Purebred Chechens. Chechens: the appearance of men and women, characteristics of character, origin, tradition. Mixed marriages: Natural lottery

Svanetia is one of the places in the Caucasus, where blondes are born.

When the conversation about the inhabitants of the Caucasus comes, the image of a dark-haired man is immediately formed in the head, with dark hair and dense black eyebrows. That is, according to the majority, Ossetians, Ingush, Georgians and Armenians look like. But often in families, bright children are born from representatives of this group of nations. No, to the blonds of Scandinavian type, they are far away, but light-blond hair, gray, blue or green eyes are not so rare.

Mixed marriages: Natural lottery

Why is this happening? One of the reasons, of course, mixed marriages in previous generations. The gene of "Belogee" is recessive, so brunettes in mixed pairs are born much more often. However, genetic information is preserved and smiling blue-eyed blond can be born after several generations. And then the young father should not be enough for the heart, and first of all you need to look into the album with family photos. There will definitely find a potato-agriculture beauty or a man with hair, the colors of ripe wheat.

The legacy of ancestors

But not only close ancestors can cause the appearance of a fair-haired baby in the Caucasian family. It will rather turn to historical sources to find out that the ancestors of Ossetians and the Ingush were not at all like contemporaries. In the annals, they are described as high, with white leather and predominantly blond hair.

The peoples of the Caucasus.

Alans, so called this nomadic ethnic group, lived on an extensive territory, stretching from the Roman Empire to Asia. After numerous wars, some of them asslaved on the territory of modern Ossetia and Ingushetia, mixed with local tribes. But here, heredity and evolutionary mechanisms entered the game - dark hair is inherited more often, in conditions of warm climate, to have skin rich in melanin, much more comfortable. Therefore, the population gradually became increasingly similar to contemporaries.

Proof of this hypothesis are the notes of researcher Ethnographer I.I. Pantyukhova. He argued that the percentage of bright eyes in individuals of the Caucasus ranges up to 30%, which is comparable to the indicators of Europeans and Slavs.

Blonde Cherkessy

Circassians were among the most numerous peoples living in the territory of the modern Stavropol Territory. The ethnographers described them as "blonde, with red mesh and bright skin, gray or light brown eyes."

Circassians in national clothing.

However, during the Russian-Caucasian war, a significant part ran to Turkey. But many remained. The most close genetically to the Circassians, the inhabitants of Aul Karm, it is difficult to distinguish them from the Europeans exactly until they start talking.

Blond-haired Circassians.

There is also a hypothesis that Circassians are descendants of Slavs, in particular the Cossacks, since the research often meets the Samulation "Cossack". (Russian antiquities in art monuments. I. Tolstoy and N. Kondakov)

Caucasian Albany

Blond Caucasians.

He lived in the Caucasus and a tribe, which was called Albana, - white-skinned, blonde-haired Europeanoids. They differed straight from the Turks, were higher than the growth, had absolutely different beliefs and culture. Even the self-calving of the nationality comes from the Latin Albus - "white", which confirms the theory of historians about tribes, not similar to the Caspian type common now.

Unfortunately, a significant part of Albanov was destroyed during numerous wars with Arabs, but the "genetic echoes" are found in contemporaries.


Somewhere high in the mountains live a svawa.

Unlike Albanov, the shoes did not disappear, did not dissolve in a stormy boiler of small ethnic groups. They, like four millenniums back, live in the most high-mountainous region of Georgia (from 600 to 2500 meters above sea level). Their language is significantly different from Georgian, but gradually disappears, persistent only in the household speech of the older generation.

Boy Svan.

The royal colonel Bartholomew described this people as high, with a proud profile, blond and blue-eyed. He noted their simplicity and kindness, as well as the fact that the Svawa holy honored their traditions. Their culture has long developed in isolation for a long time, it made it possible to preserve genetic homogeneity.

Svaans. Grandmother with grandchildren. 1929 year.

