mean depression, transverse lines can warn of a skull injury, loss of consciousness and other problems with the head. But the square and the triangle have a favorable meaning, indicating that you can take risks - a person is protected by fate.

The asterisk does not bode well, except for problems.

Heart line (Jupiter)

The line of the heart stretches from the edge of the palm to the base of the index finger and can tell about the emotional sphere of life, love affairs. The line starting from the hill of Jupiter speaks of a beautiful heart, responsible for relationships, regardless of the situation. And the line originating from the hill of Saturn betrays a person who is selfish in his love and sexual relationships. Well, if the heart line is long and stretches right up to the edge of the palm, then this indicates a henpecked man, albeit a romantic one. In women, a long heart line is a sign of fidelity.

The line of the heart intersects with the line of the mind - a person will always choose with the mind, not with the heart. If several short lines stretch down from the line of the heart, this is a sign of a loving nature, which can consist of several relationships at the same time.

The heart line is black and originates from the hill of Saturn - obviously, a person hates the opposite sex. But the bright red color indicates a vulgar person, possibly a rapist.

The line of the heart in the shape of an arc belongs to a sociable, eloquent person who does not climb into his pocket for a word. An inverted arc is a weak character, indecision in expressing feelings.

Signs on the line of the heart

If the line of the heart resembles a chain consisting of links, this indicates that the person is sentimental.

Triangles on the heart line are an unfavorable sign that speaks of an illness, an accident, or the intervention of a third person in a love life.

The square indicates depression and suicidal thoughts, and at the same time, the fear of death.

The double line of the heart is loving, attractiveness, a stormy personal life.

Many transverse lines cutting the heart line speak of difficulties in a career and love life.

The cross on the line indicates that both career and study are closely related to love.

A star on the line of the heart implies parting with a lover or partner, an accident.

Line of Fate (Saturn)

The line of fate is a vertical line directed towards the middle finger. Usually starts at the base of the palm, but can start higher.

In China, it is also called the career line. The absence of a fate line does not mean the absence of a career. It can simply mean that a person often changes the field of activity. As with other lines, a deep and even line is always a good sign. A shallow, narrow, blurry line is an indicator of unwillingness to work in a team and be connected by a common fate with someone.

The inclined, as if lopsided, line of fate speaks of unique abilities and the ability to think outside the box.

If the line of fate is connected to the line of life, then this indicates that the person is not afraid of work. He is energetic, enjoys work and knows how to be happy.

When it originates from the hill of Venus, this means that money is not a problem for a person, most likely he was born into a wealthy family or inherited a fortune from relatives.

When the beginning and end of the line of fate are on the hill of Venus, this may indicate that a person is passionate about a married (married) person.

The line of fate connecting the hill of Mercury and the base of the palm hints at the talent of a businessman and success in trading.

If the line is interrupted and continues elsewhere, this indicates a change in profession. The line of fate does not start from the wrist, but much higher, from the line of the head, which means that success will come after 35 years.

Signs on the line of fate

A trident at the end of the fate line promises a rich life. The island at the end of the line of fate suggests that a person will not be able to realize his plans and ideas and will be disappointed with this in old age. The island at the beginning of the line testifies to a special history of the birth: an illegitimate person or an orphan. The island in the middle speaks of changes in fate or career failures after middle age.

The chain at the beginning of the line speaks of poor study in youth for some reason, and at the end - of financial losses.

Line of Success (Sun or Apollo)

It starts at the base of the palm and extends to the ring finger. The line of success is as important to a person as the sun is to the earth. Such a line, even if not pronounced, always guarantees success, even with a bad line of fate. A good line of fate, the presence of intelligence and talent will not bring fame to a person if he does not have a line of success. He will enjoy the life of an ordinary person, not a public one. The line of fate gives more opportunities to a person, he endows him with magnetism.

If the line of success stretches from the lunar hillock to the sun, i.e. connects, figuratively speaking, the Moon and the Sun, then this is a sure sign of success, wealth and a successful marriage.

If the line starts from the hill of the Moon and ends in the center of the palm, this indicates success and popularity at a young age.

The line of success rests on the line of the head - success will come at an early age. Until the age of 35, a person will taste fame and popularity, have time to enjoy them to their fullest.

The line originating from the middle of the palm and directed to the hill of the Sun indicates that success will be late. A person will have to make a lot of efforts and he will achieve the desired result in middle age.

The line connects the hill of Venus and the hill of the Sun - the family will play a big role in success.

Two solar lines are an indicator of the versatility of talent. If there are three or more lines, then this is the inability to manage money, the discrepancy between expenses and income, and therefore the eternal lack of money.

Signs on the line of success

An island at the intersection of the line of success and the heart means the loss of a high position in society due to passion for women.

The square and the star are very auspicious, while the cross indicates lost position and wealth.

Line of Health (Mercury)

It begins on the hillock of Mercury and stretches down to the line of life. However, its absence is a favorable sign that speaks of good health. A wavy line indicates a decrease in liver or gallbladder function, nervousness. The broken line indicates problems in the digestive system. Several short cross lines indicate accidents.

The dotted line of health is also an indicator of the unsatisfactory state of the body.

Signs on the health line

A star on the health line is a sign that it is difficult for a person to get help and support from loved ones. A star at the intersection of the lines of health and mind indicates poor reproductive ability or infertility. This also applies to men. The star promises them a low sexual function.

A square on the health line is a sign of surgery due to heart problems. The triangle indicates mental health problems.

Two lines of health intersecting with each other, a sign of a lack of vitality and chronic diseases

Three lines - mind, health and life can form a triangle. This is a very auspicious sign. The wider the triangle, the more luck.

line of intuition

The crescent line stretches from the hill of the Moon to the hill of Mercury. The arc is the hallmark of this line.

