Honey massage course how many days. How to do honey massage for weight loss at home. How to do a honey massage: technique, what is possible, what is not

Today we will talk about another extraordinary aspect of using honey for our health. This most valuable beekeeping product contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and microelements. Honey is easily absorbed by the body, treats many different diseases, and is used in cooking, folk medicine and home cosmetology.

Healers believe that it gives us the energy of sunlight, because hard-working bees collect healthy honey only on the sunny side of flowers. The sun gives us its energy through honey - there is a piece of natural magic in this, the unity of man with the forces of the universe.

Probably, many of you have heard about honey massage, today we will talk about how to do honey massage at home.

In the modern world, one of the types of reflexology is honey massage, which harmoniously combines the healing properties of bee honey and the healing effects of massage.

Honey is able to penetrate deeply into the tissues of the body and absorb accumulated toxins and absorb harmful waste. As a result of this process, we can see that after 20 minutes of massage, transparent natural honey turns into greyish, dirty yellow flakes on the human body. This means that natural cleansing of the skin occurs, which gives an excellent cosmetic and therapeutic effect.

No other cosmetic product provides such a deep cleansing effect.

As a result of this procedure, skin elasticity improves, subcutaneous fat capsules are reduced or completely dissolved.

  • Honey massage helps well with nervous excitability, fatigue, it significantly improves and activates the physical and mental resources of our body;
  • Normalizes high blood pressure and strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Honey massage will help strengthen weakened immunity and increase the body's defenses against various viruses and infections;

  • The health benefits of honey massage are enormous; this procedure treats: headaches, frequent colds, bronchitis, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and many different diseases;
  • Honey massage can restore and normalize the functioning of all joints. With a long course of massage, osteochondrosis, which was caused by trophic disorders in the spine, is cured;
  • Honey massage has earned good reviews from those who use it for cosmetic purposes. As a result of this procedure, the skin becomes softer, younger, firmer and smoother. Stretch marks, orange peel and excess fat deposits disappear;
  • Skin blood circulation improves, metabolic processes accelerate, and lymphatic drainage is ensured - removing excess fluid from blood vessels and lymph flows. Thus, the skin and the entire body are cleansed of toxins;

  • Since honey is an allergen for some people, before you massage with it, make sure that you are not allergic to honey;
  • Massage with honey should not be given to people suffering from hypertension, as these procedures can cause an increase in blood pressure;
  • In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases and elevated body temperature, massage should not be done;
  • Honey massage should not be done during pregnancy, menstruation, or while slightly or heavily intoxicated;
  • Massage is contraindicated for people with poor blood clotting, varicose veins, thrombosis, skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, fungus);
  • The procedures are contraindicated for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and severe mental disorders.

How to do honey massage at home

Doing this procedure is quite easy and simple, however, to do a honey massage at home, you will need to know a few simple, and at the same time, very important rules:

  1. Honey must be of good quality, which means without various impurities and additives, completely natural. Its variety can be any. For the massage procedure, it is better to take liquid honey. If you have it candied, then melt it in a water bath, but make sure that the heating temperature does not exceed 40°C.
  2. You can add your favorite essential oils to honey at the rate of 5 drops of high-quality essential oil per teaspoon of honey. It is advisable to take the following oils: tangerine, orange, lemon, lavender, juniper, grapefruit.
  3. Honey should not be applied to the skin under the arms and under the knees, on the neck, chest and groin area.
  4. Spent honey cannot be used for massage again, under any circumstances, as it absorbs harmful substances from the skin and is very toxic!

The technique is simple and includes several steps that you need to remember well before you start doing the massage.

Stage one

The skin and body must be perfectly clean. Before the honey massage procedure, be sure to take a warm, pleasant shower and cleanse your skin with a gentle body scrub. The body and muscles need to be slightly warmed up using the usual light massage techniques - stroking and kneading.

Stage two

Let's start with honey massage

Stage three

When we have finished doing the massage, we get up and quickly take a shower, cleanse the skin of waste and toxic honey with a soft washcloth.

After a shower, apply a light moisturizer to the skin and drink hot tea with honey. Be sure to rest for about an hour.

How long does it take to do a honey massage?

A massage course with honey - fifteen procedures, fifteen minutes each session. Honey massage should be done every other day.

The best mixtures for massage

  • 2 teaspoons honey + five drops mint + three drops lemon oil + two drops lavender oil;
  • 2 teaspoons honey + two drops eucalyptus oil + five drops lemon oil + two drops lavender oil;
  • 2 teaspoons honey + five drops orange oil + five drops lemon oil;
  • 2 teaspoons honey + 2 drops orange oil + three drops lemon oil + three drops juniper oil + two drops lavender oil.

I suggest watching the video: Honey massage technique

As you can see, the technique of honey massage at home is quite simple and can be mastered by every person who cares about health and values ​​the quality of their life.

Be healthy!


How does it affect the body?

It affects the body in the following ways:

  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • relieves inflammation in muscles and joints;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • cleanses and smoothes the skin;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • treats osteochondrosis;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • balances metabolism;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • promotes the removal of waste and toxins.

By using honey massage of the whole body regularly, you will forget about your health problems forever. You will feel a surge of strength and readiness to act.

In the absence of serious contraindications, this procedure will be useful for absolutely everyone! For infants, such a massage at home will help them get stronger and gain strength. It will help young people lead an active lifestyle and correct health problems. For older people it will be an assistant in maintaining immunity and replenishing necessary substances. It copes well with many diseases of bones and joints, which is very important for the elderly.

Who should not have this procedure?

Honey is a universal remedy. It can be taken orally, inhaled, or used as a cosmetic product. Many people use honey massage for weight loss at home.

Despite the versatility of the product, massage with honey has contraindications:

  • open purulent wounds;
  • tumor of any etiology;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • feverish condition;
  • tuberculosis;
  • allergy;
  • early postoperative period.

Each case should be considered individually. If you have a chronic disease, before a course of treatment, you must consult with your doctor. Honey abdominal massage at home is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Things to remember: Before starting treatment with bee products, consult your doctor.

How to do?