And even after the union with Georgia in one state, Georgians were afraid of Svanov. The blond pots were honored, and the blood revenge was one of the most common ways to resolve family disputes. Therefore, mixed marriages have become familiar only in the past few decades. And the gene "Golden Locks" is often manifested, displacing the dominant Caspian appearance.


Modern Chechens and Ingush are straight descendants of Vainakhov - the Hurroman Ethnic Sheet. However, in about the third millennium BC, these tribes mixed with others that carry the genetic signs of the CromanDad race (modern representatives of this race are Slavs, as well as Finns and Swedes).

Blue-eyed Chechens.

Genetic "cocktail" and explains such a wide variety of types of appearance in Chechnya. When the front -hasian race genes dominate, the child is born with dark hair, with dark hair. When the top takes the chromanade type - the appearance is practically no different from Slavic.

Nomads: Migration for Salvation

Another genetic branch, which became part of the ethnic heritage of the Caucasus, mainly blonde and white-skinned nomads are Polovtsy, who flee from numerous oppression from the enemy tribes. They gradually assimilated, merged with the locals and actually dissolved in the ethnic groups dominant in the predkiscosia.

Dmitry Kharatyan - Armenian on the Father and Mother's Gardemaryar.

That is why blondes among Caucasians are not at all uncommon - there are many of them in Chechnya and Dagestan, and in Armenia and Georgia. And this mixture of races is perfectly beautiful, because it once again reminds that every person who left the descendants is immortal. His tiny part lives in centuries. And through the centuries, blue eyes look at the world, exactly the same as a young guy who built the legendary Svaneti towers.

Chechens are the oldest people of the Caucasus. They appeared on the territory of the North Caucasus in the 13th century as a result of the separation of several ancient cities and are the largest ethnicity living in this territory. This people did the way at the main Caucasian ridge through the Argun Gorge and eventually settled in the mountainous part of the Republic of Chechnya. This nation has its own centuries-old traditions and original ancient culture. In addition to the name of Chechens, the people are referred to as Chechens, Church and Nochchchi.

Where live

To date, most Chechens live in the Russian Federation in the Chechen Republic and Ingushetia, there are Chechens and Dagestan, Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Tyumen, Saratov regions, Moscow, North Ossetia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.


As a result of the census for 2016, the number of Chechens living in the Chechen Republic amounted to 1,394,833 people. About 1,550,000 Chechens live in the world.


In the history of this nation there were several settlements. About 5,000 Chechen families after the Caucasian War in 1865 moved to the territory of the Ottoman Empire. Called such a movement Muggystvo. Today, the main part of the Chechen diasporas in Turkey, Jordan and Syria is represented by descendants of those immigrants.

In 1944, half a million Chechens were deported to Central Asia, in 1957 they were allowed to return to the former housing, but some Chechens remained in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

After two Chechen wars, many Chechens left their homeland and left for the Arab countries, Turkey and the countries of Western Europe, the regions of the Russian Federation and the country of the former USSR, especially in Georgia.


Chechen language belongs to the nuclear branch of the Nakh-Dagestan language family, which is included in the hypothetical North Caucasian assessed. It is distributed mainly on the territory of the Chechen Republic, in Ingushetia, Georgia, some areas of Dagestan: Khasavurtovsky, Kazbekovsky, Novolak, Babayurtovsky, Kizilyurtov and other regions of Russia. Partial distribution of the language falls on Turkey, Syria and Jordan. Before the war of 1994, the number of speakers in the Chechen language was 1 million people.

Since the nuclear group of languages \u200b\u200bincludes Ingush, Chechen and Batzbian languages, Ignorasha and Chechens understand each other without a translator. These two people unites the concept of "Weine" that "our people" translates. But these peoples do not understand Bazbi, as he has undergone a strong influence of the Georgian language due to the accommodation of Bazbi residents in Georgian gorges.