This is a rare line, and if it is deep, well-defined, then it speaks of a developed intuition. It is found in clairvoyants, healers and mediums.

Signs on the line of intuition

An island at the beginning of the line may indicate sleepwalking. If the line ends with an asterisk, intuition will bring success. A dashed line is a weak intuition that cannot always be relied upon. If the line of intuition forms a triangle with the line of the head and fate, the person is inclined towards the occult sciences.

marriage line

There may be several of them and they are located on the edge of the hand, below the little finger. If you clench your fingers into a fist, then you can easily see these parallel short lines. Regardless of size, length, the presence of a marriage line already speaks of a family union that takes place in the life of a fortuneteller.

A smooth, deep, long line almost touching the hill of the Sun speaks of a happy and long marriage and a good career after marriage.

A short line indicates the impossibility of a person being in a long relationship. If the end of the marriage line is down, then this indicates that the partner will die before you. If the slope is sharp, then it may be sudden death.

When the line of marriage touches the line of the heart, this indicates the suffering that the union will bring.

If the end is directed upwards, then this indicates constant love in marriage and a quiet life without financial problems.

The line forked at the beginning speaks of the danger of a divorce, which may not happen if the integrity of the line is restored.

A forked ending indicates separation and a failed marriage.

Several lines of marriage are not the number of marriages, but rather, the problems that accompany marriage, relationships on the side.

If the marriage line is next to the heart line, then this indicates an early marriage, and if closer to the base of the little finger, then later.

The marriage line in form, depth, brightness and length is in sharp contrast with the rest of the lines nearby - interethnic or interfaith marriage.

Signs on the marriage line

Islands on such a line do not bode well, usually mean conflicts, psychological incompatibility. However, all other signs: lattices, asterisks, triangles and squares only complicate matters, so there is nothing good in them.

Ring of Venus

This line resembles the moon hanging over the heart line. It is in the palm of hypersensitive people and romantic natures. They have a feeling of love for beauty, art, creativity. They are sometimes obsessive in expressing their feelings, very attached to the opposite sex. In combination with a pronounced hill of Venus indicates lustfulness, with a less pronounced one - a virtue and a glorious name.

When the belt of Venus is straight, it indicates money workers. They manage finances well. Wavy line - nervousness, pessimism, excessive dependence on others. People with multiple rings of Venus are inquisitive, curious, striving to excel in everything. People with a broken line are incorrect.

Signs on the Ring of Venus

The island on the ring speaks of a late marriage. If an early marriage occurs with an island on the line, this will lead to a disease acquired after marriage.

line of children

Vertical lines under the base of the little finger and above the marriage line. Deep, well-defined lines indicate boys, and weak lines indicate girls. If the lines are short, small and interrupted, then this indicates the loss of a child for various reasons (abortion, miscarriage).

The forked line is the probability of having twins.

Children's line signs

The islands at the beginning allude to poor health in early childhood. The island at the end (at the top) will be difficult to grow and raise.

Hills in the palm of your hand

Hills are called tubercles on the human palm. Some of them are convex, and some are weakly expressed. They are named after the planets and are of no small importance when reading the palms.

Hill of the Sun (Apollo)

The hill of the Sun takes place under the ring finger. A person with a developed hill of the Sun has high ideals, he is a lover of literature and art. He has good taste and finishes what he starts. A man with a developed hill of the Sun knows how to make money, and a woman marries a wealthy person.

An overdeveloped hill of the Sun can indicate a lazy, talkative and envious person.

The star and triangle located on this hill are auspicious signs. They will bring wealth and fame. But the cross speaks of a failed idea, a dream.

hill of the moon

A well-developed hill hints at a sentimental, dreamy person with good intuition.

The absence of a hill is observed in conservative people who shun everything new.

An overdeveloped hillock of the Moon is a sign of a capricious, eternally dissatisfied person with an "inflamed" imagination.

Hill of Mercury

It represents wisdom and the ability to think. Located under the little finger.

A well-developed hill of Mercury is mental work, eloquence, quick action and quick thought, interest in everything that goes beyond ordinary life.

An overdeveloped hill indicates a person prone to lying and theft.

A star on this hill promises a successful career. The cross protects business and study from failure. The grid indicates nerve problems.

Hill of Jupiter

It is under the index finger. A person with a pronounced hill is religious, cheerful, loving, happy in marriage. The absence of a tubercle indicates low aspirations, laziness, suspicion.

Hill of Venus

Located at the base of the thumb.

Symbolizes beauty and grace, the need to please, love for sensual pleasures.

An overdeveloped hill of Venus indicates shamelessness, laziness, inconstancy.

The cross on the hill indicates that a person will find true love. Islands are missed opportunities.

Mount of Saturn

Saturn is under the middle finger. It is a symbol of fate and a fallen god.

A well-developed hill represents intelligence, sincerity, independence and patience. The absence or overdeveloped hill speaks of thoughtfulness, sadness, suspiciousness, suicidal tendencies, depression.

Hill of Mars

Located between the hills of Mercury and the Moon. Symbolizes courage, fearlessness, composure, devotion.

An excessively protruding hillock of Mars means cruelty, injustice, tyranny and slander.

Hill of Pluto

The hill of Pluto is located next to the hill of the Moon and often merges with it. A rare hillock, speaking of a penchant for mysticism and the occult sciences.

Hill of Neptune

Neptune is located between the hills of Venus and the Moon. A well-developed cusp is associated with music, art, imagination, and spirituality.

But the excessive growth of the tubercle indicates a suspicious and cruel person, a maniac.

Rare lines and signs

In addition to the main and secondary, human palms keep a secret and rare lines that reflect the important nuances of life. In no case should they be ignored, because the better the map is studied, the easier the road, the fewer mistakes.

