English language. English language Additional study of English language

Numerous English language courses today are ready to offer you a huge selection of programs: English for beginners, English for business and tourism, preparation for international English exams, English for studying at a foreign university. However, despite all the variety of offers, it can be argued that you need English primarily for communication. The curricula "General English" and "Conversational English" are not the same thing. Conversational English does not involve the study of grammar or complex lexical structures, which are devoted to quite a lot of time in a general English course. In conversational English classes, you will practice basic grammar rules and expand your vocabulary. The main goal of such a course is to help you overcome the language barrier and make you speak English as your native language. Of course, you shouldn’t spend long months solely on memorizing complex rules that, most likely, you will never need, or memorizing special terms that you will forget two weeks after finishing the course. However, you should also be aware that learning a foreign language in 2 weeks is an unrealistic task even for unusually gifted people. Short-term courses are designed to strengthen and develop speaking skills and build on previously acquired knowledge. To speak English means not only to be able to read with a dictionary, but also to perceive fluent English speech by ear, to express your thoughts in English freely and with the correct accent. And if you do not experience psychological difficulties when communicating in a foreign language, if you have a sufficient vocabulary and master modern vocabulary, then you will not be confused in any situation, you will be able to communicate with a taxi driver, and with your work boss, and with a supervisor at the university .

Language Link training centers offer a variety of programs to meet the needs of students of all ages and backgrounds. At almost every level, students have the opportunity to take one of the tests in the Cambridge University examination line. Below is a table of their correspondence with the language levels of the European Council Language Competence Scale. The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is a method for assessing language proficiency, recognized and recommended by the Council of Europe, one of the main legislative bodies of the European Union, for use in all language educational institutions. The scale includes six levels, from beginner to proficient.

English from scratch and at higher levels at Language Link schools is taught in accordance with the communicative methodology.

The communicative method of teaching foreign languages ​​is popular today and is actively used in educational institutions all over the world.

The basic principle of the communicative methodology is that the study of language systems, in contrast to the grammatical-translation method, is not an end in itself. The entire learning process is aimed at using language skills in communication. In other words, the main task is to overcome the “language barrier”.

A distinctive feature of such courses is also the refusal of an intermediary language: lessons are held exclusively in the target language. Translation of words is allowed only in isolated cases in order to save time. However, in general, drawing an analogy between the native language and the language being studied is not allowed. This puts you in a situation of “immersion” in the language environment and practically forces you to start talking.

In addition, the effectiveness of the technique is facilitated by the atmosphere in which the classes take place. Interesting topics are selected for discussion, free communication in the language is encouraged, and group assignments are completed.

Thus, the communicative technique makes language learning a natural and interesting process.

Regardless of what language we are talking about, everyone will agree that the best teacher is the one who understands the subtleties of the language and masters the teaching methods. That's why English for Beginners and other Language Link programs are taught by professional, native-speaking teachers.

The advantages of classes with a native speaker teacher are as follows:

  • Native teachers speak English from birth;
  • they have acquired the ability to pronounce words, phrases and sentences correctly, using the correct accent, stress and intonation to convey the desired meaning of what is being said;
  • Most importantly, they know which word or expression is appropriate in a particular situation, as they know the cultural traditions of their own country. They know when to use a formal or informal style of speech in order to convey the intended idea to the interlocutor as accurately as possible.

In other words, native-speaking teachers know exactly what, when and how to say. Thus, they bring with them to the classroom a special atmosphere of a “living” language, which makes classes not only effective, but also interesting.

So if you want to master modern colloquial vocabulary and avoid the language barrier when communicating with foreigners, then a native English speaker is the right teacher for you.

However, Russian teachers who are proficient in communicative methods, provided that their level of language proficiency is high, are not inferior to native speakers, and are especially effective in teaching children or adults who are not ready to learn with a native speaker due to an insufficient level of knowledge.

If you are a fan of traditional teaching methods, you should choose courses that use a grammar approach rather than a communicative approach. Such courses are usually taught only by Russian teachers and are taught in Russian.

