What is known about the time traveler. What future do time travelers promise humanity? Nuclear attack on the Bitcoin rich

Everyone would probably not mind having the opportunity to travel back in time to correct something in the past or spy on the future. It's just a pity that this is impossible. Or is it possible?

If you believe the stories in this collection - and they seem very realistic - some people have managed to deceive the laws of physics and logic and jump through time and space.

1. Rudolf Fenz

In 1951, in New York, a man in a traditional 19th-century outfit was seen, who was sincerely surprised by the cars driving around the city. As it turned out later, this same man went missing in 1876. The stranger’s “belonging to the last century” was confirmed by the contents of his pockets. But even this did not convince some scientists who believe that the story of Rudolf Fentz is nothing more than a legend.

2. Chronovisor

In one of his books, Father Francois Brun, a French priest, said that his colleague Pellegrino Ernetti, who was also a scientist, developed a certain machine that allowed him to see through time and space. Such statements caused a lot of noise, but official confirmation of the existence of the chronovisor never appeared.

3. Ettore Majorana

On March 27, 1938, Italian scientist Ettore Majorana disappeared on his boat in the waters between Palermo and Naples. The disappearance became a sensation. All authorities searched for Majorana, but even a trace of the scientist could not be found. Only in 1955 in Argentina they found a man exactly like Ettore. Analysis of the photos of the two men confirmed the high probability that they depict the same person. And since almost two decades later Majorana had hardly changed at all, many decided that he simply invented a time machine and traveled with it.

4. Nicolas Cage

Tentatively, this photo of “Nicolas Cage from the past” was taken in 1870. Although no one knows for certain who exactly is depicted in the picture, it was sold on eBay for a million dollars.

5. Charlotte Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain

In 1911, a pair of these English scientists and writers published the book "Adventure" under the pseudonyms of Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont. The women claimed that they were able to return to the past, and also talked about their meeting with the ghost of Marie Antoinette. The reading, it must be said, was not very convincing and caused a lot of indignation.

6. Hakan Nordqvist

Swede Hakan Nordqvist uploaded a video to YouTube in which he supposedly met his future self from the present. The author claimed that he got to 2042 thanks to the bedside table under the sink, where the portal was located - the guy found it when he began to repair the pipe. However, as we found out later, this video was nothing more than an advertisement for one insurance company.

7. "The Philadelphia Experiment"

This is the name given to a US Navy test conducted during World War II in which the USS Eldridge jumped back in time for 10 seconds and became invisible to radar. Alas, many experts consider this story to be an ordinary fiction.

The Swiss Meyer claims that he communicated with aliens. The latter allegedly kidnapped him and returned him to the past, where he took several photos of dinosaurs, which, unfortunately, did not convince critics of the veracity of Billy's story.

9. Iranian time traveler

In 2003, the Iranian Fars news agency spread the news that a 27-year-old scientist managed to develop a time machine with which people could see the future. But within a few days there was a refutation of this amazing story.

10. Andrew Karlssin

In January 2003, he was arrested on suspicion of financial fraud. Andrew made 126 very risky trades, all of which were successful. His starting capital was only $800. After completing the transactions, Karlssin’s fortune increased to 350 million. Later in reports, he stated that he simply visited the future and even knew where Osama bin Laden was hiding.

11. “A man handing a letter to a woman in the hallway of a house.”

This was the name of the painting that Tim Cook admired while at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Is it a coincidence that the letter depicted on the canvas is shaped very much like an iPhone? The similarity also surprised Cook, who says that he always knew perfectly well the dates of the invention of the Apple smartphone, but now he began to doubt his knowledge...

12. Chaplin's Time Travels

In 2010, director George Clarke posted a video clip of footage from Charlie Chaplin's films on the Internet. At some point, a woman appears on the screen talking on a cell phone. At least, her pose strongly indicates this. But since we are talking about footage edited in 1928, many critics, skeptics and scientists have come to the conclusion that, most likely, the movie heroine is simply holding a hearing aid or fixing her hair.

13. "Fort Apache"

The film was filmed in 1948. While traveling on a stagecoach, actor Henry Fonda's character took out something that looked like an iPhone to get directions. Seeing this, the audience caused a real commotion - where did the modern gadget come from in the film of 1948? But experts hastened to reassure everyone and assured that this something in Fonda’s hand was just a notebook.

14. Eugene Helton

A rather eccentric man who calls himself VonHelton and shows himself in photographs from different periods of history. In his opinion, this proves his ability to travel through time. But don’t forget that Eugene sometimes calls himself a vampire and periodically asks NASA for the coordinates of the “space fleet.”

15. CD box

In the 1800s painting, some people were holding a CD case. But it really does look like it!

16. The Montauk Project

One of the US Air Force experiments related to time travel, which, like the Philadelphia Experiment, is not taken seriously by scientists.