In order to carry out the procedure, you will naturally need honey. You should choose a liquid natural product. Artificial substitutes will not provide any benefit. Massage can be local or complex. A person can carry out a local procedure for problem areas independently. If it is complex, you will need the help of a loved one or a professional.

When carrying out the procedure, it should be taken into account that honey should not be used in the groin area, armpits, under the knees and on the neck. For greater effect, you can use essential oils to taste. Many people are interested in how often you can do a honey massage yourself. The procedure should be carried out every other day or two, not more often. Focus on sensations and well-being.

The therapeutic massage process can be divided into three stages:

  • preparatory;
  • massage process;
  • finishing procedures.

It is very important to thoroughly clean the skin surface before starting the session. Take a bath or shower. You should use a scrub and rinse thoroughly. You should wash in warm water. After this, you need to wipe the body dry. Next, you need to prepare the body for the main massage. To do this, perform stroking and gentle pinching.

The use of oils and creams is strictly prohibited. This will significantly reduce the effect of the procedure.

The basic process is to apply honey to the body. The product must be applied evenly. There should be just enough to cover the surface, but not run off. The bee product is applied with soft, smooth movements, while massaging the body. Soon, it will begin to thicken and become more viscous, it’s time to move on to the intensive part. Hands need to be pressed tightly to the body, then quickly pulled away. The strength of the jerk depends on the sensitivity of the skin. If discomfort occurs, you need to slow down the takeoff rate. If necessary, you can apply the entire surface of the palm, finger pads or phalanges. It depends on the area being massaged.

Within 10 minutes, the honey will begin to change. Its color will turn gray, almost all of it will gather on your hands. This means that the product has fulfilled its mission - it has given away useful substances and taken away waste and toxins. With a comprehensive body massage, you need to gradually move from one part of the body to another. We applied the bee product to the back, worked with it for 10 minutes, and you can move on to the next part of the body.

At the end of the procedure, it is very important to wash off all remaining beekeeping product from the body with warm water. It is better to use a shower; for washing, choose a soft washcloth. After water procedures, dry yourself off carefully and rest a little. Enjoy the full effect!

The therapeutic massage course consists of 15 procedures. During this period, your body will recover and replenish mineral and vitamin reserves. Improves health and immune defense. In addition, you will get a lot of fun and enjoyment. And a good mood is the key to a happy life!



No one knows exactly when this method was first used. In Ancient Rus', one of the main methods of treatment was the bath. After steaming with birch or oak brooms, rubbing with decoctions of medicinal herbs was used. This is how they got rid of colds, joint pain, and various ailments. Trips to the bathhouse were not complete without honey.

Currently, this technique is considered one of the best reflexology procedures. It combines the beneficial effects of physical action and the healing properties of a bee product. During the session, you can notice how the transparent liquid honey thickens and turns white. This fact indicates the removal of toxic substances from the body, as well as deep cleansing of the skin.

The composition of honey is enriched with enzymes, vitamins and microelements. Thanks to the warming movements of the hands, blood flow to the skin increases, which promotes the active absorption of substances. Cosmetology uses honey massage for such purposes as:

  • improving skin elasticity,
  • normalization of blood circulation,
  • reduction in the proportion of subcutaneous fat,
  • cleansing and exfoliation of the surface layer of the epidermis,
  • fight against stretch marks,
  • removal of blackheads,
  • elimination of inflammatory skin processes,
  • healing of damaged areas.

The beneficial properties are also used for general therapeutic purposes. It is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • nervous exhaustion, depression,
  • physical fatigue,
  • arterial hypertension or hypotension,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • weak immunity, the need to activate the immune system during respiratory diseases,
  • headache,
  • joint pathologies (arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis of any part of the spine),
  • chronic bronchitis outside the exacerbation phase.

Rules for massage

How to do a honey massage is taught in specialized courses. However, with proper preparation and following a number of the rules below, you will not have any problems being able to repeat the technique of this massage at home.

Honey selection

The type of product does not matter - you can take any (for example, acacia would be the optimal choice). If the honey is candied, it must first be melted. For this, a water bath is most often used, since when the sweet mass is heated over an open fire or in the microwave, there is a high probability of losing valuable qualities.

If there is no honey in stock, you should purchase it responsibly. You must choose a natural product, without impurities or additives.

Acacia honey.

Preparing for a massage

You should take a shower before the procedure. This is necessary not only from a hygienic point of view. Warm water helps soften the skin, open pores, and increase blood circulation. It is advisable to use a scrub to exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis. After a shower, dry yourself thoroughly with a towel. Moisture prevents honey from sticking to the surface of the skin.

To warm up the body a little, you should massage the areas where the massage will take place without using honey.

You can use special devices in the form of vibrating massagers. It is allowed to turn on the infrared mode for accompanying warming. When performing a preparatory massage, you should not use oils or moisturizers. They impair the adhesion of honey to the skin.

Use of additives

You can add a few drops of your choice of essential oil to the container with the honey mixture. It can be apricot, rose, lavender or lemon oil. Thanks to this, additional effects are achieved (improving the appearance of the skin and its deep nutrition). In addition, the smell that the essential oil emits promotes relaxation and calm.

The proportions depend on the type of essential oil:

  • geranium and juniper oils (drop by drop) mixed 1:1 with 2 drops of lemon, orange and grapefruit oils;
  • in equal proportions (2 drops each) combine the oils of the fruits of orange, lavender and eucalyptus tree;
  • 1 drop each of orange, lavender, lemon and juniper oils;
  • 3 drops each of lemon and orange concentrate;
  • 2 drops each of lemon, mint and lavender oils.

The above mixtures are added to two tablespoons of liquid honey and stirred thoroughly. For one procedure you will need about 3 tablespoons.