In Chechen language, there are a number of dialects and the following dialects:

  • shatoysky
  • cheberloevsky
  • plane
  • akkinsky (Aukhovsky)
  • sharoysky
  • melchinsky
  • kittensky
  • galacozhsky

With the use of a plane dialect in the Chechen language, residents of the surroundings of Grozny are told on the Chechen language, it creates literature, including artistic, newspapers, magazines, scientific research and textbooks. Translated to Chechen language work of classical world fiction. Chechen words are difficult, but very beautifully sound.

Writing until 1925 was on arabic basis. Then until 1938, it developed on the basis of Latin graphics and from this year to the present, Chechen writing is based on Cyrillic. Many in the Chechen language borrowing, up to 700 words from Turkic languages \u200b\u200band up to 500 from Georgian. There are many borrowing from Russian, Arab, Ossetian, Persian and Dagestan. Gradually, in the Chechen language there are also foreignate words, for example: rally, export, parliament, kitchen, dance, mouthpiece, avant-garde, taxi and broth.


Most of the Chechens confess the Schtitsky Mazhab of Sunnism. Among the Chechens, Sufi Islam is represented by Tariqat: Nobcband and Cadyrius, which are divided into religious groups called Virodia fraternities. Their total number of Chechens is 32. The most numerous Sufi fraternity in Chechnya is zikritists - followers of the Chechen Caudrius Sheikh Kunta-Haji Kishiev, and small species that occurred from him: Mani Sheikh, Bammat Gury Haji and Chimmirzy.


Chechen names include three components:

  1. Borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bnames, mainly through Russian.
  2. Original Chechen names.
  3. Names borrowed from Arabic and Persian languages.

A large number of old names is formed from the names of birds and animals. For example, Borz is a wolf, a sofol. There are names containing the structure of the verb shape, the names in the form of independent communcies formed from the adjectives and qualitative adjectives. For example, Dick is translated "good". There are in Chechen language and composite names that are compiled from two words: Soltan and Beck. From the Russian language borrowed in most female names: Raisa, Larisa, Louise, Rosa.

It is important when writing and writing names to remember the dialect and its differences, as the name pronounced in different ways, may have a different meaning, for example, Abyazid and Abuazit, Yusup and Yusap. In Chechen names, emphasis always falls on the first syllable.


Previously, the basis of the diet of the Chechen people was mainly cube porridge, kebab, wheat chowder and homemade bread. The kitchen of this people is one of the easiest and most ancient. The main food for cooking remains lamb and bird, the main components of many dishes are sharp seasonings, garlic, onions, chamber, pepper. An important component of dishes is greens. Chechen dishes are very saturated, nutritious and useful. A lot of food is preparing from cheese, abraise, cottage cheese, corn, pumpkins and dried meat. Chechens are loved by meat broths, beef, boiled meat, do not eat pork at all.

Feed meat with dumplings from corn or wheat flour, and with garlic seasoning. One of the main positions in Chechen cuisine occupy flour products with various fillings from potatoes, cottage cheese, pumpkins, nettle and abraise. Chechens bake several types of bread:

  • barley
  • wheat
  • corn

From corn flour bake lepillas Siskul, who used to wear with her dried meat and took them on the road. Such food always quenched hunger and sat down the body.

A life

The main occupation of the Chechens has long been a cattle breeding, hunting, beekeeping and a hospital. Women were always responsible for shopping work, clips cloth, made carpets, beams, felt, sewed shoes and dresses.


Chechens live by aulas - villages. Because of the natural conditions of the area, the dwellings are different. Chechens living in the mountains are built from stone and called Sakli. They built such Sakli and from Saman, they can be erected in a week. Unfortunately, many have already had to do when the enemies often attacked the village. On the plains built predominantly turbulent homes, tidy and light inside. For construction, a tree, clay and straw were used. Windows in houses without frames, but equipped with shutters to protect against wind and cold. The entrance has a canopy that protects against heat and rain. Chapaled houses by fireplaces. Each house has kunatskaya, which consists of several rooms. In them, the owner spends all day and in the evening returns to the family. The house has a courtyard, an obscured by a shoulder. In the courtyard build a special oven in which bread bake.