Voluptuousness Line

This line connects the hills of Venus and the Moon. Refers to rare lines. The owner overestimates the role of some things in life, sometimes becoming dependent on them. For example, sex, food, material goods act on them like a drug.

If the line is on a hard palm, then the person does not know the measure in food and alcohol. A soft palm in combination with a line of voluptuousness gives addiction to narcotic substances, like opium, morphine.

curse line

It originates from the edge of the palm and the ring of the family, located at the base of the thumb, looks like its branch, directed towards the hill of Venus. To analyze this line, you need to study both palms. If such a line is present on the left (passive) hand, then the person was born with this. In this case, we are talking about a generational curse.

The presence of a curse line on the right (active) hand, in the absence of one on the left, indicates an acquired line.

divorce line

This is also a kind of offshoot from the family ring. If the presence of a marriage line is fateful, that is, it contains predestination, then the divorce line is just a warning sign. This is a chance to change things for the better.

guardian angel line

It is located on the hill of Venus, parallel to the line of life, but much shorter. This is a line of lucky ones who are under the protection of higher powers.

money triangle

This triangle is formed by three lines: mind, fate and health. Auspicious sign, promises wealth. The larger the area of ​​the triangle, the better.

Lattice on the Mount of Venus

This sign is an indicator of great emotionality. Due to their sensitive nature, people with such a grid cannot solve their problems alone, they always need the help of friends and relatives. Subject to depression bordering on mental illness.

The color of the lines on the palm

Sometimes the color of the lines on the palm varies from almost black to very pale tones. And this is not a simple play of color, but an important nuance that requires attention. Palmistry deals with the following line colors in the palm of your hand:

  1. Lines of even pink color. This is a healthy and favorable sign.
  2. Red lines - passionate and ardent nature, good health.
  3. Yellow lines are a sign of melancholy and gloom. They can talk about an excess of bile in the body, which leaves an imprint on the character. Such people tend to see only the bad in everything and become discouraged.
  4. Blue, blue lines indicate poor blood circulation and heart problems. A sign of shyness, indecision, dependence on someone else's opinion.
  5. White lines can be a sign of anemia, weakness. Lack of interest in the outside world and selfishness characterizes the owners of white, pale lines.
  6. The black color of the lines betrays an arrogant and vindictive person in their owner. He has poor health and is haunted by a string of bad luck. Proper treatment and positive emotions can restore the healthy color of the lines in the palm of your hand.

Favorable and unfavorable signs on the lines

Depending on where one or the sign is located, it can be interpreted in different ways. For example, a square on the heart line indicates depression, while on the fate line it is a sign of support and protection.

But there is still one sign, the presence of which on the line means only good. This is a trident. It neutralizes bad lines and is able to influence even hills. The trident triples happiness.

The triangle can also be attributed to lucky signs, but with some caveat: its presence on the life line is still undesirable.

Unfavorable signs in palmistry are:

  • chains;
  • islets;
  • dotted line, breaks;
  • gratings;
  • crosses;
  • points;
  • brushes.

As you can see, the list of unfavorable signs is more impressive than favorable. But nature is also wise in that it endowed everything good with greater power. One successful sign can neutralize several unsuccessful ones. Palmistry helps, prompts, introduces a person to himself and makes it clear that everything is in the hands of a person - literally and figuratively.

Our palms can tell a lot about the past and the future. Palmistry considers the signs on the hand as fateful symbols that carry certain information that will help solve most problems. Signs and lines may be permanent or temporary.

Signs on the hands

Signs on the hand allow you to make a more accurate forecast. Palmistry reads the value according to 4 main features: Mind, Heart, Life and Fate. The Life Line is read from top to bottom, the lines of the Mind and Heart - from right to left.

Signs in the palm of your hand:

  • star (snowflake);
  • trident;
  • cross;
  • island;
  • square (rhombus);
  • triangle;
  • dot;
  • circle;
  • lattice;
  • a drop.


In palmistry, a star in the palm of your hand can have several meanings:

  • joy and good luck in business;
  • danger warning;
  • a sudden event that does not depend on the will of a person and which cannot be changed.

The intersection of this symbol with any line has a bad meaning (for example, violent death).

Usually the star is located on the hills and mounds. On the hill of Saturn - misfortune awaits a person at the end of life. On the hill of the Moon, this sign symbolizes hypocrisy. Several stars on Lunar Hill predict that a person will drown. On the hill of Mars - violent death, a desperate fight for life. On the hill of the Sun - an auspicious sign, a symbol of wealth and high position in society. The most successful position of the star is the hill of Jupiter. This is a symbol of a powerful person who can control others. On the hill of Mercury, the star is interpreted as a talent for eloquence, which will bring a person good luck in commerce and scientific activity.


The trident is included in the category of rare signs. The symbol is usually placed at the end of the line. Its most successful position is on the hill of Jupiter. Such a sign can be observed on the palms of significant people who are listened to and respected. On the hill of Apollo, the trident symbolizes glory, good events that bring success.


The cross indicates, for the most part, bad events. Palmistry examines the signs on the hand and their meaning from different angles: a regular-shaped cross located on a negative arc has a positive meaning, ugly and crooked signs are interpreted negatively.

Interpretation of the cross, depending on the location:

  • the hill of Jupiter is a positive sign, indicates a happy, strong marriage;
  • the hill of Saturn - mystical events leading to death, the evil fate of fate;
  • Apollo hill - changes, without the possibility of returning everything to its place;
  • the hill of Mercury is a sign of a liar, a thief, a hypocrite;
  • the hill of Venus - a fatal love affair;
  • the hill of Mars is a sign of an impudent, self-satisfied person who tries to prove his opinion even when he is wrong. Often makes rash actions.
  • hill of the moon - life in self-deception. In combination with short stripes united in a right angle on this hill - a sign of a drowned man;
  • line of Marriage - divorce.