Methodology of massage

A massage session with honey is the same for all parts of the body and consists of several stages:

  1. Prepared honey (or a honey mixture with the additives described above) is applied to the massage area and hands.
  2. Using circular movements, the sticky mass will be evenly distributed throughout the entire area. After some time, the honey should thicken and sliding movements will become impossible.
  3. The main time of the procedure is occupied by the alternation of sticking and unsticking of the massage therapist’s hands from the surface of the working area. The palms are lowered onto the skin and connected tightly with it. With a quick movement, the arms rise up and fall again. You cannot massage the same place for a long time. This can be quite painful. The brushes should randomly select a new area.
  4. You can diversify the massage technique using only the fingertips, the edge of the hands or one hand. Alternating movements with the palms is allowed.
  5. One of the most popular techniques is to peel off the lower part of the palm first, then the fingers. The movements of the brush resemble a wave.

A massage of one area of ​​the body lasts 15-20 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the working surface and the sensations that a person experiences during the session.

During the procedure, the honey gradually thickens. This is accompanied by increased skin sensitivity. If a person begins to experience significant discomfort, it is recommended to end the session.

Ending a session

Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to remove any remaining honey from the body. The honey becomes quite thick, and therefore it will not be possible to remove it with napkins or a towel. It is best to take a warm shower and dry yourself with a terry towel. Next, to soften the skin, you should use a nourishing cream. It is advisable to choose a high quality product with natural ingredients. A cream with the addition of bee products (royal jelly or propolis) is recommended.

During the massage, the body loses a significant amount of fluid. Honey has the property of water adsorption. Therefore, immediately after completing the session, you should drink at least a glass of clean water at room temperature, then sit, wrapped in a terry robe, and drink a cup of green herbal tea.

Duration and frequency of procedures

It is best to carry out a comprehensive honey massage with treatment of all zones. Impacting only certain areas may worsen the condition of others. This is explained by the peculiarities of blood circulation: with increased nutrition of one part of the body, a compensatory depletion of the rest occurs. The full body massage lasts about 1 hour. The session time, depending on the situation, can increase to 2 hours.

To ensure that the body has the opportunity to adapt to new conditions, sessions are alternated with periods of rest. The best option is to perform a massage every other day. The full course can reach 19 procedures, but not less than 10. Cosmetic wraps go well with massage.

If a repeat course is necessary, it is performed after 2-3 months. For the purpose of prevention and consolidation of the obtained effect, procedures can be continued to be performed once a week.

General massage

A comprehensive restorative massage with honey is performed while lying on your stomach. It is better to start the procedure from the back, as this will ensure proper blood flow and prevent an increase in blood pressure. It will take about 15 minutes to work through each zone. The neck, back, arms, buttocks, and legs are massaged alternately.

It is important to remember that particularly sensitive areas cannot be affected. These include the armpits, popliteal area, chest, and groin.

After 30 minutes, the person should be asked to turn over and work on the backs of the limbs and the stomach. You should be gentle in your movements and not slap your palms too hard on your body. This may cause bruising.

Anticellulite massage

Honey massage for cellulite at home is quite possible. It is not fundamentally different from the general strengthening effect. The only difference is that special attention is paid to problem areas:

  • stomach,
  • hips,
  • buttocks,
  • lower limbs.

It is these parts of the body that are prone to excessive fat deposition and the appearance of “orange peel.” When performing anti-cellulite massage, the following mixtures can be used:

  • Honey and salt in a 1:1 ratio;
  • 8 tablespoons of melted honey with 4 tablespoons of ground coffee. It is better to leave this mixture for 1 week, then add a couple of drops of juniper or lemon essential oil;
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 5 drops of lemon oil and 2 drops of lavender eucalyptus essential oil.

It is better to follow the recipes with salt and coffee. These components penetrate deeply into the skin, maximizing blood flow and lymph circulation.

After preliminary preparation of the skin surface, the honey mixture is applied in a thin layer to the work surface. A classic honey massage is performed, the technique of which was described above. The popping should become stronger as the mixture thickens. It takes 5 minutes to treat one area, after which they move on to another area.

The effectiveness of the procedures is noted after 15 sessions. This is the minimum amount required to achieve a visible result. Repeated courses are often required.

Before and after.

Fighting excess weight

A thin waist and elastic skin are every girl’s dream. Along with physical activity, proper nutrition and a contrast shower, honey abdominal massage is used for weight loss. The procedure requires 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 5 drops of essential oil of your choice.

A sticky mass is applied to the prepared skin of the abdomen and sides. Since the skin of this area is quite thin and sensitive, at first only movements with the fingertips are used. After 1-2 minutes, when the body has become accustomed to the new sensations, they move on to a full weight loss massage.

The palms move in two directions: a circle and a zigzag. This way you can cover the entire problem area. It is necessary to perform gluing and tearing of brushes from the skin.

The first session lasts no more than 5 minutes in order to adapt and prevent the appearance of bruises. The following days the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Don't worry if your first belly slimming honey massage was unpleasant. By the third session, the skin will get used to it and the sensations will change. A minimum of 15 procedures will be required to reduce waist size. How many centimeters will be lost depends on the intensity of movement, individual characteristics of the body, physical activity and diet. To maintain the result, you can repeat sessions 1-2 times a month.

Back treatment

The main indication for performing a honey back massage is osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by changes in bone tissue, which is accompanied by pinching of nerves and blood vessels, and spasm of surrounding muscles. Of course, a massage with honey for osteochondrosis will not completely eliminate the pathology, but it will relieve pain and restore blood circulation.

This way you can work on any part of your back. The treatment of lumbar and cervical osteochondrosis is especially relevant. In the absence of contraindications, after consultation with a specialist, a course of treatment for osteochondrosis with honey is started.

If the problem area is the cervical spine, find the seventh vertebra from the base of the skull. Usually its spinous process protrudes somewhat in relation to the others. First, the skin and muscles are prepared. You can stroke, rub and pinch the surface. Then they move on to the main part of the procedure.

The disease is accompanied by severe pain and severe muscle spasms, and therefore the first session is best shortened to 5-7 minutes. Subsequent ones should last 15 minutes. The classic course includes 10-15 sessions, conducted every other day.

When it is difficult for the patient to lie on his stomach, it is suggested to perform the session while sitting.

It is important to remember that treatment of osteochondrosis cannot be limited to physiotherapy. A complex consisting of medication and physical therapy is required.