During construction, it was important to take into account safety and reliability, the ability to defend if the enemy attacks. In addition, there were beyonds, water, arable land and pastures nearby. Chechens shouted the Earth and for the construction of housing they chose places even on the rocks.

The most common in mountain villages were one-story houses with flat roofs. Chechens and houses in 2 floors, towers in 3 or 5 floors were built. Residential building, tower and household buildings together were called manors. Depending on the relief of the mountains, the construction of the estates was horizontal or vertical.


In anthropology, Chechens are a mixed type. The color of the eyes can be from black to dark kargo and from blue to light green. Hair color - from black to dark light. Chechen nose often concave and riddled. Chechens are high and well folded, women are very beautiful.

The casual wear of the Chechen men consists of the following elements:

  • chekmene, sewn of gray or dark fabric;
  • arhaluki, or Beshmets, various colors, in the summer they put on white;
  • skinny Book Sharovar;
  • sukonny nogvants and chiriki (shoes without soles).

Elegant dresses are covered with pose, special attention is paid to the decoration of weapons. In bad weather wearing a loaf or a burku, which very skilfully sewed Chechen women. The shoes mainly manufactured from raw crops. Many wore Caucasian soft boots. The rich wore Safety and Nalogs from the Black Safyan, which sometimes sewed the soles of buffalo leather.

The main headdress at the Chechen - dad cone-shaped form, which ordinary people made from sheepskin, and rich - from the skins of the Buchashka lamb. In the summer, wearing a hat from felt.

In the form of decorations on men's suits, bone gas Treetri, put on a belt with silver blahs. The end of the image served as a dagger made by local masters.

Women wore:

  • long shirts to knees, blue or red;
  • wide sharovars that were linked by the ankle;
  • top on the shirt put on a long dress with wide and long sleeves;
  • young women and girls wore a dress collected in waist with a belt of matter. Dresses in older women without folds and belts, wide;
  • the head covered with a scarf of silk or wool. Older women wore bandages under the handkerchief, which firmly faced her head and descended on the back in the form of a bag. It was stacked braided hair. Very common was such a headdress and in Dagestan;
  • as a shoe, women wore feeling. In rich families, they wore halosh, shoes and shoes of local or urban production.

Women's clothing from a rich family was characterized by sophistication and luxury. They sewed it from expensive fabrics, she was swayed with silver or golden galhanums. Very loved rich women wearing decorations: silver belts, bracelets and earrings.

In winter, Chechens wore Beszt on a cotton with a metal fasteners or silver. The sleeves of clothes below the elbow were cut and fastened with buttons from ordinary or silver threads. Besht is sometimes worn in summer.

In Soviet times, Chechens switched to city clothes, but many men retained the traditional headdress with which they rarely parted. Today, many men and old people wear dads, Circus and Beshmets. Caucasian shirts with a standing collar are found in Chechnya.

The female national costume has been preserved to today's days much more. And now older women wear a cecter, dresses with sharovar and homemade feeling. Young women and girls prefer dresses of urban croes, but they are sewn with long sleeves and a closed gate. Shawls and shoes today are urban production.


Chechens are funny, impressionable and witty people, but at the same time they are distinguished by severe, cunning and suspicion. These character traits were probably developed at the people during the age-old struggle. Even the enemies of the Chechens have long recognized that this nation is brave, indomitable, deft, hardy and calm in the fight.

It is important for Chechens Ethical Code of Keechalla Code, which is a universal code of behavior for any man, regardless of his religion. This Code reflects all the norms of morality, which the believer and the decent son of his people have. This code of ancient and existed from Chechens in the Alan Epoch.

Never chechens do not raise your hand on their children, because they do not want them to grown shorts. These people are very tied to their homeland, which are devoted to various touching songs and poems.