17. Mike Tyson vs. Peter Mac Neely

At a 1995 fight, a man was seen in the stands holding an object that looked very much like a smartphone. The photo of the “unidentified object” became the subject of intense debate, but in the end, those discussing it came to the conclusion that it was just an old digital camera.

18. DuPont factory worker

In the crowd of workers leaving the factory after a day of work, one woman stands out, who seems to be talking on a mobile phone. And a lady claiming to be the granddaughter of the lady in the photo confirmed that her relative was indeed testing out the new wireless device.

19. John Titor

From 2000 to 2001, the name of a certain Internet user John Titor was heard, who claimed that he had arrived from the future - 2036 - on a military mission. “Messiah” assured that in 2008 the United States would be destroyed during a civil war, and then, in 2015, the world would be subjected to a nuclear attack. After his predictions did not come true, John Titor disappeared from all radars and made no more predictions.

20. Film about civil defense of the 50s

In the video, the board says "Game 2 Giants 9 Rangers 0" along with the words "C," "No," and "Warning." College football fans quickly realized that this was the actual score from Game 2 of the 2010 World Series between the Giants and Rangers.

21. Andrew Basiago and William Stillings

In 2004, American lawyer Basiago claimed that he was part of time travel experiments that the government conducted in the 70s. According to Andrew, he visited the Civil War and even visited Mars. Soon Basiago’s words were confirmed by several more people, among whom was William Stillings. All of them stated that they also participated in experiments during which the United States sent about 100 thousand people to a secret base on Mars, of which only 7 thousand managed to survive.

22. Tim Jones

In the early 2000s, a man calling himself Tim Jones sent out emails asking recipients for a “dimensional strain generator.” In the end it turned out that this was the work of spammer Robert Jay. Todino, who actually believes he has the ability to travel through time.

23. Man from the future at the opening of the bridge

He earned the nickname "time-traveling hipster." He was spotted in a photo from the opening of a bridge in British Columbia in 1941. The man caught my eye because he was wearing a printed T-shirt, dark glasses, and was also holding a camera, which did not exist at that time. But skeptics, of course, argue that this is not a time traveler, and all the doubtful things could easily be bought in many stores already in 1941.

It turns out that Nicolas Cage is not the only actor traveling through time. John Travolta, for example, also visited the past. Around 1860. Oddly enough, the photo of the “actor” was also put up for sale on eBay. But the fact that the seller is asking only 50 thousand dollars for the photo is strange.

25. Unknown time traveler

According to the theory of relativity, fast motion greatly slows down the passage of time. That is, if you go into Space at a speed close to the speed of light, you can eventually return to Earth in about 100 years. This means that, in principle, travel to the future, from a physical point of view, is permissible. But science does not know how to return to the past. And even if someone managed to break the space-time continuum, we will not know the result of the experiment - sending a message is problematic!

In the history of mankind there are many documented facts that indicate the real existence of such a phenomenon as the movement of living and inanimate objects in time. Ancient Egyptian chronicles and chronicles of the Middle Ages, documents of modern and contemporary times tell about the appearance of strange people, mechanisms and machines.

The Tobolsk archives contain the file of a certain Sergei Dmitrievich Krapivin, who was killed on August 28, 1897. detained on the street by a policeman. The law enforcement officer found the appearance and unusual behavior of a middle-aged man suspicious. The detainee was immediately taken to the station. During the interrogation that followed, the police were quite surprised by the information that Krapivin shared with them. According to him, it turned out that he was born on April 14, 1965. in the Eastern Siberian city of Angarsk (the history of Angarsk began in 1945). Krapivin’s occupation, a PC operator, also seemed very strange to the police. The detainee could not explain how he ended up in Tobolsk. According to the man, before this he had a severe headache and then lost consciousness. When he woke up, Sergei Dmitrievich found himself in a completely unfamiliar place, near a small church.

A doctor was called to the suspicious man, who examined and listened to Krapivin, after which he recognized that he was suffering from quiet insanity. At the insistence of doctor Sergei Dmitrievich, they placed him in the city house of grief...

A military sailor from the legendary city of Sevastopol, Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin, has been studying the phenomenon of time travel for the last fifteen years. The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after one mysterious incident, which he witnessed and participated in in the late 1980s. Then Ivan Pavlovich served on a diesel submarine as its deputy commander.

During the next training cruise, the submarine, which was in the neutral waters of the La Perouse Strait, was caught in a terrible thunderstorm. By order of the commander, she surfaced, and the sailor on watch immediately reported that he saw an unidentified craft directly ahead. It turned out that it was a rescue boat, on board of which there was a half-dead frostbitten man, in the uniform of a Japanese naval sailor from the Second World War. During the inspection of the personal belongings of the rescued, the submariners discovered an award parabellum and documents issued to the Japanese sailor on September 14, 1940 (esoreiter.ru).