Face massage

You can save money on a cosmetologist by performing a rejuvenating honey facial massage at home. The main effects are:

  • elimination of facial wrinkles,
  • improving skin elasticity,
  • peeling,
  • cleansing,
  • highlighting facial contours,
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen.

Before starting the session, you should wash your face with warm water, tie your hair in a bun or use a headband. If your facial skin is dry, you can use supplements in the form of olive oil or cream (in a 1:1 ratio).

Apply the honey mixture with a brush to the entire surface of the face and neck, excluding the area around the eyes. For the first 5 minutes, honey is used as a mask to saturate the epidermis. Anti-wrinkle massage starts from the chin, moving to the cheeks, nose, and forehead. The movements are performed with the pads of three fingers: index, middle and ring.

When the fingers stick to the face, a vacuum is formed, which, when the pads come off, helps remove sebaceous plugs and areas of dirt.

The procedure is performed within 5 minutes. During this period, you need to use all areas of the face. The sticky amber is washed off with warm water. The final step is to apply moisturizer.


Before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to check whether there is an allergy to bee products. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your wrist and observe the reaction. If after 15-20 minutes the skin does not turn red, there is no allergy.

People should avoid honey massage if they have the following diseases:

  • chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system (especially varicose veins),
  • mental disorders,
  • oncology,
  • tuberculosis,
  • poor blood clotting,
  • thrombosis,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • fever,
  • exacerbation of any chronic process,
  • hypertonic disease,
  • diabetes,
  • violation of the integrity of the skin,
  • eczema,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • epilepsy,
  • dermatitis,
  • fungal skin infections,
  • psoriasis.

If the work surface is covered with hair, it should be removed or the massage should be abandoned, as in the process the hair will stick to the hands, which will cause severe pain.


During this procedure, the benefits of massage techniques are significantly enhanced and complemented by the benefits of vitamins and microelements contained in honey. The bee product with its entire complex of useful substances penetrates deeply into the skin, blood, muscles, and internal organs, nourishing them and toning them. As a result, the effect of honey massage is simply enormous. With its help you can:

  • Strengthen immunity, significantly increasing the body's resistance to various diseases and negative external influences.
  • Neutralize physical and mental fatigue. The special composition of the honey mass allows you to quickly replenish the body’s energy reserves, and certain substances calm and normalize the nervous system. Honey massage is often prescribed as part of treatment for psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Restore the tone and function of internal organs, joints, muscles. In addition, this remedy has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, reducing it to the optimal value.
  • Prevent or cure a number of diseases. It is used to treat colds, bronchitis and other respiratory problems. The massage procedure is also effective in the fight against osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and arthrosis. This effect helps to quickly and permanently overcome headaches.
  • Improve muscle condition, tighten the skin and make it healthy and elastic. Honey significantly enhances blood circulation, lymph, and the absorption of other beneficial substances and elements. In addition, the sticky substance cleanses the pores of dirt, allowing the skin to better transmit oxygen.
  • Remove toxins from the body. Honey binds them and brings them out. This makes it possible to improve well-being, improve metabolism, and normalize weight.
  • Strengthen and strengthen blood vessels and the cardiovascular system as a whole.

What is typical is that even during the process of producing the delicacy, bees produce special enzymes that process beneficial substances into a form that is easier to digest. As a result, honey for massage directly penetrates the skin and almost all of its composition benefits the body.

Indications and contraindications

Just as effective as in professional massage parlors, you can perform a honey massage at home. The main thing is to correctly follow the technique of the procedure, as well as adhere to the indications and contraindications.

This format of health-improving effects is used in a number of cases. It has established itself as an effective preventative that helps prevent many diseases and constantly maintain the body in good shape. Also, the massage process using honey is used to treat lung diseases (pneumonia, mild and chronic bronchitis, flu symptoms). This method has also proven itself as an effective means of combating stress.

Honey massage is widely used in the cosmetology field. It is prescribed to combat cellulite, eliminate stretch marks, and small scars. On its basis, work is carried out to correct the shape of the figure. It also provides elasticity and firmness to the skin and removes the “orange peel” effect.

But, it should be remembered that the use of honey massage is possible only if a person has no contraindications to it. These contraindications are:

  • the presence of allergic reactions to honey or its individual components;
  • increased body temperature and fever, which are a consequence of diseases;
  • the presence of malignant and benign tumors in the body;
  • most sexually transmitted diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • serious problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • dermatitis, fungi and other skin diseases;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • asthma and tuberculosis.

Attention! Completely contraindicated during pregnancy. It cannot be performed even when the patient is intoxicated. If the procedure is performed for a person prone to hypertension, a sharp increase in pressure may be observed, which also makes it undesirable in this condition.

How to choose honey for massage

The most commonly used varieties are buckwheat and linden. They are especially in demand when working with the face. In the case of a general procedure for disease prevention or weight loss, any option is suitable. The main thing is that it has the right consistency.

The product is used exclusively in the form of a liquid, transparent mass with high viscosity. The candied form, naturally, is not suitable for the procedure. Before use, it must be thoroughly melted in a steam bath. As for the volume, 4-5 tablespoons of the substance will be enough for one session.

Quite often, honey is not used in its pure form, but with various additives that enhance its main effect. Basically, essential oils are used for this. You can add a few drops of mint, orange, juniper oil. If the main goal of the session is to lose weight, a specific mixture of oils is added to the bee treat. It includes:

  • Geranium oil – 3 drops.
  • Juniper – 3 drops.
  • Grapefruit – 5 drops.
  • Lemon – 2 drops.

The components are thoroughly mixed and then added to the total substance, 5 drops per session. They allow you to quickly break down and remove fat deposits and excess water.

Types of honey massage

The general healing and rejuvenating effect of massage procedures using honey is widely known. But, targeted effects on certain areas of the body with different intensities and various additives can give more specific results. In accordance with this, there are several dozen types of such massage. The main ones are:

Honey massage for face

Of course, this approach is especially popular among women. It can significantly increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, make it softer and silkier, and smooth out wrinkles. But this type of massage is useful not only in cosmetic terms. It is believed that there are points on the face that directly affect the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, by stimulating such points, it is possible to increase the general tone of most body systems and solve minor and some larger diseases that develop in them.