Chechens have always been distinguished by their hospitality. Back in the ancient century, they always helped the travelers, gave them food and shelter. So accepted in every family. If the guest liked some thing in the house, the owners should give it to him. The host host takes place closer to the door, thereby showing that the guest is in the house most important. At the table, the owner must stay until the last guest. It is indecent to interrupt meals first. If a relative, even a distant, or a neighbor came to the house, serve it, younger members of the family and young men. Women should not be shown to guests.

Many people think that in Chechnya, women are infringed, but in fact it is far from the wrong. A woman who could grow a decent son, along with other family members, has the right to vote while making decisions. When a woman is included in the room, those present men must get up. When a woman comes to visit, special ceremonies and customs in her honor are also held.

When a man with a woman go there, she should fall behind, a man is obliged to take on danger first. A young wife must first feed his parents and then he is already. If there is even the furthest relationship between the girl and the guy, marriage is prohibited by them, but it is not a gross violation of traditions.

Father is always considered the head of the family, the woman is watching the household. By name, the husband and wife are not called each other, but they say "my wife" and "my husband", "the one in the house", the "mother of my children", "the owner of this house."

For a man, humiliate and offensively intervene in women's affairs. When the son leads to the house of the day, the main obligations of the household fall on it. She must get up before everyone, make cleaning and later to go to bed. Previously, if a woman did not want to comply with the rules of the family, it could be punished or expelled.

The daughter-in-law brings her husband's mother, which is called Nana. A young wife should not speak to the mother-in-law with mother-in-law, to appear in front of it with a uncoated head and in unclear. Nana can shift a part of his duties for the older daughter-in-law. In addition to the economy, the mother of her husband must comply with all traditions and family rites. The most eldest woman in the family was always considered the keeper of a homely hearth.

Very unknown read to interrupt the older and start a conversation without his request and permission. Younger should always miss the older, politely and respectfully with him to say hello. For a man, a great insult if someone touch his papakh. It is equivalent to the popular slap. If the children came up, the parents first donate their child and only then begin to find out who is to blame, and who is right. If the son began to smoke, the father through the mother should inspire him that it is very harmful and unacceptable, and himself refuses this habit.

There is a custom from this people that forbids showing feelings in humans. It is distributed on all family members. Everyone must behave in humans restrained. Chechens still have the cult of fire and the hearth, the tradition of the oath and the curse of fire.

Many rites and rituals are associated with weapons and war. It was considered a shame and cowardice to get a sword with an enemy or offender and not use it. In 63, men came to the age of unleashing the belt, he could go outside without weapons. To this day, Chechens have such a custom as blood revenge.

The wedding of Chechens consists of a variety of rituals and traditions. The groom was forbidden to see the bride before the wedding and some time after the celebration. Wedding dress is at the same time festive outfit for girls and young women. They sew it from a bright or white silk, in front of the dress of a solid cut. On both sides in the chest area, decoration in the form of silver buttons of Kubachin production are sewn. The dress is complemented by a silver caucasian belt. The white scarf is worn on his head, which covers the whole head and hair of the bride. Sometimes put on top of the head of the veil.


Chechen folklore is diverse and includes genres that are peculiar to the oral folk creativity of many nations:

  • fairy tales are household, magical, about animals;
  • mythology;
  • heroic Epos;
  • lyric, labor, ritual, heroic-epic, lullaby;
  • legends;
  • puzzles;
  • sayings and proverbs;
  • children's folklore (riddles, patters, counters, songs);
  • religious folklore (legends, songs, names, Hadiths);
  • creativity of Tullykov and Zhurgov;

The Chechen mythology, the names of the deities who personified the natural elements have been preserved quite fragmentary. Chechen musical folklore is bright and distinctive, they are amazingly dancing the National Chechen dance Nohchi and Lezginka (Lovzar). Music is of great importance for this people. With it, I am expressing hatred, they look into the future and remember the past. Many of the national musical instruments are distributed today:

  • dechig Pontaron
  • adheokhu-Pontar
  • zurna
  • dudka Schingag
  • bagpipes
  • drum Vota
  • tambourine

The tools were used for ensemble and solo execution. For holidays, a joint game is held on different tools.