All this was reported to the base, and the command ordered the boat to go to the Yuzhno-Sakhalin port, where counterintelligence officers were already waiting for it. The submarine's crew members signed a non-disclosure agreement with GRU officers for the next ten years.

Soviet pilots who temporarily fell into the past

In 1976 Soviet Air Force pilot V. Orlov said that he saw military ground operations under the wing of his MiG-25, which seemed very strange to him. Scientists compared the pilot's descriptions and realized that we were talking about the Battle of Gettysburg (USA), which took place in 1863.

In 1985, while flying over Africa, another military pilot saw, instead of a desert, savannas with many trees and grazing on lawns... dinosaurs.

In 1986 Soviet pilot A. Ustimov, performing a mission, realized with amazement that he was flying over the territory of Ancient Egypt!.. According to the pilot, he saw one fully constructed pyramid and the foundations of others with human figures swarming nearby.

Soviet tank crews capture a Napoleonic soldier

In I.P. Zalygin’s file there is an incident that occurred in 1944. next to the Gulf of Finland. A certain Vasily Troshev, who fought on the North-Western Front in the 3rd Tank Army, spoke about him. There were battles for the liberation of Estonia. The reconnaissance tank division, commanded by Captain Troshev, accidentally came across a group of strangely dressed cavalrymen in the forest: such a uniform could only be seen in a history textbook. At the sight of the tanks, the unusual cavalrymen fled in panic. After a short pursuit, our fighters detained one of the riders, who, as it turned out, spoke French. Knowing about the Resistance movement, our tank crews decided that this was a participant in this movement.

The cavalryman was taken to army headquarters. They found an officer who once taught French to interrogate the “partisan.” In the very first minutes of the conversation, both the translator and the headquarters officers were completely bewildered, since the man claimed that he was a cuirassier of the Napoleonic army. The remnants of his regiment have been retreating from Moscow for two weeks and are trying to get out of the encirclement, but a couple of days ago they got lost in heavy fog. The cuirassier admitted that he had a cold and was very hungry. When asked about the year of his birth, he said: 1772...

The next morning, the mysterious prisoner was taken away in an unknown direction by specially arrived special officers...

How does time travel happen?

I.P. Zalygin believes that there are a number of places on the planet where temporary movements occur quite often. These places are located in areas of large geological faults, which are characterized by periodic and powerful energy emissions. The nature of these energies is not well understood today, but it is during their emissions that spatiotemporal anomalies occur.

Temporary movements are by no means always irreversible. It happens that people who find themselves in a different time manage to return back. In Zalygin’s “collection” there is an incident that occurred in the early 1990s on the foothill Carpathian plateau with a local shepherd. The man and his fifteen-year-old son were then in the summer parking lot. One evening, the shepherd suddenly disappeared right in front of his son. The frightened teenager began to scream, calling for help, but within a minute his father reappeared in the same place. He was very frightened and did not sleep a wink until dawn. Only in the morning did the shepherd decide to tell his son about his strange adventure. It turns out that at a certain moment he saw a bright flash in front of him and lost consciousness for a short time. The man woke up in some completely unfamiliar place: huge houses that looked like chimneys rose around him, and strange fantastic machines scurried in the air. The shepherd even thought that he had died and found himself in the afterlife, which, in principle, could look like anything. However, then the man felt bad again - and after that, to his happiness, he found himself in a familiar pasture...

Russian scientists have long been struggling to solve the problem of temporary movements. Needless to say, it would be great to learn how to travel like this. But first you need to scientifically substantiate this phenomenon and understand what time really is...

Video: Time Travelers of the Soviet Union Period

In the first few months of 2018, a lot of news from time travelers appeared on the Internet. These guys almost never say their names or show their faces. They fly from the future to talk about the time that our descendants will see, warn against mistakes and show how humanity will live in thousands of years. Many netizens believe that these people are fake and that time travel is scientifically impossible. However, there are those who believe every word they say and are preparing for the events that “people from the future” told about on YouTube. So what future did time travelers predict for us? Let's try to figure it out.

World War III

Michael Phillips was born in 2043. According to him, already in 2019 a nuclear conflict will break out between the United States and North Korea, culminating in the bombing of the DPRK and the assassination of Kim Jong-un. A destructive but quick war will lead to an economic and migration crisis on a global scale, as a result of which the situation in the world will become tense and World War III will break out.

In 2020, Russia and China will create a bloc against the USA, Great Britain and a number of other countries. Hundreds of millions of people will die during a bloody war using nuclear weapons.