Massage treatments for the abdomen

The emphasis on this area significantly enhances metabolism, tidies up the intestines and stomach, and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Honey is also quickly absorbed into the skin and allows you to cleanse the body of waste and toxins in a few sessions.

Anti-cellulite variety

It makes it possible to remove excess fat and remove water from the thighs and buttocks within a month of regular sessions. Sessions are held every other day. In this case, the main emphasis is placed exclusively on “problem” areas of the body. Often the composition uses a honey mass interspersed with citrus essential oils.

Impact on the back

When working with the back, the effect can also be quite powerful. This type involves accelerating blood circulation in the muscles. As a result, they relax and the tension that causes pain is eliminated. Beneficial effects can also be observed in relation to the nervous system. It consists of relieving stress, getting rid of insomnia, and neutralizing physical fatigue. The method is also quite effective in the treatment of radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

Vacuum massage

This is done using special jars. It involves pumping out the waste mass from the deeper layers of the skin, as well as a more intense blood flow to it. As a result, the resulting effect may be more pronounced.

Basic rules for honey massage

Like any other therapeutic effect, massage using honey can only be effective if performed correctly. This, in turn, is possible only if the basic rules and stages of the procedure are observed.

First of all, you must adhere to the following conditions:

  1. Honey should not be sugary, but not very liquid either. You should find a middle ground between these two states.
  2. It is not recommended to apply it to the groin area, skin of the armpits and knees, and chest.
  3. The honey mass must be exclusively natural. The same applies to the essential oils used.
  4. Once used, the product must be immediately discarded. Reuse is prohibited, as the waste material contains many toxins and waste.

These rules will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency. But we should also not forget about the correct sequence of implementation of the massage process. It starts with preparation.


The preparatory stage is carried out right before the main part. During this procedure, the patient can take a warm, relaxing shower. Next, the master (the one who performs the massage) places the patient on the couch so that he is comfortable.

Before applying the bee product itself, you should warm up the body well in advance. An effective way to do this is to lightly pat the areas to be further treated. Do them for 5 minutes. You can also warm up the muscles using well-known standard techniques over the same period of time.

At the end of warming up, the master once again checks whether the honey is in the right condition. If it thickens a little, it needs to be further heated in a water bath. The main thing is not to overdo it with the temperature, since too much heating will lead to the disintegration of many useful microelements.

At the end of heating, the sweet mass is carefully and easily rubbed into the body. Where exactly depends on the type used. For a general massage, application begins with the feet. The massage therapist smoothly moves to the back and higher.


At the end of the preparatory stage, the main part follows immediately without a pause. It is represented by the following sequence:

  1. By alternating light and stronger strokes, honey continues to be rubbed into the skin. This allows for increased heating of muscles and tissues, and also allows honey to penetrate deeper into the pores. When the mass thickens to such an extent that further rubbing is difficult, the stroking ends.
  2. Next, the master applies his palm to individual areas of the skin. When it is completely stuck to the sticky mixture, the palm is abruptly torn off. Along with it, salts, dirt, sebaceous plugs, and particles of fat come out of the skin.
  3. When the entire surface of the massaged area is covered with a thick white film, it must be washed off with a sponge and warm water.

At the end of the main part, the patient should be wiped dry, wrapped in a warm blanket and allowed to lie there for 15 minutes. If possible, you can drink hot tea with honey and lemon. This will enhance the effectiveness of the work done.

Reference. You can prolong the effect by wrapping the affected areas with plastic wrap. A thick layer of fabric is wound over the film. This will ensure an abundant release of toxins and absorption of nutrients. This wrapping can be carried out for 1-3 hours.


At the end of the procedure, a shower is preferable to a regular towel. Even after wiping with a sponge, particles of honey with toxins remain on the body. And over time, they are again absorbed into the pores. But a warm shower will help wash them off the skin, which will completely eliminate even the slightest chance of re-contaminating the body.

Duration and number of sessions

Such parameters as session duration, frequency and general treatment term are quite individual. They may depend on the type of massage and the patient's condition. In addition, a person’s sensitivity to pain is also an important factor. This process is quite painful and at the end of it, small bruises may even appear. But with each procedure the body gets used to it, and the effect can be extended.

On average, one session can take from 5 to 60 minutes. The number of sessions is also strictly individual. On average, it is 8-10 visits with a pause of 1-2 days. In this case, the patient focuses on his pain sensations. If the pain does not go away by the 3-4th visit, it is better to refuse this type of massage.


The procedure has already become an integral item in the list of services of most massage parlors and beauty salons. But, due to the ease of implementation, it can easily be implemented at home. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the listed rules and warnings. A massage with honey will make you look much younger and healthier, spending a minimum of money and effort on it.

Massage is rightfully considered one of the simplest, most accessible and effective ways to improve well-being and provide health of the whole body.

And if you connect effectiveness of massage and the unique healing abilities of honey, the benefits from such a procedure will be simply colossal.

After 5-10 sessions, the rejuvenating, toning and healing effect of the procedure will exceed all expectations.

Honey is rightfully considered absolutely a unique product. In its biochemical composition, honey is very close to human blood plasma, and the enzymes secreted by bees ensure the possibility of complete absorption of the product by the human body.

Rich in vitamins makes honey an ideal food product and opens up wide possibilities for its external use. The antibacterial properties of honey have been known for centuries: for the speedy healing of wounds, this bee product was recommended to be taken orally and also applied to damaged areas of the skin.

In addition to a noticeable wound-healing effect, honey has pronounced general strengthening properties: For whatever reasons, health deterioration occurs, eating bee products helps strengthen a weakened body.

For external use honey has pronounced sorbent properties, effectively helping to get rid of toxins contained in the subcutaneous tissue, as well as excess interstitial fluid. This not only allows you to remove toxic substances from the body, but also provides a pronounced anti-aging and anti-cellulite effect.