Famous personalities

Among the Chechen people, many outstanding personalities in politics, sports, creativity, science and journalism:

Bujuzar Saytiev, 3-fold Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling
  • Movsar Mintsyaev, Opera singer;
  • Mahmoud Esambaev, People's Artist of the USSR, Master of Dance;
  • Umar Beksultanov, composer;
  • Abuzar Aydamirov, poet and writer, classic of Chechen literature;
  • Abdul Hamid Hamid, playwright, bright talent of Chechen literature;
  • Kati Chokayev, Language, Professor, Doctor of Philology;
  • Raisa Akhmatova, People's poetess;
  • Sheripa Inal, a chinosenarist and a film director;
  • Kharcho Shukri, artist-calligraphist;
  • Salman Yandarov, Surgeon, Orthopedist, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
  • Bujuzar Sitiev, 3-fold Olympic freestyle wrestling champion;
  • Salman Hasimikov, 4-fold freestyle wrestling champion;
  • Zaurback Baysangurov, boxer, twice champion in Europe, world champion in the first and welterweight weight;
  • Lechy Kurbanov, European Champion in Karate Kyukusinkai.

Vainahi is one of the most numerous peoples of the Caucasus. And hence the natural question arises - and from whom did they happen?

Scientists from Europe and the USSR accurately and clearly proved that Chechens and Ingush are the most direct descendants of antritis-urants.

And evidence of this several:

A) linguistics:

ingush-Chechen language contains a garrite basis. Most of the original words are taken from this ancient civilization.

The famous Russian historian A. P. Novoseltsev notes: "URRTSKIY (like Hurritsky) language belonged to a special language family, from modern languages, the closest to them are some languages \u200b\u200bof the North Caucasus - Chechen and Ingush."

The same has been confirmed by scientists-linguists and scientific conferences in Europe and the USSR (70-80).

B) Anthropology:

Archaeologists, excavating a lot of burials, provided interesting information for anthropologists.

Already the anthropologists themselves found out that the appearance of Chechens and Ingush are the most direct descendants of the cross.

But the thing is that the most straight. But not quite. Since the purebred peoples do not exist at all.

In 1956, when, thanks to Tbilisi anthropologists, the scientific turnover was already implemented the name "Kavkiy Type", Moscow Anthropologist G. F. Keezeva noted that this type retained the features of the old European divan, the Cromanone population, which possessed the same high skeletons and massive Turtles.

V.P.Aleksayev, according to the results of his own research, confirmed this opinion, adding only that the Kavkiy type has not only all the Kromanon signs, but also the South Genesis.

Here we come to the truth that Vainahi developed by mixing the two races - crumb and anterior. As a result of this mixing, a new unusual race appeared - the Caucusian, to which the Chechens and Ingush belong.

Here it is worth considering the modern classification of anthropological types.

Caucusque type

Type was formed in III thousand BC. Based on the most ancient Croanon population of the Mining Caucasus and those who came here for the Sino-Caucasian peoples of the protopedneasian type. It is found only in the Caucasus.

Described by scientists Natishvili and Abduvishvili in 1954. For many indicators, the Kavkiy residents are close to the Pontians. The parallel form are representatives of ultra-dinarsky type (Balkan Brewell), living in Montenegro, Albania and Crete. They, however, are distinguished by a lower skull and darker color. In Russian anthropology (Alekseev, Alekseeva), the Caucusian type is identified with Dinar, which is not true in the root.

Allocate central, southern and Dagestan clusters. High Percentage of Blood Group II (A2).

Central cluster.

Main representatives: Karachayvtsy, Balkarians, Ossetians, Ingush, Chechens, Batzbi, Avaro-Ando-Cesse peoples, part of the mountain Jews.


High height (\u003e 170 cm)

The physique is normal, the body is long.

Hair hard, straight, black (often there are light red-brown and blonde)

Brown eyes and gray.