Judging by other messages from time travelers, this war will be the bloodiest and the last of this scale for humanity. It will unite peoples and nations, as a result of which peace will reign on the planet for thousands of years, with the exception of some regional conflicts.

Cities and life

Time travelers claim that the cities of the future will be radically different from those we see now. The buildings will be incredibly tall, and you can get from one end to the other in a matter of minutes thanks to high-speed public transport.

Many people will live carefree and become happier. Robots will start doing the work instead. They will clean houses, perform surgeries there, and walk pets. Each person will have their own stable standard income, and additional income can only be obtained through innovation and work in the field of science. Thus, the poor class will disappear as such, and technology will develop at an incredible pace.

People will stop shopping - instead, by a certain time, according to a schedule, the necessary things and products will be delivered to their homes. Women and men will devote more time to themselves and will become completely equal. The concept of homosexuality, inequality, and so on will disappear. People will walk with robots and... In addition, humanity will actively communicate with aliens.


In just a few decades, medicine will make great strides forward. Diseases like cancer will take no longer to cure than the flu. And in a few hundred years, people will forget about such a concept as childbirth. A person will be “grown” in special capsules from a sperm and an egg. At the same time, parents will be able to choose the color and type of hair or eyes, skin color and talents. Travelers claim that by 2030 humanity will learn to change people's DNA, preventing most diseases in the future, but the constant use of such technologies in practice will not come into use until 2200. A man from the year 4000 claims that thanks to the development of technology, people will live up to 600 years.

In the next 2 thousand years, people will face several epidemics of serious diseases, which with the current development of technology would be difficult to overcome. However, in the future, such problems will be solved within a few hours: immediately after an outbreak occurs, the systems will select the necessary components to neutralize viruses or other diseases in the body.

Future technologies

One of the upcoming events predicted by people from the future will be a trip to Mars. Michael Phillips claims that by the mid-2020s, when Michael McIntosh becomes the new US President, SpaceX will fly to the Red Planet.

In the year 4000, the car manufacturer Zucar will be popular on Earth. Cars will fly, and advanced safety technologies will virtually eliminate the possibility of accidents. The co-founder of Zucar, who arrived from the future, said that by air people will get to the right places much faster, and advanced systems will allow even a novice to safely operate a flying car.

Global disasters

James Oliver on our planet and in our time. By occupation, he is a futuristic archaeologist - he goes to different time periods to study them and collect various artifacts. The guy claims that people should pay close attention to the Yellowstone Caldera now.

A guest from the future said that humanity is awaiting the eruption of a supervolcano, the mouth of which measures 55 by 72 kilometers. A new disaster will not only deal a terrible blow to the United States, but will also lead to the fact that a huge amount of ash and ash will be in the atmosphere. This will provoke a collapse on a global scale and a long, harsh winter, because sunlight will not penetrate through the thick black curtain.

Oliver says it will take at least five years to minimize the impact of the volcanic eruption. Throughout this time, the United States will be a barren territory in which it will be impossible to engage in agriculture. All this will happen in the next 200 years.

Another traveler named , that in the next thousand years humanity will continue to neglect the environment, which is why the ice caps will melt as a result of global warming. The sea level will rise sharply and almost all land will be flooded - people will have to survive under water. To prove his words, the guy showed a photo of flooded Los Angeles, where people continue to live.

Dark time

A man who arrived from the year 3300 said that in 12 centuries. There will be almost no trees and animals left, and humanity will get involved in a war with artificial intelligence and robots that have gotten out of control.

The person who spoke about this was born on December 1, 2058 in the European Empire. At the age of 18, he joined the army, went to the future and took part in the war with robots that have invaded the planet and are controlled by powerful artificial intelligence. The war with them began on September 21, 3300. Residents of other planets and galaxies fought on the side of people. However, the result was a foregone conclusion: artificial intelligence easily beat people and their allies, tracking them through numerous sensors and cameras installed in cities. Billions of people died, leaving only about 8 hundred resistance fighters who hid in the ruins.

It’s difficult to say how the traveler was able to get out of there and end up in our era. He claims that he is on a mission to prevent such developments and change the future. Apparently, the guy succeeded, because we have already seen guests from the 4000s and 5000s, and everything was fine there.

Secrets of the past

Time travelers told not only about what will happen in the future, but also revealed some secrets of the past. For example, about the tragedy of September 11, when one of the worst terrorist attacks in modern history occurred.

A time traveler named Titor from the year 2038 to carry out the largest terrorist attack in history on US soil. At the same time, Michael Phillips claims that the latter was motivated by good intentions.

It turns out that at that time the country was on the verge of the second civil war in US history, which was supposed to break out in 2008. The attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, which killed 3,000 people, allowed American society to rally around a common enemy, which was international terrorism. The threat of civil war, the causes of which were not explained, had passed.