The combination of crosses on the hill of Venus and Jupiter symbolizes one single love for life.

Mystical crosses are located between the lines of the Heart and Head. They talk about a person who is fond of the occult, capable of magic.


Usually located on the lines. It indicates an unfavorable period, shameful deeds. A large uneven island on the line of Fate speaks of immorality. Multiple islands on this line predict adultery.

An island on the line of the Heart speaks of problems with blood vessels, the heart. It symbolizes adultery, doubt about the correctness, sincerity of one's feelings. A large island on the Life line shows limited mobility. Extremely unfavorable - speaks of upcoming diseases that immobilize a person.

A small island on the arc of Success speaks of difficulties in business. A person can lose his job and success.

An island on the line of Mercury promises a decrease in efficiency due to severe illness, bankruptcy.

An island on the Uma line speaks of a nervous breakdown or insidious thoughts about harming others.


This is a protective sign - it reduces or completely neutralizes the effect of negative signs. Rhombus gives a person the opportunity to think sensibly. These are God's signs, telling how to act correctly, directing to the path of truth.

Similar signs on the hand on the line of Life in the immediate vicinity of the hill of Venus speak of a prison term, army service, training in closed institutions. This may be a restriction of freedom associated with a long-term illness.


A triangle in the palm of your hand is a positive sign: a person is endowed with remarkable mental abilities, well versed in science. It is interpreted depending on the position and the presence of additional dashes and icons. On the hill of Jupiter, the triangle tells about the ability in diplomacy, lofty goals. On the hill of Saturn, the figure symbolizes the master of the occult.

The triangle acquires special interpretations, being located on the hills of Apollo and Mars. In the first case, these are abilities for art and strict scientificity, a craving for high things, in the second, good skills in military affairs, a penchant for accurate calculations.


These signs speak of sudden shocks in certain areas of life. A dot on the line of the Heart speaks of a sudden event that brings grief. On the arc of Saturn symbolizes an accident.

White dots do not have a positive value, but in comparison with other negative symbols, they are almost empty. On the line of the Head, a white dot speaks of a sudden opening, a headache provoked by stress, torment. On the line of Life, points are interpreted as injuries, colds.

Dark dots - a serious danger, force majeure. If the dark dot is located on the line of Life, the exact date of a certain event can be interpreted.


The sign is included in the category of rare symbols and is interpreted positively. The circle, located on the tubercle, is a halo, a protective talisman, brings success. On the line of the Head and Life, the circle is interpreted as a negative sign. Talking about losing an eye.


The sign often has a quadrangular shape and consists of frequent vertical and horizontal lines. The general meaning of the lattice in the palm of your hand: passion, extreme measures, an obstacle. But the meaning also depends on the location of the sign:

  • On the hill of Venus, the lattice speaks of the desire for sexual pleasures, perversion.
  • On the hill of Jupiter, the lattice symbolizes megalomania, gluttony, stupidity, superstition.
  • On the hill of Saturn, the sign predicts a poor life, gloom.
  • On the hill of Apollo, the symbol speaks of arrogance and stupidity, insanity.
  • On the hill of Mercury, the sign speaks of criminal activity, deceit.
  • On the hill of Mars, the lattice symbolizes a rude, aggressive person, often unjust, prone to tyranny. Depending on the additional signs, it can be read as a violent death, high risks of dying at the hands of a maniac.
  • On the hill of the Moon, the lattice imprints lethargy, pessimism. A person with this sign is prone to depression.

A drop

A rare sign that brings good luck to its owner. It is considered a completely positive sign in any location. Reduces or completely neutralizes negative signs.

The drop speaks of the restlessness of a person, characterizes him as a positive personality, to which others are drawn.

Rare lines on the palm

The rarest lines in the palm of your hand:

  • features of the Samaritans - characterize a kind personality, responsive to someone else's grief;
  • the triangle of Luck - a person can make money from everything that he undertakes;
  • the arc of Treason - speaks of an unreliable person, characterizes a person who is not suitable for family life;
  • belt of Venus - symbolizes passion, temperament, emotionality.

The falling line of Fate speaks of a person’s fear of repeating negative incidents. The trait of Corruption is located on the hill of Venus under the thumb - it speaks of a generic curse. Special signs on the left hand, similar to grains of wheat, indicate a comfortable existence in old age, surrounded by people dear to the heart.

The Divorce Line can come and go when the marriage is in jeopardy - this sign is an offshoot of the family line. Lines crossing the line of Life speak of danger, warn a person to be more careful in his desires and the choice of means to achieve them.

Line of Death - symbolizes the evil fate of fate, fatal death. This is the line of Life, broken in the middle and bending down. The Ring of Celibacy on the Mount of Venus speaks of corruption or a person's predisposition to lead a hermitic lifestyle.

The line of the Head, turning up, speaks of high sensitivity, a person does not know how to think with his head at all, but surrenders to the will of emotions, committing reckless acts.

The Arc of the Heart, which occupies the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm, speaks of increased sensitivity, characterizes a kind, positive personality who is not always able to stand up for himself. The Emigration Line speaks of a move or opportunities to make it - it can be a move to another country or city.

The line of the Widower - describes a great loss that greatly shocked a person. The loss does not allow him to build his life anew, he does not see himself as new, he looks at life pessimistically. Each time, the fear of repeating negative events overcomes him and he abandons his dream.