Eye slot narrow. Eye is horizontal. Eyebrows straight.

Developed hairproof.

The face is wide (14.6-14.8 cm), low. Facial features angular. Cheeky wide, but imperceptible. Forehead is low.

Brachicephalia (cranial pointer - 84-85)

The nose is long, wide (narrow brine, the nose to the tip gradually expands). The profile is direct and less common, convex. The tip is located horizontally or bent down.

Lips thick.

Floor is low, sharp, speaking. Narrow jaw.

The back is convex.

High ears with long urine.

But the Caucusque type has developed on the basis of the mixing of an overseas type (cross-country) and local original Caucasian (aboriginal type) - chromanad.

Hurrita - had an oven -hasional anthropological type.

Ground type is the most ancient type of the population of Europe (the type of the ancestors of the Germans, Slavs, Celts).

It is worth making a mark - originally existed a single proto-and-aid type. Over time, he was divided into two branches -1) Cromartal (Northern European peoples) and 2) Southern Protopedishenic.

Protostered-mediterranean was divided into - Actually Mediterranean, Protutymic, Orange ...

At the moment there is not a single pure representative of an overseas type, but the most close to him is considered to be Caucusian.

Khurrita (frontisiants) as a result of the fall of their empire were forced to migrate to the Caucasus from Armenian Highlands. Already at the very Caucasus, they met the crumbly population, which was assimilated in themselves, due to the superiority of the culture of Khurrito-Urarts.


vainahi are mixed people in the anthropological plan.

The base is 2 races - anterior and chromantide.

Frontazitsky type

1) small growth (up to 165 cm)

2) Dark Hair (Black)

3) Dark Eyes (Black and Brown)

4) Orline Slim Nose

5) Mesochefalia

Grombomad type

1) high growth (more than 175 cm)

2) Blonde hair (blond, scattered, redhead)

3) Bright eyes (blue, gray, green)

4) Wide Nose

5) Scoopping

6) Brahikefalia

Caucusque type

1) high growth

2) Hair color is different (from black to blond and red)

3) eye color different

4) the nose is long, wide (narrow brine, the nose is gradually expanding to the tip). The profile is direct and less common, convex. The tip is located horizontally or bent down.

5) barely prominent chestiness

6) Brahikefalia

At this time -

1) The overall type in pure form disappeared. Therefore, it is difficult to identify among the modern peoples of the representative.

2) Cromartal type - preserved in Scandinavia (among Swedes, Norwegians, Danes), Baltic (North Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) Russia (North Russian racial cluster). The closest to it is East Baltine (Russians, Northern Germans, Balts), slightly mixed with laponoids. As well as part of Western species.

3) Caucasian Type - Chechens, Ingush, Ossetians, Hevsura, Mountain Georgians. Avarians at 70% approximately the Caucusian. It is rare and Armenians, Azerbaijanis.

2 Chomanome Chechen Chechens

cromanDad signs:

1) Blonde Hair (Shathen)

2) blond eyes

3) conventional direct noses

chechen, closer to the overseas type

1) dark hair

2) dark eyes

3) nose with a bent drop-shaped ending

4) an oven eye cut

chechen, closer to the overseas type

1) dark hair

2) dark eyes

3) an oven eye cut

Cromartal sign - a big face

2 Chechens - 1 close to the Caucasians, the other to Kromomandam

2 Chechens - 1 close to the Caucasians, the other to Kromomandam

frontazitan elements:

1) Anterian eye cut

2) nose with a bent drop-shaped ending

cromanode elements:

1) red hair

2) Powerful large facial features

3) blond eyes

ingush, Classic Caucusque type

Now let's consider the Caucasus genetic card

Here we see that the base of Vainakhs are the Genes J2 (yellow), G (red), F (gray).

That is, and at the genome Vainakhi - a mixed people.

We can also see the analysis method that:

1) Many Caucasian peoples have genes of both cross-grain and chromanov.

