Presentation on the topic of ancient India. "Ancient India" Location and nature of Ancient India The most ancient cities of India Groups of people

“Culture in India” - The updated religion was called HINDUISM. Chaitya in Karli (interior, exterior). God Brahma. Questions and tasks: The first monuments of Indian architecture supposedly appear in the 2nd millennium BC. Shiva statue from Guddimalam temple. Kandarya Mahadeva Temple (interior). Global ideas about the universe, characteristic of Buddhism, are a thing of the past.

“India 7th grade” - The cow is a sacred animal; eating meat is prohibited by religion. Political and administrative map. Industrial, trade and financial center. It is washed by the Arabian Sea in the West and the Bay of Bengal in the East. Industry. Great Indian rhinoceros up to 180 cm in height, 335 cm in length, horn length 61 cm.

"India in the Middle Ages" - Sanskrit language. Buddhism is divided into: 1) HINAYANA (emphasizes benevolence) 2) Mahayana (the goal of bodybuilding) 3) TANTRISM. Spices, bamboo, and pearls were sent from the port city of Calicut. A number of principles of Buddhism passed into HINDUISM. The meaning of Hinduism can be expressed in the words: *Live and let others live*. Books were written in Sanskrit.

"Ancient India" - 5. United State. What conclusions can be drawn about the life of the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa? 2. The first city-states. Ganges. South Asia, Hindustan Peninsula. Himalayas. The Indus and Ganges rivers are the most abundant in the country. The coast of India is washed from the west, east and south by the Indian Ocean. 6. Settlements created by the Phoenicians outside the state.

"Medieval India" - Buddha statue in a lotus. The walls of the temples were completely covered with reliefs, statues and elaborate carvings. - Miniatures, portraits - Frescoes. Legends and historical events are reflected). Artistic crafts. Products made from ivory and valuable wood species. Culture of medieval India. From the 7th-8th centuries. Hindu temples are built in the form of huge towers.

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Ancient India
Ancient India
Prepared by Oksana Handzyuk and Anastasia Abasheva

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The huge Hindustan Peninsula, located in South Asia, is almost cut off from the world: in the north by mountains (the Himalayas and Pamirs), in the south by the ocean, in the east by jungles; only from the northwest there are passages. It is divided into a southern part and a northern part - a plain between the two great rivers Indus and Ganges.

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Only about a hundred years ago, archaeologists discovered the oldest civilization in South Asia, based on irrigated agriculture. Its traces are about two dozen cities, the largest of which are Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. The cities had a similar layout. Residents of that time were familiar with bronze production, cotton weaving and writing.
Indus (Harappan) civilization (XXIV – XXVII centuries BC)

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By the XXVII centuries. BC. the highly developed Harappan civilization died out. The reasons for her death are unclear. The supposed explanation is an economic disaster, epidemics.

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In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. A new civilization began to emerge in India. The formation of ancient Indian society was reflected in the Vedas (the oldest monument of religious literature of the Indo-Aryans). Tribes of semi-nomadic pastoralists turned into communities of settled livestock farmers-farmers ( main crop– rice), who know iron tools and weapons.

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Among them, privileged layers of priests (brahmans) and warriors (kshatriyas) emerged. The famous poems “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana” tell about the brutal wars waged by the rajas. The winners became the founders of the first Indo-Aryan states. The largest of them were Magadha and Koshala in the Ganges Valley.

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All-Indian Mauryan power (IV – II centuries BC)
By the 5th century BC. The state of Magadha gained the greatest influence, where in the 4th century. BC. A strong Nanda dynasty was established. With the help of a huge army, its kings conquered all the kingdoms in the Ganges valley and part of the Deccan and created the first all-Indian power.

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In 317 BC. After a fierce struggle, the Maurya dynasty, the most famous in the history of India, seized power in Magadha. Under the outstanding king Ashoka, this power became one of the largest in the world. Ancient East. It included the entire Hindustan from the Ganges Valley to the Iranian Plateau, from the Himalayas to the Deccan Plateau. The capital of the state, Pataliputra, was one of the largest cities of antiquity.