When conducting a course of sessions Honey massage strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, heals cracks in the intestines, normalizes blood pressure, and alleviates the condition of patients with musculoskeletal problems.

Honey massage sessions help normalize metabolism, get rid of osteochondrosis and joint problems, and also significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Under influence honey film Pores are cleansed and blood supply to the skin is activated. Thanks to this, any creams and masks applied to the skin after a massage easily penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis.

Indications and contraindications

Today I received a honey massage wide popularity as one of the most effective procedures in anti-cellulite programs, as well as an important component of mature skin care.

Applying honey to the skin allows you to get a pronounced rejuvenating effect, as well as speed up the resorption of scars and scars.

Honey massage is used for medical purposes for complex treatment:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • nervous disorders, physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and spinal diseases.

Almost always, honey massage gives a noticeable improvement in well-being after just a few procedures. However, it is important to remember that in case of oncology, severe hypertension and problems with blood vessels, tuberculosis, any skin lesions and disorders of the kidneys and liver, any massage is prohibited in principle.

You should not lie down on the massage table during acute viral infections which are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Attention! Individual contraindications to honey massage may include an allergy to honey, as well as the presence of densely growing hair in the massage area.

Honey for massage: how to choose the right product?

You can expect a positive effect only if it is applied to the skin natural fresh honey(preferably linden or floral). We are definitely not talking about jarred honey from supermarkets.

Perfect option— if beekeeping products are purchased directly from apiary owners.

Acceptable use partially candied honey: before starting the massage, you can melt it in a water bath to a liquid consistency. But at the same time, the honey itself should not be heated to a temperature of more than 40 degrees.

What can be added to honey to enhance the healing effect?


Honey massage was one of the mandatory health procedures for family members ancient Chinese emperors. You can still use the old recipe today.

In addition to honey, the massage mixture also included other beekeeping products (propolis and wax). More often to improve the effect From massage, cosmetologists recommend additionally enriching honey with essential oils.

To enhance anti-cellulite effects It is recommended to use essential oils (hereinafter referred to as EOs) of any citrus fruit; lavender, geranium, juniper and mint oils will provide a pronounced calming effect. The use of eucalyptus EO will help with the healing of scars on the skin.

At 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey can add one of the following songs:

  • 1 drop each of geranium and juniper essential oils and 2 drops of orange, lemon or grapefruit essential oil;
  • 2 drops each of eucalyptus, lavender and orange essential oils;
  • 1 drop each of juniper, orange, lemon and lavender oils;
  • 3 drops each of orange and lemon EO;
  • 2 drops each of mint, lavender and lemon esters.

Maximum flow massage mixture – 5 tbsp. l. for a massage of one area.

Basic rules for honey massage

The best place There will be a warm but not hot room for the procedure. A full honey massage after a bath or sauna, or immediately after taking a shower, cannot be done. The skin must be clean and dry for the procedure.

What should you do before applying honey?

The first stage of the procedure will be a light warming massage, including kneading and stroking the entire body. Not recommended use oil mixtures when performing a warming massage, as this will worsen the possibility of honey penetrating the skin.

An alternative Manual massage can be achieved using any simulators that enhance blood circulation. It usually takes up to 10 minutes to warm up the body. Next, a thin layer of honey is applied to the massage therapist’s palms and the surface of the patient’s skin in the massage area, and the massage begins.

First, honey is rubbed into the skin circular massage movements. This effect is possible before the honey begins to solidify.

After the honey mass is partially absorbed and thickens, the massage technique changes: the massage therapist works using the method stick-unstick hands, changing the intensity of your movements.

The palms can be pulled back sharply or more gently; if necessary, individual areas of the body are worked not with the entire palm, but with its edge, fingers, and fingertips. The next stage is alternating adhesion one palm and both palms at the same time.

There can be many possible techniques; it is important to choose them based on the characteristics of a particular patient and his pain threshold. As a rule, it takes about a quarter of an hour to work on one zone. If the patient experiences severe discomfort, the procedure may complete earlier.

Attention! Honey massage is not performed in the groin areas, on the inner thighs and shoulders.

Shower after massage

Most often, by the end of the procedure, the honey separated from the patient’s body acquires a grayish tint. This indicates that during the massage the body was excreted through the skin. toxins removed. Of course, you should never rub them back into the skin: these substances are toxic to the body.

Simple drying with a towel doesn't allow completely remove any remaining massage mass. The honey particles remaining on the skin should be thoroughly washed off under a warm shower, and the procedure should be completed by rubbing a special massage cream into clean skin. This can be an anti-cellulite product (if we are talking about the area of ​​the hips, abdomen and buttocks), or a high-quality nourishing cream based on bee products.

Do I need to drink after the procedure?

The first thing to do after the procedure is completely completed is to drink at least 1 glass warm boiled water, and later treat yourself to a couple of cups of high-quality green tea.

One of the properties of honey is the ability to bind liquid and accelerate its removal from the body. Accordingly, if there is no excess fluid in the body, then after the honey massage additional hydration will be necessary.

In addition, massage procedures accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and a sufficient amount of fluid intake will strengthen cleansing effect of the session.

Duration of massage and number of sessions

Honey massage can include both complex impact for the entire body, as well as for the treatment of individual problem areas (anti-cellulite procedures usually involve treatment of the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen). The latter option is less preferable - activation of blood circulation in a separate area of ​​the body will cause a slowdown in blood flow in other parts of the body.

As a result– after a course of such sessions, metabolic disorders, problems with internal organs, etc. are possible. A complex honey massage of the whole body also provides an anti-cellulite effect, but at the same time has a beneficial effect on the body.

One complex massage session lasts from 1 to 2 hours. It is optimal if the procedures are performed every other day, and the entire course consists of 9-17 massages. If desired, massage treatments can alternate with wraps of problem areas.

After a couple of months, you can take a second course, or attend honey massage sessions for preventive purposes. 3-4 times a month.

The combination of the amazing properties of honey and the unique capabilities of massage allows you to work wonders. Huge benefit The whole body benefits from such procedures: the functioning of internal organs is improved, swelling and pronounced cellulite are reduced, the condition of the skin improves and the functioning of the nervous system returns to normal. After each session, there is a feeling of lightness, flight and a great desire to simply enjoy life.