In the modern education market, the cost of group English classes varies widely. However, a high price does not always guarantee equally high quality...

What is worth knowing about English language courses so as not to make a mistake in choosing and make a smart decision?

Language Link is an international organization with extensive experience and training centers in many countries. The first Language Link school opened in London in 1975. Currently, the Russian branch has the largest network of Language Link training centers. All Language Link training centers operate on the basis of licenses issued by local education departments.

The cost of training at Language Link depends on the location of the training center, the size of the group (regular or mini) and the start time of classes. We offer our clients to pay for training in stages, usually 6 weeks in advance. If you miss classes for a valid reason, you will be given the opportunity to make up for them free of charge. The training conditions provide for the return of unused prepayment in case of early termination of the contract. Our prices are competitive in all regions where Language Link centers operate, with the best price-quality ratio!

One of the most frequently asked questions about non-state educational institutions concerns graduation certificates.

No private English language courses issue state-issued certificates; however, certificates of completion of courses from well-known international companies are recognized by employers, and international Cambridge certificates are recognized by foreign and many Russian universities.

If you want to become the holder of an internationally recognized Cambridge certificate or diploma, you can take one of the international English language exams held in Moscow. See details in the “International Examinations” section or on the website.

Also, when choosing language courses, it will be useful to find out the impressions of students and read about schools.

To enroll in Language Link language courses, fill out.

In recent years, many English language schools and courses have appeared in Russia. And if you decide to start learning English from scratch, it’s not easy to find your way right away. How to distinguish professionals from scammers in a timely manner, how to choose the most suitable courses for you?

Before you start looking for suitable English courses, clearly formulate your goals and decide for yourself what kind of results you expect from the classes.

Sofia Korneva

Elena Stepanova

Sofia Korneva

My preschool daughter has been studying at Star Talk for two years. She started going to classes at the age of 4, now she is almost 6 - as a result, she has a solid vocabulary on everyday topics, such as family, home, clothes, animals, nature, vegetables, fruits, food and drinks, etc. My daughter knows the basic verbs of action, uses popular phrases of greetings, introductions, introductions, etc. - everything that can be useful for a child at this age. In addition, children at Star Talk school are gradually taught writing and arithmetic skills, as well as reading skills. Lessons are held in the form of a game, children not only listen to the teacher and answer questions, but also sing songs, play fun games, and do crafts. In my opinion, such classes will help avoid language barriers in the future. Plus, this is an excellent basis for studying grammar and all the intricacies of the language at school.

Elena Stepanova

When a 3-year-old child, after watching cartoons, began to count to 6 in English, I decided that I needed to actively continue studying! At Star Talk school they managed to get the child interested - already at 3 years old, the 1 o'clock lesson was easily maintained, the child always wanted to go to lessons, and most importantly, after each lesson he came out with new words. Sometimes there were 2-3 words, sometimes closer to 10, but they were always worked out! The child remembered these words, and did not just listen to them!
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to study for the last year :(BUT what I learned in Star Talk has not faded away! And besides classes, my favorite teachers and leaders hold very emotional holidays for children, always with pleasant surprises and gifts!

Learning a foreign language is not an easy process, but it is very necessary. Many people now need to know English. For example, this is relevant for travel, moving abroad, communicating with foreign colleagues and friends, and work. There are many representative offices of international companies in Moscow that require excellent knowledge of English from their employees. To improve your language proficiency, you need to attend classes. They are held in special schools, of which there are many in Moscow. Some of them are designed for children, others for any age. Such schools differ in many factors, including:

  1. Number of people in groups. It is believed that the fewer students study at the same time, the more effective the learning. You have more opportunities to ask a question and get the teacher's attention. There are schools where the maximum number of people reaches 4, and somewhere it can be 20.
  2. Intensity of classes depends on the chosen course and goals. For example, many centers offer 2-month summer programs or 1-2 week programs during the holidays.
  3. Schedule. The ability to choose the most convenient schedule is a very important factor. There are places where there is no strong connection to groups, and the student can study in different groups at a convenient time. Some schools give new students the opportunity to join at any time, others only at the beginning of the course.
  4. Methodology. The most effective are considered to be communicative ones, which facilitate the assimilation of information while speaking in English. Traditional methods also deserve attention, because... suitable for a large number of people. Many linguistic centers develop their own proprietary teaching methods.
  5. Teachers. The most important person in the educational process, of course. The teacher appears. The assimilation of information, the effectiveness of classes and the interest of students depend on it.
  6. Price. This indicator can vary greatly from school to school. Choose courses based on your capabilities. The average price of an academic hour in Moscow is 600 rubles.

We found out which English language schools are considered the best in Moscow. When compiling the rating, the following characteristics were taken into account:

  • effectiveness of training;
  • student reviews;
  • location;
  • price.

Top 10 English language schools in Moscow

10 BigWig

The most interesting events in English
Website: bigwig-moscow.ru
On the map: Moscow, per. Sivtsev Vrazhek, 44/28
Rating (2019): 4.5

BigWig Language Center offers effective English language courses that allow you to achieve maximum results. There is a standard program to choose from, costing only 6,000 rubles. per month, English club - speaking practice, individual lessons, as well as corporate lessons for companies. Lessons here are taught in English (90% of the time), which ensures high efficiency. New words are easily learned with the help of special techniques from the center’s teachers.
All students can attend interesting events - the game "Mafia" in English, a film club, etc. The center regularly holds a conversation club, where the most relevant and necessary topics are discussed entirely in English. At the end of the course you receive a special certificate. The cost of classes starts from 9,000 rubles. per month. Reviews indicate the rapid overcoming of the language barrier and complete immersion in the language environment during classes. Advantages: parking, located in the center of Moscow, interesting events, high performance, good reviews. Disadvantages: none found.

9 Windsor

The best school for preparing for IELTS, convenient flexible learning system
Website: windsor.ru
On the map: Moscow, Komsomolsky Prospekt, 7
Rating (2019): 4.5

Windsor is an English school that has existed for over 15 years and is recognized as one of the best for preparing for the IELTS exam. Experienced teachers take into account the individual characteristics of each student, create the most effective programs and improve methods. The teachers here are native speakers from various countries: Canada, USA, Great Britain, etc. The qualifications of each of them are confirmed by international certificates. The school annually organizes intensive English courses in the Canary Islands.
The lessons are based on a lexical method of teaching, which involves studying not individual words, but expressions, which allows you to effectively develop spoken language and improve your knowledge of grammar. The Flexible system makes it possible to join a group at any time, because... each new topic starts every two weeks. Main advantages: you can join at any time, flexible class schedule, foreign teachers, unique methodology, several course options to choose from for children and adults. No deficiencies found.


Classes for children from 3 years old
Website: ils-school.com
On the map: Moscow, Mitinskaya st., 36, building 1
Rating (2019): 4.6

International language school ILS has 16 branches in Moscow and the Moscow region. Having existed for more than 15 years, the center has developed and improved unique methods of learning English. With their help, students can quickly and efficiently improve their level of knowledge, become familiar with the cultural environment of other countries and use their skills in practice. By the way, almost all students of the school successfully pass the Cambridge exams every year.
The basis here is a communicative technique, which through spoken language helps to memorize new words and understand grammar. The learning process excludes the Russian language, and lessons are often taught by native speakers. Special programs are designed for children from 2 to 17 years old and adults. Teenagers are sent to English boot camps. Advantages: courses for any age, individual needs taken into account, 16 schools to choose from, native speakers among teachers, interesting form of education. Disadvantages: none found.