This is roughly the future that travelers from the future picture for us. However, skeptics argue that the time machine violates the second law of thermodynamics, which states that all processes in nature occur with an increase in entropy. A simplified illustration of this thesis is the famous “butterfly effect”: any action in the past committed by “guests from the future” has an unpredictable impact on subsequent events. In other words, if even one tenth of what the time travelers say is true, the events they talk about will never happen again.

Over the course of its history, humanity has accumulated a lot of facts indicating the existence of such an inexplicable phenomenon as time travel. The appearance of strange people, machines and mechanisms is recorded in the historical chronicles of the era of the Egyptian pharaohs and the time of the dark Middle Ages, the bloody period of the French Revolution, the First and Second World Wars.

Programmer in the 19th century.

The archives of Tobolsk preserve the case of a certain Sergei Dmitrievich Krapivin, who was detained by a policeman on August 28, 1897 on one of the streets of this Siberian city. The guard's suspicion was aroused by the strange behavior and appearance of a middle-aged man. After the detainee was taken to the station and began to be interrogated, the police were quite surprised by the information that Krapivin sincerely shared with them. According to the detainee, he was born on April 14, 1965 in the city of Angarsk. His occupation, a PC operator, seemed no less strange to the police. Krapivin could not explain how he got to Tobolsk. According to him, shortly before this he began to have a severe headache, then the man lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he saw that he was in a completely unfamiliar place not far from the church.

A doctor was called to the police station to examine the detainee, who recognized Mr. Krapivin as suffering from quiet insanity and insisted on placing him in the city insane asylum...

Remnant of Imperial Japan.

A resident of Sevastopol, retired naval sailor Ivan Pavlovich Zalygin has been studying the problem of time travel for the last fifteen years. The captain of the second rank became interested in this phenomenon after a very curious and mysterious incident that happened to him in the late 80s of the last century in the Pacific Ocean, while serving as deputy commander of a diesel submarine. During one of the training trips in the La Perouse Strait area, the boat was caught in a severe thunderstorm. The submarine commander decided to take a surface position. As soon as the ship surfaced, the sailor on watch reported that he saw an unidentified aircraft straight ahead. You will soon find out that the Soviet submarine stumbled upon a rescue boat located in international waters, in which the submariners found a half-dead frostbitten man in ... the uniform of a Japanese naval sailor from the Second World War. When examining the personal belongings of the rescued man, an award parabellum was found, as well as documents issued on September 14, 1940.

After the report to the base command, the boat was ordered to go to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was already waiting for the Japanese naval sailor. GRU officers signed a non-disclosure agreement to not disclose this fact for the next ten years.

Napoleon's troops against tanks.

In Zalygin’s file there is a case described by a certain Vasily Troshev, who fought as part of the Third Tank Army of the North-Western Front. During the battles to liberate Estonia in 1944, near the Gulf of Finland, a tank reconnaissance division commanded by Captain Troshev came across a strange group of cavalrymen in a wooded area, dressed in uniforms that tankers had seen only in history books. The sight of tanks sent them into a stampede. As a result of a short pursuit through a swampy area, our soldiers managed to detain one of the cavalrymen. The fact that he spoke French greatly endeared the Soviet tank crew to the prisoner, who knew about the Resistance movement and mistook the horseman for a soldier of the allied army.

The French cavalryman was taken to army headquarters, they found an officer who taught French in his pre-war youth, and with his help they tried to interrogate the soldier. The very first minutes of the conversation perplexed both the translator and the headquarters officers. The cavalryman claimed that he was a cuirassier in the army of Emperor Napoleon. Currently, the remnants of his regiment, after a two-week retreat from Moscow, are trying to escape the encirclement. However, two days ago they got caught in heavy fog and got lost. The cuirassier himself said that he was extremely hungry and had a cold. When asked by the translator about the year of birth, he said: one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two...

The very next morning, the mysterious prisoner was taken away in an unknown direction by arriving officers from the special department...
Is there a chance to return?

According to I.P. Zalygin, there are a number of places on the planet in which temporary movements occur quite often. It is in these places that large faults in the earth's crust are located. Powerful energy emissions periodically come from these faults, the nature of which is far from fully understood. It is during periods of energy emissions that abnormal spatiotemporal movements occur, both from the past to the future and vice versa.

Temporary movements are almost always irreversible, but it happens that people who moved against their will to another time have the good fortune to return again. Thus, Zalygin describes an incident that occurred in the early nineties of the 20th century on one of the foothill plateaus of the Carpathians with one of the shepherds. A man with his fifteen-year-old son was in a summer parking lot when one evening, in front of the teenager’s eyes, he suddenly disappeared. The shepherd's son began to call for help, but literally a minute later his father reappeared as if out of thin air in the same place. The man was extremely frightened and could not close his eyes all night. Only the next morning the shepherd told his son about what had happened to him. As it turned out, at some point the man saw a bright flash in front of him, lost consciousness for a moment, and when he woke up, he realized that he was in a place completely unfamiliar to him. Around it stood huge houses that looked like chimneys, and some cars were scurrying in the air. Suddenly the shepherd felt ill again, and he again found himself at the familiar parking lot...