How to get rid of cellulite in the shortest possible time at home, watch the video:

Massage with honey, like all other types of massage, primarily affects the skin and subcutaneous structure. Improved blood circulation, increased cell regeneration, outflow of venous blood, improved functioning of internal organs as a result of the launch of reflex processes in the body - all this occurs thanks to the work of the massage therapist’s hands. In addition to everything, honey nourishes the skin very well. Honey also has another unique property - the ability to draw out toxins. By doing a massage with honey, you can get rid of harmful radicals that have settled in the cells of the body.

Massage with honey: indications for use

Most often, honey massage is used in cosmetology. As an additional remedy, this type of massage is very often used. But besides cosmetology, it is also used as one of the methods of treating various diseases. Honey will help in resolving scars and healing wounds.

Honey massage can be included in treatment for respiratory diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and vascular diseases. Honey massage will help strengthen your immune system.

In addition, a massage with honey will help get rid of psychological diseases. Stress, neuroses, depression, insomnia will disappear after several massage procedures. It will also help relieve feelings of fatigue.

Honey massage: contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of honey for massage is an allergy to bee products. It is also prohibited to do such a massage in case of oncology, tuberculosis, or various pathologies of the hematopoietic system of the body. You should not do massage for various viral, fungal and bacterial diseases of the skin. Massage is also contraindicated in case of renal and liver failure.

How to do honey massage

The body should be warmed up before the massage. It's good to have the opportunity to take a shower. The massage begins with a classic one. In this way, the specialist warms up the skin. Honey should be applied first to the hands of the massage therapist, and only then to the skin. Honey should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​exposure. Then the master presses his hands to the skin and then sharply tears them off. This stage is repeated until the entire skin is exposed. In addition to honey, something gray will remain on the master’s hands. These are the toxins that honey removes. The session lasts about 15 minutes. And upon completion, the patient goes into the shower and washes off the remaining honey. If the massage is prescribed as a course, then it is done 12 to 15 times every other day.


What are the benefits of a course of honey massage for the body, its properties, frequency, benefits. How often and how many sessions can you do a honey massage?

Please tell me how long the honey massage lasts (duration of the procedure, how often and number of sessions). Is it possible to do a honey massage while breastfeeding (you never know?).

I refuse. Arguments.

1. The massage is painful and stress hormones get into the milk, which is not good. Honey is an allergy-active product. I'm not sure that adding it to a baby's diet is beneficial.

2. When feeding, the hormonal background is different, which affects the fluid content in the subcutaneous tissue and the nature of metabolism.

Agree. There are less aggressive methods and forms of massage for this segment of consumers.

Oh, how sweetly everything was described. That I really wanted to get trained in honey massage and introduce it into the price list! Can you check with knowledgeable people? Here the question has already been asked - how long to do a honey massage. About the approximate time of a session on the back? What zones are being made? Back, stomach, thighs on both sides, buttocks and everything? What about your hands?

Can you answer about the time of the procedure and the areas affected by honey? I heard that the frequency of honey massage is every 3 days, is that true? Is it true that you need to shave your back (your back is hairy)?

I don’t argue about the benefits and properties of honey massage for the body - it’s a wonderful thing. I have been doing this for a very long time and it is almost painless. I do it on the back, on the legs, on the arms, on the face, on the stomach. What a wonderful feeling after a foot massage! As a rule, I use it more in cosmetic massage. What is important is the selection of honey, the room temperature and your own experience. There are many techniques on the Internet.

A week ago I had a honey massage. Patting was interspersed with classical techniques, lasting 30 minutes. The next morning, the client's back was covered (according to the client) with pimples - a crust. After 2 days, however, everything went away, but a question remained. What was it, does anyone know? The allergy theory can be ignored, anyone have any thoughts?

You can pay attention to the quality of honey. More than once over the years of work I have encountered the fact that honey bought secondhand at the market caused a similar reaction. The regular store-bought one did not cause such a reaction at the next session. Also, how hairy was your client’s back? There could very well be irritation of the hair follicles during such an intense massage. The picture is approximately the same as what you describe. And I wouldn’t write off an allergic reaction - the skin, when in contact with honey, behaves somewhat differently than the stomach and intestines.

The honey is the best, not purchased (the client raises bees himself) and has eaten too much honey in his 40 years, you know how much. My back is hairless, but what about allergies? I somehow missed this moment, since this is not the first honey massage on this body, and everything is always fine. I will search further.

I had several cases when the backs reacted to buckwheat honey, and were completely calm about acacia honey.

There's some fancy honey there (from wild bees). And the first honey session was fake a month ago. Maybe honey really didn’t like the back. But the question remains open: how to determine? Allergy?

What does honey massage give and how is it useful? It refers to a type of reflexology. It is an extremely effective method of treatment and prevention of mental and physical fatigue, sleep disorders, psychosomatic diseases, osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, disorders of internal organs, chronic diseases of the joints without exacerbation, colds, radiculitis. In addition, honey massage is often used as part of an anti-cellulite program, in weight loss procedures, and to cleanse and nourish the skin. Honey, releasing biologically active substances, absorbs toxins and promotes their rapid removal from the body. After using different honey massage recipes, the skin becomes silky and elastic, subcutaneous compactions are smoothed out, swelling disappears, and the general condition of the body improves.

Here is one of the massage techniques with honey.

For massage you need honey - natural flower, linden, buckwheat or any other, without additives. It's better to take the uncandied one. As a supplement, you can add aromatic oils to honey: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, juniper, eucalyptus, lavender, depending on what result you want to achieve. Calculation - 1 teaspoon of honey - 5 drops of oil or a mixture of oils.

The masseur applies honey to the palms of his hands (you can directly on the back) and with patting movements begins to drive it into the massaged area until a white-gray mass forms. We cover it several times with a hot towel (the hotter it is, the stronger the relaxing effect, many find this moment in a honey massage the most pleasant), then wipe the back dry and apply cream according to indications (for prolongation - a warming massage cream, or a moisturizer).

