Why dream of demolishing their house. The feasibility and meaning of dreams. Dream Interpretation of Meridian Why dreaming Former house in a dream

Why dream of demolition

Modern dream book

Seeing in a dream how your house is being demolished means a change of place of residence. The girl has such a dream - she dreams of an early marriage.

To participate in the demolition of any building means to change your plans under the influence of the opinions of others. For young people, such a dream - can portend obstacles to marriage or dissolution of an engagement.

Protecting a monument of antiquity from demolition - you will show prudence in solving an important issue, thanks to which you will become a respected person.

The feasibility and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer's life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream - depletion of strength. Sleep fulfillment should be expected before lunchtime.

23 lunar day

Sleep most often plunges the sleeper into a tense atmosphere with scary or unpleasant pictures. Such dreams do not always carry a negative meaning: often events with a good semantic connotation are hidden behind them.

Waning moon

The waning moon dream belongs to the category of purifiers: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry good meaning.

28 april

The dream is a mirror image of events from the dreamer's past. Often it contains an assessment of his actions, words, important decisions. Such dreams have no relation to the future.

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Dream interpretation - House, dwelling

This is the wife who gives her husband shelter near her. And whoever sees that he is leaving a small house will get rid of worries and worries.

If he sees that his house has become wider, then this is an increase in his good and harvest. The vision in a dream of houses is interpreted in different ways.

If someone dreams of an unfamiliar house in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar inhabitants, then this is his home in the afterlife, and the state of this house will be the same as in a dream: good or bad. And if in a dream you see a house familiar to yourself, then this is a house in worldly life.

If someone sees himself in a house he is familiar with, then his worldly benefits will increase as much as this house was wide and large. If you see your house in a ruined form in a dream, then this is the destruction of its material condition due to wrong actions.

If you see the increased size of a familiar house or courtyard, or a new extension, then this also increases worldly good. Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar house, receive good news soon and be cured if sick. Enter the house, closing the door tightly behind you - to abstain from sins.

For some reason, you have lost your own home - you are in danger of financial losses and failures in fulfilling your plans;

Make repairs and furnish it with unaffordable luxury - in real life, disasters and catastrophes await you in your family life;

Seeing the fatherly house - to the death of a close relative;

Your house is in need of major repairs - to a serious illness of someone close to you; your house is crumbling before your eyes - quarrels and scandals in the family can lead to divorce;

Our experts will help you find out what the dream is about Demolition in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed that my friend's house was sold, there a stranger was taking it apart, a stranger, an elderly man, but at the same time there was a feeling that it was he himself, just getting old. So they give me a new bench from all this, and three pairs of shoes, or rather one, but I find under the bed three, two for an adult and one for children, bicycle gloves. Sports shoes, one turquoise and two white pairs. I take them all for myself. And then I go, instead of a path to my house, a river, there are many children, this friend of mine and my children, and suddenly the river disappears, everyone leaves, and only me and my children remain. Here is such a painful dream)

    I was in a narrow confined space and at that moment they came to demolish my house and all nearby buildings. The building I was in was the first to be demolished and, as they demolished, they damaged my chest.

    Today, during the daytime sleep, Büyukdera dreamed about my house being demolished. In detail, my Dream looked like this: my mother and I were inside someone else's apartment, from which our house was clearly visible; at the beginning I saw how a tow truck demolished a nine-story building opposite our house and took it calmly; then people from the other side of the yard started throwing branches into the closed windows and trying to open the door to this apartment, in which my mother and I were, to warn us that our house would also be demolished; in the end, our house was also turned over and my mother and I ran out to our apartment to pick up the things we needed.
    Please explain this Dream to me, because the day before my mother and I had a very big fight, and I think it must be related to the dream.
    Very grateful in advance !!!

    at first the deceased grandfather dreamed, came to visit me, and I just settled in new house, and planned a household with him ... .. Then I dreamed that I was already at work, and the bombing began, I ran away between the explosions .... Then I ended up at my grandmother's house, I came after New Year's Eve, lay down, I have my twins next to me for about six months, then I see a huge bulldozer out the window, I managed to grab one and run, my grandmother and son were standing on the street, I shouted to them run, caught up only my son said that there was no woman and woke up ...