For the second century, scientists have been struggling to solve the problem of temporary movements, and, quite possibly, the day will come when the plots of science fiction films and books will become everyday reality for humanity.

This photo was taken in 1941 at the opening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia, Canada. The shot captured a man who clearly stood out from the crowd with his extraordinary appearance. Short hair, dark glasses, a knitted sweater with a wide neckline over a T-shirt with some kind of symbol, and a massive camera in his hands. Agree, the appearance is quite familiar for our days, but not for the early 40s! And he completely stands out among others. This photo was investigated. We found a participant in these events. But he could not remember this man at all.

Looking at old photographs, one married couple noticed a young man captured in 1917 in clothes unusual for that time.
Basically, they were confused by the fact that every respected person of that time wore a hat; going out without a hat was considered the same as appearing in public without pants. And the T-shirt he’s wearing doesn’t fit into the fashion of that time, it looks too modern.

In June 1936, during excavation work in the vicinity of Baghdad, builders discovered an ancient burial place from the era of the Parthian Kingdom (250s BC - 220s AD). Among the objects found in the tomb, a clay vessel about 14 centimeters high attracted particular attention. Its neck turned out to be filled with bitumen, through which a metal rod with traces of corrosion passed. The second end of the rod was in a copper cylinder hidden inside the vessel. The unusual find was shown to the Austrian archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig, who worked in the archaeological museum of the Iraqi capital. The puzzled scientist suggested that it was nothing more than an ancient battery.

Later his assumption was confirmed by Professor J.B. Perchinski from the University of North Carolina. The professor even managed to create an exact working copy of the “Parthian battery.” He filled it with five percent wine vinegar and obtained a voltage of 0.5 volts. German Egyptologist Arne Eggebrecht went even further. Using 10 of these batteries and a gold salt solution, he covered a figurine of Osiris with a layer of precious metal in a few hours. Thus, the scientist proved that the Parthians knew the secret of galvanization.

In June 1934, in the rocks near the Texas town of London, archaeologists found an ordinary-looking hammer - 15 centimeters in length, three in diameter. It would seem, what's wrong with that? But this find literally grew into the limestone. The wooden handle of the hammer was petrified on the outside, and completely turned into coal on the inside. It turns out that this object is older than the rock formed around it. This means that its age is about 140 million years! Upon closer examination, it turned out that the hammer itself was made of high-quality metal, which even modern metallurgists could not obtain.

In 1974, Romanian workers were digging a trench near the town of Ayud and came across three objects at a depth of 10 meters. Two of them turned out to be the bones of a prehistoric elephant, which are about 2.5 million years old.
But the most interesting was the third object: an aluminum wedge. This find puzzled researchers, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and the age of the wedge, given that it was in the same layer with the remains of an extinct animal, cannot be less than 11 thousand years.
Ufologists immediately declared this artifact to be direct evidence of visits to Earth by “little green men.” Whether this is true or not, hardly anyone can say with complete certainty.

This item, discovered in a Ming Dynasty tomb, has puzzled researchers. The tomb was opened in 2008 in the Guangxi region (PRC) during the filming of a documentary film. To the surprise of archaeologists and journalists. in the burial there were... Swiss watches!
“When we were removing the soil, a piece of rock suddenly jumped off the surface of the coffin and hit the floor with a metallic sound,” said Jiang Yanyu, a former curator at the Guangxi Museum who participated in the excavation. - We picked up the item. It turned out to be a ring. But, having cleared it of the earth, we were shocked - a miniature dial was discovered on its surface.”

Inside the ring was an engraved inscription “Swiss” (Switzerland). The Ming Dynasty ruled China until 1644. It is out of the question that such a miniature mechanism could have been created in the 17th century. But Chinese experts say the tomb has never been opened in the last 400 years.

In 1900, off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera, located between the Peloponnese peninsula and the island of Crete, sponge catchers discovered the remains of a Roman trading ship. Presumably, the ship sank in the 80s BC. on the way from the island of Rhodes to R. From a depth of about 60 meters, many gold jewelry, marble and bronze figurines, amphorae, ceramics and other antique objects were recovered. And along with them - parts of a strange mechanism.

For the first time, archaeologist Valerios Stais took a closer look at this find. While sorting precious exhibits in 1902, he noticed that some bronze objects closely resembled watch gears. The largest is 10-12 centimeters in diameter, two are five to seven centimeters each, and many more smaller ones. The scientist suggested that all of these were parts of some kind of astronomical instrument. But Stais’s colleagues laughed at him. The objects were dated to 150-100 BC, while gears were invented only 14 centuries later.