7 Globus International

Preparation for exams, interviews
Website: globus-int.ru
On the map: Moscow, st. Makarenko, 5
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Globus International linguistic center was opened in Moscow 13 years ago. It includes many courses for learning English, including intensive (twice a year for 2 months), standard, using unique proprietary methods, a business course, preparation for interviews, as well as for international exams and tests. At school you can improve your knowledge before moving abroad or traveling, improve your communication skills in classes with a native speaker, learn to think in English, remove the language barrier and much more.
Globus International has a large teaching staff, which includes the most professional teachers. Students leave positive feedback and confirm the effectiveness of the classes. There is a course for children, teenagers and adults, as well as corporate courses for companies. Main advantages: many options for classes to choose from, quick results, effective techniques, comfortable classes, interval testing, low prices (a standard course costs 5,500 rubles per month). Cons: none found.

6 Denis" School

An effective approach to teaching
Website: dschool.ru
On the map: Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka street, 25, building 1
Rating (2019): 4.7

The international network of foreign language schools Denis" School is represented in different cities of our country, including Moscow. There are 5 branches located close to the metro. The methodology is based on a systematic approach, which affected all aspects of the school's original methodology. Denis" School teachers They believe that the student should develop a certain general “picture” of the language, and not a set of individual rules. Only a system in learning will help you quickly and easily understand the language and learn to use it.
The goal is to teach students communication skills with native speakers, easy acquisition of grammar and maximum expansion of vocabulary. The characteristics of each individual student are taken into account here, so the methodology may be slightly adjusted as classes progress. The school teaches both in groups (maximum 10 people) and individually. Pros: a lot of practical classes, experienced teachers, original methodology, speaking practice every lesson, interactive games, high efficiency. Cons: none found.

5 VKS-International House

VKS-International House is a network of schools for the study of foreign languages, founded more than 25 years ago. During this time, their own teaching methods were invented and traditional ones were refined. The school's teachers are experienced specialists with extensive experience who constantly make adjustments and improve the effectiveness of classes. The process is controlled by the director of education and 20 head teachers. There are many different courses to choose from: standard for adults on weekdays or weekends, theater + English, intensive, conversation, children's, for beginners, etc.
The school organizes English camps for children and teenagers. The classic course lasts six months and costs about 13 thousand rubles. By the way, this center is the only one in Moscow that has the ability to host all prestigious international exams. There is even a teacher training course. The advantages include innovative methods, experienced teachers, versatility of the school, and the effectiveness of teaching. Disadvantages: prices are above average.

4 American Club of Education

Excellent teaching staff
Website: english-language.ru
On the map: Moscow, Merzlyakovsky lane, building 13/3
Rating (2019): 4.8

There are 4 American Club of Education English language schools in Moscow. According to experts, it is one of the most effective. Classes here are conducted in courses of 4 months and consist of 2 lessons per week for three academic hours. In one course, students move to the next level. The teaching staff includes experienced Russian-speaking teachers, native speakers and bilinguals. Groups are formed depending on the level of knowledge and are divided into 4-9 people.
Classes are equipped with modern equipment and allow you to watch video materials and use Wi-Fi. Classes are held in a fun way using a methodology that combines traditional teaching methods and communicative methods. Each student is entitled to a free trial lesson. Advantages: discount system, good prices, interesting classes, intensive courses, convenient location, preparation for international exams. Disadvantages: none found.

3 Big Ben

Best price, convenient location
Website: big-ben.ru
On the map: Moscow, st. Dmitry Ulyanov, 36
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Big Ben School of Foreign Languages ​​provides training in an interesting format using games, cards, but most importantly, two teachers are present at each lesson. One of them is a native speaker, the other is a Russian speaker. Each lesson is taught entirely in English. There are both group and individual lessons to choose from. The center prepares for international exams and organizes training abroad. In Moscow there are 13 branches of the network near metro stations.
All teachers have prestigious certificates and are developing new programs. The maximum number of people in groups is 8. The school guarantees that after just a few lessons even a beginner will be able to speak English. Advantages: affordable prices (from 5,000 rubles per month), excellent reviews, convenient location of centers, teachers include native speakers, flexible class schedule. No deficiencies found.