    Hello. I dreamed that they wanted to demolish the apartment in which I live with the MCh, we quickly ran into it, took documents, valuables. Since the transport was approaching and wanted to demolish, we broke the window and ran out through it. But in the end, our apartment was not demolished. Only the front buildings were demolished. What does all of this mean?

    The dream began with the fact that I woke up in an incomprehensible, large, old building. Then I saw a larger brown bear, which began to chase me. I managed to escape to another room and close the door. He tried to break into the room, but in vain. I don't remember how, but I managed to leave the room, in my opinion I opened the door, hid behind the door and while the bear was looking around the room I managed to run out, run along the corridor into the large hall and jump out of the window. The height was not great, but the place where I hit was the floor of the same building that was being demolished at that moment. I have not suffered

    As if I was walking, and all the houses are being demolished and our house is not there, and I took a cotton red blanket with me, well, I left it there, but when I came back, a man had already taken refuge with him, I tell him a man I have this She left the blanket, and he and his mother, but we took off and talked and the blanket remained in them, and I woke up.

Demolition (at home). If you dream of a destroyed house, then in reality you will face difficulties and obstacles. Even job loss, divorce or illness can be expected. A burned down house is also dreaming of divorce.

Modern dream book

Seeing in a dream how your house is being demolished means a change of place of residence. A girl dreams of such a dream for an early marriage. To participate in the demolition of any building means to change your plans under the influence of the opinions of others. for young people, such a dream can portend obstacles to marriage or dissolution of an engagement. Protecting a monument of antiquity from demolition - you will show prudence in solving an important issue, thanks to which you will become a respected person.

Modern dream book

If you see in a dream how a building is being broken or demolished, this means that your plans will collapse or you will lose faith in the fact that you can restore a lost state or reputation.

Readers' comments on the topic "To dream of demolition (at home)":

I dreamed how not my old house and neighboring houses were being demolished.

I dreamed that in a dacha cooperative they were demolishing dachas, including mine. Why is there such a dream?

i dreamed that they were dismantling the house where my children live (their house), dismantled almost half of the house and the entrance to the site (where the gate was), and my ex-husband took part in this. Sleep from Friday to Saturday.

Your comment on the topic "Seeing demolition (at home) in a dream":

If you want to ask a question like " And what is the dream of demolition (at home)", then it is better to send it from the Question-Answer page, but here we ask you to express your opinion and attitude to the read interpretation. Maybe it gave you some kind of clue to your dream, or maybe it turned out to be completely useless. Your comments will help other readers to understand better dream book and the meaning of sleep.