They returned to Stais's theory only in the late 50s.

British historian from Yale University Derek de Solla Price, having studied in detail the gears from Antikythera, proved that they are all truly fragments of one mechanism. The parts were most likely housed in a wooden box measuring 31.5 x 19 x 10 centimeters, which crumbled over time. Price even sketched out a rough diagram of this device. In 1971, a more detailed diagram was drawn up, and British watchmaker John Gleave managed to assemble a working copy of the mysterious machine. The device consisted of 32 parts and simulated the movement of the Sun and Moon, displaying the results on two dials.

Discovery by London Science Museum specialist Michael Wright

But the story didn't end there. In 2002, Michael Wright, a specialist at the London Science Museum, made another discovery. It turns out that the ancient mechanism is also capable of simulating the movement of the five then known planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. And after another three years, using modern X-ray techniques, scientists were able to examine about two thousand Greek symbols on the gears. The missing parts of the mechanism were also recreated. Now the device could perform addition, subtraction and division operations, maintain an astronomical calendar of 365 days, making a leap day correction every four years, and count according to the calendar systems of several ancient peoples. The Antikythera mechanism was rightly dubbed the antique computer.

On the remote Kamchatka peninsula, 200 km from the village of Tigil, strange fossils have been discovered by the University of Archeology of St. Petersburg. The authenticity of the find was certified.
According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev, the discovery surprised scientists by its nature, it is capable of changing the course of history (or prehistory). This is not the first time that ancient artifacts have been found in this region. But, at first glance, this find is inlaid in the rock (which is understandable, since there are numerous volcanoes on the peninsula). Analysis revealed that the mechanism is made of metal parts that appear to combine to form a mechanism that could be something like a watch or computer. The most amazing thing is that all the pieces were dated at 400 million!

In May 2008, archaeologists from the University of Bristol, conducting excavations on the territory of the Chateau-Gaillard castle (France), made a sensational discovery. At a depth of two and a half meters, a complex of iron objects was discovered that made up the warrior’s protective armor. Nearby, archaeologists discovered a second burial, a well-preserved skeleton of a horse. Also found in the excavation were denier tournois coins, a French type of denarius minted by Philip II Augustus (1180-1223), as well as coins from the Duchy of Aquitaine with the name of Richard, suggesting that the armor found belongs to during the reign of Richard I the Lionheart (1189-1199). What struck scientists as unusual about this find was the very location of the iron armor fragments. From above they resembled the outline of a bicycle.

The “Reports of the Academy of Sciences” for 1995 tells how geologists in Syktyvkar investigated strange finds during the exploration of gold-bearing rocks. They made pits and pulled out buckets of sand on a rope. Tungsten springs were discovered in taiga corners untouched by civilization at depths of 6-12 meters. And this corresponds to the Upper Pleistocene, or one hundred thousand years BC!.. “Technogenic contamination of the samples is excluded, since metal tungsten and its alloys were not part of any of the mechanisms, equipment and devices used during drilling, and the search area itself is located in many kilometers away from any industrial enterprises. At the same time, it is known that metal tungsten, alloyed with rare earths... is used in plasma engines of space rockets.”
So, the artifacts are clearly of artificial origin; they could not have been brought to the Urals over the past 40 years along with the debris of current spacecraft; quite a lot of springs were discovered in three different places.


which in this case suggests itself: the artifacts did not arrive from anywhere. Someone or something scattered them on the earth about 100 thousand years ago. Considering that the Urals region is rich in mineral resources, we can assume: in these places many millennia ago there was either some kind of metallurgical complex associated with rocket technology, or a cosmodrome (or maybe something similar)…

The mysterious world in which we live has unusually complex properties that have not yet been fully studied. Can time change its direction, allowing us to penetrate into the past or future? Do time travelers really exist? Can they change the past and then return to their era? At the moment, many facts have been discovered that indicate what is real. This article describes some of them.

Mobile phone in 1928

The video, filmed on the day of the premiere of the film "The Circus", in which Charlie Chaplin played the main role, shows an unusual woman. Judging by the material, she holds something resembling a modern mobile phone near her ear. Now this will not surprise anyone, but in those days no one had even heard of cell phones. It could be assumed that the woman traveled back in time.

George Clarke, who first noticed this after a year of studying the material, never found a convincing explanation. A version was put forward that it was not a telephone, but a hearing aid. Although in those days there could not have been hearing aids of such a small size.