2 Alibra

Maximum efficiency in the shortest possible time
Website: alibra.ru
On the map: Moscow, st. B. Tulskaya, 13
Rating (2019): 4.9

Alibra is one of the largest networks of English schools in Moscow (24 centers). Students are guaranteed to achieve maximum results in just six months, but subject to intensive training. A unique proprietary technique allows you to reduce the duration of the course, but maintain its effectiveness. Students note that the program really makes it easy to learn English. Much attention is paid here to associations, spaced repetitions, logical study of grammar and conversational training.
Special mobile applications and online courses for additional study have been developed for students. Many classes are held in a playful way and allow you to quickly memorize new words. The average cost of courses per month is about 10 thousand rubles. The maximum number of people in groups is 12. Main advantages: optimal cost, unique methodology, promotions and special offers, high efficiency, quick results, large network of 24 schools. No cons found.

1 Wall Street English

Mini-groups up to 4 people, flexible schedule
Website: wallstreetenglish.ru
On the map: Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 33, building 1
Rating (2019): 4.9

Wall Street English is an international network for learning English with offices in many countries. The school in Moscow offers training in small groups of up to 4 people, divided by level of knowledge. Lessons can be interactive and taught in the style of popular Hollywood TV series. The emphasis is on improving communication skills. It is believed that speaking can lead to a better understanding of grammar. Each student is guided by a mentor who monitors achievements and progress. You can also contact him with any questions.
The school organizes training in other countries. Lessons and communication with mentors are conducted entirely in English, which perfectly immerses you in the environment. The program is selected individually for each person and the cost accordingly. There is no strong connection to groups, so the student can choose the most convenient schedule. The network in Moscow has 6 schools. Advantages: effective proprietary learning method, guaranteed results, taking into account personal needs, flexible schedule, mini-groups, certified teachers. Cons: none found.

We know how searching for English courses in Moscow can be exhausting. You open a dozen tabs, scroll through one page after another, collecting information about classes and prices, looking for reviews on the school website, third-party resources, and even interviewing friends. And when it seems that suitable courses for learning English have been found, you find out, for example, that they are too far from home, without a conversation club, and you need to pay extra for teaching aids. And everything has to start almost from scratch.

We sincerely hope that your search does not resemble this tedious quest, and that you immediately got to our website with school ratings . Our goal is to make the choice of teaching English in Moscow as easy as possible.

How the rating of English schools is formed on the website

The rating is based on reviews from those students who enrolled in the school through Enguide, attended at least one lesson,is studying or has completed training. We are organizing and systematizing this response, and also filling the site with information useful when choosing courses.

Why should the rating be trusted?

A letter with the opportunity to evaluate the school is sent to the mail only after attending at least one lesson, only to those students who enrolled in the school through Enguide. We collect some reviews in person by phone.. Schools with a score above 8 points receive Enguide certification.

  • You sign up for a lesson at the selected school through the form on the website - the option of the first free lesson is available so that you can evaluate the quality of training without extra expenses;
  • Attend a class;
  • You receive an email to evaluate the school;
  • You provide scores that are displayed in the ratings of English courses.

By what criteria are schools assessed?

Students rate courses on a scale of 1 to 10 based on four parameters:

  • “Teacher”: presentation and accessibility of explanation of material, pronunciation;
  • “Methodology”: lesson format, how competently and interestingly the training is structured;
  • “Office”: convenience of location and comfort of the classroom;
  • “Service”: speed of communication, friendliness and work of the administration, level of organization of the educational process.

Go to the school's page to see detailed information on grades and read student reviews.

What other useful information about the school will you learn?

Stay on the school's page to find out information about the current set of groups, training conditions, price and location. Go to the “Events” tab, where all past and upcoming events are listed: speaking clubs, projects with native speakers, entertainment events, special offers and more.

In the “Courses” tab, use a filter to select English learning schools with the type of training you need (business, conversation, exam preparation, etc.) in your Moscow area and compare the found options by rating. To do this, you don’t even need to open additional tabs - the average score is indicated next to the name of the school.

Choose courses with Enguide and it will save you time and effort, which you will spend with great pleasure on learning English.