House in a dream - A richly furnished house in its luxurious decoration indicates an old dream, so one should not miss the chance to finally fulfill it.
Be alert if you dreamed that you were destroying a house. This can be a harbinger of quarrels, disputes and illness of your loved ones.
Being a dumb witness that your house is being auctioned is for prosperity or a good deal in reality.
Bathroom - this is purification, the acquisition of new thoughts and views on life.
A dilapidated or abandoned house dreams of loss or illness.
To dream about the house in which you spent your childhood - to well-being in the family.
Seeing in a dream a luxurious and rich house, which you own, means that an opportunity will soon arise to fulfill an old dream. This could be the purchase of a long-awaited separate home or car.
Seeing your father's house destroyed in a dream - to experiences associated with discord with a loved one.
Dreaming about how your house is on fire - to move or to great joy.
Dreaming about your house being demolished - to the implementation of long-standing plans.
See the old house and the loved ones who have died in it - a dream warns that you need to be more attentive to your loved ones and yourself.
In a dream, see unfinished new houses - means that the plans in reality, there is no possibility, and on the way to their implementation, fate has prepared for you a lot of obstacles that you will have to overcome. Having coped with them - you will find personal happiness.
Roof exit - extremely risky behavior and irresponsible attitude to one's own destiny.
A burning house does not bode well either. Failure in business, disappointment, danger - that's what such a dream can prophesy.
Do house repairs in a dream - to new acquaintances.
The house in a dream is a symbol of your spiritual or physical self, sometimes both at the same time. Everything that happens in a dream in the house and with the house is a reflection of events in your life. For example, if the pipes are clogged in the house, it means that you are emotionally exhausted, you need to rest in solitude.
The house must always be interpreted as a symbol of the situation in which a person is. More precisely, this is his attitude to the situation.
The house is usually dreamed about moving or news. But it so happens that the house dreams not only for this.
A house full of people - to achieve the goal.
If the tenants leave a large house in panic or if it collapses before your eyes, a terrible blow awaits you, after which you will have to rebuild life.
If the house is messy and dirty - so you should think about whether there are unnecessary things in your life that only litter it? Perhaps in order to take a step forward, you need to clear your way. In this sense, you need to remember which rooms were a mess, and then you will understand which areas of your life and personal aspects require cleansing.
If an additional room is suddenly discovered in the house, then you do not know all your capabilities.
If the roof has collapsed in the old house and a large hole has formed, then move.
If you dreamed, as in a dream, a realtor showed you new houses, such a dream indicates your insecurity as a business person, as well as your desire to change the current state of affairs, not on your own, but at the expense of others.
If you dreamed that strangers occupied your house, it means that someone is spreading unpleasant rumors about you.
If you dreamed that there was a wasteland in the place of your house, then in reality you may lose respect for yourself.
If you dreamed about the house that you dreamed of - this is good sign: your main dreams will come true very soon.
If you dreamed of a new home, you can expect a change of residence or promotion at work.
If you dreamed about an empty house, do not expect that your plans will soon come true.
If a house is being built while sleeping - this is a good sign for business people, businessmen. In the near future, there will definitely be an opportunity to make big profits. this dream predicts the acquisition of love happiness for single people.
If during sleep, the house collapses before your eyes - this means that there is a strong destruction of the inner world of a person, which leads to the breakdown of family relationships, severe depression and even illness.
If in a dream a complete mess reigns in the house, this vision can mean chaos in the life sphere and vice versa.
If in a dream you dreamed about your house, as it is, it means that everything is going well for you, and you are on the right path to your goal.
If your house is on fire in a dream, then some of your ideas will never come true.
If you are homeless in a dream, be prepared for losses.
If in a dream you saw a multi-storey building, this suggests that soon you will have a meaning in life.
If in a dream you are only making the roof of the house - this will lead to unnecessary expenses or to the failure of your plans.
If in a dream you moved to a new house, it means that big changes for the better await you.
If in a dream you buy a new house for yourself, then in reality you will be able to bring to life a wonderful idea that many considered absurd. Through your ingenuity, you will become rich and famous.
If in a dream you saw a maternity hospital, then soon you will receive a profit or a bonus.
If in a dream you have to go down to a terrible and dark basement, then the origins of these problems lie very deep and you don't want to remember them.
If you saw in a dream, not just new houses, but fabulous palaces, it means that you will not only be successful, but also significant, they will rush to contact you on various issues.
If you see an old house and see your deceased loved ones in it, this is a dream - a warning to you in something. Be more careful and considerate of yourself and your loved ones.
If you move to a new home in a dream, this is good news and good changes.
If you are lost in the house, then in reality you will not be able to understand the situation.
If you personally make repairs - expect nice guests soon.
If you tried to climb up, but found yourself in the basement, then you completely misunderstand the situation in which you find yourself.
If you are building a house in a dream, it means that in life you need to try to achieve your goals.
If you are doing something in this old house, notice what it is.
If you put things in order - a good sign, which means that you are changing your old past, putting things in order in it, which means that wonderful, bright changes await you.
The house seen in a dream characterizes the state of a person at a given period. He is the personification of the inner and physical self.