Palmistry interprets rare signs in the palm of your hand in different ways:

  • The sun is a positive symbol. Protects the owner from dark thoughts, fills with vital energy.
  • A jug - a comfortable existence, good luck in business, business prosperity, the realization of ideas.
  • Butterfly - easy death. If located on the line of Life, you can predict the exact date.
  • The Star of David is a sign of protection. A person is under the reliable protection of higher powers.
  • The sink is a long road, a calm happy life.
  • The swastika is a fatal coincidence, a fateful event that will turn your whole life upside down. Changes can be both negative and positive.
  • Wood - vitality, energy, protection provided by deceased ancestors, the ability to see what others do not see, craving for art.


Palmistry studies the signs on the hands, in which one can consider the future, the secrets of the past and present, the character of a person. The accuracy of the interpretation depends on the attentiveness and skills of the palmist to read the general pictures into which the lines and signs in the palm of your hand are added. Most signs can have both positive and negative interpretations.

The palms of a person are covered with patterns of lines, palmistry is engaged in the interpretation of their influence on the twists of fate. In addition to the basic strokes that shape the course of life, there are infrequent stripes that are also important for a hand divination specialist to know about. On virtual courses, I was lucky to learn how to interpret the rarest lines on the hand, because in palmistry they are of great importance for predicting fate. I will share this knowledge with you so that when fortune-telling you do not miss the details that open the veil of the events of the subject's life.

If you are interested in or have already begun to master the art of divination by hand, you know that the palmist reads the basic information about fate and its milestones from the drawing of the right (active) hand, not forgetting to analyze both limbs as a whole. You also know about the four main lines that show the features of the formation of the character, duration and quality of life of any person. The hand map also contains many symbols and signs that not only clarify the nuances of a life scenario, but can predict cardinal changes in the earthly path.

The simplest method of divination in palmistry is the analysis of the location and quality of the main lines of the hand, along with the decoding of the main signs on them. For a simple version of the forecast, it will not take much time if all the strokes are in place and well developed.

Today we will not talk about the main threads for a simple interpretation of a life situation, but about the rarest lines that are not found in everyone. Palmistry considers them secondary, but the correct decoding of these folds is important for an accurate prediction of the fate of the owner of the hand.

So, let's start the review, moving gradually to the most rare line.

7. Omen of Widowhood

People turn to the knowledge of palmistry for answers to questions related to relationships. We are interested in the duration and strength of love, the time of marriage and its success, warnings about personal life. The rarest signs include the line of widowhood, the sign is not innate, but acquired, its appearance is associated with the consequences of mental upheavals, which include divorce or a break in close relationships.

Where to look for the widow's strip: it is located between the road of the heart and the thread of marriage, a curved line goes around the hill at the base of the little finger. An equally dangerous symbol is the line of cruel relationships, it runs parallel to the widow's dash, has a larger bend. The mark on the widow's strip, resembling a scorpion, is called the mark of the black widow.

6. A sign of good luck as well as fame

This rare line, often called the Apollo trait, is considered one of the most favorable harbingers in palmistry. The owner of the palm, possessing charisma, is an optimist by nature, he will live a life full of joy, and the talent measured by fate will help the realization of inner potential.

Where to look for a sign of a successful life: the line of Apollo, which is also called the sign of the Sun or the seal of glory, is easy to detect. It stretched from the base of the ring finger along the palm to the very wrist. In some people, the line is quite difficult to find, it looks intermittent and indistinctly drawn, it can be represented by a small semicircle framing the ring finger.

Palmistry associates a long line of fame with the realization of the dream of becoming famous. This portends a straight and equally deep along the entire length of the Apollo road without breaks and intersections. If the thread of luck ends with a star, recognition will be worldwide.

5. Mark of psychic abilities

The line that palmistry correlates with intuition, as well as clairvoyance, is considered the rarest, it shows the extrasensory inclinations of a person. The owner of such a trait in the palm of his hand is able to portend events, see pictures of prophetic dreams, and feel people at a distance. Real magicians and healers, as well as highly emotional natures, can find such a sign of foresight on their hand, it is drawn clearly and clearly.

Where to look for the line of the medium: a trace of a clear semicircle begins under the lunar hill, tends upward to the tubercle of Mercury, located at the base of the little finger. In ordinary people, the dash may disappear, appearing again, which warns the owner about the invariable inclusion of intuition in a difficult situation. What else could be a trait of a magician:

  • a thin line of intuition without breaks, flying up to the little finger, is associated with the ability to lead the subconscious;
  • a thick line of clairvoyance warns of a lack of connection with your unconscious;
  • a trace of a short line in the lower segment of the palm warns of a weak development of intuitive ability.

If you find a cross on the line of a medium, a person has a tendency to deep immersion in himself, fencing himself off from those around him like a shield. Such people, living in the world of their own illusions, become famous clairvoyants, but they can also lose their minds - it depends on the direction of the energy output.

4. Traces of a karmic mark

Guided by the knowledge of palmistry, on the palmar map you can find a sign of a family curse. He warns of damage or other strong negativity imposed directly on the owner of the hand or passed to him by inheritance from his ancestors.

Where to look for a karmic mark: if you have a family curse, look for its sign in the region of the hill of Venus, it is located at the base of the thumb. In the figure above, we marked the line of curse (damage) with an orange dash, it is located between two small stripes:

  • black - the fold of the family ring;
  • blue - line of children.

It is important to pay attention to the length of the orange line - if it reaches the line of children and touches it, then the burden of the curse will fall on your children. A very strong curse, imposed with the help of black magic on the whole family, is signaled by several small segments, but on both palms.

3. Finding the path of voluptuousness

Palmistry associates the rarest line, which has a negative character, with the degree of sensitivity. The presence of a fold shows a person overwhelmed by base desires for bodily pleasures. This is the mark of passionate people, their high level of sensitivity can provoke a surge of the most bad habits and strong addictions that can ruin the life of the owner.