Opening of the South Fork Bridge

This happened in 1941. The picture captured people watching the opening of the bridge. Among them was an unusual-looking man, as if he had traveled back in time. He was wearing a university T-shirt, which had no analogues at that time, and also a fashionable sweater. The young man's sunglasses were a modern model. In addition, the camera that this man had with him was very different from the 1940 models.

The photo was carefully examined, during which it turned out that it had not been subjected to any processing, that is, it recorded a real event with real people. Is this proof that time travelers exist?

Swiss clock in the tomb

They were discovered in China while filming a documentary in a tomb that had been empty for four centuries. The back cover of the wristwatch was engraved “Swiss”. Which time travelers left the Swiss watch in the ancient tomb has not yet been established. There can be no question that such a clock mechanism of such miniature dimensions could have been created in the 17th century.

in France

Another story speaks about time travel. In 2008, archaeologists from the University of Bristol carried out excavations at the French castle of Chateau Gaillard, during which they discovered something unusual.

At a depth of 2.5 meters, iron objects were found, which are the protective armor of a warrior. A buried horse skeleton was discovered nearby. Coins found there indicated that these finds dated back to the reign of Richard I the Lionheart.

Archaeologists were shocked after the fragments were carefully removed and cleared of soil. It turned out that the metal elements were parts of a knight's bicycle, which had been buried in the ground for almost nine centuries.

All fragments were well preserved, this was explained by the fact that before burial they were processed using molten wax. In addition, it was determined that the bicycle parts were made of steel.

Programmer from the future

Another case that may be proof that time travelers exist. In 1897, a man was detained in a Siberian town; he alerted law enforcement officers with his unusual outfit. During the interrogation, Sergei Krapivin told about himself, which surprised everyone present. It turned out that his year of birth was 1965. He was born in the city of Angarsk. The profession of a PC operator was unfamiliar to anyone around him.

Krapivin could not say anything about his appearance here. He only noted that before the arrest he felt severe pain in his head, which led to loss of consciousness. When he woke up, he saw an unfamiliar area around him.

It was not possible to establish how this person ended up in the past. The doctor, who was called to the station, considered Krapivin crazy and sent him to a mental hospital.

Incident after the storm

A mysterious incident happened to a resident of Sevastopol, retired military sailor Ivan Zalygin, after which he began to study the facts that help a person travel back in time.

This story took place at the end of the 80s of the last century; Zalygin at that time served as deputy commander of a diesel submarine. One of the training trips ended with the boat being caught in a lightning storm.

After the command to take a surface position, the sailor on watch discovered a rescue boat in which there was a barely alive frostbitten man. He was dressed in the uniform of a Japanese naval sailor from the Second World War. In addition, documents issued in 1940 were found on him.

The incident was reported to the base command. According to the order, the boat headed to the port of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where counterintelligence was waiting for the rescued person. All crew members took this event for 10 years.

Zalygin described another amazing incident that occurred in the Carpathians. The shepherd and his fifteen-year-old son were at the summer camp. One evening, the father suddenly disappeared right in front of his son, who immediately began to call for help. But not even a minute had passed before the father appeared in the same place, as if out of thin air. As it turned out, a bright flash appeared in front of the man, causing him to lose consciousness. When he woke up, the man found himself in an unfamiliar area with huge houses and cars scurrying through the air. The shepherd felt bad again, and he ended up in the same place from where he disappeared.

Guest from Titanic

In 1990, in the North Atlantic, the crew of a Norwegian fishing trawler spotted a human figure on an iceberg. Rescuers brought on board a young lady who was wet and very cold.

As it turned out, the woman’s name is Winnie Coates, and she ended up in the middle of the ocean after the ship she was traveling on crashed. The victim said that it was urgent to save the survivors. This story greatly surprised the captain, since there were no reports of the ship in distress.
In response to a question about the name of the ship, the woman showed the remains of a wet ticket from Southampton to New York. The date on it was 1912, and the ship was called Titanic.

First of all, the captain thought that the woman had suffered severe stress and was simply delusional. In Oslo, a team of doctors was called to her, the victim was placed in a psychiatric hospital. But after all the research, it turned out that the victim is mentally absolutely healthy and adequate, she has well-developed intellect, memory and attention.

During her stay at the clinic, some more details emerged. 29-year-old Winnie Coates was traveling with her two sons; her husband was supposed to meet them in New York, but the ship sank and she ended up on an iceberg.

The woman's story was carefully documented. It turned out that her ticket was genuine, and her clothes corresponded to the fashion of the early twentieth century. Somewhat later, her name was discovered on the list of passengers of the sunken ship. At the time Winnie Coates was discovered, she would have turned 107 years old.

For ten years, the woman was monitored by psychiatrists, who were unable to classify her condition as a mental illness and logically explain her behavior.

For a long time, scientists have been trying to solve the problem of time travel, but perhaps someday fantastic stories from films and books will turn into everyday reality for us.