If you dreamed of a large multi-storey building, then this means that you have to understand a variety of interrelated psychological problems.
If you dream of a house made of sand, blown by a gust of wind, most likely - you should not be sad that what you have planned is short-lived, it was simply not destined to come true. Thus, the real clue to the dream about the house lies in the interpretation of the accompanying symbols, which directly or indirectly indicate the stability of their own position in society or instability, success or vulnerability.
Seeing new houses in a dream, it is worth waiting for a move to a new place. You should not worry about this, there you will find happiness and be able to avoid the secret intrigues of enemies.
If you dream of an old house, the one in which you lived before, the house of your childhood, where your parents lived, who have not been with you for a long time, this suggests that you cannot calm down and let go of your deceased loved ones. You cannot live your life without going back to childhood. The memories of your parents haunt you. It is worth going to church and lighting a candle in memory of your parents and loved ones, if they are no longer in this world.
If the old house is abandoned - expect bad events. A ruined old house dreams of moving, financial problems, divorce, quarrels or death.
If the buildings of the houses are high - wake up, happy and you will be promised success.
If you saw in a dream how you are visiting an old house - an auspicious sign that portends good news and long prosperity. However, this value is only suitable for sleeping if the old house was joyful and comfortable.
If this is just a strange, crumbling house, it means that you are doing something wrong in life, destroying something, but at the same time you do not notice.
Even in ancient times, people noticed that dreams do not pass without a trace. Objects and events seen in a dream can warn of something in real life. The main thing is to be able to decipher the message correctly. Will be explained soon.
To have a new house in a dream, to restore order in it, to bother - success in the service. A good dream for everyone, but especially for the military. He will bring them a promotion in rank, a prize or award, an expression of gratitude for a noble deed.
Sometimes it happens that a night's sleep does not give rest for a long time. Why is the old house dreaming? Home is a person himself, his soul, thoughts and experiences.
Sometimes in a dream you can see an old, ruined house. It is important to remember what you are doing in this house, whether you see yourself there at all.
A bad dream is a dream in which you see old, abandoned and ruined houses. They are a harbinger of serious health problems or talk about the occurrence of a series of unpleasant events.
Rooms in your home represent different aspects of you as a person.
Corridors and hall - a transitional stage, it depends on their size how soon any changes will happen in your life.
A beautiful new home promises joy and surprise in real life.
If in a dream you dreamed of old houses, then such a dream warns you that it is time to finish all the work you have begun.
Kitchen is a symbol of creativity, the birth of new ideas and plans, emotional support and inner strength.
Breaking, destroying or demolishing a new house in a dream promises you poverty, large debts. Friends will turn their backs on you because of the offense inflicted on them.
A multi-storey building dreams of entertainment.
Clean up the old house - a favorable dream, speaks of your change in life, put it in order, and as a result, bright and wonderful changes await you. Sometimes a person gets up in the morning in a good mood, as if recharged in a dream.
Unfinished house in a dream - to the fact that you are unlikely to come to your goal. In this case, you should change your outlook on life.
A new house seen in a dream promises big changes, maybe even associated with moving to the place you desire.
Finding yourself in a dream in your parents' house or in your grandfather's house - there is a possibility of illness, grief, death. As you know, the house is a symbol of personality.
Fall asleep in your old home - to change for the better.
A very old house in a dream - old connections will remind of themselves.
Climbing to the attic means striving to understand yourself, to learn how to rationally build life.
Buy a house - to success in business and endeavors.
To receive a new house as a gift or as an inheritance means that in reality you will find a faithful helper, companion or patron.
Tidy up the house in a dream - to the guests.
An empty house seen in a dream suggests that your plans and hopes are not destined to come true.
Build new houses yourself in a dream, to open new opportunities in life, soon you will have a long trip that you cannot refuse.
Dreams about their own home indicate that a person needs to pay attention to the environment (gloomy dark or cheerful atmosphere, fear of the dark).
The old house dreams of disappointment and illness.
Build a house in a dream - to minor troubles. Sometimes such a dream is a dream of profit or a promotion.
Build a house yourself in a dream - happiness in love and family well-being are guaranteed to you.
Building a new house in a dream means that in real life you will receive some kind of gain or gift. This vision can also be interpreted as a limitation in the flight of fantasy in reality, something will prevent you from revealing and showing your talent to the fullest.
Dream big beautiful house, similar to a palace - to wealth.
To dream of a small house - to a joyful event in the family.
See small, unsightly houses - adverse changes in life.
To see lonely new houses in the middle of the field in a dream, to the loss of connection with close friends, relatives and children. Moving to another city or country is possible.
The house in a dream symbolizes human life, body and destiny.
To see yourself in a good mood and in your own empty house, where there are only bare walls - in reality the family will help to cope with the problems and troubles that have arisen. The renovation situation in the house may indicate that you cannot find the correct answer to your question, and you rush between the opinions of others and your own.
To see how the house is falling apart, that is, it ceases to be a protection and refuge for a person - a dream tells you that it is time to think about what and who oppresses you and how this can affect life.
Someone else's house dreams of empty troubles and minor troubles.