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Ashoka sought to rule the empire by resorting not to force, but to law. By his order, the “royal edicts” were read publicly in all cities. Their main content was dharma - moral and ethical instructions about worthy human behavior, close to Buddhism.

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However, the vast Mauryan empire also proved fragile. It included peoples and tribes of different languages ​​and levels of economic development. Ashoka's power was limited by the royal council. Many complained that he supported Buddhism rather than traditional Vedic Brahmanism. His heirs failed to preserve the empire; in the 2nd century. It broke into several parts. In the society of that time, the varna system finally took shape, which became a distinctive feature of India. The four Varnas - closed, stable and hereditary groups - represented the main strata of society and their occupations: brahmanas (priests and teachers), kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), vaishyas (communalists, later artisans and traders) and sudras (minor population, slaves).

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Not only the position, but also the degree of responsibility of a person depended on belonging to varna: the guilt of a brahmana by law was considered twice as much as that of a kshatriya, four times that of a vaishya, and eight times that of a shudra. Punishments also differed: for example, a kshatriya, having insulted a brahmana, paid a fine of 100 coins, a vaishya - 250, and a shudra was punished by beating.

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The main producers of material goods were free community members, united in strong village communities that paid taxes to the state. An important role in them was played by the labor of slaves (who were considered a thing and a type of livestock), but the labor of free hired workers was no less widely used: they had no property, worked only for 1/10 of the harvest and were usually mentioned together with slaves.

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Major religions of India
The main, still tribal gods of the Vedic religion were Indra (the god of thunder, the king of the gods), Agni (the god of fire), and the sun god Surya. To the line new era as a result of its processing and simplification, Hinduism emerged. Its main gods are Brahma (the creator of the world), Shiva: responsible for the cycle of life and death) and Vishnu (the guardian of the world balance). The basis of Hinduism is the doctrine of karma, the sum of evil and good deeds, the ratio of which determines the form in which a person is born in the next life. Hinduism was and remains the most widespread religion in India.

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In the middle of the 1st millennium BC. A new doctrine arose - Buddhism. It is associated with the legendary figure of its founder - Prince Siddhartha Gautama, nicknamed Buddha (Enlightened One). Its essence is a view of life as suffering and immersion in nirvana (non-existence) as a way of liberation from it, an opportunity to break the chain of posthumous rebirths. Buddhism became one of the main trends in the spiritual life of India, and later became the first world religion.

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Kushan Empire. Gupta dynasty.
At the beginning of the 1st millennium AD. India was a mass of disparate and competing small states. In the I-II centuries. On the lands of neighboring Bactria, a huge Kushan kingdom arose, whose rulers subjugated Northern India. The most powerful Kushan king was Kanishka. The Kushan culture, which absorbed Indian, Iranian and Greek traditions, had a great influence on the later culture of the Ancient East.

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In the IV – V centuries. Magadha, ruled by the Gupta dynasty, experienced a new rise. Its heyday is associated with its name as Chandragupta II, who was called the “Sun of Power.” He managed to unite all of North India for a short time. The Guptas supported many writers and scientists who brought glory to India. But at the end of the 5th - 6th centuries. invasion of nomads from Central country and led to the collapse of the Gupta Empire. This event is conventionally considered the end of ancient Indian history.

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Generosity, lies - truth. Buddha with disciples Relief Culture India Ancient Indian numbers Indian letters Chess Vedas Sacred books B... oldest V India cities. 4. Dense, impenetrable forests along the banks of the Ganges. 5. Groups of people with certain rights and responsibilities in Ancient India ...

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Ancient India

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Ancient India is one of the earliest and oldest civilizations in the world. This is where the greatest religions and Indian cultures originate.

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Title "India"

The name itself comes from the name of the Indus River. It was in the valley of this river that India was located. The Indus begins in Tibet and flows into the Arabian Sea.

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First mentions and finds

Archaeologists for the first time found in the territory the remains of ceramic products and terracotta figurines, which date back to the 5th millennium BC. These ancient things were made in the city of Mehrgarh. It is Mehrgarh that is the first city in Ancient India.