Where to look for a dangerous fold: The Milky Way of voluptuousness connects two hills in the lower part of the palm in a loop - starting on the hillock of the Moon and ending on the hillock of Venus. Palmists warn that the presence of the line will result in health problems, in addition to the desire to abuse pleasures, a curved line can signal a tendency to allergies.

1. The uniqueness of the monkey fold

The thread of the monkey is one of the most rare lines on human hands. The reason for the unusual name is the similarity of the location of the feature with the pattern of the palms of some species of primates. The owners of this line of thought are closely intertwined with emotions, and glimpses of common sense are very rare, which enriches life with problems of communication with others.

Where to look for the monkey crease: This is a rare case when the two main lines (hearts and heads) are connected into one clearly drawn furrow that penetrates the palm from left to right. Most often, a sign of primates is found in assertive people, stubbornly striding towards a goal, whose ambitions harm not only those around them, but also the owners of the most rare stripe themselves.


The authors of works on palmistry describe an unusual scheme of the hand with only traces of the main stripes with a partial or complete absence of secondary ones. The calmness and indifference to surrounding events of the owner of an “empty hand” can only be called a mask, a person knows how to suppress a storm of emotions and feelings. Variants of such palms, predicting life without bright events, are especially rare.

Having introduced you to the drawings on the hand map, I want to warn you that the study of palmistry can stretch for most of your life. In addition to theory, you will need practical exercises. Only after examining many palms, along with a detailed analysis of the layout of the lines and interpreting their influence on fate, can you be called a palmist.

The French palmist De Barol drew up a diagram of the palm with the happiest signs. A lucky palm is not common, but even if you find at least a few signs on your hand that indicate a happy life, you are lucky!

As a rule, a person is lucky in one thing. For example, if he is happy in family life, then his career is not so successful. And vice versa. So you have a great opportunity to find out in which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife you are lucky.

Lucky signs in the palm of your hand

In the figure, all lucky signs are numbered from 1 to 11. Below is a transcript. Don't forget to check your palms!

  1. Double life line- a sign of well-being, good health and prosperity throughout life.
  2. Straight and even line of fate considered in palmistry as a sign of absolute happiness.
  3. Forks at the beginning and end of the heart line indicate happiness in love and family, and also talk about the ability to love and openness in relationships.
  4. Cross on the hill of Jupiter indicates the presence of a reliable friend in life.
  5. Ring of Venus, located between the little finger and index finger, speaks of a huge supply of vital energy.
  6. Fork on the mind line on the edge of the palm - a sign of genius, extraordinary thinking.
  7. The line of Apollo rises vertically to the little finger and passes close to the line of life - a lucky sign on the hand in palmistry, indicating giftedness and talent.
  8. Conjunction of the ring of Venus with the hill of Mercury speaks of developed intuition, happiness in love.
  9. The presence of a very rare genetic line testifies to the inheritance of the best qualities of their ancestors and the help of the whole family.
  10. Three clear lines on the wrist means long life and good health.
  11. Cross on the Hill of Venus speaks of passionate and lasting love.

All these signs on the hand in palmistry together indicate a happy life and luck for the owner of such a hand. If you have found at least one sign in yourself, then try to use your abilities and opportunities for your own benefit. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.11.2014 09:02

The lines on the wrist in palmistry are called bracelets. They can tell about the health and life span of a person. A special prediction for these...

The line of fate is considered the second most important line on the hand after the line of life. It stands for development...

Signs on the hand- in palmistry have a special meaning. Hands are often both with many signs on the hand and on the lines, and completely without signs. People who are familiar with palmistry know that, in addition to hills and lines, hand marks, which are able to radically change the situation of events determined by the hand of a person.

Hand signs can be located on various parts of the palm, and their presence almost always corrects the course of events. Most likely, the question naturally arises in you: what do hand signs mean? what do the signs of death look like? changing the action of tubercles as well as lines. It is worth paying attention to the marriage line - the signs there will indicate the events that await you in love relationships and relationships in marriage with loved ones.

Rare hand signs, such as - sign Star , , the signs of which are also points, Islands,Lattices, Triangle and Square, - are the main and sometimes rare signs of the palm and fingers.

Signs and symbols located in the palm of your hand can be either a permanent sign of the hand or temporary, which in turn warn the owner of the hand about various dangers. Not permanent signs - they may later disappear and reappear in modern times. One of the special and mysterious signs of the hand is the presence of a mystical cross on the hand, which is usually located in the center on the throne of the palm. Such a sign is usually found in people actively involved in occult practices.

Star sign on hand - meaning

Star sign- can predict in the palm of your hand both a good event and a completely bad one, - however, the general meaning of the sign is interpreted as follows:

This is an event that does not depend on the free will of a person, it has the character of suddenness, flash. Usually the sign is found on the bumps and hills of the palm. Often a sign can be seen on a line where a star carries a completely bad meaning.
Located on the line, the star always means some very unfavorable and event that can end a person's life - a violent celebrity, according to the location of the sign.

The unfortunate location of the sign of the star (1) is the hill of Saturn - the life of such a person will end in great misfortune, he will become famous thanks to his terrible fate, especially if the sign is under the hill of Saturn.

Star on the hill The moon (2) is a bad sign, it symbolizes hypocrisy, a tendency to betrayal, emphasizes the baseness and pretense of a person, it is better to avoid people with such a sign on their hands, especially when several stars are found in this space. A star on the hand usually brings misfortune - and in particular a star on the hill of the Moon - misfortune caused by imagination. The sign increases the chance of drowning in water.

If Star located on the hill of Mars (3), - can threaten violent death, - often means murder, a threat to health from fire, fire, as well as a gunshot wound. A star in this place symbolizes resistance, active actions, the fiercest struggle for life - and, as a rule, bodily harm. The Star sign in the lower part of the tubercle of Venus (4) indicates the suffering and misfortune of the owner of the hand, which was caused by individuals of the opposite sex.