2) According to the presence of genes in Eastern Turks and Western Iranians, we can determine that the Hurrist genes (front -hasional race) were j2 (yellow) and f (gray). Since these peoples live on the site of the historic habitat of the Hurrichesky tribes and in its modern anthropological type have often a considerable percentage of signs of the original population (Hurrrites).

3) on the genetic code the closest to Vainahs are Ossetians and Svala.

Most likely, the garrite genome is J2 (yellow), as it constitutes a huge part in the Gotype of Vainakhov, a big percentage in the Genotypes of Vost. Turks and Zap. Iranians, as well as squeezes in their appearance closer to Kromomandam, while they have the basis of the genetic code F (gray). It is not clear the origin of the G (red).

Chechens are the people of about 1.7 million people, of which 1.4 million live in Russia, including 1.2 million in Chechnya. Chechens are always famous for their modesty, approximate education, and of course beauty.

Day.Az gathered the most beautiful in our opinion of famous Chechens.

Aset Abubakarova - Chechen singer.

Linda Idrisova - Chechen singer.

ELBIKA JAMALDINOVA (Rod. November 29, 1996, Khasavyurt, Dagestan) - singer.

Tamila Sagaipova (born on December 2, 1993, Grozny) - Chechen singer. Tamila - the youngest (consolidated) sister of another Chechen singer - Macca Sagaipova.

Ilona Bisultanova - Chechen model.

Zamira Jabrailova (born February 8, 1992) - the winner of the beauty contests "Beauty of Chechnya 2006" and "The Beauty of the North Caucasus 2006", the owner of the prize of spectator sympathy at the contest "Kras Russia 2006".

Heba Hamzatova - Chechen singer.

Zarema Irrishanova - Chechen singer.

Dilara Surkheev - Chechen blues singer. In 2013, I received the Assa Vaina Music Award in the Nomination "Project of the Year".

Tamila Eldarkhanova (born July 27, 1995) - Chechen dancer and model.

Amina Khakisheva (born September 4, 1990, Grozny) - TV presenter on the channel "Russia 24", Honored journalist of the Chechen Republic.

Makka Sagaipova (born February 14, 1987, Grozny) - Chechen singer and dancer of the ensemble "Lovzar". Macca Sagaipova released two albums "I am your daughter - Chechnya" (2004) and "Beeam / Love" (2005), but after marriage because of the disapproval of the relatives of the husband was forced to stop creative activities for a while. At the end of 2011, Macca Sagaipova returned to singing.

Chechen appearance in the photo of famous people

Anthropologically Chechens belong to the Caucusque type of the Coresoid race. The encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron, published in the late XIX - early XX centuries, gives the following description chechen appearance:

Chechens high growth and well folded. Women are characterized by beauty. In the anthropological terms of Chechens represent a mixed type. Eye color, for example, varies (in equal proportion) from black to more or less dark-card and from blue to more or less light green. The nose is often crushed and concave. In the color of the hair, transitions from black to more or less dark-river are also noticed. Facial pointer - 75.26 (Chechens) and 76.72 (Ingush).

Chechen appearance In comparison with other Caucasian peoples, the greatest dolochiephalia is allocated. The Chechens actually meets, however, not only a lot of subhuchicephalov, but also a lot of pure brachicephalov with a head pointer from 84 and even up to 87.62.

Genetic genealogy. Most men in the Republic of Chechnya belong to Y-DNA to a haplogroup J2, originated in the Middle East. The second prevalence in the Republic of Chechnya is a haplogroup J1 (about 21%).

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From left to right: Economist Aslambek Pascachev, Mathematics Sh. Soltakhanov, writer Kant Ibrahimov.
From left to right: Artist Peter Zakharov, dancer, choreographer, actor Mahmoud Esambaev, Singer Heba Hamzatova. Lieutenant Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Sulyim Yamadayev, Singer McCae Sagaipova, Deputy Parliament of the Czech Republic Zhamul Escayev. Chechen women

Page theme: Chechen appearance, photos of famous people, Chechen appearance in photos.