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Religion of Ancient India

One of the most ancient Indian gods is Shiva. In a trio with two gods, Vishnu and Brahma, they are the three main deities of Hinduism. Brahma refers to the creator of the world, Vishnu is its guardian, and Shiva is at the head of the pantheon and rules the world.

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The Indus Valley neighbors the Sumerians. Their culture significantly influenced the development and formation of Indian civilization. In 2 thousand BC. Tribes of nomadic Aryans came to Indian territory and settled there. The local population and nomads mixed.

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In ancient India, the population was divided into insiders and outsiders. The Aryans were among their own, and the Davs were among the strangers. In addition, the Aryans were divided into 4 varnas:

  • 1st estate is the highest. They were called Barkhans and they were priests and teachers.
  • 2nd estate - middle. They were called Kshatriyas. They were military.
  • 3rd estate - lowest. They were called Vaishyas, they were farmers, traders, etc.
  • 4th estate is the lowest. These included servants and were called sudras.

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One of the additional divisions of the population were castes. Kaksty is a division by profession. They usually, like varnas, were hereditary.

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Economic part.

The main occupation of the people of India was agriculture. They grew peas, wheat, jute, etc. In addition, the inhabitants of the Indus Valley raised cattle, pigs, elephants and sheep.

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Metallurgy and craft.

The Indians had well-developed metallurgy. Knives, arrowheads, and farming tools were smelted from copper. The inhabitants of the valley could process stone and alloys, gold and bronze.

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Writing of Ancient India.

It is still unknown what language the inhabitants of ancient India spoke. The fact is that archaeologists have not yet been able to find a single thing with writing. The first inscriptions found date back to the 23rd century. BC. They have about 400 hieroglyphs. Ancient Indians wrote on tablets and clay pots.

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Indian language.

Unlike the Indian language, which is still unknown, the Indian language is well studied. It is called Sanskrit. He followed it from many other ancient languages.

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Nature and people of Ancient India History 5th grade Teacher Kazanina N.E.

Ancient India Ancient India is located in South Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula between Indian Ocean and the Himalayas The largest rivers: Indus and Ganges The climate is humid, warm, there is a jungle in the Ganges valley (p. 97)

Indus civilization The most ancient civilization on the territory of India arose in the 3rd millennium BC. Archaeologists have discovered two centers: one near the modern city of Harappa and the other in the Indus River valley S. 98, Ancient cities India

Harappa (reconstruction)

Mohenjo-Daro. Modern look

Indus civilization Archaeological research in Mohenjo-Daro (in Sindh, on the banks of the Indus River) and in Harappa (in Punjab on the banks of the Ravi River) showed that already in 3 - 2 thousand BC. In the north-west of Hindustan, early class relations developed, states and populous cities arose that conducted extensive trade with other countries.

Villages in the jungle

Villages in the jungle Read p. 97 - 98 of the textbook, answer the questions: What crops did the Indians grow? What other occupations besides farming were developed?

Workbook p. 62, task No. 79

Sacred Animals of India

In 1200 BC. Tribes of nomadic Aryans (Indo-Europeans) appeared in India. The Aryans conquered the local tribes and settled in the Ganges River valley.

Aryan civilization Aryans - Indo-Europeans The language of the Aryans - Sanskrit, a form of the once common language of the Indo-Europeans Vedas - the sacred books of the Aryans (to know - to know) "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana" - poems of the Aryans, reflecting the life, beliefs and knowledge of the ancient Indians

The Tale of Rama p. 99

Varnas - castes Brahmans - priests Warriors - Kshatriyas Servants - Shudras Vaishyas - peasants and artisans

Brahmins are priests (p. 102)

Brahmans - priests Brahmans made sacrifices and prayed to the gods. The life of a brahman was divided into 3 periods: 1. Teaching 2. Starting a family 3. Hermitage

Kshatriya warriors participated in battles, and in peacetime they organized shooting competitions and went hunting

Vaishyas - peasants and artisans were obliged to feed the upper castes: brahmins and kshatriyas

Shudras - servants, had to serve the upper castes and did not have their own property

Sources Text from the textbook by A.A. Vigasina General history. Story Ancient world M. Education.2013 §§ 20-21 Images: Yandex pictures

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