Star sign which is located on the hill of Apollo (5) - indicates prosperity and universal recognition, however, this wealth is unfortunate, it is not inspired by positive emotions, and a true sense of happiness. If the star is on this mound with a line, then it indicates a celebrity, often violent, but accompanied by great talent.

If the Star is located on the hill of Jupiter (6), such an arrangement of the sign is the most successful - this indicates that the person will or may indicate that he already has powerful power over other people and recognition. The sign symbolizes inner satisfaction, pride. Not infrequently, such a sign is a mark of a lucky man in love - however, for this there must be additional symbols.

Star sign on the hill of Mercury(7) indicates certain abilities of the subject, and depending on other indicators in the palm of your hand, it may indicate the gift of eloquence, the ability to correctly state the essence - this is also a sign of no small success in science and commercial affairs. However, in place of the one on the depraved hand, on which a clear expression of the negative aspirations and properties of a person is visible, such a sign means a nimble mind, capable of deceiving and dishonoring in order to achieve its goals and profit.

Trident sign on hand - meaning

Trident Sign- this is a very rare sign that occurs on the hand - it is formed by diverging branches in different directions from the connection of the line of the hand, as shown in the example of the photo picture. The trident sign should not be mistakenly confused with the similar "fork" sign, which is a much more common sign. Such a sign necessarily has a clear pattern and usually completes or begins one of the main lines.

The best arrangement of the trident in the palm of your hand will be the option when the trident is located on the hill of Jupiter (1), this is evidence and a guarantee of the social significance of a person and his ideas. If he chose locations on the hill of Apollo (2), this will be a sign of public glory, and simply fantastic, incredible success. This is definitely a happy future.

Sign Cross on the hand - meaning

Cross sign- is considered mostly a bad sign and a bad omen. However, the main rule to remember here is interpretation of the cross on the hand. If the cross is of the correct form and well built - that is, when its mutually intersecting lines of the sign are of the same length - it is considered a "good" sign, especially if it is located on a bad line.

If the cross is ugly, it carries a bad meaning, especially on a good beautiful line. Below is the meaning of the cross on various parts of the palm.

The sign of the Cross on the hill of Jupiter (1), as well as the star, is a good sign - this is an indicator of a successful happy marriage, it is only necessary that it be clear and distinct.
When the sign is on the hillock of Saturn (2), it carries special meaning, this is a disastrous sign of mysticism, fate itself threatens here - "Rock", - we note that even any line descending from this tubercle down is a harbinger of a serious accident, not to mention other negative signs of the hand.

The sign of the cross on the tubercle Apollo (3) indicates delusion and soaring in the arts or wealth, this sign denotes a stopped success that is not destined to be reborn. On the hillock of Mercury (4) cross sign, reveals a dishonest nature, prone to deceit and theft - we note again that the more incorrect the symmetry of the sign, the brighter the negative qualities of the sign will appear. For example, if you saw a Cross on your hand, which is located on the marriage line, it predicts you an upcoming break in marriage.

The cross located on Venus (5) means the only fatal love, but its meaning can be changed by an additional cross on the tubercle of Jupiter - that in combination these two signs mean the only happy love of all life. This is how the interpretation of signs can change dramatically - the cross.

On the hill of Mars (6), the cross speaks of the impudence of its owner, this is a subject who loves to argue even if he is wrong. Such people are capable of extremely thoughtless actions and have a peculiar disposition. But if the cross is on positive Mars, such a sign can indicate events associated with violence, both psychological and material, in particular, as practice shows, the sign of the cross can indicate operations carried out by a person.

Although a person goes to such a thing quite consciously, the human self-preservation system does not understand such interference in the body as an operation, and considers determining when they invade the body or cut it as violence, respectively, and the event is fixed.

Cross on the hill Moon (7), will indicate a person capable of deceiving - sometimes the subject can get so carried away that he does not notice how he deceived himself. Any signs in this place are unfavorable, for example 2 - short lines on the hill of the Moon, making a right angle between themselves - mean the sign of a drowned man. The sign of the cross, if it is between the lines of the heart and head, and stands apart from the lines in the center of the hand, such a sign is called the mystical cross, it indicates a person who is intensely interested in occult sciences, or who is able to prove himself in this direction, it often happens that a person and does not suspect that he has hidden talents.

It should be recalled once again - that the crosses in the palm of your hand are deciphered as follows - when they are well made, and the hands on which they are harmonious and proportional, then in palmistry Those are most likely good signs. But if signs badly made, wrong and of bad shape - then they are especially unhappy.

Island sign meaning island

Sign Island usually located on the line - there it expresses unfavorable periods of life, always worsening the prediction, often the islands are a shameful thing of the line on which they find themselves. For example, an island on the line of Fate (3) indicates immoral behavior and often adultery.

Often the sign of the island indicates a period of life in a difficult financial situation. All in all Islands interpreted as - clutter, obstruction or obstacles that will inevitably occur if no action is taken.

On the line of the Heart, such a sign (1) - shows problems with the circulatory system, heart disease, and can also indicate periods of doubt in feelings, adultery. On the line of Life (2), big Island- threatens with a decline in vitality, limits the mobility of a person, that is, indicates future periods spent in illness, and is an extremely unfavorable sign in this place.

An island on the line of success - if it is small island- it means there will be a difficulty, the loss of a good social or official position. When the island is on the line of Mercury - deterioration in health, liver disease and, as a result, possible bankruptcy. On the head line (4), the island sign can become evidence of a psycho-emotional breakdown, mental illness of a person, and also be a sign of insidious plans.