Number of procedures and frequency of honey massage:

The honey massage course is designed for 10-12 sessions. They are carried out every other day so that the skin has time to rest. (But everything is strictly individual, it all depends on personal tolerance; for some, 1-2 times a week is enough).

Duration of massage (back): 30-40 minutes.

1. For honey massage, the room temperature of 20-24 C plays a role.

2. Only natural honey - any honey and no additives, oil interferes with the procedure and does not allow the pores to fully open. Honey has never had a drying effect.

3. It’s good to change honey, because... it differs in its qualitative mineral-vitamin and other composition.

4. It is better to warm the honey slightly before the procedure - then you can first do a preparatory massage with honey (like butter).

5. Then, as it thickens, you can do a honey massage.

Honey from your hands comes off better on paper (as if you were leaving your handprints to the police).

6. After the procedure is completed, the patient is covered with a hot wet towel, pain is relieved (if any) and the remaining honey penetrates into the open pores for subsequent therapeutic effects - a hot compress.

7. I spray with herbal disinfectant spray, which gives its effect. And I do a light soothing massage - stroking, soft rubbing, vibration. Until completely absorbed.

9. Cover with cling film for 15 minutes and keep warm.

10. No bruises remain.

11. It really treats a huge number of diseases.

How often can you do a honey massage - already answered above.
- “For massage you need honey - natural flower, linden, buckwheat or any other, without additives.” This contradicts what follows. “As a supplement, you can add aromatic oils to honey: lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, juniper, eucalyptus, lavender, depending on what result you want to achieve. Calculation - 1 teaspoon of honey per 5 drops of oil or mixture of oils” .

Since I have very sensitive skin, in order not to take risks, not to expose it and the body to the possibility of a sudden undesirable reaction, I prefer and can recommend a manual body of very high effectiveness without the use of creams, oils, honey and other auxiliary products.

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Prepared specifically for the site

When preparing the material, messages from the Massage.ru forum were used

  • 1. About the benefits of honey massage
  • 2. Types of honey massage
  • 3. Effective technique
  • 4. Reviews and results

The valuable properties of honey allow it to be used not only as a food product, but also as a universal cosmetic product. One of its most popular uses is honey massage for weight loss. Any massage can already relieve many ailments, but in combination with the healing properties of honey, it gives a much stronger effect.

About the benefits of honey massage

Honey massage provides such excellent results solely due to the unique composition of this product, which includes more than 20 amino acids and about 300 different elements and their compounds. Honey is perhaps the only natural product that can be absorbed even through the skin. And in terms of its rejuvenating effect, it is not inferior to preparations with the famous ginseng.

Here are the benefits of honey massage:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens capillary walls;
  • increases skin firmness and elasticity;
  • nourishes it with vitamins and microelements;
  • reduces signs of cellulite;
  • promotes rapid fat burning;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • activates regeneration processes;
  • heals wounds and microcracks.

But massage with honey for weight loss is far from the only option for using honey for this procedure. A facial massage with honey perfectly tightens the skin and even smoothes out fine wrinkles, which does not take much time and is very easy to do at home. There are also several other types of healthy healing honey massage.

Types of honey massage

Since honey also contains bactericidal substances, it is a safe, but quite strong natural antibiotic and has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. This quality is used for medical procedures when it is necessary to relieve pain and improve skin and muscle tone. The most effective of them are:

  1. Honey back massage. A wonderful way to get rid of fatigue and back pain. It is especially recommended for those who have serious regular physical activity. Allows you to relax your muscles and get a boost of vigor and energy. A honey back massage is also good for those who suffer from nagging pain in the lower back and radiculitis. But it is absolutely impossible to perform it in the acute stage. In this case, before starting a course of procedures, you must obtain permission from the attending physician.
  2. Honey belly massage. It will not get rid of too large accumulations of fat, but it is quite capable of tightening the skin well after rapid weight loss or serving as a preventive measure to prevent sagging. A honey massage of the abdomen will help quickly restore its elasticity after childbirth. But if there was a caesarean section, a doctor’s permission is required to start the course.
  3. Honey against cellulite. One of the most popular and effective folk remedies to quickly remove cellulite is honey massage for weight loss. It is performed on problem areas, which most often are: buttocks, hips and inner shoulders. Here you can do more intense movements, as it is necessary to break up the deformed fatty tissue. It is good to massage with honey for weight loss followed by a body wrap. Then the beneficial ingredients will penetrate deep into the skin and the effect of the procedure will increase.

In addition, regular intensive honey massage at home can quickly get rid of a double chin and prevent its reappearance. This method works best in combination with simple gymnastics, stretching the muscles of the face and neck. By the way, honey massage at home is quite easy to do, you just need to know a few secrets of its implementation.

Efficient technique

The honey massage technique is quite simple, and you can learn how to do it very quickly. However, before doing a honey massage at home, it is imperative to clean and thoroughly warm the skin. This can be done by taking a bath, to which it would be good to add sea salt and essential oils: orange, eucalyptus, petitgrain, lemon, rose, grapefruit.

After this, you can begin the procedure itself:

  • perform preliminary intensive warming up until the skin is slightly reddened - manually or using vibrating massagers (highly recommended with infrared mode);
  • apply a thin layer of honey to the entire massaged area (if the honey is crystallized, before the procedure it must be melted in a water bath, controlling the temperature - at 40C it loses most of its beneficial properties);
  • rub honey into the skin in a circular motion until it becomes so sticky that sliding movements are impossible;
  • then vertical movements are made: the hand sticks to the body and breaks away from it, and the intensity of the movements depends on how strong the impact should be (massage with honey for weight loss is performed with both hands, sharply and at a fast pace).
  • After the procedure, the remaining honey is washed off with slightly warm water and a moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream is applied.

To enhance the effect, if you are doing a honey massage for weight loss, after the sticking stage, you can wrap the problem area with plastic wrap and rest for 20-30 minutes, covered with a blanket or blanket, thus creating a sauna effect.

How to do honey massage correctly. Training, technique, features of honey massage