Sign Square- A square, or as they say a rhombus or a rectangle, are considered signs of protection. These are signs that weaken the threat from damaged lines and soften the blows of fate. The square is a favorable sign on the hand - it gives a person a sound mind, a correct outlook on life and cold energy with which the owner of the hand will be able to get out of a difficult situation.

Squares are undoubtedly a good sign on the hand, and are a protective and softening sign, often enclosed in a square, various line breaks (2) - and often completely bad signs, can be deprived of their negative effect and neutralized squares.

But if the square sign is located near the line of life, on the hill of Venus or adjacent to the life line (1), then it indicates the restriction of the free will of a person throughout its entire length.

Usually such a square is interpreted as a prison sentence, but this is not always the case. Any restriction of the will can be expressed as a square - whether it is military service or study in closed institutions, long-term illnesses bedridden a person, and looking at the rest of the signs of the hand, you can determine the meaning of the sign with accuracy.

Large square-rectangle

The large quadrilateral is otherwise called the Hand Table. It is formed by the main lines and intersections with each other: the lines of the Mind, the Lines of the Heart, the lines of Destiny and the lines of Success. It usually has a far irregular shape of a geometric rectangle - beveled corners, far from straight lines, or the absence of any of the sides. However, it will be good if it is more or less correct - it is large and expands towards the hill of Jupiter. This speaks of good health, directness and breadth of nature, honesty, kindness, pleasant character.

If a large rectangle is generally defective in appearance, then this reveals a person who is indecisive, weak, with a cowardly character, and a selfish nature.

Sign Dot on the line of the hand

Points on lines- these are signs that mean sudden shocks, events in the corresponding influences of the planets, a point on the line of the heart - a sharp or sudden grief, a point on the line of Saturn - an incident that strikes in the course of fate with its unexpectedness, and here it is a very bad sign for a very impressionable person.

White Dots - the sign is not particularly good, but relatively empty. On the line of the head, dots can predict minor nervous or brain suffering, they can be a sign of sudden discoveries. On the line of the heart is a sign of love victories. On the line of Life, points predict injuries or illnesses, but diseases acquired most likely by chance, that is, depending on any circumstances, and not due to their own weakness of health.

Dark Dots - serve as an indication of serious disasters, for example, received in force majeure circumstances, and the location of the point on the line of life indicates the date of the events. Often small dots on the lines of the hands are hardly noticeable, and in order to consider a point on the line, the skin of the hand should be stretched.

Sign Circle

Sign Circle, the ring is a very rare sign on the hand, - Circle sign on tubercles palm, is a halo, it indicates fame and success in the area where it is located and there is a good sign on the hand. But if it is on the line of the head or life, then as the legend says, then this is the loss of an eye, two circles, the loss of both eyes, as you can see, the sign is almost located in the wrong place, and can instantly turn into a very terrible sign on the hand.
I would like to emphasize that the influence of any sign on a person depends to a large extent on the types of hand on which the sign is located, and can be reflected in events to varying degrees.

Triangle sign on hand meaning

Triangle- a good sign, a sign of great ability and inclination to the sciences, knowledge, mental work. But unfortunately, this rule is not without exception, it is just as easy as a circle to become a big threat if it is not positioned properly.

On the hill of Jupiter (1) the sign is a triangle, it indicates great diplomatic skills, but with huge ideas. The triangle on the hill of Saturn (2) is interpreted as a sign of a master in the occult sciences, based mainly on black magic, and also indicates the ability or inclination to spiritualism, magnetism, hypnosis.

On other parts of the palm, the triangle takes on its own special meaning. So on the hill of Apollo (3) - it means the ability of pure art with strict scientificity, - on the hill of Mars (5) - skillful calculation, great abilities in military affairs.

On the hill of the Moon (6) - penetration into the secrets of art, mysticism. On the hill of Venus, a triangle, if it stands on the line of Life (7), then this is a bad sign, - it threatens to suffer from a fire, - if the triangle is near the line of life, then a person can suffer materially from fire, but not physically.

In other cases, the location of the triangle on Venus - marks the application of pure reason to the art of love - this means that calculation in love affairs is above all.

The meaning of the lines in the pictures




Rosetta line

Sign Lattice on the hand - meaning

Lattice- the sign on the hand is meant as small figures, most often of a quadrangular shape, consisting of frequent, closely standing and intersecting thin lines, which in appearance resemble a lattice. Most often, the Lattice means extremes, hobbies and obstacles. Barred Hill Venus (1), means a great desire for sensual-sexual pleasures, a perversion that does not honor a person.

On the hillock of Jupiter (2) - the sign of the lattice means satanic arrogance, real delirium of greatness, the desire to shine at all costs, as well as gluttony and superstition, and is a sign of human stupidity. If the lattice is on the hillock of Saturn (3), then gloominess and a disastrous difficult existence or life indicate misfortune.

On the tubercle of Apollo (4), the meaning of the sign indicates insane pride, stupidity, talkativeness, and sometimes insanity, loss of productive power, envy of sophism and the paradoxes of a liar. On the hill of Mercury (5) - crime, theft, deceit and lies, treachery and excitement and pretentious ignorance, in general a negative sign in this place, one should be careful when faced with people who have such a sign on their hand.

Bar sign on a hillock Mars (6) - which, according to legend, is the god of war, gives rudeness to a person, anger, injustice and incommensurable audacity, sometimes even a thirst for blood, a certain tendency to tyranny, and can also mean a violent death and a great risk of dying at the hands of a killer.

On the hill of the moon there is a lattice(7) - this is an indicator of the eternal sad mood of the spirit, the sign is a mark that reveals a capricious personality with frequent mood swings, indicates lethargy, anxiety, possible nervous attacks.

On a thin woman's hand - this is an indicator of the hysteria of nature, eternal discontent, incessant desires - emphasizes the fallacy of a person and some degree of fanaticism.